Listowel Standard, 4 May 1888, p. 1

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-- BTOWEL S STANDARD --is published----_ _. EVERY _FRIDAY MORNING -- atiara se, ja time for the early mails WALTON OLOOK, MAIN ST., LISTOWEL, | ~by-- AA. St. Grorcz five Teme: aldstrictiy in pops sf ee ance VERTISING RATER. pists decrees periine.... "rahe sora insertion $1.00per annum Teas 2 n a LISTOWEL, ONTA R10 - IDAY, MAY 4.1888. 8T..GEO. HA tone WKINS ~ Epitonanp Prorrteton Swink rates ; "Fa siebuine. [dec raAl tn @column,.. + BAGO... BAe stent * i + Woo... gsi 'arter!* ASO, oe tichit " 708 ithe Lesiines super ards nia xooedin anna: sstidac ng ander i? Hiner, - Advertise Ss al bial of farms for ani, rere: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Orst month. and 39c. per month thereafter. spec iaEaoiie na, lOc, portine eac ian. 3 romcaa acre! Oy special ne otioe, the obieet of which In to promote the peen he! t of any tndi- | TEESWATER AND ORANGEVILLE BRANCHES dual,company or soclety, to be considered Rast. '1 ad charged accordingly. Z TT tv i 'ceuwater.. 2 S.1S.a.m,~ 215p.m oh . i B18 318%: fi w ond ba 2a" ertebritttorbid. Ons tract tone to change or Ween se Sat * | 249 leeonttane wa Lise ertise muet he wes, atiG rrie. 53 i re ais Mien by n Ve rie ae: and the Fordwich 612 * 08 ** be handed tn votiaterthes Harriaton ama" 3.29% 2. . ™.on Wednesday. Pages 6u 8.40 7 t. Fo 651% 857 * @ JOB. PRINTING. Kenilworth 1, maken, 5 hia Ve have a first-class lobbinedeparimentio | arthur 726" «439% tinnoct ind. W harks dale and Gorton presses. | Grand Va aa %: "Bio* Atest desiens tn printing matertal-- ealsemae. Ton. "2 6.17 * rp meee at ss Atarrip rong Of eee *aAmarao Rae WAG 8. Bigg 4 on shortest antics. and t Granacvitie Tnetion.. 12% ARO Ole AMon ranma ville o 843s BAe (hie terme for tah wack enera! adwertine- Torgat Ws" 810 * Te eel areeedal ryeyt tin areewh CuLiraet - eortinaments parahie onarterty LP, NIURCH DIRECTORY. at? Shearing: ee ax Catan, Inkerman St... Kev. Ianac Dhall, Pa: 2, . Vrolan Mt, at, ne Servicon at at 4. and 420 fp, chr at top, A pas se iad mating bbl tnewlay euhilng. wine A Lrerreenan Cncveren --Sere' ry Sundar, Lad ts Rev, Mo Arendt. caeeeg ose Cc CATTLE E FAULKS, Livrow nu --First Friday ty pikes sl Ver rin sack month, h Hasnc wor Ppeat Tune in sacl Haemth, THLEN Fin uty pacman "serv et shes bi emeh cent. vit > Li at Thorsdiy fa enely month. ATs Taesday in each teenth ou po ro DMRS FT Wethenday in eae honth Gate Wednesday after the second Tuesday. MILLaank---W . =item before second Taew dav in mount peavenuens GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SDUTHEKN EXTENSION OF Wo dG. @ BBY.) a Connecting at Peet athe Sound Branch. ELORA BRANCH 6.22 6.25 ectink at Cataract with 'Oreneeville nd Tecrwnter Rranches rains from the} Ennt arrive at Eh - 1L.SAp. mM. 7.48p. Sal 5 11.48 7. CREDIT VALLEY PRANCH (Mary Lixt Trains leave Wood nder: = Foe to 'orento 0d Fase se AN Rete: 5. p.m hor a Thomas and bf a em 10.8 am. 441 pom, and & Ol p, Tickets in all penntes ine sale bed LIVING MTONE. Ir. nt atiway and steamship inom. LA! WI: LIAM WALLACE MOORE MOOREFIELD, ONT, ae 'same of the bow Alatbihe in the Pippo Pat Mors bee thee ter ied 43 'anes. tor 'cour re the ben Loan on een ben "pair 'Sw 1d rit Norigages ot Be © rites. He woke prompt iy orrinwe me hem toy fa a an few coples of Ta: hs me Vea cert 1) a $2 tench, +. cite his "Wiladeow. tte cia at 7 rhb he i we fw it Man v maker weil cheng. oxta He x is at M we eh. the pe age "tar: nit Hine fre tes "ws Shy on aed "ne , fling leave Listowel Station datly as ander: minke ey DE eof we te ado act s - in ane pertoof the pea ay any F tor fine gains bia inte rene ate potable tor Perth a seul i Express@io poi: Express ho hae private funds 10 lend oF . of! vr rent or vist ¢ "afet eween ') Palmerston-- hapress af has al om: iret firing the rag Hilen at a sal or, wilt Segre tenon Mixed, Mah my SHV fetes Dey eadibeae GR WLAN TAY @ WAKE Kithe prvratos, fra leave Li netatly as under ' Exnress $ s. 22 pla: Mixed i. rf p ne . Gone sonTit. Fixprese, a a ? tht m.; Express, 12) p.m: Mem A Mein Tost, Par A Covmissioner in the 'Thigh Court of Jua- tice, anne 4 ALLACE Me ri. umeete MONEY LOANED --_AT-- te, a Ont, 6PER CHNT Yearly. Interest paid at the exp uration bf rach yer n Farm 7 D® HALL, Office and residence at the House of Rev'd. MOLESWORTH Diptheria Challenged ! DIERE. -- Diptherin and Cente Hemedy isasure and Hetlbte Care. --_* Nochild needs {9 softer, Het' one Ui fom . wh at % Same Hacking. drusaiat, Liste we $ "Richolas rots. Listowel : H. Homer W. en pas Uies Wooldridge @ Co., Pai ty {FARM FOR SALE. #27 and 28, on the Kvhieviry ofthe Town: des PETER LILLIco, Listowel, May 28, 18k7 EOE Ee LISTOWEL MARBLE WORKS. etor. 7 ROBERT T. KEMP, AMERICAN and roe BIG 4 ARBLE, ana GHANITE HEALSTON exe MONU- NTs and ay RNITURETO Ors porous 'Gr STONE of ali kinds for Hallding hii you R SICK AND LAL ME HORSES HUGH OVENS, V.S. a GRADUATE OF Ontatrio veterinary eee, SIN isenmes Of Horses and Cattle promptly ahiended | a Cherces low te "suit the Naeapag Outer, Mis Livery Stuble. Hentde . Rie bmneud st. Listowel, A MOST DES: BABLE row RESIDENCE FOR SALE. -- "EING the wet. known an d mostconven t ently. situated House and ry non Main Ul it wna rinerly occupied by ' ner Admirn ty sulted for he t * prntensionns or bustuess man. fo property Vor particulars epanireet the FANDAID : 16. : law Dire pee rete wd gore sHaney H. B, Morpwy. tre vel pipe mM Ihe lowers rat and ow the _-- err freeeat Susoribe . te we esi ene cote be a nine ae ER eee ere SIRT nt rmerpEet TERS, Soltetroars, 4 enveyaneers, Ac. | cote repaid ut the depit bee net the borrower. Dmeon, ovor Scott's sauking Ho ime, Listo- --or particulars «ep ne to SOREN MARTIN bai 1 Daruina. J.P Masee --oppostte Grand entral Motel owe FARM FUR SAL E. W. THOMPSON, M, M. * o the by te De ay an}: bd aps eo Unt ae | one "hundred ar dewey vais wis N ot Morning * et drew \ E DINGMAN. M, >. GRADU: eal of Quee"* Cniversity ; menber 21 College Phystetann, waned Surgeons Ont Physician Saracen bay Accout beur Office and reside Main Street enat, D* iS. FARRE - = one ens Phy: Ate, we ane Aiecstyn Lie ' a r Olin com "atere ash etd atte ntten. ve avery tt calle Hotel, 'Listowel. FOSTER: L. D8. D -- ae re ene bd a anewernd a 'Grande central en TRADUVATE of tc. The . Ontario, Teeth Bo extracted without cola bys the ase of Nitrous Oxide G Vitastzed wir Oy other none ris fivemns over Tayior's Jewel ty 5 . W." M bee lge Ce. he D.S..DEN ST. tame Vtaltzeal alr, t cally aR, 7: ide. 4 ner in "old sian: 'é E St rnacee a Waiince street, List pain ever ip bash peare tol Store. Bt. dewidenee, MIOMAS EL HAY, AUCTIONEER mpiuy a. oes! FUEL ROO ---- at., mislogerin EA Deed aad all conveyancing d rms. Money to tend. RUTHERFORD, rit Sg Ircal and Dis. Cupade Life Assur- Lend, Loan and Agent Kear ot Broce's Dental Roonis, p stone. 'ont, ao the oo e bar | Soostantly supplied with gears and Sigara, Excelient accor eb re ow pA apene Becta attention is iv ners' trad: Good sta ling « Gariving kheda, aod al laative hestter oon ralwaye be relied upon Charges vei, Cc. ZILLIAX. ~~ : M SMITH, Watebinaker and J Tetstbent to repe Watchre and Nowe The ry. Mato street. "ek arey. ih usiee, fe io ene pe wet Bom bet a barn' ines om came th ' ' ede "tin, "Lintewey of te ALLA. ay ALKEh, pi ihe premine pae™ FOR SALE. Let S Ip the llth con. of the Township of Simin. caret 1 acres, About ® acres ared id vod atate of cultivation, Fran: barn 26 nd fair dw etlin ng hy for further pastivalare apply : RTIN. Listowei Ont ONEY TO. LOAN M At 6 Per Cent. Yearly. (INTEREST NOTPAID IN ADVANCE) Wil loan nh farm properly from won one town, gsm with privilage to pay time. Also money ane riy at n 5 fra a 6 ssi "MA ENHEX, Agent forthe*LUNDON MI" Tes "NORTHERY" 'and * AL EDONIAN" FIKE iN BSUMANCE f COMTAR A number of mp nale, tare an amount of priva' ADAN BUNT, Commissioner. Tevottdale, P. O. Realdence, Con 17, Wallace M?s EY Tv LOAN. A LARGE AMOUNT OF 'PRIVATE FUNDSTOLOAN., --aTm LOWEST nares OF INTEREST. BY H. RIDER HAGGARD, CHAPTER L. Allan Quartermain, who was one of the party who discovered King Solo- a 's- mines some little time-ago, and erwards came to live in ig near ais friend. Sir Henry Curt gone back to the wildersibed now, as these old hunters invariably do, on one T of broadcloth humanity proving moré pp. to their n of the desert' I think that hough i ree lonely bere Fock es oo that is too} little understood, : great city and listen to the footsteps | . ating. ryan multitudinous as the atch the white line of faces and then they are gone for ever. will never see them again, they will never See you again ; they come up out of the darkness, and presently they once more vanish into the darkness, | 4 taking their secrets with them. Y. that is ee spure and undefiled ; but to one who'knows and loves it,the enideriean is not lonely, because the spirit of nature is ever there to keep anders company. He finds sin the rushing winds--the sunny areas bubble like Nature's children at his feet ; high above him, in the purple sunset, -are domes om minarets and palaces, such as mortal man hath psa in and out a whose flaming doors the glorious angels of the sun do move continually, And then there is the wild game, fol- lowing its feeding grounds" in" great armies, with the spring-buck thrown out before them for skinishers ; then rank upon rank ot long faced blesbuck, marching and wheeling ke infantry'; and last the shining troops of quazz4 and the fiereersyed, shaguy vildir I beeste to take the place of the cos- upou the army's sack hest that hogs flanks. "Oh, no." he would say, "the willor ssisnut loucly, for, my boy, rem. ecuber thet the further you get fiom min, the nearer you grow to God," vd though this is a saying that might wel be disputed, it is one IT am sure that anybody who has watched the Weil, at any hanes he went back again, rates now for Many months ave heard nothing a all of him, and to be frank, I greatiy douht if ever anyb dy THE TALE OF THREE LIONS /®aim Most of you boys will have heard ot | in bitter m and we thing. Presently I purse &nd i. its contents rounds ; e ere man muscle up upon uncommon stiff, in-value of ex another minute claim with my dozen Kafirs to that I had put And we worked, --early szarf pin out of. and left us the papery in wages a stand that it did the ¢ urday bot [h emselves with, re n rise and set on the limitless desert: han a her: was a half sovereign, two ed plains, and, -- fl in silver, no copper. chariots roll pajesty the | for tically ot circu - depths of caliente ong weiil I easily late in South Africa, which is one of understand. the things that penci " 'hee smiled ; Bud my excited ner- s been a good you and me, an r filthy Incfe fe the features of iat "th, I she's about worked o Egasped ;. the fellows efioivery breath ou a dozen fortunes left in the d that he was only giving it he was downright weary of out. ' sia Pome 'uncer Quatermaii " will in course of a year hav a sight more than two thousand dollars "And he went, just in him, and I saw his face no more. "Well, I set to = on the old wealth into it, was the least I could and Jate we went at it-but never a bit.of gold did we see ; no, not tlefnan had mopped up the whole lot For three months this game went on till at last I had very near all aged hes i left of our little firs and oearhies. y that Boer meal was sometimes as, high s four pounds per bag, you wil uhder- rs our banking pores sual, and baa aht ao muid nieal Gt sixty ape for them to fill th my boy Harry Sod fide on the edge of the thundering great hole that we had dug in the hillside, and which we had ocke y named Eldorado. There we sat inthe moonlight with our feet hanging over the edge of the claim, melancholy enough for any- hin in all exactly fourteen and nine- , Harry, my boy ! sai 'that is t the sum total o our worldly: going as for that there claim, izger to me; Stranger, to man now oe there between us to ob- your arm ifthe stuff is and what is more. you ve earned rience.' time, in I should have | sabe for try and pot a help me, which, see nearly jall my worldly my word, we did work The swee paid away all or id food for the Ka When I tell you not take long to run risis came, ne Sat wm si the men as of matic then I went with pulled out my makes living so dear I id, BO--YOU-WANT-T0-BUY. A BUGGY. FINE STOCK OF BUGGIES af the ebop in ren as Greents ble, ie mh's Woe lon Mi. bs " ore tauufue tueod ty J Cao piel et Ludep WJ tp. wlasee work Is Known to be among 'hw best 8 Canada. Fieve low, Cail and ace them 3. Wilson. 150,000 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE. The undersigned bn bas any ---- of Drain Tle--all sizer--on hand, and cao supply eg imal mye time at hie yard on the e, Wallace, near Listowel, og chan ot be found to spit purcbas. '9a, CONRAD GECRGE, NEW BAKERY A. YULE, (LATE OF HARRIKATON,) Has pleasure in announcing to thecitizens of Listowel and epintty that he bas open BAKERY BUSINESS in Listowel tn uate formerly occupied ie Por aeecet wo doors east OF the Grand DARLING & MAFFF, it. Over Beott's Banking House. Lnews PRTER IILLICoO --dzes @ general-- BANKING BUSINESS Listowe! Oreice--Late Division Court Oreice, Main STREET A McDonald & Co., Bankers |<! MAIN STREET, LISTOWEL. Me NEY TO LOAN AND NOTES i bought. Mone ¥ ae xt pa ed ahone . Per _Money remitted y d Helerence-- Mer of Canta, Btratfora. Offices Sam.lot ee PM. McDONALD @ Co. BREAD 45R I % CUBE delivered to al! parts of the todn dally, CUNFEVTIONERY of ALL KINDS kept on Hand, and Choice Cakes and Pastry supplied at all times' WEDDING CAKES & specialty. Maving had twelve years ex- th the Kaking business, we can r firster laer Bi fer. ete. tient brands of tumtly and delivered. ace. 46 RICHLY hems and fenaitt The 'cate aud sure lorevery 'Todustrlewe bave made avd are now ma Sour kept for vat bollelting a liberal patro A. YULE arded are those who read this aod then act ; they wiil woe bene abia. employ in ment * st em arde ay. w * young or old | $ we share you Every- CRUSTY oF OF PERTWU.--THE WAR- DES wili be tn attendance at the Crork's Wtoso'elock The Clerk wtl belo aiientamones his wlraghe on Tuesday and a oe eho aes VIDSON, County Clerk. ER LSA, Stratford ICHARD C. CLARKE, VETERINARY SURGEON TFOL <E. AND LOT FUR SALE. Lot No. 4. on (nkerma an an Street, in Joho Boning'. Survey. containing one quarter of iand = There is a Srst--Tess ith Tiarge rooms Terms For farther particulars apply i sry to ee rking.orto ARMSTRONG, Listowel, 40 Town Lots | FOR SALE. eee ownT SE Ee reaett ar ane nentax B UNDERMIGXKD bes abowt fort "n ' y bA Baier ies Ai bees a nea ee Tees Lasts for wale io aera ares parted det es be sean in Calle preengtty | a reasonable mod 1 . -o., Ae. intl @ored by telegraph or pthers tae, ir dey. promt: Beane oe ideaaeary. oy _ Pahew's Hotel ' For: partieniars «nonire at Lil aking Mouse, Mais street. ™m opus not needed Pree can doit aswell a4 any one te us at once for fap particulars, which we mailfree Address Sunsen &Co., Portland, Maine.--ty. INVENTION sees progress ts of batcap be pertormed al over (ue coun meer without sprarsting thetr Pay gail ae sop een do the ts out fend asend we manit oe free, aa-vet! gree: value and impurtanre io yeu that wi start ¥en tr bastuess, whieh will bring fn mor. moneg righ! ew ci tn the world, Gree Terna Co, Augu-te Maina~ dy, Pate titer has cured cases of Hhenme- tism and Neuralgia aller years sanding. + haa revolutionised the wevid Serine. the jest haif etth esa, setihty fapmiet, < of see - oF then ems nihies free 4-)- willever hear of him again. T tear that the wilderness, that has for so many years been a mother to him, will now also prove his monument and the monument of those who accompanied him, for the quest upon which he an they have started ts a very wild one in- od. But while he was in England for those three yetrs or so between his re- turn from the successful discovery of the wise king's buried treasures, and the death of his son saw a great deal of old Allan Quartermain. had known him years betore in Africa, and after he came home, when- ever 1 had nothing hetter to do, I used to run up to Yorkshire and stay with him, and in this way I at one timeand another heard many of the incidents of his past life, and most curious some of them were. No man can pass all those years following the rough ex- istence of an elephant hunter without meeting with many strange adventures, and one way and another old Quarter- main has certainly seen his share. Well ae story that lam going to tell you n the following pages is one of the year 1875. it was the only one cf his trips upon which he took his son Harry (whois since dead) with him, and that Harry was then about fourteen. ow which hunter Quartermain told it to me one night in the old oak-pannelled vestibule of his house in Yorkshire. We were talkimg about gold-mining -- | the queerest little p'aces you ever saw. The town itself was pitched in ot stony vatley, with nountains all about it, and in the middle of such scenery as one does not often get the chance a seeing. nckets. 'Weill,' L said to him--the happy vender---'it 1s a magnificent "Well, for some months I dug away gaily at my claim, but at length ihe very sight of a pick ora -- trough bocanie hateful to ne. 4 anda times a dav | cunediny own fully for having ievested etzhbundred pe -- which was about ali that T was worth at the time, in this gold-mining. But like other people before me, I it° g t 1 u or 'had to take the consequences, I bought a claim cut of which a man had made a fortune--five or 'six thou sand thought, very cheap. ; tven him peunds down fer ity Jt was ali ti at T ad made by a very roug' phant hunting beyond the Zambezi, and I sighed deeply and prophesicaRe when I saw my successfui friend, whd ed all the rest.' y ourselves out to and live on meal But and om. ty light-heartediness, " _ Ther and nine." of wisdoth, but we hurited and a loose soil a pick coin, but all in was of a very astynishmcot it "Gold-mining !" he broke in ; "ah, yes, I once went gold- 7 grims' Rest in the Trans' and it bon after hat that we ad the the turn up " about Jim-Jim and the lions. Do you a Shared know it? Well, it is, or was, one of hands. only some alt feel it,' and he round brownish ing in both iis ousty and held " 'Give me rir surface, Great soft ! 3 Dutchman.' wasa Yanke:, swecp up rig: ro!l of Srandard Bank notes with the lordly air of the man who has made his tune, ahd cram them into his ee |e ago and I on'y hope that will be as good as yours my has {1 wealth ; the infernal hole has swallow- " 'Gracious ! said Master Harry. say, father, you and I shall have to let a his | ee 2 joke. = it is nota ae thing to dig like for months and be completely ruined i in the process, especially if you happen -to hate digging like poison, " 'Shut up !" I said, raising my hand as though to give him result that the half sovereign slipped out of it and,fell into the gulf confound it all,' sard I, 'it's dad, what comes af a your angry pa sions rise ; now we re d "] made no answer to these words steep sides of the claim, follow Harry, | to hunt fot my little all. Well, moonlight ts an uncertain thing to look for half sovereigns by, and there was had knocked off working at spot a _ of hours before. d raked away the clods of earth with | it, in hope of finding the annoyance I struck the sharp en pick-axe down into the soil, which hard na "Why, Harry,' { said, a ground MEME have been distur " T don't think 80, See' he ans- 'Oh,' he said presently, 'it's gone down between them, look ; most ina whisper, 'it's precious heavy, a very large apple, which he was hold- Was precious heav fell upon its rough and plot nei surface, and as [ looked, curious L.ttle thrills of excrement me. Hot I could not be cer- "He did so, and resting the brown stone on my knec I scratched at its "Another sound and the out; we had found a -- nugget of ap ero I-said, S's gold, or I'm silent claims ned the shrieks of some- body being murdered. " 'Shut up, ain up !' I said, 'do you want every thief on-the fields after ou? wugearcely were the words out of my mouth when I heard -a stealthy foot- step Rinaldi I prompriy | or the big down and shotaien id fees a an os reat un- commonly hard it was, and as I did so I saw a Jean dark face poked over the edge of the claim and a pair of es searching us out, I knew cause he had murdered his mate with a hardspike. € was now no dou 2 prowling about like a human hyena t see what he could steal. ed politely. . 'And what might all that there yelling be ? he asked. 'I was walking - | along, ee of the evening air and i ing ae my soul, when I 'ears 'owl after " "Well, Me Tom,' I answered, 'thar is not to be wonderéd at, seeing that like posusell they are nocturnal birds.' "Owl after 'owl !' repea ed ay taking - no Dofice of my inter- pretation, 'and I stops and smacks my pc says, "Thave murder,' ant I stens again and thinks, "No, it ain'r ; feat 'owl is the 'owl of hexultation ; some one's been and got his fingers in to a gummy eter pot, I'll swear, and gone off 'is in the sucking of them apa unter 'Quatermain, is] "right 3 ? is nuggets? Oh, lor!' and he smacked his lips audibly --' great big yellow boys --is it them that you. have just been and tumbled across ? " 'No,' T said boldly, 'it isn"--the cruel gleam in his black eyes altogether overcoming my aversion to the lle, tor I knew that if once he found out what it was that I was sitting on--and I the way I have heard of rolling in gold being spoken of as a pleasant process, but I certainly do not recommend any- one who values comfort to try. sitting on it--I shouldrun a very good chance of being aeeiieis nelet the night as OV " Mt -- want to know what it was, Mr. Bing! I --_-- on in my jase air, matter alg hint ; that's all s, Mr. Lad put in Harry, be- inning to enive "Well, all [ can say is that a played- out old claim i isa wonderful queer sort of place to come to for to argify at te v'clock of night, and what's ore, my sweet youth, if ever I should 'ave the argifying of yer'--and he leered un- pleasantly at Harry--'yer won't oller in quite such a jolly sort o' way. And now I'll be saying good-night, toe I don't like disturbing of a family = party. No, I aint that sort of man, I ain't. Good-night ter yer, 'unter Quatermain work with the Kafirs, ie pap,' and he giggled mood for joking, ly I resented Harry's acuff, with the below. said Harry, 'that' = own to ess scrambled down the < we hunted, t the about, for the Kafirs the very I took At last in sheer of ture. .To my sunk in right up to the stones ; the pick has rose and gave me a lump about the size of ands. I took it curi- ra up to ~ light. It oonlight your knife, Harty, I heavens, the stone was seciet was pounds f it or more. like a human jackal, to see what could thieve or " (Thank heaven !" I said, as I's slip- ped off the lump of ae ates lett a dint upon my perch that did not wear out fora week or more. 'Now tken, jest you slip up, Harry, and see if that summate vil T a di ished toward Pilgrims' Rest, a: © work, and very carefully, bat trem- bling with excitement, with our hands hollowed out all the space of 'gruad inté which I had struck the pick. Yes, as I thought, there was a regular nest of nuggets, twelve in all, running from the size of a hazel nut to that of a hen's egg, though of course the first one was much Sree than aio -- rey all came there no ;it wa one of those extraordianny f freaks. wit stories of which, at any rate, all pe plc i pooner with alluvial eo mis ill be famiiiar. It turned out atter- sent that the Yankee' who sole ine the claim had in the same way "made his pile--a much larger one than ours, by the way--out of a single pocket, and then worked for six months. with- out seeing color, alter which he gave it up. phe "At any rate, to the value, as i that hole four hundred and fifty pounds more than I putinto it. We got them all out and wrappec up in a handkerchief, and pa fearing to carry re the nuggets were, home so much treasure, especially as we knew that Mr. Handspike Tom was pang gi nd made up our minds to pass the night where we were--a neces- sity which," Tonaeeatle * fe was, was wonderfully sweetened by 'esence of that hankerchtef full et ped er which represent terest of lost half-sovcreign. "Slowly the night wore away.for with the fear of Hankspike Tom before my eyes I did not dare to go to sleep, and at last the dawn came, blushing like a bride, down the sombre ways of night. I got upand watched its perfect growth, ull it opened like a vast celestia! flower upon the eastern s'! nd sun- beams began spring in splendor from mountain-top to mountain-iojr I watched it, and as I did so it flashed upon me w with a com ang hata at that, had not felt before, that I had nd made up my mind to clear out of Pilgrims' Rest and go and shoot buffalo towards Delagoa Bay. Then I turned, took the pick and shovel, and a'though it was on Sunday mornins, woke ap Harry ,and set to work to see if there were any more nuggelS handy, As T expected there were none. What we had got had lain together in a litle pocket filled with soil that felt quite , Lanewer- | made up my mind that, whoever found them I should not ; an of fact, I have since hear claim had been the ruin of two or three people, as it very nearly was the rain of me. ' "Harry, I said presently, 'I am @°ing away this week towards Delagoa to shoot Buffalo, Shall I take you with red "Oh, take me with you,dad," begged Harry, "T-want to kill-a buffalo." '*And supposing that the Buffalo kills you instead ?" I asked. "Oh. new mind," he: said sili Hina e lots more where I © are rebuked him for his flippancy, but in the end { consented to take him. (TO BE CONTINUED.) i!" ONTARIO TO THE FRONT: a Ave The following unsolicited opinions from your friends and neighbors, and women, whom you know and res- pect, ought to carry conviction to any doubtung mind. These words of grati- tude are trom those who afflicted but are now well, and the per- suns giving them < Rae sonlys solici- tous that others, tro were they, nm. ieee the sibehap my or re. There a3-nv reason -why-you-should be longer tlt from kidney, liver or psig trou- bies. You can be well as others. ~ Do not long Geta: treatment, but 'to-day obtain that which will re- store Saag to perfect health and strength 296 MoNab Sr, a Hamittex, sy Nov. 21 --I had n sulfer- eat scarcely any- thing, aod everything I ate disagree _L was attended by physicians ined me and stated that J bad Taey attended _ for three weeks with- out making any improveayent in my coc- sino 1 si hai taking **Warner's Safe Cure" sm "Warner 's Safe. Repeal up t t and) took tbr iepate panies only weigued 10 los. I bow weigh 210 boot 3 Fe ators Sr_Catae nett, Soe Jan, Zith, IS87. Abont +ix year er from miaer strength enough to walk emake anu was a. ay on the street. The pains were almost on- ceofabia, on gon to find re- lief, ie bh "i I began the asr t's Swfe Cure,"" agi ee ot one i 1 found relief, and afier tak- iow eight bottles, 1 was completely cured, 7 ro was introduced into England in 'The total railway mileage of the world is 319,152, ted's States in 62 ee ee i Gatien am neasly 300,000 Chinamen in leans, died Ye 143. ee ene OF = ietoria ascended the Engiish n- 1837, The dest city in the bela States, St. Angurtine, was founded in 1565. | 207 persars: se [illed and 1,52 were wounded in railwsey acci- dents Par lio Occurrenges, the firet Ameri- ee ne wepaper, appeared st Boston in Uf the sip eg barona who sigred bags arna C only three could write *ram* inty ase in city and fice a ll as the firat knives ere uaedin Eng Printing was foo in China in the sixt bh century, but it was not introduced into America until | the mr asinip purchas 'The piano was invented in 1716, the lightning rod came 42 years later, ip 1793... * 9500, or a Care, Fou many years tthe manufadturers of Dr. Sage' ing, cleansing, antiseptic, and hesling, Sold by all druggists, at cents, __ Man is -- = Provider of a mg is the reason the little ea 'O'k to ibe fodder for sustensnes. The i Henry eg ie about to publish a eyiry called The Lar. The hero is probably the great Ottawa corre- apondent a TRIRF IN THE NiGHt.--Croup is a disease which strikes quickly and se- verily, 8 disease a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow out should be kept in i house, itisa prompt aod aure rem alae bg wife). w. ll, what succens ? Wifs-- . Joho, M Smith will cine ae 8 weeks wash to-morrow, and she tb: ava she can find some plain sewing for me do, sisctionlly)--Splew did! eas grt down on its knees yet! ck CARDINAL Pointe--Tha four cardinal porots of health are the stomach, + liver, the ki Ins y- and the Hlaod any fesluee Of their actien brings divedse nod To ge Burdock md Bictera to secure perfect health: Une of the great mistakes made by Ia- dies with window and indoor plants is a aivi them too mue! Fyapor- ation is slower in cool weather, and the amount of water n ' lant for ' one dey i i» July will a for half a dosn agi in March or Ap ne best rale never to her 'gotil the soil is ered ea | Wrra rst.--There is no doubt thet arsenite Yellow Oi) is the . Lamenesa a xtereaily and et tg sd suas always be kept in tl 2 house. Px iant Winns from the dentiat's cha'r abinas orving With anedisr "On onto tee! DL thoughe y 4) wwii t zoe D- bre fod fons Cuataam, Ont., March, @ grest desire to urinate, . & were in a gested state Was running dune. wey: [ conclu:ied to my kidne The pains in my kidneys subsi- ded as [ continued the us« of the reme- dy, and it was but a short time befure | was completely relieved. My urine was lean truthfully 'say that normal an: 1 was cured, Gatr, Oot., Jan. 27, 1887. -- For, about five years presivus to two years ago last Octove: troubled wita kidney and liver eeablers and fiosily | was coufiued to«py bed and suffered the most éxcru alive. y physicians said enlargement ot the hear, though they only bottles t Doticed # change peal teen sye- tear seemed w feel the bene it ol tbe re- coon mry boon and if ever Teel our ot aus, wy Py ner's Safe Cure" tinea we all frigut, panna = Y Mg beaver Gow thau different from the stiff stuff round and outside the There was not a) trace of gold. Ofcourse itis possible that there were other pockets full some- | where about, but all I have-to:may 39 5' fbn Arse seat anal welsh warn 7' 7 by e 7. 4, at 4S: cok mcaoy ' Manoger for*American Express Co 4 iow Prat-e --M-s. John Neelands, ; Tox ' te Division Beiwie," Supe. Pewee fr Brodie Mesos Personnes. 7, 1887. --Thoree yrars ago last Auguat ' baits a my daughter Was taken ili "ith hast by Haavard i? 3 ee pong pot agi Sire disease of the kidneys. The best medi- Throats and siete Coughs uo other = ekill = the city was tasked to set medicine 6a s most, "ur;Ose, She naked "sith convulsions for forty-eight Ti are peofessor--sDonnerwetter hours. Our doctor did bis beat, and What tt that th-t ontrayeous rumbling went away snyiog that the case wax | id the «treet makes--ah !--pirdon !--it bopelegs, After she came out of thr | 4" beer wagon vulsions, she was y weak and ail He 'hes > ber bair fell out. The doctor bad Iefi | Yon " ee Peitemen "Ont. ee 6 aly - s month when | conclu: tie ge ths scan testify uebis bei #2 cured arner's Safe Cure," and after bev. of Indigestion, Conatiparion and "Tetped a tskeo six bottles, slong with rahehdle Liver by using two an Mey IF bottl-s of bottles of Warner's Safe Pills," ( os "Lt neem cae ' i deci ted charge tor the better in ber xia heartily rece women it" tgs, : : petra ath aie a closing Words of bie lettre: obiles ase ie cure, 'auzbter bas pow a splendid head 41 is roy apt z ane mud mad keep: Ble Ve avd weighs more than be ever did bet npidre: 5 latent etricers to resume work are the baseball playe Just as black as be e inted, oa sad v blatker--fus portrait of a colored man [tia not always a credit to a man hat he is «ble to make = mark for bim- volt Sometimes it only because he can't write + showimakers motto is 'Never toa Ist+ to men "Pn «t hcg Qn the stile, Mery," as be said wheu he sat on her new Exster bon nie jy replied Foes, you try a little soap and send Quigelee, si.5 bare « aon at 'af I vot 'doo' ' water. baseball nine = riick Tn- tus --but let us bet cautious 1Ously." on eet Judge Shields, of Omaha that when #0 atturn- More moury for bis service aD a chent baa, tue fee is pot mireaceecine. ™" Indianapolis fas a dime savings and Ivan © mpary to connection Bitb of 1s chujcurs tbat aims to lucrease the ing the how tu -ave, and soothes ts to help per" sans to buy fuel io «umm Tr, nit te when st ie dear st ¥enr was tte fir-t and the experiment was L : id all expectaio: Lessons in on oking seem to ox: tremely poinr oon lant Ove heel has hed 335 ane puyale since IST4 aed another sc a M ag rizns thet ins mi-sion of £04 paakieg ~ Mp pied etedd, = 'Taken In." E need agen uy eee es new show: si re a Atedel Lea 3 om Ti Seeapte os loventor Crosscut saw. we ot ihe Maple Laat Lanes-toth | ay took

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