po is tle im the oe none ostentatious bour busband she took a gulp and when she 5 Se to be his foot- steps pacer { sheBied up bim. She was int con- | a8 i i Fe ial 363 Pmt s Crareeatre Feb rtf : F i HE fi 2% ia friends, and at once #e¢ of bis ter- | choked, | sten od the boree will good for toes Po if be live AMMONIATED BREAD. Ammonisted bakiog ng powders--that is, bakilg powders in which bonate of me physicians and sanitarsos as super: y all others. Professor Hassell, of Londan, ecoguized as bighest authority | subject of food hygiene, com pox in the bighést terms the use of bonste o a leatening j agent, ver ib its ee pivactege to be in ite pe ol permits olat il it te be, by tive beat ot "baking, the ges. thoroughiy learen th ogredpent in the | fioisbed bre rn of moniate cannot be used aa a substitute N.Y. Weekly Tri- for cream of tartar.-- dunce. A MURDER MYSTERY AFoul Crime Perpetrated at Dan- ville. ie, Que. ND, July 5.--(Special.)--A unin of b borror was felt in wally quiet rillage body of Lillie Powell, abou Rev. F. i me H Au English Medical Authority affirms that the best. regimen for preserv- ing bealth may be seummed-ap in the following maxim, "keep the head con b : actina of wel stant annoyance, producing piles. pro- lapse of the rectum, fistula, and various all these are th is maintained, by the use of 'Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgs- P skeet the system,by the ove of Ayer's la, against the diseases pecul- ea to hot weather. ws medicine in- ealthy ection of the stomach, Teor and kidneys, causing them to pre- vent the sceumuistion of the poisons whieh prod be | | present constructions. to | 0 (propa between val phtratags upon which it ix support d, and is -- first | Spplication made which em- braced one specified every portion ot a ieally with ieee to -- limite -- which cw must fined a result of ex ex- act to such | base. lereatly below the general aversge of | Let Us Have a Little Fun. From the New York Herald. Fun? Why, ef course, let us hare sil there is within reach. Life is as J o many mor pte gis nad early, worki ime bard all « cage, shiver when the lion roars, get ou of the old routice drudgery 8 an | tumble about in a lot of new sensations rollics over a stack of fresh hay itwill belp t6 make the humdrum en- | durable e truth ie, we take things | too seriously, are too gla jown-beart- 1 ed, rben atic erotehety, 2 and need j to be stirred ap and refresbed Jd a eail down the. bay, ' gd looky a' a game of that its be. tbe masoa- wooden | factured fabric, whence the name calico fixed on thea disdain- | It is pow generally admitted that this Hiotous fash- | art originated m India in remote ages, ion to promote «/ and trom that country fouod its way to breach peace. Egypt. : Sor the upright sucessfully | . It was not until the middie. of the ® ber feeling for the three- teenth century that calico wasin- quarters of an hour, until the fenale im | troduced into Europe. A knowledge of corner "If icksey-wicksey wes | the art was acquired by some of the ser- to die what would wooteey do of the Dutch Tedian Company without bef!" and sbe thoucth that a j and to H it was nic in the ».0ds ones in a while | Shakepeare and the Stars. ' Prof.-L ® + Boss is n> teonly an astron. | no astrology Already men have } fae bee nD written entitled "Shakespear | Lawyer acd any bis inf ! hon im other lines Boss bas | |etruck upon an 'uncovered territory. | His --_-- want him to writes mono- | | graph on Shokespeare as an astronomer. | | ip 2 to Journal . | en | Two Humorous Church Incidents. A Kittle girl who was was takento the Epis- | copal church for the first time beard the a ae e text: commandments bang oll ee bw. od "the prophets. fg ie hittle girl after P' Plone daar. jest the eame as they co presente on the Christ- mas tree fF" It an another little girl who, going to the "Episcopal charch, and bappe to pene- on to the coord festness of Af- The is mimnformed. The m ysterious whine parhs in the Sou- dan is pie kely to be M mijority of one, by which carried the inet psrliamentary ¢!rctions, an 0 bas not been heard of sines the great Eiward's celebrated dispateh | wae pabiished. vet ! | Don't disgust everybody by baeking, i blowing --- spitting, but use Dr. Sege's | Catarrh remedy and be cured. ecoraxo, Mas.--Mr, Jeon t winter I was 50 Fecu Me Clark 'writer-- all ith Wett Testee--i was nearly dead with Cholera Marbas, one bottie of Extract LISTOWEL WOOLEN FACTORY Highest Price Paid. WooLBn Goonrve Maher a ee selected stock ever shown My Low Prices Will Astonish Everybody. Goine tod deal direct with one who m endeavoring to the brat of his ability, to give Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing Tweeds, FLANNZELS, BLANEETS, ETC. 'aL. WOOL HALIFAX TWEED, 850. Per Yard. their past favors, I would beg to any come Sete ges oa . James imstructer, was tho is determined to stamp practices or drive the ts it that only the beat quality of muk be used if the Ca- lism cheese is to keep its. place as the choice of the r prevai peo- ple who, ike yourself, insist that have no kidney disease! They have and don't know it, You will never get well of oy? abore and countless other com- mn disorders, which would never pre- vail if the kidneys were all right, unless you "the unsuspected disordered Kidneys by that great blood tonic and parifi er, WARNER'S SAFE CURE. 39) She Concluded to Live. "JJohn, d-dear," #! "Weill," ssid Jobo, musingly, don't know as | had ever thought of it before, my dear, but now you epeak it, - a dmpression is that I should bury To mest children, the bare eogeestion of acioseof castor oil is nauseating. | When ohy-io is necessary forths little 4, nae Ayers Cathertic Pille, hey + are cafe and pleasant to take. Try em. Dierancerxe Diseate.--**] wish y in 'heor of Saonien itera, I bad been troubled with E- yarpelat and was induced to t Broxey Dowx, ee suffering with Dyrpepsia, Kidory Ds i,t of Bardock it ters. took two bottles am -" Mr. "Lae pews wees | 8 mks be 'ooked af ae, fre- quent! using & Tittle of Det wend' reat Ger man Bn air Sin eat. | <a sip =ilihe keptin a md the strength As mp ne Seate po mpoted, Itiusthe only reilabie. Do rot be talked sels thi ain. Fer sale by ait] wi Will be highly pleased mir ie the wat romped ere =(THE LARGEST STOCK IN CANADA Now IS THE TIME TO BUY, BONNETT & BOWYER"S MILE CANS .w wuaGin- Hoops. 'Milk Pails, Pans, Churns, . Stoves and Tinware, We can't be undersold. | : NNETT 4 BOWYER HESS BRos, WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS Listowel. has now in stock an immense variety of CANNED GOODS, HAMS, BACON, LARD P FIRST-CLASS _ STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES CROCKERY. 'AND ( GLASSWARE, Dinner sets, Tea sets, 'Bedroom sets, s, Lamps & Lamp Glasses. He is bound to give you value for your money. The Only Right-hand Binder MANUFACTORED. The advances made in the manufacture of Harvesting Mach!p w years hae bcen marvellous, and of some can this be said more traly SA cl 'clihe Max Seti eines: he U but have strock out on pew lines well 4 the mie nearty atl ene aes meantacinred tin Canada, wit! 22 at several of the 'co: xam newt rt Other 'machines: Maxwell Machines. Cal! and sce for yourself before buying elecwh FRED. ZILLIAX, Agent. HEAD QUARTERS FURNITURE. Just ~ and see for yourselves that the stock and prices are right. ~) THE "LITTLE MAXWELL BINDER." rr ihe per nited States axles tbe case Viner will yeu be. thas the Maxwell Harvesting Implem eaway in ravsrecofall edenak* tity be cost of raw mcr «4 redactio' ~ bentyl of machines. th-re ica 1 ace the cost alt he Lx pense ©. oun feciirg confident that the majerits of farmers wit rd to pas the pated Pact =| the BEST A ATICLE. be has disre: altoget ner ay athe ee! ors itdern cole 'orm. "to Siento farmers tbe he=t Ac hin *Rker If is purchase you desireto jer the eee of Te a! ata Gapestl wy and Simplicity, oe clinton you will get the BEST VALUE FOR s0Ce ONEY in the ER: SYR a oes ARMST RONG' a se SSeS Lintoueee BAMFORD, SMITH & 60. 4 Builders and Contractors REDUCHD RATES : 3 @uring the next few months. OLNOUOL 10 TSM THE FEST HEARSE OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ie most compicte --FULL LINES OF COFFINS AND SHROUDS-- always on hand. Urdersattended to with the utmost premptness )/ WAR -ROOMS- WALLA STREET | IEFICE NEXT DOVR TO LIVINGSTONE'S DEUG STORE. HESS BROS, os SPEARS & WATSON have just finished stock taking and find that their stock of winter goods is Very small. Wehave consented tosell off ALL THE WINTER GOODS AT COST FOR CASH. We have opened up several cases of new Spring Goods which are of extra value. SPEARS & WATSON. If yeu want to buy Ite if for a t Terr BKogoreed by the heads of Great Universities = Mroagest, Healthal Dr, -Price's © dors bot costein Ammonia, Lime or Alum Soid only in Cana PRICE SAKING POWDER CO. *EW YouK. ST- LOUIS. H. BUCK'S FUPNITURE STROE, ke Co, Detredt SOLD BY J. 4. HACKING. iacmws> Mec temars Ketan mais 2. REE Ba st arukbD 4, LONLCS. og THe WONDERS OF MAGIC. USE ALL THE YEAR ROUND JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA Liver Complaint . Dyspepsia 'ht nee en ae ae a mat the beet i the mar- iH t . i ie [ weil i Dd Stee TI8GHE Cc ----Is showing some special drives in---- DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS & GINGHAMS COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, LACES AND EMBRODERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES in all sizes and qualities; our popular rea' Polish calf in Ladies Button amilace are meeting with ect 5D sR Se ee is cys coma aod selimg at rock pric 5. pam Seid tu\ndon stock of seat posiiier weies bakiikuen cde brands at 10 12) 20 35 and Oe. por Ih ge a "bowing poe Gaiae aC thas 2 Soous tee | gains in tees ever cffrred in Listowel. aarti oe taken on { coed prices pasd. ? FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP GUAR NTEED. CHARGES VERY MODERATE Petory--inkerms Street, Lsstouei, BAMFORD, SMITH & Co. 'DR. FOWLERS| "EXT: OF "WILD: vA era. Lrl C~ae- RAMPS ee ae