THEC 'ANADLAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED te07. Head Office, Toronto. Capital (Paia Up). fix Million Dol Ines, * 000,060 Rest, ee 800,CO00 R E. WALEER, sate taiee: STRATFORD BRANCH A general bank tag, be incte transacted, genoa BANK a ag _rvg of 800 #1 00 and supa received, and cur s at the end of ee ope at Apples per baz, rrvetieers apres 75 eer aBcnttny d--Wheat.all_hinds - 'We per bush Barley 40 kote teem 75 eibit wo ma 20° to ther * te to 6 » pec tb aerate Sp to Syd hogs #6 0) to #8 25 40 por igttas' a +--Wheat ay O3to NS. at Red, aio %> Wheat 8p ting Ww heat Goose, ay i ts ie et hint La aml, $09 to 10,0, Veal, ¢ There-is no better saaaibe for worms of any kind in children or adults than Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. ------fiweryone-fond-of Hanting. Fishing and. Canoring, and those interested in Natural jatory, Fish Culture. Rifle and Trap Shooting, and Owners of Dogs, who like to _ sead interesting, instructive and practical on thesa subjects, « shou: the * articles ** AmaTEUR SromtsMax," & ma; a im> pub- ANNUAL M MEETING. " The Anaual Meeting of th the Terth Mutu»! rh Insurance Company will be held in _ Company' Oice, Wellington Wed the 25th January, 1891. att e'cleck, °. M. Chas. Packert <» 1801. LOST. On the morning of the 26th, a pe flat scalskin between Stratford and boa, St. Marys, the -- will-please leave it ~ ot Tux Times office. "" Steatford, Jan. HE CITY CHINA "HALL TEA EMPORIUM. ae Splendid dines of Ironstone, China, Din- # ner sets, Tea acts and Chamber sete. The As-we import direct from the makers in England, we can give unexceptional Bar: We bave a large line of samples from the manufacturers. Choose your dinner or chamber ects for tree pelt make them Soneed tk the oclty.. » our special 5oc. 4 arose . P Lateran" be SONS, rect Importers, Ontario St. West, ae San Office. STATUTES: OF CANADA OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. The Statutes and some 'of the publications of the Governnent of Canads are for sate at t office Also separate Acts, Revi Statutes. Price her ®, and for supplemtary volume, $2 57. on app tt Sores eB ee =--* ntrofjer tienery bs Pablic Printing and rene ss "ge TT' tor $ Price THE CLASSIC HUB. The Manitota Leeislature is to meet on Feb 26th Ment cua! hd 26 fires the week before t The Windsor police are agitating for an increase ir pay. The Canadian Press Association meets in luronte on Feb'y 13th and 1 ith. he Perth Sunday School convention "ih be held at Listowel on Feb. 5 and 19 The summer meeting of the South Perth Farmers' Insti u e will be heldin Mitchell the last week in May The inventor of the popular puzzle "Pigs in Clover" is now immared in a St Louis lunatic asy The Kell Telephone Company have ixeuecd @ new subscribers' Directory for western exchanges. The fourteenth annual convention of t'.e Weatern Ontario Dairymen's Association wae held last week at Woodatock. on he trside work of the tunne! is about , and the only gE now i: the ition uf the s The excava- tion on the Port ecraide te is o i compiated' that on 1 the Sa 20 far wi advanced. It be now r thought that can be ompleted and the first train taken gh.--Port Huron Times. arf gus exit News un 8: ager _--e this of gas igniees barned wi with? hy great il S Cunency for over a week. filled up and remains in Gicscent rrortag to day. The New York Herald avers that « = of stiow ii a other ung troubles thats by pose the air of floating dust of the streets from rising; the-anow protects the lunge and air passages from an exbaustiess source of irritation, which probably bas as mach to do with causing pneumocia as audden -- of temperature or microbian with what -was nearly a fatal accident the other day. . asia well known, isa enttle dealer, and was driving o number of steers on the day in question, when one of them got "raised," and face, and blood ee thouth, hos, eyes and ears. It was a close call. The brute did " resame nosti ities he te TELEGRAMS IN A NUTABELL upon prostrate and vanquished ent, hence Vr. S'a life was saved. under medical treatment. lished monthly at One Dollar year number. of the " Amataca Sports New York is to have at once & new $3.- max' Higgs pobeme aoe eg oe 000,000 Teser or dam. ------ of them illastra' shou Callixa Lavelee, one of the lead plea- e lover of the gun, rod and pel totes Amatecr SrortaM ix composers of America, is ,6 ie Fine, New York, for afree Mal MeXait, ot etanite, Unt, sae . 24, was killed by thefalling of a tree = | he was as wing. The Ottawa St-. Andrews Society has mg out 50 per cent. more omer in char- y this than it did last w The duke of Bedford's aide will be | made the subject of a parliamentry inquiry, ause the coroner did not par the po Daring the _ of December there wasad in the Canadian bank note circulation of roe 338.000, but the total cir- ery is $1,420,000 greater than on Dec, if, _ +8) Found Dead on the Track. Palmerston, Ont, J Jan. 21 eh gesipin lay about 8 --_ _m. the body cf sn un- known man, apparently adddie-aged, of German desent, was discovered tying on the track {the WY. G. and #. road three miles from Palmerston, The re- mains were horribly mangled. Word was telegraphed to Palmerston for some one there to lock after the body. It is sup- posed the unfortunate man while walking on the track*was strack by the midnight expres:, as thé body when found was per- fectly cold and covered with aleet. sees South Norfotk. Victoria, Jun. 23 --Mr. W. A. Charlton (Liberal), who was unsested for South Norfol., wae re-eiected to-day by, about 90 nol majority over William Moryan (Conserva- eh whom he defeated in June by 60 Co otes, The majorities: Majority for Chirlt m~ 7 Oe North Befols Simcoe, Jan 25,--The bye-election for the vacancy in North Norfolk caused by thedeathef Mr. Freeman (Liberals took place today, when E Carpenter (Liberal) defeated Elias Boaghner (Con- servative} by 252 majority. Mr. ps aple F tt at the June election was 311 o¢ Loughrio (Conservative). The majori: ict om, Carpenter, Bonchner. Simeoe town w si 65 Midd' x «s Windham pe 7 Tow <1 * Waterford a be 439 193 The Chicago & Grad Trank Railway' ria trtigucenn gender acesgerd 189) Mt In Ite First Stages. : Palatable as ae. peat ctor ot emia Sti at * Sco & BOWNE, Belleville. TROT PRA BYTRBNRIND Pe TO IEEE = pate = 3 oa OD gers Pi RO 1, if previous THE HATTLS CO OF THE RAIL, A dispateh from Low conden -appears in the morning |; apers today to the effect that Mr. Charlee stiff, Superintendent of the Western division, Grod Trank Kailway, paition . frie that there is a! oulg htest ground ag giving currency to auch a report. Mr. Stiff has no notion of leaving Harsilten, and the Grand Trank authorities have no notion cf :emoving him.-- [Hamilton Times. Mr. Edmund Wragge, Oatariv atherte-. tendent of the Grand Trunk Railway, companied by Mr. Wm Robinson, C E, ani Mr J.C Kennedy, town engineer, were at Owen Sound on Monday laying out" the course of the Grand Trunk extention to that place. It i+ hoped the road will be in operation in six months. A Chicago dispatch says that George M. Bogue sal Heary B. Stone, who were ap- trate the question of what Simcceaaial the Grand Tronk Railway shuald be allowed on dressed beef ship ne nte from Chicago to New England sea a by way of Montreal, have de- the Grand Trunk is entitled to a differential of 2) -cents per hundred pounds by its Canada route. The directors of the Grand Truok Rail- eer: company, and especially during the sixteen years that he hus ey the care loss the -adp | . Sonieas of hia active Pherae which hage4' in the past been so valuable to- the com- re- "pany." The Port 'Haron Times says: There isa rumor abroad that the C & G. T. Ry. Cr. will. build a.handsome at the foot of Cou ¢t street in that city Soring the coming summer, Mr. Walter Shillinglaw, of Hibbert, met | his ecient 'tee rail at | About 000 feet of lumber will be 'used in the construction. Work on the proposed new depot of the Quebec and Dake St.John railway at Montreil is t) ccmmence e.riv in the rp isg. Cost, $20,000 | The F. & P, M. R'y Co. are taking down the wind milla along 'heir line which have } been used to pump waterand are sustitut- ; ing steam engines. Toe company dont | propose to be left ar the mercy of the wind, Io. the circuit court a® Grand a, pe | Mich., on Saturday evening Jasper Mor- | ley was -- a verdict of $1,000 damages hi West Michiyan road, Morley was pot offa train upon the Newaygo branch and brought suit for $10, erg damages. The case will be ap- ree G. T. R. ice house, in course of con- the Cana- pletion. The monster in size, belog 810230, and 24 gp Juat think =e reach almost Sue aor ie west to te $108,000 Br: @khin Her Heart. New York, Jen 23 | --Anate Schluessler sucd Louis Sculick in the city court, B ooklyn, to recover $20,000 for breach of pro , and yesterday se jury gave hers verdict for $10,000 . Monthly ¢ Cattle Fair. : bie Second | Tuesday in each Gu ns Firat Wedacrday in each month. Lixwoop --Thureday before aarnes--Hasanber before Guelph New J giiiaiai Tuesday in each oat et en--Firat Thurs: Jay in each month. ListoweL --First Friday in each month, Ecmina --Day before 2ad Tuesday in each month. Gaur -- Ww ednesday after ~~ Tuesday. y before Linwood. Se Star-Cole Line. The Detroit free Press says: An agree- 'ment has at last been reached by the Star- le line, owne:6 of the steamers Darius Cole ani ee acd the Red Star line, owners of the steamer Greyhound, by whisk exale warcn the Te -oit Port Hirn route will be avoided and the summer ex- cursionists on that popular route will be given a firet-clara line of s:eamera insuring speed, safety and comfor:. The mont arrived at provides that the Idleowid will run between Detroit and Port. Euroa up to June |, when she will be tr usferied to the route between De-roit an! Tvtedo. Oa June | the Darius Cote oad. Greyhou: nd will begin running between Detroit "and Port Huron acd will continue to do so up to October J, when the Idlewild will fintsh up the season. The Greyhound will leave Detroit in the morning an! tie Crlein the afternoon, Tie Greyhound i« the finest day boat on the lakes and was a great favorite when op ths Port Heros route ome years ago. This arrangement is for two yeare. Port Hops, Jaa 25 --The result of the election in East Durham is that the he gh Rights candidate, Me, George Campbe! re-esected by 63 m»jority after oce a the most fevere struggles ever witnessed in the worked up to the hizhest point and the vote polled was ez, far the largest ever ir. Campbell A Fagg Jane election r. Cam i efea! present opponent, Nr. T. B. Collins, by 7 pea dd the eloctios being set aside owing to ¢ in the voters The majorities: Port Hope... Cavan sad for Campbell, «3. total-votein Port Hope. was 170 than lest June aed Campbell's majority was increased # Banking Enterprise. '| a@anounce a great clearing sale Wan TED A good arouees wery ont, Apply Tue Tiues office Stiatford, Jan 'sth, 1891. LOST. -- On Janvary one " _> alo boas Finder 'will oblige by bea "Tue --_ Ofice. Stratford, Jan. find 150) JOHN SWIFT & CO. References required for 'the MEX? THIRTY DAYS -- Or -- Boots, Shoes, Trunks, and en's Gloves of kinds. This tee been anes in -- Their hand-made stock ie No. 1. No discount on this class of work. They also 'bien ons of the best selected siecle te in the city. = Remember the place. JOHN SWIFT, -& Co. Waterloo St Opposite the Cannon SLEENMAN'S , CELFBRATED ALES, PORTER AND LAGER A full supply of these beverages kept constantly on hiand and prompt- ly delivered in any; part of tho city: or forwarded to the country by rail or conveyances on the shortest notice. Ale and Porter in wood and bot- in Market Buildings, GEORGE BEOK, Agent. The Press '(NEW YORK) FOR 1891. DAILY, SUND\Y, WEEKLY. 6pages, icent. 20 pazes, { cents, 8 or 10 pages, The Aggrenive Republican Journal ANEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES Foundei December Ist, 1887 Circulation le <- 000 © Copiss Tue Press is the or organof no faction; pulls no wires; has no animovities fo avenge. ¢ The most remarkab'e aaa beset The Prede iss Nations? al Newspaper. Ch », Vulgar mene ok ba he trash fied no plee in the columns HK Tux Pars« ie font ged "Eaitor al yage in aid York it sparkles « 'wa Press SUNDAY oes sive ee tend' d twenty wae paper, covering every current topic of in- Tus Press Waracy Kostios contains all the good bid of -he Daily and Sunday prem re ho cannot »flord r are Dar presented vy distance from.oarly Sarai it, Tex EXKLY !s a splendid substitute. AS SAN ADVERTISING MEDIUM ren fas no Bion snaiogd in New Yoan, THE P: PRESS. Withia the reach ofall The best pool Aanpit ' Newspaper published in Amer Daily and tunday, one me, "ence ~ " 6 months, 260 rT one ee "43 Peily only, one eer Sf four mo. oa 1.40 yindays * year, 20) Peek y Preis one year, oa seeeresents 100 Send - ial Parnes 2 ani rule p' nts wanied every where. Tiberat o noactwatsohutis Addres' THE PREYS, Porres Pommse 33 Park oe w York WILLIAM HEPBURN, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. ;| ONTARIO ST. HARDWARE! STOVES, STOVES, BASE BURNERS, COOK STOVES, RANGES, also STOVE BOARDS, & COAL SCUTTLES. Large Stock, First Quality, Low Prices. , JEFFREY BROS. BRADSHAW & C0, ARE Dissolving Partnership, And selling everything in their stock of F URNITURE™ AT COST. The present "business is being wound up and~ the- Stock must be sold. We are reserving no goods ; every article in our Stock of furnitnre is being sold at cost. BRADSHAW & CO., 1,3, & 5, ONTARIO STREET. The Little Store Around The Corner. Is the Success of the Season, filled to the doors with , Toys, Games, Leather, Plush and China Goods.. [t offers the most Attractive Field to isluct | Presents from in the City. Whole. Stock 1-30FF UNTIL CHRISTMAS. All .prices-in plain figures and In order to Clear Out the 3 1-3 per cent, off. Look at these RED LETTER SALE PRICES - On Millinery. at HOFFMAN BROS.' * $300 Trimmed Hats for $1.00 $4.50 " "s " ae 2.00 $6.00 4~ " 's 350 : $8.00 . " " rt 4-75 All others in proportion. Ladies avail yourselves cf this opportunity 'to buy Mill-. inery at Sacrifices. All lines of Goods going in proper: tion at - The-Leaders of Low Prices, AND ELDER'S" a