remrternews: ler 90 crag and crag on boulder tet A ya contosan Mest ; of Cae and tumulicous sen, Vulcan faraioas rest; down-emitien upon knees. A. EL Morrison. oteraee cor a glos on living if you'd clip the. afi edges of your ve and Mr. Pankhurst, his foremost " pail had mmol with a struggle to spend in a eo odd i ere gone already, and the series meetings be had come dp to attend only y. The sterile talk of a toward threadbare themes. a if the take lens be waa forbidden to g 7 ¢ minister buttoned his coxt about his spare, stooping firure, and was soon ecated i He had waisted time, and the ctr ctl conrine hit. "Crowded o Tagesets Loge' scite: tia goud company; twe 1 elde ae pata ed. Whea the si tice etuled the: ere e Per. Ric e darkened by «! he cried hoarsely. Had your pocket picked? Of how mach Caleb Pankhflret's pity was scorn to t hy vastly ie fin ; the minister. "Talke well. wering. @ Til help rou. The money's 2 foe" t you aay oo" ver mind! Don "Tat "t addle he head over it Th ere Are Worse trou- he went op mi mm He stared himself ike arock in the ahado y were perplezition rs werne at we olf hook Te not gone. mo aed Ce I -- b (per of this, and it portend mged b bis ten eo and: anriet ae trasaurel h Bart af. vr gore ae he lifted out bots volumes and wras forward. ""[ will take these," he sageof 'is life wee eo eapreme tha at He may have sim and heart stagger- anche teivialilica Wer forgotten beexnse hee ed A youth ushered . ne room caused minister to le In a scholar's hi ten nealing over his a ol Bet on dels you r) ety toward the boy wit r scowl and a pair of fashion -- pelied him, cad be at- aed 'pall raed ir resolote and surprise "Father told me | shou iad you at Temple's Hotel," sar] an arly voice, reap sou was sare of getting thing before, and | didn't mean to no bate myself *" , "Di tell Mr. Feathurst ; . "I did not dare. would never for give me pi there is the Thames-- cniess you do something Three pounds, sir, cod pot a word to father! Bat yeu won't" In the midst of his own shame and misery, be was puzzied by the . He searched tor reproach, and there was "eee. A cminister is less then a man. He isapirng. And the brotherliness be preaches ts a he" The words were earnete _bot from a 1 at Whee be Ln sp k bes was carioasly erect, | is the por tt at soe ake tcc call saepe rom « | | i ext" don maid, te can ker; vailed. ty 'ben a sieayle | little note that ¥: RARE. Ati: a ie L . E it ial a if ; i : bf 5 i : Lone | i NE if Hh a ES ~=E } i a HE oie said Richard East, with a quiet | assent that sacked the wind from the elder' ge away through me, sir," be | cep a secret, and Sam shall" np earpest, and at length be reached hace 0 tained acated a palpit. | He Come orar. 0 pai --U woul 'he Avent a -- the fresb-blewn mead! -- south wind Liew! fortes will we sow, ait tbe patient ered ; south wind blow t With acddrn beat; Ivamg low, They for rrenmigance family pied! ome Rear, U sus--O south wind biow Od4 Ends of Thought, Drop «= scatiment in the slot and get action. Fe engrance iw the flower thinks Bea: of the 'aes and Ggure uw the words ana Fhythm of @ poem: beacty of soul be poet's meaning. yearts wither before the sone heart e honey in the comb of health Detroit Sree Press Aw basy y to Get Thin ynen have att pire bores of getting fat, and jaet at present the plumper sirtet ate resding the mir with the Tapawnag wail T ; Betore. had 4% rounding tly tw. | "Oh, whet creaaing | rate for the last three ra. WW, uking into your student's tra } caine tucrouchiy aiartned, and last suinmer ~ saaee | I was ready for ; that the ores rh ber Eure tadent-- ate was ready fer him. 7m mute , ie hasn't "en, a rise--yoo'll dun the -¥. got # tine outof me yet. } man. Belinda ¢ | ous--wh i | Lead, g cman | fuimess of this lest Bt through his basket | aa rit L tt Fok rr Fs Fig itty iH rad y Bat y : er. . "Miss -" called ne voice the middle of the ran, Belinda tura- * evening. Can't you are nothing pow "Dow Sig" ad pe det "-- ¥ m4 eveuward award | ak climb up yonder pail to a crescent 1 a kel the young al w wah you would, plea," Belinda Saroweuy- verming coo ced Rie ever oe t og . forman the in Kipling's "Sieaoge Tete af "Marrowbee. Ju kes?" Belinda "No, _ I did not," I ip pediry emphatical- | 1 don't think | j Ubst will ever er shine again. Ob, | --full moon poetry this tme--in a aweet, deep voice. He must have hypnotized the ah 1 sotatien party asculime voice at the or to me panin. ips what that deep-minded nice, loog, beewtifal Meter -- bim the Sona aes stenographer jest as fast could and let ner believe he was diet tat: °e ot pe bis he "Las Bei inda ww always rerio | eomet. hg inter pee pomewary extr she's telling anyth. Thaw time o eaggestion by a girl, 'ohe ought to t hat th bh uowas t k ow in Eve." The quotation party hadn't Geen frightened by any threat about "Pa+adive Lost, " pot epartliin rq ce eve spow listens, nb: ; sparkles, had better rise up and give bus of ber attention to this preseat scenery for a | moment." cs. | "Goon with you! x peopebews Belssda," leocing ont to ver) toe urath- speaker's observation --he He fe ft that Iethee in bis basket, and went out to Is The rege rapher, having | peed of a a in eresion, wen! étter i, acd found tbts } i \ pretty letter. | 'The student ebould have taken it with j bum," I ay ested. "Yes. nka so sow himself. Bat he's ela, does be look like™ "Oh, Like a law eta cerly hair, rk eyes ch Per! 'erhaps you know him. grat Nol ut? . Lbaven't the bonor. 1 pes eae) ewnreter apy worshipper had beard them in ee "It you pind ar bgecty at gore distance "I thick, fper- "= in any case I De not fear on on the pe ed a "Cat A ean sah sour wimerone min. tte * Loe mimeer to the brisk sales emia, tee bus lei duwa turoagh «a maze of book araps. "Cer bas rig 'bn the mone F quire -- obe- lise, an: euon on, bespectacled neu fe prey 1 pana at ihe derk. Root ed East tage a betce as ve fi bie dot) @ ae besant errand." be sard. "Lee ts 0 state mack my jyanchase of tee =e Ti is inepeone bie" Now ie s afale lq we »y to faver me me 4 " ay | them, * war mm ok i tar han a a ste tte esing a one a" por louked wet! I The teeny te an im; sae "aenting forget them I aniortanately forg curd day. an w allo all oe be ate for thai ter king «= "hth, oF or naar eta 1. he them tat ore gang to bed st night age He The Garden im the Cy ch ae Teuddeoly siiseed mt purse. A friend was | with me--this y man's father. He will | substastiote mech of m story. ¥ now | ice he They are this 7 any special wa: sy bedava: | =5 yo sym arom; they sim. ee a Ehe: petien, 90 ye, ne: te | Ply bring things common im to bigh io to Sam, ibough be r plied read- [x principle Pe _, fee them on the i Cnildren Cry for ' Pitcher's Cestoria, hese't oid yet, hasn't cot his breath back I you be | was gaities " agi we | floor to d om occupied u Ff i lit i La fal iil t i Hi He ta the "We have little belief in e t of this k e if list ever made an actual portrait of amy one person ; od for an rere ardor gr goed im | real as the | <= ctera oat olen to a & foolish od ont inevitably sacribe a the characteristica j th, in the book--often,if not } ally, a wholly anjust i tine pity that tb r Deaun te 4 with standard this clement of what is . ip This is the title of = boot, oseph Adams, Teasice? post fascinating. the faculties delineated ated by Mr. 'ae oo g card in the novelist' J t hae been played with o a like "eg o Wilkie Collins, who, with Eastern etruction, blind Teada, The M great, perhapa, th tion, partaking as it does of _ pare or copuedrum ; still it is i rely to mended. and wu: com ville Fenn, in North American Review. Charles G, D. Roberta, | jes G. » our { t, lives in a y behind the uni. versity at Windsur, he is ormeed of paetes a ie a well-kmit mas, fam. ed for exploits. ise He bss large little below middie | Pate ae e brows tacies, and ral» mppeors . Rudyard Kipling. ¢, bospitality reminds one ite a devoted to liters. bas moved ith Uncle sed want has bees him, amd has for a 8 from time to tise with which to iy hi | wenty-eight years old be is, and sige boy of 10 to work for a living, if life ima been one of ups as4 on, adrenteres re And pow, suffering f and porerte, 4 and forsaken, be is at work on 4 jus of Daniel Booue im 5 be hee-al- macat F o Fectived word ts ge to New York that his friends ma. ae Uncle walk poise With, aod it here for rbesseal aby tery stern na pam | Monday morning © 5 tald him I thongte i hort ow I 4 Sethe tee { Gomz home, Sender being ear" dy forcing umbrellas ep. f compased baw ie." Monday came. When oss gets city bored the next step | | ek oe 5 tie: is to look for country be: be. wus oo with it he made Liters ati walk, refusing to say a word. A few days of thin treatment the husband round. 7 "The women are great traders, the my gery te the oo 8 his wife ridicules him. . other ta penis I for Parezoric, It is Picasant, Its Castoria is Dr. pre Pitcher's tisa prescription for Infants contains ncither Opium, Morphinc nor substitute Drops, Soothing Syrcps,and Castor Oil ' Its guarantce is thirty ycars' use by Millions of teria is the Children's Castoria. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case 's Panacea--tho Mother's Friend. Costorin. " Castoris is so eel] nanptedt ochftren thas ara. M r peed effect upos their obfidr=a." Da. G. C. Osaoea, Loweil, ae which lam acquainted. I hope the day is not Yer phy ia the tment hare spokea high a ir outside if L Hi tL Be ih i "Tey be have ae peculiar custom. '8 prominence this coun! de largely acid wealth. a the Alaskans it dep= oe bow much he gives away. ne ok monter of the Eagle chie! or a 5 makes a 'pot Sagrope stows any Ge The rapend shawl I sear is wet in an be With drving, drips ft erease B roral rai take them. re all so: inevitably "youn we WOKEN : fa aT Fer lb al - tne Tae De. wintisus? Having decided on a change ot business, I will cost my Entire Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery ; Spectacles and Eyeglasses, Watch Clock and Spectacle repairs done prompt at reason- able charges. S. M. SMITH, TELEGRAPH OFFICE, . Main Street Listows!, arty C. Surrn, Free, THE SINGE Have removid « fic ct atte of the hee heal p sition to handle any Machin Seo the * SINGER 2 |ledged to be Country MIANT USE WITHOUT INJURY. "~~ Office--Rear of Lamonts' Music Store Ez I also represent a wopeles 1 have and , and ntion to "bu siness would ask a share uf ae Pubhe 'Patronage Please call in . T. HAYDEN, plan of Life Insurance. NG MACHINE GO taken charge Dealing Having had a thorough drilling in machines by the Manager, I am in « Lady wishing a First-Class Machine would R" before buying. It is acknow- THE BEST MADE! and Endorsed by the Dressmakers and Tailors all over the cy say it ts THE ONLY MACHINE THAT WILL STAND CON- Every Machine Warranted for 10 Years. NEEDLES, OILS and ALL REPAIRS KEPT IN STOCK. , Main St and see us. The Singer Manufacturing Co. Agent. 29 I Mauufactwedaniy ot Towa Moi i NEW OPI cae 1 wears Estaminumest, aia) LONDON. we \Fig ° ot , ? s cm Purchasers thould look to the Label on the Boxes and Pou. t ; If ibe adcress :2 mot $83, Oxford S:reet, London, they are spurious, | '[Asecoement Aystem_} The Provincial Provident Institution. ST. THOMAS ONT. LIFE INSURANCE COm-| THE ONLY PANY IN CANADA ON THE ASSESSMENT PLAY, a rr Reserve Funds Lim-! 3 Assessments i i Fs ' 1 fy é Hie Will Cure You Prepared by Dr J.C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mam. j | in "ao pa 'tooth ? ? j standing the case may be, to | ° | | ee ELA. Mii Bt Secretary. ar K abide er resident, (M. C. WELLS, Local Agent. Pirsigag eck Curep In a Day -- a ~ce the ceuse an: 1s cummediately disappears. The frst dose greatly oes 75 cents War ted ohn "Livingstone tr. Dothe, ts the pain right bere Oa, { . how can } teil when I das' kacw, all the letters Rebecea Wilkinson, of ---- ity ire AWAY NEW CUSTOM TAILORING BUSINESS. A. W. GLENN Has opened a Custom Tailoring business in the rooms Over-Hutchison's Store, NEW STYLES now co hand, and the public can rely upon getting a good fit every time and all word done most satisfactorily . Charges Moderate. A tria! O1ver is respectfully selicited. A. W.GLENN. SASH & DOOR FACTORY -- Bamford Bros, Builders and "Contractors, ulate Piha setae an. bei rr and cian termed on Sashes Doors Fyamnes, Blinds, ete furnished on short n Planing done te erdet. Everything 1 ip ine aeiiag tae will be given prompt attention circ. FIRS T-CASS GUAR ANTEED. Charges Very Moderate Vactory--Inkermn Street, Listowel BAMFORD BROS. HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE WILL CURE YOU "Backache | the "4 of oeys are He "Delay we Kidney ree nanp* || fetter & tidety in'nad Sisea n Ba Pizict Eth ts ie int, and the most dan- rr ald crouse of all, to have a| Diabetes and healthy city - The above Sea - Ld exist where sieneye re Dodd's 'oa? tbe Ind,, says: "I had been ina dis sed f i conditiod threabyears trom Nerze -- ¢ tee Bae Sev ol te tar. comtasning ness, Weakne: the stomach, Dyspep- | nears on oman' Bevery | sia lodigestion until my bealih was | | Seg Eromm we World mele pay ami gove. I bad been dnc anges. constamly | Sent toasy Cnty, Sa eet olen. | ena no eases, 1 bottle Every ae il get the Premium Picture as 2 Ameri * which eid | Send in your muibmcrigtion at ence, oF onder me ¢ good than any $50 woith of doc uge our local agent, tormg I ever did in my | I would ad x EMPIRE, Terente, Ont. vise every ly o use th = 7 valuable and lovely ¥; a few bottles chic have cared me comple," I cow Clubbing Offer. sader it "the ine io ¢ 4 Peekl wit) be world." A trial bottle will convince you. | rormished tugrtber at Rost eueing ofr =f Warranted by Joba Livwngsione jr. |Plewre -- git. ? Tahnl dard A< 7 pans Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules : 3 family remedy