+ Ges. Ree Cellar in Stratfo BE BS "Winn riage FOR lrisect Stings Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Feet Complaints osquito> Bites Sunburn 4¥e Inflammation REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Se BE SURE THAT BOTTLES with BUFF Wwrapre CELEBRATED ALES, PORTER AND LAGER. A full'supply of these, beverages | kept constantly on 'hand and prom # ly delivered in any part of the or forwarced tothe country by val Gr conw cht on the shortest notice. A and Porter in wood and bot- 'Market B uldingr, GEORGE BEOK, Agent TICKETS. G. TR. CITY TICKET AGENCY. Market Street, Stratford. od United States te all C Ale Fe abet rates. Macupions he Resta Dell. tee. Peb, Gch. soeh, March Oth and 20th. Latest Time Tab'es, &e. A. H. ALEXANDER, Agent. . Ca PERTH MUTUAL F.L 00. MBE AFL TED 1s63, BY act OF PARLIAMERY, Sageres Punidings, Merchandie:, Manufactories an ail ether description of Insurable Property, om the premium pote eyst LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED ASD PAID, ROARD OF DIRECTORS: CHAS PACK EE r, Ser, Treas. stele EAVETROUGHIN | PLUMBING, STEAM & GAS FITTING. HARRY O'NEIL re 'above Lines on the 'SHORTEST NOTICE! : a COLLRGR OFFERS on Copunes WHAT |. Temperance and General Life Assurance Company has. Full Government deposit. Low expenses and -low death rate. Its plans cannot be sur- pissed by any other com- pany. If you want your risk car- ried cheap for the protection vof your family, get the T. & G. installment bond; its equal! cannot be found in life assur- ance and investment com- bined. AN WADELL District--Agent, Box S66, Stratford C. Walker, Agent. Foale | RANK. -OF MONTREAL. --. Eeclines depubicssh ion inane toe are ela branch. Intere=t allowed at THOS. PLUMMER, Manager Stratford ST. JEROME 8 COLLEGE, BERLIN, ONT. tncilition to prINCAL gant and memes ean >--letboling BOARD, TUITION and al Book and expeneer, ekcep ' Stationery, 133.00 per annum. For particular Rev, THEO. SPETZ, C. R.,D.D., President Berlin, June 17th, 1890 ac heron Punom in Smorruasp BIG BOOT. THOMAS LAWSON has his fall stock completed. Men's long boots, Kangzroo boots, Rabbers and. Overshoes in great variety. . Radite' and Children's wear at as reasonable prices as possible. A quantity of Water-proof Bal- ' qooralson hand. + Pepairs of all kinds done neatly and on shert notice," Just received, a job lot of women's button and laced boots, men's and , Women's carpet slippers, which he is fey -batnr: price. This is a spe- THOMAS LAWSON, y Sign of the Big Boot, No, 80, Ontario Street. | BOOKBIN DING. undersigned @oul ide respe Sumerous mere and the p he hes remit oved trom the Jarvs th scott Be w 2 Gane He: ala Bui'ding. Market Square © g done both and be Soares Sate ia bean pees ee Law Books: Magazines, Music. | Works of Art seach as rite. Canada, ars Saree | Pe - erial Shak peare, ete Bound in hardsowe bindings at right prices BLAN © BOvVES. ruled and printed = any Bos ern. Price let WALTER 'STONE. ' Stratford, Jan. 7th 1801 ~ RUBBER STA MPS. For every description of RUBBER an: HAND STAMPS, Ad Address T. KR. WEIR, Box 583 Stratford. A. Hepparn, RCHITECTURAL Designs, Plans of Public an Private Bui! drawo hed soar and in perspective, and, ttdedred,; =~ work atiache?', with arp deal A. REP i a Stratiord. Strotford, Oct. 10, Iss. 405-ly "THE CLASSIC CITY Barber Shop, MARKET STREET. (Opposite Corcoran's O'd Stand.) Mr. Martiey Brpsiaie<tsohar padurdovadl sated that has secured the meres tees of a competent workmar and is prepared to do Hir cutting, thaving, © in the manner posible, Prop. James. Hartley, DON' Ey MISS IT. A new and attractive publication conptainines -bnatract| maby we feature. has fust been Lem<d _S Milburn & Go., of Tc- ronto, under the title of the Bu: dock Blood Bi: ter- Almanac for 1891. Iti« now in the hands of drug gists and tor free d stribution we sould advise our to eecure a copy before the supply is exhaasted. BOOTS '& SHOES Cheap for cash. Mr. Fitzgerald wishes to return his sincere thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him for the past six years, and would inti- mate to the public that he will con- tinue to give bargains. His fall stock is complete in every line Satisfaction guaranteed. M. FITZGERALD, @00 | Opposite Mansion Honse, Welling- ton Street. - _ REVOLUTION o PAINTING. a & PENN The Painters, Decora- tors, etc. f+ Are doing 'the best" work for the least money and on tke Shortest notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. e CASH & PENNY, Opposite Albion Hotel, Ontario Street, Stratford, Cheap Simon Does not want to leave the ity. He don't know where to go to. He is making prices lower than any- bady else. He will sacrifice clothirg at any price as he intends going into the ahoe busi- ness altogether. It will pay you to keep him ig the . the city. Eve CHEAP SIMON. tomed eyes, The points appeared to the LIFE INTHE IE SEY YCHELLE sane HAVE BEEN THE HOME OF ADAM © AND EVE- * sninitiated olmerver -- arn ye the | et leaf, Watoh!" cried (the in- ructres as she touched one of thaw leaves {atwig. So the! h the point: ig ng leaf » call it what it appeared--unf 'ded ithelf -- to the party's intens: sarprise and changed in form and color to a paie-green, t pare rk bh stretched Built By Coral Ineects and roteeted i its yt rmed wings,' and i } ) j Gen Gordon Believed They Were Edep-- © . j "tll ly away in the sunlight. by Reets-- Where Man can live W ittrent we ared 4 ere Labor ue er F reaks in Animal Life. The if the party was next turned j to the remitining.one, which was aroused by { Ser HKLLEs IL AN DS, Indian Ocean. --U 4a touch of the twig from its slumbers, f the m abl e ne worked! lazily po the --_ a, the then seer. thot the projeetik < "gf bese looked wpm as the 'withered ¥ ut history rt ton ha: the ribs of the leaf, were little feet at the unps am upon the history of i which were ideas carry a certain totes ohied beneath the na tuatter bow ou ey may that the bead had two projecting feelers and a neck joinad toa breast, an attenuated waist « form an archipelago of 114 @ ia large, fat body Presently it st opped | ists ar ds in the Indian ocean, and aro situated is cpurse a ad folding itself again into lea { im three decrees thirty-eight minutes south @rm remained exactly the color of t e, about 1,400 miles east of Aden, and fedage around it and proceeded with its 1,000 miles from Zanzibar Bee rise steeply Suniber It was the wings which may -- like = » back bac 1 level of the ocean, 'and is nearly the ceatral Vi ' "The party was of the group. Mabe is about twenty miles 82 X!ous to- take away a specimen, bat the long and about five miles in width. The teal -Aly, thoagh a "thiagof beauty," is nos settiement there is now known as Port Vice "® Jey forever," for when dead it shotvels up toria, Only about thirty of the. islands are , like @ withered leaf and turns ashen gray in inhabited, the last census giving them a lor. The leaf-fly has teon found occasion- population ef 12,000 souls All these islands ally in other tropical countries. the are of coral growth, Wuat a marvelous fact © Seychelles, certainly bave a mono oly of is hers presented. While men build upoo ®®tber freak of nature even more startling the earth cities, towns and villages, these an this wonderful insect. master buiiders beneath the waves, thetiny "Why don't you. bury that thing?" in- coral insects, build whole countries in islands, pps a visitor ashe drew back in horror large dud small what appeared te be the dried trunk of a 'Lhe beaches which surround the Seychelles dead darky. are the mont beautiful in the wor! They "That is the 'Coco-de-mer,'a peculiar pro- are of glistening white calcarious sands, en- duction of these islands," replied a native. closed in coral reefs of the most subtle and It is really a marvelous specimen of veget- vasead structure. These coral reefs form a &tion. It is not only a sketch of man, but of sort of wall around the islands, and when the "oman also, for this strange thing exempli- sun's rays fall slanting on the sands, the shore fles in itself both forms of humanity. After fx and there light-tinted rainbows ve is _ -- _-- -- -- of the most exquisite shadea As the wat so like the nac gure of a deed native minus which are sh tow abd clear, abound in ra head and limbs that the beholder is surprised most of them of rare colors, which can be narcenl spon ch and fascinated by the gro- Plainly sen as they swim to and fro, vary- a =e for i +) fol i, ? tts ber <i islands were discovered this fruit was throwo upon the coa-ts of the ing!y beautiful and entrancing. re = ball anges eee on the pro- he houses are built of e species: of mageive sais porwr urd pat me t was then, e had ' corat:-hewtrinic as now, crodited with all the *irtues attribat. like white marbie and show eeeniol to the ito Dr. Brown Sequards Elixir of Life, Utmost advantage in the various tinted grees a -- bees remarkable -- lots to ma ae " poisons, anc Psd 7 'ara troplent acon apa se el prices ia the cast. The East Indians regard ai dunia es Scales arn on high pt the pulp as possessing the "4 tortie ai . torative qualities "a originally bundred feet, and sometimes more. They known as the Maldive overtop the and even the coral-built church--a novel sight, and one of the curios ag dye ek ae. wer ait nan haan a They, line the and cover without any fear,of disturbanic> from -bis . mountains forming Baik ~ din places ©%* ind, in igs word with a sociable parrot or tensive forests, es display simul- two anda chattering monkey to belp him taneously, buds, ieiaias, unripe and ripe are the hours away." - For desirous of indulging their fancies n0 better place. could be as they could satisfy theories to their hearts" content without either labor or expense. z czistence on these islands, living on vege- ° tables only, with immunity from care veg? away from the inksome forms and regula- other lands, bur tions of a civilized commu nit ' y, and free from "nisher wp altabout them; so that these tsiands 7. the racing, s-ruxgiing li lite "of cities the se are fresh and green all the year round. The of lotus eater be a perfect reality. great hurricanes that swoep so dest Any one who likes an pone life could in dulge his tastes to the fullest extent, canoe- * ing al about among the 114 islands; ; staying bere aby leaping out pf the water, the scene is surpasi- fruit. The soilfbaing extremely -- a tropical furcriance of "vegetation "meets the eye at every turn, Although the climate is -- i red bear. "here and electric storms are rare. mate is exceptionally Bealthy, epidemic a being unkno' there ,) an whose society was at all agreeable would be ry great age are fre- eagerly sought after, as a new arrival quently met weit cocoa are the When the f the ia that of any other man's "The ie poor a ayine idea of hea bands ovecwcrked housekeeper's wien a: lapsed into idleness and thesa ie place * declined greatly ° for, want of compulsory coolie labor. earth these islands.. Here nature has provided "-- and useful way : ps, drink and clothing ready to band. The yasesand baskets are fashioned in this way. cask found to contain six smaller ones of -- design, each within the other. Fans made this ivory and fringed - with Piven chr £ es arein great demand, and spoons fo T on eating the putp of the cocoanut are exqfirisite- le carved and ornamented, " Tortoise-shell rving is a specialty On the idands, and the Ce M pose on the turtle comes in for a large share eee I nt grows upon every tree. But the e *©¥* of attention from the carvers, Gras-mnde Lec used to. this fashiox, as it dos: pels are among tle novelties for-visitors, and i. time to all others, however ok ly they may) oh wad be h -" strike upon the beholder at first. Ax for fire Lnaalomeatde Re OE Se CN the ample shade they afford, it is unnecessary for warmth at any time, A. the place abounds in on the pri neipal, being the black turtle ial glagnetie 2 turtle. | As to clothing, anything more than the serip- tural af. seems unsecessiry. Nam! of covlies and creoles go about waka faulare! not ashamed, which su far as the su 7 - clothing is-concerned is unnecessary, i for ccuking purposes te little neode After three months life of the islands idle- es pose e 2 How strange it is that these richly eddow-| ness becomes unbearable to a perso; who is = faccustans! ta work. IMlenass is NtMgenous ed islands s»pre-eminentiy fitted to be the abode of busianity shanki bo. utterly dasti-|Dere, Tue air ls to balmy aud the cogditions: tute of itwhea discovered, while islands bar! -- an ean = ee ----_ : i = ren in comparison had atarze native popula- ,,° hi ane Ses when diedotered by the white ase. the exertion of, thinking and talking seem: Tuan was put upon 'slands so much less favor ts 2 eS aba ee able to bis exiatencs, why not. upon thas polar ner aeoee either, 'The visitor, however, It certainly lends a color 'ing to the belief in 'al ieeneraly eat, Sect ig om se e t. - * "1 oe = th 7 ") winds its way among the net work of islands PS * Ce * the hoowwandbound paseuger. looks baci -- a dies they? 3 Ab seared -- yd and sees thea in a seting of silver caused se ~swrrther a: Where a : sald nag ' oF on. tly sparkling brightaess which illumines the raps, eee See ee ec ene, Ub IMS: sheeuy purple water. ury without Inbor is where the thickest po! Sank r = atand of Praslf le: © pulation might naturally be expected to be) "3" 0? he, Estes ¢ raslin is asm RET an * jone used for hospital purposes, It is But there are no applies on these island«! ia te ane pew gle So in one Important feature of the supposi- tion there is a failure. Bat why an applet May not a cocoanut or banana have been the frait with which the serpent tempted Eve, aml which she in turn presented to A: jam? The temptation offered to man or woman by * a cocoanut in this part of the world would be » of their disfigured countenances pe secon holding out their floshiess arins impioringiy and miournfal eries com)» across the waters. The distas: i said to have as great as an app'e under any other circam- hroush been brought to the islands by some Chinese pee A cocoanut would certainly be the many years ag. inhabitants are rarely -- it, but upon the slightest ind« at once to the leper settis- ropriate trutt attack While stretched upon a hammock enjoying pie 2 ment, "Pain, sorrow, aad disease have raac:- the idle sensuous life which white people it * isin page cor gee, Bonn a een @.1 even those lovely i Evil bas evter- the write? with an amused smile wu her pipet rage yall. tating gy Bn = . eet the serpéat is even over this Garden of countenance, bearing in her hand a branch Eden. of a palm tree with en leaves nearly 5 three incbes in of Pontius Pilate. 4 one in Descendants brea: Holding it ae for i sbe It may be known to only a few peopie that asked: 'What do you think of those leaves!" direct descendants of Pgntius Pilate, the "They are pretty in form an of beautiful Roman . . . The ancien "Do you see anything beyond leaves Pesth, Hungary, show that a grandson of dog Pilate, Sai tically examined, bu' made Rothing could bs seen beyond vegetable lige, Prosisos of Dacia, on the Lower "There is) other life thert, and you wy Denebs. Later on we find a descendant of looking straight at it," she Governor the present Kingdom aeot wae off and torn into pieces, but Hungary, and married with one of the 'without any animal life being discovered. Byzantine G Princesses. Still later the t tle. the ing was called to ordair. With a prolonzed an 2 PETE PAREAU. He Tellsof » Republican Rally Held by The Frenchmen of Pea Soup Lake. Last Friday night de Paublicans of dix place hebj de firs' meeting of de cam wy was have de bigght'time an ome of de loge of Pea Soup Lake. Dare was almos two degzen bireh bars torch light at de-head of de procession aftair- which follows means an' boy an' dog een town. was march to Pete Parvonjay's salloon on de cornair of Catfetsh havenuc an' Mosarat street, where speech was made by Pierre Twopenny,de candidate for Sheriff on de Paubdlican Aftair harriving at de salloon Pete was set up drink to house. Mbs' hevery one een de crowd was took Harter's bitter, bause Presedant Harte} son shes got bis picture on de outside de bot- Keuny dont need to feel shame to have his picture on de bottle dat contain da: kin' whiskey. Eset show dat she know the gon- auine harteecle from de forta: ay rod. Altair hevery one was drink two t'ree time de meet- Ole man Potvin was de ueanimous choice of de baveemblay for chairman. Aftair tanking de crowd for de honair bestow on him he took bix seat on was decide dat made de disturbance. et', 'said! dey tought dey was celebrating de queen, De meeting was hagain-tall to ordair and de Pea Soup Lake Prons-Cashe Glee Club was sing, Praise John Wannamaker from whom all bivesing flow." While dis song was being reader by de clob, ole Bellonjay, postmastair of Pea, Soup Lake, was made good dea! dis- turbance by saying "amen!" ute, loud enough to be bear al) over de bar room. After de .close of de song, Pierrie Twopenny was climb«n top of whisky barrell and spit on bis han's and say: GextLemaNs an' FeLtow Creresay-- Mab bosonrees fill ful of glad to see we teeny Vaublicans here to-night. Eet oes great pleasure for me to see so many mans dat believe een de princeeple of protection. {Happlause}] Mah fren's, what would dig country be eef eet was not for de protection poleecy of de Paublican party! Eef est was not for protection dis United State would be a mos' desolation spet een Nort' Hamerica! (Great happlause and ten minute for drinks] pef, we was to do haway wid rs protection mistair chairman, eet woul! be just' like when you forset to wind evt Poll, watch -- hevery:'ing "shes stop dead! De railroad an' 'steausboat, ure an' de satioon woukd Eel to stop' business, Anvert'ing would go to de dog! (Happlause). Mah fren's = was not for de tareef and dé Paul- someting = do wid eet, but the de work was det to-de ! (L A oh. 'nudder drtuk. ] Wow, mistaire chairman an' pia Pea Soup Lake, when you ovembaire ~ohe de straight Paublican _ an' don't forget to vote for Pierre Twopenny -for - shereef, [Loud hg sage ] Mah dear -- ah won't took up too much your was on to de bar.an' Pro opere pea same wid Heuny's picture on eet some de crowd went. home...De reg _ down "Toh de road till' daylight. How the Died. I have recently hak very interesting"in- terview withan jish gentleman who was t in Zululand at the ti time of the death -- prince imp gentiema: same Telegran He was not much impressed by tie. characier:aud manners of - the ill-fated prince himself, describing him to me as a very full-fledged specimen of the most ob- noxious type of a fast young taan, and taking the of every expedition in which he was in- eladed. The fatal fray in which the unfortanate youth lost bis life owed! his whole success far the Sat us to the fact the princts party beiz ¥ vice. Everybody ran away outhe suldey attack of the savages, it was owing to-a brokeu girth that the aan, to make bis escape with the bers, There were only five Zalus 'concern- 'di in the attack, and they one family--a fathe ' victim, leaving nothing behind -bat'a aad mi ket suspemiad around his peck, and waich « Zalas thoaght contained a charm. "My infec cmant told me rire for bik a, die were not dealt him in front. Bat, waforta- hately, they were allin his back. a § wanted to be told that be had died fighting for Engiand, and the Englishman was com- pelled to _-- ber that such was not case... "But Mr. X., you can it was," Was ee usha mother's It did not occur to ber, poor lady, that an English gentieman has a matural ob objection to teli lies oa on. subject imoxtoaiels Kansas City Star, resemble other v uch. One isa druggist, the regret ses Boinx igar dealer was walking up Main take: Nothing farther was thought of tent pedis iteaagsom when de" ,