the Th omson House, Inger: oll, aad is doing Sa 5 Sain Sn BR a ie a le Sait lean l :. ati i s > ae - = - é . y a 4 3 ' Ghe Stratford Times. -. ROBBERY AND BETRAYAL. | Lillian Ruseeti's Tights j Mr. Jolin Maclean Deed, as WR Davi is, of. the Mitchel Advo g | ws "ate, free heer appointed returning efficver : ° 9 ' ' . vineni for the Strattera Ti wt when sent by | The Histery of William John MeGirr's New York, F i Mies Lillian Rasa- Empire ** Ome of t ren be 'ath Perth wail ehogkd be teuds by a Fo Money Miadreds--~4 Woman's Vengeance, sell drewa large aud:enes in a courtroom | to's journaliets, ir. Jes . sa r . 4 : : re c« . s2dux thd Order, Bank «Cheque, Deaf, or E apres ' : tof Wil ited ay in a controversy over a pair ot tighta. £W, F. Mact of 8 i a Larcan ' TR Berdock I = an oreo : m nel . see », Feb. <a mt arrGee © . "i | She entered into « contract with J. C. Daft | Saturday. Mr. Maclean was born fe-1s - - alg OF sich Rey are mild aad " par ygrelgges nth gfes ty Jt het weuine site rote sam aecktt + W, Thexcie enington ad a> - Oct. 14, ISS], te appear in the leading / in (rlssgow, where hie father and grand en ual wighes his Sas , stepped. and arrearages must | 00" "? a Peay HSN, CHAFEOT WALD | cooranc parte of such operas as be should | father lad been exter y #ngaged tu th The mayor of Mitghellard Mr. S. A ve paid ee +e ' oe rr rena Pees oe, bring out. ' She was to receive $300 a | cotton industry ile wed the ocean ia | Hodge mates { to take = triprearty in the Always" give the mame of the Post ofice to |b - aofoles te a history o In edd 'a week and traveling expense > e com-] IS35 and joie is it e, John Eadie, | "Pring to Riverside, Southein California w hie ar poper ie sent. foot ishnees ar ey man's be trayal. n a di pacy was playing * The (Queen's Mate" at | who had settled at st, om There ie ro better remedy for wires of The Coucts have +} that alt ecpe ecril sane be mar to ate g a charge of postofiice this timband Miss Russell appeared in | irantford, some time ia the twentic any kind ih children or adalte .than Dr : n : par. vt t ting to procn ; . a heen are paid, hetd- seupo a9 robbery, that of attempting to procure | ,; ights. Little trouble was developed until | With im Mr. Mactean received bis edu. | Low's Worm Syrup ages paid, and their oxpaes soared ie ¥ *ich b ef * | inet } f nued. abortion in Mad "9 prererrs againel AM. | Nov. 22, when the c mpany was ia Phila. cation, put a schoo! educstion, but ene em Nati 1 Pil herds ae eo c _-- of Police Dealy, of aoa arrived delpbia. Then Misa Russell wrote to ur. | bracing a much wider course of reading . atio ~_, 3 wird 4. mid purgative 2 z ' : : n - #0 will cheerfully. corre aie them i you wilt | in Toronto. jast night to take Metiier back Daif complaining that wearing tichts | than falle to the lot of ine ardmary echoel ting on the mac iver and He welr, beeping Try write us good nataredly : ; that -- for trial, an pein ater = brought on colds and injured her voice. | boy, remeving al} CWptractions a cannot, then write to us any ¥ hot z _ . De pales elasery 4 te an lee, or let it pans. | ak -_* a oer 'on dt ig -- Thia was the first time Mr. Duff knew that - . Mr. James O'Connor, a netive of Lo We want an early opportunity to make right | SO: C8). See ne Oe eee y Miss Russell objected to tights. Duff got Knights of Labor. don, and formerly of Stratford, has leaced any injurti we cliire's exploite is quite an interesting 3 The icregersic advertisements ex- Class = Ad- ylication to ee of & et ester te legitimate pect tan rates can be had on app * Advertising Department." The Publisher «ill not hold himec!! responsible for any errore which may appear in legal Adverusemen: The Pubiisher if lor views exp will not hold hitneelf responsible rossed ifi th cal Advertise mew withou spevitte instruc tion aserted ati! toni dden nt canagsa accordingly tdeertisements should oh office by Monday noon at latest to ensure pabile ation in current iasue. AU seawy afl contract advertisements should he notice given that a change will be eade, wot wot later than Saturday noon, to ensure the hange being made, aud Aé ot Name idre ccompany a communi cation. Ut a an evidence of good fai Pullisher should be addressed to E. J. KNEITL, Stratford, Ont of the writer must not for publication, th Letters ta the 'THE ONTARIO LEGISLA TURE, Mewat's Rul of Fare--He Promises to Amend the School Lawes, the, Election Laws and Make Other Changes -An Adjournment Until 12th of March. Tor nto, Feb" 127--The lieutenant-gov- ernor came down to the' parliament house at three o'clock this afternoon and liv ered the following speech from the throne has m made since the last session of the legislature towards a settlement of most of the long pending diiferences between the province and the Dominion. At a recent confer- Picect: _-- took place between my gov- t and the representatives of the Sarcmeaia of the Dominion and Quebec, gover arrangements were made for an arbitration to settle the qonrrns. of ac- * count and for referring: 4 arts in friendly action soine of the conutivationst questions which have 'arisen ther differences are atill the subject of | negotia- tl. A ment of of - these ex propoeed arbitration will be laid. before regret that the - government: of Quebec retains ite old attitude with respect to the land improvement fund and in view of the continued delay and of the kas mp effected for the amicable tiement by arbitration and otherwise of most of the e other questions in which the provinces are interested, I commend to your consideration the propriety of o the municipalities » the share chargeable against this province without waiting longer for a settlement of the bsiance which is claimed to be chargeable as the share of Quebe I am greatly pleased to observe the in- creasing interest which is taken in im- roved methods of agriculture; as evinced nature a Seow has been established in con- section with the provincial beard for in- vestigations into the causes of diseases A bill will probably be Jaid before you supplying age efects ascertained by ex ro- vinces respecting the board of health." It having "hey ot le ascertained beyond doubt that the ce possesses immense _ of nickel, * sal which is likely to be of great economic use a ue the immediate ~ future advisers oe woo me ino} oe making ror "ot por. wl ~~ districts is to be submi for your consideration. Du the I issu: &@ commission to ing ito the subject reform and another into ab- ject of the fish and game laws. The f- of the on both sub- ects are expected to be com id and ceady for distridution during present and, in case of th E i e f i ptlictll E realized, A return of will be presented for your the past year You a5 E g on. The public accounts for will be laid before be to learn that the expenditure has sepa within and that the we has exceeded the amount an tes ticipated. ~ The estima: for the a fear will be presented for your They will be found to be framed ang a das regard to onomy and to the necessiticsa of public carvan: I feel sare that your aman will greater interest, could they be as- .certained, With such information before determine be-characterized hy wisdom and patriot- ism, and will conduce to sig happines oss and prosperity of the people. ee ee one Melsirr io the sammer of 1890 was clerk in the Feversham postcttice, afew miles outside of Meaford, The poatmaster,Jvhn McEliré, Was married to Mctiirr's sister, and Miss McElire, sister to the postmaster, was also employed in her brother's house -- Miss Mc Elire became very [riendly, o much so, in fact, as to occasion remark, Gesnabile there was great ex emma in the surroynding country over the continua! disappearance of the contents of registered H their addresses apparently all right, bat, on being opened, the remittance was want- ing wes-estimated that full $1,000 disappeared in this way, and although ever flort was made to find the thi nothing could be discovered. About September Mies McEKlire found that it was neces: me that she be married, but MeGirre refused to become the bride groom. Instead ~. furnished her with money aud sent her to a doctor residing io the east end of Terpats, promising that should nothing be done he would marry her on her return to Meaford. The Tor onto medical man, according to the girl's senteren hs refused to have anything to do with the case, telling ber that it would only rei in her being sent home in a box. Miss McEare returned to Feversham and 9 McGirr to fuiti is promise, Lathe -leughed-at-herand told her to go aw . This settled McGirr'scase. The enraged man at once went to Chief of Police Dealy, . and. there. charged. her faith lover with being the registered letter thief A warrant was sworn out for his arrest, but McGirr, suspecti across the line to the Miss McElire told the chief that it was McGirr's practice to abstract the register- ed letters from the mail, .open them by means of hot steam, and taking-out the cash reclose them and send them along She showed the authorities where he had secreted the enyelopes of letters he bad damaged so mach in spenieng them as to their transmission to their destin- ation. he ise was heard of a -- y Fanor he Me. _ foot. sight of thecase. Oa that ing a Feversham man dropped into the 4 Wellington hotel and there reeognized n one of the foungers at the bar the mies ing McGirr. He did not delay long in telegraphing Dealy, who in tarn notified the Tcronto polics to secure the fugitive's arrest, which was successfully accomplish. ed by Detective Davis. The Mesford and Feversham people are exalting at McGirr's arrest, not so mach for postoffice business, but at the treat- ment he accorded Miss McElire, who was ove of the haadso: nest gicls in the town- ship: Chief Dealy fears that the prisoner will be given rough reception on his arrival home, and is taking measures to prevent it. The Toronto doctor will have to go to Meaford as a witness against Mc- Girr, Tne girl he betrayed is the most dangerous witas against McGirr. Detective Davis he made light of his arrest and said that the girl was no good. The Great Drawback on Labor. A NEW VIEW OF THE SUBsZCT, It would be interesting to know the amount of uctive power aay withdrawn from the sum total of human labor by sicknesa, and the amount annu ally restored to that sum total by medical treatment ; but the detaile connected with Posted withdraw! and restoration would be the. relative values It is stated that of the perrons using them in the first stages of sickness, very few have found it necessary to aband- tuon le spread colonies may have favourabl uced them, bat as we bag csanes e leading of tthe world, the t fame has been self. rectly our readers kndw what distinguish o orcas sciyrtar gage esis inevi The three bert pupils in School Section No. 6, Ellice, during the month of Jana- are as follows :--The s of Murray, Bridge: Gallaghar and Minnie Marray x wal; jun. ord--Mary en tray, Hanna Murray ; Netlie sens Margaret Fifsgivooe, Br Bridget Collies ; part Il.--Bridget Brown, Mich. a Nellie Lang. The attendance aring the month was forty-five, Miss Rarsell gave a bond for 82000 to in- demnify Daft for any loss, provided he would release her from the injunction or der. bn saswer to-day to the sugestion that she should wear wodlen garmenta } under Wer tights, she said that woolen un- + decxerieraty woul! ruin the symmetry of her forms, Judge Freeman reserved his decision Tk RUMOR, A Cananttiin Hoard of Direetors to be Estab- lished at Montreat. Montreal, February 13.--It is rumored that Sir Henry Tyler, President of the (. , is coming out shortly in order to establish a Canadian Board of Directors in Montreal for the purpose of advising the managements. This has long been talked of as a necessary reform, as in the past the General } r here has had to refer all important matter to London before being able to act. This ane the ad- Pome ge who to compete with jorne, who, it is well known, bas to 'aul intends and purposes the supreme control of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and acts practically on his own responsi bility. A case is instanced which came op some years ago, The manager here was anxious to acquire a feeding line, and he referred the matter to the Board in London. It took 80 long have an answer that in the meantime the C, PB got wind of the meeting of directors was hurriedly summoned, -- half an hour the subject ha sub. mitted, discussed and the road ocationlly acquired. A «a, Pn THE KATITLE OF THE RAIL, The directors of the Chicago and West Michigan Railroad Company have de- clared a dividend of 2 per cent, payable Feb. 16. "The suit of Young ve. G. T. R., arising out of the Junction Cut accident, tried at Chicago two weeks azo, Was reported as haying ended with . verdict of $7,000 Pi the plaintiff. "This was not the case, how- ever. That was te 'verdiat of the jury and the amount at which it assessed the #, but argument for judgment waa till last Saturday, when the jadge set the verdict aside and granted a new trial. Daring Jancary the Grand = ferries carried a total of 21,873 oss the river between Fort Gratiot and Point Ed ward, an average cof over 700 cars eG. T KR. retain of ns trains earnings- , 891,002; freicht 'train ear arnings, 95,400 ; 1890, S244. total, 7 1890, $535,873 : increase, i891, $16.5 The Chie mn & Geni Trunk railroad wil! soon introduce atation indicators ia their coaches. The iudictor consists of a --_ of polished wood, cae at each end of the car, into which = thin iron plate is shov earing the name of the next station at which the train stopa, A report emanating in New York as- serts that the Canadian Pacific reo ivesa subsidy of $5,000,000 from the A-ierican trantcent inéatal roads in consi:eration of of the a business matter | probably' le bronght to the front at Washiortn ghee: ly ia debates on proposeT® legisiativn bh « tile to Dominion railroads, eS... rintendent McG . * eastern di bhneB adhe 'Wabeeh wii habe darters at Kansas ----T -- -- duction in-sal of the th head- rt lor oun rprised the or 8 wee pg re- ran order to cui end ae "The welces will save about $19,500 a year. It is reported that the salaries of the station ng or a majority of them, ia be reduced. A Valuable Borie Series. Amongst the new we Pablications ane eceived we note with pleasu es of tastefally designed and Sacdoomely illus trated pamphlets treating of the resources and manifold advantages of the Canadian Northwest as a field for colonization The pamphlets are published by the Canadian Pacific per Mi Com any, and the series co fo " Dairy Farming and Ranching." ee 00 Farmers enh gone The Canadian orth. at," * Fre " we teh Farmer' 's erin and " British Shon. These form a most valuable set and contain a vast amount of use i upon Iso a a areata soaker of -- from settlers in P up to the yoher 1899, and 'Zz "Jack The Ripper." Bho covers Beye 13a an early hour thie morning y ofa woman was discovered ina a secluded" ical ity in Chambers horri gsshed with s instrument. Nothing is yet known as to who she is or who ad head the vietima of ** Jack the Ripper" Che been, but the officers have not traced the mur- derer. D : -- ~- vainly searched. That' Jack the ft Ripper" bted. ia the murderer is not dou Burdock Pills cure sick headache by regulating the stémach,liver and bowels. ese ee ad Tue pant cll t L ab wt aim 'to protect $ their membera ete,, Hagyard's Yell low Oil proteccs all who use it from the effecta of cold and ex posure, such as zheumatism, nesralgia, lumbago, sore throat and all ind smmatory pain Nothing compares with it aa a handy aah cure for man-and beast, cr x. Farningn The earnings of th the Canadian Paeifio ig Rg for the week ending Feb , are as alt luwe DS ns 6iceKFY. cinwarsian 0006 ews S3-22000 1890 paw Owais Vawames 218,090 Increase for 1891 . .$104,900 oy ene Editorial Evidence. Gentlemen, --Your Hagyard's Nevow ilis wofth ita weight in gold for both internal and external use. During the late La Grippe epidemic we found it a most excellent preventive, and for sprained ig etc., there Is nothing to equal it, Vim, Pemberton, Editor Deihi _Repeet er. Holloway' 8 Ointment a nd Pi Ne - rcessea, Erysipelas, Piler. --U nvaryirg success attends all whe treats these diseases according to the simple printed directions wrapped ro nnd each p rt and box They are invalusble to the young and timid, whose bashfutness sometimes endangera life. Though apparently local, diseases of this nature ate espentially blood diseares, but little attention, moderate perseverance, and ense will enable the most conduct any case to a happy issue without exposing secret infirmities to any one The Ointment checks the local _inflamma- -Ab a wint when and how Holloway's Pills ire to be taken, that their purifying and regulating powers may assist by --aewe and strengthening the consutution. "Nepoieon' s s Head. Napoleon' 's head was wes of peculiar shape, bat that did not protect him against head- ache. Sick ror he is a common and very disagreeable affection which may be quickly removed, together with its caa by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the never- failing medicine for all kinds of headaches The 'Vood- tock "Stand ard ina recent issue very justly denounces those of its merchants who m vke a practice of patro- nizing London and Toronto houses for their' printing and stationery, and s2 ys that * Woodstoc oben over rus by travel lera for cflice supplies in the line of 'etter-heads, bili-heads, envelopes, etc. The above applies with considerable fore: to many in Stratford who oO are in the habit of patronizing cutsiders cheaper goods might aleo be bought = those places. Those who make a practice of patronizing outsiders as against home ment? should be treated in w like man ner. ' "A Natural Filter. "The liver acts asa filter to remove im purities from the blood. To keep it in perfect working order.uso B. BB. e great liver regulator. I two bottles of Burdock Slood Bitte rs for liver'complaint, and can clearly say I am a well woman to day. Mrs. Tur Times age tte ie ite readers to patronize its advertisers, let them reap all the bene fit they can from the confidence they nave re inus. Do not let this matter es- cape your attention kind readers, all things being equal give our advertisers the pre- ference, let them know that you came to deal with them because your attention was called to them by their aavertishintet in Tue Times and by helping one another we belp ourselves, Do Tux Times a good turn by dealing with our advertisers. Stanley Books. Stanley books are now as common as coughs andcolds, To get rid_of the latter use Hagyard's Pectoral Baleam, the best Canrdian cough cure for children or adults It cures by its soothing, healing ex- pectorant properties, every form of throat and lung trouble, pulmonary complaints etc, ee ee If you want to buy or se!l a farm, vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. "That paper reaches 100, farmers' hom -- cents a for. five Address, The Mail, Toronto, Canada, Dark and Sluggish. describes ae this city and surrounding country. Subscribe for it, " the beat going. to Jc. P. Wiley, rv Upper'Orebex, N, Bo} - The e of the man who shot young Damin in Bast Zorra and of the Ancaster | es leads to th ne conclusion that life m the rural districts is not all peace and | Life is safest and criminals in | neurite. the greatest danger of detection in the wicked towns and cities. ie a good trade PALE Weak oe need a tors, strength giving, flesh building medicine Like Mil- burn's Beef, Bron and Wine : Mr. Archie Bremner, fo rmerly connected ywith The London Advertiser, is the editer fof new eveaing journal oubtinked in Mor-tres). Job printing, catalogue, society, com. | "mercial, general printio The neastest newest designs and cheapest printing is done at Tux 'Bames job de partment. See aanaplen, ~get estinates. Telephone No. 21. | AGREAT VARIETY or Sponges, Chamois Prices, B. J. JOHNS | athe Market Drug Store. STRATFORD. The Etude 1704 CHESNUTS:., PHILADELPHIA, Pa. AN EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL OF MUSIC 1883, EATARLISHED SUBSCRIPTION, $150 PER YEAR. MINGLE COPY, i5 CENTS. EDITORS: W.S. B. ng C. ag ie J.8. Van Cleve, Chas. W. Landon, C. B. Cady, Miss Am ,° Musical Magazine, On success on its Merits, Subscribe for ra The best. JOHN FOIK, AGENT. STRATFORD. Dorenwend's bh "CURLINE. ee A great boon lesieeg corms = ban. mps the daces a tight curl or one ua its effect for a Adds lustre, life length of time. and beauty to the halr, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Or by mail, 10c. extra. CALL AT THE Parisian Laundry, Where youean get your work done up in good style. Aleowe keep in Stock a choice line of SMOKER'S ARTICLES. The place is ia H. Baker's Block, Opposite the Mansion House. AGENTS WAN TED fs DOMINION IuLUSTRATED " town d in addi noe: oe comms For partiosions Sones TEE SABISTON LITHO . Publishers, Montrea A Now! Offer We + ote thet the poblishers of Tue Do- Fission ILatvomeree have originated « plam hy which ever $3.00 worth «f prizes srete be desrridated amnong the eubeeri- hers te ths? } aper, aah eat t& the it correct- Y abeweri saple fpuest inn' -- cur- Sent ntebte of GER number. e learn Shatlthe firet prise will be $7! ee gold, the second a Heintaman plane worth $600 ard that the rest of the many prises in the comepetr tion will be of os soumally cestiy and veluable nature. Dhey are also offering ad rerhes of prizes 'for the best specimen of ty pe-writ- ing, open to type writers abl over the world We have very much plessure ia net ng rie liberal offers from our leading ithus- rated journal, and hope that all oar rea- deve will take advantage of them. We understand that on receipt of 1? cents in stamps the publishers of * The Do. miniom Hiwstrated ' (Sabixten Litho, & F Montreal) wil} send a sample copy ofthet journal with fol! parti alars of the plea > . o<@ee : De. Law ' svcrack sode ina delightful shampoo. It cleanses the scalp and dark- ens grey hair, Post Office Time-Table, Daurraat MAIL. Crosse a a a A 36 . 80) tt. 45! Tormato .............. soc }3 +> wo} @ SC! it 65 Hamilton........... wut? AO) ys vm)! 918 & Lomdom .... 2.62. .00 os f! Oe) om) St 8 1110 7 | nelph, tierlin, Snakes | pears, xe ~~ Ham burg, BO} ice rlac. + #00 300 or. "8 Strife west. - iw {* . 8 0 } OER Ean ol tesenis +4 '1240 = @ LH, Enat | $8 om, ab. H. aaw-oosst BAG? , Goderich, Clinton, Sea. forth, Mitchell, and 9 80 Hublin......... 1 io 67 68 § wo PLD and Stratford Ry. 3 oo 6 oa G. Band LB Ry...) 1110 00 930 12 43 Buffalo......... 2... so tS 4 W Western States .. .... 1110) 67 © 980 12 45 Eastern States....... 800 700 | on u | | Dally) Gadehill, An } ulree, Ham: | Nithburg....... 10 and view, ,on Monda ay, W _ 49! ~nesday and Thier 30 OLD COUNTRY MAILS. phd Halifax Packet closes every Thurday a* 00 a. m, Mail via New sy slows every os mday n 'to te Lobby will he open to t Money Order and aiedd Bank Office is open from 9 a. m. to 4 sel BLAIR, Postmaster, A. M. KAY, Assistant. Stratford, Nov, 4, 1836. sya ly WILLIAM HEPBURN, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Pre "st Geet oe Srwsamns have bean wate 7 m4, . d womderfel. Fuss Wl. Matlett & Co. ved Sia Penis Se RHEUMATISM by Druggists, Price $1.00. opened, EMULSION CO. 35 Liberty St., New York, ee ae