Listowel Standard, 28 Sep 1888, p. 1

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--is EVERY FRIDA _ at the offies in tims 16¥ Give SE LISTOWEL ~--T-- A. St. Georcs Hawxrns. Trams f paidatrictly in advance, $1.00per annum ADVERTISING BATES. = : % Piratinserticn, ih er eres lo Ps, ' Gach bnset ten iueartiole a... tee. VO <¥1--NO. 33. ; tél nBerted atthefoi- s Jwing rates: Ps Pa 2. 3 @ colamn,- * Sroue + 0 .... $3 aalr = s "4 oy S ves 4 rie TSTz00 we 700 1. 4 ile jasinesacards, not exceeding Sllnes,g4per annum; over§ and under 5 Y farme f 10, cattle -- aes = me Oe aoe ments. titer CAPITAL #1,000,000 Gtjpecini notions, l0e. per tine each invertion-| RESERVE SUND ~ $360,000 Any special notice. the object of which Ie to mote the pecuniary benefit of any indl- a By ey : #n sdvertisoment.and charred ot| DIRECTORS. Jo 12 limes to the inch. . Ad De. ; Fe ten at qitipe te- JOBK STUART) Pabarwext H ft at a i nis fice bY Com behandedia notinterthas | GEORGE ROACH, A. G. Y. @o.m,on Wednestay. A. F. WOOD, CHAS. GURNEY, JOB PRINTING. PROCTOR. ~ first-class jobbing department to 7 safer er oh and Hordon ee ed 'ork and Steril Px- Drafts on New TY Det i | Rees ae i. [seen ners FOR SALE |! Frame Houre and Stable, FOR SALE. --_o--_ | reatiy a Tot uence ory CR DIREC tame ti Ormos, . Ww, a, and @ va. Bible clastat 3 p. m. Vaekly prayer meeting 'Wednesday ovening at 4 p.m. *.. Qucpos- 5 Noni peter L Cworce.--Rev. || echentat 2pm, Prayer ing at 7.9, / merce -- William reet. Services at 10 80a. mm. and 6 = pm. a . 69 pm. Sabbath merting Thareday even A McDonald & Co., Bankers . Sunday Reboo 2.30 ra) meeting 1m the chureh on (PEAVELLERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. {SOUTHERN EXTENSION OF W.G.4 2. mT.) | Plow prenered to advance money OnE rains leave most fa >rable terms. Loans son i re , o=-- wo years. vi end con. ofthe For Kincardine and intermediate polnte-- | given for a resonable amount of Priseipal | enip of one oy ape sorts 200 acres; rire 7.4am.; Express 22 p.m.; Express we repaid at the option cf the borrower. | 199 acres cleared and in state of cul os --For par are u ; 20 of 'wood For Palmerston-- Express at 7.45 a. m.; BERT MARTIN. Good bal' Expr-ts 12-44 p.m. ; Mized, 10.45 --opposite Grand Central Hotel Good vatldidgs and maces, ws BO -- 2M FOR Listowel. | also river infront. Terma to sult parhaser GEORGIAN BAY A td .AKE ERI£ DIVIAION. A ALE. ror within balfs mile of Ethel. Apply fra'nsleave Listowel station dally as under: Farm containing one hundred andtwenty PETER LILLICO, @OING SUUTE. Ove acres, lol No 4, Lath con. of Mornington Proprietor. Express, 4.28 a.m.; Express, 2.12 p.m.; Mixed, | 100 acres ciear-d and in good state of cultiva- | Listowel, May 38, 1887 17 4.30 p.m. Uon moatly f { stumpe-the balance be- ° GoINe NonTH. log monly hardw: aon: = pace OO ------------ 'D 70x45 ; Blso m good frame dwelling house Mixed 1210p, m.; Express, 1.30 p.m ; Express, | with stone celimr, size 2x2); kitcben 2x14. 8.40 p. m. Ther ure aino tur pu "ls on said prem FARM FOR SALE. pe Fer farther particulars appty to Kosr. o--___ preteens ee ee --_ a AKTIN, wel, or lo aLEER,OD a ' For sale, the east balf of lot No, 1, im the J, Ge DARLING, BARRISTER, SOLI- "ne premiees, . 4th 090, 6f Rima, 9 acres : 4S cleared and I « CITOR, Conveyancer, N to, RM GC of cultivation Solicitor fer the Rank of Hamilton and F* POR BALE: --_--_ and Barn Immediate oa. Goott's Banking House. Otice over Scott's | Lot 5 tn the lith con, of the Townshipof| Apply on the premises to Bank, Wallace Street, Listowel, Elma, containing 100 scree' About 00 acres | MES. MITCHELL, or to T. FULLARTOR, gaared and bo sate of cultivation. 2S Kewry. P.O, Newry, P. Q. ORPHY & MciNTOSA, Rarristers | Forfurther particulars apply ee Solicitors, Conve y SPER. CHENT Yearly. Interest paid at; SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE. M2885 # GEARING, BARRISTERS, BECEE ro take Notaries Pubiie. Greetres sa to joan. J. P. Mapes. F. W. Gzamna NOTPAID IN ADVANCE) RS. PARKE & RUTHERFORD, Phy- land at Gand 3 st Special att od fra dons, 168 'given to diseaseau! women. Ni ee '. ae =} answered at Grand Central Hotel, Listowel. | ry ( uu farm for sale. I have an amoun _-- tivation. mover} At G Per Cent. Yearly- UNTEREST acre or al! offat any 7 per cout. OonvEr awe: ER OF MARRIAGE Lo. ber of 13 i is e 3 5 i DIFFICULTY. 'God's ways are full of mystery' sad no one the truth of the quotation more thea the men who go déws te ene in ships. My fifteenth Urthday fowed me ac orphan and = waif in the streets of Now Orleans. [ bad reo away from s farmer in was bound, and, by book reached the Fis bees i mooth i LATE a > = egal "Thaw tan c eondyemesty « fully: Amery if Fees | st Fa ¥ oo of private rands to invest ed." J W. THOMPSON, M. D., C. M. AD. HUNT. Commiastoner. > ------__-- 'Of course vot, but that makes ne Payson, Sureten, Acrowchege, Greve: | Residence, con.?, wanes | MANITOBA LANDS. fiiteresce._ Yow val have ¢ sige little Lovesey tinier a . ry ~w HE. has « 189 sere impro batt ee ee # epgoiaity. uy ae Ti PRIMATE MONEYs, I aiaforPp stented tn, tne On iat nia-band ae gues 'when nea iin ua ssenires cco seas atresia | hal po desire tng to wre, Inder a = read of it ; but ip hail bour Ww wo toate a fa recurs! et Potate reais fa oes icteegs son, with an eddition x en re boar bo be weet 'even cod. thes oon Ww apces will be ramde sfterpode T'was ecas of ta the i Bese repace' sehen we aceoasenn EMR TIE AS seer ay Gee fee eee peony Te ome mle Inne = aie | APP? paRtina wees, of this furw last oe ied tagged st J. J. FOSTER. LDS ae 'Barrister. | Deed willbe givenat time of parchase. Ne nee Sa sod it was .d. seen lider over Seott's Rank, Wallace Bt Lis wOgty P, c0, pot peel an tow ee Be nara DH TIsST. Bank er Latow? . : -- | pet pabieartanater coenmente of- - ag men, but all af once | dipcepered war gee teh ete sae] AGENTS: WANTED emg es Maet eens itrous Oxide Gas, Vitaitsed alr of other THE FIRST ANNUAL . ew pied I Rad ctem end overheard in \leo's Banking Houses. ° -FOR THE-- 4 the esviae-bteth. Then.1 bead tho a $n ewe . >-Ppemme ef the ehip-end leerusd <chat it - mpavor, ins.pen-| New : England : Nurseries, Tan Des albatross, 1 siya': gyratly . uses Vitalined str, XHIBITI trouMied or would heave -been if wu Oxide Gas, an. tor | ESTABLISHED OVER 80 YEARS. loft to meyeelf. We Werehardiy jin tor painless extracting. Office in old . ef the tug belore Ibe Grat mate, whore Si Recidence, Wallace Bireet Lines |The Old Reliable Nursery. oe name wee Staley, tame upes-ay-sitb © . 5 "a BS hesrible curse ez- "HOMAS E. HAY, AUCTIONEER cious character w ssecoet, 9, es Th North- 7 See ae stumps er 1" rT fret gp p-dhey Porth: 9 the Townships a Aol vad € Great ort western | senthreuaioteoniaguea ete Wee you Bales ai oa ma CHASE BROS. COMPANY, sours aboard te play the young ghatie- teM at the or. prom, a eg ge ae d----2 pou ae ne " -cousonare ovr. } Apt! & Exhibition Association, }3%ss =o ie Sogmning._1 bait voce ve ' was UNT y as Soils tor cons at ws chip's e Y OF PERTH.--THE WaR- . whe 'pind Gedy &t every- DEN will be tn sttendancest the C.erk's 7 y's cull end mbé could be inaked aod Ca a ae . phe ef moe A LIsrTow BL 4 verseety. a the Fiwmvateesatee | WANTED. Sioa tebe formals, desk Bott or fhe Treasurer will be in at bis| Permanent positions teed with FROM TUESDAY TO FRIDAY, |, | 5. whe ese - uader A a A Eb Od [Reming ana aft to Beit ao bale County Clerk's odes. Suraitora. 7 "** trees, "rece SEPT. 25, 26, 27 & 2. 'ind Sappeane. Mast afthe ow were Qa os, ars Fe, | sepctone. aOR ot Saad Mace eeiineees Sr Sas ha ee =| BA SOO In Prizes | srecete nice ose sine oe : t n the best , . 9 man, ao L a, to a sewe, bee sarees | WILLIAM WAKEACE MOORE Sin nd tenasenly comared tome : 1. a | cae th best farms tn the Town- For Live Stock, Agricultaral sae ' Soe es co ove Cutty | ER eae eee cod "tat I oun to be, Sung ovetoand ; Leen Companies at épereent.| 202d Horticultural Products, | endo. 'er exp-easions intended to up- a - laos 7 is eait bereower. ect me. Von.meb, Sale S08 erent . "t followed. + five Wis benas,| Manufactures, Fine Arts, Coy'sywarch, cad on tne night of the -¥ So caltaspe Gaseusts - oe Weesemed to soften up & . Main Street. Pied te Saeed Domestic Products, &c, bit when giving .@ order, | made bold 'escli at cack OMe Mery, whes yom get ready to T ae an of bie, Window. ------_----- bare tbe ship go dow, you won't leave missioner in exe me to drown, will you ? and all com is Rhyme at *W what I' bo gasped, be ataggered | dy Maney te JeRoe as, SPECIAL AFHRAG TIONS beck like shot. ™ . " 5 Lona. te a of and lm ten minutes be bad it all out Ricks 0. clakes, . tee counttes ef Will be Intradipge cach day. and he stood before me ' TE Bt aise ~_ ip te. Wrea be meds farms 'Court . . } = - VETERINARY SURGEON |S =. a Speeding initia in Ring, \SPS.SGew ve wcok weal und looked on pute Dreeesal aor ng é estan. Rem meeng Lge me G » Vetertn at | WILtiait WaLLsce Gather: Miglipnaions wares sie ailid coa.gunben Horese ° Bex 15 Moorefield Ont wee HS sate tad gueetcmed by the otherwise, aly abe Your Sick Yoreee bi GSFC £ HUGH OVENS, v.61 itt 7,32 ae] iii i i ] grgts Es | i 'll FEW a i fr Hi Th Hh | i i srakre F t parrtteT it ut | Hs itil F i i i i ; i f 5 ith t z 3 i j ! ! ! : p if | t 7 if Hh geemnet si2 , t % | 728 E pete if n fr jigi |! 1 " ite "il ul E iy i tabrgite ik Mi 3 G2gekags Fk F £ ge RS t Lidl; | eonst ls Fege Hi ny ie ltt i alt c i HI A} i : wr | i tae $ k ile A i j in this erection. & measure to verify ita length be With ie, praying the Father | duce himself in a harsh ainless and as speedy | what after the followi never While i if if fe f , or career, Os Jar 27 tm Ae, seek, oie v till the spectively 4 years and 6 months and 5 | end of his year ; if bi years, left their homes shortly after | ftmess dinner They were seen } into' during together | gratis till 3 and by the with shoes and | thence he is socks labor. } destimed to pats er, who in the same ! Hf f a Hi l HK i fr ne A rf TT i 4 | | | | te ' pra e uti i rl 'end the close of this manner. "How are you? (whirr). dt Fes to see ourselves ane, before the introduction fie F How are you, Indies (irrr), I hope I (snappp) see Alte if bell ches Se ip Heal RHR Ling Obata if reategt peered ted { I

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