? i E i rH Hi [ Hq j F i i geyés i x i HAWAI] AS IT IS. THE PEOPLE AND THE PAST RULERS F A VERY SMALL BAND. Statisties of Population, Arena, Etc,--Seme Personal Incidvats tn the Lifo of Prin- oom Lydia and the Other Members of the Recently Deposed Monarchy, Kingdom of Hewat is about as large on nee ee _ hess population as big .o ares of the Hawaiian Islands is aquare miles. oe ares of hel ser rye of bt ty KALANL many people as does the Mayorof Hoboken. The twelve beautifol islands of Hawaii ie in she Pacific tga on « line between 'h ey oi n ui yage ons fas last ateamubip a econ in e line 30 ast Lo southwest, ted, and the others as le iy Vronze brown, and have biack straight hair. Some of the men are almost giants, aod uty osliaed to embonpoint are much natives are not Africana and not Vea asst iat her throne That a her Sand: iene name nd mavens come to New Vink ah giren Raprola nt, who war on wer end Quee * ictoria's golden sual te chiew une ago, an hie pee th lowed Queen Lituukalags is now in Imvuring for hun Sn a cultivated Hawaiian woman: Sh eee! Engiish, is a promoter of char- geves a garden party once month to tourists She asusted to anding army, the eda inl of the House of Nobles and the Hawaiian brags bare The Queen pabbin a government by the natives, thus expelling ar] eo ergners, and sought to force her cabine ago a cee THE QUEEN'S Palace eonatitetion which woulil make herself ment ling their result of thes pplice tion for admission to the government of the United States tmay be interesting to know the ex Queen presoniviees er name "Lal lee-woke-a iany The atanding army of the Sandwich Is lands ta a forve ao about 130 en: divided into the "Queens Own the "Household Trovpa," and ie "'poldiers of the, line. 'onnected with the and a lace is a 'mided the machinery for By BSSEER a mbet of the advisory INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT LONDON on re of ii popilation 'cl of the Poe of the local gover sramess at "tendon in the year 1889- Liverpool has See much as to £2 10a, | Pioneer in the way of introdeciog overhead per head of sievieten. which was met hal ders his ratea fall yo epee all ni = parishes paris bag unequal, waiigisg trom af ofa don down to id. inelnded in the total cata value of Lon- a: Thus for 4 bined 'London ai in taration approxi- we % com- mitted doriog the year, numbered tae te ipaces an ite bord ere hart bh 'being up th ps s to chert " . Hate bern: The 'palate. i oe beavtiful building and rooma = Tt stands in & capital, Honolaln, i three stories hy; an is built of concrete. It contains costly gifts yer the Binge c of uf Bocepe ad he princes of the progress ores the Hawsiisa Telandle chai, though the Queen's ancestors were cannibals in the last century, the the pelace conteins « mn el w ged Tn the throns famsue yellow feather cloak. "Thee ae Deatifal bein on the Sand wich Islands © t each wing « ------= POSITION OF HAWAIL emall to!t of goidea feathers. King Kame bamebs | wanted to be weet in the Pacpie Ucran, and he had a war-cloak made of Cnene te To measure it like @ askin &. que, this goidenfeather cloak | war torte ent anenes ieng and 134 inches | woke ac tt beet ten lo Li wae cnr of the be erent tailoring eg im i St te ine - wich Mined Satie spay and he he wwiued to have a mantic worthy of his greatness. Loa bers when that every! y remem ~ merry King Kalakaua, raled the Sand. | Jy, wich Be wase ae bat be was as ba esa serving is a tap room. The was ap cepert at draw poker. to all 1B) bs id have ven "Hangry Joo" pomtson tle = and Kid Muller have | to acbool to him with profit | oi Children Cry for Exercise and Physical Care Tell tm the Coo and Girts, > 3 ction that o iy spoesible bs for the many dev' sear grt from the tree Taxable | for the carrior they did not develop entire- hav ly as the lion ital © wished the d many. saaaéa pra ip} next day o care Paar "the tion stalked away into fo the bush, doubtless with tempt for the refinements an con the | of civilization, The mail bags were not Ch. mebnaate found for -- afte: oF LicEs. repre- "Are tions Youd 8t man eneat 'taked the terviewer. "No," said Mr. Seloas; 'They heen made donkeys, I think the donkeys borer statistics jast issued by that tack human beings. on new « lion r, I have sent pt to "Lion hunting is dangerous, isn't it 7" "Ted <u learns to roa be ewer riske as ivy ide rt. When I wound a lion now 1 "et im go. When I was younger Iused to goafter him. I shall do thata more," The Liverpool Elevated, rent payable until the profits on the ren Sheetal ol is that be Bank of 'a Liv ic sani whole = y's de! ure i 2 The ehiuiare Girt. Follow the modern American girl from the parlor to he ki kitchen, from the kinder- the art gall Pace og "a Daughte ter circles ir arise Chat Sa a one Sf ping tour to the ay tice ane the Bitle class to the sewing | ca the reading club, tl tho swimming , from chit chat club to the gymnasium--and her secpuens mentally, moral! and physically, girl ina re and' no mistake, ifshe has to go to no many places it Sn ontcomgrg Si expect her to be a kitchen ex Even strong masculine intellect eal not be followed so far.--St. Louis Post-Dispatch. learn that there i i the condi. tion of Mr. Ruskin. He Se acctis and quiet, but one delusion seems to be Ang Sppa him. He is always imagini dangerous iat ts is at nla ad it cpl distresses | a work, ke "ihe! eee Dual" ot eray, "ar ystery Edwin Drood." Aa TIRE-OBSERVING MULE, She ons uf were Sandays, and She Stopes m that she failed in two years ay a Srunete or te before the waite blew at and ht. She ne braya, the orkmen mynd cept when ake thinks it is nearly time to quit work for her dinner or supper. Mame also knows when Sunday comes, asthe bien ascertained three times last year. becessary one Sunday last April to ir Sete extra work in the yard, and the mule was hitched to atrip of cars in the morning. lds n't take « step, and they had to put her in the Mon- y morn: Mame went to pulling the cars as usual, and she didn't flinch a ele in her labo: They tried her again on Sunday morning a une wat bod ouldn's even Ld the traces. worked all right the beat ey. Ons July Sunday the men hitched iP she couldn't be pase to ; pall omabe and they to naion that ts aaa eek |S attempted to make the mule "] Loew we = the f 'and ut told the never to hitch her = Shree on day he hitc! ahead all ri; le ait. Ss beara te third "ink click. She peereay only two links 'dick. ia Pay om dead . the moment she beard t third chek, she wouldn't fags 6 ap th slip the t boy aphooked thy bind ca went sesed "Mame u ways ines as big ® hurry to A ts to stop when be whos Le blows. If the b , ber stall by the ime the machinery has been » A the er me bites the manger and kicks agai aides of the stall as thou, na ab od mined dar ke bim an io ft oda ha ctl the | For her _ 8p." --Seranton letter in New | day which are great " | those who witoessed it A opm ef | oS. as of Her 3 She seemed displeaced, she teased--'iwas March pe doult | Fach burning poem pee Uke « glowing ember, 3 43 A Member of the pntaric Board ae "] have prescribed Seats Emulsion sn i wheo tl oT eta © by cept - excellent y aia, soft, smooth, ara E mer. A little borax pat into the water before bi: A bordered tabi. Lint Ie 2 also remove che peilow' an pds dissued Tre STANT white fete roar removes the ere 9 fold, one aes should keep a route of it slows Castoria is Dr. Samnel Pitcher's p and Children. It contains ncither Opium, oo nor other Narcotic substanco, a harm: bstita Drops, Soothing Byrups, and camer ol gu Millions of Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and aio feverishness. Castoria prévents vomi a ind Colic. toria is tho Children' Castoria. dren, pe y good effect upon thelr children." Da G. C. Oxnoan, Lowell, Masa. NEW CUSTOM TAILORING BUSINESS. A. W: GLENN Has opened a Custom Tailoring busitess in the rooms Over Hutchison's Store, for cht w which lam acquainted I hopo the day ti not 4 Cc destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and otber burt heir throats, thereby The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Strect, New York City. Da. J. ¥. Kivcrmce, Conway, ar Any See the ledged to be THE BEST MADE! and Endorsed by the Dresstnakers and Country. Every Machine Warranted NEEDLES, OILS and ALL REPAIRS KEPT IN STOCK. Mrs be pleased to shaw amsene our Machines o FREE INSTRUCTIONS tn Operating. removed Mr of the 'ffice hete, and would ask a shage vf the Public Patronage Ganson, THE SINGER SEWING mld rn Have Having had a thorough iii ing in machines by peition: to handle any Machs Lady aoe a First-Class Machine should "SINGER" fHetfore say at ts ONE va ante USE WITHOU! INTUS Office Rear bat of the 77705 Laing to the Stratford 'fice, Steet attention Dressmaker, has her shop im cur office, : NEW STYLES now to hand, and the public can rely upon getting a g : i NERVE | xe REAR are pied Speeding 4 corer? Uaat cure Loe wurst cate | Newrius Detalty, Vigor and | BEANS [Paiss_Mastad." rertores the weaknes of txxly or mind cose ly ovet work, of the errors or ex: ewes of yruih Tha Rexedty ab- iute.y cure the most otetinale cases when ail otber Fans tunets bare faied or Mo geltere. oad tr drew: * aol mail Soespn ot ree A TIT SAME Mes MEDICINE | oe wes bold a vetl y TA HAC KING. zy j than to CHEAT tt. orWhat Is fair and just to the CON: UMER Is best in the long tut for the STOREKEEPER. 9 Se-TMIS STORE 1S RUN ON TKES' PRINCIPLES. WATCHFS, CLOCKS AND JEWELLRY. Tee CK ENRATEY ROCK CRYSTAL The Singer Manufacturing Co. gpectacles and Eye-Glasses H. T, HAYDEN, Agent. EZ | also represent a popular plas of life Insurance Fe ls i o amel, set in white wood, with the pluming posed. just presented je Nal tal Royal Rifles with o tmagaifcent of Highlaad '|| Norway Pine + M "--Y 738, anu! factured only at Thoman shoei * ) Eta pe INEM ENT, SHV OArFORD em Porcbasers cbould took to the Label on the Bores ert Tous. Uf the adcress ie not 533, Oxford § reet, Lerdc> Mr. Fi ee the Hoo. A. 8. Hardy, baniad In | prepare =| AYER'S Sarsaparilla Is su rior to _ other prepara- aa bl 4 fq of genuine Honduras sareaparie root, the variety mehest in medi- (einal - leo; goon ger --e se for the Company, a a f best Kind. With st Sisgvimine, Superie Medicine because it is always the same in = AYERS '| Sarsaparilla Lowell, atthe same tne Corn rg mach Ba 8, D.>- n. 'amp'e Bottles 10c ; Regular eize £1 For sale by sl dealer "Inrer eo. Proprtetars, Ts--rte Ripans T. ala. ate Cure eulic ane Kipans MTalaties cure headarhe HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE Sales ity e e tp without "sew od po ped as ole kidnegs ave clogged, dla cum' Gunstipatiog ie of the < syeten "Delay sea =Parliament= action by Phot. frrwegtnd tS be Sa Thm mae CT THE ORIGINAL PI PICTURE COGT OVER 6500. the Weekly 'Eroire 'aint c Offer. Te ------ | © made [hal ws you grow old the gimssencan j be ebaoged at scarvely any expenses. Ghort Bight Fitted. MS .- All Ringe Of MEPaibena at LOWEST Prices SM SMITH, TELRGHRAPH OFFICE, Street Listowel! SASH & OOOR FACTORY Bamford Bros, Builders and Contractora, are prepared to contract for the erection of ell classes betty as de Plans andapecif cationedrawy, and ealicsates furnished op application. Sashes Doors Frames, Blinds, etc fornished on short netics, Plant bg dope lo on order Everyiting tn phot) ding Nee wits e eiven plompl wtlentty FIRST-CASS WORK MANSHIP GUAR ANTEED. Charges Very Moderate Pactory--Inkermn Bireet, Listowe) iCheapest Place In Town --To BUY-- FURNITURE ip at Aaa Bucks, WALLACE Sr.