Bae). vAG SAAT HRCA IOUS 28 CER | a ; I iis 20 Saye = Dp G ' ---- =ca-ISale of Dry Goods ! Bei eo = Sa _ geass te e---=| AMOUNTING:4Q@..ABOUT $35,000 DOLLARS. ~ Everybody will find it profitable to visit the Great Sale of Thompson Bros., to commence on CMSA SeGH v --e tac LISTOWEL STANDARD.) Se Arrucnox--M: Hemy Am ee. ; eae Se eg rte no. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 15th, 1888. TOWN ABD COUNTEKY /=st aot = a ge ere 3 | it : i | He tit HE it TH I il | Owing wi: es ts ci character aract r of this sale, alo, allthe goods ds will be sold irrespectiv i e of profit, in many cases eS os CONSIDERABLY UNDER COST PRICE, Msie wnd Wales ren tne bes | EEE es cclin every department. During Thompson Bros. extensive sale, visitors will find numberless bargains af i i i : poch amproved scraped. spe caer aka at acaml Seiabersdo te senate tx ' ' . ta Cow Sande a = a and these in the very goods most wanted. Whatever you may require just come and ask for, and if we cannot do better for you than any Tx. show room openings thrs week mii {d= 5 oa other house in Listowel, then don't buy.;, but we -know wecan. The great reduction in prices we have made makes it worth your pp an eg leek cite while to give us atrial. Do you wish anything in DRY GOODS or MILLINERY? If you do, there never was a better * pure, Mr. Ciaff of Bramets, will coe- Fatality at Walkerton. opportunity than now at Thompson Bros. This extensive sale you should not overlook. . services mm Chris: Church on -- . aaron ves ~ ' ; ~ Ge : THOMPSON BROTHERS. 28 pound geod wages for § ms ores TaREEEEE. ; nest war Drayton. Twing = . Brew Kew Stiverware jos t= et J. B./ Their bores got ingbtemed st the tootmg = * ato: ahingn deanker wiih 'wen theming | Mr. Hocn Ovexs, V. S. has re | eff steam near the roadside, the buggy turned to town after spending a2 fc8 | was upert and the old lady reosived - = A wen memed Sear Sa HRS ect | trace by the baron. Casne by enatber Our Fall Millinery Opening will take place on uper Tex Staxmarp to 1s Jan 1889, | same machine. end 2 indy named ' 31 ardsrille. for zsc. Our are ; acvacd 1 kindly tell thetr fiends and | ®- weighbors of this ' = a Thursday, Friday and Saturday., Sept. 20th, 21st and 22nd, Senbeams Tic per Gemen st Grass Photo A Veteran of 1812 Gone to His Rest Sindic--A M Santth's ald Gand Ie St the Ripe Ola Age of 96 Tee indies of Knox cherch will -- provide dimmer durmg ome or more ---- Se 7. . un eae Pincus not yes bees decided og. | eur sruesis er pases far wt cowid be under the management of MISS FERGUSON. Exhibitiou Free. Go so 3. McDORALI'S for First Cine | Sen of 7 iar sd Fiver. warem,, Sept-miber. em pa tp ge . THoOMPrsSsown = BROS. 2 ™e ocmntiry Show tomed cat is first-class style at | of [S12and 1815. The galiact colonel the Sr. as on Ningera and others should send im them orders at | OK Pert im tbe eanguinary and well == . ae 5 = --_ mee. Seekent Gemusan Ser veer = TIME HAS COME AT LAST] als a NEW GROCERY, Gcod found Coder Posts for mute at 2. & four yoars past the aged man bes driven THE LONG WISHED FOR =a * imaorit rat eet lene frequently up te FLOUR, FEED & FRUIT STORE. Harvest Festrvat --The ladies of | 1 Sanne des Goel ae Oe ; Cnt Carch mend peng 4 rat | SE wed oie a | WHEATF 3100 PER BUSHEL Ee ne wn | vision of his place. A man of wonder Ee. HAGERMAN, wah the anemal bares festival suas ah beeen yonns und onan veer | , 4 out a Grocery, Flour, Feed and Frait Store tn McReever's Block, Takes 5 come oe ae et | ALWAYS TO THE FRONT C && Cu West Side of Wallace Street, Se cleenrsecne. Welknas vues im 1857 | The undersigfed bus ae ee << CEASERS BEE Eee Where will be found a first-cines stock of P< : _ ral Joba Smith | Sea ae AT a PRICES : FamilyG roceriesFlour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal Buckwheat & Feed vary emer nnd Baro, | RESET REE Bente mtn veecy = FANCY GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, end AMPS rhe ---- FRUITS AND VE ABLE left on Monday last for southern Mame | Pateerrins BEET | We meeting ct etowntone ow priors. Alsoin GROCERIES s complete stock, ond RUITFS VEGETABLES. esota, t> wisi frends and sec the pr a a eg cE ----------EEE eure are you : Orders prowmptis met a Geneon ner --< i =a} - 4s - Oar will be 2s low as the lowest. a8 we iniend band! oo. nos tae a oe ua, a Gina an) > oi kein -- --S4 . WW. R. CLAYTON. moe eben conde tn thy Seether, opr comomert will Sud it to ther Pptereat to deat Wi Fist ced Grocers mare. Walsere eireet-- _ "COTTON SIGNS oe Ho HAGERMAN. She best and cheapest place ts oes to pur. | = -- TORE. % Dax NEW MILLINERY S MISSES WATSON & GIBBS 20th, 21st and 22nd. MerLion sel waeny weir bere -- at eaep anne GRAND OPENING ! = " NERY We have always maintained that to conduct a snogeestel and hoon MILLINERY GOODS, [Setssteées--: =e cntniac ory to beth cmtomer "| - Seber sain cat an el eg em among their canpleyers. Ths bas bees Te ee Oneal Patrons. _.Far Sack 'goed as bis op team A ae ae oe o dO WarcToum = purenence proft-ehenng = . ) postion * = = Master. - : . occupy four sories and are admirably Sian adegeed Sour seam sgn, For rwe Flowers, Feathers and Ribbonis| rom the ~Mochenis to the Miliocarie" st ONE and Sothes TORE, steel Cl We will have for inspection on the 4 adagecd for the purpose. This is an | yearn there have licen no prefits to di living Profit. We take this opportacity of thanking the Poblic--oar - 20th, 2lst and 22nd September, the Bb forward which this | wide, but the past year bes been proSt- WH bp Sound weer 'canines custemers, for their cordial aod brerts sappart of fair and boorst draing daring} CY richest display of Fall and Winter Mil- | < caouiae fom heer hers aang | hie and the Srm keeps its preaszes. pe -- Fl = Will Be) the past, and promise them a continestion of the sume satisfactory trade relations. a linery eves shown in this satin We ho _on imme , _FaICES VERY SESONARLE During this time our competitors have wafted to the Breeze qd will exhibit many novelties not to be part Dommion. utah $2 aL. ER 2 timc ree ee penne of BANKRUPT, OOST , Ghaxb CLEARING SALES @ seen elsewhere. Every department in 4 Jnr ee eee LS ee eee alarpamgenar| "te | Wane Sill Se attractive. ) perc shoes woes Se BIRTHS Absolutely Pure. MORTGACE SALE to divtinetly undeniend the rensces why we do cot edvertee cont aed Backrapt/ =U lady end guttiaion, ana ak = ee B ed ' = . : ¥ : ? : QO. 'Tux rash to Toronto daring the DAVITSOX.-- mn oo the Bt tom, pewter sever varie. A marveie * st B t eon N perusal of our stock. Prices low. week bas ete cian On tenses 25 nad oot a : eae Gost Bales--Beca: : WHOLE oF ats IMMERSE S10CK a Store from 8 a.m. to 7p. m., i - Monday slone about 6c,cco peuple) Se wie et Derst ay al i ; AT COST" fear 2 o kening} 5 Saturday to 10 p. m. to wisned Camada's Great Fax, the gate |" no etet wm efadengeer. | Borie matuss Fownan Ca. i imtreet.! Coder and ty virtue cfthe power of mis bak Be who dors the Intter is = fool, end the forsier is curelinble to deal Store will be illuminated Thursday Bb woe Wik of oateee| | 6 DE c Siete Sates od See wee] ; & and Friday from 7.30 to 10 p, m. 2 en Gees Ol Se tucker Gn laa aie Maoa al e i, '|x boat er eas sees} 200- BankruptStocks. We don't buy any ; and " 5 A. Meort, aged 2 Baw mente cf the anid mortgage, there will @ou't wh to deal in the wasaleble trash lef: by « bankropt--IT iS NO CHEAP Yours Trul Lasoed Exhituton next week, wath ALLAS--ic Girrelien, ot ie E> tot, te ~ ned an the AT ANY PRICE! We are bere to and place before cur customers NEW and ay» geod weather we venture to predict |" Mr. George Allen sped youn LISTOWEL BUS. -| SEASON ARLE GOODS at REASONABLE PRICES tought with care and yodgment that the crowds will be well up in the Grand Central Hote] {scum the msct seibic eoarces at the lowest possible prices SO OLD STUCK. BURT BROS. & CO MES BURTEER i eetng ber sock of Clerk's Notice of First Bacis mare» a bonnes 1 ; tm the towm ef . ros ar ye Posting or Ne corto. andl LISTOWEL, _ - Sasrowe: Exerernox.--Everything c OL eg ey diene Pars Oo reeTows . R 88 . 20th, 21st and 22nd. ee rresic S| VOTERS LIST, 1888. | Coa a held here on Tursdas, Wedncsizy, . - ONZTY 10 CTs. cee niagara, Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. a ag Emer Rl meee om. + "O° s ROBT. HAY, Esq.. Auctioneer} 7 -sbout seady, and unless the Extibtion " BAGGLEE OOS th see | The suuth balers pembers forty , j , ? proves even 2 greater success them i TOWNSHIP OF WALLAGE | ==: ae | e ° U.S. GE D'sS euticipened, there wil be ample ac W.L Sz. Oe ; e ar = P ; iS amered Som the lege somber of OTICE PA RERESY GIVES. et Ting = _Sese Sandstion wih shed in o-m- i Should the weather ey ; -- Scan ators | NESS! RG ROBES. (ESS =) ere ON PRICE STORE--| _ |S MEETING WITH MARKED SUCCESS = be cfiiered camnct fail to draw | Steed or delivered. of the Est mete SHISLAy, ont Ee 4 tt ; . from this section ol Qutimio aed the == ee = at Sport: asia, Dot a Greed Chostag Ont Sale, us ull of cur Dey Gover mest go St Sek SHES ebteed on} {8 Main Street. J . . ; Listowel, Ont. betore ist, 1085, and till then See some power =| tt ee STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Sims waa Popes _ IAT AND BELOW COST! (---- a _ on of te Le : 7 sort iD bd - - - " . ° STARS 36.8 SOS - : Main Street