siahcetereaunereemees en a ' MAI ST. ----T-- ' ect ar though A. Sr. Grorcz Hawkins. os -¢- sere Prete See poorer ero " Fe belt, pull aed ring it.If the { paid strictly tm nd: : : j lady for whom the call is intended comes lecherwien alee aes to the door, raise you hat, bow, and say a something. It doesn't matter what you «7, if you've ouly managed the bat basi- VOL. XI --NO. 32. § A. ST. GEO. HAWKINS. Bees with grace. : * é - avy, "If, as you suspect, she likes you a Lit- : -- -- tle, she will invite you in. Ii she does, sce ABS SE "EE | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ASECRET TOLD, red frter Ringpod, snd teving | tat the surace of che round | | etubttions and Prime Bute. | ore Gober. "Thee. wemng m7 tee Ss ow = erate iearers: 20 90 190 Si . BANK OF HAMILTON. $ | diwimed, with her woman's wit, the j when the cutting is planted. Thus} 7. 1: of the Ov. | Pat seuersa lady mere than to see a oe eeeeen trath 2s to bis relations wi fog is required, bat | oe ge Oe tt * a rag, anda lit- ote wel, aa FE as . wah Hester | treated, no muluching is required, tario Agricultaral College says on thi- | °C *@S= st ag, oda |i ttl Pea OE how you Miss Pres) {isle Susan's subsequent conduct '5 they must be kept free from weeds. subject : Creme = Ad of f id S we the | i 5 eamaaus --7. rprperbatidy jaacartien ne wan CAPITAL 3 $ $1,000,000 | war 2 os she walk Ps by the she > Ia ~ ofthe = vp F rs thie pots to fat all bie ell onenten, afetimonth and toe pero | TIME TABLA the baf-cooa! on Requald | Beemols for the tanir's share ta Ar-| of the sumteceng of fre cope tan as] ss mel cn sarcriaisg eee some sstheq bias feel red end cnocafereehie? Any special nation. 1 of whith Is to - RESERVE FUND - $360,000 | Faye oe He had been | and Hester's courtship be done soon after harvest or in win- | ™ethods of jaiging should be adopted. Paar ' susie the f y Cee ing | : : A scale of abould be established | 3+ 8? (said before, don't stumble, and or wacety Psi fnas tt aa S asta Ss ---- years and she was telling | wa teens chee a eae ead Seated ad-at pr tarthermmmnare ShOTy All dom' act as though you were 42 sdvertionment.and charged ingty. | TEESWATER AND ORANCEVULE BRANCHES | -- at enter ters The advastage ot snow to the North- be judged with ref-:ence to the stand- ot samiiag. Soupareii Lf Times tn the aren Yee 8 Saale! ae DIRECTORS. | "She isa very young lady," | Momaieur Bourgecis at the Miomic- | erm farmer in improving his means of ard recogaized by three paints. I pre "Leave your bat in the ball. Hang it monte withusispecitied directions will be tn a.m. 2lip.m JOHN ATU 7 be ared, ing in the direction | 3 morro tramSportation to a great extent offscts | seat a form rie Bomepa resgea ape a8 Ob test sink M these is ons. If the Innouilane an atvertiocmn wore oe alee ur ood = 28. STUARS, . | of a beautital girt dancing. j ® Golignant's Messenger. what injury = is to hum im other res- | both : is placed at the farther end of the in emer by Boom 0 SSR Eva antoersass - te ~ Vicw-Pars. | « Ringgold her more, [veel go on two condeetiors : Grst, pects such crops 2s the potato | ---... ' (Ernie. 1s. Exnfett of... posaliadecrretcetp gre bet ailonnortig ao eh eT =~ ry) te repaga ROACH, A. G. BAMBAY, | than that," said Miss Lowry. "| am zat I pay my advance. Sec- pig ES long distances in Renee (oc Cosemt. Cis = Sean as. gee af it ie. -- a 'ae preaspar Cm be oe * | told she ss a terrible coquette." vend, zat Iam mot om zee winter on account of the severe cold. | "Sr tee eseef judges onty. indy the impression that you are used Fo have « first-class lobbing department tm ~ am J0nR ; 's face clouded over. He, - At zee last "neck, wee vere zree! To the potatogrower good roads and eras '© thet sort of tning, give you time to mection-- and Garden presse -~ 40 - A ! the om ree zee acter' jen | Butter. tron Shotn ta Cheon. Tice' Putate | ~wcover your self jou und thick tnd the Intest designs in printing material-- ~ ge+ had heard the terrible news on the day Comertee, proprictarte Rearness to market are the most im- Ps : Porerseicn enabling us to execute a]! deacriptions of fob = §20 +: | Drafts on-New York and Sterling Fa-/ of his return that his dearest friend, ™y house, zee zentieman of ree news- consideratiuns. It is easier to! Paver. @ Flaver 35 something toesy. As for the cacr, { Saas os eee jee. and in atyhenec <BR 5 | Shyser beast ane sold. "Depoatte received Ringgold, bad taken bis life, isa: the soa xick to straighten | r= = gate 5 orn ye ee en oe Our terms for job work cars' advertiee io Aa oe interest allowed, | OREILLY. and the reason for the act was um 'ee ladees peegeon pies,j_ a or| Salting 8 s 'ware aia ae oA. ments notions are cash Cur irect 5 ss road, shorten a long one, or | Salting 10 aS with it. If there's azything ea 'pavabte o : inte, =~ gi i". Agent. knowe. . » bess ee ee one that is up hill and down. --< = ee es nn ees We NHURCH D i = aoe ee = = | pe ee -- -- z =<; Ce TRECTORY 10 spe Lien m sadly. "I would give anything to ag et to, breeng filets de Wor the jadges...__ '(atgnateres. repicumettent tee be egos & Cer ¢ . se = know acade." champagne-- Remarks. indy tative time to amike aontist Curece j AmSEr As) Mate st_. | Grangevi vee = Tae be was a suicide 4 borcf, 2 breeng 'The Gjngter of Stars to Whnch Our ;* = as | 8 =prestion Service at 11: Evening Service ai 7 o'clors. | 1A om - ime = D*= HA oe ee ae Vaus Om 20¢ Comectee. : Bun teed ee "Yea,..went gloves. walees you have echeol > =. orale es aii " ; the eventax. Grand Valley. 2 aaa Ta" ma LL, "for I am one bh sectet. "y@fpcmscheses, moaseck, rowbosts ! pease ' can oon emer teerne Ot Rev limes | Beier be Acthor eas deeply inlorc sod became] Ah soutores Saryebae Cranes Nee of Ange. | Say eying eater en | Seely aged, Merde wtih I ton-m. Rabhath achoo! at 2 apm. Conere | Mt Forest... TER 846 | moe und reaidence st the House of Reva | ©P828¢d to 2 certain young lady. One} / could not ask the proprictarie and the position of the lucid | would thes be informed of the expert's | Ty twist aod smooth your moastache. © tiene! scayer soectine Wotnestar ewentne | (te -~- ae wae sp pecan Gay she wrote him a cruel letter break- | tees guests to pay--because be vould | stars of the northern sky, and it has! jad wherea tb eociee | This will give you employment, kerp a ane Carecn Inkermen @t -- 2, | Ford wich aa ing off the match without any word of gig ae Fie eo veendows. mr by the "Tremome: plganps lay. A analytica] re Tekigen te saps 5 al es aod . Fichardeny Pectiar. Sorrires at iSemi-and | eerie eRe Ce on) egg ike excuse. The shock of his rejection so could not ask zee zentieman of zee | frig Argentine of I. G. _., which | Port by am expert, voicing the verdict forme 2 oe ZB mec Sanday ent ot me Prayer | renena Renee: : rm " 1s * MOLE SWCRTH unsettled his mind that he kalied him-' and guests to pay--be- the sky. With the as to the main faults or marked good ee 4 aes oLomgnmgarion a: CHT RCE. sans Winghem occ. 28 YS self." cause bee vould have "S| stellar statistics of the sky mer ger pucrliralal Se nce ad cen | cicativa. <All the lodiee f ny ar quale 2. and 496 p.m. Bible clans at Compecting st Orangeville wit! Gwen 5 "T should hke to know that wretch- {name im zee mine. | him Dr. Gould was in a to | would readily obtain wide circulation | "*°°° admire a gen when be is of ahly prare Fer meeting Wednesdar Sineind Seoand a ee eases ed woman's name," said Reginald, gnt Esse ask my guests to pay. draw some i through the _ To oriefly restate | "@ployed in this manser. If vou have GESEAS ULrvweeax Curecn é z: : 2) k people ate my deeshes ; clusions with respect to the the matter as "related to butter and | POt moustache stey at Dome until vou Apedey" come ery Sunasees hm Paras Locher ae GaSe > aoe tar Diptheria Challenged 1 ai | tell you it you give me your te toeatof only zem deeshes--be- | ment of the brighter stars im space, -- -- Fermepo! st uses of exhibitions artis -- After this is ON EAMETS: --Wex | rataract aecoopane ss 2 ' of it secret," ¥aus on Zee Comectec. the situation of our sular system in; '° EY OOmAry S80 2-- JP. Ranch or vites evers at Connecting at Cataract with Orengeriiic - é ae ; eball talk aboot? Why,: Surtday et 10% a mand ererr Sundar a! | and T ed - #ss-Lowry, made zee, lobster | relation to them. The outline of his | | By providing for competition to atimo- hout the ther. This ie als = park react phage BSE Co Srwiston the FA ora. 73pm "] promise," he said in a low voice. |salddc, snd carved zee filets de-boeut ing.can_be here, but_ the to better, pre interveting acbjast ; daly be srefel and ALLE bal Per TrERs Cre = Biter | Elore.. le~ to" and Croup "It was Kate Preston 7 Ze zentleman of zee newspaper took | numerical lence upon which his} ._ eey : " toll the lady it is a pieesent dx each Sender: Sander Khasi nt 9 Mn oe MaSurnand Relisdlg Core: ered in his ear. cork-screw of my penknife, zere | conch sions are founded must be omit- | '!-B¥ with a | when it is raining. | don't think I ee ek Ne AwOT On CENTS ALAN, SARE CATE TIPE aa age "And I am engaged to dance in the |waus no ozer --{ean you tell | ted. in the first place, it is fairly prew- ne plroeteabyl orate! ame itry te one No. 9 into a No. 7 Praver :Fr Pelpecatnal Scalp bd «eave Wondatock as under three oemere emed saad where deer + i "3 - * -_ ik sure) 1 shape Regia aye atiee etre ee eae Lilter Tees aca Der ake mam cso pa te 'Geeta ibe oth et ot next set with her :" be replied with a jm: rai a oe Le sigest ed that in general the that are Vit! 111. to edecate the tastes of re | of it (the shor.) I fer you sight Rev T.J Gannon. Minister an4&@p m. et ate aarrtieste 1 chai | Shudder of disgust. with an ivory handle ?) e zet j ible to the naked eye (the locid stars) by attracting their att-ntion to ex- | wear a No. 7 eles porr with fancy ~---- seta Renee eee nee er eer ee | semen eer euct arti sels 'Temedy trae "Then keep your engagement or it |corks fy, and poured my champagne | are distributed at approximately equal treme in q stockr es. these with MosTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. pe eee Oe oe bere. Address, -- will excite icion," and Miss Lowry (full in zee beegest glasses distances one aces Ft The work of preparing for the fall «x ety Ty time you cal] and ex- Ctsrowe1--Pirst Friday in cach mon STORE Jr Aewe toe CP Ealleny ond | Rev. Wl. Gowanstown, Ont. | glided away mto the crowd. I had to help ot agg ta caa at | on the aver Smate-| bibitiens will 4 plate to her that you can't, wear SCELFE--Firet Wednesdays in is Ursee Lissowel © ME HAD From Reginald Payn had hardly time to |vaus on {ly equal brilliancy Ue we made a table | ad bar d- of some dear | Teryeasily If the lady wisbes you to ~ Magevenss tris coe J.A rote Liswowsl Hi Listowel: aiteies recover his composure the next Zey rec con my Sauk: I had ate of the number of = te = I wish thar such ra again she will invite you to do aa." Urday eefore (ue) ph. a Néridge 4 Co. Patmerston. @y | quadrille was called: With stupid po- {zee om se Zey were my plates. magnitude in the whale y we shall : aero: LS -------- woe TELb~ Monday briore siaeiph WILLIAM WALLACE MOORE ---- he Jed Kate Preston to her |Zee rep ad ig Mae zee |i there are proportionately SS ee ee ee Cutting Of Wedding Jnitity- coke -- ay before G freesky. Z ve the ht (from -- a Fr ' page dior ONT. place, and,in the eeeabior dance, drinkers felt y prupnictane | many more of brighter ones ba of the exhibi ; a2 emma sscanmontn | HAtmmesttte tt orm in we ror? FARM FOR SALE: fiadressedio er the commonplaces in em some tread athe ft lade; shee | rt to fourth mage 2 of the | Toler the folioming oggetice -- | A™* To SUS ee sarees oy an Minted meniar Wiotar tn wach tout TR i aig Mars beroaen er oe sale am any manner so little indicative of his real |zought it vaus see judge : shee sew | fainter (from fourth to seventh magni-| ete a gcrg Bow eu aaa ca tas bef a ance gic rll tal aa mgehncd BETES I panies in Ontario. at € nt, icchings that he was amazed at his own some at eye. Hee sew some -at | tudes). That is, there is an 'unfasling | dent supply good heed. A porél eort ot reform in the -- soont aie Remiay tn ened | and cpesrd ener sears, Lncerer - hypocricy. ier, butheet sce the 's wife. | and systematic exces rved | the erass with br grain | marriage has been instituted the GattT-- Wednesday afies the eeoond Tursdar. | ie red ew gy hie teaag pg - rs is tr E ay : * y, ne = Mitinawn-- Wed Scare Sear | He lends Private Funds ai 10 per cent on "Can tt De, ie could not help say- ew some at ze judge. very- | number of the brighter stars' We can. ; make firm better. Lf | government in the states of Rajputane m rare at Dede serond Tucs-' Claes secority. He draws Wille Bonds,| Lotet and 3. on the 7ipeon. ofthe Town | - laughed, ev ew bread. i be dry or fod- | ndia, the object be od by Col Teas and Mortgages of #1 kinds at the | enipof urer. The farm contains Be acres; s, from time to time, : feuxdee ang' | not suppose,taking one star with anoth- | ' . ine ing, as stat 7 anit epiiiene tomes lix me rat a. Ne collects 2 ieanie ip acres leared ond tn ag os te fea) be stole = Fas me his partner's "hat an example for my ~ ieagiaes, i ex, that the difference between: hese] a The ausiey of = a nc CM. E. Walter, tto the English T KA ELLEHS' 6 IDE. Het "ore Me tae Lincneee ton $210,404} G tididge and fences. teonth | "that treachery can iurkg beneath a look I have brought her up for twentee ; sree brightness arises simply from | fa iliniee te the wile bs tg tter jontitde Macs aoe Rett ante, " GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY | Ses dorm ig Aon toeei! a Siweach trope a beet Torus teante bar pene so guiltless 2 years with economy. Eef shee leaves | real difference in size, but we must-con- ae ot t - Greee im vate inferenor is that ebiidren {ite mas * fudow. | Farm within haifa mile of Ethel. apply | And well might he ask the question. only as as ber leetle f of | clude that the stars from the first to | fodder is th better effact on the | hesitate to chi SUTTHEES KXTENKIOX OF Ww. G. 4B. KY.) a iecpeege a= eraton-- tipress «et 7.45 or Palen a. m.: eee sEetpen: Mined. 1.45 > GEORGIAN RAT 4 «my AK E ERIE DITI elon. fre: .sleare Lixtowe! max ton dally ae under: ' OuISG surTE. ; Ex Solicitor, ri nae sate mes by Calling om A Comm or tm the High Cmert of Jua- £ oo a press, 21° sMixead | ter. rics aia sia " } WILLIAM WALLACE VOORE. re. Rox! ooreieid Ont a: 1530p. m ; Express, 1.2 p.m: Express. rom | eRe EO MONEY famed MM PHY ra MeiNT: =A, Asia { Solictiers. ae i Net . 7 | : one en Eres ae ai ac seme, gee Sh tamer eases = 6PER 'CENT HH. B.Morewr > | Yearly. Interest paid at the exp BARR Sib bel | en of earth } ze Weg LING. J oe sep apeer ary Pub lam Sernetel te ade --rtr meonrs "pn Farm ee re the Penk of Ramis es end | Progerty at tbe lowest rates. and on the enti" * paaksng Hou pain test favorabie terms Losps can be oftais Henk. ellace Street. Liet« - from wo le ten yem! Privileges are epior a resoes She amount fed Bieadl org the option cf t MA2e* GEAKING, BARKISTERS. ip Fer particniass apriy to he te for BOSERT | MARTIN. Sitar oa Public srs at Boia a feoee: --upposile Grand uiral L fa ter joan Lint J.P. Masee F.W.Gearmc FYAEM Fun SALE. . containing © sondred and twent I W. THOMPSON, M. v.. ¢ nerem bat y' roe bed of Morningto ried socceswer to the iste Tor ecree tleat-@ andie good state of cullive- Physician. Su =. Accovebedr tly free of stumpe~the balaper be- ate of Trinity <3 rth ae ™ ardwied tush: « bank Coliese of Pr iu Lateef *. Peiyen trie De heemmese caf ae ase PxD:: kiteben Dal eperia ~Campin le + twee om seid i rem For Tribe par: riculare oy 3 to Roar { Miners "Uetowe:! orto Alga. Wal kts on pre: W.= E pp rao M. D.. 2 one Township of pil t J omen ye FOSTER, I. DS t calle = a - _ ONEY TO ran Sl At 6 Per Cent. Yearly. (INTEREST SOTPAID IX ADVANCE) TKRADUATE of Cbs. Teeth | On far: an property wi loan from $290 to extracted © witboct pain bs tbe wre of of | $5.20 on cme ken five years or more. Nitrous (rzide Gas. Vitact ft oftber | with a singe snp ged part o- al Of at any Estrance Y aoe so Lat | time. moses loaned Vico's t 7 rent a AXC- a XG done ISSTER OF M*RRIAGE LIC- ES* om NMTTCS ' j | SORTH EI "AT PORT AS bape | ESSU ANCE © Comras tei M.BEU CE, 2 DS-DES. Nitrous <ixide = mproeved + cnameuse petniees catracting § + te old of private Entire (ewes wver Them, Sree Sere, Entrance. Mal. APAE BUST. Bt. Seaidenee, Was Tevottdaie, P.O Rereidence, Com. 2, Waiiace Lene Eg. RAY. AUCTIUNEEK lor ty ot Tewrnet!, x x aes Rio tbe oa depen, N UNEY TO LOax. dem! wt the <MtANeane oflice, preanstly pind atane Ea aad onéedio Mane to lean PRIVATE FUNDSTO LOAN, HOMAS. FULLARTUN, NEWEY lest Oui. Teemer of Mt Lieenese, Com- anh sanleamavaien INTEREST. Miewlouer ip moriguges nd ae¢ ai! conve; dene on = ™m for paying offlcans Stee! Oe DARLING 4 MABFF. i. Ower Beoti's Banking House, Listowel. P. RU THERFORD, _ecel Di "aint Pea. ZT-ILLICcCoO & geperal-- NKING BUs INESS . neds TOwE? Ornrce--LaTe-Divwion Count Boecs nanate a Oreice, Mam Stmert eds Gent ene ting aid anieion ieee en eninptne ed ware be aper 7 oe csuuax iA McDonald & Co, Bankers §:* SMITH, Watchmaker and Jewel MASS STREEY, LisTewEs. end Jewel The cevetrated Bock Crya. - te. Spectac always oe band> rpecsal s- M°xE* To LOAN AND NOTES cnn ond eliery. Tpirerash Ombce, aad er ee --- hag ery ee cent. Money remitted by éraft inode ee of Canada lNefrresee--Mer- Sa eR platelet Sol a NSS O Ber os (he Ore: third Tacegay in each pymies ieee om. The Clerk wti Wetueeday of cach week, trom Stes arcicen, A Rare Charce. The Treasurer will be t= atiendance at his eco od Faiem. otnentag. Thureday, net ae wk. done MANITOBA LANDS. om WM. DAVIDSON. Ocunty Clerk. Constr Clerk's ef®es. Stratiora- upéermgned has 6 189 acre tmproved iCHAED C. CLARKE, ex neat mrsmdon, Manion, The nnd | LN VETERINARY SURGRON | opis Spcce Dosw waters, the Taacet With an sé@itz0n 2 x 4f_ also MILLBANE ONT. Re oe ae cerecr ofthe Outarte ¥; beeper Jot acres read 218) bushets ce Outarte Veterinary | Srowe fam pores oe Pond" oats and -- eximals sencemtulty treated. Horere «xam- ley. were taken of this farm test season. pS FT Deed Stil be time of purchase. Por Py . = | eer 2 See. ge : . Latewe! PETEE LILLICO. Proprietor. Listowel, May 38. lt v7 LIsTOWEtL MARBLE WORKS. |« --T. KEMP, AAHBLE.and WE Fand POR SS Be BEE AlsoCUT STONE of all kinds for Baliding Purposes Take Your Sick Horses HUGH OVENS. V.5. Woods Livery Stable, Skiltul Treatment. A NosT PESIRARLE TOWN RESIDENCE FOR. SALE. allace The prices will be found to sui ors. 4%. MEW BAKERY ee A. YULE, (LATE OF BARRZISTOX . Fias pieasure to announcing to thecitizens of Listowe! and eee thet be bas opered ov BAKERY BUSINESS im Listewe!l. in stere former! accupie' us the Past Odice, two Goorseest of the Grand | it purchas- CONRAD GEORGE. BIZEAD AND BUNS deltt ered to ali partect the town dally. CUSFECTIONERY. eLaLL KINDS kept cm Hand, ana Choice Cakes and Pastry aS epecia ity. Having had tweive years ex- Perience in the The Old Reliable Nursery. Meu with push. energy. cood habits chean re supplied at all times WEDDIF CAKES and |. We can Wier for marvellous 2s was Kate Preston's bread at dejeuner, she finds it under beauty more than half its charms lay her napkin at dinner a must hy in the expression of truth and purity svallow it. I say to --"Mam'selle, which shone in_every frature. ecf you leave so much "bread ee For days atterward Reginald was so aah tomorres, so. much sce taunt ed by two ) shows Ose was after,so much every day,--it ces a a ; the --at zee end-of ste year, you have lost so much ah your dot. Vhen they had vaisted two loaves of More than once Reginald was .on | mand, and uttered words,--wild, pas sionate, incoherent words--that drov by the blood from Kate Preston's ict: : broucht | tittle tr and then brought « back again with ai We woidtd act d any one an he had gwen her his The moment had come at the cost of a pang 2d to his own heart, "" might crush the decervex friend. Should he guurmured, in 2 voice shaken with emo- tion ; "the same was said as earnes:); no doubt, to Arthur Ringgold, by o: CHASE BROS. COMPANY, XERARXMEX, COLBCEXE, OFT. | fourth magnitudes (some 590) are real- Sars. | It therefore follows that these brighter | 0 form a mace by the change of relative nu- | merical tem ? and have we any a day or 2 See ar he cows bare s liberal" | sapply of pure onid to us than the - fainter water. | miedt a cook expect to make good palat- | | abie porridge out of oatmesl and | Bent water as separation om that of those of the fainter stars is frequency. skimming dvisecian bours be Kept cool and sweet. to unix 23 per cent. of pure water | the cream. and that its motion is no? systematical- | ly shared by the stars much Dr. Gould as- | 1 OO stars as data." -- Prof | Tashty ot te batter after heing wilted' the trouble of getting them ! tor i tbat ; ae Ae well | se leads to an i rimony, and violent putting away of jolene fact to other er- se arter uf the sgpeces ineom- of a ineoms requrecy ca, Walker intends to apie ca ta conduc; to bave smaller sume could | the saab Groce Beceseary presen the Semapentient | See that ha' . formes. and ich its aoe Bie! m good fresh coe. po took tee ball of | proof of its existence ? Sir John Her aie every day. They know best | for torre Sees bride teidnond resentment Grove him to of, = geri girl of zee doctor, and like | shel and Dr. Gould have pointed ovt | to belp the vee. ees nts 43 yrorneware the latter. pla at ten: | that there is in the sky a belt of bright-; 4. Let the cows be eared from anDoy- grpitrary limit beyond wb Wiech bad mot io du with impel au - mae is very nearly a grezt | snceand worry. Asy harsh | ses at a wedding shail not ling him to continue his maintance dey bad it dad not cet uic uf the "This beitt is leer yaa com leaseme the quality of | see af new with Miss Preston it 1s hardly likely "he | ter, xy played with my nen s because yy. peer eg and it is inclined about 80" ee ' | which himself could have told. At any rate | my Pt ates wereclean; and zey. played [16 the Milky Way, which it crosses ocar milked crete impmerenst jo let area to Sages the acquaintance grew a ti | teell my plates ver =a ' Cassiopea Southern Cross. bat bes yas to time by paves: to be expended at marriages while every day revealed to Reginald, /ee tat ladee fell on zee grass. Taking all the the stars down to 40 + some new grace = oe charm, whose in | to carry I on esqorade Dr. Gould shows ae they x _ ne sites sha het pale } 000 eps peiircs fen uence be jound it difficult to resist | 2 cytes. Her ugly pug dog, vith | are symmetrically arra h refer- | towel before milking. t forthe antidote of Susan Lowry's | a broken nose, carried go a piece to this belt than igs 5 7. All mnilk sbould be. carefully | 07 bell of i bet secret | Slet de boeuf beeger san I eat in OM i reference to the Mulky- Way. Cried mecmotinesty ative: tee milking |} 0% rupers, end two thirds of a!] in- To add te his perplexity, he fancied! veek. Zee fat ladee laughed wile I / fact, the belt has 264 stars on one P | is completed. aon 1, owing indications | carried her ; everybodyee bravoed, and | of it and 263 on the ot while the | a res ee poeta arn: income at all are pot to be ot Kate; in- his | had to look happee--because I aus numbers tor the Milky | few mivutes Or di preten pouring or stir- Facorrlgg compamenship Was she really 8 | Nes I veel off on two Way are 245 and 282. From. this and | ring will improve the Savorof the but. centage of ginning tu care for hian of ; first zat I pay my share--in ad-| other reasons it is concluded that this | ter, . i practicing the same deceit that iad ier ane , mt iam zee | belt contains brighter stars because iti g_ the raising ol the | WcTrases, because ed his frend to destruction 7 comectice. contains the nearest stars, and this set | cream. mai croak be at a temperature | ; 2Ot 6 cure the erect performance of << --------_--_== The, sccend rule dere anny with all the point of casting aside Susan Lowry's ively the cluster to which our sun be- | 10. mae expendita sions of betrot er and judging Kate for hist | Sehsonable Notes For Farm And | jongs wing the. brighter sald atta shaton gore pune re and os st pase aes ths oa Oue alone restrained In- Garden. which be accidentally protected | ding A their representatives sball simply drink uiry had coafirmec Sasaa's stacy be ed | 2OPE the true stars belonging to this | demp celler ie not a fit place for milk. 'a ot water toget placing the fact beyond question thar| Stable manure may be scaiere® | closter, Dr. ludes that our 1]. When deep-setting pails are HL birch hunerg A ate ape Rte a close inti y had exist-d between | among strawberries that have sun ak a cluster ot about 400 | water in the tank should be kept rat veers record of the eogagement of marriage then be signed Tis tomfoolery dors aver with the previous the father of the bride acpootet ef = came 1s eead pice. | Inmy of rupees. Thekurs, than 10,005 Tae third rule is for the benefit of the tbe bride aleo, and amount to +e expended as "Tyag." lar- aed Doo soon . about of pees moome s back to same height, and sou will signs to the solar cluster. a very im- | every four ailtals a re pembeten pe | te axpraditers tor strike or forgive ? BC. ' nt search will be to investigate the | qual to two per ornt )--sbould be oct "You say you retum my love," be 'There never is danger in rid solar motion em these | apart and kept m as 7) > Fabr. the sharia tek rupecs and congas ps sa days before the churning is | 3% sll for Toekars wi bvires than be done, It is also provided ayaa be emount on the wed; "Ting" must be in- xed aoder the | Sree rule a the lime of expeertiea iture ap- Bis Gore away with coe | BO d the strawberries next Hogi' pega o x coke ber trotn and drove hi an nee Ce ded to which is intended for "Tear" Seopait and death" 2 ovehim to Dat sack land should be watched close- Lenghilou's. Maldes, Charning sed well mai =k where the ""Tyag boric en Kate looked up wonderingly, and ly that it be not infected with grubs, tee oF 18. It should afterwards be kept ot | bes been ¥ery moch more drawing said, with cal dignity : | scatter 2 bushel or even two See | a temperature of 60° Febr whole in0ome of Thakur for the "Doubt if if bot _..: bushels of salt to the acre broadcast RK prageey with reluctant feet, aol'; year. Avotber mportant flec ae ann the 4 o¥er the land ploughing, ba Geet Fr cases sve she fen Dering vedere sed sienilar ranliel teflection on memory dead - ebiid baad e is provides woman who pledged her farth to yTiee of the after ploughing. be ii ioe at Wneacds of posed girls who Inte mod tobe prone. to 64°° are! from the state ha So the marriage is\ Anbur K: uid, and ke;x m to the - emerging { the chrysal: hed: be to be present nt eae ts Hester Lisle T 'layered through this month Simply a thee Ltn tag as they en . aa of eb eboald | at the ceremony. and of theses the num- elative with whom we botn lived was OPED holes with 2 trowe! their "teens." Nervous, excitable, uri- be kept ep tall the batter comes inte! ber sbal! be regulated by the standiog Sewers queedion, who, having pian, of new gromh in at -- angle table, stirred ty strange, pown | Pericles rather larger clover seed. | committee io each state, hooper red Ae , for ber a diftcrent match, wor forty-five Smad oa af | emi or them, each a mystery unto} 21. The buttermilk should then be | never have consented to her resem Have ail the old wood trimmed out Boe, ony a ee, sa, onsiene patel orervight, arene) nsd © added | "A the end comes a rule, which prob- c pt ' % rob Arthur: so t> enable the two to saeco if ae ae a "| Ged the att o! De, Pyerce's Favorite ? nen a a3 abiy sff-cts or cegins to aff-ct a more it was arranged thac Arthur should pre- | oe ¥ Fows are UA" | serption, f-ly carry them Unrough naan baetene ¥ © | wpportant Uben sli tbe reat put \ tend that his visits were meant fot me, nae spaces, take UD | this crocal peri od. danng #hieb, ia too tre or two the butter will be washed | togetber, It prohibits the marriag> of | which gave rise to a ramor, I 12S | planes ---- and trans | many lives, are sowo the Pal ipiécoe euil in a granular ean ed J e gin aoser icons j iv > he f the is the first at t made in the ja- | heard, that-he was my suitor in stead of | plant. a v =f t et Ft 8 ri ise rep to : ag The mitky sesig iene tase tot canigdarald ot early mar- mid train Rs {ied _prevent.all each disea drawn and replaced ) weak brine tinge, which a young maid is doom- "One day Hester received a sealed This is a good time to scatter a little | Core hem an Oey save nieraty weds beams grein ~ = --}-0d_t9 be a widow ali ber kite ere yet she peciat come _eepiow si *s- | well prepared the straw- | te borer, "t0} 24. After a minute's churning, the | to bare been receee by the Cut er RN thor. One of them was in a hand re- | ber aes bar cabal 1108 10 | batter mey be F proposed | sembling bere. hut which she had nes- | 2 rows, Also put a small over [eet amas Let ber 3 wi pretdieniag en Bara, woo bee ro es cea coe . around each i sure of Fav ' is regardée o-- -- righted i -- eres for the lat | rite gies ae is eb only keine ~talt = pageprint cn mepnt crea of the growin : 'ter need 'antil | cime. compounded an ex- a bony velrety to towch modern ideas in India. moment : as by a {fede shows 2 ee rianaed id tanta pbysician,and ad- | should be used. . Avothrr innovation, ino sudden blow. sinie may Gas id lute to 's deli iziGon . 6 Th eo sn aiterthought into the rules, lise ra : "Come ? she-cned, .s son as she ; Fea It is purely vegetable ia ite composition sival We nae femets, ap1, * the Fan perfeedy barmiees in ite effects in | P°? quanel yor | -sactds moll 6a ac Gaaseeee tlict toe With the native varieties of grapes | any condition of the sys most markets aod jajecs. Rejpate. and for rooting in the when Zi. Tee Pact seals Se bee oem ee pruning in Auta or Winter, pre- os uring working also durmmg the Definition of @ Miracle. as ceaulae or ue cutting into | an scene © hoe salt to thoroaghly disoin ae ec Teacher--'-What is © mijacie 1" Md | said --- 3 ble to a tee lengths of about one foot, bury 10 box: | me to the deor, Mrs. Sesith. Mrs, Smith | 28. As'soon as the eal -| Pupil_~Don'tkoow." ¢s of sand and place in a cool cellar | --No troatle ; 2 ty dissolved the butter-may be worked 'eaeber-- Su; . Bor, the sun until Spring, when they can be~ placed . act ros tiene 10 Correet amy stivaki- | were to shire vy night, what . p : wees which the fret of salt u of permet erp ee ee Little girla who dou't like to go to| bare caused. er rr : Situation. Plant + | echool should go 'ina: boys ; -- it were t was low soil in a slit made by 2 spade, and | who dou't hike to'go should keep away ae Fetapaasadieg Up weetly | seen: he to ha , firm the earth well about them. Keep | from the Celestial Empire. There hittie | 805 tpl dl ares shared OS gS them in rows cight or ten inches girls do not have to go at all and the boy« renga eee feesert-- hes Laever tll a te ei it adh bi apart, for these permit. and five or six apart in the row. If} 002 "hrs they sre six years old. ' : ' supposing I tola you it | let Seseal becios at dsylight, and cle-es 20. It will then doits meker credit, | wnat yoo tank 7" noi apinyan have a when it is too dark to read. There are | and if it dose sot receive the Gret priss| Pupil sitar , ee, seat pug. shied to the nadie; to be pote apr ial Tc eee 7 per ssig res oo oe z peated : one re i | } j