's S nin = ye ey THE LISTOWELSTA STANDARD --is pa! a Z EVERY pen Sg MORNING, % MARTIN'S BLOOK.i maine) LISTOWEL pS A. Sr, Gina Haweins, : Txns: on rr ie <7, = otherwise, $1.50. ; ols @ BATES, Picatiasertion,periine... Bwt raeerieeta lasertion. lowing rates VOL. XVI.--NO. 138. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, F Ti 28,1893. ST. GEO. HAWKINS A i Eprtron AxDPaorxizton rdeaee S Smonths. Smonthe. Nesey Cog solneen: 088 et eee Mk, MEREDITH ON MINORITY | our political system they must look at thé zee REPRESENTATION, matter int the representation of the twa Bs 7 400 este iy Aa thed il seein eee eingenderiaiioes ase ee Following is "a synopsis of Mr. Mere he nae aiahid calles the ores . os ake ond f 1 f dith's speech in the debate on the -ninor- ple cons ) lf hovorabe : eaatiee on in space of fer Ber te of farms fo . cattle s : n estcayandothersraalindvertivements.$1for I y representation ques tion in the Ontario posite intended this to be an experiment, | fot' 8 } who Gut -seldom arst month and 50e. per monththereafier, ow was it they had not found daylight a | bakes that cake to last Cures Consum aghs, Croup, Soro Mr. Meredith, who was received with | jjx} ? (H he: H without: 'tale, the cee Gen gubecininostons 00: ritne oachinsertion.4 ¢hroat, Sela 2 Guarastes. 1 1 fi ittle sooner (Hear, bear.) ow many ; : ' py special notice. ¢ @ object of which is to Fora Lame Si werchen iioh's Porous | loud applause fro onservative | amendments had been made to the Elec- | ema@n 'oRtactical recipes: anus the pecun tary bes "ro becontia lane pepo got isfaction=~-ag cents. enches, said he thought the Attorney- tion Act since 1885? hy d the Homi CARE.--A tupful of but- er ee aad "SHtLoHs ieee poneral "and Bs ---- oh oa sovernment not seen this anomalous tex, Uw sagar, one of dark ladvertisements acato of} MT fom, Chale er! cause, as be understood it, when a nag objectionable feat: { the Act ? ode inary teaspoonful of weap aretl tz lines to ythe in Advertine- Wt; It was only whe: Government were in & cuptal of hot nia withoutepectGed directions willbe in- | funder tithe For byens confesses his fault he was halt atoning' forced by public opinion to do that | water, of caramel (this « till forbt "ingtractions to change or trouble taxes, Price 75.cl for it. car, hear.) But the members | they had been 3 ught to their present | is for tnd may, be omitted if disocatings an advertice Monday, and the copy the "Government, while they were| position. Poss there was an idea | one ; cinnamon, cloves Peep as hy Faust be handed ingot Intert than forced into the position of to | that this minority might soon work | and * discretion za pound of 10 on Wedn abandon an unjust exception and anomal: | in favor of the gentlemen sitting in» the | #aisins, curr balfa pound of *JOB waned os eyaker: bein cOurage or the | Opposition. Per this was why the | citron, hi caitven orange © injustice. | G b i peat. ahandsome and de- aynctions AW hartedateand {orton prenen (Cheers) He intended to vote against sooner © mendment stented hat scious as weddmg cake, but aac atdesigne tn printing materi e ndment and the amendmen the system was apparently cnsatisiact suffici for all codipary. cocasians, aabling a to sees Piceeriptioner job he amendment, because it did not include inconvenient ai Whose and the loaf which this makes will eadutbs chy or! anything that was not contained in t nage was this ? 'pear.) It | keep long: to farmish.. a. goodly eee ork nrc) ag vertine: pro} a. ey «member for Tor- to every ~a of intelligence a system | Rumber cas trac a ° = = seal SeRieRTRRER SES beceemezne moartaar eee, [ty he ciute be retin om | Su a's Soar | Marae cas, tam sh oa A inten mae at Its Sarifiees | that appeared in the 5 aadike but monstrated to be an- cake PrrvgeH LERS' GUIDE ' 5 pace. or a bullet as a to the amendment as mell, rove agar inconvenient and expensive. | little et to pass TPAVEL more most ole con, that. ; S GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. oa ae, ae to the 'wity "was inade- pen s 7 ' f publishers of th O arly and the last amendment submitted ter, of $n; SOUTHERN EXTENSION OF W. G, 4B. RY. } Ena e penumnae Ke arth Th sir Bad -- 5 he rovince _ bat a dy gar, intly as under: l 'The Free Preeeeg: hould exp 1,000 in holding by-elections | half pastry * For Kincardine and intermediate potnte-- Ett, Mich.) have recen: the auuendes i geet ha spate of? bene mnexean 11's pony eran gerne a t pen 'or Kincardine a Re nm experimenting in the ' Unirue | had been ad ed, the ili ter fs th y; add the well 3E: 3.32 ; Express adopted, the system prevailin ' " Mix od 8.00 a. miExpress d s Garecaon ot Fapid and ao. = cn grapes S ae aos. a throughout the Province, one-third ofthat | beaten yaks of the eggs and beat again, yee ie ciagitine aera att Sa. m.; Ex- tographs and now an- cause it attempt LC om th eypenditure wo! hav. the | then the whit a froth with the pross, 1237p. iy Mixed. 1030p. m pared on make "orelate S vermis at tthe responsibility of having cost of the by-elections in Toronto. | flour, and any fla pre , soon GEORGIAN RAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVISION. copies ery low price. isgraced the statute book--he used the (Hear, bear.] He tully concurred in | may be the mind and a spoonful of the They will send twelve, 'Colusn ta F term edvisedly--by the legislation that | the result I d d be | juice ofa lemon, with a little candied datly as und valves 9 and Thew Weekly Free Pressone appeared pin its face -- 1885. ood one in ty -- eon ae a femon peel sjuck Ightly on top of the QoINO SOUTH, siwed sabtnet or cary phe iecesta an oa Th ng tO} should have increased. sapreieinate, flower water with Exorvas, 2.408. m.: Express, 2.22 p m.; Sue Feaners Rad. Bette bend for a sample creep out of asmall hole by dechrwg that | having to its incre population, | hanaful of blanched almonds used in the ficulars aot, big remarkatie "ofter which | the system was a mere expzriment in | wealth and intelli ; therefore, hi e way, or simply vanilla extract GOING NORTE. A : gence; therefore, he w; i Vs . Oro taking advantage o the city of Toronto, designed to sh in f. f th ult of the resulution; | Bake in a gem-pan or in any small tins. Mixed, 12, wae m.; Express, 1.2% p.m.; Express wit would work, and whether it could but was against these resolutions be= Icing gives another opportunity for in- S4lp BAN} be beneficially adopted throughout the | cause they proposed to confirm what this | dividual skill and taste. range juice screen ----_--___------ H MILTON whole of the Province. € Government | House had done in 1885, which was th ined and beaten with as much sugar RTHEW, such intention at all. (Cheers.) | passage of an unjust and discriminating asit will tae we smoothly makes a very MORPHY & CA _ The reason the change was made was | Ace against Toronto, verment | agreeable we ARRISTERS, SO ICITORS &C. CAPITAL - + $1,250,000| decaus: they saw at that time that there | were now endeavoring to slide out of their MON £.--A cupful of butter, : was no other way by which they could | yo 3885, when they took advantage | One and a half, 'ot powdered sugar, four athsies PUBLIC & COMMISSIONERS. | RESERVE FUND + $650,000| %*cute one of the three representatives | of the people of Porous and placed upon 3, thre: of flour, the grated LOAN. . hey were compelled to give it in just'-© | the statut anomalous, age rind and juice of a lemon, lwo. cup- H. B. Morpny, J. M. CanTHEew. to its population, and, therefore, this | ang ubfair espasuré. (Loud cheers.) s of Zante currants. ate ¢ may use tw DIRECTORS change was adopted. (Cheer The egesonly and to used immediately. RLING & BLEWETT, BARRIS. hon, member for North York, who on ------ For a cake to be put by, it is well to re~ A a JOHN STUART, Prestvext; this occasion seemed to occupy the role Stick B member that two masa fuls cf baking Bank RAMSAY. Vice-P usually filled by the member for South ticking to Business. wder, if it is the © cakes require Hamilton aod Scott's Banking House, or. ICK-PRES, sex, of trusted defender and apologist i t fice over Scott's Inne, Wallace Street, Lis Jonvaocron. GEORGE ROACH, | for the Government, bad referred to abe | 4 TIMELY ARTICLEON THE PREVALENT fone aking moderate aie -- J. L. DARLING. F.u, BLEWETT . GURNEY, esition assumed by Mr, Blake in his RT OF UNREST. most wholly upon a quick and . LEE (Toronto urora Speech. Could anything bette: ae careful baking. . IE he 7 Hiustrate the means which the G i) T f ABEE & GEARING, BARRISTERS, ere are many men and particular! --A cupful of butter, two Bolicitors for the Merebants Rank | SAVINGS BANK.--Deposite of $1 and | Ment and their supporters required to | youny men, who are always getting dis<| of sugar, balfacupful of milk, a cupl 1 foberies Public, 8tmatronn, ONT Money to] apwarits rece|ved and interest allowed from | adopt in order to tect their positvon in | satisfied h what they ate doia hopped raisins and one of shelled date of deposlt to date of withdrawal, this case? . teen aw ; ' k BPECIAL DEPOSITH also received at cur- " hen they have been working in a cer- nuts, four eges (white and yokes '. ?. Manee. F.W. GEARING: | pont rater of Interent. \ appeal to Mr. Blake's speech, delivered | tain line uf business for 5 ime they | separately beaten), halfa ful i i iia --= | pls ipa cm anaes flee bind lied pert acento gin to think they are betier fitted for coda and one of cream of tarter, A HOMAS. FULL ARTOS, NEW RY on favorable te ror UT Thad gee died © 5 | something else. x feat and nuts last ; feost with fondant teberet Mitetaes Lisansan. Oo! 0. # CLARKE, specch was delivered in September, 187 Instead «f vorking right on at what is salssionst tt BR Drednrnertgages,' oases MM. pnt 'Listowel (Cheers,) Let them see, howeve plainly set before them to do, they allow "Coc OCOANUT CAKE.--A cophal of butter, ais 31] conveyancing done on reasonnble whether the statement war correct that Mr | the spirit o t to take complete | two of sugar, three of flour, one ct milk, --* inks mtb peape pores Bre sig Gov- | possession of them, and they are of no t eggs, a teaspoontul of soda\and two ernment's propositions, e hon. gen t sit i tL of di s . - MONEY LOANED tleman would refer to the speech delivered ciipy, ain aes might be on tans cc jet pate pocket oe ith a solt icing. E, DINGMAN, M. D., GRADU- by Mr. Make he Gl ¢] cupy. y mig acc ra oa neeo's University o --AT-- y hers Make, appearing io the Globe of | in something they had not tried. and stre~ it thickly wiih cocoanut. ef College Physicians. an pchrvone = tb Desabers Taras sud be a is tp Noone wants to discourage ambition| N AFER CAKES.--A cuptul of but- Ont. yalclan, Surgeon anc nuct ~ : | cont is reading story in . b DGles and residence--Main Mireet enat; 54 PER SENT matter, What Mr. Blake said in dealin; ace af canis yay wh beataien'ts ot no 7 pn Farm Property # the lowest rete, and on with this system of representation was According to Webster the wor round ginger, cloves favorable tera 'Loase can be obtal ined this:-- Li . &' ginger, , from 'wo to ten yeara, Priv! Spon ar x . a 0 eager and sometimes inordinate de eg. x wit our J. dd. /FOSTER o for & resonable amount of Prinetpal "a N opinion is that it is not houses | sire of preferment, honor, superiority or | enoug$ to rotl very thin, and cut in small ? In erepaid at th apbly to ofthe ®?. | and stocks and lands that are represented, power.' In its original use it meant oval o; round cakes. NTIST. but human beings with immortal souls ; | ing around seekin: ng votes for office, b QCOANUT MACAROONS. -- Half a ROBERT MARTIN. thuse are the true subjects of representa | the quoted esenen will best apply to oar 'of dissicated cocoanu:, haf a gol f ones. ever Flemming' wJatablieb Opposite Lamont Masts Siete. | uon, the sharers in the owners of political | business purpos: tbe whites o! Power; an think a scheme ought to T would do we xtract of MAIN ST. LISTOWEL, be devised, as a scheme has been devised, | to study this definition, before slowing flower water, Also agent for to give them a fai epresentation 15 desires to get awa 'i "J and sitted cracker re ' it England, in constituencies which return | ought to cons der what preparation buttered paper W BL BRU CE, DS - ay EN} THE ALLIANCE sant a E Co., three or tour members, a cumbrous mode | has to entitle him to preferment, | small q a leeget than a half dollar, han Calle' Gane men tee odon, England. | has been adopted, called 'the restrictive | superiority o: ; ould he know | and bake i in a peti ¢ oven. Palalr it t™ ein old sine ff » . . vote,' which 1 do not recommend, etc. hat to do with bimself if exalted to the Oren Th Thom pact Funes iares Kutrance, Main THE WESTERN ASSURANCE Co., (Cheers )"" ' pasion Heitnigkticrses ? J jogs den . st ! 2 St. Residence 15 Hen nets OF Toronto, Canada In spite of Mr. Blake's statement, con- Oe bt oe scot a tiey hol es - wes CoD tinued Mr. Meredith, the member for ine needs executive ity to ho --s WUNTY OF PERTH.--THE WAR CALEDONTAN INSURANCE Co., Narth York had the coolness, forgetting | high positions in business fife today. | HOW TO KEEP THEM SO-AN ENGRAVER'S C DEN will bein attendapeeat the Cierk'* OF Edlpbargh, Sontiend. | the honest reading of history, to cite that LS man of ideas is the man wh ate Bere Office on the Oretand!hird Tuesday to © - = a . - vent asa fender o Govern | ther store, in manufactory ye moat fran Iv to $o'siock The Clerk sil WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS.C 0. i mens (Che : he and inevery other place in the business | Engravers, designers and earkecs of Wednesday ofeach week, from! to8u'clock, of Guelph | entieman justified his amendment, b 1 t kno his business ree) reommmicirpa ah apt ; test ied Tue ie hat dy Se ig aceon Thursdey, cause he wisned to right the history of "om the ground up" to attain the best | #7! peel de "Gennnik at Fy Friday aod BM AIA EY of osch ook. dart R. MART the ove: ent's "legislat Yet tha ults aor ian erat 'ates did er is ue ce Boe. DAY {DNON County Clerk. -- 'ont | was the kind of history be was piving the Theve are m: ey men tt ts, Wut MES | or eisien, bet W givestthem the mont soffice.Mtr al a House. For his (Mr. Meredith's) part | are placed in Leto: "are they are net pleasant expr i old engraver no special N EYS eme a nd contrary sdepiatyity for their work, tut still if Th Old t E t bli h d PRIVATE MO to fact (Cheer Th Jovernment | these are positions wales : ey -- i is eyes, and how he e es stablisne adopted the system deliberately, with | Could secure for time tis their eyes i not as riment- | best to do something until the right thing NOccastonaly he oan, ~ ares would A large amountof Private Fundeto Loan | al measure for the purpose of endeavoring | comes alo -- 4 i oa = cou! ot ore G R O C HE R Yi. Sper cent. on Farm Mecurity. Loterest| iy show how measure of ki If we are intended for » special posi- nf tried applications of ccla paraiin Somriy Ady rapees 3 willbe made to would work throughout the country. | tion 10 life we will surely get to it provid. | te leaves, poate wie = , et him point, when such a statement as | ed we do the w that is next imes Tacha "Ah ysicia ae TOWN (8 as 1 DARLING, that had been made, to the resolution |tous. Very few, comparatively, secure | bad my eyes ie west to & te . : ' rtister. | moved on onservative side the } just what they thi ey want to start _ con ulte he on Pagid eyest . J A S . A R M N) T R 0 N G Ny Omco over Scott's Hank, Wallace Ht, Liss | House and deltberately voted down by the | with, but if they persevere to make them- Geo ana k cae es oh = asa sr 7 towel , * supporters of the Governm he cum: | selves as useful as possible in the po tice an Ae © my cyes worse. Leec -- | brous sy hich Me Blake condemned | tions that open m, they will either | 19g, while affording porary relief, Whose 2) yearsexperience in posinessr brows system whic con Pp incre the tendency to congestion Q@blex him to know t , ante of the peopie | r nd Loan A enc had also been condemned by both polit: mel inte the pl ab st -- lig! wil Wite él S herktecaty nn owe} and belghborhood, . . . 2 a GENCY. /eat panies and by public sentiment in| Gad that ater all they were Gtted for jant | EASY NGM tty ow eliet wbattrer freah. heoan glve bie cualoraera as good. If _ England Were the Government and | what they got into. Nearly every engraver mour establish<- pot better value far their money thanasy ~~ . their supporters ignorant, as public men. Ifa young man sees that he can do} "early hy a | 1 t other retal] house tn thetrade M BR Ic Ix ER. of that which they ought to have known? | better 5 nothe situation and ry josie Ny wenka' bata igi t 2 TEAS, COFFEES aasdSUGARS, I ha = Yn the 27th Ma 85, Mr. Morris | thing draws him that way it 1 right | losing 7 ii eat t AGENT Folt THE . fo o, but his decision should not | Some went to eminent oculists, others swe very best. juettry then Andal other 7" in amendm to the proposition ir . 0 remained in darkened rooms for days at & Flosr Gates! ir i eeere sae lars manned ouode. Domimon Lire InsuURANCE Co. Goveranant. seconded by Mr. pe toe aaty Bi singe Nd B= elonr ets, OF WATERLOO; Clarke {Toronto}, apts ison, | You! is "Finally, 'about five years ago, one of A wellselected stock of CROCKERY and "Itis by this Bill proposed to apply +o ataRnw ane, always to be found at my THE CANADA a Ins-Co-; i or 5 Alagge rad plan of minority cnibte. same thought applies ae oculist, parietal and received Led . é! ns lers. if they are already in fs Hm ' oned after 'rial ta Great Britain as un | the dea to have a druggist put up. It s potsloce and etl Tas or farmers produce MONEY TO LOAD 1) causta- That in the opinion of this good business nl change ought t ovat like come pe be Pod us about it . AtMETRONG : b ade without careful consideration. Ifa 4 dj On the most favvrable terms. House the proposed plan ought not te Bealer bas been making and saving money Weall hed, for we bad grown tre OFFICE No. it Maio St Listowel. next adopts "n os be desirable to admit | oa has good amount to put into a remedies, Ww door to the Banner office. the principle of minerity repecseatatinn, | Tor establishment it is quite right to | faith. . . 2 M FC R R EST a pot pat pues Shows De aeons: dene. 'saturated solution of boracic ag 'or what . ' ed, and made applicable to all counties : . i red borax' cent 7 R. G ROBERTS shich return shvee termbcre, and thatthe | The spirit of unrest is ---- too | we an boy. enough st 8 Groggist's to Furniture 'Deater, Atwood " | Bil be not pow trad « third time, bot be | Prevalent im ou coooiry. | People ate | Tt ee for' months. Pat a Beaping ' ' torthwith refe: toa mittee of r ' . : inary SHIPaErs,omT, |forbsith: . Sh very: tile m they secure it. - Thereis | 'ablespovnfal in.an, ordinary tumbler of Has on hand a large assortment of --_~ strike out the provisions thereof Tichittng Many good qiatitier which should é to the eyes with the AGENT FOR THE the tight gf the electors of the city of a looked in never use ao or . ' . . . Toron voting for two members." sought a ators in entirely dry on theeyes. Use it Girst be- All Kinds of Furniture, London and Lancashire | , That was in 188s, w Mere- | ""Nor long ago a bo-iness mam said, "I | (fe reiting and after rising, or at any ! t 1 the foment were | 64 utd consid life itt tat efger tiene. plain and fancy Picture Frame Mould | FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. pla laced i in the humrhating 'position of be- thought 1 ad uoe All a slace* wt! was induced to try it and have used Ing, Cabinet Photo Frames, Baby Cai :| -] ing c . m pe pod ie ie ore ittiog sa uid be of use to my fe low men." This p dala long times four or five times a islature in the new i '* ey jor years. exaggeration rages, &c. Parties purchasing $10 and --ALRO-- secrated to the public sesvice, to man 1s at the head of a large -- - aay that it acts like magic. I Tove snd over worth may have ag to MONEY TO LOAN that every word contained 1n the foregoing seen L ue gives ter eek farther troable with gest cud any part of Elma township [ree cf cost tn woy eames from $200 end upwards at alow | Tesalation was true, a pone Of) ork and looking afier them that this | 5avea't lost a day ork in four years, UNDERTAKING rate of interest. supporters for the : of : tiO8 | an finds bis rew My daughters and their young lady com seon | Ut of existen is obnoxious legrslation. take ' ions use it before r . " terme St Secs eae Lead cheers} He sui hat ve wri fied fra, Aree eogeogs li be is | after their chtaeen; aie their eyes sparkle. -- . at anytime. First-Ciass | --_--_--__---- -- -- --- | seldom im the history of legislation bac a} oie ig do the A sex well there The borax is a rmild astringent, contracts eG Furniture _ : sovernment Placed in 2 more hum: | 7h sucking to it until he knows that | € Congested blood vessels and sends the he LISTOWEL. Wiating positioh than that in which the |). io wirted elsewhere and the way is hannels.' » owat Administration st to-day. | ciearly seinted out to bim MAR B LE WORKS (Renewed c _ 2 be amendment had b y Pee ft eden be the one jn ----------_--_--_--_--_--_--_--___ ep uly drawn. t recited that © » to 188% the city of Toren ona divudad which will lead upward to a ge reward. eaithfalnces Of Farm Life. into two electoral districts, each of which ----- _ itis an open question. whether the retor a member to islative As- . a time has pot come to throw, as it pls That was true. [ft wenton to| Politeness in the Schoolroom. a halo of seotiment about t the life of the ROBERT | tT. KEMP, state that when the act was pissed ¢ and to cause this io to permeate ee system of minority representa 10+ had n pombers 1s well bred court or the | all departments of farm life, d so to 4MERICAN and youn MARBLE, « been tested by actual observaiio: in the tvable rob the occupation of much that now GRANITE | HL AUNTUR? S, MONU- ¢ province, The system of minority repre- | Seems to make it distasteful, CAVEATS. SUR REER BE TOPS: sentacion bi, repealed by the unari- To be sure, farm work 1s bard work TRADE MARKS, Also CUT STONE of all kinds or Building | mous of the political parties in but thar itis work than tracki aasian PATENTS, Purposes gland Government of Ontario @r bricklaying, red mn thot ro . t Carpenter or ue now a--_e ner Tocoeto was <peceuy =e and one trades of the tr, tt weal , well suited for making of a practi 'ficult to prove. The HOTEL FOR SALE test of the system. (Laughter.) Ap- louger, but ibey 'are spent ost- "af doors * parently it was looking at it from the low im the healthful, clea, bracing fresh OR EXCHANGE, 4 party politics when Toro: ud health and peace of mind ae tikels was ted as t ee piace maki: } to come them. ---_o----_--_ such a practical test. (Hear, hear, and The Hotel known as the MANNELL cheers.) By this "test the, ¥ HOUSE. in the Town of Listowel, The | Practically reduced-Toronto's representa property consists of jan acre of |jand, frame | tion to one, because in this country under Otel with fron ; also good Dwelling a Bipans Tabules prolong life. Hou-e, Seale House with 4 too goalies, Ripans Tabules cure oe mabie. Will take farmn tana in Children Cry for Bipens Tabnies for liver wovkien, | as ammmee, | Pitcher's Castoria. a + % 4 Ae a sia ores a a ie om ee train especially for this ome & he has it, and that, too, because he wants it, The farm-dweller lacks this source of amorerent Bape ¢ can, in most locali- ties, go to and learn what is wiles on in the world, and it is safe to say that he gets a far mcre reason- of current events social picasure and amusement, w do m ard making farming com munities deairable places of" residence ere are _ who tend that long. On this subj it live ----$_--_______] Table Btquette in General. A host should not stand while carving. not to be worn at the table -- an, CuCUmELARCES. rgumentative or in an: pleas TORIC should be iwoneed "at tthe There should be no difference betwee pany manners' and those in daily e napkin is not folded, but is simply crashes and laid beside the plate on ris- Coffe d at any time duieg tre ---- but should come at the Do not ovrioad the plate of a guest, uss 55 upon e that which they hav once decti Rem e maxim of Confucius; 'Eat ai at thetatle of the kin Never say or do or countenance in others the saying or doing of anything tude or = at the ta ble. Never notice accident but render unobtrusively any assistance which may be necessary and poss! The side of the spoon is to be placed to the mouth, except in the case ofa man moustache, when the point of the spoon leads the Where wine is served at dinner, it may be declined thout breach of courtesy, and should no mare ae any other article be pressed upaqn Teach the chiviren to eatat table with their elders, andto do itin a dignified manner. moment may equ their home tra Letters, newspapers or books should mci be brought to the tables though # ery important message may receiver acd attended to, permission being asked of the hostess * your own table as you would eat ng. em to_exemplify Tne Late Richard Puddioombe. HOW HE DISPOSED OF HIS WEZALTH-- ESTATE EVER AD- PROBATE IN THE The will and petition for probate of ithe Richard Paddicombe was filed for Monday morning essrs, anh . Steele, of Stratford, the solicitors for the executors. The willis dated the 19th of "January, 1889, and the executors e face value of the estate in by the ex- ecutors amounts to $270,170.40, but the value is slerad at 5238.995- 44. g c = = s Cc * 3 g 2 ° a6 =z c Ff 4 2 a) sc oe 8 3 ever admitted at $232,070.14 and reai estate valu t $6,925. Th tario share on this estate under the late "Suc- cession Duty Act" amounts to a large sum. Crinohne Days ot Yore. WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? Despite its enemies, sles, or petba @Scause of them, line ing straight; pepe preferred hoops arranged like those their hey bands of crinoline, and sm er emselves ander five or six 51 musin. t steel, and ast the ey passe sed w pone aay did not seem to annoy ce --From "The Arts Relating to Women, and their Exhibition in Paris," tha Octav UZANNE, in the April Scribn: rush of exhibits to Chicago for the words Fair is so great that regular World's pal freight trains bave been placed on are being operated on schedule time, _ re passenger Cen! -- a oe Set every evening at 9.30. It h Chicago The tain "will take no freight that're- quires switching. pened ty, Wistaris Cayoalie Salve. "Pas post remedy for Cuts, seres and | and turned to wait on the next Gems from Bishop Brooks. Most sages nor fools, Every true strength is gained in strug- Sin and holiness are not in things, but geek veo life's nourishment in your 5 isa ela: positive, moalignant De be chary of appreciation. Hess are hungry for it. ial in ii perfected character, Hope and charity--these must both spring up ll the soul of faith. Th jest natures are most depend- ent upon timeliness fitness. The serpent, the spirit of, evil, has forced its way into the human Every truth which it is "enibte for man to know it is good for him to know. The repose of old eS ee character that-came from the early strog- work. Ther cone a natural selection of --- a survival of the fittest among the pclae ater character tad the most powerful life. ruly a purpose for our lives, who dare be hopeless ? Ab,we do onl half belie Never canis rt affliction with a false- hood; never try to silence error with an argument which you do not believe To furnish truth to the believing heart, and to furnish believing hearts to trut okay there is no nobler office for a buman life than that. There are indubitable es that the good in the world is stronger than the evil; a great, slow, steady progre ss of the good, forever gaining on the 'The Eitohen nen Garden, adhe we are pearing ng the time when it is upon ever a who a ave a hitch: n gardea to not failtomake one. This the piece of ground on and fort, upport to the family, It shall contain variety of yegetables and all fruits which can be o other way so s from and reason runs itself, and we pice an ' ing it ina m FI a as man or some one else. ould seem that even his short bint is ed--and it is not to the wise--did we rot know that all through the sonora _ le: families or those such neglect ones they cuciat to little more than an aggre --_--_ What's the Answor? was a bright mathematical scho- lar and pretty, and when she rattled at the stamp widow and laid downa dollar bill the handsome yo Jerk in a necktre on the inside was all attention "There's a itt he said; "give me four times as many twos as ones and the rest in threes. "I beg you re ardon," She repeated her reque "Certainly," he said, ed began to lay vil | aia ten minutes without anceeats she waited patiently the mean- ile. He wasn't busy with anyone else and she didn't seem to mind watching bim calculate, so she gave him another five tomer came in, bs 1 keep the dollar," she said sweet ly, * come aro in the morn- ing and Be the stamps in the proper pro- portion: He chongit she was becoming sarcastic Now why did ee clerk lie ? Hid Her Money in an Ash Barrel. The curious places in. which women ceal their valuables was never better which came tc cker found x im an as Page go d $2 for it by the driver nthe driver opene ne got home he found in it a lot of jew elry .12 Im mone wom ian in the Poplar sifeet house wanted to es in after returning, took the it « e sidewalk, where, subsequently, more ashes were throw ns woman, returning, notic ed the barre the pavement but the fact «fthe an of the box had entirely slipped her memory until the collec of the ashes bad been made, when me well-nigh frantic, and started out onahbunt. She learned that the rag picker hed been seen in the neighbor hood, and after considerable gr lo cated him, only to fing that ad of Supetistgudent enabled to a on di He handed her the box and ceived $50, tion 3 Odd Ends of Thought, Drop a sentiment in the slot and get action, z ramsence } " what me & _ thinks. Beauty o! face figure is the words and rhythm nage poem; beauty of soul 1s ihe poet's mieaning. Satan loves theology. Some hearts wither re before thep bloom it rolls the stone ib. irds laugh in song. as" der athe baat rom in the music "Sleep tbe honey in the comb of healt In the reign of Henry VIII, the popa- lation of England oat sly three anda half million. is who is now travelling te Pecke, Davis & Co,, bas for » long ume 8 sufferer from congesti inflamation of the kidneys. He tned a many remedies, but without resal! hi A spoke so highly of Dodd's Kidney Pills that he was them. He now states that he is completely cured, to yor spond ¢ said that as a role e had very Ittile faith in patent medicines, for the cure idney troubles, rh atism, backache, ete,, he does not know of any remedy that is giving s good results as Dodd's Kid- ney Sy You Oan't get too Muoh Of m good thing. This is eminently the case with Polson's Nerviline, and reat pain cure. » It is an honest peallerng for it contains the most pow purest, and most certain pain subduing re ies known to medi ce. is honest,for it does all it claims to do. It is honest, because it is the in th world. It onl: ts 25 cents to try it, and you can a le at any drag store, Nerviline cures toothache, neur- algia, pain in back and side. All ie fea are Promptly relieved by Polson Why Drunkards See Double. "Th answer the question.» Why does a drunken man stagger in 'bis gait d see douule >" . W. Crosswhite said yesterday " Double vision is due toawant of harmony in the muscles which control the movement the ey: ball. 'his is toa change effected in the nerv ¢t ers by Jt nerves and also a lack Rie, ordinary vision resulting.' A Puny and Fretful Baby. This is now quite unnecessary! Like na bers, you may have your baby fat, laughing and happy, wt you give it Emulsion. -- Babies take i it like Creditor---The consciences of thrse two bankrupts appear to be very elastic. Assigned-- Well, don't you expect elasticity in suspenders ? URNS COD LIVER O11 SION with wu phosph ives cures all throat Ewer 'Lew ve in st civilized age should be spelled £ov Witham's Royal Crown Remedy, great- estcureon earth. Guaranteed to cure General Nervous Debilty, Rheumatism, Neuralyia, Paralysis, etc. --43y. Oneghe roll of fame: The champion wheelm For producing those hesatifal Bonde and golden shades of unful * "Gold- and fashionable, use Dascavent' 'ash.' |. Liv: vingstone, drug: 'I've 'spotted you," said the sup to the girl with freckles. If your hair is thin or falling ont, ase Dorenwend's "Ext sig - of b gop pe in sure prare entative. and be co J. Livingstone, Pt Aart The old toper never objectsto a good punch inthe mouth. cop's NORWAY Pine Syrup. coughs, colds, a sthm. ness, SOO and all mpecase of the abrost and lun. rice 25c. goc. i Gruigists. Never put off until to-morrow that which you can get somebody else to do for you to-da' s use Dorenwend's "Curline" be* cause it keepsthe hair in curl, and is proof against wind a wet, « Living- stone, the leading druggist, keeps a sup- ply ont in stock. 'Jan well posted man. paner, Hoes | hetake ? 'His nearest Basia "Why i is your hair turning grey or ape in color? Something is wro medy this use Dorenwenc's * Sermon Hair Magic." J Livingstone, ---- Mrs, Piankington--Here~is my dress all right. but where is the bill? Boy--I couldn't carry InpDiGesTION CUR 2p.--Gentle emen,-- truthfully recommend it to all suffering the same malady, AVIDSON, Winnipeg, Man. She--That's ay Why wouldn't try ashop girl? He--Oh, she'd always be calling be 'cash,' you kni & Best Remepy.--Dear Sirs,--I 3. the most streng- thening and beneficial medicine taken, Miss 34 Huntley Sr, twasamember of the Old Ciab who is reported to have said that "Where singleness 1s bliss 'tis fotly to be wives. pT AND IRE--Sirs cure. few hours and always ilts ina net without tc ALFRED Vick, Berlin, Ont. ealer -Can I sell you a nice green tort to-das, ma 'am? Mrs. News ri Ree io ; if you've any ripe ones, Til take a ple ote You Heapacne ?-- Headache, which is usually a symptom of stomach trouble, constipation or liver complaint, cal ntirel cored by B. OB. OU (Burdock raged Bis beeau this iedicine acts wu: and senulaies the stomach, liver, bowels and b Druggist-- I get stuck on this lot court blaster. i sno good. Friend--If it's no good I don't see how you can get stuck on it. Saintship to-day o who will walk in the dent rhs of hie pratt fi in companionship with Acurions exhibit is being prepared for the World's Fair by the French de- h in their operations, and w notorious mre es will form an important t Pp ol iment, peed! Ses ew h the identity of crimin- bI shed. our detectives ss pene ; ibhave charge - of the xhibit.