'Sarvies o : unaay ocnsal ase an ads fae tn She evening. Rui Tp. m. Sunday schoo! 2" a mocting Wednesday evening at 7. =| VOL. XL--NO: 2 neva | CANADIAN PACIFIC. RAILWAY: ttgett tert Office and residence at the House of Rev'd. A. Stevenson, MOLESW ORTH BANK OF HAMILTON | UKE sites i a Se Scoeiee ETOR Comennaarionat, "ev. W. Burgess, w, and 630 pt m. Bible class at 3p. m. Aly prayou mosting Wednesday evening AN LT REBAR Cu cecn.--Services Rev. M. Arent. ee: Nacho! every Sunday att p. ELICAL Cav vi Servis atlla faet pb before 'Guelph. Mi ftona--The day before jaeeips. Sew HAmMncrG--First Tuesday in each mon Beatin--Firet Thareda) tu each mont Eucmina --Second Monday {n each month. Wate ay each. month. Maun Fourst--Third Wednesday in each Gatr-- Wednesda my after the seoond Tuesday. LLBANK-- ur Naiaiaaieaid before berpima Tues- day in mont (PBAVERLERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. {SOUTHERN EXTENSION OF W.G. 4B. RY.) Traina leave incardine and Intermediate p Mixed, 7.4 a.m.; Express 222 p.m. Pe nde potnte xpress For Palmerston-- &xprean at 7.45 a. m.; Express 1244 p,m. ; Ained, 16.45 >. G£0N..iAN BAT ASD .AKE ERIE DIVIEION. 'fransleave bamoway gation dally as under: Expcves, 38 a.m : Express, en 22 p. m.; Mixed, GOING WORTH. Mixed 1210p, m.; Express, 1.20 p.m.: Express, £0 p.m. ORPHY™ & MoINTOSH, Barristers N "BE 3 FG. McInTosn. ARLING & MABEE,~ a TERS, Sollcttors, Conveyancers. Oftices, over ng Ht Scott's Bank! ouse, 'Lunte! wel. + 1 Daruna. J. P. Masee. Ww. THOMPSON, M. v., Cc. M wo late Dr. Sloan) Physician, ~*~ ochear, Gradu ate of Trini Vai versisy Member of College of Phy 4 and Sargeons, Ont. Lateot X. Pi Bolyelinic arom rer of mee 'op busine iia versity; member rgeons, Ont. Oak Pageicten Surgeon and Accoucheur. reaidénce---Maln Street east. W,. E. DINGMAN, M. D., GRADU- P Soiteee of 's 'Unt D*; PARKE & RUTHERFORD, Phy- sicians, Surgeons, etc.. Listowel and Milverton. Listowel office over <imie. Clarke @ Co's. store. ial attention given to discasesof women. Ni answered at Grand Central Hotel, J. J. FOSTER, L. D. 8. DENTIST. we calls RADUATE of B.C_D.8., Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain b pe ye = om arrive at Trains 'trom the p.m. 1 Aap, CREDIT VALLEY FPRANCH (Mary Lixe - m. hy Traine leave Woodstock as under ice} and hos x: Toronto aad Ker st 8 hee. jn) pom For st. nomaa an a. m., 431 p. m., and 8.01 p.m. Tickets to all pointes for sale b 7. LIVING STONE, Jr.. Agent c. P. y and steamabip Lin ee LAntow WILLIAM WALLACE MOORE MOOREFIELD, ONT. the Town A ole on caer ni le an 'ash in adv ee make ont lye of cate. a act He in Auctioneer It 16 Boy of the counties of Wellington or Pert Th oe who | hav vate funds to lend, Tr rent.or cAvinige Court cases Solicitor, will tern rte mr airine t site aitention « aie say y cal i Comestesioner 4 m the High Court of Jus- tice, WILLIAM WALLACE MOO! RE, Box 1M, Moorefield, Ont. - MONEY ,LOANED --AT-- 6BPER CHNT Yearly. Interest paid at the expiration of each year, Iam prepared to advance money 00 Farm rome. at the i rates, and on the ost favorabl: can be obtain- ed from two to ten years. vil are tven for a resonable Sineant of Prinel bast i repalé a the option cf the 1 'or particulars app BERT MARTIN, | posite G tral Ho! -- ran Listowel. ARM FOR SALE. 100 acres red andin good state of culllva- ou most] fatumpe-the balance ing oe baréwood | ob a ban barn 70245 ; a good frame dwelling with stone cellar, , ane WxD: alene Maxlt. pase ere alsot ood wells 0! Riz too ses, For 1 phere particalars are rey ere to Rorrt. Manrix, 'us Low on the premises, ARM FOR SALE. nm the lith con. ron. of the rowashie ¢* of cree. of etre tion. and 'air Swelling house. For tarther, se icuurs applr R. MARTIN. e Listowe: Ont ONEY TO. TO LOAN At 6 Per Cent. Yearly. (INTEREST NOT PAID IN ADVANCE) riy. win loan from $200 t pe ig sing rick fy for five y¥ trous Oxide Gas. Vitall oth or mo! eneesthetican. Rooms corer Taylors jewel. vite privilege lo pay rior all offat any ry Store. tim: Also mone: oaned on town pro: an ay at hs r t. CONVEYANC- N. | ENSES Aggnt forthe -LONDON MUTUAL: Agent forthe* 2 . ws et Wieitsad st NORTHERN' and LEDONIAN' FIR. Miron Oxide ¢ | INSURANCE COMPANIES. A number of painless extracting. in old Ake 4 improved farms for sale. 1 bare &n amount over Thompson Bros. of fands to Entrance, Main Store. Bt, Residence, Wallace Blreet, Listowel. eas B. HAY, ADOTIORESR fer County o: Perth. Ips 20 Grty and Wewiek. te the Counts ct en. on reasonable terms. Special vem to farmers' ti ade. IP atten! ee een always be relied upon. wan- the Cierk aUNT. Commissioner. Tevoitdale, P. O. Residence, Con. 12, Wallace. M°*F* TO LOAR. LARGE AMOUNT OF "| PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN, art LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. and Woewta 620 a.m.,10.58 = Diptheria Challenged ! SIERLAMM'S ria Remedy isaSure and Reliable Care. ommfome No child needs to suffer, far leas todie from these ateedtul <ieoraee if thie Remedy is ured. Over = Pe resold w: eulta, Soest ome with thi« Gowanstewn, Ont, ' To BE NAD FROM A Hacking, d Jat, Listowel ; Nicholas sey EE'omer 'Wallaoeviiie:" Woo! ooldridge & Co,, FARM FOR SALE. Lots 27 and 28, on the 7Lb con. ofthe Town- snip of Grey. ta There mth Place tw fe streams of # ats water sleo river io heat Terms to sult pu> pata m within balfa mire of tel, resi PETER LILLICO. rietor, Listowe], May 26, 1887 uv LESTOW EL MARBLE WORKS. ROBERT T. KEMP, Dealer in AMERICAN and FOREIGN AARBLE, and GRANITE H iN MONU- AlsoCUT STONE ofall kinds i for Buildings ,. A First-Class Carriage Team For Roadster Team. HUGH OVENS, V. S. WANTED TO-EXCHANCE !) 8: them." Still no rey from Mr. Sharp, "I baven't a for lor more' a a year, an'! thought 'Td like to go." "Well go, Luke, ef ar wante ---- i y | reckon I kin spare ~ still the boy did Ey som pce stond shifting uneasily from one tot to the other, and at length contin- esPap,T I've worked hard this season; an' arp's face exp surprise, and taking. the pipe from his mouth he gave a long whistle. I[t was dM not relish this idee. thing except the absolute necessaries of life enced. to bi Like i-bted men he failed to ap- tikes prodigal use of tobacco, wasteful ney, Was not coisid-red i the Tight of an extravagance. On the contrary, he had come to regard it as a Decessi mall ----s were demed the bousehold in to furnish mon fi favorite' ey for w Poor Luke might bave been disappoint ed had not bis ovina who heard the conversation, come to the door and put in a plea for bim "I think you ought to let Luke mates a litle spendin' earned it, and you b quarter at least." Perha of conser f right, an' fee he a boliday, an' be can't have a good tim: without 50 ing to spend, Yon wouldn't like to go to town yourself without something in your poo! = 'That'sso, mother, that's so," And they returned to their several tions, the -- preparation of the d the father to bis A MOST DESIRABLE TOWN RESIDENCE FOR R SALE. EING the wel, Known and mostconren } fently situated House and Lot on Main Pim "Mdicbener. * pro r bust: Cr oreee erent oF ness man. . po rty particulars enquireat the STANDARD office, 9 16. A. SBUGGT If so, be sure and sec the FINE STOCK OF BUGGIES at othe oe inrearof Jas, Green's bleck- 8. WILSON 150,000 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE. ni. wr aRt REDS, MAREE, PETHR IITLLICoO --dses @ general-- B ANKING BUSINESS A McDonald & Co., Bankers ONEY TO LOAN AND NOTES . M rece! it, and | all ai the rate of 5 per cent. annum. Money remitted by draft to al of Canads. Mer- eban or Ofice hours, 9a.m.toi pm. A. McDONALD 4Co. tach Tile--all sizes--on and cea aa. CONRAD GEORGE. NEW BAKERY a A. YULE, {LATE OF HARREISTOX,) Has jeasure in announcing to thecitt: of Listowel and vicinity that ay aed BAKERY BUSINESS in Listowel.in store b= rea ae Odice, two doure ones oe tae net ~CONFESTIONEKY of ALL KINDS Choice Cakes and Pastry specialty. DO YOU WANT TO BUY}. undersigned bas any mmaih * band, | supplied at all ~~ WEDDING CAKES } pipe Luke and bis mother bad gained their t, however, for early next morning = ind was hurrying towards town with ht quarter of : dollar in his pook- puts, fire-or: . pio eg pa all those things ue delight the heart of 8 boy of fourteen. He resolved, bow- ever, not to spend bis precious coia un- til he had looked carefully at all the windows aod seen where he could aw peo braoch or fork one of ellows, Bob Jenkine, and together y on to town. th stretohed along oa ither de -- a single street. These the decorati wares section on gala dsys combine s P' spend their money on wheels of fortune and various chance, Bob inconsider- ately ---- ae -- in one of them and lost it ke t, and although ." did Ryn ot" woderatand how _ it was to ris eo who owned the gems urged him to do. Just then a great 4! sides, thou on "The fectastios are coming !" ja crowded into the main It did not take | ed? fiden- with pleasure, buying aod eos in the remainder | * to ¢ would not 'try a = kok" as oe = Teer ve wine | oS bagg ene te an's great many thin boy This proved bones fora ae es oni fathor puffed edly and anager _deigning to loons. bis son, ed, "Bob {4 did bi Jenkins is asoing. a > ia the Sturm m the table his a an' Will Sturm is to be one of + Fath- ea, but liom do; for they seem to tht trom the wrong without éng about it, 0 fool, pap. : - wanted Inoney away t? a little in bead of wpandiog it for --_ it seems to me there's "<i won't make you learns him sich soft, bat makes ok I never © don't work hard when be's in the fie." so he does. But he'd rather go to sthool any day than work, ya aes think that's a very good "eWell, pep. 'ou an' me never had any learnio t dee ee why Luke sho alda't ees att ra can get." **'Cause 'twon"tdo him any good to bave any more. e's got more'n | have now. "T hope b he'll be able to bave a gre deal] mors still," said the mother fertons- ly. ; wall, I don't see how he's agoin' to gitit,"\ And Mr. Sharp rose from the Lake always found a ready ally in his mother, Though she had had litte education herself, yet she sy: thi ; " ing. The summer that slowly to Luke. His beart was not jn the farm work, al ber, a kins came ~ brin; h him the copy of th y pa obra he said his father sent orer for them to read, and be point to ed rap which Luke first read to bimeclf af to the family. It ran as follows he! or address in this city, on Fede little boy a quarter in place t. Call on or address Joba Bing- bem, 414 Main Street, Jackson." bt that Luke was the But The: Shai was scapiions, ph nw mn it | Lake mela po ney it might be eS er the advertisement. It was finally decided that | Lake and Mrs. ~-- should take a trip totown to see Mr. Bingbem. So, early the AM pend they stood in front of a peat resi- oe on the Maia pe of Jackson ont magoiicent, aod they hes: fore going Mastering up cow 7 nded i@e « A lady opened th "Is this where Mr, Bioghem lives 7' asked Mrs. Sharp. ree Come in, won't you?" and they w into - -- seom cary. "peautifal. to th i Pan Mr. Binghem bre one that adver- a who gave another some 'Coney? "Yea; and w this the lad?' asked lady, and without waiting fora re- she walked up to Lake, and gens bis hands io "Ge re | rouod, and somehow, no ki bleso id . | flarcky, bat I think you'll find I'm not Of that sort, I just take things as I find thom and make ee ton wl tall, Now, I'll j could hi * said th 'And about the towels--I n use Crash quite so rough as this, es Ta = La -- cowed on the rack all We Il.' 'Thank I'm determined not to be eeuhicoms after | once got settied, --don't you think this dressing ook better on this side of Supposing us see bow it tome it rvant and let mor believe Pll change the -- at is, if you bave no objec- 0, none at all,' 'Tnank you. I a t ag t then--O, wou me too muob trouble to have a pond ake water up to hour before ench meal? I think it does me good. I suppose I can arrange that,' says ahi oare much, he landlady gloomily, Thanks, you are so kind, guors ['ll--O, wonder if there's any F hot ater in the bath-room? d'd h 35 run in and just wash out that I never send to the laundry, A I wonder if uch in the way if ld ran down into thekitohen and ironed em when theredry 7? I'll not be a bit of trouble.' cook mi may object.' says the land- nd myeelf.' sivaring bat not be too bread made without a bit of sal 4 it. its opr a notion, but [can't eat "T hardly know how to manage that, says the landlady, dubiously, that'll be easy enough, When you bake just m loaf without alt in it bope you won't take a bi of trouble on my account if I' - times Inte fi times ere pantry aod will we 'help oul witeeat troubling an: This strikes the heatiegy so dumb that ahe cao pen Apert Mh and the obliging tless) 'Llike ae oakes for breakfast the year of steak reese with me bat sirloin. Would you Alum Baking Powders. THEIR CSR (NIURIOUS TO HEALTH AND THEIR SALB CONTRARY TO LAW. Two men were recently convicted in t La co County, New York, for violating the adultera' laws of t state by selling alum perc Bt pow- ders in imitation of mp cream ol o law er rasa York bless you. [owe you adebt of grati- tade which J may nut be able to repay, but it is somo satisiaction to see you and kk you for your unsel! deed." Then turning again to Mra. Sharp she inquired ber name and ia uced her- self ns Mr. Binghem's sister. She had they might have suffered brother arrived a few days after- jestitute, bad ee begun to despair. Now, come to the pat, 'Twant your boy to §° in my store "Tm afraid be haan't enough educa- hon, sn anid Luke's mother, rather "As tothet, thereis a night school bere where be msy learn. In case you « similar to that of tote provinos in for- biddiag the sale of aduitera ted in- aries articles of food, but the courts pad not before a sale of al pow. The be aking a sold by the made trom 'wae, by Gillet o @ Chioage, and oxpert 'teasti- was takentoshow the unwhole- someness of alum in bakiog powders, bread or other food. . ae sale of alum baking is rohibited = direct statute in England. fe should be the same bere; laws, if not so ent to pats stop to nese ere they rigidly enforced. It is said that many brands of alum powders are being 2 uced into the minion, and we bespeak the attention of our public y analyeie 10 to the matter. --------__--S! Ledumuxg Por a Goon Accovsr--An ion lighte of the pro colleas observed a ss ao fall i in the ---- he : lantly _ The ship Larnica, fom London, hav- cued during a gale at seaon May 23, arrived at New Rork Saturday. Albert Richardson, the first mate of the lost ship oN vee following story the shipwreck and rescue. were huddled together with the water up ae their necks, -and some of them so tired out with watch- ing that they could not keep awake, but closed their eyes and- hung on to | whatever they could. In this way they eee i. ae of what seemed to hem to No one can 2 tell what we suffered then, The wind was blowing a hucricane,and standing in the water we were nearly frozen. The waves dashed over us and every moment promised to be a last But even the wind had n reached its height, but kept increasing in force until the second day cay we managed to get back how- ever andclimb upon the ship's side as it 4 in the water. he lumber floated out and about dark the ship righted and we or in the rigging. but none could far up as to be beyond the poet of the wa ves. There for sixty hours = clung a ing for relief, W o food, our clothing was torn from coe backs and we were nearly naked., and still the wind howled and it rained and we were dying of exhaustion. Hanging in the rigging was the dried tail of a por- age all that was left of an animal that had fed the cat on. psclraue in it but in that half starved thing that bore the slightest resemb- Jance to food. Oneofthe men had a knife and cut off small pieces of this tail. To eat it wasimpasible ;it was tougher than leather, but it was jucy, 'ae could suck it' af trwards were rescued from Mag Bo Ii moment when they had almost -_ up hopéand were --, to cast selves into the sea from despair. The Value of Salt. Ina recent work by Professor Burg- grave, of Ghent, the prominent --_ maintained is that salt lati ting 3 agency of life, and on which hanan longev- about the end of the last century rible epidemic, bearing some anology to supplied with = gratuitously, Salt was then prescri as a curative meas- ure, and the epidemic disappeared. --_-- eee Allowances 1 for Girls. 'oor men who = are fathers think ans cannot afford to spare theiz a monthly stipend. Yet pic May or other those childten are clothed, shod educated. Clothes, shoes and ust make it cover all expenses there will be no foolish outlays. She will consult with older and wiser beads un- til her feet are sure of the way. A er, a day cab ag running. into her house grandma won't you wance two weeks abead Jones has to go and read to the poor, and will have to walk to the train, unless I can give her twenty cents. 1 told her I knew you do. would trust me. Please That child felt that the money really his and he could calculate what to do with it. He could be to deny his little wants for two al he was no goody y kind of a lad, ive and selfish as American lads are aptto be. Nothing is more tiresome than the contin demand of--children +" please_give me a penny dared Saves te ne"edl anekarten, to-day,"and so on as tl up. If they know the sum cave e Monday ing isall can eee earegber gan fring: ties are done away,,with. ---- i my offer 1 do not intend that be | He went to his aid, mong un eereten ae: will 'work constantly in pr ial bat en his leg. It was og ---- tried bard agree to give bi jacstion. | fracture, but the y Peed toe ie Sere throng, | Mrs, Soop, faoe lighted up, and in| The ~ roger Macrae e's eyes there 1©, | splint, and wi! own sed wen th ireut tay potgal sors while Mr. Bingbem felt ae kérchicls bandaged the limb tight- might view the -- fly ted by what he saw express- | jy. put the patient in a cab, and time, _'They-had not. gone ter, however, |,°4 ia their countenauces. § hoopital. There Tosre. thoy wher t 'ones hosks bay ip "Oh, sir!" and M Yoiee | were reonived by s r bitterly. The pessers. by seemed »Ot) trembled as it, "Lake don't| his locum tene vYou've > adie to notice him, but the boys stopped aed)| think about anything butatadying and | this very well," said the hospital sur- saked bim what wes the matter. Be-| books; but he's never had , | geoa, "You flat me, ssid the tween his sobs he managed to tell them | on' I was afraid he'd never have soy, an' gus. "Not at said the other, that be wason bis way to bgt: ee ree Ok Oe thet for "LD. be 20 | "I suppose you've "a Las thenkful." A woman, - class. Brora: } come by Praisly cobbed for learning is a dangerous thing, but the joy. * Before leaving. Sharp had ar. | little you've learned you've put to good ranged everything with Mr. Binghem 00 | account. 'I oaa't ive you your umbrel el gee for duty the | la now, but if you leave your 'address Sepharose, lke eee ge f eee home." "I bad best give demurred at the my "anid uated Tid be did so. Pall Mall Gasetic, é i § i i i F tor | egeeparativel condition we were willing to eat any- |'and the Bf, ity 38 i | | F f TAH i ee 4 tact is this : taken out of the list, i o alturist | forJuly. GENERALLY BELIEVE WELL until you clean out the blood tonic, A Honma As Autocrat Two ladies who 1 live each otber because, as they both there at the same time, fi . For the same reason they are bor's aig 'inanels of 'Tell. ber T sce; that lady ba Medical aid. Neigh day, Mra. J "Worse which is an erect he broa; A small boy was detected farmer in one of his rine rer ory eae other so-called remedy | jl Li he stands ith o iS is Eg that if blood with the only recognized scientific " WARNER'S SAFE CURE," neighbors on Trumbull avenue have never oslled on moved ey could nev- or ore which one: was to make the never peace, am sorry that my little girl should She acknowl (ada -- what ed besa exid "Yes, ea I have recorded our mar- hoense," said the diaplaying the the -- to bis Beart's agrees mind ringing for a seryant and havin; delight, ' get her ome the window a little from the scurvy, broke out in Saxony, making | as an sae ra the word." pt 0, see the blankets on the bed | SUCh rapid progress among the poorer} 'But, George, cnslalaned the young are white, It's only a foolish notion of classes tl the Government ordered ne is oonsternatii you sure mine, bat I really prefer red blankets ; | an inquiry into its nature and course, all tan't "there. something tudes kn as oe ata AE 'Something lnoking 1 I don't think 1 for the acter fog A a I wueh prefer 8 aieg e¢ miners al-| follow you, dearee the 1 landlady, being though reduced to the same misery 'T sup silly little. fool, new in the ---- 2 be | Other workmen remained with their | George, t meen ignoramus a dazed condition of mind.ile families completely aot from the | now, will you?" But TI a pt the lady boarder reduces her to | others only in so fegr Beg , that be- | thats vors® yopte ts they occur to her Po wm the | ing employed by the state they were | 0 bor --"'How ie is your husband to- Mra «Jones Hte ie -- ill, indeed." "I'm gl to hear it. Now, if you ean only keep bim their I think he will get well rapidly. A Paisley man, visiting Glasgow, much admired the statue of Sir Jobn Moore,