Listowel Standard, 20 Jul 1888, p. 3

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| i. Paris" town F Woodstock Sentinel Review, who ahere : yes * nding te wedaing oth ioe ey eee Omens mong Great: Sacrifice Sale of es his "town, called on US fiends, Mr. Rothwell having p Z ~ * | this week. He isa genial young man, | 5, Fi i business there, =r me perp lapervenpant IONTAR ELOUSSE: TDRY GOODS AND MILLINERY | reen. the moet artiatie rime} and prey ares Tun core, a of eeed, : z Zoom pi ilper cent, above wholesale Ae Uproar poe, So aa eae Dress Goods 5c.--10c fine all wool Dress Goods in maa Si beli's block, ; Larea. a 3; very e woo cae pabhchen Teeter ie keepibe, the | Tits section of country is suffering "On Monday, 43rd Inst., Navy, Brown, Bronze, Cardinal and Black at 124e. -- sl cmapeerioven pary esas Aandi mag om ae aha ipa Scigra 8c., 9c, 106, and 1246, holiday reading of the light and enter- | one heavy sede t, colors, C5 an earing price HELLEBORE, seri ore ieee corres" seit scriatineg ch Digi as I will commence tall of the following worth nearly double. Gingham, warranted fast, 8e.,, 100. 10c. Barrington" a romance of Central In-| the t2th and on Wednesday night, White Muslins, Stripe and Check, 5c., Fancy Muslins, Cheap. while of some benefit were scar¢ly not Weare bound to clear every Ladies Straw at, commencing DRY GOODS AT AND UNDER COGT, |: 250, e,'i5e and $i, regular price 250, Yo $250. Csvic Bouse --We gets CALL AND SEE THEM AT ONCE. FOR SALE AT n booksellers, and will serve excel- : hat a public meeting of the ci § <y lently to while away a portion of the = . : - caugat our bem pore om the North ste | Bricker, for the of 3 - > Stationery it we have opened out how the civic holiday will celebrat- ae : 3 LISTOWEL STANDARD. busines. agen jee Stee seat phar be Jag bo The mect-| Millinery, Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, Parasols, Gloves, Laces, Muslins, : TWEEDS. nee FRIDAY. JULY 20, 1888. poe sae ces ger New Dminx.--The latest nonin | Embroideries, Lace Curtains, Light Prints, Corsets, Gents' and Boys' Ties, prices. Suits made to order wr cheap, and TOWN AND OOUNTRY chard BANAT set Oh Saturday and sp- at _"qnilk Children 's Suits from 5 to years, just e% pointed Mr. Wm. Irwin, formerly Prin- | Sake. ele compost. of wae And in fact all Summer sviiieasedibect Hae 3 oes time. to gre Berea. A gs axpecialty. Carpet 1 yard wide, -- Waren forthe lamar ecips om the | palo he Blea Public. School preted coagh are Rpt ae genuine Clearing Sale and mabe See eee cel 2nd examine Goods and Prices. | ~* pight-of the 22nd. as assistant teacher in High | 5 fe latable dru = hs ' ess A Foresters' excursion takes place School, at a salary of $700 per annum. pap peep pee ogg en oa j today 10 Hamilton and the Falls. | M&trwin 'bolds:.a Provincial' Bist fountalas: ara standing: ile ( 7 30. 7 Class A, and has lately been fitting arian hdels re wit 6d = ; Mr. A. Herpricu,of Grand Rapids, | bimself for High School work. He 1s where introduced. Listowel, Jnly 18th, 1888. a Seen : eee oe NS ee ee Mich., was visiting in town for a few} a specialist in mathematics, and pos-| La ane ek a ates . =e i= My gee Te days | last week. sesses Sipser spar gre Seca tae Pat toes on t or a . Satan So N _ Hess Bros new factory is rapidly oe ¢ holi- a sa a "wihont rg Seah ie a ep tp tage 5 T A... Natu = waw , yisteg.-. The. beses sapere ae DOW work; Clube, Ball-faced at 4 o'ctock, "As|né opto we the crop | 10 Assist re B ing on the third story. fem Jornitargot sittings tots the ye retail both team: a Olt niaaearane cee. ------ In restoring @isease:l or wanted tisene is MERCHANT - TAILORING ja tomnss 18 for Ste, at Gray's Photo Stadio,-- Thien per cae nee to buy yo. t F rat lively match may be looked for. ile some new ones have given some all that any curececrarlies rat Pogc la = pal- sure w * « Rue "| ore apes eESeNe ee |" oe ones ea meaa| cere se (pay --Fypmtougs| THE : FLEURY - STH BIN DER ham, N. B., formerly of Stratford, has} _ ATTENTION is directed to the adver- "diamond hunters" are getting up quite | turing rapidly, but unless rain membrane first becomes inflaned, t " . received a unanimous call from the tisement of Mr. J; H. Guenther, watch- | a local reputation, having thus far -- be considerably below an av-| accu form in the air-cells of 5 z cong: zation of Knox Charch, Owen | maker and jeweller, which spears in | vanqiahes al! comes. Oe Monday | "6 the bene ered ee owes. | ESTABLISHMENT, Over 27,000 sold last year in Canada and U: 3, nes leiely'c ed out in the stand former- | this time over the boarders at Woolfe's PR Pe ee as plain, page oberg the hacking a a Bunbeams The per dozen, at Gray's Photo I ied by Bar - & Co., on the | restautant. The G. C.'s came out ing own was congh , A tel S FIRM IN B INESS Y é Btudio--8. M. Smith's old Stand.--i6. y occupi . ae on Monday, evening, July 16th, Pres- haves hs' opportunity. to - heal. US 40 YEARS. Mr. KirxPaTRICK, who some lies ang street, next door to | ahead by an innings and 2 runs. the Mayor in the chair, the Reeve, | Ayer's Cher= Pectoral M. M°D. FLEMING, _zutaacnise ago taught one of the public schools in Elma, is visiting friends in this vicin hood, having spent four*years in Listo- Hymengat.--On Wednesday even- ph Barry, an employee in . Jose Hess Bros. factory, led to hymén's ent, and Councillors Vanstone, Feather= stone, Kemp, Smith, Moore, Sere a nocthes and Heals infiasmed membrane, arrests the (Late of New York city. and eraduate of the Jobn J. Mitchell Cutting #ehool,) fast the neat' 'ate Wrered to throw out & sheaf properly bound every time, The fo! are quall! = mie pha Sore and will not "choke,"--and no matter bow ere and Knotter ees will handle it. Dertech, lowing and jeading ity. He is still engaged in teaching in Dixon and Binning. The question of anil eniiee % invite the atten' 3 udgeon: ods, Breast- ie southern part of the county. et ag loosing hae altar Miss Gerty Hay, daughter of Mr. | the security 4 given " M telnet cok is ecbegscie of Listowel and surrounding neleMvormoae masa EES state 9 Tilting Sater Pinions Binder Shit' Boden Hawise, Gear Cia: phe ean tia Hewes de woakiog's ity of watch, Robt. Hay, of this town. The knot} Hess Bros. to the corporation in con- | eq». creed Sue auy other pulmonary |behas opened in the store" Sissi and Malieable Tron Wherever they can be used--making the strongest, lightest, ile the celebrated Fleury Stee! Binder, | clock and jewellery repairing. We be- | "2stied by campbell at the | sideration of the bonus of $15,000, was | sped. = ee NO Wi eat ' Challesges alt agents to 4 Binder cont Lepeak for him & Uberal: share of the | Oride's Paternal sesilene. meio | taran wp. Wrapy ce the matenge Cor | 1 Te Sieh, of Beciweeriils, Vt» i Mart door to: Telegraph Oihoe 0 WEIGHT ow The HORSES WICKS. public patronage. presents were made and the happy cou-| ering such security _being presented writ aa Ac gate fellow "tig re fastened the Boxes Boxes through whic bie bine Male Wheel Bhat ibe Mane eee test on lot 25, con. 5, Wallace, near le spent a very sociable evening with | and read. Moved by S. Moore, sec-| ver © Main street, north side, the Cross Suaft pass, There san any moving or shifting whate ene parte-- 1 con Gowanstown. All agents wishing to c : « A 4 . Ladies buying Dress Goods and Mantle! the invited guests. Their well-wishers | onded R. T. Kemp, that the dratt terrbie ccugh. I was rer ihe Geer and suas mutt always. 'Keep thelr proper place exactiy--and as pequence take part in the contest will cémmuni- | cloth from'd, Riggs ean have them cut free. 'sis bg by a Ps his: Council confined tomy bed about four months. eee shave ms pray seally ne ibtsehc {iis most particular part of the machine 2 ; A lar, Ke seiectio D to #e are ero mortgage presented to thts Council on i wai 'we Main Cross other taachlbests only from 7 to 12 Inches In Jength, ours = cate with Lewis Seebach, when a day Fe eee Md ecnixst this date by Messrs. Hess Bros. having My scysician finally said I was incon H is 16} inches, and has 8 lon, a btaring atecct . 8 will be named for trial, --24; Dress and Mantle Maker, T PATHMASTERS, Etc.--Chapter y P that hed not help : ri The Drive jeecliathe oo deny awe Save pecaasing on our Woodon Frame Machine, with r Work rooms over the three seren store. 202 of the Revised Ontario Statutes, ead over clause by clause, , is per- One bt say ni eithors adivtend inn TWEEDS & CLOTHS. the exception that we have repiaced the Iron Spokes ay eens oor ta 2 order to simply ia Ps ad Mptypes for Se at Gray's Photo Stu) 1 6.0, F.--The officers of Lis-| Sec: 2, says :--"It shall be the duty ae 'satisacory to this Couneil andin to try Ayet's Cuerry Pret T slid se M | Seteee Onmer eet wiuere esting the Atte aba moet Rereck Wbesiie cae =-- = ear x fulfilment of the terms of the agree- he half a be ; 6©-- P@RE thee atest patte: d which The Reel is a marve! of liclty, ts perfect In re Operation, and is so strong thats wa Tue brick-work of the New Presby- towel Lodge No. 199,10, O. F., were | of every owner of eng Be Mg ig ment, of date the 28th day of Febru- por aurea al gen made up in the very latest aye be | heavy spain Re. 6d LG Sth OF OIE without breakin t Church tower, has been finished | Suly installed by J. C, Burt, 1D. D. G, | thereof to cat down or destroy all the 1888, made bet Vy B Se Rec er Sue. tines X Kiat pisos that canes so, mach trouble with ates spring, plang lewvery, tame po r wn '* vi arp urch tower, has ai "for district 21 on Tuesday eyening Canada thistles, oxeye daisy, wild oats, | 2°Y ? ween Ness Dros. finished the bottle I was we U, awl have SUITS MADE 70 ORDER The Grain Wheel Hub and Axle are © each chil A pertect ft 1 pots red, ana with and the carpenters are at work this la a ag iollowss WM Bruce, ragwoud and burdock: growing onchis and the Corporation, and, that said mained su ever since. proper attention on the driver's part bot nh wheel and Azle will wear aslong as the ma- weck erecting the spire, the top of M. Jonsen, 1G; : E. Terhune, R S: sent so often of each and every year as mee _-- engrossed and_ execut- Alonzo P. Daggett, oe sone his onl on the sbortest notice, and a perfect fit one Seu ow. The drivercan jgmp into it from the ground--does not have to'climb which 1s nearly one undred and 7 . Begs bd Ww h f be accepted, and signed by the Me., writes: " Six years ago, I wax a tr, guaranteed. to the very top of the msgnine: over esl raptor gy bey ye levers, 4c.--and from his seat d. Th _|N Tit, PS; JC Burt, Treas; A sufficient to prevent the ripening. o} eling salemian, unl at ii time whe the driver can tilt the machine. operate the Heel, shift th « Binder part, move the butter, twenty feet from the groun ¢ con the tetone, BG; Thompson, | their see ec. 9 extends the act | Mayor pe Clerk of this Council--Car- 5 , ees throw machine In and o ise or lower Grain we ec], see when Cord js nearly e: 8s 4 , , ned. .The Chairman of oar of | sffering « with gg la machin ° See o70ug examine tractors expect to have the church com- L pleted by the 1st September. ) J. H. MeDanald Is sorter Kood oar atiy - $2.00 per hundred, bag included .~ Tue election for the House of Com- Buy it Every machine warran 0 good work or order cancelied. Go and see it for your- scives 20d don't smiod what unscrupulous mate say, who liveon the farmers, and ofte! get forty or fing dollars for taking your orde de T also sell the ig * oo w, I Blackmore, Cc; s. Terry, LS S; HL Ovans, O G; to the highways of any municipality, and Sec. 10 makes an owner liable to a fine of not less thau $5 for violation of the act, and an overseer of a high- way to a fine of not less than $10 for Works stated that owing to inability to get his her he had no re- port to make, Councillor Smith asked that the names be read of those present Gents' Furnishings ot all kinds kept in stock. Lung Trouble. Por months I was unable to rest nights. I could seldom Ne down, Inul frequent AMOUS < PRIS ORGAN Sewing Meshines scl ies ee ta matrine ime Se Rens ean . which obtained the Plows and SNG;WS Garroch, RS G © - mons in umberland county, Nova} © ;.; ; aM. il, bt counci] when the resolution was fed te seck the air fur relic fron Want a good Sitting Suit of Clothes, Scotia, caused by Sir Charles 'Tupper's = av he j e os, Rep. » Campbel aaa On Wed ssi Relies sed to have the drain opposite the |" was induced to try Ayer's Cherry pp Fhe ancl kindly sivews J AMES ROBIN SON, ' jonati , R -- resda * co . resignation, took place on Friday and lodge has a membership of sixty and ¥ 4, Queen's hotel put in proper repair Pectoral, Wile' helped me. It n- seal. Gur Prices wi ites dein dome tS WALLACE, P. 0. esting and closely contest was played here between ony and ly cured me, asd, I ery Pectoral PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bod by all Price $1; six bottles, 85. was pass. The Mr. Smith was not present at said meeting... Mr. drew atten-- | tion to the present state of the above drain, and urged that the drain be put ber the ay td to the The Grand Lodge nex' 2 OT ape ta Baty tn to its credit. the Conservative candidate, by a ma- believeg sav Dishonest DairymeNn.--An impor- tant decision has been given by a ma- gistrate in Belleville with regard to dis- honest dealing with cheese factories. Robt. Dowling, charged with keeping yy strippings, fine and costs $70.70. roome, skimming and watering = McD. (FLEMING. WoO. SMAIN st. --The_yvis' themselves quite equal t to eke home jot for sale on mil! street. t@m on the field, and Ross is an ex- House and Appl Terme caay. APP vi aruy & Mcluteen. Stratrorp Serald:--Messrs. D. D. Hay, jr., and Warren D. Hay have gone to Southampton to make arrange- ments for the camping out of the sev- BOOTS AND. SHOES for Everybody. KARGES. BROS., Campbell's Block, Main Street, in that vicinity. Board of Works, in reply to an inquiry, Stated that the total amount expen two innings. Listowei made 62 runs ded | eral Hay families of Stratford and Lis- a fined $20 in each case and $19.-| in the first innings, of which Morphy | on street 3 i . o t to th towel. The clans will rusticate on the | 39 costs, or $59.20 in all. Mr. James | contributed 17, W. J. Hay 12, and C.| ent time impr ote ta al Luxuriant Hair Ys lake shore for some time. Whitten, cheese instructor, was the | Hacking 10. The remaini ing 12 runs! m-de a verbal report of wos now -- ss 1 Can only be preserved by keeping the der way, and others requiring early at- | scalp clean, tention, among the latter being the putting of the water tanks on Main pena ~ ee un i ect in roper repair. Th Chair- yer's Hair fr is due to the fact Pee = . that it cleanses the scalp, promotes the were secured in the second innings with three wickets down. Yesterday the Hamilton Juniors visited Listowel and engaged in a match with the home team, which resulted in a victory for the visitor's by 19 runs, the score stand- wont 2cent Kid Gloves sre meeting with gn activesate. Call early Sean oe pnamente ment is good. J. RIGGS, Up tHe Lakes.--Mr. J. A "Tanner, head master of the Listowel High School, who is at present enjoying bis prosecutor-and is determined to stamp out dishonest practices or drive the ag ones from the factories. Owing o keen competiticn in the foreign sosbets it is necessary that --- the best quality of milk be used ifthe C. cool, and free from dan- Buildings Committee read report of his | Fo" of the hair, prevents it fro summer vacation, passed through here d : - iii oe, and gives ' feces Bigs on Tecstay, pass ete to | Dadian cheese is to keep its sine as | ing, Hamilton first innings 54, second | Committee, recommending payment of ene ane : Perici teones : the -- of the product exchange. innings 54--total 108. Listowel first | the following accounts : ricker & Frederik Desire to wee attention to the recent enlargement of their store, to double in Tfardy, of Roxbury, Maas., Waarton, Sault Ste. Marie and Duluth. fe) He was accompanied by a party of| , Ixto New Pursisea--F.H. Taylor & Co -- 27, second innings 62--total| Co, account to July 2nd, $60.53 5 3] agentleman fitty years of was fast ®,; r size, the whole front of which bas been fitted up fora young gentlemen, composed of C. E-. | aide of Main street. two doors east of Tele- Bros , drawing fire engine, $3 ;R. | losing his nis, and what -- way ¢ Tanner, J. M. Hamilton and B Milne | &t#ph ome. where they Pave opened ost Tae question "Is Listowel going to | Bulmer, extra work drying hose, $r. 95. | growing weay. After trying varions ' of Blyth, and D. McKellar of Strath- fons is oer taney goods of every descrip: | have a Fail Show this year?" has been | Committee also authorized the Chair | dreeinersrith no effert he commenced BOOT AND SHOE SAELSROOM. roy. found "ator stock "of wateber, | fequently asked lately, and from pres- | man to have cae oon oe near | the use of Syer's Hair Vigor. "It CG & C J sine tp caraltareat aEes pane. clocks, Jewellry, # silver and gigetre: plated ent indications a negative answer seems the bridge on Bism t rei gem piney sai age menens . . Retail prices poe own to within tem per | Thing g you wantin any ol the above lines to The old society has| way of dredging the tea! of the sieve 0 = oe ae neta Beta and would call further attention to the priate and you wil be convinces bat thsi - --_ g posi ---- nay gee "men as be make a -- ---- = ecalp) to the pabamerae'n of oe : gen - PENING OF THE NEW BAND STAND. rently considers its $s num water, as in Case oO} a lage ire sal . S --The new band stand on the corner Certainly its nic nnn gone, and -- ee pA ee PACE TRE Vv E R = L A R G EB Ss T O C K One of the town hotel-keepers is said to have taken in about $1100 cash onthe 12th, another nearly a $1,000, It is and the rest from $300 upwards. Mayor Bricker in his address of welcome, correctly expressed the sentiment of our citizens in inviting them back again next year, of Wallace and Bismarck Streets is now completed. It structure, hexagon si up in excellent style. was the contractor. mirably suited for the purpose, hape, and is got Mr. Wm. Smith Its situation is ad- being the same time the surroundings impart a park-like yiew. Now that a respect- able stand has been provided, our citi- is an ornate | era near to the centre of the town and at | pr oe the head of the lists of ordinary town- | for it is a question if its existence for sev- past has detriment -- than a benefit to the town and unding country. The exhibitions held ie it latterly have not with this even ranking at ship shows. That Listowel can sup- port a first-class éxhibition is Siepenel report lief Committee reported the case of Mrs. Oliver, an aged woman in indi- gent circumstances, and that the Com- mittee had expended the sum of $5 lor groceries, etc., for her. reak a statement of the county sates Ten Years Younger. I 4 ay lay the cap -- for your Hair new growth. I oman pees trast ae seuses when I Gist found my bair growing ; but there oe ak Rie See. I look ten CAREFUL CASH. BUYERS | MAKE THEIR PURCHASES ONE PRICE STORE. of Boots and Shoes which they have opened out for =Spring and Summer Wear. Uur New Stock includes full lines of years y: A wvalles result attended the use of Ayer's Hale Vigor by Mra. O. 0. Pres- cott, of Charlestown, -» Misa Bessie i. eae! ee ¥ 'be Mra. J.J. numerous Spe OTe ea We Oa a nce age LADIES' SEAL SKIN WALKING apts ics Suimtings-- Twenty differ- All wool Tweed tefor $2, the best value ever shows for that price. Call and see | 2% them at the 777 store, Joux Rioas. AN excellent view of the town is ob. tained from the spire of the new Pres- enan Chw ten be given a free musical enter- | question, and it only pe a proper ent weekly during the summer | interest manifest n by our excellent Band, under | getting a Society caphaly started to se- the endecahp Of Mr. F. Howe. The} cure suc! exhibiti opening will take place this Friday follo Common Sense. rch. whose | evening, when the followin; '| not ha 'ood ether. EF : ent patterns of shirtin 8 at a fine wear beenaed t is altogetber the largest in town, beads have proved level enough to take ---- will be ren : = aledon,. We have ter 2 Tie lows maze owing to im a ae 14, Co]. | found. to contain everything in this line that may be called for, pbc pes parte gr greater enter. eatery guaran ' Prices the view have been Overture--"Hethus" by Potten, prise, 23 good an agriculteral section to pets ot to ptirenins mach below the usual gare for fine classes of at the fine a which the town| Quickstep---\ Nak be draw and excellent grounds 3 oral Some of our en ising Bonottiocbes- = avmlable. It only needs some - re photographers should secure bird'seye} A>dentes Louisa" by kb the" 4 We at é EAR. ibd Stik Mead __» = Views while such an Guiphaer "Ageia Joniia" by Ratton, | suggest that the Mayor call. a padlic bods or Polen aa Ry Roper em. ing to discuss the question. If | ee " Brie eo Std Fam Cedar Posts for sae at J. 8. anaes e of Mon ae sction fs n6t taken at once, there will pelea kid, 'bell © ote cept mitre Se Cueesr Spipments.--Several large | Sunday last in Li visiting his =--s fa show bold 'thie Sie FA Suors -- Ladies' Oil Goat | Sipiee, asd our priocs will fold We poacgies eae mtitose ots tape Foams shipments of cheese have been made | sister, Mre: Turnbull, wife ot Rev. M. Aye $: air Vigor, Special anne ieee $235, from here - during the past week, | Turnbull. of On | tated by ws will be wold to Our retail guste. Prepared ip Di J.C Ayer & Go- towel, Mass do. in Lace' $2, best wearing iis poten ob repre dap having bad considera experone, re a bad g which were three cars,1422 box- i erie: gat m seached Taers at 10 per cent. advance on Be" Se Satan tee _qeeliey oh Se genes ae = rely ajo ~ | prices. 4. HESS BROS. and walking shoe in" ihe mar- the best firme, we can give you's better sritele at ns low or lower figare thie es, by E. Caswell, and 418 boxes. by | here bringing the sad news his ket can got in the general stores, A. F. Mac for J. L. Grant & Co, | only rey a a -- child ot of =e -- rinks waa 8 pacer | Ss oie . : Mr. Wm. ipped a been d on Saturday | manse . -- : portion of the June make of the Britton evening at Chambly, Quebec. Mr. orang ahiie must Fer if inured ' See Panastes om hop MEN 8 COARSE BOOTS. ated ts Tie tues debe McKensie bad left here by train a | ut 070 oF the mos | paasing : =o ater _ Bl our Parasol Table aa -- atotal value of about | Short time befcre the despatch arrived, i oacersisned, hereby agree to close | See our 7 i J dapat fren stock of every description kept on anes nd as $15,000 ne orahe*") and the sad information had to be sent | ta the Commities to bear the many words ease snemer ee See [worth SLITS nn Mt 91-40 | ening in ehiine canner do better than giveuescall ys NES? APTS macekwieck sate him by wire to Hartiston. The news | of praise spoken by 1 the visiting bretb- pig = Ae eee pee SY rate foal Bvout eo of or rachansed be sold at a | must have been a severe shock t ren - me ee sone at, oe the bear opens ofuivek tn the aflerncos."" Pants--Ready made Panta : . enone ' i eat mani Dated 30th J ie CR ee pplz 103 to jes . PERRIN, Pages a aed ws pes aula ct tk vidibark jen Uo ican MGtwreen. at$1.90, extra eid value, ALL CLASSES OF CHILD REN § WEAR ' co aah ge work se ageiaers spoken of her come - seat stay | rs To * The ne ecw 5 Banking «Maer, a From Infant's and Misses' Shoes to Boys' Coarse Working Beots mg the river on ¢ north case of the trai ice. Lewis fe . . . meets e pr on Bis k ; are furnishsd by the Solowing despatch vs with whieh bott er = cee esas One Price Store i view a reservoir for | from Montreal on the 1st rsion trains arrived and departed . . Ute gates ant other oa ene min that eoowns af See eo abe Seti, sxowpting Saturday, : We also keep on hand All Staple Lines of OUR OWN MAKE. progressing un he direction of the | of drowning accidents in this vicinity, tollowi ~ gd lg is. fom ~ cornell ce Fire, Water, Gas and | and pry news the city of a | wa, 4 ars 5 ee R & ic Buildings Com The fatality at Chambly, L. No. : 4 RDERED RK ALT ee cp a the present time eRe ie ro-year-old daughter of ae San: -- om G ROBERTS %. i) wo OF KINDS A Specialty. renders very We} Gilbert McKenzie, a well-known Ha peqges Age me eretaton We em first-class workmen, and our facili lactured op it is the intention of the Coun- a. & ~ work ne mig none, REPAIRING 4G promptly atvonded ts, seer to ir or pond 2. enough to hoid a sufficient quantity of € : water by Nipeedipt ge in 'that di- & We keep TRUNKS AND VALISES, ae rection in case ing a spell of ' . Pranab tig bed as ee Lp SHOE POLISHES of aN kinds, es = at the present | % : 3 PORPOISE and all other SHOE LACES perty along the river in rear 'of the It is Our sits to cultivate s CASH trade, and therefore goods -pageatoat Park fr the purpose of a profits, A call le respectfully lavited. sexes tod aol iaieree large pond park, we under- ed ; stand, been laid over for '

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