rR ap = RP LISTOWEL STANDARD --1s published---- : EVERY FRIDAY MORNING oe To eerigoere A. Sr. GeoxrGt CAWEINS. : TERKMS: © strictly in advance, $1.00per annum Fee rey her wtontel ees VERTISING RATES. § LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, A, 8T. GEO. HAWKING ------ | VOL. XIL--NO. 10. APRIL 6, 1888 Bi Oai Sees wing ratee' APH. night we would be beset by | desired to return to th t| OOATS,LINED WITH MONBY. aor at a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY aa Soares Ae eet eee et (Sab nee eres ae Ae eee A more unfavorable night for us could | seen thet | would not, I was conducted -Toronto for for Forgery. of or si ts Ne xea'to the in vertine- xonpaestt Lapeeified iirentigie mii be ams Tteed till forbid, Ins trscron pranatisne se adverting imal be beer at noon ar changes maaskbe Races in WuLinterikes 9 &.m.on Wednesday, : PRINTING. + Webave a firet-classiobbingdepartmentio bes tees pry pba ay je and Gordon preanes. printing oa shortest Stier fend nes omen. ped A b work carrs? sever aod spociat 'notices are eash Lirect Sdvertisomente payable auarterty. oo a i see OQucnon {AXOUCAN)--Main At. "Turnbali Incumbent. Morning persone E Servic at 7 o'clock. All seats free in ont at 2.90 o.m, Prayer day evening at 7.20, REQATIONAT. és RYRoae, + and pom. Sp. Wiokly prayer meeting Wednewlar evening attp. GERMAN SUOTREE AN, Gavnce --Rervices e BaD ATs ahd teat Crrren --Ter, ater. farniete ererr--othe ry prayer mectinnsy Fria nye m Berta are nll free: mit ore: made weleo Rev T. J. Gannon. Minister esti LY ( CATTLE FAIRS. {iero WEL--Firat Friday in each mont th. a ach month. JLIFPORD..Thuraday before the Guelph fair. HAnuistos--Friday ee pao asin fair, odny in sph Ga Lr Wednestny pitar the second Tuesday. MIOLRAR RY Ws winy before second Tues Office and residence at the House of Rev'd. ¢ A. Stevenson, rtiop. : o TEESWATER AND CRANOEVILLE BRANCHES red ¢ 1 ies pom Ft Bvazavan on Mol pnaay.. & je copy |. ry Diptheria Challenged | FUMNAAH He My Sbkce F3 the Three Partners, was lying in the iso! FARM FOR SALE. Z i #5 : s Connecti at Cataract with Orinaseilie wos et me from ibe ship, = a Trn For Taronts aud Eas "8 55 am.. '5 Pm #/MARBLE WORKS. ROBERT T. KEMP, garekets to all points for e's ae 3. LIVING wel. WILLIAM WALLACE MOORE aM PRG AN Spi FO rept ys SARBIE. apd mate, after he had exbaurted bis stock Of curses ; andas | walked to the port | of me, and then used nag cut quarter and looked over into the muudy waters the head of acrocoajle was plaiu | they bad ropes, to be see SICK AND LAME HORSES HU GU OVENS .V.8 {pRAVELLERS GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. (MOUTHERN EXTENSION OF W.G. 4. RY.) rains leave Listowel Station se as il Fo: r Kincardine and Intermedia ta-- Mixed. 7.45a,m.; Express 2100 pon mg Ear be opm Cc F Palmerston-- bhxpresa at oe a. me: xexpreta 124i pom.; Mixed, 10.45 GE "NGIAN BATA St) AKE ERIE DIVISION. | fra:-sloave Listowel station daily as under: . OING He ingen Ex xpress, ttpan.: Mixed, = GOING 'onTH. Mikod 1210p, m.; Express, 1.2) p.m: Exprors, ORPHY & MetNTOSH, Rarristers Bott phate. Ds Mave yancers, Notaries Pat Hie.te. one o be on nif a Hees Matin St Listowel, Ditons, over Scott's Hanking House, Listo- " 1 Daruina. J. P. Masee W. THOMPSON, M. v., ©. M. * (successor to the Inte 1) Bleant P i Surgeon, Accoucheur, Grad te of y University, per of College of Phyatciane # Fi aar s, Ont. od Ra. Late or N.Y. Palzeltnte Dt of women mapeciaity, arc Omce--Cempbetls Biosk~ Up Stairs. E, DINGMAN, M. D.. GRADU- F f Ques niversity ; Toembe or Collexe" Physicians, and 'Surgeons, a F° ARM FOR SALE. Ont Phystcian, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Otice and reside +-Matn Street enat ! HS. PARKE & kU THERFORT 1, Phy. | & yy puree List es Ae . Spee fol attention Im given to disensenef wamen | Night enllx anewered at Grand Central Hotel, Listowe: 1. dd. FOSTER, L. D. S. DENTIST. WRADUATE of R.CILS, Ontario Teeth feu. xiracted A oe Bain ny the use of by airoor other aneestneticn, 'i wer or lors jewel- Store. W a Lo CE, hn D.S..DEN i Vitatized atr ous aioe, jas, &e . far Painivas extraction UMce In old mane | uver Thompson res. Store. Entrance, Ma St. Nexidence, Waliuce street, Listowe i f HOMAS E. HAY, au Soe Sales attended on xintiec teria. Grdess tr atthe Branparp ice, promptly al- adedito. Meney to lo HOMAS, FULLARTON, NEWRY Ont., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ses, Com~ missioner in is, Mortgages, lowes and all convey mectng. done on reasonnble erms. Money Genennt Agent. *Umee | * Rear "ot Bruca'e Dental Rooms, Listowel, Ont. (omaenciar, HOTEL, MAIN &T. e : = ? soustanily o su, seers wit the best li sigars. Exce een Special attent) aire tiade. Good si! Rate a an d drivin sbedaracd attentive tretiay eon be relied upo Charges vei; moaarate C. ZILLIAX. M. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jewel. ler, Keeps a fall stock o of Watehea. Clocks sud senelletys, ane eole' brated Rock Crvn. set 3 Laclen son hand. Special a = ae to repairing Great bareaine i. fetches an Welle: clegraph Office, - Main Street. ay 6 + Gousry OF PERTH,--THE WAR- EN will be tn attendance at the C ks li ternary wainay, Anetin me crin abs vert of the counties or rt a Gommisatoner. an the 'Tigh Court of Jus "Tt nia net bave done it, bad | been a A hs motleng to reward you, JF had wealth, but ee went to che bottom of the harbor when the boat was wrecke TOW aia dered, and that ! would on the ---- s 7 wORES --------_ - --<AT-- 240 p 6BPER CHNT es Interest = at t iil holding band, and finally asked if 1 lis a rat oy ie and poche When | the guns killed five or six natives, who I brought them to hin he told me to the exnis Here lies an old woman who always was tired, pot She Itved in « house where no servant was fred, And her last words on enrte were, "dear friends, I am going, Where no wk ing is teat nor churning, . Ror sew. where al Thtegs' will be just exact to my wishes ; For where there's no eating, there's 'Re _ washing of diahes, ing; But prise no voice I'll get quit of the ain, Doo"t moar for menow, or mourn for me For oad iene to do nothing forever and ever. One day over 20 years ago, as oar ship, a good deal of trouble the o] from shore, we rr @ sou! ates tone! night, and after 10 no one speak above a icagea -=9aaage Was noth about the situation to us young fellows. All w attacked and drive them off. The took a different riew of "it, however. rate tion, as, if attack: an we could bring only the two caanon to bear. It proved, however, to be our salvation It was a little 'mm i ae every man.on w : id nts wi signs of heen rag ea wn [ at the | denly attacked on all sides at once, jmoment at h bowsprit e slarm -- « full lifted over os tai! aod brought back to | sides and toattack at the same momen: life.._The twrootber men wero swept hip was my tes, brother, the mate would probably have bende of the pirates in five minu broken my head as | regained the deck.|¢ven if expecting them. Discipline A madder man | never saw. saved us, There was no confusion. "Why, you infernal, good-for-nothing | Every man knew hix atation, and spran. idiot!" he ro: he dancnd around | to it. We gate them cou rege! "the idea of gece: jumping over. sides inside of balf a re and it hoard among the sharks an t oO rave the life of x cdutemptible beatb- '" £ couple of broad- was these which saved the scbooner, 'The pune were depressed and fired at just the right moment, and the bavoc 2 At that time, and I presume it is atl] | crested was simply awful e case, the jife of a common Siamese intheeyes of white men. It was my firat Voyage to those waters, and | was | aod stero. aleo youngand impulrive, of was of no more value than thet of a dog which upset two or three crafts, and only "See bere, young man !" contioued the | 1 blew the whole top of a native's head Oo. Boon are whom 1 had ee was fellows just swarmed up the chains, and wit! a attached, which they threw over the rails and climling- up, In spite of the way tieast 60. He hed as ren- | we leid shout us they kept gaining on ur, the hand and enid : old man, adj d open ble, dign "fed le ay and was paint and I had just eplit « tellow's bead ope: cr tn pigs sech poteligence. He onukt na hock thrown from below caught ak Eugli-h tor ly wail, and, o# soony in my clothing, end | was jetked to the as be was able te totk, he took ms by railand overitan three snaps of your fiuger. Ifell upon the heads of several while people are born brave; } | natives and Irolled cf into the sea d but almost as soon ae I struck the water wan, forone of you. | can do | @ roughband -- me on to the raft 1 te id bin: that no reward was expect- or catnmarad, and io seconds m sate aod opin were tied and @ pirate ook charge Although ee 'and confused by my ed, or would bave beea regeived if ten- | sudden _---- ot Fre: 1 knew al roiasion ay Lo ic thet was going 0 adn't been op the ralt two por when sbe was od from schoono. er, as she moved a dose of cannister from one of over and just bebind me. Again, had to do was to open on the pirates if ah efBoer the schooner by a single native in . TI do not this day the' significance of heooadh prec r marks ia India ink, but Stitton cj Spon and servility of been a native king. --_--_--_-- Experiments in Grain. RUSSIA ces. It is expected that is beng sent wit the close of the harvest 60, or 840. miles north of Ottawa. A small consignment of new sieste which will be known as Onega, and a small ety of oats been receiv from a point still further north in conti- ntal Ri th ne: ussia, 9 latitude of Ottawa, A few bags of bar- ley and winter rice from within the Ar- tic circle; 1,260 miles by latitude north ot Ottawa, are also to hand. Th latter samples come fromthe extreme of hae grants from the extrem n sent to'the Peace River ¢ ai: tc, Prince Albert, Edmonton. and ng the line of the Canadian Pacific li in Manitoba ase Territories, and will also be tested at the experi- mental farms. The et rice referred 'o is sown inthe part of Russia from which it has been oa ared in y, and is cut ripe in August of the follow- | as also arrived at the central farm. ere are two varieties, one known as the Danish Chévalier. and the other as Printice barley, both of which Profes sor Saunders reports to be fine samples of grain. Oowboy Fun, In the April Century, Theodore Roosevelt has a description of a "Round-Up" in the cattle country, which is "ie eal -- ace on . Fre . we quote "ha following : * wWhile ¢ head men are gathered in a little inet, planning i = work, the a 'the tea could not have.been areater sepa | SOME SAMPLES FROM THE FAR NORTH OF BEING DISTRIBUTED To Sy Ples will be distributed during the ai ten da circular eck sample, asking parties receiving them to give information required at The wheat reserved to was grown in latitude miles north. _the + ing year. A quantity a barley, which | ibe ted from o THE OFFICiAL Hoax oF F OF TRE WRECKED woRTH CAROLINA BANK-- NEARLY THIRTY THOU- 80 eo mallead by the guests. They d nothing erage oes: ea one to believe, or did their see indicate, tha that =i pice entered. © : ing on their Pap ive pe Riper - ee The officers ademas' them crak hey iad received instructions from Coie of Police Hartt, of Raleigh, N.C., to ARREST THEM FOR FORGERY, At first ely denied being from Raleigh, ii cre tl -- Orleans, and thet then hee pames were Watbem a: -- as at length saoknowiedped wan parties . ive Caddy then took « knife from his pocket and rip the lining of an over- coat owned by one of the men which -- on the room door. This ied © fnot that the coat was Jinedt with United States bank notes. The detec- ia - coats kk them to lospector Stark's offi Here their clothing was remoyed and in the lini large smourt PRISONERA CHECKED OFF FOR THEM. nt discovered on their per- none waa an $24 .714, which now lies in the Pp safe. The prison- era proved to be ---- 'Cross, the resident, and Sam While, cash- thuusaod dollars in currency, and leaving dia clamoring crowd of creditors | with ruin -- them im the face. tal of the bank Most of the stock was owned by the Williame family by whom the bauk was established. Cross is the son-in-law of C. Williams was elected presi- dent of the bank, and had lately given | up the place to her i slaw, Cron Toe bank had made bad loans, but 't was never dreamed that there was any porsibility of a failure. EB is stated in Raleigh that Cross and White had made falae statements, anid toe al the money they cous carry away aod come to On Make morning Jant 'fie bank Psoaayy ite pee when it was learned ross that her busrand and aoe severahte tern ARLING & MABEE, BARRIS. given f TERK, Solictiors, Conveyancern, ac, | "poy particulars ap Farin cont alning on one rhondee d ar atwenty | , DIPTHERTA Lewis tn the Lith con ot the Fomaunip of ad va } Elma, oe are res nats TILE ILE FOR SALE. the misfortune to At 6 Per Cent. Yearly. (INTEREST NOT Falp IX ADVANCE.) = prices mill be found to pn purche . hi was re-charting the no NEW BAKERY schooner was oslled the Survey, end she tried a 36 men end armed «With tro nise-t-ounders on @ side, and A LARG ¥ Has pleasure tn nd vietonun ard she jostisena PRIVATE FUNDS TOLOAN, i rom secure aud uokno if the west ids of the iniands every speo- irs of pative craft & show to attack BAKERY BUSINESS The best privileges gtven for paying offloans the Fos Post at Office, two doorsemat of the Grand Over Scott's Banking House. Listowe'. ren READ AND BUNS | officered from the veer and naval dis- ---- x -------- BANKING BUSINESS , delivered to all parts of the town daily, CUNFECTIONERY of ALL KINDS young men, full of pby-ical-strength and . t dare-devil spirit, end the koowledge | came tosce the villagers by daylight I | Choice Cakes ead naan LisTowe! nig old! Division Count | Ore Tav velve ye - an McDonald & Co, Bankers | Hs ing Peeive we yeaa sone width, wue sieep ep -- éu float a man-- an d delivered. Soliciting a liberal patron | of. wai. thie wind fait-d to mike . = any whabitarts onihe statin. 3 ser- hood ty a tel wie ut thon » m® Dxtiral caries. o know why we were taking eo auch weakee for aotu- month from 10 1o8 ovciock. The lerk wil seins in eerencenes ©. eae pee on Tuesda. fhe Tt oe on Bren gail Wednesday, Thursday onigay and Saturday of each we week, during _-- 'M. DAVIDSON, County Clerk. Coupty clerk "sofice, Stratford. RcHakd ©. CLaRKE, _VBEEBIN ARY SURGEON: ILLBANEK,ONT, _ Graduate of the Ontario Veterin: College, Toronto. Diseases of domesti: nimals saccessfully syeated. Horses exam: to soundness, 4c. Cails a prom pily day. o make S and upwards 2 day. 'whe ia 3 SE AND LOT FoR SALE. it No. 4, I Jobo yo nidnine! inkurvey.) weet ¢ one 'quarter teh ew. Nospecial mollis rhquired yea he cht | Balke free Address Stinson ¥ Co., Portland, fy. | 4 i } '*40 Town Lots FH 6 of our me een natives in the tops of tree ke od ther no doubt tiey ond climbed up with spy- glasses to look dows upon sur decks and iscover our : tres We he ey more des'. ek to accomplish, and, therefore in -teadl of getai out itt Ste pel r out of the bay; we got spring on. our oatles, rome Lota for for sale =i parts of loaded our guva with grape and canpis, {nod as : answered by tele telegraph: = snerwise, night = Gebam'a Hotel. ve , ter, and tn night atau which 5 ryou thiesaa reward. Lf ever verted capital oot" se was wondrous- | tack, The schooner bad come out of ly awift with bis work, aod was erident- yan adept, When ne had completed | | bi task, he subi: Te itvery bandsome+ly, baving, as I soon warned, inflicted terrible damage on th After getting away from the vessel we sou need Lelp in -- sLow this eign." | were joined by teand rafts carrying was fou ¢ oF five hours alter the rescue weary abundred men, and a good third that he was pulled wabore, and Lo ene these wero w ed. Al made fo abowrd tien shiv a of the sign he oe entrance of the bay, and it was only had Jeft ete, Whole T felt certain | whep out of cannon abot that the fury in tay own mind aa ft was connected | of the fcaies over their bloody repulse witb native Freemasonry aod was given | broke od loose ¥-- prese to mié in all earces:ness, to bave shorn | be forgotten forthe time, sod it was it to the crew would Lave been to muke| lucky for me that such e « butt of ridiculv, The ink was|the case. There were several abe pricked in so deeply that the punctures | among the survivors on our raft, and were much longer in bealing than those | appeared that al] those in authority bad killed. about an hour after getting out of In as bold and plait as if put on with black | the bay, and all the time progressing paint, slowly the north bg Ceale, wo Indus time the ship was unlosded, | ran imto the mouth of a creek and received ber corgo and railed for Boston, | landed in a village, the iohabitante of at which port «he arrived safely, [had | which were awake ao ert. My feet treak my l-g before | were untied aod | was rougbly jarked to ye 'ached our clip, and conse tandicg itio od it quently did ns the next voyage. | known through the village that a prison- lnaten made a voyage to Liver pogl ad been ken the excitement in- Jreturmm, wentiaek to Leer | and | creased "a _ ee gan f ve was prid otf, wert out to gore th te- | old man, who was bably a superan- fore the mast, uuu there join b Eng: | puated tele I ehould rate been cut te el gowermt:. ots ury "ying rari which | shreds at the first rush. All but this 1,000 miles, 'separating the he of} old man seemed to have an insane de- Borneo and the islands adjec nt. The} sire to eae me, and why be snould try iheveeen, Ly voice and arm he kept them off until cooled down, and then long Ton ons aivirel. Lu thore days the | madethema speech. After that [ was Cc d and were me why my life spared the night fore, An hour aan daylight s stout | ific ocean from the heer and |crotched limb was driven into on cipline prevailed aboard, She was fit- hat the vovaze was s dangerous one nepal native crafts had visited ~us ard e: dl , clamation the bay three days, anchored iw thirty | or six of the ° the few yards in front of my but. Thea a long stout pole was in the croteh, It worked exactly like an old- Phd y we use =y body. Foelwas gathered and a fire kindled, i the the ted ant to fieht as well oe to survey, and | other end of the sweep or lever were to bold me suspenied over the me no i. he ee of my life being re not cooly the most been making souodhiogs aud saurveya | 00 ether, but many of thoee I west coast ot Lo d who returned from the attack were 6 oorth of Korneo, wheo had our oer wounded and.bent on ven- Bret troutie, We hai been surreyiag | geanoe, buy aboat mix cotles dong by tree ip was about two bourse after day brea! ice ge t of the hut and spprosched nds were untied, and two natives helped me off with oes ae. As'my bare my breast, and he slowly aud caro. | after we were concealed by the fog. are dis ispersed over the plain in =i prched into my flesh,right ee em another discharge tore off corner ot pocagage racing, breaking rough "hor i breast-hore, a ign or token, of wi the raftand killed two more men. | moly Jarking the Talhae Tie te Opy J-- A-- oT eauld bear the wins and cheers of my fa _ an es; = bad ho ite The rig sht | tnd Th ft hens ttigures may be | shipmates, and [ knew we were one of A man has iakee ath an as rtunity, |° § AV E Th H E L | y E S caprtel 1's," and the middle one an in- | the nat parties to withdraw from the at y ppo ' when hehas plenty of time, to ride him ; and while saddliag he is surrounded by a crowd of most unsympathetic associ- ates who greet with uproarious mirt! any misadventure. A man ona buck- ing gg is always considered, fair game, every squeal and ju mp of the bronco being hailed with cheers of de- lighted irony for the rider and shouts to 'stay with him.' The antics of a. yi- Cious bronco show infinite variety of detail, but are all modelled on one gen- eral plan, When the rope settles round his neck the fight begins, and it is only after much plunging and snort- ing that a twist is taken over his nose, or else a hackamore--a species of se- ing bridled he strikes viciously with his fore feet, and perhaps he has to be energies for the rider. In the teat case, 7 left hand of the check-strap, so as prevent the horse from getting bis fied down until he is fairly seated, swings himself quickly jinto the saddle. Up rises the branco's back into an arch ; his t head, the vl laid straight back, one pie, or 'sunfish,'--that is, first one shoulder down ground a on the other,--or else may change ends while in the air. first ; hat may be jarred off his hea rn dy out of os seu After a t average man the delighted onlockers meanwhile earnestly advising oe _ . 'go to leather' -- and is ented to get reg "* nr in fas apr oll provi- ied without being thrown "oft "ie accident is of necess- ity borne with a broad grin, as an at- tempt to resent the raillery of Boe by- standers---which is ectl -hu- --would be apt to cal disas- down between his feet,and squeal- ing savagely, he makes a Stcession of a *B a 3 ge 3 a # or he may buck gy Bm in A aiaed rider will sit throughout it ali without moving from the saddle, quirt- ing his horse all the time, though his id and lew j pan "hold of the | rasp of the eS orm. aper of the to the gag 'of Cross, d been drinking aod gambling and e is recieves thata de: ie 'a money went in that way. The LAST STATEMENT OF THE BANK showed deposits 50,000. All th money is gone pbs $15,000 in sites and 8, in-currency, whiot th they left bebind as a blind in order that the ° on for a day in their absence. The money was pac into two vallses an: the refugees left Raleigh o: on the Hex York train and srrived in Toronto Tuesday. The oe ils. heavily on many people, William R. Poe, 91 years old, loses $50,000, and Ww. 8. Primrose $20, peor pa in trust funds, The industrial sohi ee $20,000, and this will stop the erection of tne buildings, The State shee be the sh ati of the county $12, a Mr. Aver 16,000, aod rhea are ep Bed banded smuil de- Poritore who lose from $16 to $500, which s was all they had. Kot Wilhame family are ruined. They LOST ALL THEIR MONEY that was in the bank, and now all their roperty will pad taken to pay the losses, beccane they were the largest sharehold- ere, and th fe at ae the amount of their stook for debts of the bank, Mrs, Williams ue iPronrated, She does nct mind the loss so much as the disgracé that has befallen ber and her large and interesting f: family. It is many days, Mrs. baby just two weeks old, sad grab Saar are feit that may 'die under 'the shook buabsnd ir sod the se ns lle ber and a gat re i the streets during the satire ra after the close da was light in the Methodist church and re ed loud and long at revival meet Both men possessed th ENTIRE CONFIDENCE OF THE COMMUNITY, The sina a Sg almost entirely to Crosa ai and the directors knew bat abide ratont affairs, as they all been but recently elected, a is believed that the bank ie te an ell tha made 2g 533 i. tectives "Cuddy and Bu urroughs shadowed "White and Cross on informa- Associated Press not believed thet she will mses e the | | are "This, if true, wiil enable the Goveroment to have_ Cross. ted and eo A DARING BURGLARY 'At Stresteville, Ont., and a Olever m Toronto. Toro 0; Macks 3: 30.--A daring burg- lary in Semetevile some twenty miles from here, and a clever capture of the criminals in this city, are the only cir- um tu t Seevine They first broke into J. Allen's carriage and blacksmith shop, from which they took a aeantity of ip. They ry shop of Mr. T. H. Goodison and off were walkin with a quantity of - | je the propri ed them and. gave them ch-se into the , | dtrest. wt oa men | escaped rig, but Mr. Goodison jing into the city tired out with their drive and hard work they were all to- morrow. The names of the | gee are Charles Davis, Wm. Carroll, George Fair, Edward Lake and Wm. "Ba chus. Much Truth ina a» Small Compass, rea free © people, a great people, " coterprising eople; but it must be io tha we ar@ a DYSPEPTIO rg pSepomaateme are by no means sound as our political constitution ; aod pro a if addressed in the lan- guage ot digestion a3 nealtten poe pm eED Site would a inquire by what means the wish could be realized. That ques- ly a specific for the ape Imper- feot digestion resulta from a dilute con- which oar the food in the stomach, an i re to = purpo- ses of life in ithe form of blood. If the organ which secretes this et iain as ore" morbid condition, the fluid wil] deficient in guely and A need = rnal eoon will become me oes depressed. tween the Hi prenag end profound yest All these sym: tows, and cv other variety in the are een Sesoeat by a course of Hot- Lowa itts. Putting the testimony ot ethers out of the secon we hare fall warrant from _pere observation for this broad and ol (tomer Holloway has acquired such universal me, - . a n these remarks upon a man who i distioguished by the pe go sg d certainty of bia cures. ish upon suggestion aa they ink wat. Baglok Inielligencer. ----------______ Again the ose Serpent. oxE sonames reer io LONG AND. as ROUND as BARREL v Stexixcrox, Conn.,. March 2 rid hagher schooner Coral, tain Sherman, ii re this port awaiting favorable orate ® good view of the creature, and both feel confident that they sawa veritable several voy to the 8, 5 ¢ never before hashe seen anything like the monster abogp referred to, ' SSE bfene of nerectieemnen: 3 Ss 2 3 - 25 J 2 3 . cy took to be a puff for Dr. Pierce's Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets. [ threw down t and bought those same little pills," "Did 1 find the Lid "Why, yea, the best thing of the kind L yerarron the onset, pr "tthem down for | front of me, flung 7 bie ba bead and -- aries ortont by a near culony of pir- "Onna! Onna!" at same time ing to the mark on y beeas His 100 was taken hi othera, and five oldest came and wie i the rare y for the and I wae ssked by signe to reman afar off. He was sure * At first a little, hacking cough, "Tis nothing but a oold,"' ge sey! " -- Brea soon wear off." The eberrg pee the re Salting strength, ~ L Jeemrtagd set () pag would Dr: Pierge's gous" Medical Di Tiectinee, i when irrita- tion ofthe lungs ia indicated by sconab, it would be an easy matter to avert sumption. Be.wise in time. much more e: Trate Student ; "Don't ever sw Aen 1d uke onan ? ' alan "Goody' : 3 I prefer Ars dustpan."" -- F de) beli's airy Cathardde Compound. "Yasty taken Cuddy and Burroughi WHITE AND CROss OW THE War. had come up to G: make a eee the Knights of Pythias and thathe bad come along to hear White distinguish himes The negro janitor, 4. tion recei ¢s ah on ee they wet leave tho ee city yes | te egrapbed tbe chit of Dolio --And 80. ae are_really attending leigb, and rece 'oaklog achool, Miss Clara ? pa arrest. The eps epprabbesion je: Sasi ' * She Corgis» Wen, and it is such fon, credit on the sbréwdness of Detectives Aine Sy es Ax aye can make vice s, She--No, fs nothing to do with making bread ; but I can make lovely - poe pee Lay Lam only taking the Clete. ; ee a - Gossip--"Is that house along: Pager tl empty yet?" Mrs. Gabb-- Noa fa taily moved in Ist week." "Nice folks?' "Nice? They're the worth, | guess." 'La me! 7 pen som things ot v2 Se dozen es to and they of them every time, --