. THs : LISTOWEL STANDARD --is published-- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING} 'at the oM3e fa time for the early mails MAIN BT.. LISTOWEL ' -~-by- A. St. Georcz MAWEINS. re TERMS: If pald tly in advance oper annum set agte: Ay eiherwing: oa DVERTISING RATES. rtion, perline.. : Buse cabsequst "Insertion... sees seenecseetons ++ Be. 3c. < ¥ VOL. X1L--NO. 5. RIDAY, MARCH 2, 1888. A. 8T. GEO. WKINS H RDItOR ANE PROPRIETOR Uontractady lowing rates: . 2009 seca tetorscatees teh: 6; snotex anaam; over saa tad under i2 line $5." ve ir sstray,and 'otheremal ndvertisements.$1 for first month, and 5c, per month t nereanere ¥ ce by noon on Monday, andt om, JOB PRINTING. aan Jobb! sad orton press ed firat-cl connection--Wharfedale and Gordon. Bey tod the latest designa in Py rinting mi Ww onabling us to execute al enor he nat 'fob v printing on shortest notice, and § ond to ue city office. Our terms for job work Lago Diet ts and aspect. otices are cash Ov: sdvertipements parable quarterly. nist 0 ( re} ee didie Bt.. § Se Juana bent: "ofelock orvice ening Service at jock. -ainday schoo oof at280 p.m. Ail sents free I ve' 4 Knox CHuacn.-- kerman St., Rev. Isaac Compal. Pastor. rvices at 1! a.m. nd 4.390 mtd prayer meetin, g Wednesday evaning . GRUMAN Adib tad Cruncn. --Servicer Rev: M--- Arendt: Pastor. apogee cry Sundae att pm: AN EVANARHICAT Cntren.-- if P. Hauch. ar mnor. Servieen pais pias Ae ancey ati mm. Braue' reras, nda 30 p. Sabbaths apd Ete gy s§ nade Weekly prayer Wedn hats Te ' 1 mn m aie J. Ga annon, 'Minister. on . a CATTIE FAIRS. y HAMBERO Firat Tuesday in each onth. Benuuin --Firat Thor mie ach m ELMIma --Second Mo: noah 1 ith. WATERLIO--Hecond aaa te Ine ach month. x aso accent a Wednesday tn each mon GALT-- Wednesday after the second Tuesdas. Misy in mourn 'ednesday before second Tuen- ilay th. "pIRAVEL iL ERs GU IDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION OF W. 0. & BR, RY.) ratos leave For Kine ane and intermediate pinta ube od, 7. a.m. Express 210 p.m; Express on o 'or Palmers ton-- > eaypeene at 7.45 a. mee Express i2Hpom.; Mixed, Wad s on GE UGIAN BAY 4 Si. AKE ERIE DIVISION, Travkloave Listowel! station dally as under: GOING sul CP oe =p z, 2.22 p.m.; Mixed, Gotxa NoxtH. a aren sig 10 p. m.; Express, !.2) p.m: Express, Mo i & Met nNbostt, Rarristere 5 hone 3) OF. G. Mcintosn ARLING & MAREE, BAR RIS TERR, Solicitors, Canveyancers, Omens, over-+Scott's Hanking House, Late: el ot Daruina, J. P. Mapee L y THOMPSON, M. »., (. Me le (1m Up Statre, E DINGMAN, M. D., GRADU- 'olleee Physicians, and = = Surgeons "4 ont. Dysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Mice He residonce---Main Street east. DF PARKE &RU TRERTORE. , Pay. Surgeons. Miiverign, * Lieto el omice are "Cl i Cla £¢ 's. store. eattantiog cleree to dinea apes uf a ite men answer atGrand Central Hotel, a Einowel, M.BRUCE, L.D.s., DEN- iT. ees Vitnitzed air, Nitrous pa Gas, for paloicas ae pg omce tn 'oid "sland uver Thompson Bros.Store, Entrance, Main Bt. Residence, Walinee Street, Listowel, J. FOSTER, L. D. 8. DENTIST, 2 Graduate B.C. hte x. » Toronto. Teeth U tracted wie & n by "the- ure of Nit rous Ox san. hi rere vation "of the natu- ral teeth m apeciait y. Hoomsover Barker's Jewellry Store. -- rprduMmas E. HAY, AUCTIONBER at the STANDARD office, promptly af- eadedto. Meney to loan. a HOM AS. ee eh de eeuer 4 fom 4 a ee ante ae as eee erms. Mone De RUTHERFORD, Local and Dis- trict Agent for' Canada Life Assur- ance Co. Fire Insurance and Geoeral cent Office: Kear 'of Bruce's Dentai Rooms, Listowel, Ont. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MAIN _ Liat 1. The uondersignoed Lav jog leased this hotel for aterm of years, Inv © nage u He. b soustantiy supplied with the best Iiquors and igars, Excellent odation for guests. Special attention in § en to farmers' trad ding and driving sheds, and attentive he«tier * relled barges very moderate. ZILLIAX. CeENTY « - OF PERTH.--THE WAR- DEN I be In attendanceat the Cierk's Omer on the 'ent and third Tueeday in each oth from 10 to aN 'olock. The Clerk wil in atte; fb tb bet ary . on ay and Wed ay of eh K, from 1 to3 o'clock he Treasurer will be in attend at bis eMce on Tuesday, needay, Thursday, wriday and Saturday of each week, during boars. M. DAVIDSON, Coun i . County Clerkisoiee. Stratford. se f Teoawater.... hanges must pemanded tn not laterthaa oe on Wedn oaday, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE. rtion. to TEEBWATER AND ORANGEVILLE BRANOHES red Gorna as' ~for particulars apply to ho Tees is 15 ¢ Connecting at " dixtgeriite "with Owen Sound Branch, ELORA BRANCH Catarac' ~ Connecting at Cataract Sith 'Orengevtile ater Branches Tent ne from the: Enat arrive at 8 SAp.n an eT) 7.48p.. BP CREDIT VALLEY BRANCH (Main Lint Trainn leave Woodstock aa under: Fer ke r Toronto and Ens? at 6.55 a m.,5.50 p.m an ae at 'homasand Wests 8.90 a.m.,10.58 m., 4.31 p. m., and 8.01 p.m. Tickets to all poibtas sor ple ule by 3. LIVING STONE, Jr.. Agent ior Iway and steamship "Eines " oe ae MERCHAXTS' Protective & Collecting Ass'n Is an Ansoci: Baa on heer inces and Profes- fesaional men, having fur its object the COLLECTION OF DEBTS Collections made in all Parte: of the Domin jon or Sta Parties wishing to becom ae 'membe: aby re- mening $7. - ea oor makuese re. Ha meal ton, will ehy etorn mail Certificate of membership © wiitiine thean to all benefite for one ye fra supply of formes, adelinquent deb agent Tat t, ip ourimmediate axcention to ceountasunt un for colleetio: SEND FOR TESTIMONIALS, Agent wanted for Listowel. J. BIDWELL MILLS & Co noe Manners, Hamllton N. I= PEs Mi ulkner, St Marys, ix no onKger t for thin Arsoevation Members takes oy. him willnot be recogaized by us MONE ¥ LOAN ED 6 PER "CENT. beet Interest paid at the exptr: mat ofe fam p reuare ed to Miveces 'money on Farm Proverty at the soarent rates. and on the tunat favorable te oan na can be obtain- etre es eo so ten are. Privileges are giv amo punt of Principal to te pin ey he aption cfthe berr Ls "Rosevale, Ardbally, Jane 10, 18--. ATHER, -- v lonely without me, _ to = you tha ba the fall time out 'as lest Aunt would sce any sign ot aapaiog except =: beh other: day? Ho 'lsabed my arm, sn -- -- two, who do svg pe a or. hie mother' oc "iahing with ae ra on Houghton carpeting from six o'- ca >; Ia am sure - 'want it rairheeny 1 return, and i "Ardbaly, ox days nite my Used a i had avers been to --_ dq my oxn worries irae nee ae o estly & morn- he did what the rere: a not--he kissed me when 1 alighted vale' was not far, dare, Jimmy renivying oy "eavelliog 6 Te! Bella presidjg wits exemple mathod, and sitting as stilf as He did not join a. but be stood a Lag opposite paring | at me until I Then b qe went t bim up a cup of th _ some toast bad ougbton and his mother eon, aad Gerald pro. CHAPTER II, . How it came that I left Bort 4 ss a never eon a gathering of the kind, Ger- ald, my bandsome cousin totake me, Consequently, [ was entirely Boughton was in his room usual. No one ever thought of interfer- me, Hie ackriowledgment of my pre- hacniihandl ce bie fi k the odd a ag - long staring-matches whenever we okaktan, concluded on his part gener- ally by a fiendish grin and a grow] meant to rigbteo = mr. i accompanied us in an eveniog stroll, and theo he excited s ~~ on the right rnd the wrong of « ethical argameat which ey did 'ter: bm me by ite erudite to: wi standing that { adaitted the superiority amongst us, I was often maddened at 1s t vened, and rolled me ict? a bard Little hedgenog of a girl, bristling all over and safe in myself How L tiated Houghtan, to besure! How | wissed be might fail i in his examination ,sod thus 'shake ing was of s most desolate and damping nature. 1 wae jus in my own 1 room putting the finishing touches to an extra elaborate toilette, which went ip those parts by the name of music, 'Drub-a-dub, drab-1- a slong, come along," beat dram, andthe tifes piped a tuse hike, "We are startin very e00n, very soon." My beart pittied- ceed wath excitement. (ioreld called out : ain, of tidal Wueo you,e ready meat me "The door closed. I[ viewed myself in t Listowel. en FOR SALE. Farm cont sintog one isd re, dandtwen ar: pase ere also twee pood wilson sald Pr ses, For further particulars apply to Kost. = | Mitcrts. Ls Lowest, orto ALEX. WaLEER, oD epre FARM FoR ea Lot 5 in the ith con, of the Townabip of Elma, Sontsloins 100 scree. About 9 acre cleared nd Io or cult vation. late fame bare od 'air dwelling ho 188, For farther carteniace apply - _ _ _ __ ~ Listower Ont Mo&*EY TO LOAN At 5) Per Cent. Yearly. (INTEREST NOT PAID IN ADVANCE) On farm properly. Will loan from $200to $5.00 on one loan, for five years or more, me. if ney joan on nm pro: rty 'ai r cent. CONVEYANC- Me pone. FMA ent E Lic A CALEDO NIAN' FIRE ea mber of rape spam 'monT. Commissioner. Tevoltdale, P. O. Residence, Con. 127, Wailace M°XF¥ TO LOAN. A LARGE AM AMOUNT OF PRIVATE _s DS TO LOAN, LOWEST nares OF INTEREST. caiculable boor to ieee whe come home billewing everything arcund ber before fon d ber caouaiines Paes rd so _ poorest eg might be the "tact acl ir capable of making her home a hip von, & eon alter tbe feminine major- d po I bave to tell about mysell ; Ellen as our Johanna sh ge a respectable, editerot a *'daily" onnnot look fresh and night cocking his braion pt Inaderaub- yo " bie tor, bie bair "a gn white, lil. Over Re REES, 4 bf - AD PERETER TLILLICO --does a ge BANKING BUSINESS --saT-- ARTHUEB AND LISTOWEL. --o-- Listower Oreice--Late Division Court OFreice, Main STREET A McDonald,& Co., Bankers z: MAIN STREET, LISTOWEL. ONEY TO LOAN AND NOTES nt. perannum. Money remitted by draft fo Pail Ler <. Canada. altetrrence--Mer- chan f Canada, 8 Sourn? ae tod pm 7 A. McDONAID @ CO. [CHARD ©. CLARKE, VETERINARY SURGEON ee AC i ont. Hon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary en aS P LOlegTapR Bo gio sty day. ai Seaeeee ens ipoons BUILDING. alt FOR SALE. LIsTrOoOw f2.L MARBLE WoRKs.\5 ROBERT T. KEMP, AMERIC. a4 FOREIGN GRANITE. Eee nen Neo Ors. pAlsocUT sTONE of all kinds for Building Purposes Town Lots for sale in oft suit. For law engeise os Lillieo"s Backing Main street. ! ®. LILLICO mectioning f= in the gee that I'wa "ms how sit i. bed of Father po of the twenty- for I was blind to that side of his cbar- he was end, thin to the eldest, to that Gerald was a fine fell mut ewe on stairs [ can, and as [ crossed the lauding -between the dr-wing-room = Houghton's aa. { heard him pay, What's the matter now 7? I replied, an Rese as | could. "Come here" "eof baven' ttim Foe * Song He was standio close the oe hotel when | enter he plot it bebin "T am going with Gerald to the band. He _ waiting for me at the end of the stree Lat me go." Quietly he put the key in bis pocket and sat down near the open window with a " with anger, but | became aware of an internal ebullition which avery second threatened (to eppear, only that the strength of his positions | so long as | was on the wrong side o «door, and be had the key, was =n evilent to my "het me out, | cried, trembling with scppreased anger, 'You are a decoit- ia a ahy pocritr--sa bor id,sanctimon- Ole yLlaghed § hie ripple, or at least it gurgled in bis throat, and then be took upa age saying with perfect calmness : , you never bri sartiing to please i Uuten now quietly. There is no use working ouraett into a fit, for it wall oot ay matters, | want you to do something to please me--for a. you know. Besides, it will for your temper, and Gerald won't be « bit sorry to get rid you, "Let me go, Houghton. I'll kick, and stamp, poo scream if you don't." There mouth yelled 4 foaetall Seri ! there was no one in the bouse but the two of us. tone the serv potato J discord, and Aunt was out doing that detestable district visiting. which was su ta And so my screams had no result, but mark :--- "Well, what s little devil it ie, to be sure! Miss Spitfire, if you do that a- gain, positively, I'Jl carry you to the -- ----- ip the ancestral maa- 2 e 3°), Hand aise 1 shall leave {ni queen to yell for the snakes, bedgrhegs, verte d Now, Matim Brianstoae, forr you leave this you mut pay st ention ta a whole ehapte: of Cicero in i iat * "You'll io nothing of the kiod,-- though | would certainly like to see pou Enel youreell, --fur if you attempt it I'll assuredly carry you off to the lunatic lu gen A the town is empty. ore- over, it wou!) ruske ry hot, dear Theb be began: equi iretur for- eee ---Now jinn ut will be aak- . could hive killed bie, I verily ond as he sat there ip-rturbable and shsorbed in the wicked task bo hod dum, quum hac ita at ow since such is the case. music swelled louder and lenndee at fancied I could bear the tramping of feet. ** *Reliquum possit magnum esse bell um'--A serious wer cay still remain." Where was Gerald ? id b share of his society-- all events, to Linbeaneie ete ne bie old d softened indisputabie dusts to please.me. He b tolerated just as long as te whom I rebelled whenever he himself manfully |! Moughton, the enti ain I hated when a 'child! Houghton. the cousin I fanci: could never like ! low me iato direc ta the old dislike, the old stand "5 'hight in my heart sgainst bis virtues, were not quite things of the past. So when : heard that bis frequent visits were put cwarlignaty with tweaty resolutions to thing to talk about. There is never fjamoke without fire, our small world whispered to itself. [ set about to prove the pedaipal and with what suc- cess [ shall now Sileatly. yet 6 still panting with h ebbing d atric are the snows of last year?" Equally far, nearly nowhere, only that ceed quite disappears. Even the most evs- in beaven ie her eyes away from Pa ages are pital * the vitality of to-day tive the dancing dut of the ol} year and gahd- r eo fe eo. o na a ? 2 diate party of tbs very -- nag an example to her set. waa also, appearance ata large dance. had re- fueed tevikations of ord "ee uotl ot came no more. owever, Mrs. who affected the airs aa a Tewtiog stent specisl favor, Houghton, tan, would he there, she hinted, witb an all-wiee emile apyone to seus t, much less to suggest, that Houghton was anything en tome. He was my cousin, of con - saw vurprie on over al She farther I would take care to ahow people t would never get. I bated to be quitz- of, idle talk, and puta m4 toit. I would do this at Mrs. Rice' At Home, for he 4 he pa Jimmy married carly and took the en+ tire I IE of the property ; poor merry-! bey. ws wont conte sea and severed all con- tions by never writi sa a: Hough- ton fell the lot of supporti: prea- tige-of the famil. be pint ot profes- sional men ; an C) examina- tion alter exai araination with glory, uatil he ended by a splendid final, he never wi lesire to t in my studies, and went a0 far as to insist on coaching me d to my fits and tempere, but ane lown to my account | wasin arms im- ive the world, our amall word!, some- bere are our pein of enter: One might as well ask. here Mra. Rice's 4¢ Home bad for its mo- od ber dollish face. It annoy mr, could 'not belp relationabip 0 ne 3 re most of all about Houghton. It 0 my power to put an end to such attempt too much an ut trite an for, . Let the history of H olloway's cele- di point. Ilo don he commence the manufacture of his Pills. He mixed the ingredients and bat the Pills with bia own hands. Their sale at first was s ge increased, at first slowly, then more ra pidly, until uae the demand for them has their 'tomate prepersins, have n most severely tried. When winter sits enthroned among the Andes, where tor- rid summ-r evokes disease and -- from the marshes pear the oouat where eternal ob beautifies the table lands, they bave been adannistered with equal and oe -- to olaa- ses, colours, a! i pme that the same médicine shoul re diseases which bear no simi- sy mptoma differ, pe they are the effects this is not the rationale al the cures ac- complished by bi« Pills and Giniment, let the faculty give us a better. 6 are indifferent as to what theory may adopted in explanation, so long as the facta themselves remain andiakes,-- Trish Emancipator. abe drug was subjected to the moat severe criticism. Some recent publica- ave ndrawa attention to the alleged value of this substan: nd om remarkable amone these is an article by sixty that came under treatment. Two wee. © appeared moribund when first shag ted a few bours Iater severe from the start, two dying ir bo nd one surviving five days. Thix is noteworthy record, as d theria statistics go, The oi] of turpen- tine was administered m dram dose« three timesaday. Sweet spirits of nitre wars used as & corrective, in the propar- tian of one part of the spirits to fitteen Small Beginnings and Great End- ~ ings. It is a trite romark that it is better to begin in aemall way, and en in teady and healthy ail Bi than to fail rated Pills and Uintment illustrate thi» © great that the iron mus- to itio To the sipeetean! thinker it ee as heen given for the phenomenon of disense, oot its cause. e cause, it kind of eanned fruit. 'Boke in Gunazx Cooxtes.-Two and'one-balf cups of cup of dn Peatacbitad , three soda, a little ginger, ted sowteren, our sufficient pall it ot re Garawer Caxe esame as for co- coanut cake. Pilling -Oee an cup of sugar, one balf cup of butter, one-half cup of cream ; flavor with vanilla, cook 'to « thiok = and then spread between Joce Savcn--One cup of sugar, half a cup of butter, one eyen tens fal of flour, two tables fuls of vinegar ; aboil, Spice with nutmeg to taste. .--Rub to - cream 8 pound of butter and a pound of omnis , mix with it a pound and a half of flour, four eggs.and a very little brandy ; roll the --eak fr sugar; lay them on flat buttered tins, and bake in a quick oven. Saal Daors,--(ine cup of butter, - ope of sugar, whites of five e. mall cup of milk, threetull cups teens in the shasp of fluted 'shells are very pretty, Cirron Pre.--The yelks of four two tableapoonfuls of sugar, two heaping ones of preserve, one-haif'teacup of mel- ted butter, one-half teacup yA butter- Stir ins very little flour, Bake in pot paste. This makes two pies. stanton Copezes One oup butter = molssess, one into amall es and wake peo rather than pe oven, as they are apt to barn, Green Popouo,--Ose } half cup of mo- lasses, two- of a cup of ers one Bake in layers and put together Sire ee and icing. th oe ieee Prpprxo.--Beat eight eggs very Hight, add half a pound of sugar, the same of fresh butter, melted, and halts ni nutmeg, ted ;eet this on stove, keep stirring until as 'thick aa buttered seutt, pul a puff paste ina pie-plate, and bake in a moderate oven, Thia quanti- ty will make two pies. Cuicces Crogretres.--Take a cold chicken, roast, boiled or broiled, ;: mince it very fine, or it tic not adhere ; = ten with with ores season with pepper wae ealtand a inte mace, if you like the flavor: mak amall forms ; dip in «ge, rell in bread. crumbs and fry slowly in pot lard, ' nth a D them with cay énne pepper, anlt ands yd chopped parsley. Pourin a pintof some rm water--a veal broth if you have it--and stew it over a slow fire until the rabbits are quite tender, audings when they are about balf done, some bit) of butter -Furpenune in. in Diptheria.__ on or more of thick cream, We have on ¢ covers! occarions referred 'oene, which appeared in The the fat = cases concerned infants one be pa es fatal cases were also unusually utmeg grated intoit, Sur the well, but take care not to let it boil ce the cream is in least iteurdle, Put the pieces of rabbit ona hot dish and pour the gravy over them. - ~~ a Smail Horse. -- here icon ---- in New what is claimed to he probably the emall- est horse ip the ae a for it weighs only pounds snd «tanda only about 33 in ober bigh + eis @ recent arrival, in a native of Yokohanré, Japan, and helonga raed faunily of bardy- and onipeis mon io Japan, but he li Hiput of nis race. "Yen Hoe, na be is ocean, He cam» overan the ship Ariel, and was 138 darn in making thetrp trom Hong Kong ae hip ae ge of pro- visions and for days Yeo lived on nething buta pioes inate oF tice, On bis arrival he was xo weak and thin that he could not stand op, "For several daya he waa quartered ins saloon on Munroe themselves the arrangement ot Hough- ton's aftsirs and mine were par 686 were some of iny re- solut ming me. Father, who always took » pleas in tracing my resemblance to my om Motber,bad indulged in an eostacy ol ad- miration over the eats vivant | sented, "You sre so like ber, my dar- ling, and you pre not gore than she was on our marriege."' =f b ould have seen into my intentions, iovo "the depth of my that l was seldom sounlie my gentle Mother as : -- that night. on New Year's . as all Borth expect- ed its "daily"' ixaue as usual, and press- apy more, Sobbing obocked Lerten a aod a eae aa beagle to elicit from Houghton the icsolent re- I "Bot, --_, _ right bas Hough- ind to in arms ence agsin, and limped bis sbirt shocking! yy Seven years wear out the bulwark of the British Constitution--ite Parliament * back ? "Was the ebapter jong? ost of tire-bre: 0 every possible way, tosbow him that was no party to the planning of our eart, he would bave seen ot.come with me, becans to controt themselves with | men hearing from their desks the joyous. pealing of the bells. [ want with the | rebead a, old friends of ours, and | an this arrangement was not isagreeablo to me, since Fannie Maltely, their niece | re two t] epon her my supposed perfect sodiffer- enoe to him. Her toilette was exquidte, \ how acing surpassing mioe in detail. I, ' One vast adva: over ber in being i sinivea aod cuteenndty pot ns ted | and rated; for she was both self. Pcmarves aod visibly nervous, never producing an effect wi Rage ing to produce it. What beauty sne was not ostural, and she had very little ed sympathy bg wis qualities which with time gnd became beautiful with 'Ztems on, aa they generally are in the age---not qualities that rub or fade away like the akin. one ----, of youth. rehead, Miss Malt- | we al eat Fe eed to « brilliant room full of | | -- soperb aon and "ro me Alas! crea no er pos Before on started pay rads. | ments bad augured a debut for Fao an m some, nol as we bsti bees «> home, o | central peak miles beyond our surround. ings! radually we drifted one fro | the otber Bally wo slipped our an- | chorage and stee! teered about on our own | {To BE coNTINTED.) The ben, foo] though sbe is considered, ! : posses gree the forge 4 of ger! much cutof little, Feed b corn b: tand sie eatsit by the peck, bee | Te Gray Hair | Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German, Hair ihe free from Dagdraf,, and prowutes the growth of the bair. It preve pre re and stops all failing out of sue Bs hatr, on heads. where the roots ha perish- od, it willinvigoraie them. new rowth ofhair Ask for Hair Magic. It is me rely reliable: For e by all druggists J. Livingstone. jr., Listow ' uu el; Agen Appropriate to the season :---*' What charming aod original get-ups those of th th girls are." Y: £0 sea. . uel sod roass of ashes, you know epoonfel doses. A gargle of chlorat+ = mhenever possible, , Under this plan vr treatment rapid amelioration of local obsecved. Usually improvement began at once, and it was rarely necessary to connection, however, thata very gener- as late was given every two hours in table. olution was likewise employ signs "i constitutional symptoms was strert 1 but is now one of the at eons of a dime mus- eumon the Bowery. His age is four years and be is the property of. Police- man Benjamin, a preseot from sea tain, to whom Benjamia was of some sistance in recovering stolen money some years ago. ------ talifornia as evidently not the El Do side that it bas been claimed to be. Time ' n from all parts of the Uni- ted Statesand Canada turned their eyes in the direction of the far weet as the cradie of wealth, aad many ot the = Fenty niner*, as they were called, back feature Roeso's plan of treatme who are inelin skeptical with rega the utility of medici the profession contains many such) iB i }acarcely secept the author's figures | without challenge. Uo the other band, here is no rea t = lore, why the | from London, who was with them ona | turpentine real ae ot this disease isi i | should not be given a fair trial. Medi- 3 eal Record. Adam's Enives and Forks- Philadelphia Times. bere are a number of things that the most fnsbionable and well- people now eat at the -- table with their fingers. Olives, to white a fork should never be appli As , Whether hot or cold, when it la Strawberries, when served with .the most elegant house: Bread, toast, mr 'all tarts and stcall es. Fruit of all Kinde, except melons and preserves, which are eaten with a Cheese, which is almost invariably eat- en with og fiogera by the most partic lar Even the leg, or other small piece of » bird is taken inthe fingera et iasbion- able dinners, and at most of the lunch- eons ladies prok «mall pieces of chicken without using a fork. Dr. Pillbags' Diagnosis, To Dr. Pillage, Patrick came ith a most woeful face Saye be, -- Docther, phat's your | Will y von eke trate my case The doctor looked him in the eye i t is tongue be made him show ; a | j be, _ "My fattbe eS eays Pat, phat that you aay! y I've got 'tick-doller,' ob ! Yez lyin' thafe, | alwayspay Your bill before I I'll bave no more to do wid yen UU dosther ae 4 own case He took a dose of P. P. ue P *, Aud wears a brighter Pag Pierce's Pleasant Paraative Pelleta _ | for torpid liver, constipation, and mae b ders ygements of stomach and bowrls. | By druggists, fore bas been having its land booms, jecrath is etill an nt aig © State as a health eeork, ot the pleoe for men in a ot aan Ita peat re from oe St. News that a short time \ | oat ce of ie from A for the very reason that violent dip | wan ia te Fiat theria orig ph justifies so gloomy a! j t to California in the bope of better- an dinsatified with their fe nt MAN writes that hehe be bas a g rade who [eft their Canadian homes, nor is it encruraging.to others who may think of ng move in the direction of the Pr cilia Slope, It is well to remember that 'far anny Bus look green." and that it is tot always * ise to tear up the old bome by the rootein the hope that wenlth will follow its ee toa foreign soil.-- Montreal Sfa DNs . door is opened with a skele- i American aus who go to ce got <a divorces, Booxs vs Exrerixxce.--Books are use- Liver and Blood is easily to be bal aod is cal 0 Be Life is ahidet'sonty four etter in' it. dace of ita "le," abd half of at i ia no pai ty about getting matried. Where the problem comes in is getting the risileee. 7 | How Ropuefort Cheese 15 Colored i ; 'The surface of tne curd is sprinkled th a preparation of blue mold, made in b : this way : re $s made q rts of wheat and barley. ee t bly with one quart of y for art of vinegar. 'bread in then i jrased and ep co ccopiy: fie kept in 'a3 warm place until it is corered «ith pede 'mold ( Peniilliam glaucum), wbich id be, "My man, you're going fo Trea test spread all through the Von ae ait te-teitewn Es r which in then ed anil crushed to a fine powder, The when the pressure i mold may -bé exactly filled to an even level .-- erican Agriculturist for March. © ¢ 4