¢ rHa LISTOWEL STANDARD --ts published---- BEVERY FRIDAY MORNING, al the office In time for the warly mails -- MARTIN MALN ST. ~by-- aks St. Gronas cAWKINE. yin caveuee otherwine 31.60. ADVERTISING sc Sweet ae * portion {per line, s----++reereceseeree BOs Aberin went Insertion. m7 Cc ach subsea vertiveinentatuxertedatthetol- wing rates? r. Gmonths, 3 months. b .- B85 00's... $2EU0 » patd strict, $ 00per annum ; + $2000 Bet Pty 4 2 00 2... Jae column: dnl Af » OO aS oC ease ov oxceeiling eats ioen,$4per ee i ay axcards. not um povers and sements and otners month. sites per y nagale o bps Ease Ba wil}, be ips and the copy nan on Monslay. not laterthap ante tn JOB rmusTIx. Settion' Whertednte ant ord cyarentie Seer ntact oom a m printlne, OO ertale cl a ate Hart dene riptions.¢ of 'rob SOnbine es ics mer nipie a RC DIRECTORY. min: nee, sex Ou .--Inkerman rely Kev, Mee ir ine td Rok pela oe ible cing Thw oes ats p.m. Gruman Le Hetatchevyet Caunen.--Servicer every Sunday, Kev. Mo Aren it, eld Ue Sunday achool eve re Sor pul ae at m. GEIMAN EVANGELICA JP. Haneh. Past snndiay. at sade a. OM pom, Sabbath schoo m tink urelay evening lela tai Ricecrinin reet. peewee at ides evening pt Twp ila cl rraket ee on Wits we welcome, os ate are all-free;ailace mam ¥.T. J. Gannon, Minister. es ONTHLY CATTLE. FAIRS. UtstowKL--Pirat Frida: y Aneseh mfess n First Weduemlay in sehine nth. tirrono Thursday before the Goel fair. HaAwnistos--Friday oe intore thoi ln aah 'alr. befor elph. ns yefa 'ore Guelph. day epee Guelph. --The da delve Guelph, MBURG--Firat Teueday in each Rents Firat Thureday tn each month. Pt at Lhd sree eal Monday ile each mn omth. Wa Tursiny in eects rouse oto Hoag 'vouest--Third Wednt rmlny in each month Gaw T--Wednestay sad Lhe second THEMI AS. MILLBANK i Tue diay in month, iP RAVEL JLERKS GUIDE, GRAND THUNK RAILWAY, SOUTHEKN EXTENSION OF WG. & Mh RY.) ratna tenve Listowel Stallon datly asunder For ae andi ad ete rine Hinge peat sat -- rey Tw > Express 24) pom. Expre 8.55 p.m. For Palmer rston-- FX tpre 7 Mixed, eres Expregs fal p.ra. GRO MGIAN BAY AS SAKE RRIF DIVIAION. Pratnsieave Listbwet maltow dally as under: RNG mae Etpross, ©3000 Pere p.m; Mixed. 3.4 p. GOING NORTH. Nps oe Pp. m.; Express, 1.2) p.m: Express, fi VOL. xX. NO. "Ai. Li STOWEL!. ON NTARIO, § DAY, JANUARY 27, 1888. A. 8T. GEO. HAWKINS EpDITORAND Prorgtgron. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Sere TABLE. | Teeswater n rand ui Waldemar *Amaranth,.. .. v' 7. bs *Amuranth . 22" Waldemar... 10.25 "% 73H ** a ert Valley. 1000". Tah Ar hig 80 Kebtiwort 18.0) Sop St Mt Foreat. 11a" AS 215% 940 Harrison. 12 Mop.m.. 9.10 7+ Sea am" =m bao * 1b. 9.46 ** aan, ** ae - 200. e5 5S 10. Teh Conne elas at Voraaceclite with Owen Sound Hranch, FLORA BRANCH ta 4.45p, sor Flora, rere tA atarac "Ce eabeeine at Cataract Lin sete nd Tesewater Branches. rain mare Mond rat arriven 3n. m. Et 7.0, ™m ie CREDIT VALLEY FPRADCH iMars Lint 'Treins legge Woodstock ax under: my r Toronto and Eaet at 8 5a, m,, 5.09 p.in anor St. Thomas and hice 5,30 a.m.,10 68 a.m. 44) pom. and 8 4) p,m Tickets to all polaix a0r pie by J. LIVING STONE. Jr.. Agent for "tae Rat away and ymemehip Lines, Listow 4 AnonaTEs FOR '50 -aT=-- O..5:2 - Lees PHOTO GALLERY UVERJ.A. HACKING'S DRUG STORE, ---- 1 PHOTOS. IN FIRST-GLASS STYLE At rock-bottom pete' a thy thre A Ii Photos. taken New Instantaneous Process TIME OF SITTING ONLY ONE SfOOND. Please Calland ximive ae Ketor tioIng Elsewhere we's Drug & Cc. A TRF TEESWATER AND ORANGEVILLE BRANCHES | a A rar Re memborthe place over J, A. Hac erties n ' 7 "apply to Malo St.. Liatowe "$100,000 to loan utlow rates and on easy terms. MORPHY @ MeiNTOSH, rrister, ae, om ec, over Riggs, Giiiivray é rf i AAONEY TO LOAN. A LARGE AMOUNT OF PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. x --saT-- LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. ne for paying offloane DA RLING & MABEF, Over Scott's Banking Sadar, Listowe'. 4 yo * i | MONEY To Loan anes t Bhan : Rennanve. © Con, as ty. e loen, pens done, Test ER tforthe 'LONDON MUTUAL. *CALEDONIAN' ile =NSES. Agen 'NORTHERS' and bs BURA ANCE, COUT ASE mproved fa Te 2. 'Wallane €. Main' STA wit Lagat gul LJ nlp Syete 000 for nies bao pay Ul or "an 'oft at ang any re caned © cox OF A RRIACE IG. A number voltd pop hsdlomasy 'Commiantoner. ale, P.O. PRTER rILD rEDICO RANKING BUSINESS ARTHUR AND EINTOWEL. Listowel ancigh LaTe aaa Court OFE! ane Segond ionot e rreiverty atthe te ar TiC bMS be ae FOR SA Va pie cont , t Eheoey mnnens sty lng mH mostly pone xt or teen, MAKTIN, {mower ihe prem Elma, Ponting re : mh F' ARM FOR SALE. Lots in the ith con. fon. of the Township of peat of euliyetians A McDonald & Co., Bankers MAIN STREET, LISTOWEL. ONEY TO LOAN. AND NOTES ren Money received on it, and Interest allewed #) The pete ar per nt, per annum, Money ited by draft all parts wf Can eferen Mer- Hante' Bank of Cannda; tratfora. Om hours, 9 a.m. AW} pm A. McNCNAID & CO. ach swest rales, "py Ris 30 "MONEY LOANED 6PER CENT. Yearly. Interest paid at n prepared th irene: money on Farm and on the . Loans can + are. HOREHT MAE LE. ate rps "andes wad orto ALEX. ten 100 acres. od state 'and fair aed iy Fae furthe i puriicalacs appt RTIN opposite Grand Ce we ee toiet nine " ue v bunds by A bie rip oa wie st ' --the 'balance 4 bus ne a Reid roms cee eo iret od For turther particulars Arit ¥ to iow 5 LEK, 0} ~ Wa ese n- en ore tw? tite feutti es Rites " Be ing a Date sO) ac cling bou |THE JOURNEY OF THE BROOK TO-THE-OCEAN.. » BY aba x. TROTTER, A tiny sprin: welled up through the morass and trickled forth to wander through a ie wood dora the moupisia But the Froat King breathed upos it one atill, winter nigtt, sad it knew no! more till bai peg ter winds Feral ts : forest ; the sirplanes were bro eee "prooklet away with the joined by savers torrente it} racing. & p the val touch the ripples, The . rr cleat | a Ber -- so! cried the brook, and she Le on, king: ng. she sang of forests fh 2 the Bie the mo: 7 Of woodland spring flower tised Lucir delicate heads, She aang the same song over and over ee cre sre you going ?' asked ton 'ithe rushes, a»ebe sp) lashed th in pasting. 'Oh! I don't know ; I must 'hurry-- somwmhere.' e. 'Where my you come from?' asked the swallow The Seeoie 'bed forgotten, *[t does not matter,' _ said, dream- ily, 'The Eternal made m She ran along xgain corriiy--laughig in the sunbeam; singing ev the night-time ber gay, rippling 'i ong. The, cht toy crows would have stopped her bavhl TT) 'T. iat is your work io the wold py they sake: gn ely. one, 'Then as you are of Ps aoy one, fs 'd posed cease to be,' rephed the gloomy cro The brook meuned'& sadly for Lata she could not think ot eopihhen tos 'Tee Eternal made me,' she whis- papede: preety: Hus Provide we very still ; eH crows looked round ; saw not ing. ried, bh "Wimt is t y nomreely, 'Only Cie eve ning atipels passing by j they go to visit the eick, you know The crows « i ' you sea them f° they cried, "ib, gest Rg y be come oat pani hour; see, phy Othe re com ar ; atm, 'The ere Thess ont hep ileepe sate rows felt a stirring in the still air pear thea ', a trembled with a nee arg J wT he ey a * or, vad the brook, and -- I ic ta long, pe i dare not linger.' she" ag ass em. 'She chooses the fairest meadows to play in,' eroaked the stupid crows. The brook ape on with swift cur- rept; secon sie dashed rigit into a slug- mething bids me Seo ibrough the |. od oy reaid the etatele bracken' 'elcome, d iy ; eee ferns, stretching out their rootlets to TRAGEDY als THE BIDDULPH DISTRICT. B. Orne. « a Parmer. Shot mg Alone---No Clus Evidence at rit, ms iy ieetlag of phe Pog isa a eebalien: ed the horee around and start- ed co return over th oe knew his father had taken on leaving Luca: fle bad gove about half the way back, "when: in the lonelieat spot for around, the body of his father was found lying in the ditch Wir a BCLLET HOLE in his forehead, He was at once taken into the cutter aod Griven be bis ho when bis son aroused the spot where after an esis diligent searching loser is cap, a mitten snd a revolver. ° p was covered with blood id the mitten was te bers. Two loded, one bad gro rm quite rasty,nesing | been exploded for some time, and t urth was still loaded. y ratte th home of the deceased about five o'clock witbout any clue whatever to the per- petrators of the crime. THE INQUEST. ner Hossack had been the sitiotina notified and thfé afternoon an inquest was beld. 'oroner Hosasc' assisted by Dr. cg of Clandeboye, held a post. tion, and found the bullet pis rs ~---- ane The evidence was theo ne ret sworn was Whithela 'Orme, -- son of the deceased, whose testi- as slready been given in ¢ fect, ite said he bad -- Pr father's body on townline be ndon and Bridelph, ahout one > mile from howe. His face was covered with blood, His father alwava had a revolver in the sg but he oéver kn tm to carry Toe tevolver had for a long ime a carried in his (the son's) pant's i 4 = that is, nearer on being EMBAREASSING SOMNAMBUL- ASM. A San Francisco" 60° Bachelor Finds Occupied by a loubt that peo . who yo alt fe in tbeie tices are not desira' totes, They te atfange cpotascne des mas. Up on ri and disagreeable Sutter atreet, domestic hotel, where yo blushing young radtag whose meof every tongue jealer in pe k end shinoing appear- ance was only rbaeined y the smooth and ee of his hairless head. Indeed, it- was a generall DIVINES DISAGKEE. A Discussion Not D Decided by Pray- er=Tntolerance of Opinion. The' erage is an 'an extract from a late editorial; "There i oe oe seit all Pleas , how much less friction there poser) 'be in be dla a leas bi ner auch questions were deci: ace by Butif the debate ot sltogether ristain in ppirit, it was 5 ated ietiy ber. 'Hiamentary. brethren dido veins, And a word m in the liquid acoents -- only feminines ae every { nerve of his body to "thrill with bis em- 6 through the window, he off his clothes without lighting the gus. When bia coat, d shoes were te nanlon night-cap ean ~ drawing off his trousers, rrupted by ,« gentle voice from. Lis | bed inquiring : 'I+ that Lg dea If b it -- he ay | of burning red in the dishevelled. cightcap bad ae ge 'Are comin, came! cr. With a bound -- a pantier the gentleman Jeaped to and ey rl it from the cor- a os behia ental a a of light 4 get to puts copy of Crushing's aimed j jip their valise along with their Bible,and consulted it Mour and strike off the Fi right hand figure, noeasant polishing with a headkerebiet: which, for time out of ates = of "9 ding | reine roan: ws a ae chia is it fact that there is bat little toj- gen was i would only par-; ation i this country, and less than in ble | Others 7 tally couvey ee -- remarkable soe caclicmmaie alison? ale tine the presence of ladies. The glances of ee ais bc td ae hover . z 1 x38 * nation. feminine eyes would deepen the ~ ca' ee eat hak: ta oid sions there is vet much of - old time udice against new ides: reac e rls d genre wo doctors presori t old, medic itter controversies arise when anytblog new | is proposed. But the march of progress is not stay- ed, - Men are-travelling Seavenward un- der new creeds anu =e cured by new gc ine b the same state of facts seem to ane in other countrie: When Dr. Robson, "" leading physt- cian of Lenton, formerly of the Roya' Navy, proclame yarper« safe cure big & upsets in kidney derange- the school to. which ibe "brinngs "ahecatoned to debar bim from practios, ifbe did not recant, But he feplind that his statement was bases on such evidence that be could notre- cant. Sines Dr. Wilson, F. ft. ' editor of 'Hew th,' a re cogoized Eni anthority, annour , that *War ily safe in . Many En lish physicians are now wre racribing fae tee a0F a in _ is country still ber | 9 adteines. But Dr an of a ow! York Madical | Colle "ge, long since pu Slisahed: *War- very eee re- od od says he knows that many physteite prescrible it, though pot by "G Gaod things in oreed or prac are _ to be criet down by the old f fogi+s mpiy becuse new. epi of toleration thrives on oppos r 4. z. x. 4 wot ee = Pipe: Pe aor aoe i. KS, 5 . t Fr the % Ror Rete men. x --t The farms of United States: sume eee ber about 5,000, too ie Two crops may be a ear trom forte for ensilage : 'Gilead by es | rye to be ploughed in late seat spring. The mos! aeagherenecs wee will leat many t a einted it aaued poster repainting, or it will rast, Prof. Arnold says the running ex- raspherri-a, half cent s quart ; for 8, 25 to 35 bats a bncbel, -- Fruit rooms or fruit houses, to be kept "cool, should be entered bove, to prevent the id sir from above ve, to prevent the cold air flowing ifthe entrance is on same leve! = sea ia reported as having 3,000 acres of celery in her ---- gardeas-- reclaimed land. nacre finely diffased through the #0il lessens dryness in a dry time ; if left in jrtampew ploughed under it inorea- sen it, Finely ryan and well peer ae tao. im ao leaves hat fails with heen lice, live by sucking juices Te find the edatenes of a crib, mults- ply the length, bredth and height for the cubic feet} multiply the same by f and the result wili be the shelled bush- 8. "To keep fruit without decaying,let the 'suit room*in winter be steadily near the freesing point, regulated with two oskuap thermometers. Th token in every coun should be on a lavel ---- the princi- pal floor, and She auld have ample win- dows for ti ight and vectilation on oppo- site sides. ---------- A Healthy Kind ofan Informer in * Wellington. Etona, Jan. neared T. heed North Am H. Ox of the Ci seaimaretall Hotel, Fergus, aan day tried here, tefore Police staaietrate Loves, for breach of the Cc. Seott Act, and fined $50 each, The only avidence of Jncpb Roady, gent ently in hard) luck, we after stating that he had based in: dants, swore that he ca: nt with bim tor for Usntre Wellington, is ploymest be had since vere Fergoe. The datondasie asked a 'ot the prosecution, and Muir for the detence. i nic rerune tom agape 1s mpeehalty, Up Stairs. , E. DINGMAN, M. GRADU member vile: pi Surkeons, Ont Pheniclan, Mune ana Arent heur, OMce and residence---Main D' D.. Ks, PARKE & RUTHERFORD, Phy- Ta, Ne Collections» made in an Parts of the Domin fon or Ste ties. actin ening te becotne menbera by re- 1) fo GUT anannge rs Fintuiten: by retorn omail Cer of the iniverabip entitling threny te ot ta for one vem Upply of formas, adelinguest debtors' Net, 'and surinumediate attention to any accounts swDt ux for collectio: REND FOR TESTIMONIALS. Agent wanted for Listowel, J. BIDWE ik ben IS & Co ers, Hamiltes ---- Purpo ROBERT T. KEMP, Dealer in AMERICAN and FOREIGN AATALE, ana sosU- A MOAT DESIRABLE TOWN RESIDENCE'..: ORPHY & MetNTOSH, Rarrete re gieb -tream ae M Solicitors, Conveyancers, Nutarios Pole |. yeas ASF - RTIN. 'Weleome,' it cried: 1 was just think. Li we Bg Li bro) a wrt Ty a ephlel im | es SET TNT Lintower "Ont ing T we ies Ht crind: 1 wan fant tila. ; eS and Ud pe.an to make a pool here: H. .M ck A 7 P 4 . B. Morpry F.G. Mcintosn Protective g Collectin Ass' n but | doe ¢ anad going along with you ; , : & LISTOWEL wait w moment! Why ate you ts such ye & AREE, BAtK(~ io VERBAL borry 7 TELS, Solteite eat) Ve ers ' Ditlees, Over See " ro wr nak me ne fe rm Te an (\ssnelatlet of Husines® and Prafes. The "brook ran anny laughing Cateh wel, 1 bi OK fessional mea, having for ita object the ' ---* you cau ;* sp raid, ond ey lug- ' RLING. 5 ABEE , girh streom started onward just keep- a . COLLECTION OF DEBTS see ie seift carrent of the brook in s! An ai once & soi 5 gainer sound filled brook ceased ber at, she cried, me sea. birda hovered oear 'Iti the voice of the ocean,' they cried, flapping their wings ; 'it calls us, we murt o. The sluce banks ~_ ihoeeed "he roots . ines trees. in P vfraid, it said. 'Are you going any aonret to that awful voice 7" second son | ot = deceased, a-by. bathe his' bro k for hi 4 father, r, and told a wunilar story to that of his brother, ™ revolver that had always been in e bouse was a 32-enlibre, poe the one Hie it veas -- by the searching party to the oer H. McConnell, -- Lucan, beiug sworn, atated t al avco Hossack at the Orme boys to take, the jury adjourned tll oo Janusry 25, in the Town Hall, Lucan, * THE THIRD TIME ROBBED. throught the window seemed to have enn: | orner, 'It was lit "up with the pris a | ness ot day, The lady saw the crouch- | ing Gigure, and ooticed 'the obese and | ungainly Visione of robbers, | murderers and 'thieres paseed = through | her wind with the rapidity of lightning, | Witha rats sd ici vanic on t in bh. , Then! witha wif allthe tearm calliopest j in the cou.try had been eombined 19 one fearful diapason she voice to \2 her alarm,and 5 Lipa it with another | fright atill more inten 1 en's eake, woman, be silent! | be crieu from bis csamntos place in Li T oe ie he lady only shrieked the louder. ie fright the man was rapidly pads- | age. 'Be quiet, | tell you ! sir, for pity's eas: don't kill | | or deriratio ing inton condition of distracted cour- | | the aa ther i treiandc- Respecting the Anglo Israel mania, a sltgeident aod aoe able proof of an Of Istaslisieh tribes t Beer cen ly will agree that Dover, for in- stance. ix nothing ise-toana dinlectics > of the locality Debir- Glosbua au "Elioburzh is no agar Arte oe a anfdin fact, Ras! emic view frou that tow Ebcruanus & ork) is either the torn: i Eber or else Ebras, se biessed town,' with » Latin termioa ut let us take ondon, whose n is still doubtful fas a Hab- ling of efore, inhabited by the Danties (per- hepe a pact of them went over n- -- although not yet claimed by the | Dan A Good ad Story. good story is 5 told of Brofeee pation ef prowinent pa New Bran eek mal wit, but pos ance iliacet adie as his figure, which topa six feet About Coristmas-time this. the mere erpette cuashers ot family --a eee he ¢ lads--ouch im- preased oy ving sere witnessed the deeapitation of aundey varkey and chickens pre his ita bead o uplifted, Cae aclske reat of the intended viotim, appesracee, an Seems to wanted to raise that on Bienheim Coy neillore. have bed meeting it was 'moved by Mr. Heary Rohinson, seconded by Mr. John Mulhbol- land, that we, the retiring members of use ys in re for the members of the Council of a semifledge!, hard-shell town.") Car- ried, Mixing milk is eiygpate to the yield of butter, says he is wi "ill -men and butter . makers. If milk which bas been set for some time and uy; which tne cream has partly risen, is stirrei, the cream Dever again 'ully, and there is a from «it. * j easily ex- plained, bat it is so well ki that is too rough, or hard, for profi- table eequitirerds ABs laces ahould be encourage: roduce trees that will eventually és oe value for timber ; root undesirable trees, encoar- ape the Kaateakte ones, veboala be the aes of eve: erg fi . jot four years. Find r bottles cured him, in wei noiast to 178 pounds, ~~ompes Of chronic dyspepsia falas 'a else fails. Aper's Sarsapar illa 'ie reco mmehd phy: *, jistaken with eot safety by old and young. Its cl Og and vitilizing te are sure and z| it is ivervally conceded to be t alestive ef all blood par'fers, = A Boos axp a Besestxe.---A boon and a blessing to smeaeiod ts egpant' s ¥el- low Onl, the great dest healing pameeny 4 for exteros] a inter- om Uil cures all aches and of your druggist.' act ov is plea _ ctosne ok ooucie ite operation, See article in Ayer's Almanac, 4 Sienna, Surgeons, + Listowel and Someb ba little b : k Mitverte: Liste Mies ove BR.--R. * y mehow tha little broo new po In conversation with friends at the ' ci are ; rere "oe ; stare - recta mt & nin 's ioneer eent for thie Associntion we where sh as goinR ehsll oot | house of the deo eased, it was learned "Ki yan atest: bag roe a Um or | si the oscar of' Dublin is is rare ukely given te vee isin Some 0 ' sieht. eatin taken ov him wilin sized by us 8 LE know the song ;' ebe honghi, andly, as that the present is the third time he no! Bog urt you ub get aebaklce tobe tea 'dwelling ty ' seat eed dees FOR A . ae eee oe bas been the victim of highwey erp ds This comfirmed her worst appreben Dub past yb, "Thi d M.BRUCE,LDS., DEN he great n lay very near; the | Sonfe yrar waylaid an: ; fae t cti- : puree tostes'| BOOTS & SHOES brant Ena for fy. "°Ria '| robbed ots ata 'f snony" Lacan, | Som A Puree! rang Masa | oy et nl barcode Za pain » nites Oe an ae (for 7 one of those grand waves," she} Six years e was returning from | 1. and te attire was not fit red for | The Wot rep \reaenta the Benja over Tnospe on ros, Store. Entrance, "tain ; EING | the wel, known and most conven | Wondered, uge wave rolied up t London aod was knocked ponpaierel? a wed apade through the balls. min (Genesis xhx, 27 Soumpaune ly a Bt, Residence, Watince Street, Listowel. EF B ntly situated House and Lot on Main | beach anddrew her (ar, far back into| blow from a stranger, who was riding | * 20" h ataihe té@din Dubi or very O y. dvened amt formerly occupied UY | the ccvan depths; fer ment sb ith b d his pockets f But she could yell,and she did. tof ths Benjamites settl@din Dublia, } r Michener. Admirably sulted for . p pdt fh yapdlniaag pos a succession of screams filled the room snd that perhapsin the tae of Jere J ER, LDS, int, Monat or beslees 'ma in. Good stable knew nuthing as sho was whiled along | He wes afterwards ig ane gs thet would have awakened the dead. | miab, who it is & me over to Ire. ent th ce | Toronto, Teeth _ . nH prape ry or particulars erguireat the | in' the tide, d his horses started, Ue the evi i el s a See Tinide Use lrenee alten the tare Srakndun omee ae The sun bad set, All the waves from | dence so fer taken would Jead foe to = be awa err Glawtecea brought over bic of the law, wel on os Fal teeth a speciaity, Koonis over Harker's ' the horizon tot © died in | suppove that it ot de, Among tb @ tbe hus- now buried in the Mount Lara (from Jewellry Store: Karges Hros, have laid in this season & x > g + Trimson the afterglow. The | bis Sendo gel unwilling to shen of po of th meets rica: He hb ee 8 I Thorsh, the hw) The tribal character. - «, | -RtRte mowkaot Huets nad "Gore for thea FARM FOR §& ALE, |iiti« brook rippied on as f the -- a thing, as GO cause whatever can | D8 tie / i . , and winter trade. All kinds of . home late, and not fodies his sprouse | istic of 'ravening as a wolf' still contin- t VlOM 4s E. HAY. AUCTIONEER riace-waves thet rested on the swell] be given why the deceased should' at- leat, ke been conclude od | ues to mark the decendants, It ia n for County ot Perth, alae Lhe Townships -- that arose from the beart-throb of the | tempt to take ra = lite. He w pr Pe visiting veal si! jerds, | unlikely that Phopnicians settled also in hecho npg Set atin ! i} 4 | Lota Z7 and the Tth con. of the Town- = lif i aes hci ore' than ordinary ie quiet tly tambled bimself Pa bed es sfr which has long n suspected left at the STANPAKD office, prorupliy ats Men § Women § and Children § snipor Urey. The farm contains AO acres; Her te, too, are life and joy f° she =n. grit and determination to su He | oad wv Ths .soreame-of th zt frequently siployed word: eaded to. Meney to loan. SE ee ee ee ee hea food o sob ihalgpe a i" --: a ile saree big no do. slarmsat | ly badeven penetrated roof asaprefixin Cel localities, Could * y bolas * omnes - Hivation ; 30 se ree of knod hardwocd bash we: glowin dn one brook ; : meat troubles of of avy ce nd dormant senses and be came rushing | not Sydenham eae mate home of tbe AS. FULLARTON, NEWRY ; a ce twn running aireams of spr ing water: 'ecm tha pial y osme he reat bis wife a A geese itunes 'o * | out with the re Sidon'ans ?'--A Neubauer in Notes and maisalonc in Bi a Teoan'e mo Liconsee, Com: COARSE AND FINE WEAR, Parm within "palfa mile of Ethel Apply i b Ape gill work 1" per hg interided to bave started we That's my wile' s voice, he norgenss Que: area senrerenaing dobe on rensonmble ° PETER LILLICO 'I did no work," sighed the brook. 'I| morniag. fome four day's ago he drew | 80d bis stroug ders: carried -- OO ¥ to len at pi rices to sult every bodr. Gall at exther Proprietor. only rap along the meadows laa bin in | his "a earvings from door from its hinges. The sight cet . the Main or Wallace and "we | Listowel, May 9S, 1887 "7 gbing ed he | met thes p of e -| Nearly Four Thousand Chinese EUARHERTORD, Local and "Dig | feel confident that we es satinty you in factory, $150 snd cashed the 1 fate for Canada Life Assur- retofore, We give eee of af a waves neat by laughed | regeis Of this amount he 960 into was 90 Workmen Drowned. mien Gor Wien tan rance. Land, Loan and Tal y Sitentlon t to ordered 'work. rill is a he hed : tl spite of pathy for |. ee General Agent. UMtice: Kear 'of Bruce's Ki HEADQ UARTERS mi bof "ane tb hoy cat tel ag - on cee torrcrotiieken lady Rosy wigs way | BY A SUDDEN RUSE OF WATKE WHILE BUILD- ™ . eee teeter Ost. " KARGHES PROS ¥OR-- san you , hey va nid ou worked pend WS hake bad on bis persoo > to ueoutrollable me STEM FES) BOARS: ee 7 Saas aca wa i -- i, . YOMMER ben never ceasing day, ond night. The bis friends is that teoed teshelor had bimee Be Fieg Comm RIAL, HOTEL, MAIN ST.| Listowel, valleys and meadows grew green as you | bewss watched by some party or jeate the eh aul eae ie ' Stowe! d dav U eA pact eres ne term or sears, ieites ~~ -|F RN I L U R E. aay phe Bi yvu came they | at -- che = and was a ally be gl pth --_ aie the back sand workmen aR dor 19.--_Wehile fou thos be e he) bar ve '. Bicarac ecelvat actowmcation ir ene Watches from $5 Upwards, -- "Was that sy work 1 asked the be | Toor sfiarwaris stared out go tbe roud T4137 wanton. ny. coven to | water to samy the Hoang Ho Bpecial attenti ; Idered litth koew bo and when he x tiads. G rata Line enddd anving cahedacacd If you want to buy furniture cheap call at i none ts phasis F they Ia bret aabacl eco ride and think a apytiang too busy uotil her _ they were enzulpbed by a sudden a Guargeavers modermuar nae NE rene URUn: Warranted Good * 'How did you come he e;did ag Seas 4 od in getting him band's indignant inquiry, 'What the | of water and only a few escaped. 7 . re; . 5 C. ZILLIAX. . H BUCK'S Igugh and play ?" asked of @ happy | bis hief are you eto ber Tr brought a uiatieg Neverhaving charged more than was right . DL A. litte wave that caught the ee at ker her in some degree to her senesne ------------ oe WOUNTY OF PERTH.--THE WAR- ods, cannot give large per cent. (abandons '0, Ch there's = 'What's ina Name 1" DEN ai) Redmatipoicunn is Cierk's Tam selling 1 ght end demanded his money. This being | room |' have uolLiog pleas tt deine i ' . hed . 2 Dae aa aca EURNITURE STORE, [weiss stag sites epee Mee ln ARE Fa oe ear tet sukeapa gl ret nig elu. nitendanen ee toccnh on kueeiay wy -- 7 5] "ih ope iad day "bncewek Sapte result above ots! The 'search f oice f bebr he sofa. - is is t there is. Would Cesar bave Bes Wednesday of each week, from 1to8 o'clock WATCHES, CLOCKS of u tornan nn' router | bo murderer is being kept seh --_ | a7 room, and} home tonizht asd i guch notoriety if his pare hed- The Treasurer will be in attendance at hi : ~ Main street, e the Post Office, wher iis aint onre t dns tae:te? | the direction of High Cynstable | found a woma: i Caleb W. Pickersgill? Think of Patti one nae cal Ay.. Weanmeaey: Tuned ay, wilt be 'ound hve very \IMrES stock of Fur ac igs bg £3 and an efficient posse of kien 'tbe | Thase bys sera *xplanations tended | trawing $7.00) -- nigh: if the bill- boards tae on scapaiinion week, during ~and-- niture of all kinds. - 7 after-sie glow | ii aint hen whale vagrectelp also taking part in the | in no degres "to aoey te folate nt | sspoaneed ber an dane on SON. County Clerk. | T EW HLL ERY ten breuse,th.titite ' searo ol tha boarders. Bus finally apf uo-ler: | idem jaa Dro Pierce's ~Pleawant ee ee os */We_-wont be Undersold. ;«*:2n brs Fit i Ua am 8S Orme was a wellknown farmer, | slandiog was reached, The lady Purgative Picea name. that ba ICHARD ©, CLAR - i a -- . 'Ahi you are a her comes--never ie residence waa on io -- | j tlee ee 'this conition bad made e record. These tiny, sugar-cos! CHA . CLARKE. oe 1 ue = 'ownsbip, south side, a wande: © room and gone d jach R ? THE CELEBRATED ROCK The ng Cat Sam of and you ci can learn | short distance west are Prost tine | bed. ed pills fas ir a bint bes ach, VETERINARY SURGEON cey. ' seco laa hr cocaad ahet s smounte| Ga sani set, Ripatest| | semen contreness RYSTAL P t e Fra in eine avd what it means!' ! yr y They "Mean " MILLB ictur & | she cried, wisstal ; war bora on the 11th eoneession of Sai ---- ANEONTISPE-CTACLES a a ee eee owpshi ed te tee eee ees oe Ee a es ee, Honary Graduate ofthe Ontario Veterina ary We keep mouldings ofall patterns in stock the couatless aves plied 'the wave. | vicinity all his lite. He was a consistent Catarrh «Remedy a fait trial acd nas nc Formerly 1t was coramon in giving di- College, Toroata. piseases of doracoticn'ed -and- nad are wrapared oO tee ennaet te ey ey have to fire it, then iveomes-a member of Methodist Chureb, a8) ¢; eoat ee Detar tes pene rg gn rections for transplanting trees to add entered b egrets ce cthare ise werk: EYE G GIVE UNA : CALE. bd ere were all bis family, and was ig highly hear from Bat ec Aig for when | instructions bow tos them, to pre- Gay. Rew eiuee and "Tetra adie LASSES. y send en he littl Srook teetned bors they offer, an* they do, 'goo faith, | vent blowing over or ming twisted Gatam setioel. k ' ee slp mee saceean _Xram me "a saitg 5 the ite Es : ing oe tbe toralioe Bi Mone vere roa 2500 rews of naesl catarth | by the wind, which was ally one of the aia 6 RICHLY & thinand then net they witl Ged |-her voice was grawicg rich and deep. | don. Hebad ces he ru, Rev, James which they esnnot cure, the; meant) worst things that could-happen to them, BUILDING LOTS FOR "SALE. - honorable employment that | -- Every hour the song wa: changed, bo H. Orme; tan daanleter at Warde. | SmetUy what they'say ey are 6 mn | and such staking was always essential if Repairing . Il Kinds D homes and families, The te are L the heart-beatof the ooren ehanerd H18) ville, and J. W propti ly responsible, 'radwbundaotl able, | the top waslarger than the roots, ae parreg~ OF 6 ried ane" Rive uusse ena ase mow poahing s rhythm The Lucan Enterprise. He leaves a wile --_ ir earenioe ed ka better way is to obviate the necessity of Four lote--Nos. 9,40, 1) and 12 'code PROMFTY REASON. hundred dollars amon After awbile she knew she wae not children asanyone can learn by msking) 91 staking by taking up sufficient, ident 5 warn Sizes weeks near the real- = = ¥ ASD ABLE. one take $3 and yards day. whe meont ia nomen its, neuen ahe fecuie in Lt aoe ange sold. by al Ith oft srk poeta Sree: | oon, ar mer haas . {| was content then if she might Set join roggist ly in position # rly _p ta, 2 ; eae Mr. John 'Campbell, hoees aiid th ng vier Reepecial abit wequired you in the great 'Anien. _ It is herd to tell when a dentist pulls long sud ample roots ill hold the tree | R. J. ARMSTRO . M. iS) M I T H 5: Peer reeae Se ae mesaniohcen' wikoeoe reucne a mae thehardest--when he bas: his grip on uian who sayahe feclafor the | better than any steking.-- Purebasers of Ns ston ' mall free. Address Stinson & Co. Portiand, « cutee who gots * thse dbo molar or when be sends in his rand ail keeps his pants pockets id the aie: . vonibank tar reraes 5 TRLEGRAYH OFFICEMAIX TREET. Maine.--ffy. pr a fabricator. ment of the nursery-man. , . 4 < is ae r : te ' : : " : a : ans trite nuts = aT 5 2 x : : 2 ; : = gs Nts fs oo y 3s orate ReNSEE See Pepe P ME ee i ie ea avinzks sl aa lame 2 ae & E