HACKING Has the Largest Cheapest, and Finest Stock of =-MAS GOODS. Call and see, no trouble to abow goods, J. A. HACEING 7,682 : cough ; 1 will give him one-eighth grain , a writes a prescription for his sends him with a oti sc! sparen) t otk de i [ A f i : F ty, the progress af the disease, sus- oeptidility to methetic and in- agp pare aha dryncstw; id brig of the at- the th resort to be se- lected. latter pot call forth any more mental eff than what is 2 ja patient hee « expected by the temperance | iT | and pombers had LISTOWEL STANDARD ees ee = FRIDAY. JANUARY 6. 1888. saan Ther : wanted aaa te ous a tad dap bar oe ° t was iy MUNICIPAi, ELECTIONS. s ws municipal elections in Listowel | Fleming by-law to reduce the sumber The 1 on Monday did sot create the excite- nected ieipa: . This, bowever, to be expected, in view of the fact pe 'acai all the members had been elec! by acclamation. The contest this year was narrowed down to the the | This year eervatives bave the i of dasa Reeves. Fore) is aowrine't bf five, Meesre. P. iHico and RK ae | Exuce.-- Ree A Kury; Deputy, Many of the electors being perronal | Siebert, spajority y its ; Councillors, friends of these gentleman, with a | ton, Soeder, an O'Brien, few" exceptions very little assistance | So! sg fo --Councillors, Jobo was given either candidate, they bring | Trachsell, John fer, Daniel You- silowed to fight the battle themrelves. | sey, John Millar. The result bas been the return o} Mr.) Noavs Eastsout.--Heeve, Jobu M Lilhoo by # majority of 53. White 5) Millen; -eoclamation:; ty- ' gratulating Mr. mee upon bis -- \ Taba PF nciliors, Andrew Falk, aa abs aes 'ah aA 5 staan) | saigenn Cook, 218, Peter Stuart, 216. experienced public officer as 3} | Sraéer's rity over Mr Hyde for Martin sbould deprived of Geass ae jeri seat be Council this year. Noteith nS Ries Aeod standing the adverse vote rded on ! . te, ; onday, we are eure that the aaeepayess | Curtrliy, 191 ; Deputy- Reeve, N doach, 1207 5 5; The Councillors genersily sppreciate bis a rin, vices in the interest of the town, shoula they be again offered at any future omnes enn, Joseph | Jackson aud Neebit Porte Downie.--The election on Monday re- ted De- Lilkeo's ti ay be attributed to! sulted im Mr, Welat being eh 18 pe rity, und to the feel- | puty Reeve over Mr Pa: by a large ing tbat « change for this year might do | majority. ~The Councillors are M po barm. In tbe onntest for tbe 2ud | Wm rh M owen, Rossel. For Deputy-Reeve, Mr. Welch came out a- | the Depu es the figures stood bead, bent: nee bis sag Mr. L. 'Bol- Welsh, Po. Payto: ton, ty 28 votes, Mr. Welch bas been | cAPORTH "denen Beattie, mayor ; am-minter of tbe anc 'Sone the past ah = see, rreve ; A Strong, pach Re aud the vote on Monday | e Curre ox --Mayor, J Whitehead ; reeve the ratepay: The Council elect for | . JBSS will be constituted as follows ; & MeMurobie ; deputy, A H Manning. Mayor, Samuel Bricker ; Reeve, D. D Loxvox-- Mayor, Cowan, 700 majority | over Bowman. Ra ota The thres-cornered mayo- y fight --_ close and exciting, i re pe ¢ election of Alderman Dor- Campbeil; jst Deputy Reeve, _- Lit Welet. k Ward, A. W. Featherstone and Jolin Bamtord ; Glad-: . : 7 -- a James | a0 ar hluraiy of 46. The Sou are-- om ; Ald 2320, Ald Blaicher, 4, Vanstone ; Vi ja Ward, Wm, Dix and Wm, McKeever; Dafferin Ward, RK. | 74, cr Brennan 1458. Woods and W. E Binning ; Lansd ---------- Ward, R. T. Kempavd Samuel Moore/ CRAMBERLAIN AT TORONTO. x ing i® tbe vote recorded for | Deputyitiee e: , His Speech at the eee Taye ron ler DErTTY-REKVE, Bang Lintsco, Maris, | WE URGES GOOD NEIGRaRMORn wITH THE Bieuarck Ward. ........ 57 52. | UNITED STATES, AND DECLARES THE PROS- Glad-tone Ward. 69 bo PECT~ OF IMPROVED RELATIONS WITH THE Victoria Ward.. 4 2y REPUBLIC NEVER LOOKED MORE HOPEFUL --CANADA® GREAT NEED--HIB IDEA Of cz 4s Lauedowne Ward 7 en inte, Dec. 30. 2s3 Zo --Tte Board of Trade = ~ | beld.their enoual dinner to-night in the Majority for Lillies, 53. in the truth for trath'« vapor --_ -- the best in. oe need, » "mie cos ease health resort i« midcle ken trouble for which person fitted. This article refers ea mou a cits bill of facta. 6 the matter is left out. A mot i aia! Springs, G,0N0 feet, ete. Send patient from the either of these places ix ton certain @x- tent like putting i most .useful lod:¢ation. ve owhoee lungs are tapi lly ~~ a whose reserve farce is um, this extra works will has tra A a process of dissolution, and it will do so before the uufortuoate feels be "balmy _ sol | retreebing mountain z=phyra," dications are iain, The diminished oil ats tul publiexamination was held in S, wember & No.2, Wallace, on Fre Dec. 16. over, addresses were Mr, Turnbull of Listowel, and the teachers present. The following 3s ap nts! cate Tuwnsbip of Wallace forthe month December r. E. Garrett by his mus- ical talent did inuch to entertain the prc both ered. The mouth-organ band, Me! Hinkson & McDonald of Brussels, in- Consnsaption i" | t pag Dalla: yep pith. 4 | | prizes for the | paps of the schoa. terested all, Songs were well renéered . Brown and the Misses Wakefield and Brown, Mr. A. Patier- son and the choir, . Miss Elsic Brown which "were -well sung. ; proceeds, $23,20were used to purchase tobe | BRITTON Fae | the | farm on the Sth con, Elma. and Mr. | | Geo. Sanderson now occupies the place a | vacated by him, Mr. Wm, Burke has removed to his Wednesday's storm has rendered the roads temporarily bad, but will be for future benefit. Thos. Maybury losta fine horse } oy other hg the animal accidently broke visiting friends h The school saned on Tuesday 3rd | January, 8 ool mecting was held on W ednesday the 28th Dec., and | The school ee took place Rossin e ir was a moe mo pberic pressure, to, en rages the ; FoR Isp DEFCTYeREEVE, brilliant one, aod wa attended by up | bloo 17 the surface of the body, tend- | 02 Thursday, Dec. 21st. and was quite "LTO Werem, | warde of 3) gentlemen. President Ince | ing to keep the skin--our everted lung | nee: a atten of teachers were Bismarck Ward........ 0 al pied the chair -- * ong distim- | --in better condision und at the «ame ) present and found the pupils bright ladetone Ward 60 59 guished sag pomee ime ee the congestion of internal | ard well informed. The attendance of Victoria Ward. oy 35 Right Hoo Cuasbectala: M. 7 +t seeatial points in the treat. | visitors was ve! ood though not so Dufferin Ward. 47 59 who delivered i i t speech ' ene ot coneuniptls mn, large as was looked f W terest sdowne Waid 45 55 teply to the toast 'The Commercial Io. | 1 The purity of the atmosphere & oked for, as all' ia --_. reste of the Empire, He said the | Cojornio is largely owing to the absence ed in education should m _-- point to 241 269 ane a far- gone, and lof decajiug vegetable matter, marshes, | be presen Majority for Weleb, 28. pi the ape of Trade | ele, = ia tly a coarse, sandy! The Literary Societ sy hid a full meet- ELECTIONS IN Lit COUNTY AND! ELSEWHERE. -ACES vantage since his coming Bilest peasy: in Wallace resulted in | try. He regretted the attitude of » cer- urn of the old Deputy- eats. tain infla-otil journal, which that moro- Jobo Willoughby. and Mesers G co Little ing ret to him as the re ta Joba ---- and Valentine mastet as tive of British re and as having Councillor The Reeve, Mr s Rob- + ed' thst the interests of Canada inson, ; returned by tion. | must be subordinate those \° "ollowing is a sintement of the vote as! ter. That was pot so. i | as representative « &Femt | Britain;--and be thought inter- 3 240) Stites Ca de, of Britain, also 31 =O So | Of the United States, = in the same 4 4 jo) i He eo Englishman, 15.15 210 and of the glorious traditious and 76°33 185 matitations ot hie country ; but all pat- ¢ 32 J42| Tiotiem would be otmatod indeed if 1 { 18 129 | did potembrace Great Britain 2] 25 235 | the seas. He retused - of Unigz.: 20 @ gg | Od States as a foreign He wou <a ne | urge good neighborhood with the great } which was e 4 ; ivided f by an Tae result of the elections in Elma | invisible boundary line. Any' di bas been the return of Mr. BR. os article sect sama over Mr. Koox, old re, sugo een Cana' of about 70. Mr. t he gan on eee been re-elected as lst Deputy- © lp of ith eee eo eae ee Brae Me, | United States wever loaked more ae rg y-, *F-/ fal than at present. No doubt the Young Coulter was elected 'Dai id 'ta dion as Elans's firet Zod Doputy-Reere, | 4. it «Great 'Suite fo-o-dew 'The vote stood times : . years might not be too much MLE 2 4 & rented tpectches it wend alto- : 60 41 59 60 92 312) gether as against Britten and all the} a 72 111 90 71 42 386! world, What Canada was de- Lochhead... 68 102 82 55 60 367 | velopment of ber great, ilimsitable McCormick, 47 42 41 57 46 233 and not « tariff which would Bray........... 67 93 66 31 €8 295 industries. Rotbwell.... 62 54 90 37 46 289 | The first thought of Canada should be Rich: -- #4 62 58 38 7 249 to get on the sail to create Seith...... 37 21 76 83 244)! consumers. Industries bi gag .---The Council for 1888 is | up and prosper eeborne, | would be « taruff or as follows: Reeve, W. B. Freeborne scelnmation oa Cosy Jas. | favor of the jest : Councillors, Bi, | Coton, wot oly with tbe Caited Staten flogh Jack ond Chas ; but a ped trict~ PE doa sake ge Gian. -- ber ed reeiprecy te wa eae a ---- Baceseis--Reove, WH McCracken. | ra Sepentent for Seansiet Sreodes on cl on pee; . or something whic be still more a ae J « import ada's politics] freedom, mux--Mayor, L thaupt ; | When lender Jie that bound Cans- one Spe ge eg: : | da with the Mother Country became s Mueller ; 20d Deputy, ecg - 'eo *. Wa Dr: Reeve, Jobn Ratz. Couneil- jors. Blatz, Winger, Erb and Wahl vaca¥r. Gatt "Wikies 71 M Lumsden ; Reeve, ES ilkine ; Ist Sangrn Arch: | " Mitten; Jan. 4--Te-day was fired os thald McAuslan ;2ed De Geo Laird j date for -- es -- ae 3rd Depoty, W a a shad' tne' the Wea w debate) Depa ius 6 at the trial to preside gg M Cameron. . | signe z ee f i. a H ' a iH i auy Sk nay = been 'made to bis dinad- | dry aod eoun- | Ozone, too, i ig developed ob the moisture sinks rap idly, and apon which the native Frasses | reserve instesd of <ecay in ~our mountain regions and thus add: to the. stimulating effect of the and is opposed to the growth and multi ee: ay the comms of the atmosphere is * almost Gani, Colorado atmosphere pos- ot | senses this pence - amertked degree. Dryness docs ¢ the comma bail | lus, Our caieote i is ap because great mount in ranges attract the cleuds where anow; or : the sail ore A patient sent from the damp climste of Maine, say, cannot but be benefitted by the dry sir bath into ial climate invites him being equal ao Sagres ive beat on | frmative The su o the improvement of the con- | ng on Tuesday ni, ant the subject | Reeotecs, 'that followi: fashi peodyoes greater evil than intemper- lecision given in favor of the af- saibsoct open cussion on Taesday Jan. 3rdsis 'Resclv- ed, 'that woman has. ee influence over Inan than money. A variety en- j tertainment will 'compete the program. ATTWOOD The following are the names of the pupils of S. S. No. 4, Elma, (rural) who the were present every day during th of December :--Richard Gra- Graham, Eliza Hunter, E. ham, Frank G H ber. Annie McIntyre, Laura hae Lizzie M Dunn. Laura Turnbuil and Allice Hun- ter deserve special praise for being pres- ent at school every day during fall term of 1887. On Friday evening of last week, an ing ad Te and respected friend, Mr, Ww. : Know. i 1 oe 8 re PSP fae hours' ride on the care will take a ad which are held, person to cool otain resorta, Say pom seas icles ines eee ing stream« "a blime scenrry. Ever since com- To those enable to ee ste laxury | ing among w' been 2 of hotels and are alle to work, light em- isp one on you ters Seaside ploymen «is available. Tate uainted with you, and you will always should not be lost sight of, in| ee a : Gikiiek 'ihe dierese ve a place in our esteem, even sani would far better off | after you have left us. You haye also on aranch with some light work d some pretty hard trials to pass bangingaround third-class botele and | through, but in all these you bave a st Praleenaf esr Ad yourself every inch a man, and : : one who is both generous and forgiving entirel ¢ is aa aoe a to those who are-opposed te" you. they are compelled to, You have also taken a great. in- sbould-be most caretully instructed by | est in everything that pertains to ir pbysigian m the before mak-'the happiness and welfare of ing euch 2 change surroundings. | those who have been your near- -| That are #0 instructed} doubt, for! ec: and dearest friends, they Fond im | boyy in every wa jast such 100ms as above mentioned. 'and aod ing the Colorado clim- | UP 3° ate to come into their rooms and heal | tertainmcnts thes. i Taking mto As stated belore, toknow whom to} have send bere and when tosend them the erection of the flax mill stock is nearly all taken mill 1s 2 fore- 4 , James va of the 8th con, Moles worth a few er, Mr. R Tecitations i the tatter's horse sined and threw them were y given out, breaking Mr. Gray's arm near by the After the examination | the elbow and int badly about was given by Rev.) the head. Mr. Scott drove: him Attwood where Dr. Hamilton aistedea to his injuries. 'Mr. Harding, formerly of St. Mary's, engaged " the on 4. Livi croup aparkn! Miss Nellie ------ of Seacmigy te li t for dis- | at al Sian Lows Soornixa Srevup,"and take no 15c. and,1oc. dmission in aid athe libiary fund. All iy relin bie, ngstone.jr., Listow t band. ble manner. it's some Hair Magic. 1 For wale Re pate Sragerett wae, large. hu A Fata Arrack.---A fatal ee = is a frequent occurre . children. Every bousehold sho ahd. re by keeping Hagyard's Pectoral lt breaks up colds, croup, nsths and-bronchitis in a re poe am Lawyer (in 'coarta--<titite bay do you know the wee of an | boy --Yes, »: p uses to put - atovepipes with, diate Uxuhtiten --The old or the young may J times and all seasons of the year Blood Bittere with bene requiring a tlood eet tonic, @ areguintor of the 5' ele, liver or kidveys. BInRTSs. 4 TERRY. --is Molesworth, on the Sh ult. BATHERLY-- fe ef Edward Terry, fines bard Seaman, of a uEID--te Mornington, on the met "ult." the Wife of Nicholas Heid, of a non. LUCA8--In Ts: ont tha tik alt.. the wife of Wm. Lucas, TORMEN --in 'zine. on the 2nd inst., the ofa son. wife of Jobn sHaheny oteieee atherly, ofa daughter. *, uu thel ANNUAL ME ETING | of the Shareholdeds of the john L. Turnbull, of a daughter. el ? Little mb The treatment Tt oe : For " debilitated bot bottles for 85.00. strated of many thoussnds of cases weaknesses and distressing Ce ng tn micly adap comeaies : i Eg f Ba ol "Favorite Pre- SANTA- CLAUS es HEADQUARTERS, CHRISTMAS GIFTS SUITABLE for ALL AGES. LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN-OF TOYS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLRY, SILV ERWARE. SPEC FANCY "SboDs, XM RDS, cee OURS, Sg LINS, .* ACCURD EWN FLUT. vinoura ORGANS, MUSICAL ALBUMS, PiGeALOS. EVERYTHING SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES. SIGN OF THE BIG HORSESHOE, W. WALLACE STREET. < JOHN GaBBEL. FIFTY YEARS. AT THE FRONT. For nearly Syears the recognised authority the world over om all agricultural matt sear abreast of the times, and always npendlug lavishly for the beat talent and po ad "AMERICAN ACRICULTURIST" begins ith pew contributors, new artists an Lype, and the editorial at bas mai sea Lis Poriodient apower in both Remiepteres And with Trek inode brains, thereby ae the experience am area stom of oars with sey. and the Interest in itare ay brought about through fs teachings. and continues after Sena ture) pa eh anit ES ans ON_ CALVARY, The First and only Ropredaction inthis Ovuxt-- BEFORE PILATE. ravings. The latter is po exquisite Photocie log, far superior to A anything tn the nvarket. riston Calvary vary, see mpanten pict ae is executed for us by the ezzograveu io other for of tone, vigor of action and general superiority of oxe- pnp The: are on beav) pia le paper. 22 inches In size, forwarded, t-paid, in tabes prepared 1 tes purpore. Price, $140 cach, both terwerded in tuber, post-patd, lo one addreas, for $1.% American peice (Ena, or German with eer emoice +f Pree - - 61.66. American pause wring and the twe pictures, - - 82.60 SoBe al for spesiieet number, English or German, fall peers ton of the ET pace rrures, and-Portrait-of Mean pkacey. the painter of these gre orke, 2 1. Tracting: world- aide atten Address : PUBLISHERS "AMERICAN "AGRIGULTURIST, DAVID W. JUOD, Preaident. 751 Brendway.N. ¥ THE GLOBE athe Mi Discovery, email laxative enid.-- of Dr, Pierct's Pu: ve Pellets (Litde curts Liver, Kis and der -------- ae core ned use also removes abolishes cancerous and Te aveld Baideces or Gray Mair sero jous hu from the system. Favorite Prescription" i« the only Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Halr ine for wi sold by druggiets, andor Magic. It keeps the scalp clenn and free | @ Positive guarant from the mano. on draft, and Preme es the ros rh that it wili give sutistaction i every the hair. It prevents prematore grayness | Case, OF itt funded. This gusran- and stops all tailing out of the iar. On | tee the bottie-snapper, . where the te ba ot perish- | and fail out for inany yrars. edn et Invieorate them aoa "for a per tem (1 doses) £1,00, or six batr Ask for Treetise on Disereca of pages, Doo od ras J, @end ten World's Dispensary Medica! Association, 663 Main S%, BUFFALO, N. ¥. address from office of publ STAND and Weeb e ' ene raving, ' At Nicholas * Grip.. +. THE Molesworth Joint Stoc will be held in the Mo Houre, on RO! the @h Mr. on ft] es BER' S1RICK the Rev MARRIAGES." MO) ann DUNCAN eR by the ny Daneat 0 hing LANG--On Dec. dence Or bee Lang, drew 'Henderson. x. B. Henderson, to Jessie TS--CHAPMAN, -- In Us inn. by the Kev. Geo. Richardson, to Miss E, Chapman, oat the mianse the 2nd inet, ina 'Satencs at the residence of {rele parent, esa aswel, on 1 odin yg ll S etokcer, to at the hour mM » January ard, isas. THE STANDARD rt pavable wirictty in ate wher, cen. News. Toronto, with the Jvdrpend: . 1 he Century Nagezive _ | SATURDAY, JAN. at r ior U B DIS a ------.-_--- ANY of the follow! wet tre oh ext Lwin | the STANDAED Bf the andernent doctions trom the regalar® ie atic nt ly Empire. Torobts $! iS ater, tiumit! re] Le ae The BP k Cheese and Butter Company, (Limited) lesworth School 14, 1888, be sharebviders on COGHLIN; Becy. 4b. of this Factory wit! OEBATHS., MONTEITH.--In the Gore of Dowaie, at resid Friday morning, 30, 1587, James fonte! wy Coughs Cel@s.--If everything at ne ue gl o'clor Kp ~W.CA The Best Agricalteral Yr _ ovens, COLDS, Croup and Consumption CURED BY - LUNG BALSA 'Pic. Boe. ax. "G20 por bette" . *Panturin Lion : ~ ib" Stock ; moan Dairy Pode Fariwers' rr aleisanank? Sheaves eaner ; Oomn e Magazin From $1 PER AXSUM. -Sam: CONTENTS oF DECEMUP, BB IS8U1 Wm, WELD, Baner amd Carthage -| Cheese & Butter ' Manufg Co, THE ANNUAL ME ETING beheld on Saturday. Jan. Toh ISSo; hess -in <MPr ELL Ire operin Canuda. THE FARMER'S in Me! AND HOME MAGAZIN'** Onur Menthly Prire Commercini Brion : =u ; slitucnts of set: D toom See te Cenaeli ares Meat _ to ourk mental direonds > & not needed; we Methods of Plantiv: Soret; Feiming ¢ v igt Ea Prof avd a iusinens; The hn GO1t as well Candition ; Prize Exsuy-Wint awh te us st ones for full Cattle: Mi ix Sis niards; Stock Baleiva art 'zeall treo. Address Grats (i-ex +4 1H Lolution to Soll, Fertiity Maine.--fy. a Eau wien 7 Keiotive Profits tn Irabry- Ne eaten ing aut wets Ncuacawe Feed for ~3 Mee - fee as . Berd Se aoe sonia Sor Fat Stores She: bien, a a the Sees rai -- 'Forain foam- vels at ons Cis sition (itaetration': 'rhe Life Gone while Living at bome x ap Arvie R- om merican eee send their address to Hallett @ Oo. Port- dmimisierss ire Medicines: 'Chronic indiges: land, Maine. and receive free, full informa- | Se atisin ta atuanee Ot Sreigp clit. cioowr get posiiercy _Feedl Saiting® erclal; Nore gore © Department (si London, Ont, pie sepen rots & » NEW BA BAKERY 'ing to the citizens erly occupied as Fost Office, two doors east of the Grand ey PO Pay pang any nae enn do = Shty opaires-, Copies! ba and retara to gs and we wii! mai) e, wbiag = Sinrt you in business, which wilt bri py A. SOLE. yn ge eter g dress Tar & Co., Augusta, Maine.--(y. (LATE OF ae ela By plessyre in anno jof Listowe] and rhelnity. tbat be has opered 1. | BAKERY BUSINESS ki us Fal rabid pela put vats ? ja Litowsl. in store form. USS PERH Gentral "P. Sig BREAD AWD BS ' snd Get Instant Relief Setivesee ss are phy |] BEwaRE OF tmrraTiORs. CUNFECTIONERY of , 25 Cts. kept on Hand, z Choice Cakes and Pastry supplied at all times. WEDDING CAKES : @ epecialty. Having had twelve years ex. f hme im the Raking eusteeeh ae Seat bretde of fmiy fcr Kept suas tj Pra BS fon sA12 Oi 10 KENT. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA DAILY GLOBE, Morning Edition, + $8.00 per annum { ~ lla 12 e'clock " - 8.00 per a ' | . " 3 " Wh 3.00 se nt GATURDAY DAILY @LOBE, - - wes ss 7 | | ee 'The GMerent editions of The Giobe can be procured from all News Dealers A thronghout Canada. ' | between Toronto London, been runsing slace ord March Lagger part ioe oot m0 Tam na rips tL ep 'The'Globe = delivery Ontario houce in adwance of all THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. - TORONTO _ UNTER wishes to dafares the Ladies of us istowel and felnity that although Four lote--Nos. 8, 10, ar Tuna 12 on the west cpp or ye tee Hireet west, near the resl- sattoetHhicctececk™ Pa: etieninrap | NOt Giving Up Business Ry some. John Campbell, Listowel, or to <sheis> rs J. ARMSTRONG, snuivanx.| Selling Berlin Wools at 10c, TEERESTNAY. FANCY GOODS E | | Came inte Gu ccnceesiog ot Wallecs aeoat atthe same rates... Guess peel: sequent (ofall and prove pelealal Sige ae an, | Hats = Bonnets yu, J. Wa Shipley P.O ae Cheap asthe Cheapest, FELT HATS Cees ESTRAY. Came intothe premises of the andersign- Altered in the Latest Style. ed. ist con. Eima vel road. m out the : of ¢ juth Novy.. two spring calves, one white and! OSTRICH FEATHERS dyed, Cleanec and tone cresish col se # ner a e xpauesies Carled. : topreve property apenees an thers away. Stamping a specialty. AQHN TWAMLEY. Best Family Newspaper IN CANADA, ! | ARM T TORENS 100 beine ¢ t v0.8 in thelith con. of i a ' » Morn! phe in "Ain ut ners aader set ESTABLISHED 3 YEARS. , Dicard he h an erst woe "i a; ont yarn an KING OF WSSRIAES oy fora term ol years, ESATO ER EE P R ESS Sn yto Ss0OUN jade EN oi reeborn Pr. LONDON, ONT. :, The Hansomest Printed Pak Canada - The Agricultural department is a noted featore of the "Free I'ress." being siweya up to the times, and. condocied ts perso: practically «killed in farm Work. PA Flite ty ted aie us enn. of Elma, 100 acres; ad in goed st ate of uit: JLLUSTRATIONS, PRACTICAL AND USEFUL GIVEN EACH WEEK. Seeger ane will be 4 L i TRE Sata ease ar Eacanat uy seaey sree ee running, a orwae Tegele Cotuma, Bum- ma conteining lt cleared and fenced +H JUST THE ner orem, HB ot which are: a aa FOR THE FAMILY! Every member of the household Om parece feat Bombs. a pod . te Ronee Mud: low mn. Good pre : Jooks for tteach work. Latentig er Mpa, mei owas eo SBiatacee miles Jah be proper! wOl be sold ata DLARPGE S1 PAPER! pean For terms and er particulars In Clabes of four and upwards, 75c,each, r ee JOHN MEDD. Balance of 1887 Free. : : |$12,000 IN PREMIUMS -HEADQUA RTERS 2oh EN AWAY FREETO --. ay Hberat tee ece mes offered tn near e. wy erything cient: Syainable and --FOR-- _ form rnament : | FURNI TURE. 1 The mos: ea lae SREEE TE ER IGEMGee money can be made working for es "Free Piieen' than at apy other employ m j Adtdress- FREF, Pi PREG, Sts ae 4s DOK ONTARIO. If you want to buy furniture cheap call at | Diptheria Challenged ! a HW. BUCKS - Per FURNITURE STORE, ¢ Post Office, wher © stock of Fur s 'Undersold: DIERLAMM'S Diptheria and safe IS_A SURE AND RELIABLE CURE, Main Street, Will be found a mes x niture ofall We wont be No child medio sum suffer, far less todie from t Pe ueed Picture Framing Rer. H. Merlamm, Gomamettye, Oat. We keep monidings of a)) patierns}n *t ock, To ux ia: and ere mrepases to do > ares. framing tm | i rote, Listes oo ilosewats Nicholas 4. YULE. je and st modersic 2 Go Feimerston' dy ppickcaptn Us A CALL. a > i saps * a + yak ~~ % mY a 3 Y : 4 Pe hae a ispesady hee teary es SENS en ay ua ad