Listowel Standard, 30 Jun 1893, p. 1

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§ ' t i a THE LISEOW Es STANDARD Pablished-- EVERY janis MORNING, Mice in time for MARTIN'S BLOCK, MAINST, LIGTOWEL --y-- A Sr, Grorce Hawkins, 'Temes: Ir paidstrictiyin advance, $1.00per annum . otherwise, $1.50. ADVERTISING RATES. 4s: Firstineortion periine. Baek robeeguent ieee ie atibefol- courant lowiss y year. 6months. 3 months. goagotamn. Fis ee <ce 2 00 7 gous 700°... 400 otexceeding 81!nes,S4per sasineneer band ur underizlinos,S5. farme for #2 attie oohtyeruammetnaasineyerioementgaiter Qrst month and 0c. per mon pect: Itne each Insertio: . alnosions tne; sobject of which iets at y thethe pecan! ary he penesit of S07, ace] | pe Becta ys te Fiduaicompany 2 and eharse OO ordiDEly Hadvertisoments me aaanred 2 ae meaie of 12 lines to the 1b xoap pareitie ified a treet! f = Listowel aN 297 Standard VOL. XVI.--NO. 22. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, | as aeRO PORE OST ™ = Coma ion, Conghalors ogiiets Tories ous Gumbo: 'hai aay ig -- a5 Cec om tie ttexone Fe = a REMEDY. javo you Catarrh ? Try thie cme iu i eitecty 8 teliove and Cans you. ts Injector furnished {roe. arn ecld on a! 14 Laeiameg -- S I treatment is Hemera hor, Shilch's Cemedics a suse toe to give FO matictacion, t bbings departméntio Wospven free jaoniens 2 at Bad the istest designs in printing material-- easbiing usto oxecute al sence rietyiaooe: petasangon mhortes nett Our terms for work carve} aévertiee- Ttesante came easement -------------- [RAVELLERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNE RAILWAY. SOUTHER™ EXTENSION OF W. pone &B RY. ity as under: rmediate polpta-- 2.22 p. m.; Express Trains ie 0} Kinane. and inter ii a a Sob a. mj Express Ex- aa 'Paimeraton: Eapren at? = a. ™.; preaa, 12.57 p. m,; Mixed, 10 p. GEORGIAN HAT AND LAKE ERIE nn Trains leave spon station datly as ander Qo socTH. Exerte sa. mis sreervin. 22pm. : Mixed GOING NORTH. Mixet Nia yy ase Exprosa. 1.3 p. ™.; Express 8.18 D> MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &C. NOTARIES PUBLIC & COMMISSIONERS. mo Loan H. B. Monpry. J. M CarTHEw. ABLING & EWE neers. Pa 1 ie Rank =) aeotiton and eee Ranking eee or we ne, Wallace Mtreot, Lir- ver Boo! ° L DARLING. Fon, RLEWETT ABEE & GEARING, SSURISTER Solicitors for the ebat ts Ienk eb gd Public, StRatre: nD. "O NT. Money to v. "?. Masee- F. W. Gearinc. HOMAS. FULLAKTON, SEWRY ' nt, Em euerot Marriage Licensee, Cr missloner in ° Tends Oreneen: louses ao lie wieyaudice done op reasonahie . Money to lend. E. DINGMAN, M. D., GRADU: | "rel of Queen's University ; merabes Physicians, and Surgeons, Perstcian: Surgeon and Accourbeur, ce--Main Street ene ISTER, aor. Co: Sat, OMice and residen "di dF Ofice ever Flemmiug's Tatioriog Patitotiab MAIN &T. LISTOWEL. RESERVE FUND - JOHNE thoy gia * Minter bought saad Hi siaaas favors yn terms, fro to te gives tor tg & resonable age renowned Tamil y weekly, t Free Press (De- a wusands are taking auvantage SI ee BANK OF HAMILTON. CAPITAL - + $1,250,000 ' $650,000 DIRECTORS JOHN STUART, Paesipext; »G. RAMBAY, Vickr-Pres. GEORGE ROACH, ri CHAS. GURNEY, . B. LEE (Toronto. aie RA NGS HA --Depoatts of $1 ane vi Upwards fecelved aay interest plow "ig fro date bdr erat " to tate of wit ireat' 7 ritatn andthe United Collectiona made on favorabie term O. ® CLARKE, la. Agent Listowel MONEY LOANED --AT-- i} PBR SENT. 5 Farm Property al the lowest rate, and on A'so agent for cecal ee icici Wit M-BRIECE, L ininget at | Mitn ous as ae Pai 1 mtr _ _- INSURANCE Co., PERTH - plat WAR | yee: OF IEN wililbet reas on Tu 'Wed Pein ane 'Saterdas of oach week. ames .DAVIDSON, CeuntyClerk. vounteciers® eoMce. Stratford. | The Oldest Established | GROCERY; | TOWN (8 JAS. ARMSTRONG'S Whore 2! yearsexperenc braineren ale MA deat " gree the . a0 ts ce ba people m) kbt ' whe np giv te ost | pot better value for The money thanany j de i 1 | THE ALLIANCE ~ ANCE Co ndon, England. THK WESTERN ASSURANCE Co., Of Toronto, Canada Of Ediobuargh, Seotiand, *a] | WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS.0O, of Guelph R. MARTIN. Listowe! Ont PRIVATE MON EYS \ large amount of F rivate! Funds to Loan alr per cont. a0 ris: sty nee stp a Bea Pasabie ye ances wie ade to balfvael ob or ecuitly, ole cd. Appiy te J. L. DARLING, Barrister, OMce over Scott's Hank, Wallace St, Lis- wei. » Insurance and Loan Agency. M. BRICKER. other retat) beuseinthe b TEAS. COFFEES nadSUGARS. I have AGEST FI TRE ost Suet trye ep At dajlother ezine a Geen and Provisions, Canned Goods. Dominon =z INGaTANDE CD Fleer, Oatmeal, Coromeal, °puckwheat | OF WATERLUc Jour ete.. ote, | THE Canada ccipent Ine Co: A wollsolected atock of CROCKERY and | bidet ASW ARE always to be feund atmy | also . | MONEY Td LOAN Highest price paid for Nutter and Egg | Potatoes and alikinds Patty Pte} On the meat favorable terme OFPFPICE-No. tl Maio St. Listowel, next dour to the Bauner office. nh WM. FCRREST, R G. ROBERTS, - ne Dealer, Atwood, Sonn, Has on hand a large assortment of All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture bing =a ee | ing, Cabinet Photo Frames, Baby mages, &c. Parties euickatiog refs oad | over worth may have goods delivered to | any part of Elma township free of cost. H UNDERTAKING | attended to at anytime. First -- ASS Hearse in connection. Furn Rooms opposite the I. O. feos free Handbook write UNN & COW wees BRroapwat. Sew Yous. in Amencs. AG a THE London and Lancashire |FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. --ALSO-- MonWwEevV TO LOAW in soy same from $90) and upwards at «low rate of lolerett, Converanvcire<.s a'| dercriptions dope oo Teasousdie terns. LISTOWEL. _ MAR BLE WORKS ROBERT ™. ZLMP, lec | AMERICAN and Fo? REIGN MARBLE, and GRANITE HEADSTUNES. MONU- MENTS and FLRNITURE TOPS, Iso "rd STONE of sli kinds or Nufiding | a oe HOTEL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, ae The Hotel known aa the bo shag Town of acre ko JAS. MANNELL, | 6 Tremont House, 163 Young St. Toronto 4 | LOST _AT SEA Terrible Disaster in the Mediterranean, A. BRITISH WAR SHIP SUNK The Victoria Run Into by the Camperdown. TTA M Over Four Hundred of the Officers and Crew Perish. DETAILS OF THE DISASTER.--BOTH OF THE COLLIDING VESSELS BELONG TO THE BRITISH MEDITERRANEAN SQUADRON London, Jane 23 Fhe British -- ship bp agion has --_ off Tr . More th nog dro . ATER rible calamity bas allen the Bntish 'boule le ship Victoria, fag ship of the Mediterranean squac -on, igen OF LIVES HAVE BEEM LOST. te Victoria, which flew _ flag of vie ice -- Sw George Try - Cc. as run into off Tripoli, by "the British batt ra ship Campe ef their small bo SHE WENT TO THE BOTTOM carrying aoe wan i nearly all on boar Some. of 4 officers and crew managed to get out - 'the suction caused Stated that about 290 men drowned, but later despatches-show that the loss of Ite was far greater, not less than 400 0 officers ana crew of the Victoria having gone down with their ip. A* DESCRIPTION OF THE STEAMER. was alwin screw battle Sbe meunted 15 gun: be Camperdown She is of 10.600 Sir George Tryon was Coi oo ofthe Mediterranean station. H a Vice-Admiral August 20, A Crea gen et EE Ge ASTER. Real Admiral Albert H. ee most 7 Camperdown' the Victoria forward cf the turret on the sta tarboard side. 21 officers were drowned, men were saved. The injury to the Ccnpadoce not been fully ascertained, but it is anietae and will necessitate her going on dock for berg I propose to send the sivivors to N A FORMER ACCIDENT, n January of last year the V: -- ran Beat off the Gree ourke was in command ofthe Victoria when she sank THE VICTORIAS OFFICERS. According ~ the navy list the --- the ers of the Victoria were:--Vice al, Sor 'shone Tryon Comin, Ma aurtce A. Bourke; Commander, Charles O.tley; Chaplain, Rev. Sam vO, Morris; Fleet Surgeon, Thomas Bolster; Paymas: Valentine I]. Ricke cord; Fleet Engweer, Felix Foreman. T mplement of officers and crew of the Victoria comprised 690 men. ,The Inst of officers drowned include, besides Vice Admiral Tryon, Chaplain Morris, Lieut. Munroe, Fleet ayiniser kk cord, F leet hors ege te Deadman, Heather ly, and S Gunner Howell, boat- ral Barpar ', Carpenter Beal; Midshige men Inglis, Grieve, Fawkes, Lanyon; ole: G ser and Scarlett. Cadet Stooks and Clerks Allen and Savage. A change had recently been made in the commander attached to the vic Charles L. and succeeded by. Commander Fellicom be, who was saved aswere also Captain Maurice A. Bourke and 15 other officers. WHERE THE DISASTER OCCURRED, The first despatches concerning the ye led to the 'pelief tha Tripolt, Mediterranean, ity Beyrout, distance patie the island cf AFTER THE COLLISION. the officers of the Victo hat there was danger of their ship fo wandering orders were given to he collision bulkheads in order to keep the water in the com Ca sailors tri he order, bet the ip wa water too fast to allo of closing the bulkheads, and while the ing to shut them t ship. w er immense guns and heavy ue' ba per, turned over and carried them THE NEWS AT seapnaeres cam n Edimburgh, who was promoted to end position of Admiral of the 1 Fleet, visit- d the Admiralty and conferred' with oficoals there. A morcion the "Ad miralty Board was held a telegram of in: ions was sentto Rear Admiral Markham AND QUICKLY GOES TO THE_ROT1 | is also a first.class twin pla battle ship. | "Wo heads from 16 to a neches *. TELEGRAMS SEN EXPRESSIONS an early grave their ip er and ¢ loss of so many First Loyd of the Lord Richard oe Tryon's fag lieutena of the Ear! of Clanw " office! Rieat hades A SIMILAR were drown lost theirlives in th ADDITIONA trom Beyrout says ¢ ur about seven miles vessels were almost the.V choria ™ stro Victoria's d her to to begin to fill le. s osaibte efforts have bee: bod were taken co! callision. Tem made ao mnaee Sint tis sia vers Victoria had shown her steering gear. manageal the Cneucowss Quebec, Jun a seaboard. Naval ile: twenty-one quick -fi ine guns. Her maxima 16 75 ko She of coal i r bunkers, of in "Thicknesk. She men, . . In the House of Lords, Earl Admiralty, referred to of Commons. Among of the German Navy for us in this The accident to the Vie been equalled in fatal Pan 7 thea nav. b sudden seelog of the es cig pe fathoms of ae Tt is to eobtatn names of the account of this weakorss of the population, The Admiralty in lesson to the navies of sheer pe is besieged by relatives and | the ps the officers and crew, * G IN ENGLAND OVER details of the disaster gr: 2D pep « of at curi- osity. So dense wasthe throng in ti 24.--It would be bard to icinity that the Admiralty desc img ails every- were compelled to summons the police to | where Kingdom m regard to the restrain the crowd. No information has | calamit; has befallen the a at the Admiralty since | thro loss of the battle ship the receipt of Rear Admiral Markham's | Victoria Tripoli, and the drowning of first offical telegram. pa hid --_ and crew - row tdead sympathy wi' : THE iLL FATED WARSHIP. ; fends of Da eat dows The Victoria was a single turret vessel! | with! the Fip are widespread. In some Carrying ZI1Oton guns, my d ina is a certain amount of in- orward turret coited with eighteen i accident should nches of pound armor ; one 10 inch there is no foundation gun Gring 08 and The lack of details arm. nt oftwelve 61 5-tom guns: of the scene bed no expression of . i ideti: OFFICIAL STATEMENT. Mr. Giadstone sted tothe House of mmo! that there were 611 a 2 'ane, 23 boys and 107 marin the ship, It was fear- = that of this total of 718 souls 463 had ast. T TO THE QUEEN, All official telegrams in regard to the loss of the ship will be sent at once to the Queen at Windsor Castle, Her Majesty has ordered postp the State ec: ball, which was to have taken place at Buckingham Palace t OF SYMPATHY. y shocked country and that it would be extended to friends. George Hamilton, formerly First Lord 'of the Admuralty, endorsed every- thng Mr. Gladstone said, and ex pressed the deepest regret for the cala- snag that bad befallen. the country in brave officers and Spencer, ford, Vice nt, and so Lasse Ring details of the accident are very m THE KAISER EXPRESSES SYMPATHY, The Duke of Edinbare® Bang received r Wilam our a We rades. pathy your ensign Is uke ¢ Lritish navy iy the sy, > story of the sad affair can the ; other A special staff of offi was kept on duty all ae at bg Admiralty -- _ hitehall Wh purpose ig Brive that 'ght crowd gather- about Adeueaty Office, cager rE ----- cane "-- informatisn. Int crow ere many sad.faced women esa chi oung girls whose husbands, fathers or woubeerts were members of faces and showing the great Ki... strain they wi undergoing IT WAS A SAD SCENE and one that will pa puien by tives «an i) must have escape rowning, but their tunes and language were such that 1 could ily be +s ferred that w oping agains ho; or ined fresh access: 5 fd wh the list of saved was po: is Morning there was terrible pushing toward& the balletin board to le: aped "the fate that had so sudd camed off hundreds of ------ s -- Those in rear of th crews -- 90 far away to see mes bed on the bulletin, were aided in ny pot for mformati by stentorian voiced men, who read the mames of the saved. 'It was pain- fal EAGERNESS AND INTENSITY When women foetad ACCIDENT. te orian bas ever t fainted away, and had to be attend: ec the police, va nom whom were oduty inthe vicinity. The only rene o! yladness to the scene was when a similar ie ag as far as gre s of befell the 'Zoglsh hfe 1s concerned, tha line of battle ship, Nore er ia 1782. In that year the Georg carrying 108 guns, was lying e Spithesd. She had been keeled r r repairs, when a sudden eust of wind caused her to keel over until the sea entered = oO ports. She filled and went dow with all o d, My ar 'Ad. Aone 600 persons at disa: L DETAILS. --A despatch received five o'clock yesterday afternoon, rom Tipoli. The : right angles when cel moment of the col- and wi Victoria cau peer and no t down in devoted 10 recovering ies = Shortly afer the callision five will be hen start for home- ATAL WEAKNESS. that several times the signs of weakness in ne theory is mat or \d ne be got poe LESSONS OF THE DISASTER, --The foundering «t orifice H.M.S, ¥ tetoria "as Its terrible sacrs av : f our ¢ While the Victoria might have been ched as to cency in bombarding a town or destroyeng a sea coast am was de- eidedly too unwiel¢y for mareacu' cf Prscotcencsnig 1 must be rembered, has not progressed as ra pidly The Queen sorrow aod sym; a brightening of the eye that brought forth reciprocal smiles fro: ose only sacted to the place through curiosity. about the Many of the crowd still linger ffice ee the possible receipt cf further new BODIES pelinonty RECOVERY. It was stated this morning that no at- tem fell be made to recover t of t who went int Victoria. bod: f these will be watched for and give! burial on land. RELIEF FUNDS. Funds are being started parts of the coun lost their supporte: ee sum will be partir Queen ed £100 in different cur. IN TWO. A despatch from Fano states that ihe Victoria was cut in aft of u arbette. lives wer Mest of those who oe their drowned by "being drawn under by the suction ca by the gon ship. Vice-Admira! George mn was ie ked op 7. the foundering ot his flag on th tle ship Edin to-morrow convey to Malta the body of on Adm: mnira ' remainder of the fleet is due at Malta - Monday. POOR LADY TRYON ! een has sent Col, Carring'om to sel a relief fund for the besestof the J neesi families no do! res Victcria could n rece wa ships. in mae that either the Cam of the 10,009 tons warship cannot be dis- ot ci vbr nny the impetus ved from the -- when ri . s : heen Te manoeuvring @ war- who fo.t members in the disaster. FORMER NOTABLE DISASTERS. portant lossesto tbe destroy OTe Asneciation, with Admiral Sir Shove and 800 oa was wrecked off the Scilly islands, Oct. | 17 urn oO m ap anything has been the t i excitement, not only among those who had fri the ill-fated doubtless will puceusa them being cut asunder earnest fight. 100 guns, ¢ first rate ship in the navy at the time, was los: in a storm in race ol Alderney, Oct. 8. 1744, and Admiral Sir Joba' Balchen, 's sons an the Crew of 1,000 The Prince George, bernt u miles north of Cape Fimisterre, on 11,1891. She was a twin-screw crui the third class, buzlt in 1888, at a cos' 900 te as officially teel bh yoonter quick fring guns. two $ and one light gun. 'ica t saved. a 2 cnemest that 16 was three- TS jour before she went down, but the sea was so heavy thet in trying to get the boats out they and the crew were swept away. The Horn Fly. In ancwer to a question asked by a sub- scriber, we give the following descrip- tion of and remedi enemy of the farmer, which appear: in many parts of do me | for first time last season, of the- rapid pro- pagation oa its parse only taking selves and make up their minds to fight it vigorously if they would keep it in subjection. This fly, which is a mative of South- ero Europe, was introduced into the United States about 1 and rapi flies do no injury to they directly the cause of the oft ge are age rubbing again: ik Gans. eee bastante, By-ineerd aa = trunks Fak oop oe a hots, great hans sag the eninnade Snickl}" fall The off in fie an milk. . are never laid in sores, as some have supposed, bets in the fr pping of the animals, ere the 'ots upon the liquid substance of the dung. ure lying around the yard, el 2 'a --_ the $S00N as poss ad out the took ll so either spre they will dry out, or apply lime or wood shes :even road dust ordry earth will answer the purpose by Rm up the moisture, To protect the cattle from the mata msect sinaet any cheap oil will santo, eninete --_ upon the Ise | roportion one ounce (about a tablespoon to "4 balf gallon of oil ; rab a small y on the parts where the fles gather most thickly. What is known as kerosene -- ee eee or stir five muioutes, to mix thoroughly, and dilute with sine parts (twenty-seven quarts water; apply with a force pump or sponge. mers would su must bine in using all known remedies which will aid in tredating the numbers of this pest a ee Going Lice The Buffalo. WANTON SLAUGHTER OF ELEPHANTS TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND FOR !YORY. San Francisco Chronicte, Among the arrivals on 'the Gaelic from the day was a quiet, blonde man in middie life, whose achierements in lands have been talked of globe. Few know - hi He he kings, and strange, wild count bey the Pa- cafic, and w! he has to say is of rdinary int . e to Ind after bis arrival in G al- ca arily to get a ber of tame -- with which subjugate the out to ; a .@zo. HAWKING Rurron sup aor ainron be caught ia forests. On ed gg Rn | herds are to met with. T Indian elephaots, and a native Indian ele- phant catchers are to be i and large mans cay is needed. In a few years, the Afri become some: wi then a mere ------ animal, . 'This' plan, it is conceded, will benedt Faas s08 aod Germans alike in East The Leiutenant ssid he ae have glaily seen the German 60,000 elephants are killed yeariy Africa bb Se To Invade the United States. ane 26. Another an- pesca effect that they have 0 establish a factory warehouse Batfalo, N.Y, in 5 order ape the growing "s Kid: 3 in the United States. Thi ly hes pacity of the ory is taxed to supply the Cad. et and the management feel to both the ree States and establishing a depot and factory there. Milk Preservatives. conmeipendiens who asks the best wil 'pomrraiien, the Jersey Bulletin replies, cleanliness and coolness. he milk from souring is not more or less injerious, if taken into = homan stomach. Th -- no we = Really of them will keep milk fresh on ae ies Counldesuiiieg ¢ time, ACurious Puzzle. Open a book atrandom, and select a word within the first ten lines, and with- ir the tent the end of the mark the word ; now double the f th age and multiply the sum by five ; then add twenty ; the num a ¢ remaining figores the number page. | & 1 <a eae : ae . '7 ILLUMINATE THE BODY. Ie Kamp That Will Help ® ~ tilie : iy a if FF Efe i ut F ff a] Tt ee § iu F i F . Phi has maller power. On ities eye can I eh experie so far riments that the heat g panics bs the lampe be. comes ful after a few minutes. For this seanca there must be frequent --_ ru N.Y. World. Appropria ate Explanation, "This. ag eget otek me." was what the house construction said hen itslact "floor ae laid. ioe wt to cools Japanese Holiday Making. Japan iolidays are the Ne ear, es oeebeatan of which laste far ox" on the 2d of the pth t month; the Feas of Dolls, for little giris, the Bd « month; be Feast Flags, for le boys, the Sth of the pron --, the Abtution of the chryeanthemum 'Senos and the festival of Inoko late in the fall. Red You Obn't get too Much ne algia, pain im the back and side. pains are promptly relieved by Polso: Nerviline, Had Learned ed His Lesson: an -- 's eck ~~ = down _ by di didn' *" you val reed Seat to back toh a are no judge of nature, my boy," said the old jewelers 2 "If I bad ost -brs-trade done that I would bave-1 -- And he put a dollar tag on it, and h it up on his window. wank, ed H. Stewart concludes a very readable article on "Feeding Work Horses,"' in a ~ Country Gentleman watering. This should always be done before ing, and never it, The water is absor by ini with great y. Afew minutes will suffice to absorb three or four gallons water, oa my -- a saliv: secretion s the water needed for t the Fst Sipe of food, and Oo water will then be led soon after feeding. This avoids tbe ashing of undigested food from the stoma to the in: where it -- ca u quent colics that on the whole redoce the of our b balf. For every ""Silen f Witter, Franklin, Man. a agen very poor bealth and looked as grave. I oon "4 "sa was to the ~ ot Wilhams' Pink got your D Pills they completely restored her to health. 1 regard ul medici Beware of imitations. May be bad trom dealers or by at 50 cents a op six - 50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brockville, Ont. --These are the ti when good many of us bave to sit down oad think to to Sad out where Segram, Mrs. D. A. Cam ot ae we Ont., writes :--"* ise Dr. Williams Pirk Pills too hinbly. ter was a terri De Willan' Med. Med. This is eminenti, i With Invalids. ee & with invalids tke appetite is needs ahamgery that is just the reason they improve so rapidly under Séotr's Emulsion, which is as » ealaistte as es William's Royal on Remedy, great est cure on ¢ 5 ant to cur- Gener! at Nervous Debilty, Rheumatism Rowse, -- --Sam Jon who is pre: "hoa be Dallas, Texas says thata ~-- a id be 95 per -- leave much my chee Why is your hair turning grey or ---- is « Tor wend's "German NO CHILD fs safe from Worms unices Dr. Low's Worm Syrup lsat hand. It is a camplete te_remedy Pott a it destroy and re- move worms of all --"The earn crop is not a oe said the dominie," as he pocketed another wedding fee. A good deal is said about t sodgury and Tort work of -- "sai ~ Ao t isn't all-true. A con' and willing spirit makes woke 3 Tight and a cheerful home anywhere. Ladies use Dorenwend's Pig be* cause it pe the hair a carl, is proof against "ivin ing stone, the lading dregs, nice a sup- iv CHILIAA aa aalaeninial MALARIA, o' ere promptly driven offby Milburn' sae: arg ae Wine, the potent tavigorat' very by Joka: Liviogstoae.- eR eee ea promptiy cured by Victoria Carbolic Salve. There is a man who hates skey so that he won't even go to see a tight rope we "Now, be's what I call an all-round athlete," said Crimsonbeak oben he Bacal covered young Sprinter with bis about his daughter. Im blood is caused of innumerable becoming a nation of in- An Italian named Salvino Armati, who died in 1317, is said to have inven ted spectacles, ANAEMIA. weghare cared By Beef, Iron and Wibe." vy'itiioarns Nightingales have been especially int: WR. Meredith, M.P.P., is build. 'a Rosedale, a subarb of Toroat lish S; ini ---- pavin Liniment isbes from ete

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