Listowel Standard, 22 Jun 1888, p. 4

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nee an [Fay Soe pial Ct Rane a Te een eee foot on ee it fF 4 iF iz 'i i mense damage, and Ses McGill bas sent! We LEN = FAUIUNE ¢ "SOW is Anes 90 BE Bae was shooting at 7 onl tar to Perham : ea Se a nae we it was a dog under | killing them off as . é Sa ».: } ~ 4S ' no mo.' It's dangerous' fir mun the ooo of ta? tee ee MILE CANS Gin. H % : And he showed a bullet' hole in_his | 4) BOOT Ty ose T can find W O OLHBNW Goonpese ater reinstate wi OOPS» | are prepared i. for the cap and another in his coat as prools for you to do.' Appli t (gratefully : H of the firm of My toes le coes for Your waeselien, Weer eee ete ever shows |e ee furntahed onap Ai pid Pace gly ll Thaaks, If you could give me some | W,- Sorey # Son, Acton, jove Manufac- | by any Woolen Factory in Come: | pRestion Bee rercped om a scighbor. | "ashing to do I'l take it home t0 my ps" 285 Youge street, Toronto, My Low Prices Will Astonish Everybody. "aee 'It's all right,' be said the officer | "#¢ bear Sit--1 aasure you I feel gratefal for Milk Pails, Pans, Churns, Stoves and Tinware, apologized, 'but doan' you 'spose no} Dudley (who is not as big a fool as throat trouble, nd. though I dislike having Come and deal direct with one who » endesvoring to the best of hi bility, to'give = % . : Sashes, Doors, mo'! You just keep right down to} he looks : Did you, ah, give my card | 122. ssontal besiuess, yet, having regard for first-class work im : cole facts, Dis 'spesin' around ar'|to Mith Boodclipper ? Servant : Yes those whe are similarly aGncted, an well a . "2 of < Manuficturi ~ , what its pusons into serustrouble'| si. Dudley: Wist did she uhay ly oy ES Roll Carding, Spinning ..and - cturing | weeds, We can't be undersolé. - | He Knew What's Mountain Wea. | hat she uss s A mt cas that | Seegieg aiack Srlug more prolonged co i<4| FLANNELS, BLAWEETS, BTC. |- Frames, Blinds, etc Tchr wan poring fhe | Tho hy ay dew oe, Hew | EGE ee Seal -- Bass 3 rie TOE TS Sealy Ee] |e ay oor tee | Se ee eee A = 3 BRos, _ ; isaal kind amount of i " ' let. and took almost everything knows to| AT J r HALIFAX TWEED, 85c. Per Yard furnished on notice. to : Tatts ber, Arlen be sett ee ie ae deicondy bok. Tl Senee ees eee in baci i WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ee [Sete SS se ree a |S i alan wlll Seats en Ce | i Sar ae aS ee EE rae LARGEST: STOCK: IN CANAD poe ou ae a.minute. Finally a hand was] who was joying them, 'pa However, eae meee [fenoation toa z= H A FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP GUAR 5 up. this morning.' Bangor Com- | Zour condor Si, maui' Iai happy ts ta Se B. F. BROOK eit ee <Wel, do you tnow what & move. SSE bn oh 6) Re 3 ede «oi ins? Hon. Joho Schulte has been appoint | Eretz fe, rem ie a EVERY DESCRIPTION 0F FRNITURE owt cant Seco Manms ton" sod ter va Stewecreegcet| "THE FEVER FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA |- no arsixe at i r o.29 . unfavorable season of the year. You are at tis «Toto land pointn' op inthe | jig The appointment wil give sat | iter make reat an Zo em oe @rILT, PREVAILS REDUCED RATES Fetory--tnberms Street, Listowel. = enquiries relative to my ease, ° daring 43 next few month «. . Old eeamanemniuahe to young one Yours very truly, -- Why Bridget Left the Bell ee ee ieee a geese a W. H. STOREY In anticipation of the same _ = RAmNORS MER A Oo. me ny y Bridget, eine e head on your shoulders? Young Gent ULL WE W ° R. CLAYTON, pa 3 USE ALL THE YEAR ROUND "Bridget at aes ont all eight wth fd rie r has now in stock an immense variety of -- QD JOHNSTON'S 'Well what brings home 50/ Ayer's Sersaparilia operates radically CANNED GOODS, HAMB, BACON, LARD rT -- = 5 a insulted by a young man runnunch. As wi aoa ae FIRS-CLASS STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. = SARSAPARILLA F oe neg race a ? pinout Te vanntuetanss Waar aya on = li Cc lair t D : ' -- ion, this remed equal. i ver Complain vspepsia tthe ameayi we vib alte | ee CROCKERY . "AND ) GLASSWARE, ao SS 4 , 1 am afeered A Chicago bank clerk obtained « leave ia O bas been in use for 2 and bas x Bil "Tay to tn T's | efor, fa ce Dinner sets, Tea sets, Bedroom sets, Lamps & Lamp Glasses. || S| Saat ae Oi tO a Ae a ec coeur | (cists went to the root of ' the matter Just call and see for yourselves that the stock and prices = me And all diseases that arioe toe 'froma 8.dt disordered : ert nce ame rena ee and found that bis ples was tooth in, 80 y oO one al) Genes ioe back-hander on and cote } to.speak, and his accounts too short. are right. _ Best people take 1 Itand give eae home, sure.' Avoid the vse of calomel for Deve Desidle is bound to give you value for your money. Who use It ones recom: ecommmend It to It to others. oot yer'e en- Wid Cherry St mane aoa wm toe Seca OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. |==2sroes ees A farmer residing ne pear Falls Church, best cat remedy for for ey of the liver, fe most complete FY constitution It te pleepil sat Va, during th season . . Sil reaponsible dre Ses Gace caso of ne om See wonted to tebe some, lemmas in --FULL LINES OF COFFINS AND SHROUDS |dallerioradcaribotticorniz bottestor ars for hisown table. A | stray, gpl wo gid gt Se, gases : Soldin Listowel by Dr. Michener' few days since he got hold of an extra | ep *Jecher. "*Y. yes," 8 ° nies ae, han large frog and it hesitated. "I havea bean, but I bav- Ordergattended to with the utmost premptness Sanu beli's oo oe yaa coming Yor about two monibe now, "mak odtnsmperior excelicnce proven in millions WAR =ROOMS- WALLACE STREET e artic 'Papa, what is that 7" 'm used to It ts sed by pine asst renee IFPICE NEXT DOOKTO LIVINGSTONE'S DRUG STORE. a H 'That is the Tim Tested. Randorend by the o} riversities © i pays anew ital ee Try Tested | Reshcere forces iia HESS BROS Compound "Is be dead ? rm i 4 a ek, eotale Ammesia, me or Alum : + 1 comps Loven Compa, Basous Dus Sacx Mtapacre, o Cecrwenen Bacvoen, 'Yes, my son, as dead} ss Hector.' PRICE 8AKING POWDER oo. SEwvorn. 3 cmicaco. ST. LOUIS. i.' ° Man Fiat Ont. ORT nt Comets Cathe . wee Carona tie po faal eeeetetes al a = lecenesa, oony we take. | am. yours truly, FRESH LIME. |THE "LITTLE MAXWELL BINDER." J you go a ea: was the reply 'no need of aying any more prayers, the devil is , = - he é é } ERT! = The Only Right-hand Binder | ' " dood worming. 1 beliove Ten to Fourteen c. per Bushel MANUFACTORAD. é yee studied the ae sys \ At the kiln, or Zit eottver 1 it within ten . : i: in eT src ny FEATHERSTONE --_ 'SPEARS & WATSON awhile, and {ound that it was a very "_ eee ae te ine ee ea rataid more tel ines ofthe Max: . well Machines. Wana -- AS Bio oo fel re: howe with nenriy ail the Binders macfactared tm 'Cooada, bat have sirack out ou newlines hava just finished stock taking and find that I have a bill for tuition against you. COUCHS, COLDS, with oress, that severa! mor arkny . . : Young Man--Let me see. I guess Croup and Consumptiom Re 'wilitind distinetive | Principies not their stock of winter goods is very small, it's right. Don't you know, I clean 8 'LURE B ba thrdaryee wnt od Bee cel E ee eas soem enemas are thee eS eevanen ofall . W hav ted to ll ff ALL' THE forgot about the whole darn business. ALLEN' ALSAM competitors. e e consen sell oO " Here's the money. 252. GOc. a * HO per of mac Bines.inere iam stron iro net Sand h hrt iy er nas WINTER GOODS AT COST FOR CASH rey Cede eye fits efirmrss are willing 20 B ign ot the B et 1s . * it down as his platform, "to a stye ve the farmers the BEST MACH ae Ie ic ti We have o ned u several cases of new on Boatan'a Greatest attmction and simplielty. we cial you en an ret tet tie esas YOUR 'ON in the . Pe »P » MILBURN & 60., . 'onder, Boston girl (to 'Clicags visitor just Maxwei 4 Call and we r-5 bering ef Spring Goods which are of extra value. ' Bos- FRED. ZILLIAX, Agent. SPEARS & WATSON. uch to E ceip i Ver; I've aie heard "ye -Let's see; there's Bunker FCURES: FEIMATIS Met 4 HEAD QUARTERS Hoar, SF Sook" "Fae . | FREEMAWS a a ADVERTISERS comics akectine ata ds sos pinot OD Foclere Rca ot Wild "ee Fe POWDERE. LFURNITURE. can learn the exact cost "TG joke L Sullivan Se conshar hes apposed yet able to| Purgatire. ism acey pore. om capone ; _ of any proposed line of freeze a brass band. Gestreyer of worms in Ci'iren or Adslts ee _---- ad - % Am = A Terrible Suspense A Vatvastz Dwoovezy--F. P. Tanner, If you want to buy furntture cheap call at vertising in erican Soeod B. EB. cemte cure Sor Dropey" -- papers by addressing asic parecn)--Boy these | at sew eet, cee | MERCHANT - TAILORING 7 H. BUCK'S Geo. P. Rowell & Co, q 2 ian-- <i at gas with oun Gus pon nae mau , ~and- = =| Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 3 nant ee ---- i ere, a > * vi ir ' f mulectage aly at Teotas Botuwear's Esta MENT, 50 Seryee 2 ee 4 Se an | rakets Aatnre wa Stoetary Dy |GENTS' FURNISHINGS disictiaes STROE,.. | |. AEEW" Sieh oaann uawbes, 774°) | oe ORE TAI a vous epidemic | hey ol lp | sry rps tees ote phe << 3 P.--The awful uncertainty about plauale a among children, and { think no SSTABLISH MET tare ofall kinds. NORMAN'S ae Johnny Ward playing ball this season. bowebold at ebould be without it" Mrs. T 'BE x mawne wr nrlneraite epee ae a cn c, We want be Undersold. ELEG TRIG C LT . ee cok. Saas toatl, tg ie M. MSD. FLEMING, | te i ; 'A BLISHED - og eulted rich old while " 'A tow dogs ei somes Lone > Rg vies (Latent Kew P STK ane exetenta of the Fr a Ne. rier Queen - Strest. East, -- : 4 : foes P so moc Rim, be opt yrs, Ending no --. Cd RBS ppete stash nto of ten © amis --e -- Wie oi day when Les Sey. Te told beard, sheng, ond bear. Bi ae EBs Berens Augen Canine, which =" eis: oP So pears Paining ts Nervous debiitty. Rheumetiem LameBeak, é your pardon.' "Ob, & Thar ait cht A Sevens Tatat.--Vrenves C. Seth, of Next door to Telegraph Office! soto BY 3. &. HACKING, svn en 2 scone rent ng the BELTS, ARDS and IN al bic todo. wig occasionally | Wonbed with, rmting. or iro Jou oe THE WONDERS OF MAGIC, ! Samar ar You mos fel pood overt because | ult: Sangean Bd - BREADMAKER'S YEAST. ". m = i } When you find (bat beauty fs falling Fan One A. Noxwam. & Bao -- Ayeee on ag rps toy i= * 'There are many indications of worms, rs for, understand you, I'd ask the pardon | pat Ne. Low's Worm tyrup mects them tn TWEEDS & CLOTHS, To the elderiy mgs within oces be dap 28 senees constderanie Benes benefit from pplianes. I feel stronger and better cee Sees bi: ee ie ~ gest Cal ns all the tntest patterms, and Arich bead othalr a Yours tay HA 1 incipal of the thing I'm after. 1 'bristopher Columbus was no painter, mate opin tna the wien ain is 'as precious as rere. October, leg ht . 2 ap " PErEexDoRnoven, 4 = know yer an old hypocrite, but at the noone pa a--o--elgaa wes the frat lund. , Se Le FON iterenwond's Miata? BS i tic os, ress us mot 633, Oxford @prest, London, they are spurious. A, Mower: tao bese Bir Soon aster same time I've insalted you and I'll ma use of Sitbara's SUITS MADE TO ORDER The iady's misfortane, whew tostns ber batt Pere meyer say Bawale cared sae prt ask your pardon. Beet, irun apg Wives wick. os ruppiles the tn: aie = Bhe can quichly, easily. cheaply cepa coll. oe iny headach and considerably oe validin, on \notice, : a@ perfect 8 wend"s Magic," ---- = discharges from my bead anachest are Favorite. Uke Bardock Plile are neceamry to Keep the - od lit the indy's pinin Guty," ; J.5.G EF BE : tion basimproved, my stomach te fees ieee F ame ia « word ambition joves, blood pure and the body healthy. ---- $0 I tell you "sSdeate ss The Oldest Established * and windy, and I am leas troubles with ( A ediort be aver ite portrait peict-| | Lows Salpharseap is an clegant totlet Gents' Furnishings Taxe ume by the Torelock fod etili ----Is showing some special drives in---- Tiganly tried « simost all the ad Sere articie. Cleanses parifies le ; - a t medicines without deriving V irtue tho heart of avarice moves. . i This tonic, aSailure hae wever yet kn« R oO Cc E R Y seers . mores-,.| A Man up in St Paul bes invented « 5 . - res: . "J. GREEN g etree ec ine: | wtetmclan eeaaannr| "ot untebnt a id DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS & GINGHAMS | bealth ' fs diction than $5 apiece we really don't ft 7 succeed, 3 1 TOWN is ° haf pS a pm iy ooh og phere oty whst use we have for » certain cane. of a aren want a bent ant a good Siting Bait of Ci on Be Till 7° sy "Dorenwend's Magic * Pe : valas tn-- E of Mis that fomete bar our eitisons.: ? ® Gentiemen"s wear, iy giveme ; JAS 4 ARM ST R ONG'S, COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, LACES AND EMBRODERIES. Sf Fé os ig utiow | ---- eam nt at bys sak | Our Prices will be found to guilt the a $i years experience,im bostnessen- ys A and 2 : : Mowe ged peuguoriood, 30d i 38 ior cash and SLE BOOTS AND SH ORD in oll since ait ualities di SAlk -- 'uocmuom,PECITs AXDUAXNED 60008 ous is always complete a i | i Be i with toe err sh pores ras Sih oo other | par Ib. showing some of rerio tei

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