e province of the Dominion, the hospitali- | favor of the "The motion was] PERTH COUNTY COUNCIL. | was accepted, and Mr. W.G. Hay and ve CHRISTMAS | sellcer neg asim teary aninng cordial ied 'and Rage ag an = third . fea De. Dingman were nominated to fili the Sor teleg innse So Soesinrlan see McNeil fort reteed of Ney pdr pad Connell Ses 1868 4 ._ Mr. Hay was elected by a ' DS world with the thoughts, seatiments vee datheraeel t lot ig = sasembled in the court house, | vote of 15 to 12. 5 f z GOO! and aspirations of Canadians are all to- a Moved by W Brown, csconded by | 0 Tosedey afternoon, Jennary 24th, all} Mr. Richard Francis, of Fullerton, | keene of the exist of A Hislop, that the matter be laid over the members being present. was trustees for Mitchell larch nian pgar eae pee echeamcry sepa snd that the Clerk be yOmiwatiexs" vox wanpex.--------} High- a i fresh manifesta king, Eoni Fost Barbottle,/ The following gentlemen were nom- ° ; a pret prengeatig ha has disap- eee cana tes pext mesting of | insted for warden : oi Nyhiala breton of your rat ty a coak HA CKIN G : no longer intervenes seoor ded Councill--Carried. Moved by Walter Mr. W. B. Freeborn, reeve of Morn- child setering and crying with pain of Cut- ; LE as a barrier between the a g ska. 4a = ae id the som Oliver, seconded by Wm Brown, that all ee Mr. Lev- tng Joeth® Fike seed Wh cuee and. ants members of our Imperial family. port was most sansfactory,some $1,200 4 yancuion, 'Ny gontract ditching lo the old members of the Beard of Health for Children Te-thing. Ite valne ts Incaleul- - a = wing been invested in pur thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy |'as certifi-d ty Engineer and that | and the-Medical Health (fSicer be reap- x "Jobn McMillan, reeve of North Fn e ok ag atl en mall reapers ny Has the Largest Cheapest, an wig Ocsas and erection of building: for ne bead, os ah m | eemiaeetinayidraned Pc pall carp ae- erty by Mr. Jones pte Mr! Me- | there is ec mistake sbout it Iicures. dy- pe Tremecy: Society, on which there isyetaj -- At the regular mecting of Court Mi- sts . ne fpectezy tres the bowels. "Wiad Col : = Coulter, srocnded ty Mr Bray, the | tees of SS Nom, 12645 and 9, cach $3 = Paani anced penne Finest Stock of THE sume MURDER LIKELY To Paove To:| deb? of $575. The weccear' of the verton, No. 99, Canadian Order of | Son ci' $40 be granted for pravelling | for ose west sieaiien y AF vi. McLaren, reeve of Hibbert, | (2° 0S" cncrey to the whole syeiem, "Mrs. A CASE OF SUICIDE. Society is due to its efficient F 79, .| by Mr. Sioa and Mr. Frager. ing Syrep" for children ai ee rh Sa aes sham icles Was. Spree gprbesingrs only eran ed MrD. D. Cam ve of Listow- | 2ethine is pleasant to the tasteand ts the = Spence, use of house at election. "Db. D. . - : ae jem ae ago srd to {the Secretary - Treasurer, Mr. Ernst | monial (in the shape of a handsome : Dunean McDonald, James Lindsar, | el, by Mr. Lillico and Mr. W ieenate: puyvictans ana _necsestn the Unhed =-MAS GOODS. |conrince the snikartlsee that g wan | Gartung. - gold Forester's pin) was Ra Calder. James Me- ihe first vote gave Freeborn 11; Mc the world. ewenty-five cta nothing t suiciie, -- Bro. in, air, Andrew Tarnball aod Wm Spence, | Milian 4; McLaren 5, and Campbell 10. | a bottle. Be sureand ask for "Muna. Wrws- ~ | High Constable. Schram this morning MOLESWORTH. dey the d cock Of eon ents aa Deputy-retursing | = The next was between Freeborn aud | cind--1év 'cbrateeel mT visited b eaicd Be er Rg ee An entertainment will be given here | was a large number of piegeilet ---- nes 20 Lasaing Campbell, which stood thus Luts Sernoger sneering B. Orese's. ges, | C2 Tuaadey, cresing, Feb, snd, by | present--ths "ses 2 Co,, election blanks. $7.90 : Mrs Steel, | _ For Freehorn Siebert, Teversei, THE STANDARD good cription entered the shop end asked for. the noted ventriloquist, W. E. Burgess, | in the village being filled. Bro. E. remission of $2 32; Mre Mcle Roach, McLaren, Ryan, Campbéll, Call aad see, no trouble to show * | grevolver. He shown ° ar | of Listowel, whom we know is second on 3 who occupi vetiine acini eet ns oe cae rilbonth panes Cc i U B LT Hs ce picked out tbe weapoo with which ) tonone in his proféssion. e will be | sen ¢ address and t: repairing at lot 7, com. >| inson, Willoughby--12. the deed.was dove. He made'the pur- | assist Professor Garret and . Jobe Forest. road scraper, | = ForCampbell--Coulter, Lawton, Hud- nia ; P >; D Living balance couiract - J. A. HACKING chase hurriedly, paid what was asked | jocal talent. A grand time is expect- a . 5 "| '| son, Frame, Welch, Kahry, Cleland, | ayy of the following fill be clubbed with * Sendjak ot S glisepes rei ctgg Admission 25 cents. On Friday evening of last week an Donald MeL lio, nies oan im oe Lochhead, Lilien, Welsh, Skinner, |-$80 {0 'trem une requir ss ries, thinks from, the description given' that | The present attendance of the school | entertainment in connection with Trin- $100 : Matthew Morrison, refunded dog | Ford, Fraser, Schaefer--16. pavable strictly tn ce. mailed to any t wan U Tor cle clerk who sold the | here is large, being about 60. ity Church Sunday School, was held in tax $1; Vre Levine. remiesion nf teves | The vote eaphe Campbell and Mc- | S@¢rres trom «Meret rrbticrtie elven took opinion. Orne P the I $199: John M flat', gravel 3] Laren: was thas reoonled : SEARED ARM Revely Eeeeeowrene SS ovale i ot oe a aae teak beyond | «bist Mitchell. of Dakota, is visting | SS ocaks well for the people of A Fewcot,copelring road at bot 35. ern. | Fer Camptell--Coulter, Kubry, Sic] 2. ive Prema dream, 138 doubt apd | took bis dinoer at the City | DO ta the of Jno | tht Place: 0° 3H Rowe, printion. 95 2. | ev, Cltuml, Lrchh ed ele sncrnvine, Tar Pathe { 7 vy * eciprent and the ing ef porgea dai varned to W. Sxi Ford, 'cMillan il- « . Lee foctornt ion. tty complete, Steadman . Programme CORSSTINE of GHOSC, fe betel, Crostwesk, on the oo atch, Siiace : = Ih wY, 33 f ine bc entertained by Dr.) win Woods bad the pleshee7 | dialogues cond Fridey in March next when Path- 11. = > Magazine ¢ = LISTOWEL STANDARD). | satros (ato made ihe ), the an ok a out by. de, will be Sel anen 2 a 3. pee 'aod Millbank. '= Sravcn, Clerk. | Frame, Welsh, Leversage, 4% a wanicar? eceinegaiinen a FRIDAY. JANUARY 27, 1828. ee ae es bak te sanatirs | "Pha fdr cnx of tide ual hams of Sans Clous, who looked both inthe etes ted gp aha See rier Clove, heme tonal, has, revstutiontead the = put an end to life, The revolver | will be pleased to see the smiling ceun-| old and. feeble. on January roth, and after winding Robinson --17. IAVENTION century. ye A GREAT OBJECT LESSON. | Pocarttcrocd tis cap and lefe traone | tenance of evr old friend D. F. Stewart | door w the business of the year, clected the | The next McLaren | progress ts = methed and eysiem of work + | powder cap t * ir bs " ms '4 = the scalp, The bole in the skull is | 19 We hope the fever | entertainment Miss Minnie Knox, Or- lowing officers for 1888 :-- J. Moon- McMillan, which te: fee car yet nee ng age en trenny BLE F! HE | an " bullet | which has been raging here in the past | ganist, was ted with a gold chain ey, District er ; RH. Ferguson, | For McLaren--Coulter, Lawton, Hud- | homes Pay literal: any onecan do the AREMAREABLE PROOF OFT! . presen! for < work ; eltber sex. 'or of@ : Bo special UNI1Y OF THE EMPIRE. nem the Sicaien_gevetvee would will not or a Rape _* _ by the a at -- S Master ; Robt. Barr, : | 800, -- Le eager ~ spuiity required: fapital pot mended' an xpected Ghee' we wou grat to see church, accom = bexse ; | Joseph. Wheipton, Treasurer ; H. yan, J» in- | are started t this out and return to Tribute to Canada's Enterprise Be lee" a, at pond = take with him s life partner on his re- . address, reed | by Miss Lizzie Gil- Fe meth, 96.20 gravel ; Davia Bros., #43.. | Young, Rec,-Sec. ; J ner, Ford, Freeborn, Grieve, McMullan, wee value aud tespestauoate Jounat wil MORAN, yipsicur TALK BY camte -sce- | raised up by the ball. the Son] ne en Weel, 50 printing contract 5 y Treasurer, of Ceremonies; Matthew Mor- | Fraser, Robineon, ng in more money right sway then anything rki-ks LONDUX--A SYMPATHETIC akTICL®, | chambers of the revolver were p ewopty NEWBRIDGE Rc "Miss Minnie Knox: -- ™ $14 back a Hunt $10 "> mson, ---- ; ag ne A s For -- ab a aers Tikes eee Pe eee on ee A sben found, pearing mem adherents ment welling con, 1 ; ing | Gerry, jitors. Sa Loxpox, January 93.--The three hours' been disct resins: before. . the : time ago a sleigh-load from Trinity Church and Sunday School, plore Bet ---- wh Now. 315 exch district of Huron, i des ee off Welch, Jones, Shaefer--9. . ' naire bromeen Mr, Norman phe nag pha (or cir henp ed bear tle Ney lier peli borg emp © | Foe, 89 20 for gravelline and $1.5 for al: on DF pe erence age ag cect'| Diptheria Challenged ! tg Talk of "the eich tn ieee uC: [dade feoucnee of $5,000 on his Nde from instruments and the | ness in presiding so faithfully and ef-| pesec, $1012 pristine 3. Vallance, Secmaiiton Wee the chais, Ba wares mena ject eeron this aidateht talk across The t theory in connection with | BOise of the fun-loving youth as they ntly as organist during the last 80 gravel ; J Kei ditebing and ETHEL. thanked the for the » the Diptheria and Croup Sox Laffords., He raye it ism etriking | the shooting ia that it idental. | Were diligently trying to keep time with | years in our church, and thus materially culvert Elmaand M qoeer's| 4. vir. Bawteheimer. of Henf honor, they had done him aa Remedy tymbol of Impecsl unity and prophetic | Som © think that Orme's intention was | their feet, convinced us that it was a | assisting in the public ward ; D Slingeriand, $4.64 gravel ; wea comin: out of the sith an in choosing him to preside over them ---- Of close union. There ie anger | to hurt himself for the purpose se- | dance--a real surprise party in search | and thanksgiving to the Giver of all J Fra b, $l eel._Carried . ] . bre feet th --< the present year, and assured tnem that | xo chiid needs te suffer. from that Great Britain will att-mpt to draw | curing aocident enaenees but .miscaleu- | of fun, good and perfect gifts. To you we feel neil then adjvureed iil Februsry | elm log about t eh leet through a few | he felt proud of the position would | these ¢resdfal diseases If this Remedy is the Imperial tie too tightly. The ultm- | lated bis aim. is alleged be was in- of sure it has been a laboref love to use the Hlth Fetssntom, Clerk. | days ago, the sleigh upset bs os = try to attend to the duties*of his office | satus. c testtmoatale oa bese T chat- lie between the English speaking | jured ou a pre occassion pool = Quite a number of young folks are 1 hich the Maker has gi rman ught between 'the log in a painstaking and efficient manner | lenge case with this remedy if right! people ia bkely to be an gi ance f as som io eels ste 7, doing a 7 at pres- | talents which We ask yan to a see kee bruising his hip very bed. atamaals He iki tha coubal "would en Tat area tune Kan Abenie eee tmiutual asritance aga tet foreign fi the injuries t ing will- | ent, and neglecting t jools. "to accept) = New Corsci.-- unicipal Couoeil | help was at hand to get him out of the | geavor to economise and keep th . | Rev 4 p the ex . a. ee Sears, Ont. To » fully self-inflicted. sl to arbitrate end coreilinte Tie text ef he J'all Malt Gazette editor al referred tu above was as ful- Big Bear Dead, lows :-- as gies THE NOTED CREE CB ime ue gies of the world under = pehindpapan electricity, which is the most -- henow ron re our cettusy, bas se) more remarkabably~ itlustrated reorived from Battl-f STIRRING INCIDENTS 1X His Winsirrc, Jan, 23.--Iaformati ? BaTTLFORD-- CaRkgs. has oN W.T, bee "CO | of the death thore of Big Bear, Chief ot tongue or tween 4 ir is ournal and our special commissioner. ~ hiya oe te the Cree Mr. Norman bas found his ceo obi mus-qua, was cbi sk of a ne the American continent, and o of bis departure for Japan, standing on | band of Crees, who retused of Goveroment agents to settle on a re- all adv og Big Bear's tase | are bad theshore of tue Pacific, ho psased fo! oo. '4 Soha Alba ~" hold an hour's conver-a'ton with hie serve and make a treaty, preferri { | wander about at will. chief at adietince of overaeven thous- I known in Easte aan miles. This inte:vie«xing tour praeon =e the % tne couree of | inter- | the Gew science bias placed st its dinporal. { tween our special and) los cuirf stretch | ed an xy acts which 30 years ago it would hare beeo impossible to exchanges a commune, with that of Gen eral Stra: exe than. fiom three to four | Pitt, Big Bear's bands , but thanks to the enterprise H selves with glory at Lal vanse of seaat ant ora e "i year rattrerat fo ait 'al om post at Frog the Capture of For pee "sae eas . tt, which wae unfort ly deserted Oe Se Se | by igdefenders, tue three Gaye fight- recor cver B H roaliera aleea; of at Frenchman' atts and the ac- aie ' nota whic rons ta winch Major Steele's command mateo se8 CB of the Mounted Police covered them ange took to the wits in north of that "ple, taking a number of known among the farmers as Hanlan is among sporting circles. The late severe cold storm assisted by Jack Frost visited some of the in- bitants and made things in -- havea frozén appearance, ly parts of a person's nose, tice toes or hanes e roads are very heavy driving and y driftec along the side lines. Mr. Chapman, the carrier of { Majesty's mail from Newbridge " a by way of Redgrave, reports e road as being very bad. Jusius NE The weather is very cold, and ana bundanceof snow for those who are en- giged in the lumbering business. Mr. Wunn ts getting in a very large stock of logs this season. oates and Ro berts, who have the contract of strip- ping lots 24 and 25, in the 13th con, for Mr Dunn, have a numbe: of teams engaged in hauling. Our Reeve a arc al knowi yard ast few yearsit 8 PM). ont before he was B: ip Pe CONT ATEATIOD pe was trird at Regina and sentenced arid Uy sricauyee without 'tom term of kaprispareat. He was at nithan four minutes be- however, pardone heliwe the expir- imedn & qarstioniand's 297 ation of bis arm and returned to bis | POUR MINUTE+ IN-tkab OF F CR MONTHS. tr at mea-tres the ehripkaze of the sitet oe becesti tier meagre touch | of the electra enacaeer, Nove of Se t Girl Burned tht wonders of the Acatean gnte ce ee cutde thegnaes bof tast mi dmeht talk New Hawerec, Jan. 2 acrovs the eatle, in whien question ning and eucagot In | unrave] the mystery to Ihe ris rien can tala Van the telegrapo were pot, Guards could talk ta the # offi :¢. nation of tbe fire than abe Tne night was unpropitious, ® storm tie arres brough raging ip the { western rezone | Squire Preesprich, bet lween y othe rcky Mountains, Th was interrupted coa- | went to U n with the children, les' versation for nearly an beur, al- | ing them in the aiden" s thougb the temprraiure was below 2-r0 | what above to the threshing floor sod set e damage Was promptly repaired, tO* | fire to the straw. Taking tbe cbildren, | interrupted sentence was completed aod | ghe went te adjoining sbed and the interview proceeded to ite close a4 | watched forthe Hames. Ita that though no bhzaarda bad awept across Lbé | the girl, eltbough bired for » wae Northwest, and the wireéinstead of tra- | ------ to leare before her time; wetsing the ocean depths and mountsto | was out, but Mr. Shaote would not let | heights had merely -- Hemp |: ber go, es this © manner io which stesdand W peas fon. she takes her revenge. § was com- INTERview a7 7,000 MILES kaso mitted to Berlin ja:l to await ber trial. ia an odj-ct lesson of th ance, for it teaches the world that dis- { troyed by fire yest-rday, cams ---- ths Barn. 24.--Mr. Levi ' Shantz, whose torge Dank barn was a to tow Cowf Cook to roceeded | farm, and efter some conversativn | a franc the house be be- | otherwise. , Geo, House, who left here for Mich- i in the i ee Taught oe Lesson. "js since le! 'Toro, January 2 years ago Jot ce maciatrate meng ot pet alorg which leat nicest crossed aul recrovacd tue messages of | p bbone on a regu eymypethy and requests tor directions | bunt up cases. thbooe iteclf » -triking ») ear imperial | bonus on every case FoR A VERY GOD CaCaB. --About two nT. Partridge was appoint- countr, to administer th- Soot Act, When the fellow brought in however, fell out, Rath. moity aud pr ephetio of tnat closer antoo | The pao: there ia stillto be between our island | bone splitting on it, Ao wasor realm aod alter evidence was taken un- wma ein 20mx mabpowaLp GaLis | Sass Parertige ve dapeived of ber auxilisry kingdoms. Regarded as Partridge jeprived ebsin what Zen-be wanker? The rail. bs commasinsion. To-day tbe sutheritie. ing sechor ra -- This is the first case in Ontario were 8 might soap the cable at either end, « gust of wind might vie } ee overhead wires tothe grou wiing bear magistrate has mB ex with, tremely dealt a from the forest primeral Clamvering up ' & BLANCHARD 'aor' Ls Fatal Hansway. ALMOST INSTANTLY ILLED at #7, MARY'S Mary's. Oat. January 22--The ark brehway bectostd i pas 1 ween wie of Henry Siepneut, a promibent Nis kee oeigsbers of dmellera--at LaFRIEy Ghd Gee cee por-wl the Fownskip Btmost ends of the earth. - The change of Bianshard, was kilied on Maio street ecapnet a) io moprese the imagination here teuid t being thrown from 6 Of stateemen and Alithe beart with fresh | pair a revereng home irogi hope the promise oF future. bie on oarres capitis ia evidently inpres- ehurch, The boree hear yomansee N ' able and Mr, Stepnett, losing cootrel, sed withthe danger of etiewpting (9) oe isan out. Tne horse then es pt red a ae -- | rap ursy @ re Sennett was thrown tonat-iy we ceed poder no appreben- ; $ sion oa tbat score, Engiand otter the againsta post Sbe only liveda few next general election, will a minutes _ _ scoident. The i ts ere crowded with pevpie re ing z rule to Ireland. She is nos likely to a¢- | oe chareh several barely '] company that wise step io ~ aection of jx her own Gomes by en endeavor to mote in the other direction in be her relations * Domirion. The ultimate tie between Parest jot Mage. . = English speaking commonwealth. ms likely to be an alliacce for -- TEE OSXVESTION 'perweex ane ce against f _ THR CMITED eTaTEs ABOCT CO spermsoent tribunal of arbstration ie --- eonci to whieh all q at is. Urrawa, Jan. 22-- gue between the allies mill be referred. | General f For the rest we must . he pare! THES GROWTH OF Commas career of 'The Pos! states that the conveatscc for being run down by the runsway borec, CANADA AXD COMPLETED. the erty aang the County Council. j thes schoo | er with a ni pwelive adds & greatly to the | looks of the school hou i A Christmas tree was held in the Doneg eal school heuse on Friday night re on the 12th c i success, "tei "financially and | igan last fali, to wor lumbe: | woods, came home sick last week, He j cau ught a very severe cold, but is im- conde a full confession, = that a" | ae since he came home. se factories in this part | have a Tepes their cheese.-- Com. ATTWOOD S. ScHOoL ENTERTAINMENT.--A gi successful entertainment was held a | the school house of this village on ae day 13th inst.,in connection with St. ban's sunday Sc The pupils, of the ' several appropriate songs, which were | received with t satisfaction by the audience. The school choir,of the roth line of Elma, by their beautiful songs, helped greatly to enhance the pln ent. An interesting essay read by Mr. Harding, and wad attention' listened to and muc' ted. ue? made up the r nder progranme. Atter a few words of ad- vice fron the to pupils and par- ents, a banaiielly decorated tree was unvei la with prizes tor members of the Sunday School, whose i testified to their delight. The ings were closed by the pot neglect their clergyman at Chi mas, having kindly act him with a large load of oats for his horse and a wey of provisions for the --Co ANNUAL Misstonake Meer The Rev. Jas. Ward, of Milbank, an reoch, PD. V., Missionary Sermons on Sands next, 29th inst, as sels -- St David's, Henfryn, tt a om. ; St Pauls, Trowbridge, 2:30 p.m. ; St Al- ns, Atte 7 p.m. Collections will ic takes up fur the Mission Fund of the'Diocese. All are cordially in- vited. ae The Tang ef the new Presbyter- ian church in S ileeniis will take place P. Mc on Sundag, Deb. sth? Mc! officiate Sire g and evening. tea meeting take a ficers of Silver Star No. 963, L0.0.F., were installed by D. DG, M. James Jobnsen, M. D. was » by Past er, were int Tbomas ling, sta ere an m,--Couneil but asa slight. token of ou that the Lord will shana roduced, a ecll & Masahsiaain, Stationery ce El-etion, $8 56; Ges 8 Bogie, 'aunded ar- eg reward all faithful workers in His hereaft Mr. Ward replied for Miss Minnie. We are glad to notice that at the examination of = students of the Busi " late fee W Little, John el-ct of _ township of Wallace by, De:.uty-Rerve ; ao s° and Valentine Ber- able to be around soo: About two weeks ago, a Toune woman started from Lucknow, on mixed Brisbin train to come Eth: tratford, our young let, Councillor k the | Phe train being delayed she did not Chair. Mored by J Willoughby, second- | arrive here until Sunday morning, - " by V Berlet, that KG rip be re- | then she had a couple of miles to walk appointed towasbip Clerk, at asalary of | to get to the house cf a friend. The cil adjourned to meet at ane o'clock p. resumed at one o'clock p the members and passed, appointing 888 bal Contre cide line, Cro 3, $11 ; be a eel Reeve, 7 fare ar aerate R bat of tt Xo, Con ph Snel- |. 87 ; Jose: tate | abor gad collected by Tax Collector,--Statute bs the Rolls were ELMA --The il elect for the : Coune! townghip ot Elma % the year 1888 met 6th dey c° January. ' ed by J Cotxcit . On mo G G Little, the attention called to Shipley to put it im a eo -- Howe's bil! for ee oes amotinti $120 for thecurrent year, and pertorm all tbe duties appertaining to | on Monday. bin, second amt --The Couseil] elect ot > ma bridge safe sta: that he ed by V Legit | that Councillors fees be $2 per day. tatutory mt r day--Carnied. iby V Ber- to $6.85 oon. motion of y Brobin aod Willoughby, it was re- paid for "s report + groom came duwn on the morning train ww fice for the above named is - en spending the last few weeks with | [De oes and they had to drive to th P ried "Moved by G Littie,seconded silat . his friends of this place and seems | y rishi . tbat z Stewart d | town of Heniryn where they foundza er | Bates favorite with the young people. | Kointed Treaeurer for (be current year, minister realy to attend their wishes. Com. --* -- ; and that he perform As Donald Lamont was unloading Sere all the duties appertaining to the office | cedar logs at t} « mil > h th MAHYBOROUGH. for the above named falary, and that | ectetadteen Xo oo dt pr Tween be bia bonds be laid on the -- et next! ig? NcIL, -- a, Love for the evasion of this Couneil-- The 'logs breaking his arm. 1 1885, oship Hall, | (guneil adjow hoor, Tb A week ago jast Thureday nicht there x. --* San 16 hb, st on hour 5 Ri Coanal met. Moved ty I "Wiltoaghty, was a teamecting at Kowe's church. o'clock, «. eeve ; Joba! peconded by G Little, that John Will | Two young men brought their Baie Carbett, "'Depaty-Reeve ne i George Little Valentine | there, and on account of the J Pate Jonn A Walker and Jobe} poiy.0 ne elected members of the Board : : home ° vain, conse Booth, Councillors, made and subscribed of ant cher with the " couki not get them ag the stato of qualification eas, appoin ty statnta quently they had to and and cfoe, and took their sea: that Joba 'Standish, M. D., be Medical ight take them home ae oes ers mee eat ced | Officer, and | John Brisbin Sani- | 2¢xt day mee! ypector f townshi Ww ----e sigoed by the the Reeve 'and Clerk, Coun- | |S -- 7 188 a al : HAWKESVILLE. The village of Hawkesville, of Sean- | tiful position, ia situated on a rising plain overlooking the nippling waters of penditure down as low ax permit. COUNTY OFFI Mr. Wm. Davidsoa was J.A Hecking. crusetet, Lsstaitet Nicholas stat.ces would mreta) Linowsl : 8. omer Waltaceville ; coe . Palmerston. ay inted Mr. Campbell asked if the bonds giv- -- eu by the treasurer for the county were secure and if they covered the amourt necesrary. He knew Mr, Monteith's excellent standing but he wanted to prevent any misunderstanding on the toatter. -\ great amount of ignorance had been displayed by the members of the conneil of a neighboring county in ry Neebits The 'quae Will ob note ts Wa. H.. NESBITT. 40 Town Lots FOR SALE. covered and if they were to be renewed this vear. BE m3 Ut Yor sale tn has about forty Mi. Leversaze, ex-watden, explained | ie town, dein diSeremt paris of walt For particolare wenauire at Lillico's that bonds had been prepared by the Basins ears solicitor last year that would meet every requirement, 'and it would be impossible to prepare a more effective document than the one im.qrestion. It would meet, he thought, every difficulty that could arise. The question was referred to the county i a sie committee. . Jones, John Wilson, T. . Carroll were nominated At the first vote Mr. eouncil P. LILLICO ARM TO RENT. 100 acres, ey ip the th con. of Pascoe oe and T for auditors, Sones teerit the Conestoga River. During the past brick Llocks and snes, Clerk " sslery of fiat, that Joho Strong reappointed | few years a number of bri aoe aba ceasure', OL) 4 ssesgorat a galery of $55, and that be | several dwelling houses bave gone up, ooh sate hi 'a ary of $100 ; Themes Man. perform all the duties al the office for | wiich add greatly to the appearance of neli em Richard Fatherioghsm, Coll-e- _ pr Tale prac is the place, and the citizens are rejoicing tors, ate aslary 0! Wa Wil-| ) Brisbin, Heury Cough in was appointed | n the hope that § in Use near future thes , Engineer, under the ae Respecting | sod: @ Reeve nomins G Poo} | are to havea railway pass through the itebes and ere 2 _ v1 | a8 the Anditor, appoint | skirtaof the village. Tais enterprize rye Acts Pee rg piaenee ed agcordingly. Moved by J Brisbin, sec- | coupled with the energy and thrift of aditare, stuealary oF 8'easb Prvioved onded by G Little, tnatthe Treasurer's | tho villacers, will do much to forward ; led by Joh pta be eudited trom the 3ist its present prosperous co n, and all by Taee J Paterson ded by Toho | camber, 1886, to the December, | ti, a4 Booth, that the foil ood) be 187, io ance with statute, is nece vince one of its ace Samu-l Ellison, "shoveling ETS | that the Aaditors make a special audit } prosperity is, to enter any of the ; vel, Con 3, 3 fay etd sien Aiyriony repsit- | trom the latter date to the time oot | f orrison, James or J, W. ng Spring Cree! * | audit--Carried. of | Oakes, and while there notice the nu- sions, $1 75 ons Long, Ep inc ere {ir gughby and G Little, it was | merous purchases come and go wistne Oi ee ce 4 Bl: inane an order for the | -- the day. The rest bi the busi- pier of the R. MeCul'och, proprietor 'of the grist mill, by bis liberality in buying grain, hails many 2 load on theic way to what ARM FOR SATE: and was declared ¢ electes Th warden appointed Mr. Carroll fis the other audi- Deine ot 12. con % Elms, containing 10 rea, ;bof which are cleared an nd mnced La Sr: 1 and tree from ston ee and st temp AS ce C2eTs. a > ™ "ore! mi M Jobn McMillan end ™. | aret-class water, well drained. I ce Davidson were re-appointed auditors of from Listowel. § miles: from Attwood, 3 accounts. tl The above proper yo wil! be eal at a in. For terms aod further particulars Mr. Draper was re-appointed to the | apyiz to peeing position.of trustee for Listowel High n mprrdore yn School, Mr. Wm. ileas sent in his resignation as trustee for the*same school, which THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A live ical Month ure Std ic Magesine. with ates of fruits and Garden, Lawn, Window ce cation & Forestry. ited by an rienced frult grower,and they suppose to be a Sather market, at some of the railway centres in Waterlon county. we nay to thn " read Shakespear" worker, and you will fu. -om og m them you never knew befor say those who have never heen et Harckes- ville, visit it.and you will sve # siathing you never saw befor. we JERRY'S ANSWER. I'm not very old, nur vel ery young ; T'm pet s wild pe a very loud topger If ball from a bere ibe country boys came, i'm certainly maith: rs Jode or a bum. If f eak agiri oui. ipchiareine mbps And if she sxye'yrs." chy cert' it's not 'no With 'ickets @+: two, t's nothing to About te-4+.. dora liveries, thal never will * They say + is couderfa] whet you will see When yuu sist got a cus,--what « pity To And out 5 02"d a tom-boy. to tea-- That would t« Kilw-vating--very, to me. Now poets and liverte's have to be paid Docs Eddie epee 9 it all out in trade? Ifbe does. 1 de; tad in be's For the o. mo cood, aod you all know the maid. Mozat,-- To teach a horse manners that won't go at all, We feed him long oats in and out of the stall, And soto _ brute we get manners and brain Till he Knows q it rains. ee ee By Aocclamation. . ; MR. eae iets ELECTED =. TP. ror ¥ Ottawa, Jan. 2 received bere to-day esys Mr. sertatirr) was elected M. P. for Victoria, B.C. 4. "A private ---- or (Con- Wardens Elected in Western On- tario. dotee Getye T read thea, te it Growers' Assuriation contributed naue: tead- t Sorists of Ontario. fruit growers and Sua Price. $1.00. Also entitling the subscriber to a selection trom the and to « Copy of the 2% ANNUAL REPORT for 1887. Two s=mpie Coptic -------- Aédress: The Canadian He 'FOR SALLE the ee ~ Best Family y Newspaper ESTABLISHED S83 YEARS. KING OF WEEKLIES ! --THE-- FREE PRESS The Hansomest Printed Paper in Canada Aericaitural de "Tee Seirt feature of the "Free is a noted " being givers Te to the thmet 4 ducted »: eraverite Fr a Rests | practic veal'y "ied tm farm Work. Painfal meamrantion. snastural sappreesone } i vetAATIONS. PRACTICAL AMO" USEFUL GIVEN EACH Prolapeas of falling Gf the womb, SiS aan ears ae Dearing-down congrston we Lit = Ww | SiN FULL inflammation and of the womb, in- by Tu! eda "Telephone, Ma!) and Cor- Sammation, a tenderness in respondence sate hes bour of pobit- esas Setioe ue thea cette eee | Se cciat Market 2 1 Slory always - te from girlbood to Favorite 2re- | roanlug, in eenioas eee Column, Hum- -- is @ perfectly safe remedial be amie prosuce good resulta. = disse ERS EE quali cdiactoos sod alone tn ny fects | JUST THE THING FOR THE FAMILY! eooen us ~The Changs of Lites Eaten mobs or see rerenete Meee - © Paverite Preseri taken © fa connection with tao "ese Dr. Pierce's | = Sl eho kes TAPS PAPER! Liver Pile). cares Liver. and Bladder (Scie oar aod srw Sexpfulous humors from the nt gl j pce fcregmemed eereateae |$12.0CO IN PREMIUMS that It will give satisfaction im every GIVES AWAY FEEETO AGENTS, - Or money will be refunded. This guaran- | Vos! liberal induc: ments ever offered in ta been printed Oe eae Bete TIPO, Caneds. =a useful, valuable and falthfuby sarried many years, | orname: aetiet Dotses dont $1.00, or six | ei ter 5 a Treaties of Tor. More. ; i il to work eee Porting for the "Free Coral qlee