Listowel Standard, 15 Sep 1893, p. 4

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'ae 'schools (enemen Monoteny of Diet. A physician pars that Se fas not poverty of diet so much as monotony of diet that exercises an unhealthtul influ- ence on the poor. a matter of fact they eat "stronger" food than the rich, re » mea pre simple vege. e they eat the same t hinge the whole year who are weil to do, or who are more different wa 7 es ' ring. pense The physician thinks that free king Le a first-rate as in the t distri ota. Madson 1 Jou: NATURE'S LOVE MAKING. Birds and Insecta Most Put on Frills w mE. ange pi ten ¢ his lad dy-lov 'lore by a series of aerial evolutions an flapping of his -- wheal feathers, putting his breast and tenderly et mating time the plumage of male birds is more a me than at any other some birds assume differ- harm their mates by displaying their tail feathers in the for. ings chatte: in graceful flight before their lo ves. 1 Bris cht aang flowers, feathers and grasses are laid by the bower bird 1 at the pos- bringing nectar fro h re Total the delectation of their fairy bri Hen birds exhibit all the vagaries of be indifferent . an original way of love- $5008 a evening shad ney co Lapithe to croak loudly to their , soinctimes great nuny hes oombiding one unmusical ourting among Insects is often a very ee web 6 retching from one retreat to the alists, use their luminaries as love sig- nals ne females of fun ies seat themselves among the | grass, while the mal acted by th ht, dance a' seudance rund tem. the female leposited heregge within the nest that he has prepared for her, her lord and master drives her away and proceeds to hatch them himself, Huston Giobe, ABOUT HANDWRITING. The Similarity Shown onl = of ra fticuine Clay The changes in (aubioess sble handwrit- ing during the past ten ts have been Narked foung girls of to-day write io larce and jally firm characters, while a surprising number of young men, not trarved to clerkitess, and struggling be- ween several recognized sta " deof a geod mascul baodwrit produce etters of asingularly childish style penuranstiep But leaving out th con- ditions of youth and transition, with their more of be aecinuting suggestion of equ mange of he intellectual fashiens of young me d= maidens, there is an ioexlaustiole interest in th study of natu ites ie wm the point of view of the clairveyan interview er of other jeople's munds ani methods. For ex: opi an cet literary men nowa- days write all hand. & > te 7 i 3 HI s 45 ge ef SF? to theduration of mast Saree deminies de ill be broken as cor- responding oscilla- tions the two balls will always resting for Fin tel to the rot dane when the rhythmic shock of TALLEYRAND AND NAPOLEON, The Emperor's Oa Agninst Cis coming ain oy aw Taliereand mabe well be styled While Na polecn d, bis principal ra ho or thing to the Ba Pasquier, to Ba telaly pa pablihed Seay de- the © first meeting He wiccung Napole hus -- Minister af A the former's Before a crowd of iSters and generals, Napoleon un out io this this than: 'You are thief, a coward, a map wit a ; you do not believe in ;all your life you hav yi ; there is noth covered you there is nothing that you would not undertake a * For ten months you have had the impudence, use my affairs in S were going wrong, to sa. advised of the deapise you too much to e. Talleyrand remained silent d im- passive, aoa Napoleon reained bia in ran. What ea =. gol bad !-- They C There isan old law on "the statute books of Illinios to the effect that in criminal cases jury w the '-judge of the law as well asthe facts." " Thoug not often quoted, someti a lawyer kes use mentions such a case ays: be Jui udge destrat 'ed ae je hegre fs yes to judge of the law but added th ae fra wa not S 'eae of the law unless it was rany mts fost that it e knew: more law than th: ok af rageous Verdict was b: ht in, omer t all instructions of thet Court, who felt called upon to rebak jury. At dat one pod farmer but I iess you tisfled that you kuew the ter then 1 did." edge," answered the farmer, wera, ""we considered that p'int." Baby's sade ce a Fro! 100 infants born in nthe Royal maaan Hospital of literary men is ver Ping in this | Edinburgh,averages have been obtained, Oo 'nection fitis by no means lient- | They are practically the aoe tor = ed to the producers of pure literature i children, and are follow this t ea there would Average weight of taale infant at birth, be next to pectal's y of | 7.55 pounds; average weight of female the literature produced w icted to | infant at birth, 7.23 pounds; average that geournely imteued with atyie. Liter- | heightof male infant at birth It is true that the typewriter has chek lomain of letters, . bu till writers of letter the pyle those who dip pe hand unto Au od. tt much alike these conser s thought w rite. Joston gemtle - ously engaged in the poral 0 litprature--althuurt chiefly occupied, ve profes- ete' men eleven of the leading riodica: seripts.certainly offer striking documen- tary evidence of the similiarity of hand. wating in an arduous branch « portant profess ston, other eccupations this adaptition of individual ity to what may te called resent) ther would sh a physical ikeness in their pages which would be fully as entertaining at those in a like Dumber of letters from actors or preach , artists or lawyers. sure, the writing machi te with the strict study of individuality in all pro- ons nowadays, but ism mightier when it comes to those perros al revelations hich mt about all that.the pen is teft ia the warl, i 18.84 inches; St a height rel Nergns infant at birth, 18 the male infan' rrespon: an ne 256 rtd nds. Each ean of the female intane pepoade to 62 pounds. The range the per and tallest male infants ws was 10 inches; between the shortest and tallest 'emale infants 8 inches. --; 'a N --[______ Esgland's Oldest Industry, ARC [AND INCANDESCENT LA LAMPS. How the Twe Illuminants Differ in 'imei ple, soumber of people have wat. . A gies! Principle of tt ely. very chasers idea of the ndescen raised to toan exceedingly high temperature and exposed to suffer waste combustion, and be orin these duys of the omnipreseat mes -- Bast uire renewal. is also @ trans- ty pewriter,-- Boston Transcript. fi ea am the di cti of Value ef the Drained Zayder Zee, the patrol the nega vin neg , 0 expense teed 'in Hour i tank' place for the | With a view of obviating incooveaiences draining of th: Zusder Zee. It now | ®™0E from a' Forage he rare officials reports that three-fourths of the th often made for ane ad ble soil vered by thea .009 acres of irection of the current. It a nate . a is as fertile a8 surrounding dis- he a beget grr of light and fal cts, and prop ses a scheme of drainage sae in} Dg fe bier! that ioe which will leave 300, in the cou a i pisos. hat @ 24 ed alake, wiile the will be re- i nace semend PP else atarate that will annually rea- Sf carbon inciousd in a globe exhannea der from 12,000 to 15. table, > Ths cont of 'he work ia imated Suk wee ohn -- =o at 000.000. largest enterprise of i. cameo horn caisted ont hep Phe the electricity meets wich the draining oft aarlem Lake, be ' ts os Cement fs oni eden cena i hs of la ory | and a light é bese eal ath Jed acres to the solid soil for di H n Holland. When tha Zuyder Zee was | {oF domestic purp Sa formed by an inundation, ia the thir. the 7 ntury, some 80,000 lives are | *forded by the arc believed to have been lost, and this fact Sizes au ides of the profit which will re Children Cry for Fees setemption. --Gatdeh Pitcher's Cestorias tr Cushloned Babber ch merely a robber tampa the vul- canization of the leturs Interesting Scientific Discovery. Among the most interesti teresting expert Roral BSocie Salonoms were ur, Pike, continued in two vacuum tuble have astrong attrac- tien for bether at the of the shape of a dumi-bell, The exper: investigations pope ag will doubtless be followed up in electrical laboratories. 140 times as hard emery pure corundum. diamond was amignad its place in hardness by comparing its wi Moask-Bespirater for Workmen. be frail, but m less, be light and Sandy t ; 'e) should not be ex, ve, and respirator which beat quirements. shou clean and k eerie yee (4) rize is should not offered the re w Moths Malttply, rte: racks in the flour, or deep into the folds © moth aos from cig' ort: eggs batch, in three to seven days, the voor w 1 o hundred and From these oly sheoning. by nspicuous piace. make acase for themselves from the fragments of the cloth upon bab a they feed. The case is in low ope reaches i! the shape of a ts full growth in ting is orm thirty-six days, and eben, craw ted uring this time | is th; \adaaned at either end and rag inter rine its cane, ened and fas full-sized ------ The Lines in the Hand, uare or ny orang vc ustry, denote the philoso- rem, hical and practical ogers sign! y «ec line be long and clea: and chained. finger, isan unfailin, marriage. --Clevelan: ify an artistic tem fingers, in the tem Carp Feeling the Hark of Trees. 'or some hs past f: whose fields touch the Darby creek, near Ard- more, Pa., have noticed bushes a u if i fl . ; F i EEF if ite é i ay EA Ff Fs§ : i? tt g : pleasans Jaratiye. oT Sr D. and these being that | - a E 5 i i 6 working day. Week in, out, excepting on Sun- days, with him it is toil and trudge, toil trudge. STRANGELY REUNITED. ---- fer aWite and Found the One ° Had Years A; er a separation lasting twenty-one ears, John LH. Morrison id ife rt been reunited. In 1 wire recogn atthe railway staal cee prs on Bi aes Iphia Record, Oklahoma. -- Beanty and Expression. world that the expresel ve} ir was the principle of lite that, io the first instance, shaped 'orms ; life, of the ome , and the pension has come to him ra long wait --Philadelphia Record. THE CATALEPTIC STATE. A eee Fhysieal Cenditiea About teh ean Kaow Litt. of Alexander Melvor Rox: Charles E. ate President of Ca Deurological section of the Am-rican other remarks! "Nothing in ens wiht work of fiction ever written," he, More thru nal wonderful" than the historr of nee, somnam 8 and pu as roreune in medical annals J, fact, neurotics have h made history." oe do you think 'of Tyndall's the condition frequent him aapey to saan ce rather than = rent meena nsion fe, inclaudjng con- t patient awoke ye hour every day," said the docter. daring pire he would eat i cat ada ileies a ear Children Gry f for "Siatearte dren Oy h apparently ----_ all popes oe as is formed' me the feet warm and 4 eal all arvagists, or 2 | woes pfu bon (Se. per bor), THB DE WILLtaus i 8 si if He "(OUNG WOMEN sx 2.9 will be sent xpon by addressing D. CO. Umtocns ait tHe © Burdock ae BLooD- ny BITTERS. LocerD Stcrerio ne or xe BOWELS, KIDNEYS ano LIVER, HUuMORS. AT ACIDITY of tHe ST WL EXT O wea ING THE GYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL THE SAME Time CO: 1LO TO THE CURA TivE inpiuence of BURDOCK BLoop\, errre ER' Fr J mailed raised expressly for is always fresh and tion an ingredients are poun THE because it is always flavor, life enjoyable, best kind. With equal care, each of the other and com- LOST OR FAILING MANKSOD, General and Nervous Debility, (sealed) fee. ERIE MEDICAL C0., Buffalo, WY. AYER'S Sarsaparilla the Company,» of the very discrimina- Superior Medicine the same in t, is, therefore, the most economical blood-p in existence. It makes food nour- Cure res ishing, work SCROFULA pleastat sleep Iteserchet ou impurities sly by ; AYER'S S ak ip the natural Castoria. Castoria. dren. Mothers have repeatediy told me of ite P 1p ib a mown to me." Dz. G. C. Omoon, A, Ancien, I. Lowell, Mass. 111 Se, Oxford St, Dreokiyn, MN. Y. in the 's which I am acquainted. I hope the day isnot | ment hore spoken highly of their expert soothing syrup and other hurtful pe = mess Da. J. ¥. Krecuzzcs, Conway, Ar motite of Castoria bas won Os to lsok with PP. ms os sed gt - Reg pig me * "sy : Bes Acoss C. Gurru, Pres, 'The Centeer Company, T7 Murray Strect, Now York City. of the office Having had a thorough drilling in machines by the Manager, I am ina position to handle any Machine Any wishing a First-Class Machine -- See the "SINGER" tefore buying. It is acknow ledged to be Lad THE SINGER SEWING" MACHINE Go Have removed Mr. Laing to the Stratford cffice, and I have taken charge bere, and by strict attention would ask a share of the Public Patronage. to business and Fair Dealing THE BEST MADE! say i They tis THE ONLY MACHINE THAT WILL STAND CON. STANT USE WITHOUT INJURY. Every Machine Warranted for NEEDLES, OILS.znd ALL REPAIRS KEPT IN STOCK. \Office--Rear of Lamonts' Music Stc.e, Main St The Singer Manufacturing Co. and Endorsed by the Dressmakers and Tailors all over the Country 10 Years. Piease call n and see us. H. T. HAYDEN, Agent. E=@™ [ also represent a popular plan of Life Insurance. G9 29 Manutactmed « nly ot Tuouas Nottowar'a Esta acisiMExt, 738 GAPORD ST odd, LOWUVON. et. % <2e Pe " > 5 ew : ay, a & . sy qe PS eo oF A > Y a vv = e@ Purchasers rhovld look to the Label oz the Boxes and Pow. If the aac ress us mot 533, Oxford 6 reet, Lordon, they are spurious. . y 34 we . A es, a" : J Provincial Provident | Institution. ST. T HOMAS ONT. TH ONLY LIFE INSURANCE COM- PANY IN CANADA ON HE PLAN. centenee Reserve Funds Lim- 's Assessments Safe, Inexpensive, Equitable. Incorporated under R. 5,0. Cap. 147, 1877 IVEN G AWAY rel merge a ie Gee PICTURE All the Conservative Mombers of Members in ood Rinna oo EO. K. MORTON, | %S Presiden M. ©. WELLS, Local Agent. Nine Years of Uninterrupted Prosperity Fands 6623 000 apd Emergeecy E. 8. MILLER, Secretary. card o tentior Fresh Lime always em band, Lire to all points on shortest ders asah to tbe above address by postal otherwise will receive prompt st- Aa this i'me nae given the best satisfaction guarantee fee the eat & meat orcere en a pefelinned the . Listowel, will reesise prompt FORDWICH LIME KILNS. --D--e J. SOTHERN, Proorietor. --g en = years, we Kg reasons: Queen's Hotel, AYER' Sarsapariila |« -- WOOD WANTED. beech and maple o-- oes oe for FROM 1,000 to 2,000 CORDS| $i body wood, 4 iver and Britton sta! EM. ALEXADLEIR. Parliament ae Clubbing Offer. nee e SraRpan: band we aly Empare will" ished together at tbe Or feet at Listowsi, Sree ets ere cnen yet ts Les tobe an by Tay an aiiveied ip eb the winte: On sf emeliowes. Apply to $i, including the mayniGcen' Picture. Leow WORM SYRUP is the Fchidren ery for it Worms fy from tt. are offer | premit i Having decided on a change ot business, I will sell at coat my Entire Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery ; Spectacles and Eyeglasses, Watch Clock and Spectacle repairs done prompt at reason- able charges. S. M. SMITH, NEW CUSTOM TAILORING BUSINESS. A W GLENN Has opened a Custom Tailoring business in the room Over Hutchison's Store, NEW STYLES now to hand, and the pudlic can rely upon getting a goo fit every time and all work done most satisfactorily. Charges Moderate. A trial O: der is rempectfully solleited. A. W.GLENN. NERVE Re eae oe Sas Saeco Soa gen negate HEN TASEES MEDIC Listowel y J A HACKING. 2y LISTOWEL SASH & OO0R FACTORY Bamford Bros, 1Builders and Contractors, are pr 'epared to contract for the erection ofall classes age s. Plans andspecifi ny mets hima Bud etl mates furnished on ? Sashes Doors Frames, Blinds, etc furnished on short notice, Fiantag done te Sitar. Everything | in the nie Une will be given prompt a' tention, and FIRST-CASS WORKMANSHIP GU AR ANTEED. Pactory--Intk. ? Listewe) BAMFORD BROS. HAVE You BACK-ACHE "Backache | the of the "Delay ta neye are in s Kidney Pills give 'a lected hidne prompt reiief. troud/ "76 per cent. | in Bad Biooe, caused 6 Com disordered hid. the pom ace ett ce wei eros of all, Baeithy efty Diabetes and without The above age, as "peed exist where peers Sey kidneys are "salty bad ales cure hives. atemd. Mothers recommend it kipans Ripans ':wowies ; a family remedy, Charges Very Moderate-. cas

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