% Y. ee ST Across the Ruasian Frontier. The orator, -- e Grorcr Kexwxanx contributes to the May oy cabge tae aa oh description of his trip ac! frontier, and the folowing. extract shows what peor' the author and the artist found when | was talking about, ; reached 1 iota of such a scene sa the here forms the frontispiece of the num- -- afier ringing a dmen times{[-- t ber. 'We spran tarantas | © n t and saw, standing by ¢ she am lying ok ae ------ r go to tered brick, sleep until you 'stop rian ts thet ven." ronadaide, eqeere pillar ten o Sraieet feet in height, of » a oR ro- "w 'oman ! be fair we must adore thee m, aod on the oth- mile, and a world ia weak berore thes" how cana suff spats antold nvisery from ceaclalsts from which we menare exempt? The orcad ie easy. Pierce's Favorite Vreseription is an infallible remedy. in all cases o tienen morning sickness, disorders of the , ner- vous prostration, and oieailer maladies. be: No other spot Aetace St. fe: tersburg and the Pacific is more full of painful suggestion', and none has for the travelema more melancholy interest le openin; the forest where atands this grief consecrated _pil- lar., pet hundreds of theusands of +rfal invigorating tonle it im- exiled bh nge--men, w nee and site Gireoaik to the whole ryatem, an shildreg ; princes nobles and to the womb and ite appendages in haye bide jen spect sd forever to raver ticular. ° thing and strengthen- sath = ing nervin es nervous excitabil- "Noo! sean post in the world } jry, irritability, exhaustion, prostration bas wit ae so much human suffering, | hysteria, Spraeme, and Laid distressing, or been paserd by auch a multitude of | nervous «ymptom only attendant heart- loin people. More than 170.- | enan functional and raaoke disease of 000 exiles bave travelled thie road since © om It ~~ eg ae sleep 1878, and more than half a million since | and relieves mental anxiety the beginning oft present 'y- | pondeney. Sold by witeeiete: "ater a Aa th nid postte-aituated About | positrye guarantees, from t anufac- half way between the t Europes) | turers, to give satisfaction. and the first pipes ers it als Material poisons contsin the germs of dangerous diseases, If these 'i cumulate in the system, "Typhoid, oc peasant, even Sut t Bilious, Intermittent or Chill Paver is ia ders iy att ched tobis native land; | Sure to follow, Ayer's oc Cure is a and vorenaiag scenes wit. | attanted ifio f peesed around tire boundary pillar when | In ehronie d' : es should euch party, overtak be restoring and not debilitating, in their frostand snow in the early autumn, | ction. The wonderful Recerca stopped bere for a last farewell. Some | tnd curative effects, gave way to unrestrained grief; some | use of A Ayers Sarwar,» sustain the comforted the weeping ; some knelt and | reputation 1 remedy as the most their faces to the loved soil of abodes ised: sheer hele act ols 2 epee Sips ela oe chal f seem to bave had s ittle ear te; ; and a few pressed theirlips to the Euro- DeSts "sh Frat lesa obatting with Miss pean side of Set oold brick _ pill. as if Bright daughter--"0, wehbadach ing time. She's such « povely compan- sym iop nae pay the stern order 'Strosia !'- !] from the under officer of the convoy put anend to the reat "Well, my dear, you bave told me ail the things you wai 5 now te' tt me some of the things she said." end the Jeave-taking, and at the word "Wh Lona = 'March I' gray-coated troop | remem 44 ae = really, os eco of exiles and convicts crossed them. . selves ha-tly altogether, and, with b = h rey cpringyh gar . confused jinuling of chains and leg-fet- pi cone contracted ay dante Lhd tere, moved slowly away past the boun- ret ine Sorta f Rt : sae Pigg dary port into Siberia, Hngyard s Pectorn] Balsam asa last re- ot Before I had finished the first Marketing tn China. i cnd'to dee A chinese market ix noisyand ani- You ask the price of shad, for , Orol crabs, and the dealer mi- 1 = cnnscientious- . H. Kent, Tel- 'Sel kirk, Man. ly reco it. egraph Operntor, Eee "Somebody must have given the xiats bere in its per strikers more rope,' " observed the snake ot the pobre fection. Afte eae ootpidterable editor. "Why 2" asked the Horse edi- time in talking and si-litting diff-rences, | tor. "Another rode as tied up." t last decide to buy, or the trader . " at bbernyeraud en Diarame, why do they ongratuiate yourself on baving | ©All ministers doctors ? _ ther --"T bargain, you can not be| cant tell, Johnnie." Johnnie--'Per- haps it's because theyre oe nie of the church, mamma © Growth of th« Hair. Inatiertion } remoefure ef "y. ~ fo ma thie hair ae Thess whi Beale Keel alrer mt D ae | be rut fale by all Is 5 hints mast in cine exe bs everyve A "fF ren at 'ls jew il, as thoussnds who have used | a well | baniehes pain and | TUE RED ea OR he bleed ts enused by the Irom Poy contains, Sap- py the fren when inching" bead using fibarn"s Beef, Lromand W timp #auce, Te isalso a) m ine company, rom i ANS fer r why There ¢ N AID to _ internat remedies for | r ated » Sulpber Soap my testimony » talue of Burdoe '3 werk on Sunday Pi ed up Mor- mtiy Christian Ac : The Se ot of the fac pies ars to When Wool Feits = | lave creat ast saoueee in the Why sioe« not wool felt on the «beeps great Metbo: jist bode back The answer is simple. -- all the fipres are lying one wa be A Last Reseiictane summer, says - Wa. J. James, of Atherley, Ont., I felt ausy frem tae root of the fiber, und Very miserable with pains user my kid- thus ieey eanvot ficin each other any | &*¥4, flutteris ig ot the beart and nervous- iges pointing the | 2°68; after taking ddf rent kinds of k wo | Medic:ne, eat! of B, B. Bs I thgught I would eure dt ne bottle completely reverse one | I con bigbly recommend it Lentry to draw it past the | i! vat itinens of the Skin. |i peeing Pimptes. Era | tiemand Skin "Diveares, use Pref. Low turing the ¥artiousc prooes- | Sulphur Soap. see of tuabulacture. the fibers of week Scoceseret Rescit.--Sirs, I was are pulied about in every direction, r and thus their edges many of the points and ready to sre placed with facing each other Iu He s-ias bold wheo the felt- medicine, ina eh d m wee gettig worse all the "wbile until ing Operetion begins, ltid Burdeck Blood Bitters. After -- -- = dinit lam cow well 1] " i d ntfor a ia Fend-rson-- ot knew whether to eclig a8 a ee s feelcompl wentesboar sot, You ay | Mine tattie 1 I Sick, m. pneene BO) tuteriige nD 5 ters well, but you calles your dog: rite. it not five minutes ago usaigh apa Waker af kenk ton ao ae feu t that pultng uson the same plane!" tem Beem 90 Os child aamringand erying with pain of hed ats a fact ;] Ing Tee ir send at once aad get t for keaven's act don' t let om to tb Winslow" ® Soothin Syrup ra woods a hing. rive ts "ineleul- deg Warn be comes bie. It will relieve the poor little suilere: immediately nd a others, Taet @ bas been a new word coined by there is co mistake about * cures dy Grevk aenot N- ¥ * senieryand diarrbocs, regu +.en the ay a eek scholar in N- wk -the**k+- | andibe bowels. cures Wind Colic, lokagstnor."' There Fond ric: ities the teow | 8 Gai hoes fn Mac: sad gives people thet prise Ne ork's bewe rt fai socty. Here it refers to those 'few | teettun: at te picastat to the taste ts a , prescription «fone © oldest a lucky ssloon-keepers who succeed -in femule physicians and narsesin the United getlGey their becuse States, mat te for le by thronghout "he world rice t ty-firects M. Goblet, the new French Minister | = oottle Be sure and ask for ""M Wis - lows SooTHING >YRUP," and Cakeno other or Furernn Agairs, has a' very } pry per Every One has beard pmitpiiee Counterfeita. In a teapot, but an vurbreak its ar ave cange ia Goblet i quite new. heteecis cake © "You aj ew he sand to his re were (or ' a', ita sciog ty have you set." Tattle, eee tins induced wapriveipied « ee to ei ne public are cau. And hei jurerty sot het on his lap. ty preeed Bs co be deecived by nostrums im- tating be jaim in name end sppeer- Bohemian Pe . ave married an | a=ct faring such pe meés av Nasal Cream haired - . Nasa! Bais sat *% A asal Baim and Mites A He much 18 she | donot tase fraitations desiers my orce ft wtis 3 te op pn seu Feresieby a l druggists or sen worth "Bohemian Seven dollars A val t pe is © n reeetp ptol price er, and 31) by a week -- Macy's." * Fuford & 0, Brockvilie,Ont. 51 > re those who read They "Swore like our Army in Flanders, RICHY thins and epee Act c they will fod ay be seit of many sufferers from 4] nee: ae e rmple og toil vee Oushbess, headache, Onstupation, indi- | bomes and fa Seatites," "The Sram are ma their gestion, and ther resultact irritability, | 2°¢ sure torevery industrious person, many ll ! >| have made abd are now making several intellectual 'sluggisimess, ennui, ete. Bedred d Hare s month Tt Is emay to The temp "tion to thus violate a «acred | One to ma an? upwards a day. who » comman'ment, homever, is eperdily and | NuinFtarork,, iter fx, Foune @ old: permatitly remote d the u-e of Dr, | thirgnew. Nospecial ability tequited : you herce's Plessanr tating, hitete, | re pig hinge hl as any Writ a fo ars. #Uga'-coated anti-tliou~ Gratule« : noth- ~Fr ee . 'Susses a Ox. . Feria ing like them. One adowe. Diuggists. id has /revolationized on ' Exons ons ners poem worid 3. Ree the he Last hat Uinse * "eo the sir." There i ers of a ative ment telt because he did not metion the | tha he pe jocality in pies chee discovered this | sia ree tie Sut orate eee HemMenen INVENTION is a method an of eas val ~-M AY MEN. MANY MINDS." Sut alt a 'cma and men and ali minds agyee as te the mer is it of Bardock Pills, saz elye in the acid: Gvent san sae cen bee. sreme THEE & Co, Augusta, Meine--<ty. z- A, Bees | Bensperated.mistress_(entering the | _ ad " hen n nude uit appears ' on ere tly t t there t# aspecdy relief in yf ne .| poverty-stricken Insh S agent for 2 sewing | the « 1 Ita supeflor excellence' proven in mallow ofbomesfor more than a Meresgiee nt It ts used by the United States Gove Seminar. meebo by the penne ofGreat Universities as the Strongest, ost Healthul. Dr. Price's Crea roan Baking | powder does not contain' Ammonia, Lime or Alum Sold only In Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER Co. NEw yorK. 2% CHICAGO, 8T. LOUIS. , NEw . MERCHANT - TAILORING ibe | GENTS: ESTABLISHMENT. 'M. MSD. FLEMING, (hate: of New York city. and graduate of the John J, Mitchell Cutting School,) Bepsto mvite the attention of the citizens of Netoeal and surroundin: eoighborhood 1S Alas pecan pel tes tapes arin Eusinees » which open Next door to Telegraph Office Main street, north side, d range of TWEEDS & CLOTHS, all the et made tterns, and which will be mn the very latest aty les. SUITS MADE TO ORDER On the shortest notice, and a perfect at guaranteed. Gents' Furnishings ofall kinds kept In stock. { | Ifyou wanta i Rtkiste Suit of Clothes, @ Spring Uvercoat a Nobby Tis, or any ) articie of G enileme en's wear, kindly give me acatl var Price i ee Boyes diet the times, . dour to the oe taph otiice, are "fo! me erly oewupled Mises, Scott & Pringle. M. McD. FLEMING, The Oldest Established 'GROCERY IN TOWN IS JAS. ARMSTRONG'S, hose Ll ye. are eee rience In business en- ables nin = bo Li their money iiteany other retail house in the trade. E Buckwheat "KERY and Cornmeal, ce of CROE ait S SN An oe ASS to be found atmy ator Hie beat priee paid for Hutter 'and Eexs, | Potatoes ond aii kinds of farmers produce. JAS. ARMSTROUNG, South ite Mtn street Next door to Post Omer Hav you a Pain anywhere about you PERRY DA' LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY BAMFORD, SMITH & CO. Builders and Contractors are prepared to contract for theerecticno all classes of baiidi Plansaend speifica- sa ees adr 6m and estimates furnished ov ap P Sashes, Doors, Frames, Blinds, etc po mag oy oe Wottding line wid begiven prcimpt atiention, and FIRST- CLASS WEKMANSHIPGUAR NTEED, CHARGES VERY MODERATE | * Fotory--iokermn Street, Lisiowe!, BAMFORD. SMITH & Co. ' rm WORM POWDERS. Pepin Hae tint od etm 3 FURNISHINGS) "For the Season Of 9g, LISTOWEL WOOLEN FACTORY | Highest | Price Paid. Ww Oo fo LB HN GC CHO O°) = My stock is open for yore: mepeeties, and ia the best selected etock ever shown by any Woolen Factory My Low Prices @ Will Astonish Everybody. Come and déal direct with one who 1s endeavoring to the best of his ability, to zive first-class work in Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing Tweeds, FLANNELS, BLANEETS, BTC. ALL WOOL HALIFAX TWEED, 35c. Per Yard. it their past ienors, I waehd bog to say ovens cat cote tee, neighbor to secon, as yen will be highly pleased to so low in Y ready the ib 2 peed sneha ia ov wil Sage reedy to give Resserdiane care. ite. \ B. F. BROOK THE FEVER FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA STILL PREVAILS. anes In anticipation of the same W. R.CLAYTON, has now in stock an-immensé variety of CANNED GOODS, HAMS, BACON, LARD FIRS-CLASS oe 'OF FRESH GROCERIES IN TOWN CROCKERY "AND D GLASSWARE, which he Is sciling che ap compri Dinner sets, Tea sets, Bedroom sets, Lamps & Lamp Glasses. Just call and see for yourselves that the stock and prices are right. He is bound to give you valne for your money. THE "LITTLE MAXWELL BINDER." The Only Right-hand Binder MANUFACTORED . advances made Inthe manolacture of Harvesting Machinery dorirg Ne hee shave been marvellous, and of none can thix be said more truly than of the Sinx- ee weit Machines. Mr. Ma with nearly alt the xwell Hes oot mnHowed the Manufacturers of the United States, as isthe Hinde ufactared in Canada. id Ral he rixack Ae on pew nes that several of the larg ctarers for the Ise Boi use many itoportant | Grainres of 'ihe ae ey. ttle Siaxwett Binder." ear texamination of the Maxwell,jou wilifird distinctive A eg lee not to be ae nit Other feartine *e and the mo: ore eriticn! yo! ur examination ts, the e€ con- vinced wit * on be. thai the Maxtrll Harvesting Implements ate eway ip ; pavenee cor 1 radee) redoct jon tn the prices ¢ Expense of quall ty, bat. ° ay the RES? PRICE for re with an increase in the cost of few materiaji anda ec of machia: thre jaa strong tend ney 10 ee uaa tie cost at feeling co ofdentihat the mals rity ef whit ne the Bie ae AATICL E. ane oe 5 aiare garded aliugetber the q ay Rees. and! id hie wale plat rine farmers the BEST MA *HIN 45 Ts *SRKET H tien of Taras tit Capability ALUE FOR YOUR ONEY in the r * r225 s = z. > ell Mach * Calla see for yo FRED. ZILLIAX, Agent. New Spring Miliner | --_o--- We will show aCh assortment of 'NETS & HATS commencing on | Saturday the 31st day of April ------O---- BON covcxs, Croup and Consumption | CURED BY ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM \ [se eas -- Ladies are a cordially invited to call and Reepees bar seeak HEAD QUARTERS Mrs. HUNTER. FURNI TU REs oration ntl -H. BUCK'S FUPNITURE STROE, - alaem ree opposi te the Post Office, wher wil ve found: a very ia Stock of Fur iture of all kinds. We wont be Undersold. -at= -A - PHOTO GALLERY OYERJ.A. HACKING'S DRUG STORF. LEE'S cna Framing GIVE US CAYLL. --.-.e--__ & PHOoTos. IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE Atrock-bottom prices. All Photos taken with the A Rare Charce, New Instantaneous Process TIME OF SITTING ONLY ONE SECOND. Please Calland xowire Wert Veter Going Elsewhere. yr Derwember the place over J. Ase worms in Cuiidren or Adal': Btore. anaes ca LEE % ore amen TAILORING | ESTABLISHM ENT. Ttake great in thankin; friends and name: malrenrngs (hreeek tates Lard ence yee eee Tee Wale peat I AM STILL I IN MARTIN'S BLOCK wM. STEPHAN. - NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY, and be sure you goto BONNETT & BOWYER'S MILE CANS ssnernave the new styte with OIN- Hoops. ----Come and see our---- Milk Pails, Pans, Churns, Stoves and Tinware, We can't be undersold. | NNETT & BOWYER HESS BROS, WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS et |THE LARGEST 1 STOCK IN CANADA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FURNITURE ----AND SELLING AT----. REDUCEHD RATES daring 4° 224t fs" months. iad E |= <r ud ee ak = i = <2 S = a re us Z - io) CUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. in most complete --FULL LINES OF COFFINS AND. SHROUDS-- ulwaye on hand. Ordersattended to with the utmost prenyptness WALLACE STREET LIVINGSTON F's DRUG STORE, HESS BROS, WAR - RCOMS- JEFICE NEXT DOGHTO SPEARS & WATSON. hava just finished stock taking and find that their stock of winter goods .is very small, We have consented tosell off ALL THE WINTER GOODS AT COST FOR CASH. We have opened up several cases of new Spring Goods which are of extra value. SPEARS & WATSON. . t Tuomas es Loway's Estancwurst, 4 NI ORD bt EKT, SLON. g@ Purcvarers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the atc reas cs mot 583, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. r . 9 . JS.GBE B'S SPRING GOODS are now being opened = with cbholer ranges in in 4 DRESS GOODS, GINGHANS, SEERSUCKERS, ZEPHY GALETIAS, TWILLED AND SATIN FINISHED PRINTS, aS Eee a IN © soronrs 'DASDW HITE WIDTHS, WHITE AND COLORED ORIENTAL LACES, HEM STITCHED HANDEERCH! HIEFS IN LAWN AT SCENTS EACH, --Also-- COTTON AND OXFORD SHIRTINGS AT ALL PRICES DUCKS, DENIMS AND COTTONADES IN ALL PRICES. n Pantings and Suitings we aré showing some nice Pattern which for quality and Price can't be underso!d. ts, Shoes and Rubbers. Choice Groceries always kept on hand. J.-S GEE THe WONDERS OF MAGIC, ron ame Serpanama Fult lifes in Ladies' Gents' Misses' Youths' and Children's : Boo opposite the Grand Central Hotel, where you will fod me busy cutting out and making ih achat First-class, Well Made and Good uu Suits, Rta rare, bette Tiy "Ddren wend's Magic.' to order on shortest notice at r ble te Ho a custo' saany new ones soon to gee mee sg pevins pened ile eds haa your ei The lady's misfortune, when losingber hair be pleased that aba we entrusted your order into hande which'can cut and build up a}. 'i Try "Doren wend's Magic.' Fees aoc eic! ras a yi band for sale all RUNGE OT Sewane MACHINE NE) @-can. 90 nhl eel cheese as It ey oy: strength and beauty, | His Pate edt) Plain duty, 7. Dorenvend . ane Ketnpial me the oreione aod Pilite Try "Dorenwend's Ma, Pals tonic. afallore has never bet hee coe Magic.' Try this moticte heed. an Art daa succeed, Try "Dorenwend's Ma = This new found pre top for invig gue ane. mak lata' fhe Prd toded of the Dar, fs univ oat valuable speci hy on ce tkete rae" © either re Meved Fok aicedesomeatosoptanor A rich pid growth of Lair will fol- low parler aie dibve Rad regular spyatee i so that it remains with tbe user aldne to se- cure the dv atred res ae CRORE Waioon HAIR MAGIC Te sold by all Srosgikts at $1 per bottle, or e battlen for Ss. not obtainable in your n locality, Sena direct. enclosing price, A. Dorenwend<« Paris Ha areata Sand le Nodue "tet nto oye Rrra Sid » Ulv vingstone. it Campbeti * athartic s eee ros rs beg take, 1 am, pours truly, sme a SAVE THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN from aan 5 reliable party. not a doctor, any part of tue country with Gleveaterre for DE.C, tite -ER R WILL CURE OR RELEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, PEPSI INDICESTION, FLUTTER 0 DICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF RHEUY, THE STOMACH, \. HEARTEURA, DRYNESS "HEADACHE, iP ie 3 8k. tH And every epectee o: Glsorcered L'VER, Koneva ST Te BOWELS OR {. MILBUPN & 60., ProPrtetorn USE ALL THE YEAR ROUND JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA Liver Complaint Dvspepsia Iver or tmpa 1e¢ blood. ple sake it and give itto Tee prescribe it dal be Thos. ce recommend it to others. It ts mourd from Yellow Doc satrans. W nal Melicate oonatiintion medicines in me tissold bya e dro rpg eis be hy bottle, orsix bottes > dela Sold In Listowel by Dr. Michener. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American r NORMAN'S ELECTRIC BELT ESTABLISHED - - No. 4, Queen Street East, ise Toronto, --_o ervous debility. Rheumatism LameBack Paralysis and ol) Liver and Chest Complaints Immediately and apen cured by using the BELTS, BARDS pre A SOLES. CrectLans axb CoxsvtLtatioy Frez. Testimoniais that speak for themselves OTTAWA, September 1d, 1888. A. Noxmas. Esq --Dear Sir. I bave ex- perienced considerable benefit from your gett ance. I feel stronger anu better every ay owiblytas HA IIITRITN Perr ah gsc hae Cetnees 16th. 103 A- Norman, Eaq.-- wiody. and I viously tried al ent medic rtd