CHRISTMAS GOODS HACKING- Has the Largest Cheapest, and Finest Stock of x-MAS GOODS. ~ _--_--_--_-- Call and see, no fronble to show goods. . \ \ ds, he ae LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1888. GLENGARRY ELE ELECTION CASE. The trial of against Mr. Purcell, the the pothion ey has served not only to ¢ guilty. trial at Cornwall of the Glengorry elec- tion Loodon o which Joho Walker, the Liberal, repre: B ed 'Cameron of bribe A: he ubted if in any of ae i f the empt vast Parcell sat bia friends wid agents i iiilaneaery. apd doliare was by Mr. betwee el eo ve. b xhich the pletboric puree of the milliensire candidate was tap -- to wbom money was freely lent, upen «0 om i prevee, ae qu t Was 4 the sci- riby of woidea "sad wo. a ibe doa St. spberry vinegar of Lincoln, i Well- partial hand over the riding. Perbaps the defective Bem of Mr. Puree! may eed under the circomstan- epd when militounire candidate | finds the 'loaning twe of three "business eo bri-k that! t ate re dartt ra agente 10; hi _ peate to have studied at the feet of such | Liteial lig tea» M oC Cameron and H. it H. Cook, to have eatterned Ps ms VWiuital | Toethodas yfter $i and to have at in the ateence of fication fe lhe pos the power of money had to be brougtt into play. He bes paid dearly for thie 15) brief misrepresentation of : expenses of his election | weet od the ality ronal deyteti- fication, Vv. steeat 'Gaeette MORE BAD GRIZS. Ontario Government Officials Dis- burse the Boodle in East Simcoe --Hoeuw HB. Cook Secured a Seat in Parliament. Unita, Cot, Jan, . 17.--The East Sim- cde co matioveried election which H. H. Cook is respondent, re to-day oy fourteen o'clock belore Jus- tice Rose, McLaren objected to | the trialon the six months |i witation, end pave notice of appeal, when the ob. | Jos Uw-o claimed the protecti the Court, and teetded toharing receis -t eo $5 trom James Patton, Clerk of 9 Woike, wt the A for |diote, in t for Conrbieration Cook. Cleilacd, bartender at the Kusseil noees tod him there war boodie going, and b Might ae we li haye some of i, inesting bim to Patton Christop-ber Clelland, bad sus) ected os anceey.s and told Ow the bartender, paying out Son was te the employ f the ¢ weted =, ad no vote, and ' No otber wageront evidence was eheited, spd tn court asj ~urned uid row morning Ed MB, COOK'S ELECTION voIbED. The result of the East Simooe + l-o* tien trial ws that M. H, H. Cook bag been unsesied tor bribery by agents. a A Shocking Suicide. A eT FARMER, OF oral FLAMB@EO', MPs OVER A PRECHPICE. ~Hemilton, Jan. 1} --Jas. MeKay. a wealthy farmer, of Weet Fiamboro' com: } iP otes "ie aru to | cursions took place on these topics, I FOUND DEAD IN THE SNOW. Ever Held by the SOORES OF LIVES LOST IN THE Interesting Papers and Discus. | BLIZZARD. | Following ia a. ot the addresses }) which. ers carat = , were Ta Poe ee oe Mr Mga Bed se. P. ene Jen. 14,.-The storm paper . Dd. . Pact, o., Jen. 14.--- Dak padcat exact a antes ace efforts ave oe aes i 5 on to-day = business. He showed by statistics the | ibe main lined. enormous it of the dairy gisters 20 degrees below zero. Ail the business in Ontario, con' it in i INSTRUCTIONS IN DAIRYING. The next address was by Prof. Hobert- son, of a who dealt. with the sub- ject of the education o' Dairy education, be held, sbould be both theoretical a ship, of dairy li - attendance at por ee, ay the organization of iat any elon cles; prac! demonstrations during summer of ed me "a pacing 7 FAS) systematic oe by can be ~ cember at each factory, attended ny instructors Or some other st rs. He the E bed css to raise the neosssary tends for such purposes, 5 by requiring $10 fr: vm each factory asking belp. In i rrespoadence -- also the funds might be alanctstered by the aasociation. 'Toe jects, ba was convinced, would ,} repay the dsirymen for the expense and trouble -- on di in which Mr. rteon's suggestions wore generally ap roved Mr. J. B. Lane moved , seconded by Mr. we Seicherencen endorsing Mr. 8 outline scheme for the sdceatee of dairymen, instructing the directors to take ste the aid in carrying o tion was oaulanonale adopted. AFTERNOON SEesi0N. At the afternoon session son read a paper on ensess ~ which were ® produc ol a First- s article hee one mich would hold | 'the market -- all co: AIRY COW, "all - D oars pe an -- | aia sad "sonatiintion r; the model ae ouxy | He expressed himself iti to the gene | Purpose cow, wea -- - the wilk- | producing cow Ee] prenens of beredsty and "caret apecial eeding or bound. _Qiestioned in simnied oF Ter reer to m: ik foyer. capurier oki Ml and thorough apprentioe- teratare © Chicago got their through today except the albert Lea and Nortb-' considered a stap!: and Minnesots He urged this as a strong reason why which and nail ed. The St. Paul farmers ld devote their best | and Dulath is open, but roads hs - energies to all the de ing | West still having trouble, the Om- and diarying, not merely an incidental | aba and Sioux City line and the Mapi- or sopplemen to other ner oe ae toba being still blockaded ture, but as . incipal yi properly 'conducted, a certain TH Loss OF 11 making money. He strongly advocated | by the great blisrard of Thureday is the better care aad feeding of cow oe to havebeen very greut, ried nts. Boon bas cs "foliewing Iroquois, Dak., Mrs. Deviee, Adem Ger. per and J. W. Goaleo cum FROM THE DAKOTA FaRavisx. Emil Gilberteon, formerly of Chicago, ae found frozen to death twoand « on Thureday and ca It in feared = verabed. Sev- ré bad narrow escapes. A LADY'® FATAL EXPO*URE, A Clairmont, Dal ie despatch says : Reporta bave bee eral tL in the 'bliceard but wi 't particulars except in the case ine 7 er, who out d all night and can bardly recover. RAILWAY PASSEXGRES SHAKEN UP. 5 . 4 t Nothern Pacific train from yes Forke left bere for Pembina lest ni, th les gg f track by « huge drift. The passengers were abaken up but none were burt.> SEVEN Pauures -- Watertown, Dak., banpatinls nays: nm Thursday pr rl jast before the ard atrock, a part seven farmers | ies of four of them have been found aod searching paftiies are -- for the jae lant night frezeo solid, the teain of borsee with bin. was so bloated ae to unrecogn'z Another 'ueary snom-storm is now ip Progress. IN THE aTORM FOK TWENTY-TWO HORA. Desmuer, Dak., Jan. 14--0 E. Star- rt th | mea, teaching school ix lea north of De Sm-t, with hist ire was caught io the bliazard and was outin it for twenty two boy bed his he | feet frozen solid ta the ankles both will Inse ret. The girl wes so Chitled that she was anicoscioas for tive bours alter being foun A @TARCING FEEIVAT Cana | TeTer but, as | FOUR ENGIXEs To Each Tear, - besdem ak, Se. 1. 14,.--No loss of ifein this vicinity been reparted bie drifta th are berd that horses can walk | over _ Uo the Missouri division 'EX UP AS A BAD Jom. Caxtox, Dak, i eget altemet ' he snow in the great aati will bave to be shovelied out, MOKE RZTURXS, Sr. sees Jan. 15.--Ches. Stalisen berg, of Altamont, started to procure a code for bis dead son and has not sinoe ay re from. Two children of Joseph Hutchinson, living west of Garry, Dak., persbed going bome school. At Minot, Dak., his 15-5 i t lost in the blizzard on Thuradey while eoing from his father's (7 ae to the barn, and was found dead by new yeaterday. ric ata Willie and Hagry Driver were trozan to th. Akrain, Mino., Mrs. Rants son, of Rushmore, was found FROZEN. 72. DEATH wiTmis 46 FEET OF. BER H Her husband was absent and she started to lonk for bim. A speci. \- ton, Dak., says: The following deaths ave been reported, but it is thou: there will be wo men ar, In.,' two echool children at In In. two men between Marion Junction water, one man near White Lake, t wa boys and ninety. five bead of cattle near Larchwood, In. k, vas alive waen ear after being in the snow for b died. REGUMPTION OF RAILWAY TRAFYIc. and Northern Pacific ir regular trains on i auito- open b yond the Missouri Titer, Minnesota and North-weatern = train from Chicago ar srived here to-day efter being four daya on the Hercwoock, Dek, Jan. i5 tow is Mer- emau, aged 00, and hi of 5 & OR, hy ing 14 ain north east bere, jhed Taursday's storm, Livcotx, Nob., Jan. y was the coldest dey of the . The 1 ter went to 18° below, Mra. P. Smith was es to death whiie re- sli -- neighbor's house, nd Joh Sak, ply fea crab f the lemaitare was found fros-n atif and dead =ithin tole from E:nil G ¥ CUNNING ENGLi«NM. a Guswe Forg+, Da ishman who i, Jan. 'ke old LEBANON pee ne oes ue Society in Leban- on had a len, rnagel delivered a very eloquent nies on Astronomy, which was ap- ecial Clarence Long gave an e- laborate address on Improvemerts of the Nineteenth Century. Mr. Long,al- though 2 young man, is a fluent speak er, and his address was~ highly ore. ciated. Mr. Johnson as thea arabes and comic singer cannes os ed. ¢ society is wielding a good influence in the vicinity. MOOREFIELD J has become McKim's special it. He has been away = days taking stock some poor uw county could not farnish McKim a better man for Mr. James Thompson has sold his wagonshup and business to Mr. Dan. Scott. and has gone to Mt. Forest. He was corteoas and prompt and we wish him and his wife a in their new home. A. Bonny forgot to wear his surplice 'last Sunday and yet he pres: sf = a grand Gospel Sermson.-- Sem MOLESWORTH The Molesworth Cheese and Butter | rear held their annual meeting on he 14th inst., which was well attended rilica! 1 ie nod, calved "during ame of early grass were specia Tue cow shou t chills caused by suduen cold spel! ld r three or four y should not at first be fully aulked. DaAtkY LITERATURE. be banyuet sor tation by ache cttisens of Listowel. at the Grand Central Hotel on Thursday night, affat lent supper p b . Boils, With Mr.D D. Campbell tn the chalr. ap r. W. Seott In the vice-cha nd eu nded passed of most ly, who loteresied themecives in en os oy ing Of the Conve ntion in Listowel. ' CLosING smasiox. Althe closing session of the Convention morning addreesce were nee the to Enstlage: and by Mr. FU Fergnece on the Short dis- | votes of thanks to the several speakers, to the chairaran, etc. A Little English Orthospy. Abergavenny is pronounced Abergenny. | Leechep. bol nondeley is pi Coumley. Cirencester is pronoused Cister, ¢ barn is cunced So'quboun ---- Cohoon . Cowper is pronounced Cooper. nor is pronounced Grovenor. Harden. pes y labia i a Then, Dak Tan if t ward Avleu was caught in the storm with ts Oo @utle getting bay ior the catile, = the latler tae free death, wale ae istor wie Las teth arme, Joseph, another sor nt inte the country after , hay a or tae etorm ati snot heen bearidfrom A freight crea ie bl ed miue giles north on the © & D. with notuing to vat cince Wednesday ASOTHER Liat OF 1LiVhS Let, | 'Tnree young men living on ~ Jima v. W. F. Clarke read an exoeHent | 5,y..;, east ef this town, sre Paper on dairy geese impressing | Traine == ha biocked for a neck. on dairymen the necessity of keeping! Anguoces, Dak., Jan. 14.--Jodsom abreast of their calling as: reading the | Weetgate and Wm Love, of Mine, star'. works id journals daity led k how on Wed y after- spbjecta. He very strongly Jed | ween and tase not from on butter akin recenlly jaitce Lt is probable es both -- ab- publiubed by the Dominion . - Mr. Peine, who lett Bow-ial wary 4, missing. Peter Twhens, thie closed the regular business of | a tore lieing . uppos- the convention for the dsy. The atten- | 6d to erisbed fo the storm. Re. aance was targer usual, | ports from Hitebcock state that iT by general egreement this has béen one = Gilbertson was found mn to deaths of the ae Joonventiona ever ! mije cant of the town of Virgil. Frank _ by the Association, notonly in | an] Win Nerison and Joe Wilson we tendance "bat in the cbaractes of the | Int'. ab- blisard. The bodies of the papers aod discussions and the ti No risans were found, but no of ; terest manifested by those presen' son. A man, Dame unkoown, was i Te maxacer. lost et ggg Hi wow, Dak., 14.-- Besides Thom- ed dead up to = pight. Wn bomas and Neleon w th # found freasn to dea ing in the sam- neigbborh ing. Chambers saved bis son by dury- ing bimin she snow but perished bim- self. A party of four that started for Lake Byron so bour before the storm jot been heard fro. Yaxxrox, Dak, Jan. 14--In the storm Th oo] children bse lost ae returving from a: any re returning from town "hen and anc betpteraly over tbe fou 'iewd within tweety varda ol 4 child named Bodin 's report- we -- 1.088 OF LIFE. 7 --Seattering re- arrive lis f pablishel last evening the following reports base been | Fecei Tyndall, Dak., sav« six per- to have perished Appleton, Minn., reporte that (Ole . ig eat frozen suff in his sleigh a« his team turne< Louse | sous Mra oneph jt et a ch The bady of aman was uics. A man named Bruce rted his --_ an'l wandered rome twenty miles en found and brought aeD "srg ross, sewing mecbine men, who left a on isa gar morniag fhe dead betw fou Yodel and I Sprioeinl. Other varies io thi STILL ANOTHER List. The Pioneer Press 2 gry give the + Dak., wa missing tromhis howe near Nebru ska | } itr, ; af an. wei of howe of lite and Treat ©. linus to | ken place in this flourishing towa. certificate--Cd head, seconde whereas the Counci parties intersated in © rri aed b paid the sum es ja and 2, that the land« Inte socted-- W. Linehem $1 60, ---- sC A let for water, thereg: approve of the scheme and bere H., Wileon to file bis requisitioa tah ce rtificate "alee = im be Aon ment Fum) Hai ie 00, tax rare] Ww Tay epee $12 WO chopping the Town ships of Grey and Logan per gee peck .. Moved by M a certain co! this for nihing ye "payme' ng concession od ditching con Ivert and re' z W Jacksoo re) rin app! aah © 82 OT ditch: Balierd $200, re y of Elma and , 16; under Enginee eers mt) and against the ed Ss =a hnead, wromied by Mr Rothwell, i taxes the 16th inst.--Carried. M y Mr hbead, ded by Mr. Pelton, that R Scott be paid 363 60 tract En neers Award, Lot 20 1 i Moved by Mr Ti i Mr Ri mond, that L Boltow be paid the sum following Ape te si 15, ditebiog T eT Li Line os ammond Pinte 8; R Clark ae 74, ou, lor a cre tion THE SIGN OF WORMS are well-Kknoen atthe ere fn mot eo battle Seseesine ety diemer. ge ce feet fter eaitaed irre ae a dose of Campbell's Bthartic Compeund. Besere when sou buy condition powders, to get the "Maod S.," all others. Toe writ ine Carleton issued. Newination J aA poiling Feb. Tat. Toe Nivetlond Urangemen Lodge of has elected the following officers ;--A at reater activity in ruilway construc. is expected TS83. he cujormuat el the with their music ard ringing. cellent supper was provided, stoi ing cake occupying WALLACE Distaicr L. O, L.--? mecting of the District Orange Lodg ¢ of Wallace, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year :---W. D. WV. Baroett ; er, A. Strong. At the close of the meet ing a vote cf thanks was tendered to Bro, ). Maffat, past W. D. M. At the annual meeting of LO. L. No. 979, Gowanstown, the following officers were elected for the ensuing W. M. ; G. year :-- Robert S McKnight, D. M. ; J. Bettschen, Sec. | Willoughby, Treas 5, <j. fag a Shap.; dD. t t the annual! | jhieed = i Falls, Creighton, committee A Prarie during*the nieht. Te were froz«n tr death at Lestersille. in thi county, and two others at the seme piace ( 19 in ao ed iti Tro | children wero frozen at Wakenda, 19 av adjoining county Ga x Neb Jaa dJi--Aa arg | | John Deninger, who attempted bome through the storm Fenterday" as | found thi« morning frozen to dest A FEMALE £0890 TEM UER FEOZEN, Feeeors Fairs, Dak. Jen. 14,--SMiss fe ata Carrar. a school teacher, wastrozn dlesth arhile etmiog from | Deleware, Dak. a WOUNDED May prego A MILE THRO. GD | } THE Minn , Jen, 14.000 M3 a snow -- aeolian | raed leg broken. He | rough the snow to the Rratxeab, | Was struck | bad bis crawled a mile th throu pecan and died. WORTY BLOW ZKRD. 14--The ther jow The cola wave -- \ over the entire territory. ho traips morirg. Two men were thee | en = to death at Piiaeite. Two LOaDs OF CATTLE DEAD. Sr. J Mont. Jan. 14.--A great | deal of ible is from the | eountry tributary to St, J owing to the resent cold westher. we stack | trains thet bad delayed arrived at S& J inet with every one of the dead. Most of the passer- | ing the dall are ealssing.. » The body of an un- | | known man the 'road, twelve miles from the ci city, yes | j terday. Ooe man was froz+n to death _ Armour, 'd apother body was lound near ce ahnks. Ip mos: of sober! dimri of Yao WwW y the ; teachers nape thi children in all aie ~ B: end thas eared many hres. Rev. dard jelt bere for hom on | _---- b been beard from. "e atirrawas Faria, oi peat two nights were tag known in tows region. 62° below zero FROIEX OVER FORK THE Finer Tinx. Acems, Tex., Jen. 17.--The Cojorsdo | | Tiver, the fret time since th- settle | ment of the country, was froz THE BLIiTEAED IX TENN Esene_ Meru, Tenn. Jan. 17---The biias- | which set. in on Satoncay and Strong, Lecturer. The Aonual Meeting of the Wallace er Grove Cheese & But Company was heid in the School Satur- day [4th inst. Tar A rs' report was read ae Masog The directors were al ected, namely: Ezra) Weber, Wm r FE i+, Louies Adolph, a --_ ider and Alexander Allan } wn . Fallis | Preadest.-- -- anne North « Masical Journal fur IsS> gives tt ieee every promise of & vast improvement over previous yeare, if the January num- Eight more pages permanently i ber is any criterion, Dp 'added, thas making it the largest aod most complete musical publiestion in lexistence. Ite typographica ical ap- pearance certainly does the publishers mas ee y siseted pare privters much credit, while its able of contents ix of such a varied in Zion Metnodist i jatarseting character a<to--be-highty and a tte Jumen ' Ps 1 ea Jack, -aec at, *% that w special ee G00 SS. No. 15, se seers) eectie Carried, a i 3 i > Jack, sees ind | by Mr, Cor. ri. now al. sd are us "4 ier nest Mow lec in Februsyv Jeux Wareox, Clerk Pic ery! rd e's Coweerts- 5 tee "oh 'ownship cf Mornin. tt be es nt Ls Heade:- scn"s Bes. N= eon, araday, Jer. Bib ats ociwklp All members are reared tn 'suend. } cick 'a FADACH IE, ilions ene ae hes influence, f ars I Latwiratory of Wontp's Dr kegel AssociaTiox, Buffalo, N. ¥. "ren eee nnd beallor propert 5 De saere heey cold in th ine Calarreat may Goth ty Grcmuute 1 & . CAMPBELL.---In Listowel.on the itn the wife of Lawrence . Gouchaen. Campbell, artist, of nogty ELLIOnT On Jan. 6. at at the He Ailister Jone Hoot to siarcrer Eluete DEATHS. ANDERSON~in Galt, on the Fats wile of Mir, Thos. Ande: ith * ron, aged eke ati rthace, on the ith Mrs. an a itarves wile or Andrew Harve, THE STANDARD CLUB List. Robb, reelected M.; W Col- ter, D D.M.;J. Watson, Treasurer ; A. Hetber Secretary ; W. J, Cle- | yp A%eott x mllow lig will beclabhed with Tand, - Financial Neer F. irvin, | ductions from the bar raakos wpiten price: Cosplain; saues Brown, D. of C.; rayabie uetly In wavanee. _ ne to any Varwer, Lect ? add office of publiratio arawenen ne Weekly renin aS me? the name of that Gelighttat ma | nectator, iiten Li perfume you use. With pleasure. It is = ndon 133 "Lotus o; the Nile." = ns . ta iin "5 engray re pep aacag Pao 4 Medicine we know of - - syeere ae icbathtene A lad named Wan MeDoral of = = " The G townehip, up > ~ st OM Thoma st Goderich on a charge of setting fire to pp eae otha and stack of belonging. to Jobo Hewitt, of the aame place. He pleaded bee, pret durin 44 until the 24th qeatary. EC t. for sentence. There appears to the oaaers and PD | 20 doubt that the boy is of an | ne gtr ed sil over ihe country 'mind, having a mantis for fires, without spperaciog | Perfection in th f Fiav. | Romo Fay. Oring use the 'Royal Fertrac Sarto Fis sonny veentrede" "Fant aia: ede The Fayertte Medicine With All Class- | are ttt oat an es--Perry Davis' Pain-Kilier as and we wil malt br e an report of the De: nt coe seen Importance 10 you. that will of Railways will be issued sbortiy. It tp mere mon right awiy then anything romises to sh el 2 world. free railway . rds Seats nigra dress Taceé Co., Augusta, Maine.--fy. creasing about p: jonate with thai of the United States. The total number Diptheria Challenged ! iaasure and Reliable Cure. en fer, far leas tovte from No ebild needato sn: diseases if th ese dreadful te Hemedy is used. Over 7,00 vials are sold with best re- aiis, Best testimonials on han Ie lenge every care with th Apply to woderes goed. dress, ia ede as "i the shareh: olders of the company ap "a i RL me hn . a Sota P pice. Slvichon Tam. aed all tiching Rev. H Dierlamm, .Gowanstewn, Out. All seemed well 'pleased with the way | Hocklow $1 23, ole ;-H Smith $1.60, | Miuete metp she akin... ore -s To BE HAD FRO i > J.A Hacking, d iat, Listowel; Nicholas thac the affairs of the company were | ging gravel: J Mann $200, vel ; Te Gray Mair") Krote. Listowel : H. Homer Waliacevitie ; tol € past year After | Tf Jackson 85 UO, repairing 'culvert and . lan ooldridge & Co, sim: ay adopting the annual report, the old | bridge ; "JF Bey rahe ge -- Use Dr Dorenweud's Great German Halt _ -- ard oO Dir ors were re-e! tected by tite enneeessian © Larrie wee iD Fs gic. ' orp ibe a clesn an ------ _ - acclamation for the coming, ~ viz fr Prito:, second-4 ty Mer chhead, 'ven Loans nD pr cructes she gros th of NOTE LOST. "lana the !o.lewing acconnts be ed and «topes wll Paitin aes, of the hair. On Hance Cummi s, Henry lin, J J Knox $8) 00, for id days Counal hy? heads where t » have not perish- ee Brisbin, William McKee" oat Detatd moncting, 'draneg d com aietion | Sao tite trate the ae ic. it le lotion Hh inet. either In Listowel or on 4H Fi = * 1 '* ole McDonald. The following figures were | er, and bridges; W Lochb-ad gehen dl Bieta a Uitowel, Aer Saget drawn by Win. Martin and John Martins of taken from the Secretary's bock : Total | for 15 days C »uce eetingand 12 days | Mornington. in favor of Wm. Heary Nesbit amount of milk 2,516,229 Ibs., manu- | road commi-+sioner ; G Richio! a) The ty weteeaia the same, ne said tg Ry . or 15 days Council meetings an vt not pn fable any one other t factured into 235,600 Ibs. of cheese, it : A ne a7 ~Aetd Li=TOWEL MARKETS. })-1-99- ieee y any han the being an increase o! 734 Ibe. cheese og Neha iin : Jan..2) was | Ws. Hy. NESBITT < « 00, for 15 days Council meetings and |, a. | «3 s more than rood ringers year, The tota 8 idage eoadic nepieaianer Roth- 2 teal dusbel, n° Si - - amount reah () eese was $25,-! ), for 12d Connell meet. arte i) ec 109.23. The number of poun sof a prier' ae -- on niseioner ; 1 theta. ae. 4 ¥| 40 Town Lots nr to make one pound of cheese was) T Fallarten (i (7716. ry $125, | Has $a 9% AI. 068 Ibs. € Pate © price per oole $19 50, oxtre work sak rer ths. , iw 3% ee = B*=" = srda, $25, post. | Norameat. , ° 2h) tp. of cheese, was 10.65 ¢ ents. Cost t M Harvey $110 00, ralary ne) a =P Sit ic a) | VHE NDE RSIGNED has sbout forty manufacture per !b. cf cheese in- . by Mr. FE Re "per pert ™ 18 | be on Paid m hte ee te far pened in i mi Oeren pene os " aiatewn pre trier, ti cludin ali penses connected tothe oan A by Me pelten) that Mr | Putte per ts 50 5 | eute For paricatare e neaguire ait Lillieo's with the running of the factory..1 45 L> au yariz wait 10 pa ay back | eee pet tees $a 43 | Peoklog Howse, Main pp pattsco cents. The factory was in operation # aysnaia hall esr Listowel be. ses ta five months and 1g days, Following }onging 19 a poor women, part lot 3U con. 5 is 4 summary of receipts and expendi. | crss.on 1--Cerried Moved by Mer Bet | &| F AEM TO REST sores : seconded Sy Mr Hichmond, that | 5 0] "we seres, being! 1 No.3 in the ith con.of . } Mr Knox be sutherts-d to attend ihe ar- ai | Ne Mornington = Abeut 10 sores Gnder cultiva- ae Sc. | bitratronin behalf of this Township now 32 ma. geod: well feu sees and well total amt. reesei chacee 3 het we 'ms jornipgton 2 | some ve homes. froews rt By ved for 2100 33 mk wnceraton dite Carried. station. Will be rented fora term ot a: EXPENDITURE re 4b ec H | @t $390 for first year ond $735 a for bal- & ¢. | Council then adjourned sine i | ance of term, Xpaty to Paid Patrons by cheane....... -.. S24 Z| T Feu. pt Clerk. | w 2a JOHN ra Dividend. Bt! to | bad pests coade' a Rigi vnnns -ncnane $ 3 to nf Pa DHS be bel a bal Ses 18 | do > 'reeborn ° = * for drawing milk 170 61 MORNINGTON. | Wheat. guuse do 3 75 | : cheese Maker and all accounts co ye ~ 4 ae! " wg ronnceted with manvfactare LITT New Corser, --The Council sleet met { vata, ao a «| PPAEM FOR SALE. : en Ne eee oe oa to stock y at Hen-d-r80 note], on Moanviay, Jan- | Ry r do « wo! Being.lot.18.con' @_Et biitistiaws tbe . . 5 's * tert tis, t 2.con ma, contain Swan lien, aeserding to starute, when | Hatter, posing roti nid Fg | acres, Ect which are cleared and fe! tenced $25,108 te foLowmg ceatlemen ssgned the | and fre* from yma ard stumps, A Seiclarasey ahtoel ri tBantinn | age | frame house and log barn. God orchard ; ELMIRA. et Wo B Lerma & name -- | Fat wheat par bush. af a @ i from Listowel, § ty g, Kees AX Fol Gowes W Epptse. ae < 6} Gr D-puty-Reere 5 Wo ampipe . Haries, ps her seq ri tiles ~ Heese ieriy wt word ats and Mra George (urling celebrated | Hoeh Lick an 4 Cnari-e Trem, Council: | peas baad io. . x o al port bare to aint i oll a ahiaie mney oi . " «th Toe minutes of last meeting were! stata, a mM JOHN MEDD, their golden Wedding, which wae the Pat -~$ep-t { firet event of tht« kind that tas ever ta snd signed, A By-Law was intro | Puetoes per hound ied Ta desboro P.O. Many duced and passed a-pmnting the follow | Kegs. perdozen 2... 5 an THE CANADIAN lof their children ant greod-chiliren | ine officers Joon Watson, Cler | Flour. ber barre im 4 from peur and lar were present, the as. James Herd. Treasurer; a E lanry, \ j sembly including Me aod Mra Bort of Mee ses Drummon t H H 0 RTI H U L T U R | S T. Chippewa tall Me ani Mre Stephan | Lraey ora, Wilisera Wa tdell sod | 3 ", The Origisal | ir ebildren from Listowel, o Wibninza MeCormick, he | Aerce's ™ mide i grandson { Fichigeu. and friends *Rorte wae eutbor aed. to mane the og Lene SS LIVER | ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. from near Guelph, bemdes meny citi fin orieras Davis as ci Co mY & PILLs. ans of Elmira, ali being gethered casi | for C ileetors' Rolle and R-cripts 5 i Hert sue ' | Alive practical Monthly Magesine. with er to congratulate the old and huppy & Co, $5 40, for bsllot box, nk forms BEWARE OF IMITA: ware Hiuetrations and colo ored plates wt fruits and couple upon reaching their fifueth year (and express charge F ¥ pearing 32, | FOR DE. FLEKCE'S PELLETS, OR | Sewers. devoted! ot married life. apy tajusble pres- j for legal aivice ; J Francomb $2 4%, for | carree Orchard, pcs Lawa, ente were presente bem, and a) gravel; I Ke ith $5.28, for a Om (A! meing em rely v =~ ionioniae Roan Was spent. ; Mune $10, ery Ratoenins ' ane at Seen ve ce tp tee fees | | Window Garden & Forestry, | rat i t #0, J, pee a and retiabie. As H rte nceruit ower,and anex ruit Growers' seociation pebiiebed =e the J (gtd artgarh parig, Cpl o and Sori | Subscription Price. | Also entitling the psubecriver to a 'welection Annual Distribution of Plants & Trees, and tos Copy of the ANIUVUAL REPORT for 1857. Two sample Copies for loc. ic Address: | ! Grimaby. Ont, */ DESIRABE COTTAGE -- ForRsS A XT EB witt, e Yor tanther Paik Dakp office. ing ee urd wit: jam Street (the pr ref atthe ra: a of offensive we and Sar lore eggs peer pbyeiciae cue the worse c head," pit te The te meeting "puff ' Caurel on Tuesday evening wre in every apres iated |Ly every musics} person, | aes respect a success, The evening was wil e@ are aii asical tow --_ | such that could dest The tem was degree the musical numbers the | eet, my ¥ served in the ebeese tactory, and to say | Januery number are very brill iant ard ; parely ov that ladies excelled themselves in eslone worth more than a year's sub. | , the sump! s spr alk is but feebly | aer:etinn. They are Marden's Vowa (?/ nes expressing ree] regards the Ta beansinl song by Anton Streb zhi 5) xorlient repast premio for the | +A Maidens Sore. a ramer ~ of | bad * king and Splitting." occasion, After tea ail repaired to the | Ravinhaver ; "Eur tti-che,"" by | Tromas J. c Ea. 208 Street, | Church, where ap extensive a bar dg! Henkel; and "May Time," a polka, 1 St. Lowia, Mees WERE: 1 wae Breet Cpeonrd | consisting of sperches, readin by the eminent pits cmp Lvuie Mever. | Earaiy brratbe, and was hawking music was entered inion. Ker J ry Aall | Tor letter pres« portion oriory a soos}! | end snisting. and for the jest, secuttn 'of Pal ten, in ~_ usual felicitous | portrait aod « good skies of thatxy four Se een forme, Lack. style kept the*sadience am at pianist, Josef jiomne n ; some intere Dy, | was advised to try Dr. Sore Comers times epell-bound rs over an hoor. | ing data concerning Jenny Lind : Muni- Brady and T nun now & well mec 1 beers nave orllent readings were given by G | ca! Chat, by Thomas O'Neill; correspon- | manufactured, end one bas to give He stinger and Thomss Patterson, and.) dence rag New York, Boston, Chicagr, | fair trial to experience results apd adresses by TC Greet and GV | Viecns and other prominent places ; @ portman i . The choir rende a ign Domestic og (onc . Three Bottice Cure Cptarrk. of pieces iss good style, which adied } Edisorral Comment asics: Eu: Rossixs. Runyan P.O. Columbia } very much to the exjoyment of the | News and mauy other ip ting fru- Pe et Pgs evening. After the usual 7 et tares. i oply $1.00 a your. x "Heady mdvertsed. crane, abd pes | mens thanks the meeting broke up, Dg -- copy cents. gured 2 bottle 4 satisfied with the evezing's amusemen'. -| dort '2, Musical Journal, Rhiladelpbin an ang Proceeds $33.25. Po guard sud bessty." : . Ss See Ewe Best Family Newspaper " 1M CANADA. ESTABLISHED 33 YEAKS. KING OF WEEKLIES ! a= FREE PRESS The Hawsomest Printed Paper in Canada "The Agricaltural depatt meni is a noted eters of the "Free Press." being always up to <y rk, nies, add condoc aktiled tniarm we -- WLLUSTRA TIONS PRACTICAL AND UstFUL GIVEN EACH wets. 54x. -- by Ve ereph, Telephone. Sal TEER EEE oF se ane heal of peti tio Bipec in! iment, "age tee! tural apitel story always ruoning, T lene fests. Columo, Hu orous Te Fest T THE THING FOR bhatt ogee Every member of the housenold eagerly joo! a For ge Beatnde LAPGE $S1 PAPER'! In Clabs of foar and opwards, Tie, each, Balance of 1887 Free. $12,000 IN PREMIUMS. a Aol AWAY heared AGENTS, | Mest! 1 induce rT offered | Canna * werything © sata, 1. waleable A} | oTname ray WANTED EVERYWHERE isiur paper to work for, More made hemern ioe for the "Free employ ment. dares RE PRES,' Loxpos aiany