ws e 'at the office in time tor the early mails MARTIN'SELOOK, MAIN ST., LISTOWEL =| VOL. XL--NO. 31. | "LISTOWEL, ONTARIO/BRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1888 ae "CANADIAN PACIFIC. RAILWAY. | BANK OF HAMILTON,| * Z°SDB#2 <=ans-- [imatialiaptions ve the maker of the | meal should be discarded. Milk-grv- The World's Wheat Needs. i1z.00 7 cir ge I got | ing is a function per yey and apart curey can. yORNME. sme ésnotexceaaine® ince, Seer 4 bundred years and it Will be the smamgy r from beef making, and to first induce wisi nl Saag roa aides annum; over § and under 12 I! + say Sten men get so the beef habit b ag feeding fat-formers, * London specia! vertisemen farm cattl A maa 'er across my pathway} " pabiipe angry over ie The New York Times pec actray nnd ctearemalindvertiovmonta biter CAPITAL - + 1,000,000 elas a that they may be iden- | like corn meal, is to train the heifer | says ite pow seemeto be a fact L 7 , cy y ; Se ee POS: Pet eOten er enee TIME TABLE. ee na grew my sun. ' 'they would actually tear up| in that way, and at last, when a cow, | the Old World needs from 70,000,000 to Any special notice, the object of which Is to RESERVE FUND. - $860,000|, bandred poate on it win matter not, ; thei meanwhile denou and you wish to "feed her up," the | 80,000,000 bushels of wheat more than Promote the pecuniary beneait of any Indi- Sie P in. | the pad will produce, ei belcbatidered to part, man who paid his debts | extra tood will go four-cent beef, _in- To put it in another tries 'Trill ali be over thant this casi tol 3 Pieces of paper instead | stead of thirty-cent butter and a big! ,, hich always bave efor wheat must O, loving heart. E is met with ; for the food that is | tt year buy rome 370,000,000 bushels, a: * But a th distant, dear, | we any number of people, | turned into butter is soldi every day, | while the countries raising more than Sis asans ty ascuon Wontay. tar tae oer = BE | -sanewerumwmm, vooraen | watie-nereant sows wih neod'en eco] MARS Zink, a8 many is. aine | and there is only one. sale for the | they comune, will here, atsat 258,00, * " . FY Oo sell. nl St. changes canst be handed in net ntertban " GEORGE ROACH, A... RaMBAy, | = clear-- = = arate a at least 170,000,000 . bushels, @am.on W 7 " ar. CHAS. GUENEY. Freta at each bar. ime abank. If there isa Our heifer calf should be well fed, Brass, Pgeres next to the United nd th JOB PRINTING. " = on. rolls - aise } meanness anywhere in a/ well housed, and kept warm in the| gates ts the great wheat producer in gouriecton' earteante and department ip " JOHN PROCTOR: veers, mye a -it-crops..out. when.he1s| winter, for in a stable of ht | the world, bas ane of the worst wheat and the latest designs {n M x "te -- , Tilt with eternity's test on a question of money. | and pure arr, she will develop the kind |-crops ever renped. A week ago it" was enabling ae to execute all deseriptione of 54 Drafts om New York and Sterling Fx- Comes restful peace. Bt I have amused lt of hardiness that cows need, the} estimated that she would need to im- ; on shortest notices, and in wyleese. myse Bad tono city offee. wi mi ones am aaa Depostte received Solitaire, ing with men to find out | oats and bran will give solid bone and agency bushels, Now since the BE et ad teins Cortrect a ia, H. H. O'REILLY. --_. : were honest. There 'is strong muscle and and also ret. thasabiog ge eedpearpt! Aly Mrs advertisements pavabie " it of i For in- | build up the embryo life that she must HUMOR IN BANES. sfaebisame. the ebortage is put at from 80,000,- | of to or HURCA DIRECTORY. handsin the bank } otherwise rob herself supply, t096,000,000° Very Cc ; ha number of bills _our heifer, | this can . , - -- : : ae to to r : ' unday at220p. nr. All seats ¢ D* HALI No one would imagine to glance m4" sats . ake rsd out of which to bay the Al" Ez. ine pe oy ber ay gels deposit ticket, good, i x ne Panam pbell. ait m., and ii = gl and i wien which he in his hand ge mak, i milk sash giving is po Tes United Sites cad Curate e : baal seaedine Gotatding apmaed isis : OMice and residence at the House of Rev'd that they had during working hours sk. wane . oR? aes ioce we shall, esate: peril have 103,000,000 -- to 000,000 ' A. Stevenson, be make ii - -- r / 4 "\ [aruopter Gnvacs:tukermen Mt-= Rev.0, ae : soy chance to make merry. Yt Si cia Tosi aden $5 cc$eolargec!a proBiabla dairy cow. - This cow feed totie S600 0ME, bon be there Intter | lsbor rede -- Richardson, . Borvices at 11a... and 108 MOLE TH seems they have their share of fun even] 1) Thave ascertained the amount to | should be retained as long as | couotries there js much more uncertain- | liness great care ts good n the midst of their most important |). Ifa man is honest he will say | she profitably pays her keep, then sold|*y than in the former. The northern ticle ipa peat and atireotive style are duties. ; ' that he thinks I am mistaken ; but | asa "'sausager" for what she will bring; ite who aporators use only the best frait, not Do funny things occur atound | (600 be will turn around and make | for we hold that no man ever fatt seas y culls or as, wt p bank ?' said of the greatest-looking sicher a it ticket ac-| an old dairy cow to a fit. Better | the ba. is ey find no duces goods that maintain their super the bys in the Park Bank the oat | COURt Lo correspond with the figures I | by far put this food into a cow that | work for them to do, and their ty and ---- aS . Diptheria Challenged 1 day. . oo I idea tha th $0. py have given. Then, of course, I count | does give milk, and get pay for food = no means with which to get a. turist for Septem! : om. ' there is in ed. -- American ulturist | The potato crop in many par' &- dO J.P. Havch, Pastor, Sarvinea avery other | cataract Sth orasenvitte peoess ave =f idea cash again 'and armounce that I | consum lgriculte Punday at ies) a. mand every Rendey at | Bagh Se arent = ---------- g except wha a ci tan have made a mistake, and to prove'it | for September. fed Teen ae the weet const of Ire- Waited 60 Years For Her. mreting Thuredav evening at 7m ve Fermaan Soni ne Eat arrive "\ap.m siegraar ip ananlay monplacej o the ban ing business, but | hand back the money and let him re- | mre sme Uniren Brermens CHURCH -- of 70°" Diptheria and Croup Remedy they are altogether Tok: Some of it._Men whom nobody would era Stemi nthe Times says editorially: Judging} 4 1:0) old farmer, who liyes a dozen meres AE er Len APates Rohn janes i a the funniest scenes I ever witnessed at es a often ted tod-Honey. from our e reports from our wheat | 31, s- sn up the coustry from Nor- Weekly yer meeting In the chureh on | CREDIT VALLEY BRANCH (Marm Lixe Oo he: ed right here in rey bank, I'll ever suspect ; _ | Produciog States published this -- b o to thet city a few days Wednesday evening st 7.0 p.m.: rottage No child needato suffer, fur leas todte from | b2Ppened rig' very quick to take advantage of a lit-| Extracted honey ca ean biv-Sernred' In Ache Weed Bisiae wit pat be in wivh, came to that citys few days ago Brazer meeting on Friday evening at 7.90 p.m Trains leave Woodstock as und these dreadful diseases if this Remedy is give you a sample. ears ago a man tle mistake in their favor. I know sev- ; ' 7 ian 'omb honey | tion to farnish very much of the eareat with bis young bride, upon hie wedding sea aterere Sir nes: at crits made weleome.| For Toronto and Ear' at 8. <n. m.,&50 p.m need, Over 7,000 vi els are sold with - host re- whom we will ca!l Jim Simpson, be- eral i cha 1 tut greater quan ities ce y or eighty million eden il heat whi tour. he old man is 85, while bia wife 2 Sa "Vor stoemasand Westa €30a.m.,10.68| fon case with the remedy t¢Figntly cause that wasn't his name, was one of | wealthy gentlemen u'y | under the same conditions, and at a will te seantted te enact tha dee is just 70 yeare bis j ONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. cepa ioetien ad aoe ; eed Ape "hi rn want| Cor depositors. Jim was a character, | Pclieve would never * on - gg much less cost. 'The e saving of comb | Ciused by poor crops in the Old World' | Coated an organetto from a Main « 2H ry whe: . Ma erecrictrarie seem | SRE RumtMiPEOY RLEGET IG | er lr Diam," Gawaasewn, Ont. | Hc teps ave x for as out of 7.4m, at t,t | gue a tem foro proce wa | "eater oe Daeg unfavorable bere | wanted some wuric fori, The of man "| asin to ze rvests the rr a ee Wednesday' Tmeach month, -- D iinee-Listowei. ese To nz = yor "~ pits sire Bn Pantie so aly mistake.--New York Graphic. tities of honey. It has been estimated priscipal f bed aba. Get se far de ann Bato Night. 3, re ie oko ao Baaateroy: eeriaay vefore tho mela fair. Krots. Listow: ais H omas Walioeavilles built did Geer six: high, that twenty pounds of honey are sacri- be learoed me ri big B+ god ae ihe aoantre, and, after paying for the wooanvr muD~Moaday before Guelph. WILLIAM WALLACE MOORE ruddy face and va twinkling fons a Sm ta _ rier age ed my lag Ney st SAE Ler aba, to o ee aeiarensing, se - va . _ 4 ie le . ° Sew awncnosFirst Tuseday in each MOO: LD, ONT. F A RM FOR S A I E. Pe aiid " oe bie receipes? Byers ---- more healthy than comb,oh acconnt of ae uMnceete ap. hkely one?" Ho seemed to remember ae ty arecey se eeck epee alot Mansberoeen tor tn sen - vs, often $200 or $300- Well, he THE GOVERNMENT EXAMINATION OF | the indigestible qualtities of wax. The pear to be the only States in which the lg btagee rep PAS ~ LMIRA M In b ae 1 . . ° Moore Ext vo Second Ty petday in gach mouth. Loan Cons banits Ie clarion at Sper cent. invariably went through the same _ per- au walneal alia homey and the ease with wich can caw be gd ily pap gag are he as flows in them veins for nigh onto 60 and rdxforany termofyeara, Interest ee formance. Standing by a desk near y 4 é years now. I knowed her gra QAtr--Wednesday after the second Tuenday. | 1° be ald how a Mata \S Ta? cont o6 the teller's ar ps wail take out kept any length of time in good | the crop is tr ae epee et FF sad wanted ber, but she wouldn' : see oy ' MIL.LBAWK-- Wedueaday before second Tuee- AE ee sae apraecariy Funda draws Wills, Bonds, | Lote 27 and 23, on the 7b con. ofthe Town | his by k, draw out his roi! The reports of the Government an- perme are greatly in its favor. The Hu er hee ol ii i Triolenine an : in- | ig. married my bi tenet ¢ enemy a \ Hla bie 3 Morigages of all kinds at the | shipof Grey, The farm contains 200 acres; 4 alysts, as made publiz from time .to granalation of extracted honey has | {rior quality, In Iiltnois the ares ity in | hed a daughter. [courted that ecw : lowest living rates. He collecta accounts | 12) acres cleared and it & good atate of cul | of bills and seat counting them over, |}. k E Cons not bigh, though the quantit 3 i ' an ' and correctly. | tivation : 8 acres of harawous buols time in the official reports of the Coma-| heretofore interfered with its sale and ed erwhen her folks wasn 't round, t \ hascpietrammacae inna aid ponte ote Brome for $2.10, and | Good bulididge and feaces, 'There leon th | laying the ones,twos, pk and ters each missioner of Inland Revenue, form b li under- | jo infactory. and in Kansas*the | somehow they got wind of it and I was ; 2 2.00, 1, le : : si ut itis now pretty well under-| joss of full o third h ; GRAND TRUNK. RAILWAY. bie Handom Ihymee" to oil'a" SLi@each, | also riveriniront: Termetosafi pusuaerr |i 2 S€Pazate pile, Then he would | yoful subjects for study. A great deal | stood that all pure honey will granulate | heea Ctanteurda Got gtr hae ees: Seren ens at eer (SOUTHERN EETERSON OP W.G.0B.nY.) | TORSO O Men cull it which be wil [fo | re alle OF Ethel. Appl ae a the Bivesidy them not the ead of attention 1s devoted to the examin: | andiin this condition it is preferred by | genes of the farmers in protecting what pcetigeedeptin ning thie. ; sod I settles Trains lea nell shen It is the best window fastener PETER LILLICO, ? . 7 ; ation of baki ing powders, and very pro- many to the liquid form. [In extract- | Promised to be a fine wheat orop, it down glum like to wait you fection ot intarsoetiote + potnte- Si coe Coaneh. "ite friends of the deceased Tar Listowel, May 28, 1857 Proprietor. pager ager, Eel ne re perly mg for they ike articles _--_---* ing, the different varieties of honey = yrs, Ae rp Sy = nacre ater io grow uP Martha's folks watcb- 8.58 p.' niening J = 7 im | USS: 29¢ many of them so grossly adul- | produced from different blossoms can Te ed ber close and\l begun to suspect I'd ' npr pa exerts a. m.; RATS Fipart of the counties of Lr CONNS ii wo Reh pod oy terated all possible information should be kept separate and the entire Crup | of = ip pic | ghee ins ne ve to wait fur the next family, when a er E =% Weiltugtan or Perth funde to. lend, STOW EL raaed ie shape for fi tin y be given to enable consumers Mi ol traded. Here is _another point that of the certain scarcity of that cereel noelmiter=tol popped te guano @roncIax eva SD GARE ERIE DIVISION. pl hedeg ae attention ere gest omit M A R B L E W 0 R KS 'One day when he | keds an unusually -- between the good and the =-- suspicion in the minds of con- += eel eye bates, ss A mited aniiar oe arriea. " And_ picking 4 frasnateave Listowel tation dally ae under: | save money by call! ar "Jlarge amount of money spread out umers. In extracted honey there are | 5 ach 8 Lasley: ap t! sepia: Pp it_ under 1 Commissioner in the High Court --_ A large-number of these articles have one varieties. Most people think |*@ount of wheat already harvested in| OP or Duels! while cum Ot Sinithe's Exprom, 5.38 0. on; Express, 212 p.m.; Mixed, | see, ore him a stranger entered the bank, |) analyzed, the samples being col- | 14 bi kind of bh gq | this coun It we cannot feed the | 111. under the other, and thetwo lov PS gotwe wonrm. " =-- ioe sti Soenendee oon ROBERT T. KEMP, | walked up to Jim without saying a word | 116d from deaters in all sections of |. fen . ~ ae a feaent aie me world it te pleseant to know. that wens togly walled Gut of ths store, complete- Mixed 1210p, m.; Express, 1.20 p. m.; Express, | . Dealer In nudged the old man with his elbow, the Dominion, ienpuriti nd ee of them riage oo 4 feed ourselves. iy ignorant tof the fact that 'they were £40 p. m. AMERICAN and FOREIGK 4A; .ang | and pointed to the floor undgp the = alum -and li OE ur right. z ------ the crowd. . MONEY LOANED @. 7 a desk. The old fellow supposed, of were principally im anc lime, - is impossible to enumerate the differ: = ORPHY & MeiNTOSH, Barristers Alcor gu course, that be-bad dtoppeda bill, and 'The alum is used in place) ent yarieties, flavors and shades of Colonial Progress, Se ee ae inecae penee Coprarnncers, Heteriee Fete oe Purposes " "| ecneead aurea t3 Sack fore Quick as | bf tartar because of its low! honey, but-we may safely say that in i \ Some Typographical Brrors. on easy terms. Ofice-MainstLisewel. |G EERE CHIN TL "nr the other case 1 swept the pile of cost. The lime, both tartrate and sul-} one jocality there may be twenty differ- AD OLD COUNTRY SNFULARG, H. B, Morey. 35 F. G. Mcinrosn. med found, was present from | en: kinds, at least as many as we have . . being ; ero e alter the inv invention of printing Yearly. Interest paid at Take Your Sick Horses bls of te des, cum out in pln the _ of improperly refined cream of pede genera of flowers. All honey ets ate shenye rue thet i the wife of a printer in Germany, while edition of the Bible was in the press, Le DARLING, BARRISTER, SULI- SUOLI- | on 1 f each hen taken from the hives should be! between our own mother country and | *" . CITOR, Conveyancer, Notary' Pupite, | * Yate prepaced ip avanee money on Far: To fore Jim har time to straighten =P The analysts found and reported the anced away high and dryin 5uildings. | the more juvenile portion of its tasty. orenblod som ie x: 'hemall' Dak: ciate Bollcltor for the Bank of Hamilton and oerty et the lowest raice. cod op the He looked around, saw the retreating > be portant change in the types, The sen- Soott's Ranking B OMice over Scott's | mont favorable terms. Loana can be obtain- = hen took he 'ip Royal Baking Powder to be pure, free | Neyer use a cellar nor any damp place | the Colonies, more especially those of Bank, Wallace Street, Listowel. od (rom Iwo to ian year. Privileges are HUGH OVENS. V.S. ri . on --_ ' Ped Aa oke from lime, alum and phosphatic acid, | pJace for this purpose. Dampness will | the Weatern Hemisphere ; as the aie ~------- | given for a reso jount o ° bere his moncy cen, ani 0) th. Acom . Fy * geny invariably imitates the example of ABEE & GEAKING. BARRISTERS, tobe repaia'at tbe option pe ial into a loud and hearty laugh. 'Well he he sir dai diy ave | honey, but heat never will. ita parent, so do we find it with our fos- ae Boiltelt for th barte Bank, > Tie ---- i ri erate Notaries Public. Steatroxy, ONT Money. --opposite Grand' Genital Hotel Woods' Livery Stable, 'll be : shown no baking powder except the --_--_--_-- asian oat = in ne Ame 'bat be thy fool. (Narr, ) Many copies of the Listowel. 'None of us in the bank had noticed Roval entirely free from some one of = ofa --_-- roatier, oa : nit is di mg | book got into circuistion belore the sub- WPrMasce ____F.W-Geanna| FARM FOR SALE, row wat nas acing on and we tad "no| hole eyecicabie impedence "Thin | Pevmartin of Amerionn Myee _| soy appar fists foam ve slot | Scone tbe one war for te sir 7 i id man was laughing at. as 'or in black -I-tter --Herr W. THOMPSON, M. D., C. M.| . Farm containing one hundred andtwenty . idea what,the o Bhing e presume, accounts for the lack of] The efforts of the war department to | maturely, and letting go the strings, fear- (uccessor (0 the' ate Di. Sloan). 10) scree cleat-d andia good state of cultivar Skiltul Treatment. T never saw a person more amused i P awer inthe other powders, | secure a field glass for the service of | lesely walked alone. This is evineible d Narr moch ble each other. It Physician, nm. Accovcheur, Gradu- | oi, mostly free of stumpe-the ance be- than he appeared to be. Repeating eavening Fo inwatious wave, to wil ibealaant ts anid that the practical jok t of Trinity University. Member of | 100" Dosti; good hardwood bush: a bank and over that he was willing to be | #3 Sometumes complained of by the} greater power thanthe one they now ate Bett bel bolda D- | woman ber life, she having Latest N.Y. Pulyetinic Disease of women | BAT® 7 ae reise & Pua Litchen male A MOST DESIRABLE biel h pd he "d z " ar fairly | COOK, and for the bitter taste found in} use has discovered the fact that the | MiMbrmus BU ranGt I Ae Adaptation to | demoed to the stake by the reclesiasti- 9 epaeialty. BEF Omce--Campbeli's Block-- With stone cellar, sise maz: kitebe 3 rem =r © -- we = sed ene hess the biscuits so frequently complained | eyes of the average American are closer | their own nurpobne of the best and icscat vats Dering tee aa part lees. Fo se uber particulars en Wy ts tonr. fa Py "4 + : t century an aw rolateke oc- the preutionn ao" ee DENIAL ---- TOWN RES i DENCE recovered his gravity sfc to ex! ual A pene the infertority of the ene Oe eet das, kaon own thie otiete ba pale Old Roglen rer curred in a gland in printing the Bible. E. DINGMAN, M. D., GRADU- ----__--_--.- plain what had occurred. He was so k done by these powders, the physt- | the field glass, now used weaker | self. lo nothing. bee thie been In this edition the word 'not va omit- Au Coltegs Of Queen's U Un miversity ; member ARMFORSALE. greatly struck with "the ridiculous na- oes eee - a 'me snd iv oo Thats pe Paige none A z Europe. | prominently exemplifed than ia the ue " -~ serenth emeesaen aoe aka 'a bi bip of a . = : eae « ant? 1s eleen ie i nd Oates and residsuces' ee Ba at --_ Ria. cobtain tg 10, Saree hbeak Bo wares FOR SALE. ture of the trick that had been played | 110 into the system are injurious. Itis of only from five to six powers-- | sdption almost as "with one voice" of | | shop of Canterbury imposed a b weaned snd in ate oF cultivation. upon him that he seeritd to regard is Their physiological efforts are todiges entirely too weak for the purpose. | the trmedirs of Tuomas Hottoway, the | venaity. The edition, 00 far as practi- RS. PARKE & RUTHERFORD, Phy- | For farther partioulare spl ro ' -EING the wel. & 4 < more-than an equivaicnt for_.the tion. dpapepela or worse evils. The only glass they can get- of ~suffici- is anata Spa aitbarbates cable was called in and destroyed, and a . y- el. Known and mosatconven . . ' i clans, Surgeons, etc., Lenevtal a and R. MAR' } dently situated House and Lot on Main money behad lo a The question naturally arises, why) ent power is a single spy glam, which | no sooner were they ushered before the | 428 Of £20,000 was inflicted upon the Milverton. Listowel office over Climie. + reet, owned and furmerly occupied by Another man who used to have an mak ke heir { ' f ; printers, Toe Cathohe Missal, iesued in Clarke & Co's. 'store. 'Special attention te Listowe: Ont | 1 1.3. H. Michener. Admirably sulted tor h eneves |'h do these cheap baking powder ers | js ss in that it does not take in | world | t me oval point of origin, | bec. was onoe the subject ot @: Indi given to diseases « Night calls F professional! OF business m man. le | account: here whenever he pede © these thi s? 'lum is three cents | a broa ough ae This i is a very | 244, d, th © with bland By the sal Feahe ered at Grand Comal Hote, Linowe! | ~ ae : Stambann ofee Particulars enquisgetthe | money always asked for 'small bills "on aay ich Serious doer in the equipment of te unanindy '; the boushold medicines of -»- stivat mer a fo aa in ieee ord 'ess ONEY TO WAN twos and threes, and he kept up the @ pound, lim ie. nada and the British Provinces, and be- | *tS81108 OF & for a e of tartar costs thirty-five or forty. The} American army, but there seems to ial ited ta tbe ovr yee! to' (an ecolesinats or m At 6 Per Cent. Yearly. 150,000 practice years and are ater $3 balls reasons for the chemical purity of the | no immediate prospect of its correc- | ie resin a physician of the or printed 'oulotto' (breeches). The error (INTEREST NOT PAID IN ADVANCE.) J. J. FOSTER, L. D. 8. DENTIST Royal Baking Powder were recently | tion, because our eyes are too close to- | woodeman, in regioos w where the medical | Occurred in the directions for erat --= government bonds here and came) - 0. New York Times,in an in-| gether. Some of the colored troo ractitioner and the medicine cheat ners ing the Sana and the sentence ss Fated Sithoae pale Betis cetth | On farm property. | Will loan from $200to DRAIN TILE FOR SALE nant at regular ienerwets 00 request tte! siauenceky of anew method ~<m be able to use a. differ stat, tn o~ coy he pri / pet eae eee uke J oztracted without pala by ibe ave of $5,000 on gue lose: for Rive Fears oF enOrs, . s to 'cut off them there cowpens' for for poe argols, or crude cream of | but the white Yankee soldier cannot "beacon of health for the wick is to.' Baasetbotios, Entrdnes next door te Lill- time. Also money, loaned o * ---- tie "ag -- pumecabe pil bew home in the spar teracenaene \ieo's Banking House. vty at Gand 7 per cent. CONVEYANC-: tartar. It seems that itis only under} overcome the national peculiarity. wo wants NG done. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIC-| The undersigned has any amount of You have read, perhaps, of the | this process that cream of tartar can be | The best military field glass in use is We lasrn frou: alatitioa: tae the pou Not Quite Sure of Himself. WwW "M.BRUCE, L.D.S..DEN- | ere Aree or ne DONLAN' FIRE | Drain ---- ---- band, and can | countryman who brought a draft to| freed from the lime natural to it and| that with whieh the German army is session of Thomas Holloway, that the | | Magistrate (to witness)--You aceak: Ai me Uzide noes Tite liged alr, Improvediarma for tale, Thave a nifous! of | supply cus: oe 3 at -- pay a note which was about due at] rendered chemically pure; that the supphed. Anattempt was made to | firgt settlers sent out to the Grand River emuly swear Uncle Rastus, that the evi- painless extracting. Office In old stand ofprivate rude to The @ 3rd Toe, Wal towel, sacle in a --_ city, put. heed patents and plant for this cast the adopt them by the war departmetn,but | by the New Eogland Company were re-| dence you are about to gite aball be Bi. Residence, Wallace Sireet, Listowel. AB. = HURT, 'F. Commusatomer *o. | ers. petons panbiicaieaiai orcas paper in his pocket, imagined i Royal Baking Powder Company *: was reve that the eyes of the glass-| quired to provide themerives with | the truth, the whole truth aod nothing ' | anita. Goat Witeo 49a. CONRAD GEORGE bea scalp, and only. érommed Pa his half a million dollars, and that they ere sc far apart that they could not -- posi poral a pe yt --_ TE ie ss cape Saas * . . a need ° goon eos-- Ye' . 2 YHOMAS E. HAY, AUCTIONEER mistake when he received notice that maintain exclusive control of the rights. be 'used hy Americans. The depart- je, and Hotowar's two preriess but | dent pues pias bpd fleseesend Bible ; De bo be ested. of the par- h thi a, Grey ASatY ot Perth: also the Twwnships ONEY TO LOAN. his note was about to prot This official recognition of the pur-| ment is studying how to overcome this ample remedice became the never ne- | size ob dat book, sah, cpus of arey snd Bowiek. in the Ooanty of Heros. M But people nay joke as they like about | ity and walue of the Royal Baking | difficulty--Washington Letter. glected items in the early emigrent's | narvous, 'deed it do. A LARGE AMOUNT 0} : ' 3 , lef at the Srawparp office, promptly at- NEW BAKERY the country folks; I would much | Powder by the Government will add to communication soress the| _ ended to. Money to loan. PRIVATE FUNDSTO LOAN, rather do business with them than | the already wide popularity. of that arti "Gas to Makes Wik Atlantic ae more ame son =k =_ ape wcwias o -- ----- ' This i One Way to Make Vineger, ent, no were se mer File way ture Use. (PHOMAS. FULLARTON, NEWRY -- some ofthe smart iy tien who im Cy oa) cackosian -- Sithout some portion of the cargo coe-| aie ree ot Meretogn Laconens, Goan LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. A. YULE, ae [=n that a cashier ic wonderfolly 'ig: powder by the United States Gov- One pound of honey, and one gal: | taining » oy supply of the. bealing od ae homes wri, "younE ss 'Menst'ie Gene an rensonnhie & vals (LATE OF HARRISTON,) norant if he says he doesn't know them. | ernment, its advertisements for sup- on of pay tars benches ae ---- y we to this noble enterprise, | which he asks me to be his wife." u OveeGeetrn menbne at ea itowel.| Has pleasure tn announcing totheeitizens| 'Otten, in answer to a request of plies calling for it by name, as the con- | 84% Says 2 honey | *bich, simple in itself, is benten in ite| "Written yous note? Why in thun- RU . or Samotet ane mode yi bebas identification, I have been greeted with | tinued tests: of the official chemists | That is, twent eee i CY | influences, and has become t in its | der didn't be come himself T' P. Mudgee te on Te PETER DILLICO the phrase--'Young man, I did busi-| show it to be much higher im strengt Jett egal "thing. ag anaes Mie bef ths oP SB gnigs Su gleng aay caspase be ee Co. Fire] Lands bese ana" i ith this bank bef were i i han - th oug ext : own in ages as the waichwar ateres sis 4 General Seni, Oden Bone a tte BAKERY BUSINESS sorte ie amusing 'a eke nf and "g rer in quality than -any other barrel) one-hurel of the vinegar. | of health. --Liverpool Crusade. feels a little timid, and besides, papa, tal Rooms, Listowel, Ont. Po born i * | brand The vessels I usd to wake i it io are think how much more. binding a note B AN KI N ¢ B U 8 I N ES Sit HS be Fost dies So Toste eee ee tee et as | ridiculous passion such a man will nmmot \cohol barrels, which I find Ey is." (COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MAIN ST. a Central Hotel, > (ooreeest OF the Grand | Sometimes get into when he is told the Se pop scnpenint lawones ft tel sees of S¢ ety Bel lea* ARTHUR AND LISTOWEL. BREAD awp Busts | fact may be exactly as he states it, = ein Deicy Hecttone, barrel heads and paint the outside to "Say." anid Alpha, my eon is learning aacaennenets * ~ the bank does not know him now, . . at the iron hoo; from being' des-| Tights, it is 'soaaeiaet: sre the latest in| to play the violin. Come around this Listowe: Oreice--Lare Division Court} delivered to all parts of the town daily, | is to be expected that people who are} "'The~dairyman---must--..study_. the eS beh 6 5 underwear. The use of them by women | evening and bear him prectine." "What Ormce, Main STREET CUNFECTIONERY of ALL KINDS | unfamiliar with banking rules and| market demand for his products, | tToye wo -- re kept in | 1, Private life Bes so tar" established it-}is-- he the day.?' methods will give a good deal >f an-| whether these are butter, cheese, or | The barrels and vinegar are kep! iry shows that penae two | ask ¢ works ina saw-fil- ; ae ed Omega. "H 7 ke ilk, and k adapted for that | my house cellar, su covered with burlap of the largest dry goods houses get- | ing factory " '*Well, I have another en- A McDonald & Co., Bankers F _ aed ogy ee yin onan i = _-- It aut be Geactial aitcite to | as to keep the dust out and let the air | ting in special consignments 'or 3h the de- | gagement for this evening, but will call Choice Cakes and Pastry come thing in order to impress us with | sell Jersey and Guernsey milk to the | in. ¢ factory to-morrow MALIN STREET, LISTOWEL. : . : d | Worm under gowns are almost invariably | main a few minutes of ther its nee, city milkman, when-twelve per cent of One year "converts this water an block, a hie au } Mi wan amusing thing took place in our | solids constitute "good" milk, or keep | honey into the choicest vinegar. "More Roast easter Sask: They are put| "1 see," remarked the Horse Editor, ORY a ig » WAN AN .. plang bank a few days ago. A laboring | so-cailed cheese cows from which to | age will make it sharper or more acid, | on precisely after the actress fashion, | "that Motor Keely professes to hove : end tbtrreet allowed st the rate of 3 per| Having had twelve years ex- man had-been given a check by a well |wmake butter. A line of dairying must = an one year old it is fine enough for | that i, dyawn up from the feét and paiveang coll and sieapla method of to ail parts of, Canede- Reference--Mer- | Derience tp (he Baking business, we known contractor, and came in to get | be decided upon, and held to, for fre: | an Sine hh rE pains os -- ki bt nder | ble with Keeley," replied the * chants! Banh of Conads, Stratford. Ofice | "Sek'trends ct family Sest kept for eale| his money. 1 told him he must be | quent change in dairy methods will Sweetened wate frome. washing roger cpppecseeeee caltintagy tor nei Ba bor ¢.*the dente with_quarta: instead % a -- = * ae ee ie dundee' ens ee ee Oe TOY meat the apiay, ond 'fo tlie ws pres mad would be bard telling. One women who | % coming rag the p'int yo cae naman the Oi rLad fecesw ised be and | to be aay comusieetieas has ataiod he 100 says ears "Can some litt 'aaikes tell me what A Rare Charce. "Do you mean vaccinated" he asked. | cared for as 2 mother, and fed aj with honey vinegar. Still with the low | of gacbe for hot weather, The decline promuredlornag da sr Seg tiene aces AGETS WANTED 'No, no,' I replied, after turning | mothers food, not the food of bullocks. | price of honey, bee keepers may find a | of the bustle aed reture to atraght drap- real our: "Please, teacher nie coak MANITOBA LANDS. way to laugh. 'Bring somebody here | This feeding and care should be com- j reasonable 4 = some of their poor | eries displaying the figu some; ; : ~FOoR THE-- . ask oes case apes one mencet With the calf. The stunted calf | honey, such as is unfit to sell as an arti- tine o de ig eon with the whs The Growth of the Matr. undersigned has 2 180 acre improved New : England : Nurseries, in the check. We can't pay money to | that has been obliged to rob its bodily | cle of delicate luxury for table use. : hivebie atwise ke Wathcd > Thailentow sare Soc onle aipunted (© 255 Oak River ---_ --_e ~*~ 2 we don't know.' ; growth to keep trom freezing, or spend = . an the hair oflen lends » ESURALErS: STAT isin on exostient end ts a Gret-ctans saratoga nghejiaredaniamneies "Ph span departed and returned in | its summer fighting the "gaunt wolf, 100,000 People Perish ! The Fastest Time on Record ishould be "ooked after nt once. By Property ageed house andbars.thevtaster |'The Old Reliable Nursery. | about 1:'minutes accompanied by bis | has had ite energies misdirected, and ai ai Sreat Gormes Hasrstasio tee esip Sits "with an addition 2% x 48ft_, also 4 in after life it will rarely ever to try More than 100,000 people an nually die | in the direction of the nearest drug Seip mn benltny co che neal ete poultry house IbxS0rt.. root mouse, ete. Al wen with push, enerry, habits and wife. He: secmed greatly surprised make % of pay in cou: rem Consumption.which | store, is not too fast for any person who ee eres bair greatly pro- Sues jest across tie aed. "aioe baskets cy | sles charester scred We cee | whem I told shim chat her identiGca |tomehespooitablecow oft. |i noe'the child of eatarrh. @500 reward | fe troubled with oostipation, dycpopein, | ae fins Iie bly street Ta Tats wheat, besides large crops 0 oats and give you pay and steady work. Witer| tion of him would not be sufficient,| The calf that is raised for a dairy Proprietors of Dr. | liver complaint, or sick beadache, and | ted |nto soything else. For sale by all ley. wore taken of this farw lest season. ----e and that he must bring somebody who cow should be abundantly--not lavish- | Sege's Catarrh iy for any ease of | is in of Dr, Pierce's pp eonacittat further particulars -- CHASE BROS. COMPANY, was'known to the people of the bank. | ly--fed on grass, clover hay, oats, | Caterrh which they cannot cure. This Pleasant Pellets Gentic and effective; Tip tveereaptanion bi rhino mere el id ee bee Latows:' NURSERYMEN, COLBOREE, OT. After Thad wasted half an hour! bran and other protein foods. Corn | remedy is sold by droggists ; 50 cents. a dose. | tising toute and fortifier, a3 : f mit : ae eee * 4 Tony 9 = a a ~_ + * . - * tan ': tebe Z - . is bis: ee : ' | a: migie " da St enn is - io " phe Ss