Listowel Standard, 13 Jan 1888, p. 4

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Or ee . Oth * Hodgson leads him to the conclusion « was not until its headquarters sete ee oe A GREAT FEMALE IMPOSTER. Origin and Parpove of of a Theos- THE ASTONISHING _c CAREER OF MME, VATS. (New York Sun) What is known as the theesephical | ee religion was invented in 1875 by Mme. | Blavatsky, a Russian woman, who was apparently in the secret service of Rus- ¢ Theosophical Society was founded cee in that year by her an her dupe and tool, Col, Sean hin it o moved to India that it snenctad: other | than humorous attention. In speedily succeeded in making a deal of a stir, for it seems to have et tained in some way money enough to start a.very active propaganda, especial- ly by means of numerous publications, ntil now theosophy has beto: fashionable fad in Bostcn itself. maism, Bu ddhism ,Spiritualism, and ne- eromancy,, but it al rests on the claim of i klowledge and illumination. Accordingly, i in 1884, inv estigation of such matters, appointed a commission to find out exactly what foundation there was for these claims. The conclusion of the Society, after a |) very snug prvestaetina, were that the theoso ical eh pong to "occult- m" 5 iho pi and humbug. Both Col. Olcott and Mme. Blava- tsky happened to bein England at the time, accompanied by Mohini Chatterjt their Brahmin disciple, who has since astonished Boston wirh his wisdo n,and Has been heard at our Nineteenth Cen- | The Commission obtained also sént one of its members to India to carry en the investigation there at the headquarters of the Theosophi- cal Society. It seems that the society claims to be under the special protection of a mysterious brotherhood in Thibet spok en of as Adepts and as Mahatmas, cap- able of performing wonders beyond the reach of ordinary men, and who work miracles for its benefit, The Mahatmas more particularly interested in the so- cicty are described under the names Koot Hommi and Morga, and they are said by Mme, Blavatsky, and supposed by her followers, to appear in pe | your wife will do the same ; as undoubtedly the mostprobable as Femme Se eect the greatest and most successful. of im- ers of all times, and she has well earned her pay a8 a Russian spy and, secret agent. Even ics Lerreseped her | able career at an should have been able to achieye suc- cess so great and widespread in this age of skepticism is astonishing. Borne Down a bys Mortgage The Lewiston Jaarwet makes the fol- lowing statement of some of the miser- able debt and pay it off men, after a long struggle, will sink un- der it and sell out or suffer foreclosure. 4 Maine farmer asked of the visitors in a Bees store about making a loan of 300. seems that the man had worked hard all his days, had bought and paid for a $1,200 farm, had taken | a wife, ----_ a house, and now, en- vious o} of his | wanted to build a $300 barn. Todo Its superiorexcellence proves in millions of homes for more than a rier ofa center? Used by aT United States TaOveCTien the beads of Great Universities as, and m 'ealthful. Baking Powder tnat does not contain Aminonis, Lime or Alum. Sold only In Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER Co. KEW YORK. 2% CHICAGO, eT. LOUIS. u love your wife?" "Yes sir." "Well," said the merchant, "this is what _ shouid do. me and | earn the $300 first, then build the barn. { you borrow now, you will think each night as you lie om your t you are in debt. You will fret and worry ; sickness | and accidents may come, or a crop be your portion ; there will be aj for its Use, EAS! TO USE™ Tie ESI LARGEST STOCK IN TUWN UF CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, BOUKS, F PICCALOS. TOYS, JEW FANCY GoopDs, patch MOUT. onaans, OOUsICAL. 'ALBUMS, ARE, Peonve EVERYTHING SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES. OL SIGN OF THE BIG HORSESHOE, WALLACE STREET. JTOHnIW GABEL- +0.8.GEE's POPULAR ONE PRICE STORE G. 8S. CLIMIE & SONS, all kinds of -- DAIRY: CHEKSE VA Ww. CUR: NKS i ar HEY Gane. DBI WEIGH &© LE®. MILK CANS, BUILERS ; CURD ERI ETC. Write for Prices. er + 'ompilete outts atlow Sgures. { STOVES AND TINWARE OF vane KINDS --at VERY LOW FIGURES. LAMP GOODS, Etc., very Cheap. A fine line of--- EAVE-TROUCHING, JCEBING, TUNPING "and GAS FITTINGS In all their Branches. G.S. "CLIMIE & SONS, Wallace Street. imatea given and work guaranteed. HESS BRos, WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS Linton THE LARGEST STOGK IN CANADA. ly the spot todo your dealing. Constantly on hand-- A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE- DRY GOODS in all the different departments, and selling at prices that command a ready sale. o A s08_10t_At ONLY ONE DOLLAR. > Groceries always -- and reliable. pecial lines in our 0e.Tea with Trizes "roduc always taken and highest price paid Jv. 8. $300 skeleton ir your house, and, ten to one you don't fret and grow peevis and havearow with your wife. Don't go into the mortgage business ! Don't | go into debt! Live within your income, | be industrious, and. when you do build | your barn and own it,you'll be as prowd | i of it as an Englishman is of his castle." For a moment the young farmer hesi- | tated. On each side were spectators, a all was silent. ally the head lowered, and a tear rolled down the cheek. The man took pride in his occupation, and wanted that hi | form" where their bodies are not, io Communicate intelligently with ee { they visit. also asserts that the | Chelas, or disciples of hee wonderful | your advice ahd go home at I came radually taught on art, | down, and she'll be glad to see me.' ; and | "There," said the Bangor man, "that that-one Indian theosophist, part fellow came to a good, wise conclusion. Damodar Mavalauker, has also become | | I have seen lots of misery on pon barn. Atlast he said: "Thank you, sir. To tell the truth, my wife was cry-| 24 pres thousands of cages. ing when I left home, because was" sion hag Ar echmae Mate 'Bpina , going to mortgage the place. I'll take : pata nah Map hed pani of. caused indiscretion of Bix! a other SOLD BY J, A. HACKING, _ having € conclusiveness, the -with the most extraordinary diligence, quite an adept in its practice. Besides | of this mortgage | business. He the apparitions, the alleged miracles | consist in transporting ponderable ob jects like letters even through solid mat ter, andin the "precipitation," as it is | called, of handwriting and drawings | and other marks on previously blank | paper, | It is not necessary for us to go over again the evidence which induced the committee to come to the unanimous concluSion that Mme. -- Blavatsky "has been engaged in a_ lon combination with other .persons to produce by ordinary means a api nfarvels for the he movement." her husband, was a confederate of the woman. But there is another and ai very interesting side to the inquiry. been disposed of = bel Te what has inggced Mme. kel to | live $o many -- days in sucha fantastic work of imposture." Mr, Hod son, the member of the committee who | went to India, therefore devoted him self to finding out the history of the! woman. He discovered that she is the daughter of Col. Hahn, of the Russian of Gen. Blavatsky, o was Governor | ot Envan in Armenia during the Crim ean war and for many years. Her story that she was for seven years in Thibet | be discredits for good reasons, but he traces her to Egypt, where, in 1872, | she made an unsuccessful effort to start | .. SL iritualistic society,and went through H experiences which her letters ta Mme. | Coulomb show that she (eared to have | known, . Atterwards she sp-nt eight | months in India, whence she came to | this country, and here, in 1875. g the Theosophical Society with the aid | vf Col. Olcott. it in Jn her letters to Mine. Coulomb she speaks of hiny as a fool t ke seems tu have had some sort of knowledge of z cizing his words: --""While we have no politcal designs, you will need no hint to understand that our sympathies are with those who are deprived of the right of governing their own lands for themselves. I reed say no more. Mune. Blavatsky also wrote to the same person and with the same suggestive- ness. Other manuscripts of hers indi- hatgiie was bitterly op to the Bri air domination in India, of which she k: 'curse to Jand it Susan iteelf a? In one o! them she sa' t "the approaching act of the -- drama," which "is to be 'the the decisive one," and that "to a idle now when every one has to be busily preparing, isthe highest of crimes, A treason to their country and their Czar." er evidence obtained by Mr. that there is not "much doubt that her real object has been the furtherance of Russian interests" in India and else- where. This object she has pursued and after the most remarkable methods through thirteen or fourteen years, and her invention of theosophy, of Koot Hoomi, the "astral forms," the oe ous letters, and all, has simply bee part ofthe scheme of this cweiestal woman for furthering the efids of Rus- sia. Col. Olcott appears from the evid- ence to have been rather a fool than a as merely her dupe, or, as she him to Mme. Coulomb the chief of her "domestic imbeciles" and ' muffs," and her psychologized baby." Damodar may also havé started out as a dupe, but he ended as her fellow con- spirator under the 2 o tic feeling," which Mr. Hodgson ob- Serves, "has much Annie to do with the underworkings of the theosophica] So- evidence as among the silest of the "tmuffs," but he also may share the feeling ef Damodar. every | liver or kidoeys. FRESH MEAT AT. ALL SEASONS, --atT-- gives one, often gives ea conan' j and contentment with it ® total area of the Dominion of Canada is estimated at 3,610,257 square apap vel only 145,745 square -- leas THE "RED GROSS," (WITH OVEN) CHAMPION OF ALL PARLOR STOVES. (ieare sciiing all kinds of Stoves, Pipea, F bows. Dam- fs, Lamps, Brushes, Brooms, Lantern«. Ce . Tin rik Pans. Dippers, rea Kettles, Tea Pots, Botlers. Diab - Pans, Pans, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tea Sire inds of oe peace Ware, New kind of Stove Boards. "Don't Forget the 30 Day Sale, SELLING FALL Gt GOODS S CHEAP. MAIN STREET BRIDGE, LISTOW BL ONTARIO M'KEEVER'S! MEAT STAL. WM whole continent of i Ontario te 60,685 square me, Gee 6 and Manitoba 2,086 larger than ¢ United Kingdon, while British Col. | uenbia ag three: tine an' 1861 Wer Sido Wallace Street Bridge. PRIME BEEF, WUTTOR in BAUBAGES,&e at lowest prises going. ces square miles than the whole of Euro: Russia, Gonmeny, and France together. rders Oiled and prompt delivery to any part of the town. Pa,' said w farmer's daughter, 'the -Remember theatand-- pee nea lh ple erg 2 = WALLACE STREET BRIDGE. | wood-pile and let the dog ps lee bim ol No sufferer from any ecrotulous dt ease, who will fairly try Ayer's Sareapa rilla, need despa re, Thia re SASH LISTOWEL aan ae & DOOR FACTORY: -- BAMFORD, SMITH & 00. butiders and Contractors . | fe and vigor siewegbons the physical organization, A Fata. rho 7 fatal attack ot | croup is a freque occurrence ong | children, Every gon ehold should be | guarded by keeping Hagyard's Pectoral | Baleamathand. lt breaks up colds, | croup, asthmaand bronchitis in a re- | | markable manner. Are you bilious and dyspeptio 7? Does your liver sluggish seem Is your slumber ofte real to contract for the erectic Bva ---- we dream Bil Classen of pulidings Hans and spelnen- (ions draws and estimates furnished or | sd ad leasent *Pellote plicat sania "er Dr. Pierce procure. koa they ll bring you back the un. - Birt 7 Sashes, Doors, * Of good bealth, you may be sure, | VICK TO MOTHERS--ATre yo u aysturbe Frames, Blinds, etc | fblents and broken of yourrest by a rick Nd saMerin and ory ying with nin 2 a af g Teeth? feo bottle of "Mrs, inalow'e Booth' yrap" farntehed « otlee asning tor Lag eee rl je xatee ts Finentout- onc er EY verythiug in tbe putida line wil | immediately Depe upon it, mother ay ee ESAS atiention.and there inoo mistake about it Ite dy sentery ang dlarrh regulates the stomach andthe els. ct Wind Colle, softe 5 the Gums, redo inflammation, and gives | FIRST-CLASS WORMMANShHIP GUAR br id ane oo ergy t0 enor s stem. ph 'inslow-s Soothing mp" for e¢ ren teething Is plesaort tothe taste and fe the ANTEED. prescription of One of the oldest d best female physicians and paretels a Colter Stal a « forsale by ruggists pare Do the world. trice twenty-five cts a he world. rice tweats-avects | CHARGES VERY MODERATE Lows 'SoormNe Sravr," and take no othe nid.-- Fetory-- Jnkermn Street, Listowel, Usumirep.--The old - apd pf prone may at all times and all seas: teke Burdock Blood Bittors with semen tonic, els, BAMFORD, SMITH & Co. @renr @ray Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Hair Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free is rm Dandras. and promotes the Erm of of e ang stops ail falling out of the hair. "OD baid bends. where have not perish- ne te will lovinorsie t them and force a new Ask for Hair Magic. It te Thee only reliable. For tale by all drogriste J. Livingstone ,jr., Listowel, Agent i WILL CURE OA REILEVE Hare Your Noncep It ?--The silgeer' feeling, with gnawing at the BILIOUSNESS, C2 7INESS, pit of the stomach, or choking from {| DYSPEPSIA, DRAFSY, undiges _ a to the weak ee. STION, FLUTTERING dyspeptic, This trouble is soon reme- INDICE. OF TE HEART died by Burdock Blood Butters, which is ERYSIPEL?S, ACIDITY OF , & positive cure fer the worst form of Dy-| SALT RHEL Y, THE STOMACH, spepsin. HEART BURG, ORYRE. bi ey b en nek the Peitand bryan : ' hy Srect-- 'ass RICULY SSSR RTE | sctcmyress com ea homes and families, The eas 'ore fon and sure torevery {ndastrious persop.many | © rs Prorre bave made and are now meking several ae HILDD N& ca, Ti Bupere' dollars amonth, It ts easy tor any © $5 and upwards 2 day, who is) = a iting Bie setias Bitner Faax, 3 young old; OVAL ~ ot 8 art you. Every-| PENNYR' WAFERS. th ot iat meitity required ; you ee toaaer 'It on we as any Tite prenesi ting & physician who te us ato ouee ra fall p I particulars. which we roail won & Co., Portland, Main C. A. ROCKOLA | t | REMOVAL PROPRIETOR. | | | \ BMBRACING EVERY DESCRIPTION 0F FURNITURE ----AND SELLING AT---- RADUCEHDRATES daring the next few months. fad ee} - Pre) i Ey i -- rete = LL tad = on OLNOUYOL j0oTSHM HOME AGAIN OO UTE NSI L S,|JAWES ARMSTRONG hf Sidetandagaio tn annocee ew store-woere em GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 'll, cheap dnd freee An extra line of T. i fresh bought, = FLOUR, CORNMEAL AND OATMEAI always kept in stock. Farmers bring your butler and eggsthi Ueemneis the pisces price In goods and cae. @ place, next to McDonald' JAS. ARMSTRONG _IMPGRTANT TO ALL Whe : tre Bald, or have Thin, or Gray Hair, or who are troubled w DANDRUFF: Dr. witeanicidhace snes 5 OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. ls most compiete --FULL LINES OF COFFINS AND SHROUDS-- siways on hand. Orders attended to with the utmost promptness WARSROOMS WALLACE SIEEET. ' J¥FIGE NEXT DOOK TO LIVINGSTON !'s DKUG BTORE. HESS BROS, FIFTY YEARS AT THE FRONT. "AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST" » ON CALVARY, The First aud only rr" aaa in this Count- brist S84 oifeent wockaot ertare velther old time chromes nor ordi: vary emerarin Ke. The fatter | ia an exquisite Vowvesnt bape pn far nope rtos te any {Hing in the tors Ce pieture is execoted for u Mezzrograveure p Ces ich farea passes an other for softnens 'ort ne, Vigore di an A eneral superiority of oxe- eution. They are on heavy pinte paper. 22x Inches in size, forwarded, 1 iT 3 tubes prepared tc ne pups Price, $1.00 each, both fcrw orded} iu tubes, post-punk one address, for $1.5). | &merican Agricalturint 1b DR. or German, with rats eaten ae peace ees: . 81.60. jf Awrertens o pictures, 82.00 For nearly sears the recognized authority the world over on all agricultural matters, always abreast of the times, and alwsya apending Javishly for the Lest talent and experl- ce, the LISTOWEL PUMP WORKS !/* HAIR MAGIC" Will be found tavelnatie bey the hair and ecal It cleanses the se fat! Dandrof, invigorates the gre rowth or 1 en ¥ res gray hi cellent dressing, b. SLAY. r ale 3a th 8 we condition get a bottle at er For sale everywhere. Ask A. BORENWEND, TURUN £0, tor it, Sole Manfr CANADA of} Yatra: ods it nndee J. Livingstone, Je sole mee t for Listowel and vicinity USE ALL JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FoR Liver Complaint Dvspersia THE YEAR ROUND begine 1888 with new contributors, new artists aud new type, and the editorial staf, which Aud ferF 'y bas made this Periodical a power tn both hemienuere 8. Te- INlorce ~i wit trenh aie od and braing, thereby combining the experien ane eis of yea ith the or an it nuse for Ww years,and na& freshn Eee ae he Amv-rican 42 turd keeps ce with the growin, Pot stin re ly to we rib . t Pp anit on in the mar- agriculture largely brougiit about through Itet aching tnoes tod nm bea et for SICK ny beat prepara AIN IN THE bing A ing tra other eyriculicr ivanen. to furnish the curtent agricultural itterature | SIDE OL BACK, LIVER COMPLAINT, PIM- wh ihe Fngtl nd G: pan languages ate ® spoken ary ae pis ver ee a piste * ee ite PLES ON THE FAC DPYSPEDSLA, PILES original {Hustratio as and original articles WO different wri SLA ao od all discasecs that ars e fr cont Et bi! rrdered single numbers, Ib Liver or impure bloc T ur ho ofo ple e take hand Netw it ie ovtheirehiid- preseribe it dal oY panes table Guileate constitu me it ~ medicines tn ase fe F Te mgulailey mein. Tt issold by all reaponsible See eine at ° dollarfor a quart bottle orsizx bottesfor fire oars. Sold tr Listowel be Ir Michener" [| have removed my pump binant from the old stand, corne: of Wailave and Inkerman streets, to PART OF MR. §. QUIRES WAGON SHOP, where I will be better prepared to supply the public with FIRST CLASS PUMPS, and aso execute all kinds of work as heretofore in SAW-GUMMING, FILING, ETC. ROCK Go. OLA. of bz few [ron (Cylinder Pomps et on hand, which Il can recommend asa first-clas 40. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS |} OUR STORE 18 FILLED UP WITH 'CHOIGE NEW GOOD FOR FALL AND WINTER, and we are giving SPECIAL BARGAINS tp every Department. Our STOCK -.IS - VERY - LARGE AIND MUST BE SOLD. Our DRESS GOODS in all the leading Shades, and | = Melton Dress Goods at 10c., 12ic, and 16c., are extra value. Our Stock of GREY FLANNELS at 26c. is the best in the market. In OVERCOATS, BLANKETS, and UNDER- CLOTHING the stock is large, and the best in ithe market. See our Large Stock of FUR GOODS, Ladies' Jackets, Caps, Fur fetts, Robes, &c. We have a very large and w well assorted Stock of me, BOOTS & SHOES, Gverstoes Boote; Rubbers, and oe Our -- Department i is always complete, As we buy for cash we a on to-sell you. at bottom ston, No trouble' to pation trol 7 Soe iaken SPEARS srw AE BON, WaLLacE STRBET. . A "ieee Casz, -- Frederick Wieze, of Minden, Ont., suffered with sores on th legs which the completely. Scrofuls always due to is curable when timely trea- ted with B, B. B, Wenders exist tn thousands . TATLORING FALL et up ip LATENT RTYLER . ie Pres moderate tod ete rr RH MOH D! WM STEPHAN ming HAEABT- Lista to Martin' Block, Mein Street, ofiice. AnD. WINTER - SUITS) NT j DINNER SETS, d postal for specimen number, Engitsl-or German. fall deecri sion ofthe = pleturet and Portrait ot Mankacey. the painter of these great wor now al- orid-wide at CANY ANTE EVERY Address : PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, DAVID W. JUDD, President. v 751 Broadway. MY 'ear Purenasers should look to the Label on the Bares and Pots. " Ts the-nageyes 1s not 633, Oxtord Street, London, they are eperions -bmM PCcHRIVU Mia; We STOVES ! HARD WwW aA RR fs STOVES ! $5000.00 STOCK, Bought before the late advance, which we are Selling at Whole- sale Cos "0: TWO CARS OF COAL OIL Y UST RECEIVED. BRICKER & Co. MERRY CHRISTMAS. To ALL O, but you should go into W.R.CLAYTON'S To see the GRAND DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, IN GROCERIES TEAS--GREEN and JAPA IGA | Ghabaoe ee REFINED and ALL KINDS OF SYRUPS ena LASSER, EW FRUITS OF ALL KIKDe. ALL KINDS OF FRESH eo BACON fees HONEY. A COMPLETE STOCK nthe GOOD FRESH GHOCE Ri Es ae complete stock in tow ee can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper cap Shelia Bureau, 10 Spruce St, New York. Send 10cts for 100-Page Pafnphiet. NOHMAN'S EAEGTRIG BELT NSTITCTION, ESTABLISHED 1874 No. 4, Qucen Street East, Toronto. --_-- oO - Ne "rvoux debility. Rheumatiam,Lame Back Neuralgia. Parnlsois.and all Liver and Cheat Complaints a Sumediately and Timanent! cured by using the BELTS, BANDS and IN- SOLES, CIRCULARS AND CoNstULrTations Free. Testimonials that speak Jor (bemacives eae September 3:d, 1888. A. Nomuax. Boa -- pest St ir.--I have ex- a considerable pened from your ppl ance, I feel stronger ir every Yours BR. E. HALIBURTOR 1983 A: Nonmax, Eso-- mater? to wane youy Electric Applignecs, opened rm eurei my |, relelved my headach and iy relleved my catarrh in con The siecharere Trom my head ana now are eany, and I fec} altogether better. My @ ton has improved, my stomach fs fess sour indy, less troubled with Tasclv io us bud. viv a dre pre- viously tried Sinus all the advertised ent medicines wi uinoet deriving any are % aly, " GREEN FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Porgatire, Tt 5 anfe, sure, and efietucl destroyer of worms in Children or Adulte A Rare Chance: MANITOBA LANDS, Tits strict, near BKrandon, isin su excel lent loc farmin every HE undersigned hls « 18 acre im; farm for sale situated in the Oni River eeant oba_ IN CHIN A TEA SATS TEA SETS, C LYSTAL WATER SETS BOHEMIAN WATER SETS, Pg Come ail, and examine Gabds ana Friese for poaait . R. CLAYTON ron: is fare | farther Dood will bes part. 5 on t thus aiv 5 pete RR purchase, Fo tco, Banker Letow eb ADVERTISERS

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