Listowel Standard, 27 Jul 1888, p. 4

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pease ats: GIFTS OF POISON. Good Man Manners. It is time res) m over try to outahine but to please. syndicate of Paris Manufactur-|- cm Soe Berne =, eae elt ad favor where it cee adopted the ' following as pression prize ty | undesired, , in with the Never ee losses | #mOng the leading colors for the com 'eale of | articles . nes. ing season; -- erie These schemes' not Naver eee eats wound the feel-| Emeraude--a deep, rich, emerald demoralising. to.legitimate business | iu; n, and to e the com- lid tlt laure aloud in. publio Scarabee--a dark, yellowish -- green. pm butin Lpaaroage in which they | places Cate shade lighter than at Dg in icles faxes forget that vulgarity has ite or- ey 8 of hav roe eat danger to the pablia health. are, Mer segtureeimeuer ara do "anything " Pesplere--a Shade lighter than = in what form they sppea soon his desire unless you see danger | Couronco swindle be t and unsuspecting péo- tii "hed cool reali some med wipe ntfer of tb law bave 'taken the Bog In New arrested upon indictments for lottery swindling. "Tbe latest candid bot for public execration and p ecution, are the manufacturers of the alum baking powdere, who are bot! by vely nous compounds, which s0 well known to be detrimental to health that no bo eoper wil mit them to her kitoben koowingly. "This form of amine) is not_only being ped- dled to house, but under the promise of fe profits realized the ufacturers are entrenching themselves behind the counters o many grocers tiing them the alum each the Bie or lottery tickets Se hee there ifting the This is iti isnot possible themselvee cohen they © mat- ive in whi will care come to think seriously of It muat be borne in mind. that _every- one of hee gift or prize ment ora sre alum bakin nis a ~ aold at the price ofa first-class taking powder, so that the swindle, in a cum- ercin| But-the chief iniquity of the business conn'ets = ing, a8 presumably wholesome, an A ticlo of a positive injurious character,anr 'a by means of gifta or bribes inducing ser- vante or to and use it in' our daily id be some prompt method their promotion are not ample, we commend '© the State Board of Health for recom~ mendation of euch additianal legisls- tion as shall be effective for the protec- tion of the public paneer are The Mocking Bird- 4 80NG WELL belo a JOURNEY OVER LAND eEa. To see, as rage as as bear, awild mock- rib a journey over the rolling ally "bras eed hours in a pleasant giove beyond the garden ' fields, watebing and listening to one bird whose concert hall it was. The grove wes the audience room where one might too conspicuous in watching His chosen place was in the sabehinn, for this bird is a ayn wor- shipper. always found bym singing when I reached the spet. Perhaps on _ top spike of « young pine tree, bal- on one, or sometimes on two ad- joining top twigs which, of course, stand | straight uv the singer, madly soundi: -- most peculiar medley. He | looked a ear his perch asong. Alter 1! but did on poe in bie had*takeo 5 bys e flew, epri pe pn turne: 8 eyes upon me and trested me to ther perlorm- ance, while | looked and listened on- chante glanord up to see anegro stealing alone ip astealthy way. [t might be a an with a big bundle or basket on her with an air of in | acute attack of cold in the head remain © bowels. cures ad Colic, softer -- Itia -- to develop into: ms, reduce: rsint mm stion, aad gives j cw . You es ri ourself of the | te ie fot ne ay staan. tide a a iit rr al ebildren | cold 'and avoud all chanse of osterel bs | tons gts nite the reste and. is the | using Dr. Sage's Catarrh medy il preseript i nn ef onac fthe oldest and best * ver the enter. | Nil--a 'Tight water green, Couquelicot--a rich, pen red. b Cardinal--a dark sca not ask avother ag do what you wala not be glad to do under similar cire laste = Never omit. to performs, ® kind act a ana 2 na ie enka red when it can be done with any reaso 'or- --& god yenow. able ssest of exertioa w yellow. Never needlessly wood the vanity of anagher or dilate unnecessa: Pactole--a light poxden brown. Oxide--a dark slate. i Bt Licaruichstepamgs which you would pot') 7 icnceau--a dark fawn. | ome: Heron--a gray drab. i Luciole---a gend'arme blue. | into behavior, ae nee ME Somewhat t Ambiguous. eee eee ee oom Dean Burgon, oC Chichester, ae iis | cently speaking on the nature as distinguished trom the Bock 'ier of creation. Man," h a progressive being 3 ; the ae are| stationary. 'Think, for exam.' eof the Aiways and everywhere itis the @ to none ; rudeness socio not even the bumbicst and poorest whom it is directed, but it injures the exhibitors, Never treat superiors with servility of riors with srrogance. Speak kindly toa day- ee as to one "ime ass! 5 pyioga high posit same creature, ae diem never saw an Alwa; ive precedence A olde, never will see a more perfect ass than Visitors, and «1 Ora. em vad best piel} ere tobe, the hast place-hy you see at the ccenent moment. the fire and the firat thing. ethan' mere form and see that} A young Japanese wno was educat- they are prnexicstece az happy: ed in America, and is now otive s:>*rintendent in Tokio for " The Lite. Carrent,_ the Government _railwa: to Deprive the vegetable world of mois- | Chicago a photograph of -a--ball--club which he has established in his own r ture and it pales, withers and dies ; tho whole becomes d apd des-/ country. At first the Japanese took olation pervades tho landsospe. De-| the game with great enthusiasm, but tad healt i jek eons a ise they gradually voted it dangerous and abla, The rhe ciea'chatged.-w , | bard work and dropped of. Three years ago there was a revival of intes- est, and-aclibwas-built-up.with the : md ofa few formerstudents at the To- kio University, to whom the game had ev ies humors, the lungs loaded wah foreign eecretions, fevers ensue, anc unless speedily arre: lows. Renew to bealtby action liver, the great blood- eaniying ala been taught by their rican pre wits Dr. Pierce's Golden Medica cote Se wert hue 4 ame h peace sorely, acd health flows sbrough every ws. Spalding has sent to the Japan venue, restoring every oreau to vigor. | © Club some halls and hats, a little Ail druggivts. sinaller than. the. regulation --size,--in that ef- compliance with a request to ct, The cost of a Presidental campaign in the United States is well-oigh iocalcul- doo Time Favorite. --The season of able; only millions will measure it, | ¢reen froits and summer drinks im the What betw een paid workers, the cirou- | tima when th lation of literature, bial balls, ge morbus and jastion "a parades, and t Wild Strawberry should be k For 30 years it has been the most relial le eptat hand. NATIONAL PILES pa sugar conted. .. i enlig re onf put bie game down {for 7 000,000. ~ 2 of Unie, isdowa for $5 W000. Herman length oe the party purses and 'ey are bulky and deep twas cvrrently re. | remedy, { ported asa reason why General Alger A BURN OR CUT will heal anickty Michigan shoul be made the Regrabli ana lenve lean 'nenr If Victoria Carbolic | can candidate, that he had promised to | Saive ts applied atonce *) rhe i pam iin a4 ie but thore und, money being recogniad as « Bt mach and Liver Piite (2 tse eee tent factor in close States, De eres FEVER ANDCHILLS are orats itis anid, will be well provided brat broken up and prevented by sing witb fo 2 ha story running that Re. Mithbarn's Aromatic Quinine Wine. . presentative Scott of Pennsylvania has Philadelphis, of | tew LISTOWEL WOOLEN FACTORY wooLHN Goops tock is open for your Sepsssco rea and isthe best selected stock ever shown in Canads. Highest £ Pri ice. Paid. | My vy wpy Woolen Factory My Low Prices Will Astonish Everybody. --_ and deal direct with one who 1s Marpac! to the best of his ability, to give firat-cl ork i "Roll Carding Spinning and Manufacturing Tweeds, FLANNELS, BLANEETS, Ere. ' attention to ally ALL WOOL eran, TWEED, 35c. Per Yard. Thanking their past favora, I would beg to say come and bring your seig! Sac . &8 you will be highly pleased to see ee lan in btn oe. find me ready to give the most prompt and care- Boake Sree eeenes tnienet TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. od numerous customers their past tats Lard Uanscond Lwouta tics to mev thet, . *I AM STILL IN MARTIN'S _ BLOCK and making srt een reasonable their spring First-class, Well Made and Good fing "Suits, Of to order on shortest not Lipedepe few +-¢-me- dewey pa ef . J 86 Ear Te. om will uhave yeniraated your cores Hep Genoese which can Aas aie So eolion s "The Oldett Established * GROCERY JAS. ARMSTRONG'S, Whose 21 veers. experience baal. ables him to ow the wanteag the people, PN pray yee Ble peek Een cACaiee On Band. for sale all kinds of Hrohefnahe MACHINE NE Yours "WM. STEPHAN. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY, and be sure you go to BONNETT & BOWYER"S MILE CANS.un 9 --Comeand a or - Wecant be undersold. Milk Pails, Pans, Churns, Stoves and Tinware, 4 rei . a * peavences made pal st neariy ail the Binders manufactured ip Canmda. "LITTLE MAXWELL BINDER." 7 The Only Right-hand Binder MANUFACTORED. the manufacture of Harvesting Machinery during the cer "* been mmarvellone and of none can this be seid more truly than of the Ma: in- weit, Machines . Mr. Maxwell has not followed the Manofactury Teor tte Voited Staten, erie theese ave eirick out HESS BROS, EBMBRACIMG ----AND SELLING AT---- -- during the next fow months. WHOLESALE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS Listowel. THE LARGEST STOCK IN GANADA|S EVERY DESCRIPTION. 0F.. FURNITURE READUCEHD RATES bays forcash and freab, be can = ea aenoene oe pier pot better valu es rr pueney, than any GLASS SSWARE, always to be found atmy wizhest price paid for Butter and Eggs op factorers. Yor the C> |THE FINEST HEARSE --FULL LINES WAR i Rooms- ik most complete OF COFFINS always en hand. WALLACE STREET IFFICE NEXT DOOK TO LIVINGSTONE's DRUG STORE, UR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Ordereattended to with the utmost premptness | Onteions of New York for like sum tools in. a north--and - 4uCa Suttle tT * averal of the largest of ne rean manu Aey, dward Cooper for 1,000 O00, nd yut } i som De xcaKOn OF IRSS will u ny pmperiacs fentures at "the "Eittle Moxwel! Bim er. Shs cick ween of $ > tedee | res th line while the tools are be ne tem- y wearefale raminaiion 'of the Slaxwel!,) ou wilifind distinctive principles not 1 sl a Mminany pledge ye that many to be seen in other marhine nd the more eric "i exeminatton { en $500,000. The New Yo. k Cou "oH he noticed thateuch tools wanld atten ap | ¥ipeed will yon be, that th Max well Harvesting Imple rhe ts rp a in suvaneeotall _" " competitors ae sito as much money as Tam- | fly apart when beivs te Wit th an increase in the cost of raw material and a gradun) reduction tn the price: ; ; e,and it is said _ balf | pered Gf belt "east and west.' rm "| of machine "re ism siren Lends ney to reduce the cost a at the Expe ar of quality, but. em ton t Paints will be se o io n. Pther th hilt ane! my celine can . "i that the majerityefiarmers are wiiltng to poy the BEST PRICE for br he tims. IRD canoes Rieu ahd a Dability to such secidents the BEST A <TICLE, be has disregarded altogether the e question of Cheapners, and iid yt tim v sen was greatly lessensi, af not ae ob- own as his wiat yer farmers the BEST MACHINE IN TH: MARKE --_-- Somebody will be a good deal pea for | vinted, Hf the tool waa he A oth and om ie our Pe Sit cn the he o ipention a yey GONE ability and mpllieity wilt get the FOR YOUR EY in the the campaign al any rate, routh."--Jren Trade Revi Maxwell! Machines. aii Fou for rourself before ' j Sore 2 o sere ERS © you disturbed en or ourrestby 9 sick | Do Not Think for a Moment hid: suring and cryin with pain of Cut- | ing Teeth? nig: be atonce and get © \¢ al heathy will in ~ iain nag out, The mitin of "Men. Vinsto Soothing Syrup jt -, teen bolicve it, | forUbitdeen Tecthing, tte colee we ieee able. It will reliey or Hittle suierer 2) be Seu' if true, Do not let an pein @ it would but itis not, au ow * sente ry asin ctarritos ure y pen, reeui Stes the «yatem ns rid yo reef of this | feu! i pes afflictec phystel tad puree win the a nited Ate fo by a! cK rte some disease epi by the same | th 'ree wentsed vectr | means, All druggist ure ask for "Mins. Wins. i any at Pend takeno other coded fora core of Diphthertalor FRED. ZILLIAX, Agent. If ms wish to restore Bar bloom t>) Our wasted cheek, and so improre your ; | healthy that yormpaenn end strength will "aren Bife. Itmay, and can vents orn St ba ert. bd a! So] vl head, possi biy a oe young msn or | "boy" te centric proceedings, or a poe _ stere with notbing parti ictories and euocess. nd the succeed emaciation and debility, purify | Af t 'itm ad ; . ' tind ree | Your bleod A barea Ila Pron hats at ban d te proveit) m- | This remedy will benefit you -- eurely | Ser advertise went.--s and «peedily than any othy The Growth of the Hair ne Count Voo Moltke, the great German | Sherald aiware te at us Inatten ste: © rofien lemdst nature je | Strategiat > © for bts | ees an Ww hen dined: Full appears hut | Motto, 'Er 'ot weigh, then | tt si. wd nd atte iy fre res | ; om ow ej itentty sine little or ree Borer _ | Fenture) anc it is to this he owes bis | (ih nan Hate Mmgie, the sewip will ros No wonder they know all about the binia | reat § 1 poet healthy option ar and lay riolent a a cee, eats or Nota particle of calomel, nor any m rene, i oie rot | Destlings, as they cepine | other deleterious substa enters into | t*! es tate axthing. velne. For sale by a around, as they do, witout een It the composition of Ayer's Pills, On the Devs : is only a tbata bird is left 19! contrary, is medicine is carefully t tbe Sta a ly tistently do they rob! compounded from the curative proper i the mocking bird | purohas- well as black persecute the bi un- | ceasingly. The Lightning-Rod Myth ELECTRICIANS NOW DECLARE THAT ARM THAN GOOD COMES FROM THEIR | Usk. **Lightoing rods are are goimg out. of use. Why? Because they are not believed to be the t it was once thought they were." This was what an electric. ian tolda reporter. Fifteen yeara ago t was everywhere their number bas materially decreased, of ligntning rods [' was saked of thea be . "Candidly, in nine ca. sea out of ten,"be replied, **i think they t ares haan: lightoing-rale on oft. ln the first place, it 1s best to keep | ere electricity xs far away from a a ding as object of the lightning tod is to attract it. e up. act as aconductor of the elec. trical of being carried off, the current, in) is epetants witcbed into the building. The en ot the wire is supposed moist earth, in ac' actor, Withoct strict atten- tion the rod comes oxidized ard rust. and be rod is worse than potb- off, then ing. It is a positive danger under ttracting the electricity | eertaae where it sight the rot, 'end- mone' f+ d i: thing. atl oF purely vegetable substances. i Try The editorial --_ jin better be car ; fal. The editor t SpringGir 1a! | (Maas.> Unions aR : "We ate 3,106 Bitters ie often pions I by some su | be en obtained by the use of this grand | | restorative and aes tonic wader | ' these circumstan phrass whi one's self to- | The { gether" currentin common speech is one of mans that conyey a' raloable | truth in off-hand fasbion. For that | j Matter eleng itself sometemss shows H A K i je | ke ren cee bg the renal gist of a| esys, Do guu catch on?" be is exactly 7 eansiating the Latin word *'appreben Be Dinette. iia of the worst at- fz = | | Tri 'od liere. | Cap-tnc ax Iwpeesstox.-- Many cures iE 'made by '. B. bave those H Bold oaly fa Ca ce pic sufferers known throughout ne j PRICE BAKING POWDER © oO { \ | district thiough the very fact of alt SEw Yor, 25) cHicaco, Es lly 'creates a strong impression in | favor of this valuable family medicine. _ ck 5, 'cou *Idow't think much of the soenery ot| c : | Croup one 'Consemptios: | thie part of the edun try, "eal festern ! Hudson train bound | zy] | | auuaIes Loa paisatr' time." "What's themater with the = = os scenery inthis part : = acked a fellow-passerger. **You can't acne sen any. Them bills and mountains are /in the way.' the prairie eve 'y ini on taal tel my way, ra hundred and MXty- fire -na endl Boitteye i in this "year." Secon: You sould, ch?" Sand then | its now in stock an immense v CANNED GOOTS, HAMS, BACON, LARD. STILL PREVAILS. In anticipation stion of the same W. R.CLAYT THE FEVER FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA ON, variety of | PIRST-CLASS. STOCK" "OF FRESH senhiniia usalso got THE LARGEST 'KIN TOWN © CROCKERY 2 AND GLASSWARE, ! Ing cheap - Dinner sets, Tea sets, "Bedroom sets, 'Lamps & Lamp Glasses. j are r rig it. He is bound to give you value for your money. | Just call and see for yourselves that the stock and prices ") i | PENNYROYAL "WAE: ERS, @ physician who t ' HEAD QUARTERS j | -- } FURNITURE. If you want to buy Malip Street, o; Is a4 prec So I tell y oO ny The lady's misfortane, when losing bee inte r. She cap quickly. easil anpenty repel. "= Magic." hod Fis the tm the e iady's plain duty, yorry "Dorenwind's Magic." | Take time Fd the forelock and still keep your o Tre. Magic." | This toalc, s faifare ro ne meter yet known SOLD BY J. A. -- THE WONDERS OF MAGIC | When you Sad that porrrthed waite me thee A rich nout dofhair Iderly mee with bis jooxs ta dneay "Dorenwend's M Try Try this motiote ana are HACKING. Picture Fraiming| 'e keep mouldings ofall patternsin stock, prepared to do pictc first-class style and at moderate GIVE US A CAYLL. HW. BUCK'S SPEARS & WATSON have just finished stock taking and find that their stock of winter goods is very small, We have consented to sell off ALL THE WINTER GOODS AT COST FOR CASI. We have opened up several cases of new Potatoes and all kinds of farmers produce. South side Main shrek Rent deeds beuk: " :, 6in Hoops. ae LISTOWEL ie SiS & DOOR FACTOR, , ' 4 4 BONNETT & BOWYER me AMFORD, SMITH & C0. Builders and Contractors :-.. 4 iz ieee eee =| Sashes, Doors, = ~ RM _-- . S Frames, Blinds, etc S farnished ot abort not! Piainingdove to q = begives pemetafen the bal Building line wilt A . o FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP GUAR NTEED. CHARGES VERY MODERATE | Fetory~iIpkermn Street, Listowel, AND SHROUDS-- BAMFORD, SMITItn & Co. Cares Geli's G ya 1artic HESS BROS, Composed -- coms Late Sowmnt, Basie S iat 4. O» 4 Spring Goods which are of extra value. SPEARS & WATSON. r In BAS. OFFERS eedSUGARS, j the very best, pasts try them. And ah ainee - Pioae? inane, botcans Sate nosey Floar, etc., le. Cer asian a + _A well -elceted stock of CROCKERY and AND ALL SUMMER sapped . Hoag Preeses OF THE BOWELS IND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. FUPNITURESTROE, Airway posite the Post ome, cher) wit eens AS ve stock o! r re of all Tkinds. We wont be Undersold. en aera a re framing ip rices, away. "Doren jagte." HH agie.* Dorenwend's frult trees; = Dorenwend's Magic." | poo: Omer. USE ALL wih hoa beonty, "Doren weed's Magic.' heed, FOR SALE | Frame House "and Stable, Hard sndectt water. with good carden and within five Apply at thisofice.-- minutes ae of 1 ire ols at Thom BEM * cs got OP tPor 2 g& "4° g7 Parceasers should look te the Label on the Feces ax Pols. . a ie 2t 533, Oxfe:d & reet, Fancos. ¢ was Hotrowar's Estapiioumest, (2.LORD STREET, LONDON. Can « Beacons Mer ts Wt3 art sporiccs THE YEAR ROUND JOHNSTON'S =. ae SARSAPARILLA DRESS .GOODS, snes NS S& GINGHAMS|_ way th. i for mee ee . iy bh, you iee j ies my vo teenth pee are! 'te 'would make » eae p's 'of | Zui yees a Aheomrenh may be dedecend 'lerienedneinies Dcmiavanaill sith - try "Doreawend's asic | Liver Complaint Dvspepsia_ ory set fire to aiding. This is 20 oung gentleman having more mon- | This new found for invigorat- pth nee. When the! ,, Tass Latia, waa invited to meke ons} | Ing and etimala ba tbe growth of the hatr And forF ground cortract is Pa! P light- | of a yachting party on Lake Michigan. ! Seusean tie it has been in use for 2) years, and nat Bing 1s to strike = . ilding a 4 | On the voyas-, every ill, He| Diseases SC ie Beate ebchew re oe to oe eS AD ACHE PALM LW TH, may be of ase, but I thin 'begged to be pat ashore., When be | ed or DE Ok BACK. LIVER COMPLAINT. PIM < re s 3 od land, be said, with pe of re~ | * A ric rapid growth ef ane Sat for PLES ON Tite FACE, DYSPEPSIA, FILES low r rvecgon icjous and regutar when " "Ging their baroe wud tourer; but fthink-+ they are getting over that." i lief = Short ven can have all the «ajl- | log you want; T Rut Five He erra colle at Ewtern man: "'That's your beuse,| ~ What ) sot at it remains with the uner alone to 20- care the desired resutte- Eten or more? ren. 'best people take Wand ctve i + prescribe es w| COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, L: BOOTS AND SHOES in all sizes and qualities; our popaler | -- calf in Ladies Button and Lace are meeting with rapid | ld Cherry De Fomtgr mokono Rawal Cgrie go bane st paea eh, My gracious! does this | Pe oe ee cppetite and the | can? It stands on wheels." estern | t low spirits, dullness and de- : 7 wontda't have wheels bility, are of very frequent ecourrends. would Tt "Bat wheels 7 the -bewels and. imprare cir: Wrecks, Sir? they for ?* eulation and cigestion bf using Burdock | « Wor, to keep out of the way of aew Bitters whevever these symptoms | busi 5. dollars. Is by all at $1 per tortie. or |ynown valuable Eoots and Herbs. It is 6 bottles for Ii aot cbintwobie in your ssetty veuwennie snd canncthurtthe most own loualttor sand direct, enclosing price, constitution. It is <a bes Sold in Listowel by Dr. Michener I.£.4GEBB fe showing some special drives in-- ACES! eeameaiaie ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., " NORMAN'S ee Ne. aioe amacrine East, Torte pecvous aati ty, Rheomatiem.Lan, Ighne sta. Paralyeis. and a) i Liver mud Cheat Bia tm aedtatet Tee uéing the BELTS, a uakDe aed) and od '{RCULARS AND CoxsULTatios Fare. Testimonials that speak tor themselves OTTAWA, Septem be: 21d, tmeg. A. Nommas, Esq --Iiear Pir.--I b, peritnerd considerable benefit 1 oe Pit 28 sa I feel stronger anu bette every , .ours oer LE HALIBURTIN. oo zee my bes ochent it pow emp. and Neel a aitoetber 'eter "MS" Sigee eS ' my stomach sod selling st rock bot ) gtine in teas ever offered in Liztowel. |. All kinda of produce taken and. goal prices pat, a : e ni once recommend It ia, . GROCERIES. FRUITS AND CANNED GOODS, our stock is always nes | It ts mad< from Yellow Dock, Honduras With fresh seasonable goo Is an fous pric « TEAS--To bard «fresh stock of our popular prizs tea with new prizw,aleo other brands st 10 125 20 25 and 403. per Ib., We are -howing wome of the bi geet bar- cen oS Pee tbe F i ; J: S. GEE. !

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