Wall Papers. NEW PATTERNS, Uheapes -J. LIVINGSTONE'S. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1893. THURSDAY next will be Arbor day in Listowe . r Karges & a sad. next week for cieap boots and shoes n. G. A. ROSBACH of Tor ronto was in own this week. It is understood to be 8 intention to dispose of his property ere, Sérvant Girl wanted, Apply to Mrs. W. Brap.ey, Wallace St. INGMAN, = = Dr. Disgman, who was called awa ay 5 weeks ry the death of her sister mn New York, Stale, Wanted. Apply to Mrs. Havnice, 61 McDowell street. M . W. FEATHERSTONE is at the Ham ilton Nurseries this week. ¢ will deliver trees at Atwood on Wednesday nex!,forenoon, and in Listowel on Thurs- Listowel lodge 1.0.0.F. intend cele- brating the 74th anniversary of the orcer 'ke mission by invita Forrcu 1 has begun ~ erec ck tion of atwo-storey brick cottage on he pr rty on arck street. He has disposed of bis fhe alse tus fot Inkerman strect, to M. Jac ob Lurge, contractor F ats of co) binds «upp' the sear acd M Keevee's ard Provision stere, Wattece ster MECHANICS INStHUTE -- To eta nwa veotemy oat te M-ckan cs' In stitute will be Ie ban the Tne ue rorm at 8 o'clock on M neue, Muy the Fectiy uf D > ane mane ta busine Mk. AND Mrs. BF, BRooK attended the funeral of Mes. Turner, sister of Mrs noel which took = sce at ies is on Mond Mr. Tur one time a pactoez of _ Br Soke I in a he woollen mills in this to ER two hundred hogs were shipped from Listowel station te Ingersoll on Wednesday by Mr. H. Leste, buyer for J. L. Grant & Co. Mr. Henry Smsth Ie of Wallace cont ributed forty to the The price was s'2c. Dve wenght. To Waketord, whe "his been daiweting spake o' venson, has bought out 3 a as 9 Mr, venson : begin "her or teoel on Mon- -- in exchange for furniture, a quiet horse, sonable for age urposes. pply at once at store GEORGE McTavisu. g en to t cent. would rid the town of the nu nce in short order. Was. BEATTIE ot hi town has been appointed ayent for the McCormick Har- vesting Machi Con of Chicago. He expects to bave one of thelr famous "Bindinchines" on exhibition at his store Reack 'the harvester of the future" in anotner column. Wm. McKeever, street Grocer west side Wallace quantities. b Mrs. JEC Lj ---- Co., and hac estern Cntarig; who dee ly regres his sudden cecease. WORKSHOP ON WHEELS.--Mr. Taylo or, proprietor of the Workshop on ,» bas returned to town anc will conduct busine should give him an early call.--11 FOOTBALL LeacuEe --A fon:ball league has been formed in this localirry. ernsist ing cams from Listowel, Mount Forest, Brussels and Gorrie. As thes are all fi ass Clubs seme exrebene games m. be seen this seasen. UO Friday del gates frm each place mei Listowel and drew wp the rules to povern the series of matches h team will play six matches, and. th the most games wail receive a d. zen silver smedals. A Port Dover genius ue written to Oatario Commissioner Aw ler space in which to show ow ine, whic he bas just i t This machine, th @pplicant asserts, will eiman up at ith other Ontario exbibits. Diep 1 SOR DEENG Eran Arthar rere a son of phy, ATs Mey of ge town, who i in Feb- » rouary last bad feet be frozen mountainous region D of Colorado, and taken to the hospital in Lake City in that State, where he underwent ampatation of d eceased was a native of St. Mary's, He left thera = the west about 10 years ago. Curist church, London, was the of fashiouable weddi E Tuesday (18th) when Rev. Edwin Lee, incumbent of the Anglican chorch at Princeton, and late of Mission, was mar Miss tpending a tew diys bis parents atd co mbiuing business with his visit. { THE old proverb, "Li's an ill wind that bowers bo one ay fren f 1s likely to prove egard to the d mA. Ganoixen, of Torento,. diet. | riot lshgiet for Eju ab Lif | lus, Ca, © in town tives fire alarm was again sou! t -- bei gr toe red ob tannery propert: 0; ve! fire. Manco = ble ~ two or threo bundred foot. weet of the tancery, and asa strong east wind bad boon bs ito tet to recover symp ae the i generally. fu pa al will ¢ pic o-day at 3 o'clock or theold aie te seph Marks of oston, ass. application of a 3 seer, costing 25¢., to" a th brighter and produce uniform t. Coal users should invest in a pack- age or two and give it a tr The new pom arrangements went into eftect on Monday. wo mails each way ate now carrii ed daily between Listowel and Stratford. This is a which the public will fully appreciate, The extra servi n the Sout! x. by means of clo tween Listowel and Ethel trying out the new arrangem: ANCERY SITTINGS --The before ar jourmment the business was all concludea. Coulter v. Elma was reterred oR feree Botton, Garrow of Goderich and Darlin of Listowel for plaintiff: Idington, » far Euna, and J, Mabee fur co defend Reed. I M aheson v. Township of Gres, j etement WAS Fes: ever E. Harei gr 2 Cc cat ROOT. Harding for ptaio df, JT Gers, OC, ba defencant. Haein +. Bachs » was ref ned tothe Master a Bane hi wrow. (2 C.,and RT. tar oz fn phont.fi; J, j Scott, Hamilton, nd afin foie ow ments win the M.G Zz a et ql - fueneore in the rouns destroyed by fi Zibax was allowed » for loss and » jewelery stock through re- © 'Me essrs, Bolten and Tabberner*s loss, which ua about $ settled as ye Mr. which were partially destroyed only, are bring restored, and will be ready for occupying again before many days. A_ PECULIAR ACCIDENT -- Passengers mixed train coming north to Whar ¢ ably late. that had bh the railroad track, an was this that caus ed the accident on the mixed, struck just at lore every aces on that Side of the car of the passengers received nasty cuts from the broken glass. meert given by the married wind storm of That eek: The prospects ignited by a spark { ~~ / are that there-will bea big drop-in the | oe i "The building Pek 'all price of firewood -mext winter, ty is and weerty fall of hay, burned down e:timated that fifty per cent. the | almost before the fire eo eould standing timber in the counties of rere fasta} A quantity were also hing oe Water cron was roed. Livingston's flex mill was in bh down by the storm. The loss in| some from th rke end timber alone is incalculable. cinders, fire baving caught io the waste DEATH visited the family of Mr. Wm, | bout oe ee ars, Main street east, yesterday | Promptly p orning ani relezssd their youngest hild, ee two y and four-day, | 1ie# Scnoot Exasixarions, from bis sufferings Scarletina, following | _ The following is the naire report of the mumps, was the cause of the little | High School examinations one's death. Some Mr, Spears oth MT. child have been ill from the same Ist Class, 68--60%.--C. Fullarton, W. Amy, Ella Kidd, Hannah Jiokling, W. Sutherland, Neilie Rothwell, Lena Grille, Eliza Gordon, Mabel Sill. 2ad Class, 60--50%. ~- Maggie Huggins: Clara Goddard, W. Robinson, B. Rothwell, W. Wynn, = Robertaces, J. McCutcheon, Iva Edmu: 3rd Clase, 50--40" 4. --F. Wilson, ley, Lillie Forbes, wey Little, H, ideueda _ ath Claas, 40--30%, Sth Class, 30-- Ma pson,) oq C. Campbell, J. McIntyre, R, Angus, J, Munro, Rose Hanch, A. Forbes, J. Grills, Bailey, Annie "2nd Class, 60--50%.--W. Arde, C, Alex- ander, Maud McLean, W, Gray, R. Mo~ Tavish, Ella Kidd, eu Kines, Addie L. Duff, Jane Norton, y Kells, F. Ballard, A, Bamford, Pel- ton, Ida Keith. 3rd Class, 50-40%. -- Ed. For FP. 'ee, Jennie Metabay. Jennie ae Mabel i E. Long, F. McConkey, PB. Wilso: 4th rc 40--30%.--P., Livingstone, 0. mmond, ie Bruce, W. Fallis, A McDowell, W. Chamney. -- 1. Ist Class, 70 -- ---T. Norton, W. Fritchley, W. caaeen 2ud Class, 60--5 isbin, Nettie P.iton, Lana Hutchison, 7 Heppler, ise 4 Porterfield, L. Tatham, W. MoDowel tied Little, Bertha Downey, E. iy. & Thompson, R. Livingstone, J. did Class, O0--40.--G, Fleming, G. pe J. 'Large, North Perth Licenses. Lic Commissioners fer the N Ridin ng of Perth met mthe law ote cf McPherson & Davidson yester- ay atiera000, Says the Stratford Herald uf the h rth ¢ 20th 1 The board was com- pored of G. G. McPherson and Jobn Wa ay of this city, and enry Doering, of Milverton, Li-ense Inspector Wm. Climie , also being presen Ade putation of ministers was to hae aite on the commissioners, but dil not put in appearance. After ing for abou {teen minutes Mr. McPherson called up one of the ministers by telephone and bad some coversation. 'We'l that the public 1s supplied with good whiskey' was last rematk Mr, McPherson made, co Perea otal refused to do, though Mr. Purcell seaates ORD--Taverns dg xm M Dillon, A. A. Goetz, D. Mat burch, on Friday evening last, drew a fair audience, carried cut ina way that refected credit upen the lacies. five ladies, whose combined would whic h the ladies have in hand ance Trio have ad boures On teh aod ine Emerald T mper + oteriarnon cromde t Epck. waited upon eave wed Then arer a to be been ao Mr Sm ith, without gloves. of tbe tr0, and the solos and a ae 7 Mise Morgan, *'the feiry," are pleasing aod entertaining features re pri mee eo week's en, gagement will close this suening « _ a eong service in the Methodist o TRES. __Spertiy efter 11 o'clock icky extinguished wit The billisr forore from Christman's billiard room stored in the shed, sod tion after the fire be 'ae d tables and Pr eho) - pemporerdy examina- waa extinguished Were id most probably It twas & conse rr ladies in emninection with the Methodist | , 1 Z altax. Yousie pai Avon Hotel. "Deferred-- Calder ae Mary Kennedy, A. H. King, 'Flaherty, Walsh Viros. Hergott Bros, wholesale. -- oe averns ---- C. R. Yo: ; Geo King an Miller, Gadus ie Eby, Shakespeare. er and Sarah Hill, Wartburg; John Harloff, -- St A. Se renk, Ro: . Scott, Sebringvill MORNINGTON--Tave eros ted Louis Smith, Tralee; H I. Miler Pp M Co . Hesson; M. Myer, Milverton Station Deferred-- has ies, Newton; Wi ms, Car thage; P. Ruthig, Newt bree pene extension--Jobn Gropp,Brunner. Refused--Bernard Donegan laa ERTON--Tavern pranted-- Annie Smith. Three months' a Upton. Deferred--C, Hase LMA-- Taverns grante: A mi Wynn, Newey +A. Huggins, Monkton. Three nths' exte eesido= N Coghblin and V. leeree, Atw Listow iT pers gtanted--Rolls & Koad, Baker Bros, Charles Wilson, Geo. onth's eth pear inex, Won, Ditlion, P. Coiliso Shop-- ent Rapp. Wholesale R. Roth & } 2 = Wattace--Taveros granted--Andrew Kr reas, 2 Gowan ; J. G. Scou, Tre- Oe why suffer with that unsight! a bacaed on me fee, neck and arm: tf certain cure in Dees" J. Livingstone, drug- Pillsbary, Erie near "Bare The big w' peerage steamer ol Toledo, : : unk Lak Tartle islan 'gtk, There are Susana and Sarsaparil- jas; but if a your e Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. compounded from the Honduras root other highly concentrated alterativss. From = portions of Mississippi Feports that cotton has either been killed or aod ros ataren by the recent have he early hour at which it happened aod the bright meoolight it was one of the it ing ects of incendisriem yet town. The fire-bug could not have left the building over covnsed. Tae property sored ta. she con: ° property s' building but ' was on the sheds. The policy on the a ' been cancelled. Wednesday | evening, shortly before eix o'clock, tbe " inded When Baby Spring Bargains _ Keep your eye open for bargains clase Hypophosphites of at e is eect everywhere, It it curs a chronic! GOLDEN LION Cheese Markets. checks the progress of wasting e Utica, NY. April 24--The board organized electing a Brockway, of irpicnela Springs, poe presi and B D. Gilbert, secretary te-day was rather lied Pits tts You will find an immense display. th f b 4 soe) ad 53 packag of ee y Ladies Jackets, Ladies Capes, Fine Dress Goods, Dargsing in . mings, New Gloves, Hosiery, : ibbons, Parasols, Laces, Ladies * a" ne Fal st good peices Fontes on Ties, Lovely Delaines, Prints'and Challies, New scid at toc, one lot sold at 10K c. two Chenill ille and Lace 'urtain 9 Carpet: and lots sold at ttc, bones consign. uslins, Visitors are not asked to believe but are shown ot pact pops + 35 packages of ; goods Pd a oe one on we = leading the tradein ages of creamery at 28c, ' ee os " othing, ats, 8, Milline etc. == THH R, Hi] ITABLE Ep icege Sh a rat t cj Inte novelties and newest ideas tor oo HENRY--1s Bima, on April \7th, the wife . Truth brands our oods--Hone: t Ir Robt. Henry of a FURNITURE STORE. to enjoy the full aaittaae power oF on ay. spend it with "Qeoree "albert aaa fon ot Me. Wan; nde gl ro! on = an e: t = ° PERRET eA sot rere acp sits wei! Carson & McKee. Bol ECKNER~In Milverton, on W a 0 DO elp to do ture fremin; H brit im, Barvars. ae conten of ann | a ty ee P. iit reer bates > repairing eit; Golden Lion, Wallacestreet, Listowel, ets cokaresk a will tie thas am able and willing to sell ch me ' Wasieee, om tua Sth tack Ww, neat designs, new, well-msde goods combined with e eee. Margaret, wife of Valentine Welker, 'teed ar pe are levers powerful-to move a furniture stock. ---- I use them and my stock is going out fast. FORDWICH LIME KILNS. GEORGE McTAVISH, GIVING p B | --0---- MAIN STREET, LISTOWEL. s J. SOTHERN, Proprietor: Uvered lo uit polsthor shertatt neice: Ge | How about your Oil ? -- or otherwise wilt veeeiee piteee te . B S ean time seneesiren habeus satiafection Sexd along your orders to the 'Old Reliable House' Bare -- = Scotch Te ee d crt satisfaction, Prices reasona' "| wlans'st asic ihe ase are you have dealt before and where your father used to Bar 3 ains in Bla ok Worste ds, . : argains in Blac Trouserings, THAT IS 3 : 0 . argains in Colored Trouserings, THE M 'CORMICK McCOLL BROS & CO., TORONTO, Bargains in Men's Hats, LOCI NE. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THF ONLY GENUINE argains 1n Boys' Hats, A PERFECT BINDER. LARDINE MACHINE OIL al ar so = eo enads The McCormick Harvesting Co, And other High Class Oils. Rareaing in phirtings, of Chicago, Lardine is the Champion Gold Medal Oil of the Dominion Bareains tn Terao 'Gaed wat. _ BEATTIE need at Lis towel. and our Cylinder Oil will wear longer, and give better & . . (OO 8, >" f their celebrated satisfaction than any other Oil. aes in dharos a. Thechief polos ofthe "Bindlo- \ chnw'aretbe estore rarmant Seine | Ale 'Your Dealer for McCOLL'S OILS. RAS 0 ANCOe GN hose. equal balance,no side draught, the round. 4 nem cand Lightness of the sheaf tied. tte | Sold by all leading dealers throughout the Country. » - fe"annate "retort "ase "sees . , All kinds of Produce taken. every partof K within aight, The olé lear --GO TO THE-- canvas ele t iadone away with. an the grainisent it falls upon « short BARGAIN STOR®D = eleanor ol 1 FOR YOUR _. |McMillan & Ballard. nto @ reor; is held until a ° ed by an iste on the rear Livamad or the Pesresgaeiaead SP G BOOTS AND SHOES. binding and aawetis are aie Ler} : "bee - 750. 8 'sa Alo fe ime Woon ca Mess = : re cod expert wee tave son tose machine | ne shoes $4.25 2 pairgp nk ont com St 8 Pair om Meni partion pre ne - them the renteat "IN STAPLE DR DRY 'GOODS our stock will be found Poa nee with good BIG BARGAINS IN CROCKERY. Harvesting 10: oaben oc 8 ps teens value for the money. We are showiog a fine soap WEEDS suitable for isan We A point 6 6 acadbtne Boys Suits, nice patterns, ranging in price from 35¢ ¥ tnoeueh a Mt dost guna, witeent the hey of Headquarters | for GROCERIES. Stock Always Complete. I have secured a large stock of DISHES of all kinds at alow trucks. An secre of grain canbe cut while| TEAS EES --Our Ceylon blend (Black Tea) can't gure, and intend to give my customers the benefit; so if you hen Seon thorouchly titel ane "uesled, GARDEN SEEDS, GEANGOLD 5 BED, - DUTCH want bargains in throughout the U _ also in Great ' ° ole eae oe aonice Tura socrery | Cas paid for Butter and Eggs. Kindly give us a call and we will be pleased Breakfast, Dinner or Tea Sets, OF ENGLAN i tanh, | BO sete gues mr goede or want dishes in an tit Il or | d mak ITTAEMEDAL. Y quantity, small or large, come and make One ofthese Machines will shortly be on J. Ss. @EF. our selections. Can supply all demands in this line, Se fae > ee Street MAIN STREET, ~ -- ebelSTOWEL none ponent put in a large refrigerating room, I intend spect it. -- eep Wx. BEATTIE, Agent, : LISTOWEL. , -- Fresh Meats all the Year Round, ' -- -- and 'will sell at lowest price McCORMISK S BAKERY. Artistic Wall Papers, ; Everything in the GROCERY and PROVISION line, Do You Like Good Bread ? Self-acting Window Shades, W ak McKeever. if 80 \ try McCormick's full Curtain Poles, with Wallace Bt., West side. weighf and quality guaran- = teed. / Brass Trimmings, ~ J. McCORMIOK, AND OTHER INTERIOR DECORATIONS, TO P ao cog aapetos "The Leading B aker. THE A N ; 41 Main Street West, Listowel. JACOB SEBURGER, ' ------9----- -----_--_--_ 17 MAIN STREET EAST, i J. MM. SCHINBEIN | xxseswes srs sors, ere mnt sree, tmnt om re WAG acum ce NO 4 MAIN STREET WEST. --T ; AT COST AND UNDER = Birge & Sons' Wall Papers, aE Sea nee tae . _ E CLEARED A CE. ~- SUITS AND OVERGDATS. |i citi tre nay dawts erin ey ass be m also the only pence Aas from whom you cam buy the eslebraied BOOTS AND SHOES, Last and 'op week we o z . : READY MADE CLOTHING, ed out one of the finest pen. lf-acting Roller Window Shades DRY GOODS AND CROCKERY. of Boys' and Youths' in iwo tered by A.B. McKrxisy & Co., of Toronto, and have s very large stock on hand, and three piece Suits. Also a/# sm them before purchasing. Come and see. full range of Men's suits, the! | * . : very bast makes and fates; (3rass Curtain Pole Trimmings x J. S. BOWMAN. styles, in Serges, Cheviot Epics of all descriptions--at closest prices. Also dealer in CONFECTIONERY and Wors ' li ght and dark WRUITS, such as BANANAS, ORANGES, ete. Tweeds, Halifax, Grey, Blue, jemaber th twe 4 cean : Fawn. Hundreds of suits, ie HARDWARE peg cannot meg ol _ us 8 JACOB SEBURGER, a en you want Clot During the month of" May } we are, going pty og -- - . gest drives in clothing, : tles, ess goods, Men's and ARE ING TO BUILD nial Furnishings, ies H. HE e- BUCK . IF YOU GO nderwear, We bar ou with everything needed -- we show the best value . eal HATES, the tock "Machine--picked, omen and cpl F pate for style, " good--Mon; e. q ' rl woe you ae your shopping REPAIRS FURNITURE, does UPHOLSTERING,| + 46, Hinges, Glass, inert Oils. Varmuhes, us. Ww word : : thove who are house: cleaning, |PICTURE FRAMING and sells Furniture cheaper | Dry and Tarred Building P. you want any i . i i d estimate on bills at an . Ming Fringes, . than can be bought any other place. dar Ge oe. ey eee and estimate o y ete, come to the Noted Great H. F. BUCK, Clothing of Listowel Main Street, Listowel, J. M. SCHINBEIN. \_ WALLACE STREET, LISTOWEL.