When | 2 'lend : ViQ,, in oe crrender % | tonbary, to : wKINS. ¥. she was. a 1S bis tle donde to eb Baya 6 ~ PS gree Sperm etpages teen, F oe : meen pram apm gh 2 at Wa 888. & lose bow to ; , : " rahe . risk of be hit thes , WEL, 0: ---- ---- Proportion of ees are lost petng hm» pl aod onto ¢ LISTO - eT RS -- oe Lucky} A large Te tops are ot sdoc, | Putting Shem i: a ---- Paes i mise pinscher eoapead Peay tt that the tops are not reduc- chose jr ie meemenger «bey YO. 28: : BLOOMING -- Seay cus whh wn 3 x yeas tow tek Seem: Varecnen "oo i Jack Horner, the son coe Ais VOL, XI--NO. 28 --= NIGHT- 'a ind the Wilderness, Barmah Letler to he Kew ed, or not received from the living im the miterfere with a HAMILTON. t, and Taft ator Le : taken by tree, as it is bead, and one thet no one would inacioth, - IAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.! BANK OF Tyo atau fee siowty fade Sete ST say gg ~Ablger cd prger. ghee coh pee pd opalarpas msm oreo "Solem Sot ont eu bis given a ES ana whore aa : «Kk a gentleman, not want to So Jack whick a Ss ad the. CANADIAN erases fran{ the foliowing : latle, old, native abd hugh | does it is a necesmty, to Londen, r 3 * gg "das oo = bse 1,000,000 bow lovely, and heer ae it was yet saowy tarban likeness | knowing that it. its well-doing, Giastonbary. He cpeleac "Fees roe. Se Bie GOOG: ae eke wae it oertone te Be because him a strong * its life; certainly to tance the © "7% as 00 we 76 sia) aT CAPITA on, Eraoce oa ibe passtg gate ' - view by the m spectacies gave and white | to its 'the surest way to preserve end eet down by * ©8900 cs Ewe fd $560,000! nat praore ou, eed "yg from our this hilt rnganagphan te! raga barium ioe paar py alas Sone penta, rele ll ises lines. Stper TABLE. SERVE FUND ~ : Tes Seis As soon as to an ail, in his bead in good In his > pote exceeding § TIME RESE : with foiaed eh Raha, or invited us ail tew jew-| the branches. opened raised 2 acre ett a rf (ie cameemmes hud gaze with wonder and =F <= agabaof ara ir saree, 05 the lnpccon of 2 pgp a jonpe deel nar phar ygesa There wast be soething very 8 nam é me from 9 had shrubs, Be oa ot Se BRancHes RECTORS. Uniesss it cam radiant and bright 4 > Tange at its south- els" which cy haga le this really! the same agar transplanted with the ae z a eter ant otescessalianver each Insertio®. sD ORANOE YELLE Dr ; Where test on ae i eisiaiion = wile with bun. ing into the | Rose bushes, and with | side out without the ppb en pead eogy Ha MTA eee eT eRLWATER AND ; DEST: rit frm made man! theday, The combination along on -- ire to see bloom at once, first | he not get one would try. & eee mess. len eee aC of any indie EAST. 2.15pm JOHN STUART, Purse ugh greek hte a ctees aeaall : oat Here was the T discovered peep: deg and } desire feeMe growth the thewarwe? He = e Any i. eeeniare oie tr ve convaeree : -+ 58am. 215p. TRNER, View-Paxs. ae ne Hip meaner phoebe grate which | ™cant about eleven | the result of « newly trans- yon bw them' ond pulls Lath tent pyractnl ara nok Spreng necording!y. ' ees Se JAMES TURN be MBAY, i oe 'smnties, then droops. 'want of music room: : eager | The danger of such - un- | pat : eld@aal, compa and ¢ by nscale of | Te as aye OA. GRA oftme. featuze it alt blocked up ¥j evour- | year, time and. i Vertisemen: red bY ao 8. ;EORGE ROACH, TRARY, that delightfat Sinead from oa finding it 2 subjects in 2 dry, waa Jack's "Air {2 lines to the In Tinns mile tn Ss = ies ripe Woop, ictal _" yee nn itt of ontemeee Eimear 1 of Smai. There: ive | Ctowd x = 2 is . ', ; ai Yon ; Si rene te eu ta- ims | ar JOHX PROCTOR. we'll meet fie gift of St ere extensive of it poy "o* is 4 » - a ee 4 pi --o-- me r Slower of heaven, good-bye, me © a ad st is " re ipa fs on New York gn ved] ee ; you meet the : : ao xe 2 wor = boug't and sold. wee . so thems Tow tried to tee ees aad tm a HB. H. O'REILLY. How -S3- fs Aan. " ' he delivered --Wharfedaie ting, ma Ss 6s * 4. . tree entgos in, printing, Cpe sm Rae == that attend tre d by very | . opened tho ie ot Ome ian marie 1058 s oe. dangers tly lessened by pe. the Commissioners deed - princess. ats = are greatly - Wheo most valuable ; ad vertine- oornG wrer. . 4 upon of a Montenegrin few that he | spring time but usually early : found the abbey--was * work novo Oct.trect «Te. - = = i,"--the very mountam n worthy be only a little = planting, therefore the pie they to the Ab- & : 'and epecial woticas are canh "Sea, IT Bd Bcf ' States, "true Sinai, of the Lord rested ne gee Rn at aa =e is de- | --the one apd oh payable auarterty. Semdlion.. 2. wee: ore! RAS ' Is Better Than the which the glory When facing with bim waving his | ing is afterwards iperpenty waked ae: ub oon : em: - : om ight of the people. i€1| Ory Soy aiageart tor tem Le most careful attention experiente the bot hed purposely eid parch- : = F a NING THEIR } the ' grandeur, I felt as plained the old sublime indiffer. In our-own ex . | bot ithout atrial. An old Ce ee IN POINT--TUR: -- | its 2 'stately the world. with an air of hich were | manded. in transplant. banged found in the pos x agape as * of Rev'd | sone CASES THE NORTHWEST. the end of band few trifles has resul in pro- was afterward ily, which oa f " at the House TOWARDS had come to . come from all over these "He | best in the fall, in mont Horner family < | Office nok rents nee eres ADVANTAGES, How many = rekon very spot to oly worth -- ange eeNcag me opeotent shrubs aving winter Ser < gy he pigs deed, 2 ad in | parts of the : nd to wor- plenty better -| perly : ; d the circumstances ggested the = MOLESWCRTH It is a common thing nom parte. reverence, lo s tarily ealled pears comt én Sock sub ef a: -- , : psn bg ee nc hinge a je gin cer neni y euce i uss eeh ass LAP gow promy png sod have. : "Little Jack Horner ws : i emt Ato bel I, nd. Euhuel, my |v vcicome back, apologizes for | gro afi We do- 'Sat in acorner, * with Owen | _ : States. The story sublime panorama, F . He ooo men at his of his | ready made started. . Sat in ristmas pie ; 7 ag ae a week passed sat down beside me: aes him "only a few ted trees have ting in Easting hie Chris b rm. the other way. Not were | camel driver, nderstand my 2°" | bringing with ining~ that the ~ greater } planted to advise. fall plan wae He put in bis them 3M > = f our countrymen ly to w reve- explaining not hesitate vere than outs " hat carloads of o 1s 'to new Jo- | hard terrupted my guards, duty elsewhere. not more se And pulled ou boy am I v ns See ate . . llenged ! . ed on their travels ions, and at last_in' inted to the of them are on duty else to | climates not ime for August. id: "What « ~OomaREgaTIONAL Cire rricen at sa ket D theria Cha e gi H not started on earl tions, iming, ax be poin: 'S| part tsetse --Vict's Magazine And said: . W. Ba: hie clase at Elorn. set 1 . th of the by exclaiming, --Tayeeb ! I soon had ger hand | own. re ayer vaceitee Wed nentay eventn taract... i Cataract with Orangevtile P roan ya discontented by aati Pets is ~~ *)--He ame of, for just it aeeabes ginkiy pra Cudace --Serviews | ( NOornesting i atara cant OIERLANE'S restless of the comforts 7: in of Moses--guod Mo- from the heap Ver. An Olid Map, Taos aC 5 ms bahia el i adabialomar ar no Teerier trom the ot or 7.43pm and Croup Remedy ports circulated lated, as alleged | ("Mountain oe Boe he wad fished u clasp of solid silver, : re binatins & overs maperen ds ot Splat ee fe Te se ie Fe Dipthoria wealth easily accumu sands of Ca-| also reverenced it, immense turban : stones so draat Gazette addres In the new ardec for --- land. m1 rte ena erty LS Lead shi fl bah mere ba tens of thou = pos travel- | sickly set-with precious who} The Mon ting old map ing of Eva avery Elora he States, un-| ha American thickly king {an interes ot- ly disappeari Pitaach: Pecier Seen vere Oumar 'RANCH (Mare -- after. far loca tod\e trots} in the liy made ther homes What impresses the / although that any unfortunate - | ing tof an . y imap appesranée a Handay etm nm and at?nom, Prayer CREDIT VALLEY BRA NOP Seeds to water, eeold with tect ree | nadians apd stripes. Some of. ler mst sensibly here is a ei (unless his neck was one his | Owthe wall of ge bang a fac-simile of ene streets, and ad tenon 3.30 p.m. Sa av erening at 7, Witem ood tock See kee ae Over 7.000 vials are vo! hand J chal- der the stars ost ofan ex-| ler ins abound, an: « wore must have hu fioe in this city, second Borgian city + tion, and shoul mcotina Thernd CHrRen ar py aie Trains leave eb reer meh eet Best testimonials _on. remedy ifrightly rospered at the ci le in | mountains . own White turally strong) 4 in a nose known as value. | the s ANA. m.. and & Toronto ap 10.58 | anius. case with thin tewant-| them p inconceivab plenty than in our own horse looking what isknow eat historical by a , with upon Street. nr aden le Rehen' at eat . Attys Sh SE sWam., sia ant Herne undersigned. Agen penditure of energy re majonty are more le or a water-fall is never like a . map, which ie Mr. Stev = cannot be dispensed needed sack eee one Sarum LIVING wa eveeyrere ining stown, Ont. pope Seek in ara a Hills, -- in falls, the ncaa At the same moment the ernie runes tas J, ge mash pr epee P iay-va bomerer They raked i Hing on Friday eve ade welcome. eta to all pointe spr onre Railway and / Rey, H. rlam tound the resu y had paint- | heard. _ bare " Giagonal mea . - the West Indies and | - & matter of protectic -- 2 wey- Rein nee all tree "Minister. aie ee Rar amet enc st ' srthne dere ern Sepa different to lig alo case ier Stoning and empties sn sagen centiect which perce = rps be eet aT te Dleae mance, is tc aiken ates omerdins on - ~ NTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. oe 1OORE "Role ooldrides VENT eee : th te Aimee of Ontano whe perpen cee which in pois wa aah ries = ea emerald = as sae long deo. iS ------ bet PoP 1D | side bse mney, ae | - Pps aoe llow- - : . ACEM d Minnesota, and the torrents into t has bearin; Sad ee lent by : Coden: F eep animals in on ther, M iday tn each month. WALL : in Dakota an hai up that the parched 3 stern characters. Rome, West Indian hi- m to run inte anotk shoulé be dSeurncPtin wedersisy fence mnt cuir. WILLIAM LD, ONT. = FOR §S Al PF iS pa So important apart in building speed, ser more than a mere sur. an bag ae history of. its own, Leo XHIL. halon and ane ay gi Caramel egterngh ie vari Sureroes bel yey vars paceeipe alr pein farms tn the Town-| Hf ARM section of the country. time to avramcat id offer priceless material enor 1886. This telic of easelae sontinuous, and isd ye that this device HArarsros-- rday before Cue } ie tende onl sabre tok . VE CHANGED, face hen, when, arriv- which wou! ; It had once } sition ican discovery is 1. te or pair same SuLreRra Sater fore Gueipn. AS TIMES HA rprise, novelist. : iB of American ian Map, 80 06! by a ga er and serve x Guelph. /H ati Ca-} What a surp f the vast pla | Te vast oF Yryden's nobl- | ages rect Moouertnco oie cee Serr Bg lie np Ontario, at and are likely to change still ae a aa ed at the nape rie 0 oO a bright oasis Salonped to py Pay: Stee : repo cbratnd in bistory on aceount othe "ft 1 purpore as the tence "sg al Sew HAMncne--Firs as js MeRIG ek ene wih oni: ea areet | to live in | tean of Er Raha, with the nich bios: | 0S tra gedy, ble of the mogu! rul- | ¢ sed across it by Pope In some tions, a brush fence answers ret THereday Iu éack month. Hejewde Private Fup Wi ag eo ate of cal afe is | falj of trees. laden the strange, and most tempble t bare possibly for | or woody sectic Occasionally parce at Ae peg ar cc tie | beta Eien is ae Piles] - = a of | soms of Spring, snc dh Con- aa India. 194 aed -- ease ear ee the re at ay t the fence Wa nEsT--Third - | living t and. 1. und | tivativn ; and fences ter rd here, and the Sting, gloo: tion ---- Tharles V. in i hd may zal use is that nnd nh atiecttweccods Taeakay. pots Ngee pe Lge i a opie yor seed pod ball aot ah siawisars |: 10t so -- Pde Catherine. No oo Se = fealty with the xed question of por | Saepted ay corns ts. cheap oo GALT Wedocaday afte: bg fala of guenage oh TS iy leer river i trons Terms of Ethel. apply | i ould-be more er ms as t of the | 1 portant Scarlet Fever ne requently wie discovered | ae. 1, = this can apply Of all ine Lb epee anime ey | Sarees oe 1 Far a) a iam : y, nestled at the fee ; 'saa ion of the newly- Wood, a great | uefa the barbs. A day in mont to ssgeniiacamess Ma Tab x ng valley, nestle Upon : by scarlet fever | session Shakespeare re t which lacks iJ ysqe Fa ib} © for lab: TOE ting mountains. . tion borne by * a5 | The late Mr. jone of this nature, | ther e is a de- : RS* GUIDE, ; . a © sutta hitts ely protecting oth the! The relat the subject 5 all question: commenc- | |, har fence. It isa epeay ns Sar RELWAY. : Listowel, May 38, 1887 ge Te ot aria, chil i ramparts ate a" hos both | to-the age case wea tee yore gzve mol te opinion ait thewws ) whose i exceed eo = AND TRUNK BR. cand ac 1 th e raters cided fence and t, and na EXTENSION ©F W.G. 4h. RY.) | the couties of | LISTOWEL eset we were gi soe -- nd interesting page pied feat ed cepa = ch Mg = me ak ctf Ssuinsany ntenaeae )soUTHERS ' londafty as ander ten, ithout, £X- | castle a: nce the inma! = > . Sock > tiara t the bottom dani snf acains' which many vs nw hye = MAR ste ieee ono oe te, sched ded ew | Boi Seer prea ed Se 22 eee Soo For Kineant! aie Wiaren Sir j Ruciation be reg Saas = Gedenm in! have : marauder. / aces 6 cases - ; 1503. Bat for in all that \Mixed, preg at 24S 8. me: ie atte ; Th re isan invigorating € to her | selves against the massacred. wards of th ene "was slight in a esrlier date, 'Asia, this only a. might be re- Te Biren MEE lh = me, amtigeener tm CE Woor | ROBERT T. T. a, thee: aie = sie to the ft hen more care has been ¢ infancy. peti as --_ Gnintshed jours. rhe plead rot "5 | regarded as an considered a eon a Division. | fice, Sy tr wat amas Oat Dealer in geographical posi al topography Since then obliged to prove our or fifth year, and ee eky deanna Le. It commen: | ing, but carefully con else than a bar- AE BAY A Sn ARE LOTR der: | 5 viene REIGN, JARBLE, and It stream and gener the south ted. We enti could gain adeit- nj ae tds." So, 2 Nee serenely ¢ in Spsnish, which pareb- | | specsible to regard it occurrences for Feyatekwetineee 'ene aeaail { LOANED © || CREE ire rz EORETOS ~ rarely met with sen Can Ect) ty Wa cod uk Goce . tals severity of attack was ing the Gret two oct along the epper mare ean barity. Ito po up tthe fence te flesh : exe, 212 p.m; Eg ean shores of A iven time and | roce, until owr credentials } . during 2 and runs as follo fall that has an acimal lecerate Exorees, £3 aj sini | MONE pdlsocursro through more work in a gi ada than | the neighborhood aed. ever, it was gre year by year there-/ ment, wileh 9 Seeheet aa his back, and thus t creatures are 3 p.m, @otxg North. throug rand tear in Can 4 ined and appro Il ears, and lessened ached its min- | map, in been discovered of '2 | terribly. More sunooeat in contact L® pm: Express, By! I with less wea of Amenca. And | were exam at the convent wa on y The death-rate art year of | bitherto 4 i pecuarse: 0 burt ignorantly by bana Me than Mixed 1230p, m.; Exp PER c HANGEt in any other part raladvantages,| Arriving the top. ed on | eee both sexes in the third 65 | Mede by ne 1519," and FE Peel these "barbarous &40 p.m. iS A T0 dl to these natu U-t <enr up a shout to onk | inum in the cases and 65 bis Majesty in rgin as follows: | wii, ers are injured. erat aid a WANTED ow adce @ startin man Pp he voice of a | fe: "gs cent. of in the the lower ma accord: | human maraud - try, but simp- : NTOSH, Rartister 1 Interest p > country has taken oductive | course of time t response. To 3 | life ; "42 per deaths occurred in tinues along ided into two parts ir ill needed in the coun in- ORPHY & Met ancern No taries an | Year Y- the ttlement and pr a squeak tiny cent. of the egg The advantage "Which is div t made by their) a ve barriers, never sliettors, Cont win ot Iiates an claret 9 iy oe and ee facturing, settle ; ning with | cor down the wall a per of life. the agreement ms and King | ty us effecti Mee mney to pra at ht ; cael aco ered to advance mone an f t- Class C2 Carviage Team ehlerprise genera eo ose 7 vival iture, point near the topo dog-kennel is es five ce wi attack was . a redo Majesties of ae ille, A. D.. | serument of torture 7 "B Me Morrny. = F. c Mc nt cu sears. Prestiexes a4 "A ns the basis of ali he States Canadians structure -™ this a small rope was of pos tha tiabdity to it was nd also | Jobn of Portugal ie of 7 map are z aie NAREIS re. tor tee the ber For from ait pasta of the & aiteched, which we attached our vl -- h year beyond the fifth, a aR ING i > ; (ye t Bx te rpaid siete angi . MART 'Team. are THEIR NATIVE-LAND-Het ee of introduction, obtain- | ed eac f Re ciiors, Bt owe, Listas | ts or partic : " 'ite atel { Nc.t0. id ve n, Oscen, aver joie we Masce --o sppecite urranll Sentry stamels H Roadster ne mrs f the money at would cost | ™' ot Darna. _ = iF . FUR S ALE. APPLY To ------ "oM. . Let By : Sea A Physician * ver 1494." At _the foot ed by each ,1 : at Suez | that its severity was lessen ed at the branch institution Si ared tes they can buy cle: TU GH OVENS, V_8, wea Tes "Aaniiad cow tame : ee et cavecss zi Gaveunemk sm iea shia. nement. It was estimat- cary agetcotaalelgmabracarts feo animals The g-cstiet ackiovement in the by up slowly and soon ged pe, sarge two-thirds of he with med ao be ania = rey chips | ory of life satay eeageny op oo This w2s hauled in the aerial ken- | oq bag bk son bad escaped attac wopeeree ded. with ar one corn- | Joho Wanamak: inms on $1,000,000 2 for the od a nobE lowered | adult po sees art 1 directions. os ex- now paying pry ry panies, Gina hoe] ae mtorr tbe hr pce ie naka i eo eee = ainder of thet kin . of d we were inthe | Th ig sideration ion how to use it, Ocean #2 | lates on y ST DESIRABLY | Femato can be, humanly ibe, 'Cali cukcoue up." But the ich gant se ingly important tor de Apinesnigs pyre too * allowed by a sord. satauhed. 0 -ytrag firos Procseedlay vi sabias making a unto we Of the States | | on was sexes Migs ee 'the convent by | those, by no oy the A gral i prmbeeaa eg ro of division tees bated world whose life 2 NGE fornia was one of t 'bone and ROscis | a} we chose i entes:é eulde: consider pine the jer VI. is drawn - thie on Loven ric Mean Pace poor of men io that city ; absorb Canadian expense rath than go up by cal warters of | children of childhood. by Alexand: ith the addition There sre a num fae to achieve 5 ae g to its distance and ee it e we arrived at the q' ble was | ed the Seeviewie portion of percent: | on nia ae foot of it is a pr baer who hava been trying by Me: 'Wana- D.. pe ; ; Wf et ae aes © FOR SALE, [Sect tine bor atrge nowt tema ges a coe, icc, etme, | ek alee The cet the Fors mar al any eare fale, Sitene Piseicians." aoe or heur | ARM PO Mf the Township of Q r ak mans ng 2 let down ha nd tamed: es ibility to attack auc thet on SS elees ist ; P i ig Re oe iF tu the ith con, of the Townshiy poll inching and scraps not worked and hat suceptibility to the | fag - | though Ji in getting poli- Omice and reeldcace Mato Stree! em nly i tod state of ealtiration, another by p y had in the world to a clumsy windlass, the power be- | and tha ear by year after gueee, the appear facturer, has succeeded t of $750,- OMice and reside Fima. contatat Esme ase dwelling house. | --I-- mieneeniioni selling off ail they these serfs, was Faiteus ts y decrease } cau- this map xander VI. | fs his life to the amount of the cleared auc cert } 2 id. Among Bedouin bination severit late us to every _| Altogether, wed wie sores L of putting S. PARKE & RUTHERFURD, Py. z: | Fee partica'are sppis | | FING the wets Hosneane Lat ce sf a | reach the oe "County NB. | hind the > be ie he pores alc toe the reco fovligett Carexea "this | apee Tint irlyengroed copy 3 draft | 000. reel lfapaster yl lite his Surgeons ° . 4 43 and fu ted spring cunty, 2 = to tion : ittle ones from what a be to the : amount 7c Waimdaaicas' clann Porreens, 64 "Chim te, - mower Gut oe. Admirably su last sf ;from Albert ccunty, believed id. : shield our little on hen pot | Focument would interiineations The risks on Mr. ife and 15-year siserien, Nore orsinl Ft ae " + prvieaniowal For particuiars exguire st the = opel ce cation published in vator in the wor no semblance of | cise to Its of which, when r whicn additions aod a rer, divided equally into life over Given to dinencess "Hotel, Listowel. ; ot property oo i From a communicati has transpired It seems as though a place | disease, the resul ; distressing | to made. It suggests, inquiry | are and be eae ae given to seeing Md Hote o ANDARD Lance Sea ih Observer it t ld remain in --- 1 often so serious, bad been . subjects for inqui ia endowmen e premiums to piciiaintdabaane _-- SEY TO LOAX oe " the Albert woefully de-| | y shou holy associa: | fatal, are -- Babyhood. interesting x Coinage teeny 4 anoually bis risks GREE RONEN - ies had been rang »y so many holy a manent. some ly be solved of the | 960, which : . = ee that the exile em were very made sacred by is inhabited by | and per which can only be vc archives of t different companies in of paying ER, L. D.S. iM t. Yearly. 150,000 d, and some of hey ed eee ee ter the coment is in grades of =S------S_ sapere the. stiee and his im- placed. In the saaee ee ike Steteon, J. J. _ POSTER, Le At 6 Per Cen IN ADVANCE) DRAIN TILE FOR SALE rail to get _-- -- abundance of ae = monks thom yielded to our Mistakes of Singers wees eacercemyl Clement Moms premiame be ve sperayfeille Jeogth of ERPebEeh ee from $200 10 * 'Hed to suppose t of wages ity. Nine ot forded . make | mediate sucseesa map is : iad ad png eatiecay seat : h rates sanctity. youth a h whose time this Ribero's map bat the d A the pre- opine. eth doe inea. for Ave Jeare or any work for them at high In fact, all A beardless t Re mistakes whic rs. s and | is while Diego Clement | time, that besides paying tl he RAG Sita one te ee Morber | OR you coe lea. for gr all off at any ne low cost of living. in or- | Camera. able amusemen his | The og chants, te deum: curious that of 1529, al. | by the fact risks on bis own life, bi Gr extracted Gas. Vilarised ait to Litt Sith priviiage to pay KGaned on VEYANC: eunt of | and do was to get there in us consider with tears in | who have to sing church, and who | POrO"t ne sane et Papal throne, as mums on the the livesof his busi- Ranesitetica, trance ext dou! time." Also money SF MARI AGE Lit- ndersigned bas any am can | they had to SES. Tee lin come $e many eeceiet & | cher acted aan iptures and/ Vit gooupied Festiienl ores one | see pak enon ee hreeee we , both Ieo's Banking House, perss at a TaUER OF MA ON METCAL| Thea inee--on hand, and ick up the ty of la. | edly ed for some re he | ot in the Scriptur intimated, the middie 'of and bis $100,000 oe NG done. ent forthe SEEDONIANS FIRE Drain Tile--all si t at bis yard | der to p ered the supply eyes, and begs w. He said that are unversed in lly, were the | ready in adorn it 1s the of prearinera gees insured for -- : DEN: | ENSEX. Agent fc <= A sumber of ly customers any time Listowel, | they soon discov d small, rate his beard grow. read chapel literature generally, little | tisra which prvenet ay Mhereed pol bomen eae policies for large M.BRE tet Fitniged alr, NOU THESS E COMPANIES A anamoust othe bet bee Walince, near bas large and deman: make be allowed to that | sacred Versation in a_ littl at the toot im 1503 to besides holding "a lines. W. TIST. uses V for | FN Stor sale. Tbave on th be found to suit pure was cost of living high. would not a beard; ject. of con af See a who was elected im | each, ta on Stnar people' ra Nitrous Oxide Gus, ac for proved arte 0 inves slower. aie Prices wall f wages low and ice until he had had usical people Jaliae 1. IL im the same VL. | amoun amaker allow painless catractive. Otter, ins at ofprivate ---- Comat: 0. ers. CONRAD GEORGE. ° THE TRUE CONDITION OF AFFAIRS suanhy ot the monks but him gen tie m as y ef. | Succeed Pins I VI. died. be ' Seoul Me. fae o0 secsllocted: wotil * a, J near Hall oth . "the ghastl which Alexas drawing thro 6 pual vidends , Bi Residence, Wallace Since wereeeina ace ae 49a. _ the opposite of the representations beards. "I recall, =o from died in 1513, ---- clear. Io eorlirredrviorpbonian vapeur vy AUCTIONEER ake After-siriving a Wanncen ta Garman that Mrs in SiNgiNg | out is exquisi Y winds are represes titled to about Tore sre three com vier Commit Par ah eae Meee anoeas NEW BAKERY |isscy nace, Ate sriving bard to A Room mn Sooners |e fa mckcias she stoays ate Slomiog tw cect ibe tannin, penis which cary preaiomn ef ey and Wecten ithe Coeeteet Orde=s RGE AMOUNT OF solve rite besides --* fashionable | 4 fine of a motet : --< ote., are from $100,000 sech on his Bf Grey and Bowiex. 4 ALA LOAN $10.4 week on adoller o to be a sages of y protests :-- conts of arms, as divided of office, prom| FUNDSTO sf ----o-- -- and so forth, a]. There s for the possession spite of world stand in or ed. . ariver or branch lef at the Sicear talean PRIVATE washing, s a day wages, six days just now of Tenne- "Let all the -- is called Edim. | _ ' dollar have | craze breeders 1 is r Rich, -- cEWRY oer teenie. A. .YULE, ak irene en es ant Oe ee A in the com-| the ven, ah onan tha Ment eae oe aa ps a psoas FULLARTON, yd stl LOWEST RATES OF a x) Eee ei eee see ra dingron ali Sk axht of "That," said another as the biun-| The York and Lomdres, 7 ce Howard Crosby pepe 4 ARRISTON come ex had they no ~ brought hardly as queer whose | Bristol, Catia. Ubanoelior ian! Out, Lnsuer of mortgages, ie wes a@are chy done much bett of dol- | weeks ago 1 tes were pany was the tenor, s aca eoctebeia'tn but Russia 'ain thinkers! non iscton son veyancing 7? DARLING & MAREE. re in aanouncing to thecitizens a bome, and been hundreds atelis- | these pe 0 trom Barcelona, der which ee once made in Eafopess towns are contusion. Jerv- | jead ES on article roti esber greatest 'rms. Money to U- Over Seott's I tisgt Listowel and vicinity = lars in pocket. ~The ioadie pees a ee ish Dons every One. pra ae yi ae 'great Levia- poh alighee = yey tenderer ee May io stick be 7 is am etomiion "2 in-- Span 1 > - ; abpow' : really is Dis oO among the Canadian Spain--true S; cks and well-grown ng a line > out. "The salem, which it el at oar to-day baste Ty TPILLIC USINESS omer the growing y Bere all Ja after their | 39S the n' It came distant from where j Calvary. | and RUTHERFORD, focal Life Aswur- PRETER AKERY B have remarked d in the! They ¢e atest tattered: of the deep 2" miles to indicate to | away from of the quist : igs yh pe Nay ren --d:es 2 general-- B that » Canadians, an he | lank and sone counel t Levi Nathan her story | bas three romania relate, phen tee tial cultivation of ance Co Office: Rear "Ss Te formerly occupied as of returning jent article on 2 ocean voyage, ye isa much | | preat t that with anot "He | The Nile, strange lakes. America ; ing arte, feat iver, «preserve eneral Agent. wel, Ont. N Ess m Listowel. in ed seast Of the Grand ofan exce! lonz anish donkey i can bea another. E its soures to three mixed up -- volent lives, the Dental Rosen Liste ms ANKING B USI £9] in Lister Odice. two door course - to}tmm. The Sp the Mexican "Bur Howiston, said an t unctios shady continent, args es Spain | genial -- tk T. |B Ceara! Hote IWS | subject say 3s Ontarioan now goes animal than emember that | of in a solo, with grea to j miber Yucatan and 3 indicated. ot . heat serves Ey se ear TEL, MAIN ST. ~-- DAND BU "The restless int t, where, in stronger readers may 1 ese | sang once 'Hearken, O Israel, with ocean. Brazil is also indicat trath thee meodernt . YOMMERCIAL Hor: dersignued 'aving _ yaaa Listew BREA n North-west, be | ro. Our a saznment of u distinctness, -- it ought are given, and i 2 . peace: C wel. The Praha years, invites ARTEL paacser alles lt parts of the town dally, the Canadia: s the Perritos ories, Apiil, 1887, a cousig to New York, and: of the sheriff !" when, Tron . t studying this hahebalcess ho dithiica Beg a ibe rome, "Wve, ar OH CONT es en nin of ALL KINDS Mani: uba or one ofthe land is more hgh et was the heads of fami- a scrap "-- Boston Tran Hakan somly Se speo that in belpfi : ie be CUNFECTION finds a cou than in the States ; and $0 anxious were bidding | to have ique ddcumen ; nile laws cam do much of a gold ---- --- on Hand, and easily aS biizzards ; which lies to possess them that the realized - al- | some F: some of worst aarcoggeon school and heer psttelr ways e . Co Bankers ~aee d Pastry which is ws lange3t crops of the finest Was active and the P eae w25 $40 to! acai a sessions "asi "ha Mae York bunt, it is to the press, § look for the Charges qasy moderate. C.2ILLIAx. are A McDona ad Choice Cakes an Pen ta th ¢ world ; ae * local. most ance jhe, ese nny er ere | i Snadow and Substance, we perynary pant ftons.-the Tro = ion of the vieenab ane dlgesr! Sis i linea eae o LIPTOWEL. : DIS CAKES | whea d governmenrall $r05 ver he: overworked Af. | ee habits--and aes on's new Phonograph. hrs rear asd overcome ditions moe i MAIX BYREET, a eT ines, FeO lightly taxe atry ; which is of the starved and burist for | kers-have many tion fitted to bis car that will meet the ; hmaker and Jowel- pecs supplied a & specialt han any other cou d has good | ants A mn Agricu --~Fhe-Qua' idly" people would | Or tubes were with a phono- Se even ured and which M-. SMITH, bi besel ag: at Watebes. Chocks | N AND Saree -- : -jfiy th flourisbive an ritan 2ss.-- merica | cose iit "worldly and Fob- by 3 large tube by a penal ont couniey scripraad esr ' The cewtfated Keck Crre » WA ' elve years ex wing nd Ac i, is ander the | Customs that ys Fibre latter was ran of minds mtg ny hand See | Moxey. «Stone phages get ot § pet Having me metoes wees a Sahara. and above all, is sed of Bri Wan imiating 78 unnecenay, pe age . Tepulated by a ped. the thoughtless ate ae color 5 ; 4 tric motor, and could atebes shal Sealey a = peer | tatereet i mheney retin as eee ee ae Bast kept S08 fax | good old flag a "4 eee freedom. This Le Moyne "school bool for. a mod- | 79. ae and wear' and eB al attachment by pry compositor Witenes ae -- = to ail Facak oc Connaa." Sceenbona Bien brands of nda Fates a lite cal pajrom institutions and sits our emigrants} The at Memphis, Tens., o ib- | and save hey can. When wail, rted and etopped would Se ee me | chante? Ban tot pm-- NALD CO. | gag deit YULE. he country to w y to add that | children aA visitor iid. | mind whedbeer ainst a is | pleasure, The -- pracbrears --THE Wan: setae' aah A+ MeDO at. | ome ' * ist nd we ate happy "Mim- | el one, apparently. 125 white child are hong up ag nnd | popes igh be had pa UNTY. pe. PERTH Cyer' Taccieisremekeateos 46 now go, a the fines from iz was * "Imagine 2, ithout a hape ot } gry topped until S Cones the fret See ee | A 'Here Charce. ENTS. WANTED nesths and Dakios sar one aE: fe up arth vemsning Le Meroe -- | ng the soe Bm eda ae mouth from 16 to wit tin olice ou Toenay nnd | "AG nesota and in sight. oF cidkdeicade ae removed and When Ses ee sens eee! be 18 attendance week, from | to at_his | Haoasicmeaaii ritory. duty to Conedion number t itor remains. -- a meer or civ Wotneoday f ssh week. rng a a Ss LANDS. is a pleasant d words of | schoo! that tor, who is respon ed the silent moni pkey wrench is | chine may Santen modera Ha rer MANITOBA _ N Eneland : "Nurseries, jouraalits to be ee ae sie ries Si and cy conc iaagonyet cre i shadow is pated, 20 tion. dae DSON. Ocanty Clerk. ved | NOW : beer like these, words so_ many | - rooms. bung up th gone, wae osriaon os TEs rises 5 19 er agrees ESTABLISHED OVER 20 YEARS. hood a teas that hate le, many Saregama Se ee see | eae tie baad Tew paren vbente Coumh Senate care County farm for sate Jon, Manitoba. oleae 2 Tt people across = to see Pano, into a march, i owed tool k "s Catarrb vin an excellent locality amd tn are the} Reliable Nursery. of our truth, We hope ™MoOsitor strikes into the that the borr Dr. Sage HARD C. CLAREE, isi an excetton ee The Old solid, sober fcliow coum out. How the oweer : - ERENARY SURGEON. eee eee, eee he sin pet sarer.zoet ae ot eo ot Remade ot oe re SARE gs cn hooace v0 aicly ina aepm bees returned. Net iter hese tee ee Y. "Rekoot Digh with post steady work. trymen now in the | - s es IV'TL- | pouttrs ci Screws tse road." 2g. bashets - ve Fou goed pay the old flag before : tery. Bonar Series Oo fomestion'ed fers rere be ivenat me of parenass CHAS 889. mats saccessfuily = a0, Cathe Leimtnp df whales yeubrcamaie, 1) S- saber Lencwel | NURSEEYAES, COLEOLNE, fees = et Gar aaa = B end : s jas 2