5} sae te CANADIAN "PACIFIC RY. ofth> 28h Secs has shes gree ae Seemmpt --<e potypecin arse : aie Perera: fee es a ee : od . 3 RE ts SG aa OS Oo derstand that all the battalions in Mili- | references to previous decisions' showed | ¥ben you have a certain. cure in Doren-| ; : ; : eee Harvest ons to tary District No. 1 will go into camp next | that it is properly assessable. He direct- | wend's "Eureka." J. Livingstone, drag- | i : . : ec aN year. ~ 1: is understood com-|ed the clerk to amend the roll by | Rist: f : Pie ae : mn Fa a anadian {panies re to, be Kept dows to shout | Raving. the property assed as persona Ret Wilki of a fae - 3 roth Ny piel esas ic albong = and dismissed the appeal. Ind,, says: "I had beenin a per | See 5 & 16th, 22nd, and a Sept. In St. Mary's on Wednesday of lst | of the Me Foret Raps congo ormation | Sess, Weakness of the stomach, Dyspep | & ne be Daloraine and return $28 | week, sire Hammill, mmatherratical state that Mae Daceal High "Sees = iadiccetion Aetil soy i was ax kn preparations of Cod" : a F ee ee card or Ge eenIn, mee ecsted ts en a ine 'sabe; oalthar te: "tn |e. 2 bet been doctecma cobelions T are disagreeable to the sense of smell and |The People Are Coming Our Way E tate, formerly of Seaforth, was married to | such bad shape that its abandonment is es . Eston " $28 | Miss Annie Sbarp, daughter of H. Fred | con " as that p i, | South American Nervine, which did t everybody knows that Scott's Emulsion ha h th of ri saseiule c $28 | ocorady. Mea. A.J. Calli of this | Liarteat Tica serie of the fact thee toring 1 eter did te wayrtign- | wonided- | Coenare Norw ian Cod Liver Oiland Hypophosphites Poy ence thal i the. monte Of July, Moosomin a $28 in of the bride; was one of the | pember of deci double the | vise every weakly persoé to use this ¢ and Soda) is not like the = It is Regina SEB town, coutin ofthe bey tone thatthe Mt Free aad ae | almble tad lovely red: few Bowles] witinderful curative agent. Cures a chronic, rasping Some egteg nemesis aun "will be- : a ce a $30} Owinc to the water supply giving out, Femi eee sod | Mt. sider ithe grand mene in we h, heals and ae en lungs, checks any ered. ; a orkton af $30 r "s flour mill, B - that the aband i of cost proces ig bottle will a disease and produces flesh é af Prince Albert $35 | planing cull and the Déraision Mans: would be contemplated by the citizens of Pe nd Wr Tee Liriegeaae Dae Siel's 'Reavis . Special Bargains in Challies and Delaines. : Calgary $35 ed to shut down for the past two or tree intelligent tod alive to the oppor MEAPACHE AXP constipation | -- Cit; Consumption Serefals, nai. Extra Bargains ia all kinds of Dress-goods. s Edmonton e He ec und dep cotoplstion oa avcar feck ih chook - for: higher educn-| TOUT tuner pet ee ee ae 'Preven ake ae Great Bargains in Ladies Fancy Ties, 2 : flour, and the lack of | Me Font: seqesene Of Mt. Forest. ' st ms palatable as Mili. a Been grog ge A age Pe : See Geist eeias is Moats cad ery Bee ais 7 ld 5, good to return essrs. Moyer and Co, sont ame) receive $1,000 from the J M SCHINBEIN 0 cent and €1.00. " S on enuine Bargains in Men's an oys' Taw Seu oh . SUDDEN DEATH ar STRATFORD -- bas peored widens oon ts = poe: Wonderful Bargains in tom di Gingham and ; loom was Cast over a union picnic of | penses of the current rints. " E For tickets and all informa-| the Royal and Good Templars beld i never, ted the! NO 4 MAIN STREET WEST. : cae degeles ; = apply to. : Queen's pati on Saturday alteraoon by | th the Counc ofthe rape son forge weeiias i "~--Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, Live Bargains in Men's Shirts, Collars and Ties. a the ol omas F, ebts, ii * * P COK OUT FOR one af the participant, He was eagaged ee py on et 2 -- : , A sure cute for all Head Pains, Stomach and Bowe! .| Royal Baggains in Carpets and Curtains. : orball and was observed 10 | board 'requires $325 to meet their obli-| ___i8 and last week we have Complaints, Biliousness. Straight Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits. _FASTERN EXCURSIONS ON cease Pisying, vend, lyio ng. down on the | gations forthe year. Compared with the | Opened out a beautiful range Couneunsee ron E 4 net pile dj. saked fo 8 saben, wna be Tete Lae zy oiber. towne to their high | of the latest Dress Goods for Tue R. STARK MEDICINE CO. we oordinary Bargains in Millinery, Bargains thet 4 well Augusi 25. 26. 27 28. | r28e to walk away from the ficld, but | considerably abort ta gg present and fall wear, compris- are Bargains in all kinds of summer r goods during July-- rates aa 7{ bad only proceeded half a dozen ee support, as the Kllowing, taken from the |Ing the best makes and tbe be u'll come to us this month, we are anxious that you should --_--_---- Se aaa return $6.00 signed as the cause. Deceased was 28|shows.:--Hartlsteen grants fie sai®: | newest shades. Cashmeres in ave one of our Friendly Bargains ia Ottaw 4 ~ its 7.00 | 2ear8 a of age, and leaves a wife and Sere s Masters, $2,175 ; Collingwood, | all the new colors. * oO . -_ Monti "al a 9.0 Siico 10. gevi 54.657 ; Arthar, Cloth,Biscuit Cloth, and Serges C Quebas " 2m AN Insurance Company Gors Ur.-- 700; falkertea, my = ig ho in all the new shades. Then arson &&% McKee. P way | Phe Oatario Gazette contams notice of | The deficiency in en canivigtenets estim- beautiful All tickets to return till] the cancellation of the of the | ates of the Listowel High School we can ates you a c 3 ppd Deaseice sa Ta | Be See namne 0 the ucton a Tange of. fine: Shot Velveteon _.| Golden Lion, Wallace street, Listowel. i J. [LIVINGSTONE Jr company bar been i cxatence four or | lar County pupils te nene eee | OF Trimming ond Mamtle}~e ppc AR 0 tae cares eg OR P Ps, r je action be increased necessita: Agent C. P. RB. ome Garerncenrin easing. renaa the employment, of four teat We| suitable shades for Capes and SPECIAL DRIVES AT Ti BARGAIN STORE. The cacranee uspecler claimed that the take Wp the deta it doeng Wraps. This season we have og. Ss. GHES " of ti ' tt | the see sin securing the LIST OWEL STAN DA RD. company had not sefficient funds in sig ; 'own pupils; but thie Id be spared no o dd h demand, thocgh | decided ' thaie interested 'a the concern Piste ar prin a, unfair, s wa pop fom the Somme: newest thing in the pan Pe In DRY GOODS new lines opened up in Dress Goods, Shirtings, Ginghams, FRIDAY, AUG. 25, 1893. it was financially strong." "The company | at one half the eapen: In yi at the lowest prices, and we Cottonades, T' , ' 5 . . f -- ryote paints va a peculiar sda the circumstance: P ae eepecially -- are 'determined to do the Gan teady made pci om $150 Pr socks 2 pair for 25c. ] : Policy holders had bo live to win, only a | sidering th " up. oo town schools will re-open on Mon: | (1/07 cum for funeral. expenses 'being | High g the very crediabe cece tir|largest trade ever done in| _ Ladies fine button Shoes only $x per pair, Ladies' Toe Slippers and Oxford ' aid out at death. Policy holders in the isi , we «| Listowel, as we are confident | Ties 75c. per pair, yong lines paoportionalely low. Arrived from Japan a line of § I Pp promising outlook for the future, thin' mito ees will pay cash for any coenpany will receiv: about Soc on the | the ratepayers generally will endorse the that our "goods will back us up May Picking Tea 25c, per !b,, or 5 Ibs. for $1, fine flavor--a sna ap.* Rice, a ae dollar. seaimolr ng in making the additional in style, ualit y and prices. mperial, 20 Ibs, oe 1, and in fine lines Putna, large and bright, sample Japan cs an een vme = -- New RoAD CART:--Messrs. God- | S*#2¢ 4s! y 4 J d Rice, extra fine, and Crystal Rice ; also No 1 Raisins, Currants, Dates pure ae bh age SIR ta ® dard&Ferg are building a number of road --_--__ So if you require a nice dress Spices, Pickles, Sauses, Canned G oods, etc. Mr. F. G. ForsTER, wile and chila | Sats which proite to ori ec d sale, 2 es : ¢ have a. been a large number of | to go to the World's Fair, call} Canned Herririgs only 15¢, a can, '4 it eas go eaths i ~ : : . lave fvniehi Geckos heme at Medicine for anything. Te 2B Syeenersly aoe vier olera infantum in a, = us and ect a nice pe Sret Home Soa equal 10 Siri 2 anit aie Having a large stock of W. ich these gentlemen have secured the] Rey en do not forget our Ready 2 W. Smvth, Methodist minister of ocoa Oil So: ke: h bi i x WANTED at 1 for general t his district. Th : * Oap, 5 cakes im each box, 1oc.a box. Diamond Crystal bowie werk "appro sh "5 Benak ca paper = jhe nage Bh Clinton, bad his salary raised to $1,000 | Made Clothing. We show the Salt, best in the world for butter and fable unc. ys = Wallace street, Listow: iron rods, which swing somewhat wike a Dice ay! soi whent elites? ew best range and hag ope Fruit Jars selling at reduced pric an THE? ion to Niagara | hammock chair. hese rods permit the ow as $1,1 d also remember our Boo ; Falls oe excarsio {ai ane well | body of the cartto swing forward and }* San. ry nie on Saturday, the lowest aud Sion i Secsarh. san WK Highest prices sail for Butter and Eggs. / patronized hy our citizens. backward sufficient to counteract the jolt- " er 'nown in that c beg an oe departm Fs 3 GHE ing which 1s an objectionable feature of ir. Laurier will ven his campaign in save you 50 per cent in , ad . \ THE G.T.R. mplo: loyes and their | wo.wheeled vehicles generally.. The Ontario at Williams Grove, Newmarket, dif t to MAIN STREET, > = LISTOWEL. e ave Ae I friends at Stratford, wil excurt to Wiar- | cart is without doubt one of the mest | 2, September 5,whena picnic isto be that line, and i you Wan ' ton to-morrow sett caentatiaple things to ride in that has yet ve John W geta nobby Hat,Tie and Shirt, MR. WALTER TENNANT of Toronto | been invented, as anyone will be convin- ges ean pp St, of _-- bas Blower. etc., call on us, Cl e O O er specia spent Sunday in town, sanlting at Messrs | ced who gives it a trial. They are strong- a to 7a R doe ce A. subscription We h 1 éned out a T. McDowell's and A, Morris'. ly built, proviced with steel springs as | P' e¢ Recorder several years ago. e have alse op' wellas the swinging rods, and can be A fierce hurricane swept over the Mani- | fresh lot of Groceries, Canned jin l ] cemen ene b 4 Dr. DINGMAN returned bome from |}, ht at a moderate figure. For a| time Provinces on Mond bi ; i j hic on Friday evening last, ane R ae Monday night causing | goods Buch as Finnan Haddie, reer ' Chicago y Ls pheiyna oranyone who has much driving great damage to the crops, buildings and 4 af spending a week at the World's Fa o do they are just the thing, while those | shipping, Herrings, Salmon, ete. hh Prices Paid . a Cash or Trad a S Mr. LYONS, of Boston, Mas. son oh use road carts for pleasure will not} Nothing yet has been heard of the Do- ° ade, . in-law of Mrs. H R. Downey, Inkerman j be apt to find anything like the comfort} minion Line steamship Sarnia, now 24 "J. M. SCHINBEIN. |: = _ Streeteast, spent Sunday last in town. n any other make. days out from Montreal, for Liverpool. : ° Mr. R. Wootre, of St. ey' Ss, was DAMAGED BY FIPE.--Kaowing that Mr. Bell, ox celebrated Bell farm at ' . G illa aS B ll d | Sa ti oa anaes aT pads Pane ae ee Me FIR Knowing tint se ieee We hee eas | VOTERS' LIST 1898. M nN allard. 4 ful shake with many of his old friends. citizens wane nota litte startled by the bonded 35.10 e bushels of wheat to the -- GREE: is Mr. B. ROTHWEL: rincipal of the sounding f the fire alarm about 10.30 2 Public Riedy tae boce pl a | o'clock on \Wedresday night, followed - if a surreting ison, harvest ----, cohen ty 4 Listowel B. 2 -- week at this Preston mineral baths. a few moments the bursting out o are found very scarce in Manitoba 'y of Pert F, BROOK & SON wish to y remind the pal the none that they still want more wool, been | sree volumes of smoke and fismes in the | and the Northswest. Big wages are off and that they have on hand for this season's trad Mx. G. WILLIAMS, who bas been | coctral portion ¢ ofthe town. 'The vacant | ered, batthe supply is a long away below -- a TAKE A GENERAL LOOK supplying the pulpit of the Baptist church, | ovat hotel on Wallace street was the | the dem BIGGEST STOCK OF WOOLEN GOODS : Fon preach his farewell sermon next Sun- a eat of the fire. the woodes part in the A cad banker got $10,000 in Moting fs hereby Birem renee etucmak ts ' ear being found burning fiercely when back: met or delive: ioe ee ever -- A; any facto: Ontario, which the all hange for cash 'ool 4 THE school house in Se No. bis yore crigitte, gdeete The fears of Por Te ac lt seg Line Sisters hes pectio ie yaa Sting fo Vous enna fel RICES A y ry in rio, which they will exchange for cash er wool a AT OUR FURNITURE 1, Maryborugh, was struc ightning | those whoCwete under the impression | and Bia a commission of or delivered of the list, made pursuant to * one dev last week, ani was considerably Sy -- way no waict Ta betas alta pt on the transaction, eae ae: ee accent roll of the maid SMuaicipaity to be a _ WILL ASTONISH EVERYBODY. ' os damaged. ew . 5 entitled . i ~~. : THE family of Mr. Geo. Climie, of 'us the waterworks were quickly got Tic sng tee ae ony: eens Serie _ Seas for members of Sod, de sald it "Teil pay you fo Come i find see our tremendous stock which is It will interest you. For -- Montreal, are visiting friends in town. | play, throwing two The tre engine fast | ing this year under the Conservative Ter | [mtanel ca tho itt dex cf Reese, isan of instance look at our aay 1 ; Mr, Climie bas also been in town during | burning building. The fire engine was rime of over $98,0c0, as compared with | remains there for inspection. - Electors are call- OPENED FOR INSPECTION. die h also got out and supplemented the] the oy, . xt P ea Bpon to examine the sald and if any The past wee! : . waterworks, and oe ecmbined forces Previous year under Mercier rule. issions or other errors are fo therein, to : THE STANDARD will take its usual] ¢ . under control, not,| Clintonexpects to spend $1,700 this take immediate proceedings to have tho same Come and satisfy pn before disposing ofzyour wool elsewhere. ' midsummer holiday next week, conse: | however, betore it had reached the upper Tat foe Ra Collegiate Instit ute, $3,100 | "frected according tolaw. | 4 BRIGHT, Do not forget to secure for your wife one of ou H { uently there will be no paper issue: , cr its Public school, $1,soofor streets " p | { 30 d p d p sae the office. P ee es ne patent and sidewalks and $820 for electric hight. Dated this Ivth day of een 1898. FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTS. al if Sul 8, an u Wal 1 ; was with difficulty dislodg 4 4 ANOTHER single fare excursion to the | iron roof, The night was a very calm one, | Phe rate of taxation will be 19 mills o Orion. World's Fair will take place on the 1st | otherwise the fire might not have been d ° Tickets good to arrive | so soon controlied.and was in adangerous| Just before the Southampton train start. CRM FOR S - Do not be led away by shoddy peddlers aa those travelling through the ccun- th. Re Full.lines. Prices right. =!!You cannot make any mis- and 2nd Sept. home by the13t f We do not employ any such men; but ¢ ee to our factory, and by fair GREEN, milliner, who Conductor Carey made a misstep coming Saline we hope to gain your trade and con Seer apres panel eae holiday . ia. town, sufficient for the emergency. The fire | © ut of the conductor's room and fell down os anced Siieaya un dian he Je | ¥as_ undoubtedly the work of an incen~ | stairs, breakong bis collar bone and otber-| 1 wit sett my farm by pabite auction, at | We Guarantee first-class work in holl-cardnig Spinning and take by comin 'right to m will leaye on on mi for the wholesale g Sp g diary, the building not being occupied. | wise = himself. Manufacturing. openings in Toronto. Mr. Geo, Z:lhax, the owner, had started] Brantford Courier :--Ald. Bowlby an- Queen's Hotel, Listowel, place. Ss. Councitsons 3H pong co cay day before pol anil oe sosnce hat be ha had a sae of - N. B.--Parties from a distance can rely on getting their roll carding back the same \ '" ' r, e t the as on Friday on aten one trip to Chicago | Ge. discovered, The hotel property was railway bridge. All rely is oe mer erin FRIDAY, 6TH OF OCTOBER. i Amr ge and they will find us ready to give the most prompt and careful at _-- = B | J C > KE, aod the World's Fa insured fot $2,000. ave to do in future, therefore, ithe finds} The farm 1s altuated on one . Miss JENNIE -- lately in the :' "I --Th himself drowning, will be to get out on | Fis eo arlry County, 4 Pisces Farniture Dealer and Undertake Wallace Street, 2. millinery department at Thompson Bros., are Pree Teachers the bank and put one of the preserves Tele pot' SSieaary Pio take aby elabo: B. F. BROOK & SON. = as gone toone of the wholesale houses | Meeting of the County of Per on. explanation about the Place, the' vicinity bs Fs Inettute wiil be held in the assembly ball . Molesworth ts well kno: of the in Toronto for a term. of the Collegiate Institute, Stratford, on | The Oxford roller flour mills and eleva- | best farming tectione tn "Ontarie, ne mip ols Hy Mr. C. Warp, of the Bank of Hamil. | Thursday and Friday, Sept. 14th and | tor buildings and contents, of Norwich, {pone eons Se nembeteanteteee ton here, is taking his holidays, a portion | rsth. The program has just been issued | were destroyed by fire Tuesday morning Spponinsity uct in buildings. This te ax _ --FTonR-- A : of which he is spending at his home in| and shows that Mr. Houston, M, A.,] at 2 o'clock. The Property is a total loss, requiring « good farm. "The sale ie without Artistic Wall Papers, dry as tinder, The water supply proved the vicinity of Orangeville. Director of a Institutes, 7 and : Walken Hr en Mgr = 22,000. | ress cperossees! on given atany time ealer . Mr: Jas. HARVEY, barrister, of St, | 20 ot great ability as a speaker an Se gee ee of sale, : : Toomen soo Moss farey, Fon. | amjedcaonit mlb rein, The om Tas ode tee namionn ot | UN Re may, Self-acting Window Shades, IS CONTINUING HIS SALE. wae cite tealine eae srendeg " hursday forenoon session, 10 o'cloc! ock-- sory and spread very rapidly. Curtain Poles with oF - Opening exercises; reading minutes o} ere are now about 20,000 miles of Tran: Vs para ec a Dr. Buus of orga spent Sun- last m ecting, and also the financial re- pc pot in the United States in the hands WESTERN FAIR ? r day in town rs. El has been t for the year 1892; _-- com- | 0 Feceivers out of a total atthe end of H H os ory | S22 visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. calttees: ; + | 1892 of 175,223 miles. This estimate in- LONDON, Brass Trimmings ' | ! A N NB i Hy ; i | 'ES -- returned home with the Dr. on --_-- ee ~ one session, 1.30 . cre Ee the on ee Sate miles; September 14th to 23rd 1893 AND OTHER INTERIOR DECORATIONS a a) . onday, clock--Mathematica! program continued; | the Erie, 1, miles; Ric d and . ; Tu Ke, D, Dv B.D, an |S deed an Dasa Roe | agai eis gree ~ ceived and accepted a unamious a me aS EE, SERS 4,2,013 mules; Georgia F Lege . ® of delegatts to Ontario Educational | Central, 2,682; Reading, 1,185 miles C d | f . hibiti ---- ee ae og etl gr Association--Misses M. VY. McKee, K.| Union Pacific, Denve: and 'Gulf, 14834 ana as avorite X | | On JAGOB SEBURGER, Suiber. Richmond, oa L. McKim ry Poel + | and a number of smaller companies. 7 MAIN STREET EAST, Rothwell, Evening session, 8 o'clock-- ESTABLISHED 1868. THE County Model Schools be in op Mr. Houston will deliver a lecture emitled Has the Anest stock in os, 'an rew goods, latest {designs,"and bought at close prices Mondey oe y The if ee | ° ts of Enea Cana dian." THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINTON, plone "a of Canada and the United States, He bas the sole right at the late teachers' examinations who | The remainder of the program will con- When Baby was sick, my eave nC, : intend attending the Model ig © requested J sist of music, readings, etc. Friday fore- ne aie LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS W to be on hand at the openin noon session, 9 o'clock--Opening exer-| "™*™ © cries : Birg 8 & Sons'. all P apers, DR. PHILP'S STORE, RAces.--Tuesday and ieee sth ge Fee 'ca Lapse van ae = Eutries Close Reptember 7th. tee the beta sland saa my war Aweciee. You have only to call and . Tee ees mace on which the peaiOaca ; raising ve oaanaend " Fhe host abd Larenes Mahting ond Space | | I artistic aps at my convinced that they cannot be ap" i Listowel races place. Phillips anaes 1 wel fr ea haa eg me 8 MB parece ciered promise 46 easure bear me tare BETTER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS |-, , : ~~~~the presence number Class jon, 1.30, o'clock--Reports of com- T Ex-MEMBER oF > Santianeer 5 _ Borses, and should draw a» big crowd: waiters; qeenio ; ee ma E. Truax Says: 1 have been Than ever before, acting Roller Window Shades J. Ss. BOWMAN. ggg Page wwe & "es on =u, aig 2b Fong sway mee § -- --_--_--_--_-- oy ALR. Ear & Co. of ee Gibbs, milliners, left on Wednesday - A, 5, Martin, B. A., C. French with Indiges yspepsia, have | @pxctat Excunsions Faox ALL Ports, ape . and havea a trp -- ---- Lawrence 7 Mona- 5 Aad ---- -- {ne -- ce I ---- kinds of | For Prize List and information apply to ail sizes and Colors, Call an before purchasing. treal, ss Gi ing in| delegates to the Ontario jacation atent medi ¢ been treated ate A. WO Presiden' - s : . the "openings" of the Montreal "and | Association, and officers of the Tastitate. | by by & pamber of ol physicians and found no ius 4""inowse Berry! Brags Curtain Pole Trimmings oronte wholesale bouses before return- benefit fr « ing to town. ASSESSING TELEPHONE POLES AND| to try South Rasilcae "Ne rvine ; 1 ob- ee : ... | WIRES.-- Mitchell Advocate: Judge | tained a bottle and I must say I have LOOK A AT T THIS | snpanhs sateen at cre ORANGES, oes" CONFECTIONERY! and THE Cosmopolitan tor August contains | Woods says tbe Bell Telephose property, | found very great relief, and have since . . the Wore poy sob oon: moose except income, is exempt trom taxation. | taken two more bottles, and now feel that Remember the store~two d west of the Bank of Hi , * 2 serial Lest Days World." | Judge Toms, of Huron, has decided dif} 1 am entirely free from Indigestion, and| rots of Money to loan at the very lowest é More' wondrous than the story is the fact ty, 20 and now we have med opinion | would atraoaty & recommend all my fellow | rates of interest on farm security, with the 8 JACOB SEBURGER, : . that the Cosmopolitan is now published | ,, of Jedge Barnett, cf Walkert Here | sufferers from the disease to give South Ricalepe of paving | back what you like at - , --o 5 = rhe --o " te = sizeis not! is his decision: "The coven was | American Revie an immediate trial. R. BUTOHIZON - ae Any will get it | assessed for $1,200 wader = head of | It will cure Pa 4 'ein 2 "Agent, Listowel. bs real estate. Against this company REUBEN RUAX, erton, Ont. 5 Tae ele of Mr. B Eating Be, G: 3. ggg fr telly ol pod a sl OO LIME FOR | S ALE: THRESHERS | | IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD agen formerly j Wi a Fall Fairs. ; . Operator. here, bad the sad affliction of| electricity and Pago im ---- i . v ; member, a boy about | were not assessable property Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4.15! constant su; ely of the cslebrated i pal 5 hat the poles : ; wlota Lime wil bs Re ee Tr Menta GS, oe Exley | Cany ppeced prcpesty 5 pores | Western at London, Sept. 14-21. e house neat theGaa Worfa, This 'iiss | A House or barn, we can supply you with everything needed losing one last. The little fellow took convul-| and wires are part of the realty to which h at S : | gape sioos ia the morning and died before the | they are affixed, and that they are| Norn Herth at Stratford, Sept: 26.29. | gives cutire selahetion tor eliber 'batiding in Hardware, NAILS, the best Machine--picked, clean and Gay was over. meaner bacaate Ser te partofthe bigh-| Centre Huron at Clinton, Sept. 26,27. ' y T. MALE &Co, | 800d Montreal make. : 2 2 Mk. Jonw Ropas, formerly of the Cees erin ae ee Central at Guelph, Set. 10-21. ee boundary east of the town, has retpmed | the amare of ibe beard im' whie leey 'est Wellimgton at Harriston, Sept. 27, .' which he wes workin: sacs be went ont |S MEd 'Besonal that it does the | "orth Oxford at Woodstock, Sept, 26 Mouse to Rent or Sell, = Benet Gost mee ESSE CMTE be Locks, Hinges, Glass, Ls O ils, Varnishe ; has been FoccKed oot of busioee fa the | CaDet Hs character by being et ia the | Vicscaiogten and Elli at Milverton, | Es SBGMrened vil eator tl ihe ame McColl's CYLINDER OI; #**-*2 Dry and Tarred Building P west by the silver ion and the fio~ + as His Femoyalie' at will: Fe 27% street east, Known as the Lillico homentsads ols ER EQUAL ~ Gacial Gepression which exists across the Saunenn tine bier Se |S Srceball at Mitchell, Sept; 26,27: Eig sizet sant with nee hand tad aati : Hines. freehold. Were it otherwise th F | co ant Mosthwemern at GollaricS, Sept, | ehes, Tee puriieuiats sngice ms MANUFACTURED BY Will be pleased to give pricer$<nd estimate on bills at any me bet bs time. Our prices are right, 2 z wapins wartet 22'S. = |McCOLL BROS & CO., TORONTO Ask Your dealer Jor "Tandine" and beware' of ROBERT MOORE ee OH nas Reston Tinnighon dn. Copy Main Street, Listowel. Siaddiitenmateass naan i iE He |