C. P.R. - Je LIVINGSTONE, Jr., im IS Travel vis the Canadian Pacific Railway to all points in MANITOBA, DAKOTA. THE NORTHWEST, and BRITISH COLUMBIA, and by so doing you will secure the Lowest Rates, Quickest Time, Best Aceommodation, and réc, the Fine Feenery in the werid, which Tecnly equal- ie by the Maj eT pry. ve! DEW ANADIAN and AMERI WALL - - PAPERS, which are now opened at Congregational Church, OW BIy Rev. Ws. x Bona Pastor. Bie la. m. Meeting on wen eT STANDARD. FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1888. TOWN AND COUNTRY Hor Cross Buns. J.4. GEE 1s givirg 15 Ibs. Yellow Suaar for #. A wusiser of our tla eg intend seaeaie for British Columbia next week: ase ronan umber of our citizens are taking advantage of the reaveee railway fares to visit friends during the. Easter hotidays. J. 8. GEE jsshowing an uncolored Japan 'Tea for l0cts per ib.-8 WInter stil] play ati is no long: 'R he cr a wei A speedily make may yor gel Spring 3 is! Ja the gosh of pits TO TH DIEX. sel invite special al- tention oat Sane y of paee tera waxes we think is very ne. Kin with Ld 771 Store, Listowel. _Eastex Houipays.---The High and Public Schools will be closed to-day and* Monday next. These oe are also Bank holidays. 'ane #8 GRE i paying R0cts per ib. for Butter Dr. Nicuot lett yesterday to visit some of the city churches with a view of ascertainiug the best system for saaiestiieemes | open to | og jp fonmr nage April, to which oa Piestion of Hise ie is invited. M i fi of Mr. fol Miller), for Chicago, IIL Ir you ant a" Orst-class Salt or Tweed © Slee eatmdnce ante callat M. \ohliohl me and secure them an} pelea te t prices daring the next » ony E. taking a business tip Liztica, inl intends 9 Manitcba, the vicinity of Brandon of which is wel! improved and has good buildings on it. is land ts in- the market, and a clear decd can be any one templating a trip to. Manitoba with a vex of settling there. * Bie bargains In farniture at RESSBROS, Retail prices pot down to withinten per cent of whoiesale pricen Call prices and you wili be conyincedthat Ws ia Senulne, uw Cieas tHe Sipewarxs. -- We un- derstand that'the Town Constable has and where to, of Works should take the matter in hand and ee re ex, the property. ese hg jo of the streets: demands that the Gralks should be cleared c Aap snow at A GrearCaaxce--Hees Bros. have decid- ed to sell farnitureot all Kinds to the retall trade at 16 per cont. above wholesa| This ine chance to No. | Furni- tare whi is offered to the citisens of Lis- town surrounding district. Pr Jaran.--Next Sabbath the. «morning, Ber Mr. rod a ratiye of . Japan, to christianity through the'age agency of Methodist Mis- sionaries, will preach in the Methodist Church, Listowel, and deliver dress welch Abires: have calved an ne stock of cattle one bait: "Avot the above ar well bred. W approved joint n PETER ainda Sprinc SHow axp Horst Fatk.-- The Listowel Live Stozk Association met on Friday evening last and elected ear from our late townsman, the Pe at eae speiity of Listo ev. A. Large, B. A, fessor of ers' oe 4 Corals (3) To tend rasing fia ring, the coming mt STs * 4: enooursge the grow ao im are Mathematics,in the Methodist College, | one ot Stock ; enco rage a better aye. | See.t2 tult fax growers. Can be fol- apan. tem of tillage, and to further every Sat ef the Listowel fox mille ADCTOR, SA°5 Sr, STOCE, AT Set Stock bru i) 3 cows aad 4 heifera, of is interested. To conserve, and se- cure the just rights of farmers in their relatton to egislatore, o ir stioon = and individual industries (3). To seoure better faciliti:s for the nS of farmers". pri vod up fres: are such as must com- 1 the whole community, ae - low i Ww +9 clorely identified with thore lighting the new Presbyterian church the following 'officers : President, Wm. ue , Bess y identifie of with gas. Spears ; Vice-President, A. McIntosh ; | the fartner ~ Secy.- Treas. Jas. Mannell ; Sceniy tei Cc. Oo. F ert STaTioN --On Toesday Peg ia hee th ge ae Taine wer "~ erg Jobn Stewart, Jas Ne wthgr WES, Peter | evens after stirg of Court Ma- mence work fret April--BURT BRO}. aco Garrnch, Ge George b pho Care li ut, cram of Parke tera, Bro, a " Wil . aan. cast Bear in mind the Easter Bazaar} Hawkins. = Th for the | * = - = Seah see Gan te ; . : : t 1 tad wit ; i and Entertainment in Lallico's Opera} second -- annual Exhi je A . her } deg cddrese, which Expleine itself House on Monday next, under the | brion, which held On 1 Thea Ene asp Baorake.-- Tbe raem- auspices of the ladies of the Lutheran | Friday, nil zoth, was arranged, | here ef Court Mapleton Na 123°C. 0. F., church. the hist of prizes offered amounting to | desiring to <how you the esteem in which ALL Winter Geods below «ho'errle cost about $160. The show promises to be f.vou ure held t or bre brea, and the prices during thismunth, at M, Wi dfeng's. | the best ever held in Listowel A fair | abprrcwsuon of your fsitelul serviers in Honse and lot for sale on mill street. | for the sale of horses willbe held on apd a absonpien ge of the ater. ot ine oe sigh : . Termeemey. APDIS IO a acixrosn, | the day of the show, which is intended | "8 Pf watt es cies to re the inauguration fome: Fe bet A f BI. NW Stipat Seeiat 4 i ' erjtymrnt o ; oo . oe ig ' ig fi Se horse tair, 0) be held therealter on thE] yeu: aan tie tie furthrranes | Ch uf vel nt wy ae Z 7 'April | first Frit feach month--same day | of ihe iteresta ef this Court and of te urch on the evening 0) St las 2) ' 1 is makin tries af one ie somes fies " jas the far. A large number of | us c corms a by the Young Pevple's a theese bie; same expectedtahe present, . > shiow taut your ciety. [twill be a rare treat. Ais are re} prec Teter. Aanissi _ I partics having hurees to dispose of ail SSE F5ICe should therefore have ti Sacer ree by Taeiee per | ee 8 ee ene Any articietin the forniture line manu ua Cc ape aon for 2. ib. and § ibe No 1 Rio dactared 'pA us WIT] be sold to our retail ems: | yy at ° ; + i a mere @ wiper cent, adv panes on wholesale | Coffee fer $1.00, pied sees, HESS BHO. + Ir ee sr TENDERS FoR THE NEW Factory. -- j ous 5 Ricsere: Tees Baas ioanviher 'Colum Hich "ScuHoot---The regulations aiop they wiett y sie Luppiness and le : othe u auepecting Deparime tal nse, prosperity, and trust that you may ever advertise 'Yor tenders for the stone, | tions ta st been issued. 'The ex- ; " Mr. Jas. Annstaowe, the "old and reliable" thi ~day wilt be-choral. brick and carpenter work of their new factory. The tenders will be opened on Saturday, 3 wth April All wool Tweed partes for §2. the best value ever shorn ar AL at yrice, Call and see thems atthe 77 Joux icc. Cows.--The Town Constable de- sires us to call the attention of the owners of cows to the necessity of keep- ing them cff the streets, as all cattle found sunning at large within the cor- porsticn after this will be impcunded. MILLINERY.- Fort Rroe. & Co's Spring Millinery Oyerorg sonee Plere in their show room on Wedn Thursday and Beturday, #th,:#h. area lat of March. Ev ery person isin yates to and examine their gran¢ display "Messrs. Connolly & Laing's new an will a the book and stationery departm which they have recently added to their business. 3 nding lig Perfo Pat Mw Bchinbela | bees to inform ber many patron an re the willeont oe Dre air ig anth on end will we a 7 cone ie og tine. Rtree 2d BR. McMillan a Care estore. --_ Dress and Mantle Maker, Listowel. grocer of this pe Ee has a fresh now in which he desires the sell to care- fully con. Jamie has hes at the helm for some twenty odd years, and he is a able to keep up his end in supply- g his customers with the necessities of Fife i in the grocery and provision line. Ko $10 needed for a cure of Diphtberia, or Croup. | oe to Save a Life. Itersy. and can for 25 cente ora $1, if Dierl-mm's Dipbiberia aod Croup ny A is use it, andali eee bare Get ttand conviers yourse! be ircth. Hundreds of reliable testimoniais at band to prove it See adveriisement.--s Curist Cuvrcn.-- Today (Good Friday) there will be service in Christ Church at 11 i m. On Easter Sunday the services will be more than usually attractive ; the church will also be ap- propriate! ely eco! ¢ annual Easter Vestry SS asting will be held in the church on Monday evening, at 7.30 o'clock. The ice on Su Fon Tutery Dares --I have decided ete., @ goods belo' THis great cash wile wi!l last bat for thirty dayes0 don't mise jt. Sign of the Ping Hat, Wallace *treet, 5 M. WiLor. day, April roth, f in the Lillico spore Hnerespromiess to be an entertainment performance since the Broom Brigade afiair. of the concert and dratspoone othe py sl r Riggs These three establishments have been aminations for Third and Second class non professional, will begin Tuesday, July grd, and continue up til Saturday July 7th, the following being the sub- jects prescribed by the time table : English Poetical Literature, History and Geogra d and Men- suration, English Grammar ; Algebra, English Composition and Prese Litera- ture ; Reading and - ing, Book-Kezping, and Indexing ; Latin, French and German Authors, Physics, Latin, French and German Composition and Gram- in ull Tuesday toth July. F sins y roth, and till Weducsiny 18th Ju!y. MILLINERY Orenixcs.--This week several of our leading dry goods houses are ing their Spring Millinery Openings. Messrs. ' Mr.-John-Riggs an B oY "opening' visited by many of the ladies of the town and bas epee who could be otherwise than with millinery trade in this town has natur- ally caused the different establishments to put forth their best efforts to secure the very latest novelties, and will also no doubt have the effect of keeping the ices low. Messrs. Carson & McKee will hold their show room opening the 5th, 6th and 7th, and their millin- ery display will doubtless be in keep- ing nepieed the rest of our Icading dry 8 TURE BY NorMAN Mactieop --- Monday . 16th Apri', and will deliver a iecture under the auspices of the M. and L. Suciety of Knox Church, the subject of which will be his re son in the Far bees He will also-give-an-account visit to jerviaaieie andthe Holy Sepa chre. The rest of the evening will be taken up with readings from his la'e father's well-known book, Star- i Rape will sg a with Scotch and Mr. Macleod's_ inimitable Scotch sermon. Me acleod cannot claim originality inthe last Item, as it was his father's pet "skit," but it -- nothing sah the of his There was fa iecciseut of Scotch yencte: than bas late Dr. Norman "Young Nor man" comes in a good second. Speak- i Macleod, . the Chicago "Norman isa a + from bis-+- 3 ag" 7 =] through the walks ot this life, and then! allof a to meet in i 'ourt above where there eball b+ no more Listowel, March, » IS8s, At the proper cuaens B Dickson, Le. pre rented Bro. Woolf with « f. C. R. Jewel, whica bore the fel- rn, theug taken by sorpris, 3 tha ked the brethren for thetrisand craps gift, This _-- of their esteem ©. y Dnexpected on bis part, and he cheugat vndeserved, yet oe wae proad of the trust 1} repoved in bia, as neue enna by the handsome present bag teceiwed, aud the edirese. He did net think that be was more deserv- ing of recognition than of the --_ brethren, for all bad atriven todo thei of best for the tbe rt, and ay pombar bolding the same ition be id have worked bard. could assure them that this was one iret of bis life,and that would sacredly ah paating ard cherish their gift. _ Jewel __ ely engraved a Gabel. Bro, Woolf pao oe 'ng ' ad days for British Columbis, where purposes spending the summer, Mod and during bis Pacific Prov: ll de- "lJ. & d. LIVINGSTON, HOLLAND AND DUTCH SEED NICHOLS--McGO ORM! tral mates tA "of 'allace on the 27th tnat, encase aged 20 years, h net. Sam't eikeldare dares. any let ried Waitere yeare, 'AL BaRIxG PowDEE CO., 108 stowel, on e per Lincer Wellesley, to Annie, dagha tewant silty of many of ihe woweanlp of Morningtons 9 \ FLAX! Have « limited number of bushels of the best @rder Early to Insure a Supply. ' For Flax grown from this secd, $10 Per Ton Will Be Paid, of good wih, harvested in proper seasom, aaa afvered at the Flak bil a woos as Ot for J-& J, LIVINGSTON, Proprictors Listowel Flax MIL Why You Feel So weak and exhausted is because your blood is impure. As well expect the sanitary condition of a city 10 be per- fect with defiled water and defective sewerage, a4 to expect such a compli- cated piece of mechanism as the human frame to be in good order with impure blood circulating even to its minutest "veins. Do you kno' every drop pola your two or of blood the heart sat Tange to about Senarereenta tail minutes, and that, on its way, it makes bone and muscle, solids and fluids of ber body? The blood is great nourisher, or, as the Bible : " "The Life of the Body. Is it any wonder, then, that if the blood be not pure and perfect in its consti- tuents, you suffer so many indescribable " bead and parilla s' shoulders." above every other Alter jood Medicine. As proof, f -- "diseases misi ft ri- he a ie ar rom im, oe blood are contalsed in thie . Hill, M. D., OEY Sith Axe. "s New "Asa general builder-up vf the system, "t ve never an to mal Agyer's Xt Pp parlect tion." Ayer's Sarsa; of Scrofula, Lumbago, fore, the very Spring and Family Medicine "Tt beats all," Ag tare Cutler, of Cutler Brothers & Co., Boston, "bow Ayer' $ ~ Sarsaparila Or. a Cc. Ayer ae oo Sank Mass. Prise 1; atx bottles, $4. Worth $6 « bottle, To Assist Nature . elopement. which -- jastcame to light, a into business old daneht-r of Wm. Smith, Accor-ing ta recent develo ormente th-ir conduct Was erg but correct arse aft-r i lar that he pate the t- foar ttle child- = leaving tuem almo«t scab iillr. -- the train for the vi SOC ing him. The verted wife sients of the at dutennse d, D asa reason for his conduct that be ether ad to -- or commit surcide to hide his wha . TO CONTRACTORS. _ s in con- muito, and that -be coul eA not help "my neighbors me to try Arer's Cherry Recut, I did so, and before I had taken half a bottle was able to go ont. iy the time IT had the bottle I was well, and hare Lung Trouble. Por months I war unable to nights. I seldom had frequent SA TURDAY, 7th day FA APRIL, Ferthe BRICK and Mase for CARPENTER WORK eafraby itn us BRY DEP have ad ? Ps ish to inform the people of Listowel and surrounding country ded to their already Extensive Business, a M EPARTMENT, under the able management of The Grand Opening will take place on Wednesday Gf, Toureday 22, & saturday 31ST OF MARCH. es ~ Khompson Bros MISS FERGUSON. THOMPSON BROS.» SEVENTH SEASON. that We cordially invite one and all to meee the Finest display of. Millinery ever shown in Listowel. The please. BPAHDPrOQ fF BH Be SPRING NOVELTIES For The Ladies. Novelties in Fancy Frilling, Complexion Veiling. in Water Wave Picot-Edge Satin Ribbon, in Handkerchiefs, in Fancy Laces and Lace Mitts and Gloves for evening wear, &c , &c,, not to men- a beautiful Goods and prints. For The Gentlemen : latest novelties New York and Chicago Stylesin Ties, Scarfs and Soft Knots, in Braces, in Silk Handerchiefs, in Gloves, Socks, Fine Cordivan and Calf Shoes, &c., &c, PANTS !!--In pantings our largely increased assortment never fails to C. in Linen assortment of Dress in London, Gentlemen in search ofa spring su't will like our choice and © varied display of Scotch, English and adian Tweeds, no two patterns Cc. & C alike, no old stock. GRAND Ld ° Se When we will have on exhib: and Trimming eatartale: we ye et Show Room on the above dates, BURT BROS. MILLINERY We will bold our oe OPENING WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, 28th, 20th and 31st of March, test novelti extends cordial! Auwitation te 24 Bre Hats and Bonnets Teom to visit our & COMPANY. J. S.GHE B' s | HEM STITCHED HAN! YRS, IX COLORED AND W is, FWHLLED AMD IN ALL WIDTHS, WHITE 'AND COLORED ORIENTAL eo S CENTS EACH. Full lines in Ladies' Gents' Misses' Boota, S ce tacal and oes and Rubbe a: 'COTTON' AND OXFORD SHIRTINGS AT ALL PRICES. DUCKS, DENIMS AND COTTONADES IN ALL PRICES. In Pantings and Shirtings we are showing some nice Patterns which for quality and hai can't be undersold. Children' 8 * Choice Groceries:always ota on band. S. GEE- India that be is at poses He has ed do rt bi themacives to accept the or any = der. Eiias ands allons specific ean be seen ae trae ciaaias March 2h, es. _NoW Is THE TIME To | BUY, and be sure you goto | a Milk Pails, Pans, Churns, Stoves and Tinware, BONNETT = '& BOWYER' a MILE CANS vurun es Hoops. G. 8. CLIMIE & SONS, EAVE-TECUCEING, = Pot Sap DAIRY -: . CHEESE VATS, WHEY C AND ENGINES, CURD KXIVES, Write for Prices. n @ GAS FITTINGS tg al! their Branches. all kinds of -- - UTENSILS. AXK&. gt KS, WEIGH SCALES, MILK CANB, BUILERS Omplete outfits at jow Ogures. STOVES AND TINWARE OF ALL KINDS ----at VERY LOW FIGURES. LAM GOC. Le, Etce., very Cheap. * One line of -- JCIEING. TUMBING Estimetes piven ard work guaranteed. G. S. CLIMIE & SONS, Wallace Street BUILDING FOR SALE. The frame" building on tne old hool will be aa to_the best pidder. pto the Orst of Aprii rar» A nit "CHAM of Pattie Butidiuge ' Latowel, March i3th, 1s, ~ TENDERS WANTED. |. Seated tenders will be received by the ua- ' dernigued tor the H _Beliting of a TRUSS BRIDGE, be erected on cedar piles, over the Mait- i tend River on ciderosd between lots Nos «2 \and @, in the 2nd con. Wallace, (Eveleigt's | |Friday, 18th day of April,|~ ~ B48 FOR SERVICE. There will Poa fo: dersigned. o fot de. ara ; rrvieg. 'of which pedlareetan teens if Th Je Beer wanes Tehased from J G the on- lace, the retarning if p ; Sa. RICHARD VINES. H°*=* LOTPOR 84 SALE OR TO RENT Pebele: Det titatng 5 acres, serona aw a rrigice inwel Palo ed : Oret-c) i - Wat cota ge pace isa f ed brick with elzht jatge reos: qouee iS hed Por tunber CdS pert eres bul PMISS LAW. at Dr 5 panne ime |. Contractor to give aatiafact: security for ir you wast to f 'our bous WwW e act be undersold. ponds ete of the wari: lewest or be Riety sriiie furniiare and latest ae - G. RO! Tp. Clerk. | roomsat 10 pe hove eS eae BONNETT.£ BOWSER. | cieskej omee, Wallace. March Sat, Wo Haren ba, PT eat molenale:Aa aired. meld &