: 'UNBXAMPLED HORRORS. 8 de ae Men Dragned bor esironnncl DSOe by Brutal Oficers: PHILADELPHIA! Reb, | 10, The. Re- cord has the fdllqwing account of the 'voyage of the ship Macedon, trom Philadelphia to Hiogo, in which it is} science. shown by the finding of a court of in- left this port on May 19, 1887, in com- mand of J. W. Jones. master, and after a voyage of 218 cays reached ne com destination on Dec. 22, with her. cr reduced in number By 'death and dis. ease, and the survivors half dazed 'the brutal treatment to which they had been sks oa pg hand of the ship's offi crew were all. shipped at "Philadelphia, FIVE UNFORTUNATES succumbed to their tortures and were thrown overboard to be devoured by a school of sharks that followed in the wake of the ship. The list of the dead included Alvin and: ils Bianchi. On' the arriyal te the Mace: . 'don at Hiogo, out of a total surviving formulated at Hiogo gee Clarence | 9, 'ox. the mate, and C. F. Beveridge, the boatswain, and a naval court, with James Troup, British Consul, as presi- the surviving mi t Of the five men who died at sea the evidence showed that Edward Grant's death occurred on September 25, 1887, -of scuryy, after having been the victim (3) A WANTON ACT OF CRUELTY on the part of the mate. Eight days before his death Grant was tied up to the mainmast by Cox, a nd was kept at work until the morning of the day fore he died. John Miller was lost overboard on Oct. 7, and the master allowed the man to sink without mak- ing any effort to rescue him, On Nov. 19, while suffering from scurvy, James Ammstrong. was sent aloft on the miz- zenmast by the boatswain to scrape the cra a task et was not of an urgent natu While performing this duty Anca ee e deek and died of his injur 'Atvin Chapel and An- gelo Bianchi died of scurvy, the former on Dec. 13 and the latter six days after. Bianchi was reserved the most shocking acts of cruelty,he having been DRAGGED ALONG THE DECK on seVeral occasions by Cox and Bever- idge while in a dying condition. The outbreak of scurvy was shown to be due to a gross violation of the Erfglish statutes requiring the use .of lime or lemon juice and a deficiency in the quantity of other anti-scorbutics in the answer before the British Consul at Japan for their gross'ill-usage of three of the dead men, Grant, Bianchi and Armstrong -- In the, ee of the survivois of the crew by Cox an Beveridge the court found nothing to justify. a charge of gross tyranny, though the accused men ha ON OCCASIONS UNJUSTIFIADLY HARSH. The master and his officers were al reprimanded for cruel treatment and were required to pay the Statutory fines for tailing to serve out the anti-scorbu- log of the sickness of the crew. ing the voyage one of the steward's feet-was bitten off by a shark when the ship was thrown on her beam ends by a sudden squall. The "Rambler" of the Brooklyr Eagle veels off the following :--Cutting a maiden's hair would seem to be My barber tells me He ts an affaile gen tleman, with endless patience sraail conversational powers. think it was fun, would you ?" said a' the "Well, lemme tell you it Blank wanted a ---- and would be pe sh rf i got there i in an hour, and a mighty mean time will I have. Ethe will be there, of course. So'll be Ethel's three sisters, her maw, her aunt Sairv, her gran"maw, an nd like as not womén, youngest gal made up her mind, but they all talk te her. Her Aunt Sairy will snuffle and ask Mania, which is the girl's maw, how can she let her do it, and the neighbou's women side with he Gran'maw wil . Other giris giggle and tell her how bad she'll look. Then I gets o work. They all yell at the first snip of the shears, Then they begin on me. I've got to suit all of 'em, includ- ing the aunt and -gran'maw, who can't see more'n acat in daylight. It's kick, kick, kick, from start to finish, W hen I'm through I'm tired--lucky if I ain't mad. Cut a girl's haur fun ? not much. Whats Steamboat Inspector Does,; Ao inspector of the | hull of a steam- boat is oblige: when and where she was built, materials, tons bur- den, state- te, drags, "Geohard, life preser- oyes rela and en stair way tohmen, whether shohas three watertight bulkbeads and two copies atea laws, name in «ix inch letters on side of pilot house, sane lights, lo- cation | steam Nm istler, num' a hi lot's rules, certific ate and officers' leaps framed under boiler inspector reports the number iameter of ailuber a valves and adjustmeot of w ocks, low water gauges, fusible Sot, locked up asfety v icl ness, tensile strength and ductility ot flues and tubes, longi'udinal seams, ms riveted holes, apark arrestere, bydros means were the results of the inquiries -- the learned were jemi, in all bra: , Caxton gave to world Printing Press. By its prrchaneoniniid Sieoovers invent! of oe become the erorety.2 nt the entire v flobe and the advan science has been greatly prom: ores 'Ne man of the present age bas studies which resulted in the production mm} of bis celebrated Fille and 9 Dintment son at once the imme: world aa well as to bimeelf, ik Telgut be ource @ laid is their intrinsic excelle tried ore fidence pheres, omes Holloway stands now, io the estimation of the people, as the most "rae Speaeess: a a 'die- ri cg rs; the stren- gth declines, the splitts chia ay com: xion becom flesh wasted, supineness hose des May take the an Lo piggeroegy th siok map Previn: Benet 9s dead objects and pursuits of life a as ic be -- entombed alive. Out of bis on ohere, as hs i this pomertal_ re lifte bim magic-- low ie doses of the. Pi ills brings rel "ig appetite, and physical ener, statements 2 58 = rs ut upon the testi- mony of parties cooupying high positions " society--men of unblemished reputa- tio and matured judament--that like. confirmed by ciroumstancen with- our sp imaedint knowledge.-- Teoreeh Telegra Part or ree Hovernoty.--"T have ard's Yellow (il with muc satiafaction, I would as I look upon it the beat medicine sold for family use." Mise E. Bramall, ge Nahe .Q. ORMN often Te cure fe Br, Lew's "wo Beg el a i destroys and dispels Worms effectually. A Ruasovaste Horu--is one that ie may reasonably hope for & cure because have used it, shows : = have succeeded even in the No other » spring sivtsas has won for iteelf auch universa confidence as Ayer's Sarssparilla, It is "the most powerful combination of Vegetable alteratives ev- er offered to the public, and is aoknow- edged by the -- profession to be the best blood pu Fors re unk 'Balvans the ve oor kno A Bes Lisa, ppb 'body knows what a beo line is, It1uns in acircle around oe patches, and finally makes its sy ton 'ead tree, where the honey is depot try Allen's ough prescription ADVIC 0 Mo re you disturbed night anit bro! yken of 3 or reat by a rick Sin pag yes and crying with paln of Cut- eod x of ébony and is beautifully carved, dread disease, with iron hand; tame ite dark ma Discovery cures coughe tion if taken in time, ome Hixts.-- Mra. , and or of dru mbit Pio: for Croup, hit in my famil de can bigbly recommen: anda on a it to ev AVEATION progress Is a method a revolutionized the world during tne last balf fees pate ari Brey ved else in the world. te. dress Truk & Co., Augusta, Maine.--47 vs Dertsita Warning. Neglected ---- and colds a0 frequently enue ser one: as to a nite sn g. , "There is no b-tter, eatar or more re sinssiat voasedy for Coughs, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Colds and all throat and lung troubles than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, fownrdea are those who read ah aud then act ; ener ' ify' find and honorable le employm. id ar re lan us ato onee for full particulars, which w mae trea, Address Stinson &Co., Portiand, om = Feuty =. --Indications of yapepsia, such as Sour Stowmoh, Heart- burn, Sick Heac hating "Rising and Sour ing of Food, Wind on the Stomach, or a Choking or Som apnea at the pit of the sto:nach are fully met by=Bur dock Blond Bitters which bas cured" the Worst cases on recor: THE STANDARD Cr:UB LIstT Axy of the following will be clubbed with the StaxuaRD at the nndermentioned Te- ductions from the regular subser pavable apetctly {5 advance, m address oftice of publication Gragnian and Weekly ik The paperio? excellenee proven in milliona a Solid only in ine tee Hee ae , alonce and et tle of Mrs, ne ow'n Sooth ru =J for Chlldrep Teething. Ite value in ineaiens FARGES BROS. able, It will relieve ne none. wr -- sufferer Immediately. De . mothers ™, List owe there ja no mistake ut it 1 dy- mentersasd Giarthioes regulates the stomach | "~~ ~ -- nd the bowels, cu Wind Colic, softens ° -- the Guma, reduces inflsmmation, aud gives = tone 'ahd nergy to the whole ®ystem. ""Mrw. i Wi soothing Syrup" for obtidren teething | pment te the tasteand Is the prescription of one ofthe oldest do best lj "ype pao ae nursesin the United AT ALL SEASONS, States, and t« eale. by all druggiste throughout the world. 1 rlee twenty-five rte | 7 The woreard-ask-for-- Mt a pate erent Lows Soarutsa Sracr,""aod take no other | "The of WM M'KEEVER' The oldest arm chair in tho world in bi i AN the throne of Queen Hatefu, who lived i\Enypt | ' ears BOC. It in made NEAT STAL, of homes for more than id bray ihoe ofa century It te used by the United mn by the heads of Great Univaraliios Bs the stron, Feet and most Health Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does or Alum not contain Ammonia, Lime Cans. : PRICE BAKING POWDER Co. KEW YORK, % cCiHIcago. ST. LOTIS. MRS. HUNTER wishes to inform the Ladies of Listowel and Not Giving Up Business Selling Beilin Wools at 10c. FANCY GOODS at the same rate. Hats ? Bonnets as Cheapastbe Cheapest. FELT HATS * Altered in the Latest Style. os: ICH FEATHERS dyed, Cleaned and Curled. _Stamping a specialty, THE GREAT ENGLISH PRES ul medicine tested over 2 Wyears in thousands of cases. Prompuy cures Nervous Prostra- ~ tion. Weakness of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Generative ne dob of mode, tadlacret vemginggya es all ills et over-exertion, Kanes le puarantced t to Neffect a ogre when a! package $: =e by mail. 'Sold by Srogrista 7 hire jen 7 SOLD BY J, = BOOTS & SHOES For Everybody. A. Satie ei. Kai ros, have laid inextra heavy stocks Or hoots and Shoes for the season's rade. Allkindsof Men's Women's and Children's COARSE AND FINE WEAR, at prices to Call at pi nuit every body. fal attention ta ondeyed wor Wee side Wailuce Street Bridge. PRIME BEET, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, PUK, SAUSAGES, @¢ al lowest prices going. ----0: --_ rders filed aod promptdellvery to apypart of the town. -Remember thestand-- WAILACE STREFT BRIDGE. | CATaRaH : EAST 10! aoa Unet obs tice, bo cents tee, by_addremtig FULFORD LISTUWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY BAMFORD, SMITH & 60. Builders and Contractors ator, amtiton, 1.75 f Press, London, 1.75 News, Toronto, with } engraving, The Fath- 1,75 ere of Confedtration The Ind emt N.Y, 3% for theerecticnoe are bre ra act alle faker pein eed Piane aud spviace Crowe drawan. a a estfens Mens fornished on ap Plicatio: Sashes, Doors, Frames, Blinds, etc farpished ox short notice. Plainipg dor Everything Inthe buliding tine >. u Re ines prompt atiention,and FIRST-CLASS WRKMANSHIPGIUJAR NTEED, CHARGES VERY MODERATE Potory--Inkérm n Street, Listowel, BAMFORD, SMITH & Co. | generally conceded.' | All orders attended 10 at Welln pains Every Organ' Warranted for 5 yen" g/U. AROGKO SAYS . The Globe, referrin ids" , . TO apa i cn Sa repr e Mail of the same dateaaid = "Phe distin uishing char- char- ns AOMI, Saar unr ret Th acteriaticn whlen havemede t iiaiiasece tone, a quick- response tot eXeelience of ecumruction. ° Oo ete At the London Exhibition, 1886, the Free Press said :-- of the brat inatrumente ever made in ¢ ula ie Mighty creditable, meteding. ont deve. some --o--___ White Bros., the Singing evangelists of Paris, say: 'We think ts ow aeidea not proguce 4b organ equel te it on the follewing inteArtiistie worien etna toned like ates ng sine, volume oftene, quickness of responre,ans- rir[D ATR Y-- J] kinds of ---- STOVES AND TINWARE OF ALL KINDS | aRocen --at VERY LOW FIGURES. LAMP GOODS, Etc., very Cheap. A fine line of -- EAVE-TROUGHING, JOBBING. PUMBING and and GAS FIITINGS In all their Branches. G. 8. CLIMIE & SONS, Wallace Street. The London A deertiver,: speaking o. the Western Fair, yer ekt a aire in Cannda are the honerts Organs uisurpared, bit in England and -- 0 The Musical | Cpinion, of London, Erg., 1886, said: 'The Pahezts. Organs taken frat place among the best Amertean organs at the Liverpool &x Huron Neve said :--"W, Doherty was admitted a mem- ber of the Society of Science, Literature apd Art, of London, England, as a reward for baving the beat organs from Canada at the Colonie! and Indian Exhibition, 1886> x pets Aes J. Ha athaway, compiler of the Savage Band Hymn says :--Having used the Dobe Urgan at Geld camp meeting, I take r elasticity a erg aweetues 6 aD ae Irs wisn bara -- I take pleasure in recommend. 'og it to any person wan nt, - WILL SELL. Tu axy FARMER fi Bis ¢ CHOICE UF THE THREE LEADING WING MACHINES FOR $25,00 N, = save Oikdh aves tha acto '. B. ny farmer hc save nce ates _-- SO. Dover the price charged by other dealer ¥ JAMES ROBINSON. } BY - POPULAR - Flt nhs THE THE DOMINION DOMINION ORGAN --Tr E A p S== OTHERS CANNOT FOLLOW. International Medal and Diptema of Honor at Centennia) Exhibition, I biladelphia, 1816 ORGAN Medal and Diploma at Ssduey Pshiblition, New South Waler, Australia, 1877. Internutions! Medal and Diploma at Paris Exhibition, 1878, Diploma and Gold Meda) at Antwerp, 1885, Gold and stiver Medule at Toreuto in pees ISTP, abite dl. in and I8*1; and local fairs wherever Intending pore) hasere should rom on ter that thin, Organ hax "* over, Foley's Aute: 'rendering proof againet Mice, Insecta, 1 buat, br epatic eset THES ORGANS ARE SOLD BY MESSRS. CONNOLLY & LAING, POPUL AR - Stray . Mik - CAMPBELLS BLOUK, N.H- Sheet Muste, C es nas MUSIC - STORE." LISTOWEL. .Aceordions, ete, always on hand at low sat prices, 'LISTOWEL PUMP "WORKS |! r a= I have removed my pump business from the old stand, corne, of Wailace and Inkerman streets, to PART OF MR. °S.. QUIRE'S WAGON SHOP where I will be 'petter prepared to supply the public with FIRST CLASS PUMPS, and alse, execute all kinds of work as heretotore in SAW-GUMMING, FILING, ETC. pu THE "RED GROSS," (WITH OVEN) ---- > Wein carthig atrsnawot Bread Pans, Ruiver and Forks, Bpoons, Tea Au aiees Aten New kind of Biove Don't Forget. the 30 Day Sale, __SBbLING, ALL GOODS CHEAP. BONN sro ER, MAIN STREET BRIDGE, LISTOW %s NWTARIO "NO MORE PILLS! BITVERS. . WILL CURE OR REL:EVE sume Saran GEO. nA. a i Afew {ron tyiinder Pumps yelon hand, which |} cap recen mend a5: Gret-class CHAMPION OF ALL PARLOR STOVES, 'ea Kettles, Te Tea va Pots, t Solers "Dian Trays, '= 3 = ---- BRosS., THE LARGEST STOCK - IN' CANADA. EVERY DESCRIPTION 0F FURNITURE @ 8. CLIMIE.& SONS, |HOME AGAIN "Farmers brin, I vege the bs --O--___ -UTENS 2 LS, |JAMES ARMSTRONG AND PATCHES Shives ETC. Write ter "Price om mopicte outdieatiow dguren. | Wishes to pep ramsteny gore EN In his povtealele seein Where heha announes that he is back to bi RIES, lessee CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, sil cheap and fresh. An extra line of TEAB all freab bought, FLOUR, CORNMEAL AND OATMEAT » always kept in stock: ri your batterand ) way o--- rice aR: for node aod. can e place ° MeDonald* JAS. ARMSTRONG WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS Listowel EMBRACING - ----AND SELLING AT---- REDUCHDRATES during the next few months, 0TSaM OLNOUOL THE FINEST TERE COUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Orders attended to with the utmost promptness WARZROOMS- WAACE STREET. IFFICE NEXT DOOR TO LIVINGSTONE!'S DRUG STORE, pia pe sae eee NDOUS BARGAINS | CHOIGE NEW e000 FOR FALL AND WINTER, Our aud we are giving SFecCiaL BARGAINS in every Department. STOCK - IS- VERY - LARGE OF Our DRESS GOODS in all the leasing Shades, and Melton Dress Goods at 10c., 12}c. and 15c., are extra value. Our Stock of GREY EF FLANNELS at 25c. is the)? best in the market. In OVERCOATS. BLANKETS. and UNDER- CLOTHING the stock is large, and the best in the market. " a eee k-of+ , Jackets, Caps, Fur Satts, Robes, &c. We have avery large fe and well assorted Stock of BOOTS & BHOES, Felt Boots, Rubbers, and Overshoes. Our Grocery Department 'is always complete, As we buy for cash we are ina position to sell you goods at bottom prices, No trouble to show goods. Produce taken, SPEARS & WATSON, WALLACE STREET. culy at Thowas staat '8 EsTARLIQHMEST, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, Manufacture! nEw HARDWARE --- BM PCRIUM STOVES |! STOVES ! 'STOVES! $5000.00 STOCK, Boifght before the late advance; which we are Selling at Whole- sale Cost. TWO CARS OF COAL OIL JUST RECEIVED + S. BRICKER & Oo. GEN fl Sigs Ss TAILORING HST 4 _EST4 BLISHMENT. OVE ERCOATS ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. ' Wu. STEPHEN aE SOREKA CoEmICaL S0CD IN aera A. HACKING | Liver. Complaint A Los ' Esq --he parienced. ADasiderable benefit on Dasa willbe givenatt IMPORTANT TO ALL . Who are Bald, or have Thin, or Gray Hair, or who are troubled with DANDRUFF: nes lama ie most complete ropa o: It_ restores bat) to Ite origi sector, an it Four halrieins wes : --FULL LINES OF COFFINS AND SHROUDS-- condition et A battle at wage ale rye hare a . eiwaye 28 Eeees A. DORENWEND, Sole Manfr TORONTO, CANADA. oft Halr Goode Hh Cc taeda -u gstone, Jr nolan agent for Listowel olty THE YEAR ROUND USE ALL JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA Dvspepsia at eu ) ye * 'a nm su tow ni ae ones coved tn te the "ee prep HAD in te Tae 7 Reoue LAINT, PIM-~ YSPE PILES a 0) once recommend tt to others. i Dock, Honduras y.Stillingis, Dende- tereen. and Other wel s aud Herbs It fe cannot hurt the most att is oneof the deat i culating the Bowel tis sold by all renpouaibie drag steatone doliarior a quart bottle,orsix bott ses oeore ollare. Salat L Jatowet br ¥r- Nichener a ADVERTISERS s can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P: Rowell & Co., Sproce &t.,. New York, Send 10cts. for 100-Page Pam: NORMAN'S NSTITUTION, ESTABLISHED ~- + 1874 No, 4, Queen Street East, Toronto. --_--o Nervous debility, Rheumatiam ,LameBac! Nevrateis. Paralysis, and al) Liver and Ch tedew aints immediately and rinaoen or pee using the BELTS, BANDS and SOL. Es. CinceLans axy CONSULTATION Fre. Testimonials that speak tor themeelves wa, September Sid, 1868, ar Sir.--T bave en- from your Zypusnees I feel tronger anu batter every Yours 're A.N HALIBULTS vious' oud vivid dreeme aries tried aimee all the sivertiond gat- ent medicines mmoure trai any" J.GREEN Po <WDERS. ae pines Br tes iss Pee WORK n their ow: , oud exnbetrs: sewer rs pridiaarinr ¢ dare nor Adplt- A Rare Chance. MANITOBA LANDS, Tie undersigned bax & 150 acre improved furin for sale atuated in the Oak River Jatrict, near Bra n. Man The land celle: at Tea ¥ good house and darn Ang ZeaTUrt. with an addition ex eh try house 1B >, Sbop in Martin's Block, Main Street, Laka 1co, Banker ELECTRIC BELT sarong ned