Grand Trunk -- Railway | Laxpex, Sept 8.--The horribly matil- war, the wee ri open, Single Fare from bowels and lyingon the ground and a portion of the entrails were tied SEPTEMBER 11th to Zist areundthe peck. Thix is the fourth morder of « similar kind bat bes been Als 21 committed recently ia thir - origbbor- hood. All the vicumse wer women of ON SEPTEMBER 14th and 10th. | 1, character. The autho: of the at- 3 rocities remains andiecovered and the Tickets wil! be sold for excitement in the immediate vicinity $2.25 $2.25 The pitaiBed pasa which is the . Round trip : Spi 3 Cd fourth of « series ot ------ borribie return unti] 36th batoberies in tbe an London Tickets rood to SRA a veritable panic in -- the East End of men stop- ¥ - | ped work to-day coradirgnsey ioe EXCURSP®N | watching the 1 y LAST GRAND HARVEST dae' was found or goaed Te aitalenely police barrecks. The hordes of tallen women who infest that DELERAINE, SOUTHERN MANITOBA. | jQoslity refused to go into the J. A. HACKING. S fated semen = ion aaekaubers the body wes - -- found: "I have mu ag ong LISTOWEL STANDARD. | oe w a iirc. Sehon ks yet or e"~-----'| Sere have been no FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 188. RETALIATION BILL PASSED. In the U.S. House of Representa- by An A:most Unanimous GODERICH GLEANINGS. Business 2 quite lively in town now foroes of mea are by pt. 5--The House at Bat fi E -J i i if il " ile [i rH 15 1 th , "Grey bound" is in for . Saltford, an onassoming place con- mob y guarded, a0 | branch from Guelph via Listowel to the business of the Northwest | the lake. Seno d --There are fifteen non- professionals attending the Mode) bere great variety is being re- o7 pared, Dr. McLellan will lecture op the | latter etemmg. eve <f ber gunboats, | predict that the | Pye m.jority of those who have been would awak ould at the Poiot Farm the Empress of lodin, forgetting the les- - | selves in a fast boree if the | Brushes oocar t & | quence. youngest Republic on earth." Mr. Lind, of Minnesota, said the Premden', MARYBOORGE. Jobo Welsb's Mr. remdence feb rped to t needay the bill, bat | evening. He with very great difficalty, for improper | eared bis barn and stacks, as the stacks we oa ar. O'Neill," of Missouri, thought the Ameness bad beoome tired of | found | ation of the yard attached oe Mr. Jas. Spence, of the firm of Spenor & Spence, who been unable to be around for the past few weeks, is pro- greseing slowly -- MILVERTON Attri - lived near bere, but late of Newry, died on Sundsy the 2nd, be were interred in beld. H wife and young family have the sym- pathy of the entire community. Tue **Necktie Social" on Fridey even- ing at the Methodist parsonage was in with the one which he beld. A program e@onaisting of music, reedi recitations and dialogues was well receivsd. to $27 Wa. , of Wiarton, friends near bere. The boliday season for the farmers is just approsobing and they are all making arrangements for their ©: good me. Tbe Mornington fall show will be held bere on October the Jad and 23rd, and fares from Stratford and -towel. No doubt our village will ov. erfiow thal day with an eager anticipat ing throng. NEWSBRIDGE At the box social held on the 31st August, at the residenos of Mr. Samuel Jannson, concesmon 9, H ta efforts of the Ladies' Aid were more than repaid b proceeds of the evening. Baxes containing lunch tor two were provided by the ladies and the op- rehased one and open- of the lady he ter that evening. the 7 having another is ind tbe supply of ladies is sufficient. Mr. Hepinstall of Fordwich, supplied the place of Rev. Mr. M joch at Newbridge on Sabbath last, and did it very ably ' Mies Mary McKee bas again bade this Portion of Howick a long farewell, bav- ing gone to resume ber duties in Muli- bank Mr Jobn Evans af the 6th bas decid- ed to give up farming for a year or two, aod has rented bis place. The threshing machines are csusing a low distant bum to break im upon the quiet of the atmosphere. Quite a large number of farmers have pished sowing their fall-wheat. , --_ in the shape of apples is plenti- ai. pad a y even- A. Spence on Tuesda: Mr. F_ Ward, of Fordwich, visit to Mr. ing Wm. Chapman, "Mayor" of New- t Mr. bridge. mrt witha serious 'doing bimeelt up." w able to stil! walk abou 2 yet. bot a vast amount Rade, aad the guretics good, Water in getting very scarce. brought bree to tne Cacadian people id | Caitie are suffering in many places for the wey ted out by the President, 80 ton want of both water and anche ndgenlenr Meodonalde. Use of the pa t's raion >| Cheeee Factory i'l sbortly have an op- Mr. O Neill declwsed, bad reeched the people's brart, and eben be sand it was | be | said what every heheved to be tros. | the Mr. Cockran, of New York, said that | y, watil this aftervoos in the debate of the | eeemed . dark transparent flaid will valoabile. past four days there Farmers who ba eolute absence of any of | thresbed aay thet grain is turning out @pinien. Toe specches bad been devot- | ».1) ed to the President' H meeneet. Some of our citizens intend seving the end, with = single exorption, POt a) Industrial at T. others the member bad declared bimecif opposed | Western a! to the bill. . . { anpi services in the Bap- Mr. Bayoe, wania, eid the | tiet Church, Attwood, were beld on Sun- Fj r-tfi ft i * rt is . Some of our local sports bave as ~ | been out and succeeded pretty well.-- ers. He! Cow, ited i r 3 tf lh ; g F 3 fi I i | | i Hh ! F : f fv E F i! i 4 i g F ges lh , 3 y i i FEES il ltt | : ; 'f i i Hf i E i if i by f i if rg i i iH to E ( | i | [ oe arrestee ame oe j i! i if mil [ i r | tf % z tues beyond the ' je , Of tm ""Goldemith's Traveller." be | img ie rural bl Howick. It is report that pearly all the young meo arailadle are taking their | partare from the 4th Howick the | Fail to-epend the winter io "far off i el " spoken who say they are, won't boysleft to go coon bunting. LINES On the Death of WG. Maher. BVT. E MARES, FOMOMISH CrrY, wa SuIIrO- TOx TEERITORY Ob ' Geordie: forever loved. forever dear: What thy bem or What to thy parting breath, | Whilst thoo was sleeping in the arms of Could tears bet save thee from thy fate: Could death | | | a | Could youth and virteeciatm a abort delay, | Or Deeuty charm thearrow fram its pres. Hadsi thou bat lived to biess our aching sight. Thy comrades honoer and thy friends de- igh The spot where now thy moldering ashes ise Ischar med for me to vini t ere I dis, And deck witn roses white & fae Lime thy What thouch thy compation weep her fl}- time ; A mother's cannot ime ; 'Thench nese like thee her dying bour woeld 'heer . . Yet other friemds are lef to soothe be, anguish here. And wherefore weep we here on eart{: this @ay. Thy matchless spirit soars beyond the cloods away ; ng angels lead thee to thy home Good Shep \erd saya, Well i ad weept Whilst the wi of Can think of the ?. bis wor of war and bis pre for peaceful methods in' the ad- yestweot of differences, s ME i | f | le A tee ik : Hii vl | oF tit r i a 4 id i | Hil i HF ; a registered, Brockville, Sept. chesse were on Belleville, Sept. 6.--Twen 2484 boxes No sales. rest ~__ a Grand Central Hotel in the towa of LISTOWEL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, '88 at the bour of 2 o'clock tn the afiernoen. ROBT. HAY, Esq., Auctioneer, 5 g by Possession Given at Once. particalarsapply te Mr. R. bay, For further ibe suctioncer, Listowel.or to the Vendor's | Jeltora. ! NEW MILLINERY STORE. MISSES WATSON & GIBBS a | Ome door cast of Grand Central Hotel, | end invite inapention ofthete tang and vars | led stock of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, which tecludes al! the latest novelties In Shepesand Trimmiogs. Ocr sieck of Flowers, Feathers and Ribbons Promptly & . PRICES VERY REASONABLE A t=rited. JENXIE WA = Canuix Gisss NTEw LISTOWEL BUS. ----o ----. Lf fe . Billions Headache, Traigeesign, boxes, raling price, Shc trapeac- Prot. W. Havexen, the famous mesmerist, tions one year age, 13,236 boxes ; ruling | jf Fees any ten camila Bee price 10$c. , starr. My famay arr me up as meurabie, and must die. My case was feck a bad one, that every Guy Sowards suD- U ' of the s A T could 4x Uxporgren Proor beneficia] | barely speak above a whisper. Tmorning qualities of Burdock Blood Bitters is $7 on Bing snd Cee ct ta of Dr. Sages found in the thousards ef authentic Remedy, in three months, I was . 3 CRY PF aT - Man, and the cure has been permanent. P oy Prop . The original letters bemg im their P- | "Oenstantly Hawking and Spitting" eersion they can furnish proof positive of | tTeomas J. Rosmrec, Esq. 80% Pine Street, their genuineness at any time. Louis, Mo. writes: "1 was 2 great sufferer cuterrh for three years. At times J could a ee --_ -- agg a ay bawking LISTOWEL MARKETS. [goad not (orestbe "irongh tbe nowt f Sept. 13.2008 | Of was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrs Fa]! wheat per bushel, . $7 10100 | Semedy and Tain now & well man, I beli. ve Spring wheat, pie ® to be the only sure remedy for cetarrh now Baricy, = w ®© | manufactured, and an ee give te Unta, 74 - 30 | futr trial to experience results apd Dapper soe 700 se|?? : a . « Flour, per 100 Ibe. : fing 275 'Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. Oatmeal. ~ 40 Cornmeal. * 2M 30 a Leng 5 re Bunyan P. 0; Columbia Co. Butter per Ib. bad Vy gbe was five years or very badly. I saw Dr. Eggs per 4 il " eee heenedy edvertionl, Gna pro Po bag, new > ,@ | & Gored a bottle for ber, and soon saw that it Hides per 100 Iba, 300) 6400 helped ber; a third bottle effected eueopexis % pent cure 'She is DOW cighteen years old and Woo! per }b., ig. gp | SOURS and Dearty. Wood, long. - 250 3h 004, shart, 1% 20 . ' STRATFORD. | L t | an a oe uxurian air } . . = omen > = Can only be prescrsel by keeping the Raricy, per buebe) & scalp clean. coi, and free from dam ey ae SC éruff, and lots ina healthful per » condition he great' popularity of Butter yer pound : "? % = Ayer's Hal> Vigor '« dae 19 the fact Fiocr per barre! sesseeeee ) SOO 5M thar it cleanses 1] alp. promotes thi TORONTO. ftowth « 1 it ft PRICES AT FARMERS' WAGGONER. falling « i Sept. 2. gilky clas acts seen Wheat, fall. per busb 00 to 1 Hy polit pend epring = an = =| é rek Hardy, ey. bd a gentleman fifty ay $ ss 2? foams lun has, el wh Butter, pound rolls, © @ 8B! growing era: te Eeers. freeh. aaa = : -- Py dreasiucgs with ne effet, be commenced | the tse of A = Hair i stopped the falong out." he writes; "and, to my great surprise, converted A F ALE ty white hair (ovithont staining the . scalp) to the same shode of brown it had when 1 was 5 ye age." ---- Ten Years Younger. Under and by virtue of the power of sale Mr. Marx Montgomery, of canseteed <S-S certain morte Wasier writes: For \ears, was compelled the Dobena m ara dr a ' ing date the Zrib éay of Frome. tu wea 2 fess cap to conceal a bald ary. A.D 1884 and under certain - spoten the crown of my bead ; but now ments the said mortgage, there will be ig ally lay the cap aside, for your Hatr eold atthe Vigor is bringing oat a ne 1 conbl hanliv trust iny senses when I tol my hair growing; but there aul I am delighted. it ts dl ponnger. \ Stuilar result attended the use of s Ilar Visor by Mra. 0.0. Pree tool Charlestown, M. Mass., Mise Bessie 1. Bedhoe ef Burlington, Vt, Mra. J.J. Aver Rartan, af Bangor, Me.. amd numerous othe rn, The lox of hatrimay-be owing to im- purity of the ble! or gigs og of the stomach and liver, in which case, & corse of Ayers is or of Aver's Pills, in connection with the mony be new ry to give health met il functions of the time, it cannot be hat none of these mach go« without Aver's Hair Vigor, D.C A & Co.. Loweil, Mam. by Trruggies and Peetumana. sated by I Se) To Assist Nature In restoring diseased or all that any medicine can do. In pul affections, such @ccum the lungs, plain, ough is relieved, the bronchial tubes can have no heal. wasting r- inja results. This ie why it is more highh esictsed taam any other palmonary specitc. I. D Baby, of a he me. Upe of my neighbors advised me wo try Ayer's I did so, a done promptly. All feel confident to-day gans in the world. ORGANS universally acknowledged come and examine our dust and mouse Music on hand and furnished to order, Tuning and repairing of Pianos and Or H. LAMONT, Proprietor. H. LAMONT'S MUSICAL EMPORIUM --_--_------7 H, LAMONT wishes to intimate to the public that he has opened up a complete stock of Musical Instruments, Viz..-- PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS. CUITARS and all kinds of wind and stringed instru- ments at prices to suit all classes. FROM $50 UP I have nothing but the BELL . «« ORGANS in stock, which are to be the best on the market. Intending purchasers should before buying. Sheet and Book gans repairing guaranteed. I solicit a fair trial from the public and that 'my Pianos-are equal to any of the best American instruments, r gans my Organs stand prominent above every other, and the fact that they have taken 120 first prizes within the past three years 1s sufficient proof that they are the' Leading Or- Shop three doors east of Grand Central Hotel. 30 D. LAMONT, Manager. -R. G. ROBERTS, AGENT FOR THE FIRE INSURANCE COMPA rate of inte reesonable terma. DECFASED, uly, ¥ ul to dett DY post, prepaid. to Meesra, Morphy Intosh Barristers, Listowel, on or befi 13th day if tictoberin8s, a state n tnt 0 Dames and addreser, and fall oftbelr claims duly attested, and of SHIPLEY, ONT. England and Lancashire --ALS0-- MONEY TO.LOAn In any sums from. $70 Romane. ata low Conveyancing of a!] descriptions none on NOTICE TO GREDITORS Wm. George Maher, Listowel, weuant to H.S.0., (IkkTichap.ll) notice in hereby givon that ail creditors and other pe bi fthetr | articulars| securit. | 20th, 21st and 22nd. GRAND OPENING | _0o__ NY. rn We will have for inspection on the 20th, 21st and 22nd September, the richest display of Fall and Winter Mil- linery ever shown in this section. We will exhibit many novelties not to be seen elsewhere. Every department in our store will be attractive. We extend an invitation to every lady and gentleman, and ask a careful perusal of our stock. Prices low. Store open from § a.m, to 7 p.m., Saturday to 10 p. m. Store will be i!luminated Thursday and Friday from 7.30 to 10-p, m. \ | {+ 20th, 21st and 22nd. 'puUuys PUeB.4STS '4I0S Yours Truly, 'BURT BROS. & CO. DOT Creer. nee nee y of W. G, Maher. . Dated st Listowel, Sth Sept.. 1588. 20th, 21st and 22nd. va Si. NOTICE Ti) CONTRACTORS endorsed. EERE iter THT Rack ; bear tn mi: at os offer eubm!tied turned to the ers are pot e This Depertment does pot, however, ttaelf to sccept the jowest or any tende By order. A. P. BRADLEY. Tiies wh Departmen! of Railways and Canaia ' Ottawa, sin Augtst, 1% 5 NOTICE TO CUNTRACTORS, ™ on September weet, Mr t sand the deepening the epper entr. nce deeper be the summtt lere! of coestruction of « the three taterior lock wall Canal betwren the 6 ent srove ; tng the channe! way of ton of bridges Fer the works at at the keeper's House. Galopes. 'or deepeal summit ievel of the Cornwal! Diczenson's Landing - aH ipoae t i : ' i i aR f Ottewa, Mb August 1 SAULT Ste. MARIE CANAL. QEALED TENDERS sodreased to th Aree E ; 3 g Bs a 3 et lor ¥ the tender for cha' > sei sver| Family Groceries, Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buckwheat & Feed The deposit receipt thus sent in wil! be re- Teapective pa: ome Secretary, a _ ST. LAWRENCE CANALS. | EALED TENDEKS, addressed to the on dersigned and endorsed. "Tender tor St. La 'es reesived Pad SS thie fice wniti the sr Pgh Si --Have vow in stock ap immense quantity of -- * Canal, and. farther, Secretary. | Depertmest of Railways end Canals, wI.3.4GER'sS Great Clearing Out Sale ! IS MEETING: WITH MARKED SUCCESS. We are daily sendi have secured. © ie ty delighted with the bargains they ber thie is bo ovdimary-sleetteg go! mem ir ele no pary sale but a Grand Closing Out' Sele. x» a!/.of our Dry Goods must before OCTOBER let, 15%. and ti then mi STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT AND BELOW COST |! NEW GROCERY, ng outecores of people al) high Bae "<=IFLOUR, FEED & FRUIT STORE. HE HAGERMAN, Has opened out a Grocery, Flour. Feed and Fruit Store in MeKeever's Block, West Side of Wallace Street, Where wil! be found a Srst-ciass stock of ofall kinds, aleo every FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Orders promptiy filled and delivered to any part of the town. Our prices wt!! be found as low as the lowest. and aa we intend bandiling opiv the best and treshest goods !n the market, our tustormers will find it te their Interest to eal with Kem -thber the stand and cal! early. z= st EE. HAGERMAN. S. BRICKER & Co, HARDWARE DEALERS AND IMPORTERS, ten- bind re } | ! WIRE & BUCKTHORN FENCING, Also Plain, Ribbon, and Lining Wire. HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS ----And al! classes or-- FARMING AND GARDENING TOOLS. SUPPLIES ba also in Tinware, Galvanized Iron Roofing & Eavetroughing in any quantity and |" aN DAIRY We are in the oat .' We can supply WROUGHT IRON FENCING at lowest figures. IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS very large stack. oding Cornice Poles,Picture Roda, Window Blinds aad Lincteam MU, cul Gietka: Matt Porior and alleteer Lamp Casas Coal Oil Stoves, Cutlery and Plated Ware. READY - MIXED PAINTS, We Shadea, i. Wholessie Dealers in Coal Oil. Pinster Paria. and Water Lime. Farm Bells and Ceds Posts fer Sale, Wrought Scrap iron Purchased. '