Listowel Standard, 14 Sep 1888, p. 2

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"\ Grand Trunk Railway | TORONTO EXHIBITION. Single Fare from SEPTEMBER 11th to 2ist "ON SEPTEMBER 4th and 1b. will be sold for Peeeig," San trip §=$2-25- Tickets xood to BUFFALO EXHIBITION. SEPTEMBER 4th to 14th. Also & ON SEPTEMBER Ith, } S3BBO Willseliticketsfor S33O All Tickets good to return until i7th. EE LAST GRAND HARVEST EXCURSION To DELERAINE, SOUTHERN MANITOBA, SEPTEMBER 23th, for 628 oo. ; 4 ye ats = ve oo ae LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, SePrEMBER 7, 1838. BIGH PRAISE FORCANADA. The London "Times" Lauds The Dormnion's Determination to Stand By Her Rights. CABINET MINISTERS agalN URGE CANADIA¥ NITY--S0ME NEEDRD REMINDERS FOR OCR AMERICAN C1C+INS. Loxpox, Sep. 1.--The Times in its yes. terday's secord edition gave s long son, oss torially says: 'These speeches Lear favorable comparison with most of whac bas been esid in high quarters on the the the government to stand .by the rights of Canada." Aliuding to theie referenor of the United States with another of their own make. There ia no d-fGinite statement of their intentions in this res upon the prosperity of certain American railroads. Hetalistion will hikely enough be wrecked some such roc Cleveland's againet it. We ventured to predict the other that President d ovly serve to stiffen the not wide kk. . the first public utterances of members of the Deminion Goveroment, ne President to real ow wantonly be has embitterea the relations ofthe two great ostions of North America for ao indefinite time te come. CANAUA # MISI-TERS TALE. t Sept, 2.--At the banquet at Aylmer on Saturday evenip: Sir Heotor Langevin, during the course of bie speech, said that thie was the time for unio) lesser. ® ould at be Literals or Conservatives, but we sbould firet dians. @ sbould be alire to fo interests and guarc well the beritage that our ancestors bad given tous. (Cheers ) We were pot nemire of the Uoned 'ates, but friends, as we always bad beeo, and therefore, perfectly at eas were, ie. | (Cheers) We pad our mgbte te protect } would protect them. (Renewed | but treaty rights. (cheers) We nain large country, we bad extensive public works, and the present cris d+mon- etrated wbat advantage they were tons. He then entered into a full di-cassion of t . * question, repestin the senti- ments ¢x t Hageranile, an met witb enthusiastic epplsase st every et ow te their re- taliation would turt the - the States than 1 would the Canadians and asked our peorle to pre- perve a dignified silence. (Cheers) CANADA CAN RACK THE WORLD. (cheers), was strong ip she was right. (Renewed cheering) e d not be afraid to cane nited States engineers. To empnasiz> the statembot, the Review repeats a lit- tle history with the capa] in wor timbers and materials from Cena- ade. The in- sisted upon the payment by bim of duty on the mat-rial thas,as alleged, imported into the United States. Mr Brown psid able to duty, as the work had been dove eu waters. The (or- ernment dis: sareryors to the ca- dan a ; t Satvationists Jailed. REFUFING TO DiAPER®! WHOLE Force ts Newmanger, Ont., Sept 2.--For some time past the Salvation Army bas caused good deal of trouble to the merchants, especially on Saturdsy night, by the crowd which tney attracted, blocking up the doors of several stores and = render- ine the sidewalks impassable. The av- thorities lorbade the «rmy to linger on the streets, yet, notwithstanding this warning, the officers resolved to contin- oe, and last night » very Ia: to cipated, The captain, a stout, ona' - able lady, was holding forth vi to the Catholics, but that thie was the firat time she bad been interfered with by a Protestant, spparently appealing to the crowd for sympathy. A scene great fusion ued The the captain, another Happy Tom, a lieu- tenant, and the re-tof the force took agsin repeated. Finally they marched to their barracks, making various eppesl« to the crowd . An Arizona Mine. Ottawa, Sept. 3.--Mr, G. B. Pattee, lumberman, who has just returned from 1m Ls tbe first output from the mine was four tons. To be exact it consisted of 7,388 for $i i tis, the oar ae taken Specumeme of the ore takes trom the min- by Mr Patt+w, while th -e mesay ae bigh ae 4,855 ounces of etlver to the ton, buta fair avernge is put at 5,117 gunces to the ton. Mr, Patter says that he intends working the mine for all it is worth, and = large number of men are now engaged . getting out the ore. be ne A Minister's Crime. A MICHIGAN METHODIST MiXI4TER WANTED aT OcE FOR sLLEGED FORGERY, Geevra, S-ptember 4.-- rrant beea issued forthe arrest of J. B. Alli- so0,8 Methodist minister from Michigan. to a note re considerable amount and his, tocash it. Mr. Little's su«picions were sroused and he wenhto Nesage- Annual! Sale of Stock. Guelph, Sept 5.--The tenth annual sale of thoroughbred and grade cattle at * Ontario Agricultural College th \° ere wes a large wd prese surrounding dis- trict and quite « number from a dis- tanee inister of Agriculture and A of Agriculture haa r information from ¢ best and most undoubted sources thet the Manitoba ia the crop righest and best im the history of the Prosines The Cansdian Pacific Rail- firmatory highway of commucicetion by | ned | een (cheers), and having this internal | strength we can stand alone egainst the | i ip. . Twenty years will prove that the Dest? part of the continent ison this side of | the St, Lawrence and the people from | nd to road sathorities kare news confir of this. ----------------------___ I: witl be an inapiring sight to e-e the Grit etatesmenof Ontario gathered in the Toronto exhibition grounds listening to the Commercial anion oratory r. | Wiman ground out to them from the | | bowels of a phonograpb. They bed regular old fashioned eleo- tion do*n in Arkansas the other day-- fie> riots, s- aiany niggers and two white named Ban} ployed in Hompbrey's sew mill, two miles of place, was ly milled yester- thrown igsting reports of Cabinet meetings to thetr egperievced bands at s fegndation to rost ffs i i ; : i § i from the mire pane out at $56 per ton. | f of the insurance is ELMA. A son of Alex. Campbell, Elma, fell on | floor and nearly bit off the belt of his tongue, which happened to Mr. and Mrs. J. Clemens bare retarn- ed from their vacation trip last week. it pleasan time amongst their friends in Biair. Misa Henry of St. Jacobs was visiting tat her daughter's Mrs, H. McLeay. wood warm friends during her stay, especially of tbe opposite sex. CARTHAGE. ot proyr ome is The Listowel Qe te will be present and render a & rT oe) The erlebrated Temperance soloist, Mr. a J. Morgan, of Erie, Pa., will also be presentand contribute to the pert of the amme erars. en st the low figures of I5c. for adults and 102. for children, a crowded bouse is spticipated. NEWBRIDGE Miss Bayne of Woodstock is visiting at ber sivter's, Mrs. Alex. Littlejohn, coke Mies Braabarn of Detroit is at Mr. Oggins On a visit Miss Susan Eysns leaves for Mount Forest on Saturdey ta.sttend the Model Quite a harvest for legal practitioners around F ich at present. ao ep up over four-hundred acres of land oot far from the ban of the Assini- Manitoba 1s settled with Howickers, be ny ny di friends. This belped to make hie risit leasant and agreeable.......Wm. Hynd- man leaves on Monday Svpt. 3rd to at- tend the Business College in Stratford foraterm. As ¢ rincipal of the College'is an old gentleman sod bas a large emcoun perience,as the stand- a of the college shows to-dey, Mr. Hyndmsn has ie ¥ wise choice no doubt will distinguish bimeelt while there, and others seeing his ad- vancement may choos+ toattend for a term themselves. Muse Mary McKee of Wellesley, form- erly a 'resuient' of Howick, is op on a f sane: a4 oh rural Jcsits. ATTWOOD A diagracefoal scene occurs in the rear erd of the Eoglisb Church at every ser- vies, A number of young ledies (7) and young kerp 1D ' tehingsod wh'spering. & to be wrest and if they do oot desist their + they are «-ilkaorno. We trust such will not oc- cur sgain,--Cew. ing the month of August : jee & er, Aggie D: Eve Marshall, Henry Mea li R Ksvx, Teacher. Mr, K-chard Grabam.of the Elma Cen- tral Hotel, bas purchased the briek for his new el from Hartiston, and will proceed with the erecting of it at once. Wm. Harvey, ho bas been spending the greater part of bis summer | amounting to $100, which vacacion abroad, visiting the scenes of | 1P& of to th Tue Guelph Board of Trade bare re- solved "that it would be grea:ly to and sou last. He looks = grrat deal better than when be I-ft as last spring, and expres- expense and joss ol time. He will remain at bome till Usiversity College opens, Oct. Ist, when be will enter on bis 4tb aed last year. Rev A. Henderson rtarned from his holiday trip last week and eS great able to enter into bis work more ener- tically, euthusiastically and vigorous- ly than belore. He occupied his ovo pulpit on Sunday last and a most impreseite sermon to a yery atten- tive sudtence. Mr. D. W. Campbell's entertainment in the Preabyiertan Church, on Monday,) evening last,was a decided succees finan- cially and otherwise, about $20 being takeo at the door and aj] present being well pleased with the lecture and views from the eciopticon. Mr. Jobo Jarvis, who has been clerk in J. L. Mader's store for the past two Jett bile } en: it Hy ee Ht Fa i8¢ 4 g 5 f i Listowel, were brought to ber father's residence, Mr. REFIELD a a as Mr. Astle- |, of the 10ta of ryborough, wes the Moorefield a Palmerston, Emre of Drayton and "Hunt Cassidy of Moorefield. She died at 10 o'clock,p. m. on Saturday $3 6i 5 cheese offerings bere to-day were 4, - market w; the infant child of ber daughter, Mrs. ichi came orer sidert Methodist minister, Rev. L our focal widely scattered family have the heart- Peterhoro, Sept, 4,--Atthe meeting cheese board Mr, Wo. Grant, brother of James L. isi fac- cheese = tory bas cont thie district at 9 ny aa August and 10 1-8¢ for Sept. z 3 i [ne § igh t ff eaeton hrkehany of teaoper. Sashes, feet, after meals, wekefoisess, or fadeeceRhte Sealing: of Geet, of of, Sepene- oa, have all, or any considerable number Eg oe wih Se iadipetion: 'The more Erccier toe umber ond verety of ome oy what py 9 Dr. Pierce's Golden Discovery will subdue i, tf taken according to direc- tions for a reasonable of time. If not rs \y and Consump- ss the Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, Disease, or other grave Sr,nen, fod 0 fatal termi -- eae Couerfalty upon tee Liver cad irakses of ail blood talate aind tex: ciranees the of ali apd im parities, Srosk whatever couse axting. 5 i Strengthening, and bealing disrmses. = ig A this wonderful Lo beur of three o'clock tn seen omen Stes. EW BUTCHER. SINGLETON WILSON = SHIPLEY, ont. England and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. an and foe bax ae upwards, at = low | cluding a Grst-class tor east of the old ~~ oe econ arenes of all descriptions dope on . Thi« te an excelient oppertun- terme. 2 tir inte a cood paying business and s MAIN STREET EAST, keeviegos band at all ti the that can he obiciord. The shop be kept in aret class stvie. He has secured ibe services of Mr. Lostig as batcher, and Be intends wo meriia share of the pabiic pat- ICE BUSINESS FOR SALE. agricultteral ground: and terms property 40 Town Lots} "MOT, nore 5 NDERSIGNED has about forty 'Tow: Lots for salcin different pariso A - : f Uf t gl | f | good Gigeation, a fair skin, buorsant spirits Samah wad boats health cil be ceabiioiea. aa ements: bat for Li Bi | il For Weak Spitting of Blood. Short- of Breath, Nasal Catarrh, Bron- chit, Asthme, Coughs, afrctions, i ms an ciicient pt. br Druggista, at 61.00, or Six Bottics 663 Main St. BUFFALO, N. ¥. Reguinte the tiver and bewels by the jod:cious use of National Pills, they are pereiy vegetable No Universal Remety bas vet been discovered ; but, as at joa-* four-tifths of human diseases have their i 2 which defy ordinary treatment, yield to fe 23 brief trial. Mr. C. K. Murray, of Charlottesville, Va. writes that for years be was af- : ara 7 much suffering. These were succeede by carbancles, of which he bad several atone time. He then began the use of Aset's Sareeparilla, and after taking three wtile te carbancles t disap ars be has not kad prared, am! . <3 even a pimy! That imsidina. disease, Serefula, ts the frnitfal case of innumerable com- plaints, C jon being on! t equally fatal. Eruptions, ulcers. exes, glandular swellings, weak atul wasted muscles, a capricious appe- tite. and the like, are pretty sure indi- ations of a. scrofulous taint in the % itnl.fecee many sore sistem ree disfigured by pimples, eruptions. ami unsichtiy blotches, which arise frum tmpere blood, showing the need of | *s Ssrsapariila to remedy the evil. mt more (reepite ° wtts mtirin the diseases ther Jas. Vapsioné, jr. el the will settle same with i» Va arr some notes missing pertice will take potice pot to pay or discount any note or notes excep! to the for Jas. Vanstone, Jr | ad ou Ger, Hose FUR 6ALE OR TU RENT. ne aoe wt ; DETROIT AND CLEVELAND OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS end Excursion Tickets wi! be furnished ty your Ticket Agent, cr addres E B. WHITCOMB, Ger Passe Axmt. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Havigatica Ce. wry DETROIT, MICH. GREAT CLEARING SALE AT o. PRINTS, MUSLINS AND DRESS GOODS AT COST ° ~ J.52.4G5BB'S. --Also in-- GIRLS, BOYS', #ND GENTS STRAW HATS the balance of stock sold off regardless of cost. JS. GEE. A MONSTER, CLEARING SALE ----OF ---- DRY GOODS AT COST, FOR CASH, 'Will begin in a few days at the STORE T7 JOHN RIGGS. y advertised to remaed ss Reserve your purchases and take advantage of the Good Bargains I will then give you- JOHN RIGGS. ITEPARED f O-. 4. S. Aver & Co. Lowel, Mass. | Be tty ai dersg ia Price §1, ets Lotte, BA | | TOWN TAXES. ---- | NOTICE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, | BSunues S88egseuy Seunesnsssssseue a r af bear of his future suce-ss --Con MILLBANE, The average attendance in the 3 !!- bank sebool for the mouth of Augwsi. <a! 604 Mr McNeily bas bis machinery for bis ess about ready for action. want for soothing draughts. Bring Z re your apples and get your sweet e:der and apple jack Tobia week will wind up the barvest- ingin this locality, gnd the crope are fair, especielly the spnzg crops. Fallwbest wees falure im most cases. e Sosa op ususuansl Exuceusesl At a meeting «f the Town Council, ; beld ot the Sth inet, it was moved Ly | Jobn PBamfort, seconded by A. W. Featherstone, that t+ time for psy went of the first instalin a! of Taxes, wtihout edditions! pecentar*, be and ie bere- by extended t+ the 15h mat. --Carried, S. BRICKEK, Mayer. 1833. Listowrl, Sept. 6th, 18: as S ALESMEN WANTED. ' nent Stlions gosranteed with | Sarary axp Exrexsrs Paip. Any deter- _miord man can with oe tar to beginners. Stock complete, | tnclading many fnst-seliing specialties, Oul- St free. ' Address at once, (Name this rm BROWN BROTHERS, Dp za, N.Y NOTICE TO CREDITORS Wm, Geofge Maher, Listowel, ait, Ei AT a i iil Mt § "il Hell i i i ie § TELS fi EF [ p/ Rocugst! { } NOTICE. | eee | Having 14 my batechering business to | Mr. Jobn Porter. [I wish to inform ail those | indebted to me that their ateounts mast he | settied within the next two weeks, other- © eoart for col | Wiese they «tii be placed | tion. I will at the 0 of basines to reerive ai! m -* In connection with the above I bee to state that I will continoe to keep al! kinds of = og hand. nous by strict at- tien buciness, aod Keepi ae Of good meat, to merit evatineance of the Support hithertc accorded to my © Py JOHN PORTER. "PRIVATE MONEYS. A large amoun: Private Fands to Loan St6 per cent. om Farm Secw Interest tot fan ge pred Tamsseewiten ode ww - Apply to an DARLING. ' Barg@isier. QGieo over Scott's Bank, Wallace St. Lis- towel : : = --And all classes of---- FARMING AND«GARDENING TOOLS. S. BRICKER & Oo, HARDWARE DEALERS AND IMPORTERS, ae Have now in stock an immense quantity of-- _ BARBED WIRE --AND-- BUCKTHORN FENCING, Also Plain, Ribbon, and Lining Wire BUILDERS HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. : IN DAIRY SUPPLIES hb ired, also in tall deecriptions. We ean canes? WROUGHT IRON FENCING AND CRESTING != any quantity and - IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS " large stock, including Cornice Poles,Picture Rod: Window Blinds and poleats and U1! Cloths, al): Parior and allother Lamp Good+ Coal Oil Stoves, Cutlery and Plated Ware.- 'READY- MIXED PAINTS, P Wholesale Dealers in Coai Oil. Piaster Paris. and Water Lime Ferm Eclt+ and Ceda Posts for ale, Wrought Scrap iron Purchased.

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