a mech adm," On Wedecssy ot | Gest reend Cntr ess to ek at 3.2] ES -- | PLUSHES, BLACK MEROILLEUX, VICTORIA LAWNS, ges | AUGUST ' th, Chesley, drvichapenntenationsh gmoney PR coe eh Tit te ane ate , = PRINT : , ¢ Rs a : 8, GLOVES, CORSETS, BUSTLES, BUTTONS, | Satem Coat ce de Se ee | er ee eee ONTARIO HOUSE Six sah COPRONE. deooia HSE GELoA 220 Miles West of Winnipeg. |i, sun at the bead of the District Toon tee wish: : : S % © y= ' ; Round Trip Only a matches, having won ing of the Town Covoed -- held on 'uesda spate FLANNELS, CHEESE-CLOTH, SHIRTINGS, . T y evening, 24th inst, the princi- a ee ' z B28.00 speangol Gr kaw toad aad onl enea wepeiarion tom ake wrece On Monda y., 23rd Inst. LINOLIUMS, WORSTED SsUITINGS, 7 - Friday evening last was a complete | Agricultural Society and the Listowel i : < : aetna ea far as attracting a large Agricultural Exhibition Association, * Iwill commence to sell off the following : SILK HATS, WHITE SHIRTS, CUFFS, 5 citizens, the sidewalks. in the | relative to the proposed removal of the ty Tickets Good to Return till | vicinity being tined by hundreds of | exhibition abet, to ee driying park COLLARS HOSE, AND TIES carn" see Eee iaie< eters. /DRY GOODS AT ANDUNDERCOST, 9 "SP provided by the band was ae Reeve and Councillors. won e FREE. SLEEPERS. Gelighiing all who heard it. These| stone, Kemp, Smith, Moore, Dixon| _. : : : ' summer evening Fotestainceeses prom- {and Binning. The deputation being IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT THE WHOLE WITHIN 80 DAYS. : --arriy ro-- ise to be very popular. Following 1s Peston, Sere invied & 5 Lie ; ; ; Res 3 th for this evening : inci, r. W. G. Hay, t, , J. LIVINGSTONE, |" oretwretewamne, [and Mi. W.Keth, Vice Praigent | : wlio: |i ea et or lig ot jpolacgal =e i eksire Seamer Corps, ste pass suttrcs atone Millinery, Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, Parasols, Gloves, Laces, Muslins, y. g' prices before pure g elsewhere. (Who will supply you with Tickets aid Waltz--Puilomel'a, with the Council was for the purpose Embroideries, Lace Curtains, Light Prints, Corsets, Gents' and Boys'. Ties, ' Berton. se is areggay of ascertaining what the Council were iS Sieh Fore ' prepared to do in the gray of support- i LISTOWEL STANDARD. tary rel ing an exhibition under the proposed And in fact all Summer Goods must be 'cleared out. Now is your time to get Bargains, A EGGS = I5C. és BUTTER - I5C. arrangement with the Driving Park | @enuine Clearing Sale and no mistake. Yod will please call and examine Goods and Prices. 3 27, 1888. Civic Hétapay.--At the meeting of | Association, providing the Agricultural 4 FRIDAY. JULY ____ | the Town itera tice apache pen Society consented to release the town GEOR GE DRAPER, -- eae ran toe it was decided to annual civic | from its obligation to ide suitable penis, Aa get ee Se i ee ; 'Burt Bros. & 3 sie of Listowel citizens | Communication was read at the mect- . Mr. J. P. Mabee, one Listowel, July 18tb, 1888.' . o-_* erica ns a as Cte a9 ce ag) S ieee < z 3 Pa were a Beri this weck taking im the ing trom the Reeve of Pt. E'gin, in- | deputation from the Driving Park As-| _ ---- at ee Le eee 2 a Babd and Firemen's tournament. viting our ae to have their civic | sociation, explained the financial posi- = > t-place,--and.intimat- | tion of that meetin ithe Asso-|~-FROM TORONTO TO PARIS, = . 2ww Ki ; 2 pees asSemmer, aoe Re |e nt amongst nn ren | sna hed Agnesitan Eetioaiee Ase rier ares Why You Feel |MERCHANT - TAILORING] C'T ;AI A RING SALE eri ying an exhilarating holiday trip t2 | and other attractions on that date. | ciation , its original intention being to : been asked b eral to write Decanse land are pet pleasure "resorts | The feeling of the Council and of aj unite with the Wallace Agricultural Myint sa tieteclleate nad impree- ~ we ict oe * feel --and- along the A' number of the citizens is in favor of | Society for = purpose of establishing | sions of my journey to.Paris, I bave re- | sanitary condition of = ait to be heer ' area at Gray's Photo Stadio. | accepting the invitation-of the Port | a permanent agricultural association | solved to do so by a short series of let- | face with defiled water and defective GENTS FURNISHINGS a. He _, | Elgin people, providing a reasonable | and holding and annual Fall Exhibi- | ters to ean aee hoping they may sewerage, as to expect such a compli- M ILLINERY- Goons AT Cost. Tue Canadian Press Association will | rste can be copies as an-excursion to | tion on a scale similar to that of a interest (o ite many intelil- | 04 niece of mechanism as the human i NT hold, its annual meeting #t Toronto on | that point will afford a day's recreation | Walkerton. The association had been Be icit Toronto on the 14th of last | *me to be in good order with impure ESTABLISHMENT. Tucsé » next, after which arrange: | atthe lake-side st 2 too lengthy | organized with a capital stock of $4,000, | manth to catch the steamer Vancouver, | blood circulating ee page: minutest ments will be made for an excursion to gamers in addition to the antractions | $2,400 of which had been paid up, | which was toxsil from Montreal early | 'eins. Do you know every drop ee Portland, Maine, making Ag head }t0 0 be offered on that occasion. It will | leaving a balance of about $600 not yet | the following morning. Tae train, | of Your two pays oo = TRIMMED AND ; UNTRIMMED quarters on Cushing <sland, from | alco afford an opportunity to return a! matured. The association had pur- | which is considered the best and fast- | Passes through heart ange c . "whence trips will be made tothe Whr'e+-comptiment-paid this: town -by--the-cit-; reps: theis Property, 20.actes,at_a fats te one be SS ee ee a eee eauien ee M. M D. FLEMING, HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, FEATHERS, 1 Eli vears ; 7 in the morn a ; it makes nscle, - ae ' Mountains, Boston and other points. izens of Pt, Elgin afew years ago. | cost of $2,000, and ~had cxpanded vign the euias evening. 1 found tke | brain and nerve, and all other sctids (hate, oi sem York city. a niaraden ate of the FLOWERS AND GOOD TRIMMINGS OF = _ Sunbeams The per degen, at Gras' Photo Atyeu want to tarnish your boave with | $1,600 in fencing. buildings and im F comforiably, in nes eleenutly furn- | and fluids of the body? The blood is n J. Mitchell Cutting Sebool,) . ,. i Stodio-5. M. Smith's old Stand.--16 most artistic furwiture and de- | provements. The present Habilities of fehed ; thin an) rning ne, and cgery-| the great nourisher, or, as the Bible ms sates attentive or Spec reere x pen hinson, who tice. ae can buy tat HESS Rit on ware: h . phar Soe Forres: Pe Rois Baer ht ALL SORTS. CHALLENck -- Janres Robin Toms at 10 per ceut "above wholesnin | the association were $1,800, including | tning Soemand > point to a pleBbant| terms it, a Merchant Tatlorin ng. Sosinens, which . sells the cclebrated Ficury Steel Binder, | ure | balance of purchase money, and the | day's journey, as be he it proved to be. "The Life of the Body " he has open Ded in the ator challenges all agents to a Binder con- We ae the attention of our read | assets, according to the foregoing As it neared the time for starting the * test an lot 25, con. 3, Wallace, near | ers to a proposed Tournament by the | statement, were $3,600, The Associs- foes ehtlcaen sonying nl aoe ae tame Ga ie coe Next door to Telegraph Office T0 CLOSE QUT THE BALANCE OF SUMMER GOODS Gowansiown, All. -agents wishing to | Band of the 32nd Batt, Bruce Militia, | tion considezed itself in, 2 tage | thing; lively young preopl+; mothera take part in tt contest will communi: | which will be held at Walkerton on ' position financially, Sev at: | with children and well filled Juneh bas- Dae sa many Malin street, north aide. In this Line I will Sell them cate with Lewis Seebach, when a day | the Sth and gthof August. Prizes to; tempis ha xen made to cffect kets, which were to be exbausted lone Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands "'head and will he named for trial,---24. the amount of $1,200.00 are offered | an amalgamation with the Wallace Ac- before the day was over ; men with ther shoulders" above other Alter splendid range of AT AND BELOW COST s ¢ Tintypes for %e ai Gray's Photo 'Stu- | for competition, and a number of lead- | ricultural Society, but had not been | beads full of fusiness sim short just the ative and Blood Medicine. 'Aa proof, F . . "ats | ine Band have signified their intention | | successful. The Association were | gi i) y = Scaneliits sextet tha tok rend th TWEEDS & CLOTHS, Muskoka as a SemMeR Resort. -- "| of being presen t. *Favorable vain ar- | prepared to enter into such an amalga- | ik an dd pean tured. -tRaremel G. Brock, of Lowell, eth hi ld d A very fade ely dlustrated Guide te | rangements have been made with the | mation providing saisfactory arrang c- | Sane old bay," said a sorrowful Looking ya eapeeitin rn ite 1 have pod i "woade ap fa th the every intent oly alae Kindly Call aud see if there is not somet Og YOU cou d 0. the Muskoka fakes and inaide chan. 1G. T. R. for except jonally low rates, ! ments could be made. They had vert t tay hahind me, 'vt will be « lone time | the best remedial agencies aoe opinion, . with at greatly reduced prices. We will give you some nel of the Georgian Bay has recently | and extra train service. And last, but | suitable aecomaodation excepting an | before Lwee rir asain " Bat the old | of all the dissases arising Sates ns apart SUITS WADE TO ORDER been issued by the Muskoka & Nipis- | hy no means least, a uniform hotel | exhibition building and < Their | bay, colusly ale did not make a Tee oe toe Dies are co 'a this GoD : BARGAINS : IN«: DkRY-Go000S sing Navigation Co., which will be of | rare of one dollar per day has been, ; obje ect in coming to the Council | ¥rinkle in its piseid fice ta ei ~ & Hill, M, D., 981 Sixth Ave., [02 the shortest molicn, anil a perfect Mt much service to anyone contemplating | secured for al! visitors. Our town | conjuintly with Seputaton from the | Fas aware of tue separation va lew) New Fork, says "Asa ape mig aon . : minutes we Were beyoud eight or round | ang gueersd tat builder-up of the system, I asummer trip to the famous fishing, | Band has entered in the second class | Agricultural Soc was to ascertain of Toranto. have never found an: ¥ Of all sorts hunting and pleasure resorts of On- | compeution, and we have no doubt | what the Couneil role doin. the way | pag read for mary miles is very Ayers Sarsaparilla. oa A " partect . . tario. Copies of the Guide will be! the boys will give a good account of ; of providing the necessary buildings, in | pleasantly~situated, To the right hes satitection Gents Furnishings ESPECIALLY SO IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. . furnished gratpitously on. application | themselves. In all' probability there | the event of an amalgamation taking | Lake Ontario, rippling and «parkbeg 1a Ayer's Sarsapariila proves equally . - - . 7 u! gratp PI ! y ens : BP ef all f Scrof ot all kinds kept In stock to Williamson & Co., 5 King street, | will be a large turnoat from this town; place. Mr. Mahes maintained that ~ morning eun.aod to coi igri ie a in lorma of ee pt in stock. Toronto. and vicinity at the tournament. by being released from the agreement | ® fine farming country with comfortable Boils, Carbuncles, Eczema, Hi -- a 1 Flour ats | with the Agricultural Society the town | buildings and fields 'of healthy looking | Lambago, Catarth, &c.; and is, "there: 1 Fou want x good ftting Suit of Clothes, JOHN RIGGS, . HW. McDonald is selling we All wool Tweed pants for $2, the best valve (grain. On we fly, stoppingonly at the, fore, the very best wercoat, a Nobby Tin, 'any gist hundred, bag included .--15. ever shown far teat price. Call and eee WOuld be a large gainer, and besides Targe stations until we. reac bou a6, trtigie of Geutl tlemen's wear kindly give me ; Excursion To Wiarton.--An ex- | Shem at the 17 store Joux Rioos. | banding over the present-building the | Here we bave five minutes for refi: Spring and Family Medicine "Gur Prices will be found to sult the times, TT? STORE T77 Wi will take place on ' ! Council should appro; ee ments, 1 #0 hastily swallowing a oa Pe in use." " It beats all," says Mr. Cutler, mber the stand, next door to the carnon: to. "Sarton wi P THe Moon's Ectirst --Th ee 4 ~ 4 : Telegr h office, fo Tuesday next, 31st inst, under the anaes ¢ eclipse | sie sum of money, for which security | coffee we are ff again to reach Kingston| of Cutler Brothers & Co., Boston, "how cicgraph a. bore' f formerly ,oceupled ay t 3 "7 of the moon on Sunday night was not To Tingle, : Main street, F Listowel. auspices of the German Sunday Schools b b would be given hy the aaers be- | in time efor dinuer. e country a8 we A illa M. McD. F LEMING. of Wallace. The fare from 'inewl seen here by those who stayed up to mg made a stock-holder to the amount | *Pprosch Kingston loses nivch of ite yer's Ti » McD. FLEMING, | = = make observations, owing to the dense ibuted. C illor Wood _ | attractiveness. The lake ws n0 longer in S and Gowanstown will be $1, children mist which arore shortly befure the | Contribur 'ouncillor 's point sight to contrast with the land ; great] S008 eel" Prepared by Oo. 8 sr soc. It is expected that there will be eclipse took place. The following i ed out that the agreement between ents e quarries skirt the roadway, "udal- Dr. J. C. Ayer &-Co., Lowell, Mass. No. MATIN a a large turno:. 'rom this - \berhood pures give the exact time of t | tne town and the Agricultural Society together the country is rather barren] Pries €1; aix bottles, $5. Worth @5 a bottle. . aswell as fr 1 station ong the ' g he T. "A © | did not require that the present grounds nad badiy adapted to agriculterel pur- --_--o-- Wiarton division betwee: here and | So? at the Toronto O mereatory. should be kept intact and that in the | suites. Butberewe are at last in the ene First contact of the penumbra, or the ; n + a b half an b t of the pr tS ty not old *'lime-stone city," wit ag bour Chesley. A pleasant day's pa pene first contact of the thadow uf! the eve present Society not con- Gedinecs iter aie wating sad . . Oo ' on the Ciceni of Colpoy's Bay is pr earth's uhadce, 0.45; Gest contact of tinuing to hold an annual Fall Show pret 7 uxurian air ' F') i by ised the eoeenernt Allare sovited the actual shadow, 10.37; totality of | the town would be released from its ing and scurryicg on the part of the! Gay onty te preserved by keeping the to participa : | obligation. Reeve Campbell said the d in getting some \ rag eclipse, 136; middie of totality, | Council should meet the deputation in | dinner, but before wo know it the train] SMP clean, cool, aud free from dan- A shone ea on mill street) 13.27 am.; end of totality, 1.19; last | : : : @raff, and the bey in a bealthfal ja business way. It was well known | whistles to remind us that time is up Tir ec : a eray & Mclstroen. contact of actual shadow, 2.17 ; las that for some years past the Falk Show | and we must go. I bere met Mr, jai ag a Freat ey -- of s; Warninc. --We have been requested -- of penumbra, 3.17 ; duration eld here was not at all what it should | Chadwick, Inte of Stratford Model] Aver's Hair Vigor is dur to the fact Q to warn those parties, both boys andj Of totality, one hour an nd forty two | 2 A critical period had been reach. | j School, and bad the pleasure of bis com- that it cleanws the scxip, promotes the " sy men, who make a practice of sitting on minutes ; total duration of echpse, | ed in the history of the old Society pany to Brocktille. Un leaving King. | 8Towth of tie huir, prevents it from , ' hi Pi ZN . ft lide along hour after boor b falling out, aid gives tt that soft and 3 lumber piles and cars in the vicinity of "5 ---- rin = and now that a chance was afforded she, cakie St. Satan being tae Biliy glons <9) we &, Campbell's Block, Main Street, the cricket park while matches are in | (he magnitude oO alt pse,the moon's | (4, establishing a much better show, | quite near the . ' aga Frederi progress, that constable Osborne has diameter being equal to one, was 1.82; | on more a grounds and with, | at quite a distance from it, until Prer- received instructions trom the owners | the first contact of the shadow oc: | ch he the Coun- | cott is reached. After lupching here to have them arrested for trespassing. -- at 95 --_ the ---- pomnt | cil should do something towards aid- bed erat tena egrin, ---- aa , ' i i diately arrest the moon's limb towards the east ; iy ruitful tracts and sometimes throug ith ne: he ren . As he -- a aes mid coae | tlie test contact of the skailow-cecneed | | ing pi ray prop ae ---- stretches of country much more remark- ae ane" 'icon, "It raga ape see § erefore mov seconded by S. | abe for beautilul soenery than for pro-| gtopped the failing ont." he writes: h k t of troubl ctl at 82° from the moon's Ihmb towards | 1 ppe who wish to keep out of trouble M. Smith, that contingent on the Ag-| dustiveness ; past summer hotele and} «nq lee 6 ee . ; ' , lly charged at | the west. Another total eclipse of the | ; » to my gree se, cunvert r . 4 : either pay the roc. usually charged a 'sible in A 1 neultural Society of Wallace releasing | little Freneb aay oe over little rivers s the gat, and take inside seats, or keep | Moon = ein 2 _ ba) _ yp: | the town from the lease held by said | and seross the arm St.| gcatp) to the.ramae Nahade of Brown It ----~a asd would' call Fiasther attaatige tothe clear of the grounds and surrounding -- jor some years, the paths of the | | Society, and the Aricultural Exhibition | Lawrenes, anti! ran eight o'clock in| 44 was 23 yvara of age." g property altogether. wo orbs, the earth and the moon, not | Association amalga inating with the | the evening we pull blir enoogh, as crest Eid Gives ava menting wii being again coincident until this cen- | former Sorrety for exhibition purposes, | *% me depot in Montreal. I bad bep- » Ten Years Younger. A RISING MARKET V E R ¥ L A R G B S T oO C K as active male Call early while the assort- | tury has passed away. ment ts good. J. RIG 5 " % Desire to call ee ion to the recent enlargement of their store, fo double in ¢ former size, the whole front of which bay been fitted up fo my white hair (: sjrhout staining the G Gs.r. | | this Counc! will = for such uses | pegt day here, but we were iitocened own Mary ey, of Boston, _7 BELLING Orr.--The entire stock of books, | the present agricultural hall, and grant | that the steamer is likely to leave tes: "For years, I was compelled | of Bootes and Shoes which they bave opened out for, Tue Stratford agg thus pce ay 7; musical instramente, eto, of | the sum of one hundred and fifty do!l-|any time after Midnight 80 to wear a dress cap to com val a bald We are giving 1$c. for both on the fining of M ty . prices. Call and get some of | lars toaidin moving the same. Coun | patty of us who are 'going across" get | spot on the crown of my head ; bat t now 5 at Hanover, for iitegally practicing tess 'creat at bergain na, at the old stand Camp- - F in | our luggage aud godown to the whart,| I giaily lay the cap asite, for your Hatr . --Ss } W ra medicine: "Mr. Thos. Eyreeborn, '# block J.D. Lars cillor Kemp and Smith | spoke i cme good steamer Vancouver ie] Vigor is briuging ont o new growth. I BU I l ER AND Eces pring and Summer ear.-- 3 f the motion, believing the are sb « of th ost respectable nese sae id ' § ° ting forus. We go aboard t} could handily trast my senses when I tpt th com of Fethiye near." ai as | eegaencae "hae | atte ei ag | mak an eat wcll town in the Huron dtc as |churcher "We fie letsed to cee tte Ginny, Dinan, Bada | Kata day iocme Ate inte eat | Win nd aw dlghnd 7Uod eager Gar Xow Sioa ieldes fal nso fined $50 at Hanover recently for | thar still another is to be added to the | tural Society, which he claimed had | morning are half awakened by the shots | "", rpeweper" eiiveaed thi-wenal Determined Rise in. Eggs applying a cancer remedy to two pat- | list, which, if not on quite as preten- | been allowed to go down for want of a | usually fred when a steamer loaves) ier, Hair Vicor by Mrs. 0. 0. Pras LADIES' FRENCH EIDS, ties near that village. The ingredients | tious a scale as the magnificent edifice proper interest being taken in it. He saps but later on we go up on deok OF} cote, of Churiextuwn, Mass.. Mins Beaste | We still continue to ive oh that Mr. Free! uses in making the | now almost completed for the congre- | thought it was not possible to maintain ind ourse!ves 'quieus elidiog. ro {he} H. Bedloe, af Burlington, Vi, Mrs. J.J, 16lbs. of good brown su for | 2 all the latest American styles, "Opera Toe," "Common Sense," stc., eto. plaster he grows on hisown farm. He} pation of Knox Chnech, 0 as large 23 | as good a show here as at Walkerton, | "We" with the spires o] M pemttieede Burton, of Bauzor, Mc., aud sumerous hel gar for) "LaDIES' SEAL SKIN a BOOTS ; also a ae line of PRUNELLAS has treated many cases snccessfully | the Methodist Church, wil be alas he didn't think the neighboring | trestiul and the pasortgcre amsused| CT $1.00. SLIPPERS of all kin fering che gems wwenty yore. Tf ie | very condicatte ciggg w the. charch townships would support it by making ce ins ways, Some! purity of the tinot ay document nt Our Ladies' ne wear departaneat is altogather the lnrgcet in tows, cod will be law as it stands does not allcw him to | edifices of the to The Baptist de-| liberal grants, the same as they did| paced up and down the deck enjoying| fhe stomach ant liver: in which JUST RECEIVED. found to contain everything in this line that be clog for, and at prices ~ relieve suffering in is sadly in need of | nomination have had tn contemplation | around Walkerton. Councillor | the fresh breeze and beautiful scenery ;] a couric of Ayer's » Sareapariiie ona much below the the usual figures for fine classes of amendment." for some time the erection of a new! Vanstone took a decidedly pessi- | S0me indulged in games scorers for Tipor, wing ee pte, Ad Cottars & Currs--A new : : : "5 ia Big pe in furattare at HESS BROS | church, but not ise 08 very strong or | mistic ; of the» *s no et ag ema prose tue teat! the functions of the jand complete assortment of la- sf ama | cont of wholesale prices, Call and get | wealthy body, have not until recently | financial position, and @acluded | tit ewo oclock, when the graud old eit-| tee cereal nen ines ckcameet be dies' plain,tancy and mourning IN GENTLEMEN'S, | WEAR prices and you will be conyincedital this their way clear to go on with the | by advocating a most rigid econ- adel, "our Gibralter," rose to view. | remedies tad 1) mach food without collars' ana cuffs in the latest | %* o8> supply demand for reat building. This difficulty has been | omy in all departments. The yeas and | Here we avcbored to take on more car-| & yee rae Pa and strict attentions! fines: to the coarsest. We have an sh cxoeptionall nag tit eer of Fortin, » Don- Arouxp Town.--Miss Bella Lowry | overcome through the exertions of their nays being taken, stood thus: Yeas-- | go, and oa we bad the whole efterecan to cleanlyand temperate habita. designs, selis Eid, Alligator, Shell Cordevan, French Calf, eto., ete., in the ver 'atest of this town, who has for the last few energetic pastor, Rev. Mr. Dack, in} Kenp, Smith, Campbell, a we resolved to go axbore to eee the city, Ayer' s Hair Vi or tyles, and our prices will b yhouse = weeks been on a visit to her friends in | securing assistance from some of the Nays--Woods, Vanstone, Moore, Dix. | ®4¢eeTipticn of which | will give you im g P Tweens--An advance ship- 7 ks a ass Wi ham, ret on } my next letter. Dr. 3... Ayer & { fall ing practioal business men, an ving bad considerable experience, we are ingham, stronger Bapust congregations outside | on. The Mayor gave his casting ora W.H. Baavar. | "SD TS Steve Mem =| ment of fall patterns in tweeds, | in a position to judge the quality of the goods ya patents) se and as we a from last, looking well, and much ple in the way of supplementing the amount | jn favor of the motion, which was de- ae new and fashionable, Choose | the beet firms, we can give rs better article at as [ow or lower figure than you with her visit....Mrs. Joseph Ainley, | raised by subscription list here. Plans | clared carned, The deputation, after = your fall suits now. Our prices | 2 &*t i= the general stores, who has = the past few vo -- of the new church were prepared by' thacking the Council, withdrew. The . R aah wommantliicn, P extant. e ceraees, moe to 1 «| Mr. W. E. Binning, architect, of this town constable was instructed to noti- . G. ROBERTS, 3 petition, 'MEN'S . COARSE BOOTS. ances.... The coer mos of Gil Mera ~~ rege Bed ey let, | fy all parti to cut down A large Sélection of 'cret-/ x Bee = aes Os ee vs € con-| Canada thistles and other obnoxious SHIPLEY. onN'T. . , . a 5 Barber's fife is often beard in the west The new church will be | weeds inside of dems, either = tones, crim and Golden Rod od rer baie wk ot ard Seegtonien e hand, and anyone wanting any end of the town. We would _ _-- eaxcted | on the site of the old one 0n.| on. their preseines or on. the str --o--_ Plush in stock, and the newest et See Sete oe ge teen brick | joining, that unless they are cut down "AGENT FOR THE designs in lace curtaitis. Sr ree tegen pense music, structure with stone foundation . : in Seetbsir The deaenolone "of-eo| we os St te Sel te tice LONDON & LANCASHIRE ALL CLASSES OF CHILDREN'S WEAR : ee main building are 32 X 49 ft, with an | convicted under the Canada Thistle Yeoes Tolent's nad 'iianes' & : wach wer rite the furniture line manufac: | addition at the rear for baptistry and| act A communication was read trom FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. From Infant's and Mises' Shoes to Boys' Coarse Working Beots. iad advance on wwholeeale = school room 22 rs gp A Egg will | the Reeve of. Pt. Elgin, inviting the : ~ALBO- "" One Pri st 7 sis gg cpu ed : ~ : Sean. on ncil to have the civic" holiday on MONEY TO Loaw e Price Store. - * pea i Ae 3 mmery. fron of the | about ten feet square and surmounted | the 14th August, and to visit Port In any #tms from $30 upwards, at a low a We also keep on hand All Staple Lines of OUR OWN MAKE. American Acriculturist for August is a | with a small spire, the top of on .that date, as a sangerf ne ' . pretty fishing scene, a woodland be about sixty fect high. The building A special attractions were PSE ERE Sf all descriptions done on QO, : . --_o------ + quiet and cool, where the lights and | will be of the ordinary Church pattern, | arranged for. After the ~ ~~ : ------ shadows of play over the still | with gothic windows and shingled | several members of the Council ha NOTICE Gt ORDERED WORE OF ALL KINDS A Specialty. <n -- It on Q ce han eg Wants . Cf We employ first-class workmen; and our-{facilities for turning out manufactured 5 fioat onthe water. A »young: fisher- in ash. out 35° | seconded by J. Vanstone, and --~--_ oo "| work are ceemhie uale REPAIRING promptly attend led to 4 = man sits among the grastes on the| people It will be heated with hot | that the Mayor proclaim Tuesday, 14th sepacinia ---- & : ota pa MT monde alg padre sg Aavweese _ The -~ Aughst, as our annual civic holida pa i the mouths Jaly ana Wikeeney Sty wuees - igen * finger uplifted in suspense at the in price is $3,000, not including tin- | Council then adjourned till Monday enna hour of three o'clock tm x stant of "A Sare Catch." The girl be- | smith or plumbling. | evening a a & __ | We keep TRUNKS AND VALISES, : hind him looks over his bead with total cost is at about! j.7o New Paxutsts--F.H. Taylor & Co pede erg sai vi °¥ SHOE POLISHES of all kinds, breathless interest, and even the dog | $3,500. The contract for the 'rick | are new in their new store on the North Ube & McLxrosn, 3) : guarding the lunch-basket is spell-| and been sublet to Mr. | Side of Main street. two dears ¢ -- 7. Perec Fs = PORPOISE end sll other SBOE LACES bound with the importance of the cris- | Adam N: the plastering to 'Mr. A. | 80 extensive sook of bose, 'ceationery, = (tye } : Pr ; F P Hay, and the to Mr. G. Love. Era ond ees gente hover Sore te It is our aim fo Saltinats 5 CREE (ent, toe Aenean come vee irene 0) oes is.- The picture is the introduction to ys painting cur new premises aire Shin sereement the above a, A eat be s mamber fel of bight nas and prac | The wok of cocnracng as been com | Ean, Eni, Ser a vseeyin = tesco Prod ia respectfully iit nee 7 interest. menced church is to com- Sora idee benttannes 'Weecan supply any- soe Satarday, . - a ee pleted by the 15th December. Sing you wont in ang cl the. shore Hass, tenes. Se case Laem, ; KARGES BROS.