Diente TaN " : a The Food of the Poor Uncle Meeks Wisdom. ply " DO} 1ER a s. "OLIMIS & SONS, Prof. W. O. Atwater, in sn article I have beard of men whe knew more a cow for sale, ' * on the pecuniary economy of food in| ioe, nee eae: pooone ae ae coming oath : tag gator tyd ss ees cea 'of and dealersin allkinésof-- ° the January Century, writes as {ol-| he an sake Maseclf ubdenstegd, <7 cording to" prrurament-< <. 7 ore : lows: "That the rich_man becomes rature is the diet of tee common | Pl Sbaapberry , aged & D. A | R = SU aa £E N S) | L Ss. richer by saving and the poor man ied. but genius feeds on unwritten | years. Sheisa milkster, and not ®- } y.14 in Toronte, 1886, sald: "The Their) "an mae poorer by wasting his money is one of | things. sg 2 yee RE aoe I is'| smooth diapason tones, tough 4 : CAPER OE ons, WEIGH BCALER. MILK CANS, BUILERA the commonest facts in daily experiente we may travel a good ways on whis- e, and gives : . omplete outils atlow Sgures. It is the poor man's money that ismost | key, and travel fast while you are going, alk corte To « man who aos The +ail ot the same @atesaid : "The distinguishing char- uneconomically spent in ai market, | but you can't get back when you ere me fear death eh ver edger: ch patertetion yates Save irote ee Organ 40 famous, are a rich, smooth, pipe-like : eh : and the poof man's food that is worst ou have learned to listen, you to oe hone Sate ent, by mean " ee de rect } cooked and served at hom have aineoay acquired the rodlibaata Of |» trace cobain, but ee wilt zy, aad to At the London Exhibition, '18 , 1886, "the Free Press said :--- STO VES AND TINWARE OF ALL KIN DS "TI took occasion to ae some in- | ™ -- - anyone who agree 'This year's exibit of musical instruments is bigbly ereditabie. sncinding. anit dogs. some --at VERY LOW FIGURES. LAMP GOODS, Ete.,very Cheap. A fine lineof-- the n mar: ith won't enable a men to lift a ton | right. She is one-fourth PWR ten wal of the beat iuwtrumente e ever made gin marae + but the superiority of the Doherty Organ is ¢ quiries myself among t ket-men, and one very ae butch er, in Boylston Market, sai "Across the street pos there is an establishment which employs a good ine of them comes to my vlace to.buy. meat, and. very fre- quently gets tenderloin steak. I asked she did not take" don't come here in my carria: want just as good'meat as the 'ich folks have?" And when I tried to explain to hee that the cheaper meat was just as nutritious, she would not believe me. w Mr.----and Mrs.- --,who are among the wealthy and healthy people of this city, buy the cheaper: cuts of meat of me. r-- very often comes and gets a soup bone,but I have got through trying to sell these econ- omical ae to that woman and others of her "] part that the people in the meat-men say they can sell the coarser cuts of meats to the rich, but eo Liga ple of moderate means refuse th I hear the same thing trom Washington and other cities. A frend of mine, a man of wealth, who, like his father be- fore him, had long been noted as,,one of the most generous benefactors of the poorinthe city where he lives, and ~ with whom I happened to be talking about these matters, remarked: 'For my-family I get the cheaper cuts of meat because they are cheaper. My children are satisfied with round steak and shoulder,even if they are not quite as tender and toothsome as sirloin. They are strong and healthy andun derstand that such food is good enough for their parents and is good enough for th "T question whether his gardener or his coachman would be so entirely ready to accept such doctrine ; and if the poor people to whom in. times of stress his money is given without stint are like many others of their class, not a few of them would be ill content with some of the food materials that appear regularly on his. tabie. In cheese, the'United Siates all ether counthes, exporting to United Kingdom in 1886, 856,10g cwt, bur even this is fu ully 100,000 cwt. less than that of ten years ago. It is not leasant to read that "Canada on the hand has cheese, ned in 5 have been ruining fiheir cheese by fit of cream, leads de and | f of a re vat des ue is county i re | tart @ provement in cheese, and it can come when the farmers unite in the de termination to demand pure cheese and by owning their cheese factories secure the making of the best article ¥. Observer. 4 nly You will save your horse the pain of _a-sore_mouth, if you will always dip the dit in a bucket of cold water - at once, but it will, ten pounds at a me, "Geet invents, talent applies, 1 never have seen an idea too big for a sentence, but J have read thousands of sentences too big for an idea. i anity aud jeal t passions in the human -heart, vee a to tell, they are the most mon, and, com- A thoroughly nest woman isa joy un apeakable, but doesn't she make it bury for the dust and for the people: in - ber neighborhood ! My young disciple, don't bunt for new things, but study to i old ones; & bowlders, re already by the novelty hunters, We find plenty". of people who ag average well ; now too muc! oD6 man, an peor quite -- for ow, --Tas Centrcry for February A Great Scrrenzrr.--That who is affioted with rheuma great sufferer and greatly to be nition it they cannot' procure Y Il external sohes and interna awain an d mate, of Ya ship Vancouver, for brutalit were sentenced at St. John outh en off much easier on four indict- ments for assaulting Hearse Muassella Sponford and Sloven, two eight 'We wish,' eays a Colorado editor, 'to retract our statement made last waek that our esteemed fellow-citizen, Hon, each, Mr. rissa Dever was to keep his promin After reading the item in question Mr Plumley happen to re- mber tnat during the beat of the re- een political contest he promised to kick us out to the fair immedin oat came up to t executed his promise, In "act, he not only kicked us all the way out there, but kept it up most of the back, and if be bad not run out of breath -- we office and Pm think he been ing ua yet. Mr, Piumley is a gentle- man of bia word, oultu lished, and can kick likeab Agiatic elephant.' Ix 4 Danoerova Conpition.--Any per: son troubled with irregular acting kid- Burdock Blood Bitters should t once ; 1s the best regulator of the kidoeys, liver and blood kaown to the world, 'What is a 'seedless raisin and bow is it produced ?° was asked of an importer of fruits. 'Tha next time eat a | piece of mince lied, 'you will find ae acedlesa raisin tn it,' if i 'meat' haw been properly made, It ja rca cre sara 'colored fruit, shen | the siz ota seberry, hyo 7 used ) with an daheeken skin. Ito 3 from Smyrpy and is called the § Sulte It is grown seedless simply by arresting one of the lawsof nature. Whenthe grape is about half ripe the end of the vine evelopment of the utit ripens all the same and basa delicious flavor, -- Philadelphia Times, -- This year Easter will fall on the Ist fore putting it in his mouth, S]ot Aprii--nine days earlier than last ® scikes the trost out" of the bit. Ifyou | year. The earliest possible day for wor know what would happen if) Esster is the 22nd of March, and it fell (ou did not de this, put yeur tongue | | on that day in 1918 for the last tin sennst'the bittatierit has been hang] i" oul two cto ired) years. One ob eae 2] jection arran the calender moon was tng all night in zero temperature. | tat Easter pi never fall on theeame You will nat take itaway as you put it there, and when sou do get loosey you wil leave a piece of skin behin If e¢ bat be put-in cold water first, this will not sai yen, FirstS i iT in Canada. On Wednesday on the morning ex- press of the ¢ R., between Ottawa and Montreal, a tral was made of Se- wall's system of heating an express train by steam from the engine. The chiet points of the system are these: The steam en ers at the forward end ot the train, and the sup: ly i is controlled by a valve in each car, From the main pipe the steam is admitted into radiat ing pipes, so arranged as to heat every part of the car. © The apparatus is cen- structed in sucha manner that any car in the train canbe "cut off without interfering wih the heating of the oth ertar In ordinary use on the road the steam for heating is supplied by the engine ; but provision ts also made for suppiying heat _independent of the coming trains, or in eve interrupting the. connection with the main supply of steam. In such cases heating steam is supplied from a small boiler in cach car, that receives the drip of condénsed water from the pipes, having a smail fire-box under it. Of course it will be seldom that this will have to be relied upon.- The cars com- posing the train on which the system ~ was tried Were i a and new coaches from the G mk shops. Mr: An- derson of the G.T. R. mechanical de- tiger pest | Mr. Sewall on the trial trip, and will report to the company. Fate other goods by fortune's band In given, wife is the peculiar gift of Heaven." Is your wife changed and your home Does rhe about with half the misery of the world. tem 1m clogsed up, her bead the atmdspiere nf home will in. One tiny, sugar-coated Gravule a dose. Angap or Att] bave used Hagyard's - Pectoral Balsem mily for yeare can cepecially recom e Moffat, Millbrook vice TO ® ERS you disturbed pontgat and O rouets ors wane reat Rai £ ae day as the Jewis 14th ape in 182. 3rd of ol a and will do so again in 1923) on of April, in 1927 on the 17th separa uta single night. Je as it did in 1845 and Easter occurred in 1886, April, and it Ata not fall on tbat date again uaotil Croup, whooping cough, sore throst, pasa! cold, ani the lung -- pe- ul ar to children, are sesily controlle . mptly administering 'Ayer é the we Peete oral. This ents in safe to take and certain in ite bi ask scrotule from the aystem when thing elve fails That dainty lady wipping by. How light ber step, bow bright her eye, How treab her cheek with bealthful glow, Like roses that in iy Soong blow | - d yetfiew wee ve passed away Since shé was fading day by day. The doctor's skill cou Weaker she sr At last while in a hopeles mae day ebe said, Feet i ® name va Perbaps 'twill bel wT pd but P ri Pi ' ty! And so, iJ . She took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presorip: tion, And ahe was raised as from the dead. Some people go to Florida to spend the winter and all they oan make io summer, Since confederation, no fewer than 58 eclipse were unseated and only one disqualific mony--Smith--'What i is the idea 6 in mony, me boy, es labguege ye ko Some bocke in these days are like some _-- of trees--s great many leaves and p What stations does a women want to bear to cold weather? Seala kin In worn cen A vearefully the wants of your d buy with that end always io ed onre-- Latin's "dead Reading by Jamplight probably ac- counts for the different shades of opin- ion. tld sing tise: ee crying wi pela of tng Teeth? nod at coat a . bottle of "Mrs. siow's Sie Syrup' Dakota ae (ta iiaaai iin the for Children Teething. [ts valoe Is Incalcal- ¢ all ready" abie. It wiil relleve the poor [ittle rer immediately. Depend uo it, mothers Fore nage: there Is ao mistake about it lores dy: | Editors-Pistols pew bowie knives in terran ! werrtks bowels, cures" Wind te, softens | good shape! tho Gum: reauees apo Ds and aves Foreman.~VYes, sir. eo tem. " . Piasiow's Booting Syrup" children Ethene gan loaded 7 teething js pleasant to the and js the Forem: es, air. ofone ofthe oldest and best Bilitor-- Theol let the paper go 'o press. female physielans sad nurses in the United Tid Bits States, and In saio by all druggists | -- shroaghous the worid. sak for Sine. Wie FoR aru ON Fer Pim- Lows Sogtmine SFaUT;" and take sO other' samers of the skim, ere J 'iow ~ kind. -lir : Bagi Goep. are the two wenak- |- ° od Frank Kinney and Robert Davis, boat- oes and he agige serch cB Soa T will aleo, ced a double- shotgun, whic with ber, In i she generally me away somewhere for a w or-two and returns with o tall, red can on Bae Her' name is at prefer to sell ber to a Stanastaanet * warded are those who read i then act ; they will find RICHY honorable le employmen nt ma their are a fun mak to no at once for full particulars, which - poet tree. Addreas Stinson &Co,, Portland, Maine,--iTy. 'Commercial confusion'is tha latest name for it, The appellation bas travel- edall the way from Regina, and uw Brother Davin's contribution to e literature of commercial union, 'Te @ray Hair Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German i ne ho} r Hal be pbs fg rellable, Ron ale! be all J. Livingstone, jr., Listowel, Agent tT Magio. It is re M4 ~~ p®PRICE's CREAM BAKING 'OWDE PERFECT DE' It» superi of homes fo It is used b: jorexcellence proven tn millions rmoretban a re 1 and most Healthul, Baking Powder does Ammopia, Lime or Alum DR. Sold only PRICE BAKING Pow DER co, Racal VORE. 25 circaso, er Loris, THE GREAT EN LEE {PRESORIPTION Asuccessful medic! mecntover Wyears in thou sain of cases ae ay 3 A. FRESH MEAT AT ALL SEASONS, MM" EEVER'S ao AT a CRIN ) | Wi STAQL., 'ite Wallace Street Bridge, PRIM: 'AUSAG ES,a0 Bi lowegt prices going, ee rdoranitict and prompt seliy ery toapy part of the tow ~Komenmber thestand-- WALLACE STREET BRIDGE. a for its Use, EASY TO USE Beant powder or irritating leet ebulantiea on of pl ege, by addressing Vitis, Ow, went by mall Bo'centa and FULFOED & 00, LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY BAMFORD, SMITH. & C0. Builders and Contractors re prepared to contract for the ereeticn o ar ciamen a phe grr nes. Plans aod speifica- tons draw od catinates furnished on ap Sashes, Doors, Frames, Blinds, ete tarot sued m. short notice. Plainingdope te Everything In the buiiding ine wil} aeaiven prompt aliention. and ~ FIRST-CLASS. WORKMANSHIP GUAR ""NTEED, CHARGES VERY MODERATE Feiory-- Tukermp Street, Listowel, * . BAMFORD. SMITH & Co. generally con L SE White Bros., 'the e singing syangelists of Paris, say: probtiiasy Scineasyce whe i nm nu>y, sym ete Wering tq the 29 flash? 'We ee rae respon © it on the following fequallte ona s arts oftene, quickness o| but In Engiand ao 1885S, eaicl = oe only Australia ae well.' ---- 0 The Musical Cpinion, of. London, Eng., 1886, 'said : Doherty Organs taken first place among th hibition, tty of Science, The London | Adeerhiatt; er, wpeaking gp. the Western Fair, ¥ The Hunox Merce wii --"W. Doherty was admitted a mem Literature sod Art, of London Eng for having the test organs from Canada at the Colonia! and Toalen Eativition, 7886 SS sn Hathaway, compiler of the Savage Band Hymn Book, --Havin wed the Dohert at the Moorefield camp meeting, I take Urgan a pleasure in certifying that aa for elasticity of touch, aweetness and volume of bone, wo --n jog it to any person wantin. ter in { WILL SELL. Tu ANY ARM) our work, rior instrume R HIS CHOICE 'OF THE THREE LEADING FOR $25.00 pleasure in recommend: SEWING MACHINES -- 0 --_-- ----_- -- farmer bay eave a 00 over the price charged by other deals r Halt by buying ph pe ly from All orders attended to at * 48 Office, Every Organ Warranted for 5 rom JAMES ROBINSON. BY - POPULAR - APPOINTMENT THE THE Ss OTHERS CANNOT FOLLOW. International Medal and Diplom Medal and Diploma at Syd.n Tnternational Med a of Honor at Centennial! Exbibition, Philadelphia, 1476 ey Exhibition, New South Wales, Australia, 1877. aland 'Diptoma at Paris Exhibition, 1878, Diploma and Gold Medal at Antwerp, 1885, 9 Gold and Silver Medals at Toronto In }578, 1878, 1K80 and 1881; Intending purchasers should rememiber that this organ has * Cover," rendering and Jocal fairs wherever exhibited --O-- 'Foley's Automatic Pedal it proof agninat Mice, Insects, Dust, ety. THESERORGANS ARE sOLD BY MESSRS. CONNOLLY & LAING, "TIE - POPULAR - MUSIC - STORE." CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, LISTOWEL. N.U-.sheet Music, Concertinas, Accordions, ete., alwaya on hand at lowest prices, THE "RED EROS, " WITH OVEN) BONNE MAIN Uistow Hy CHAMPION. OF. ALL PARLOR STOVES. Weare selling all kindsof Stoves, Pipes, Kibowsr, Da. mps, Brushes, Bree roms. panterne, Coal On, Tin Tea Ke apo . Bolters. Dinh yen aad Fo Spoon ne, Ton Traya, ure, New kind of Stove Boarda, ome and see them, Dont Forget the 30 Day Sale, SELLING ALL 60 GOODS CHEAP. TT & Bo Ww YER, STREET BRIDGE, ONTARIO LISTOWEL PUMP WORKS ! G. A. ROCKOLA PROPRIETOR. -- REMOVAL! io - ~heve-removet my pump Business from the old stand, corne: of Wallace and Inkerman streets, to PART OF MR. S/ QUIRES WAGON SHOP, where I will be better prepared to supply the public with FIRST CLASS PUMPS, and also execute SAW-GUMMING, FILIN N.B.--Afew ivga Cellotor Janos amps. all kinds 9f work as heretofore in YG, ETC. oOo. A RO OLA. faton haud, which I can recommend esa firet-clas #0. "WTO MORE PILLS! BAVE-TROUGHING, JOBBING, PUMBING and * and GASF G.S. CLIMIE & SONS, Wallace Sires BESS BROS., WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS Listowel, 'THE LARGEST STOCK - IN CANADA. EMBRACING EVERY DESCRIPTION 0F FURNITURE i _=----AND SELLING AT---- REDUCHDRATEHS during the next few months. OLNOUOL 10 TSM THE FINEST. HEARSE COUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. ls most complete --FULL LINES OF COFFINS AND . SHROUDS-- always on hand. Orders attended to with the utmost premptness WARZROOMS- WAACE SIREET. QFFICE NEXT DOOK TO. LIVINGSTONE'S DRUG STORE, HESS BROS, TREMENDOUS | BARGAINS | OUR STORE IS FILLED UP WITH CHOIGE NEW GOOD FOR FALL AND WINTER, and we are giving SFXCIAL BARGAINS In every Department. Our STOCK - IS - VERY - LARGE AND MUST BE SOLD. Our DRESS GOODS in all the leading Shades, and Melton Dress Goods at 10c., i2ic. and 15c., are extra value. Our Stock of GREY - FLANNELS 'at 25c. is the best in the market. ell cheap and fresh. An extra it A ne of TEAB FLUUR, CORNMEAL AND OATMEAT always kept = stock. era bring your butte: id Ree eat price In goods oh eee © place, next to McDonald' JAS. ARMBTRONG 1 MPORTANT TO ALL id, or have Thin, or Gray Male, or who are troubled with DANDRUFF: Dr. DORENWEND'S r a | . Who est nt sigue root origins! color, and vr an excellent dressing, DO NOT DELAY, your nas. is ip a we ore ee get a bott " eale Everywhere. Rak for A. DORENWEND, ie Manfr TORONTO, CANADA A. Doren wend isthe Jesding suanathstarer of Hair Goods in Canada. J. Livingstone, Jr sole eet for Listowel and vicinity USE ALL THE YEAR ROUND JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA roR Liver Complaint Dvspepsia and And forF idle 73 hoon 35 aan eure, ani ved to be the ration in the tee et 'tor re K HEADAC dE, PAIN THE pipe. t{ BACK, Fe COMPLALNT PiM- PL! N THE FA Ce pre a, IA, PILES anda aia tgenaes t ha a ae a disorde nee Liver or impor Thou teanda etnke an and give itto theirgbild. acribe it da! nik renee ¥ Onn nd it to oth: in made from cllow Doe k, Hor Sarna parties wild C aah Suita bpd rasa, Wi waluapie Roots nd "Her "Tt is sirictly vegetable and cannot hurt the most delicate constitution. It is oneof the past medicines in use for doliarforaquaribottie oraz bo siees -- wat Its sold by all responsib Rold{n Listowel by Dr. Michener | n OVERCOATS. BLANKETS. and UNDER- CLOTHING the stock is large, and the best in the market. See our Large Stock "of f FUR GOODS, Ladies' Jackets. Caps, Fur Satts, Robes, &c. We have avery large and well assorted Stock of BOOTS & Oe ee Felt San aia Rubbers, and Our Grocery Department 'is always complete. As we buy for cash we are ina na position to sell you goods at bottom prices, No trouble to show goods. Produce taken, SPEARS & WATSON, WALLACE STREET fad Purdhascts chiuld look to the Label on the Boxes snd Pots, If the adéresa 14 not 633, Oxford B:reet, London, they are spurious. EARDW AREZX --- EM PCRIVM STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! $5000.00 STOCK, TWO CARS OF COAL OIL JUST RECEIVED. S. BRICKER & Oo. GENT' i) TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 'OVERCOATS ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Shop in Martin's Block, Main Street, £. Bought before the late advance, which we are Selling at Whole- ' sale Cost. : Wx, STEPHEN. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell-& Co., Newspaper Advertis Bureau, 10 Spruce St, New York. Gend 10cts, for 100-Page Pamphiet. S NORMAN'S ELECTRIC BELT " ESTABLISHED - 18m No. 4, Queen Street East, Toronte, -_--_OoO Nervous debiiilty, Rheumatiem,Lame! Neuralgia, Paralysis, and au Laver and Chi ors laints Immediate! ripapen' by using the BEL' ar DS and SOLES. _CimcULans aNp ConpULTATION FREE. Testimonials that spéak tor themselves Batik A. Non: Eo perienceas se natdesabie benefit from your Zppliance, I feel stronger anu better every Yours tral; HE. HALIBURTON Perxrxponovon, October, Seyemenrs Sir--Soon ravers viously tried ent medicines without deriving any ¥ Yours tral. ivr 7 PC URE Se SRMEUMATIS™, ao FREEMAWS s* ORM POWDERS. baneiont Tne tcf, orm, and efabotma destroyer of A Rare Charce. --=| MANITOBA LANDS, ---- DHE undersigned has tes 190 acre ved sda med situated In the Onn baeee Fr Brandon, Manit The iand ip Pt 'excellent orally, a0: - Carnes wery ae