, Gil Martin are erecting on the ee _ cies & mill, me been let, Neuert Excursions to | 3: town have been awarded . e@ brick B Manitoba and Canadian | wok, « on eeaer ie poring orthw on August Pe linsmithing work has yet been let. The buildings are to be completed 15th, 22nd, and Sept. by ihe 15th November. The total cost Daloraine and return $28 Wit Bien. ee ie aaa Reston La $28.}-be pa re "canola: ston 3 > Ss Woman's Missionary Con . Binscarth $28 arid pac becata gt the Western Branch * " of t an's jonary Societ: Poin di pis ee = = Church, will be beld the t 'ist Charch, Listowel, on t ja " $30 | 4:h end sthof October. This ton ceet O08e, ie $30 | veation that should awaken w 5 orkton - » interest for all those engaged in mission Prince Albert " $3 : At oe 150 delegates are expect- ' 5 e mongwhom w) s t Calgary a $35 devoted and clever women in western Edmonton $40 ada hesessionswill ail be open Tickets sold Aug. 22, good to | \*, he public: and the gentlemen are 7 return until Oct.. 22. Those bdliness, 'on make speechag. "Fortes 0 Rept 5, good to return | #®90uncements next we: ek. antil Nov, 5. WESTERN Ontani CHEESE AT THE For sarees and all informa- ei oe "eteercal 'thowted tn tion apply to eee Ontario securing 16 prizes out of st 3 usual, th J. LIVINGSTONE Iry Ket its = , a Th foli lowing pe from this section ent C, P.R.J in 'the saa si 'ele hibition class tstJoun Morison Newr ' » Robt mae Te a 3 5th, Phideon Pomeroy, 4an ; » Cc i LISTOWEL.. STANDARD.-| stcattce: 'Speci Goss. set We FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1893. Pine my will pay cash for any omni' Mr. be reaie: barrister, = Palmers ston, was in town on Tuesday. THURSDAY, November 48,. has been selected as Thanksgiving day. 'AIN of Toronto isthe guest of cat Misses Campbell at Argyle Place. nt medicines an ave been treated : ha P a number of physicians and found Mrs. Wyipe of Kincardine is the chit from t as recommended eel of Mrs, Jas. Perrin Inkerman | ty try South American Nervine ; I ob tained a bottle a I st @ay I have Davip McMINN returted to | found very -great relief, and have since Ma her bane ip Willimngton Ohio, on Fri- day: Girt WANTED.--For Apply to Mrs, Dowell street. Ww. D at once--girl for genera house-work. Apply to Mrs. J.L. Darling Wallace street, Listowel. BAMFORD reg ere in oo. bis ing friends and the ANOTHER double deck load of hogs were shipped on Wednesday to Ingersoll! by H. Leslie, -- for J. L. Grant & C VisH, who until res cently carried ms a furniture store here. bor removed with his family to ing: im. general house- Hawkins, Mc- Mrs, J.S. week, visit- "T miss the pen ni in the town hall on Monday evening n a rare treat by two of Lisiowel's most talented young ladies. third concession LE of the i m to Richard week. Messr: dard, J. S. Gee, A. Featherstone and others have ---- it. L. JAMES, organist, Metho~ "ReuBen E. Truax Says: meroy, Logan. Two hundred factories were represented, with nine hundred box- es, being the largest cheese a ever made in Canada. Etem- ts te guew ated on heading the list. WHat Ex-MEMBER oF PARLIAMENT 5, and now feel that Indigestion, and would strongly recommend all my fellow sufferers from the disease to give South merican Nervine an immediate trial. It will cure you. EUBEN E. TrRuAX, Watkerton, Ont, aken two more bottle MORNINGTON. A sermon bee arecnes to the Fores~ ters in the ornington charch last ---- by 'the: Paster, Rev. J. W, Cam hn Watson, township clerk, accom- sania by his daughter Mrs. Waddeil, Is visiting friends in London MILVERTON. Sept. 19.--Pfefier Bros. are re-cover- ing the ea root with galvanized iron. & Grimm shipped a load of cattle to Toronto last week. Veterinary Engel lost a valvable driv- ing mare afew days ago from inflam mation. Dr. Cattermole's new house is rapidly approaching oe and promises to make a fine appearan The Sun is elated on "the Score that the citizens were too sharp for the fakies d into the village on the occa- Mis dist Chorch. announces her readiness to ons on piano or organ. inquire at the Span Goods store cf Mrs. James and 3A Saroxnay -pepnae tothe lakes wil! be discanti the G, T. R. after this to avail thems cheap gl this season wil have to go to-morrow. THE musical and dramatic recital in arian i on a evening next last occa: 18s me Campbell will sing public | before - leaving to pursue her studies, go and hear her. Miss FANNY LONG, dress-maker, has al pared to furn er customers with the tend staying a couple of weeks visiting most fashionable costumes, etc. = -- lement Alexander is recovermog haga a --There " bea Pt tgs quickly after his accident and will soon mate ps ave : tok '0- | be able to use bis arm again morrow (Saturday) at 3 pen . be sie the 3 Wingham club and the Mastbores The Russell Teasjale, of Bracebridge, is admissinn to the grounds will roc, | home spending a week with his pareats ladies free, svery one -- come, | bere: come, as th 1 orth A number of our eee ate taking in Wineham has catawied bath hrescte. aod Our Citizens will, be afforded an nr of hearlng Miss Louise Bow~ n,A. T. Quebec where winning mos! favorable distinction by her elocutionary Ad For Wortip's Fair. -- Mr. Hacking reports for Chicago fair since last Alex. McDonald, Elias Aaron W eber, i . Mason, Mr. and Mrs. " Mr. Mrs. J. A. Hac = Vexnvrente-waety Frank Sailows, late of Detroit and formerly o of enich, has leased the store in Cam bell's block lately Bro: Bricker, ing undertaking business next wee Mr. | amine tbat portion of the Nichol award Sallows bas purchased a hearse and | drain awa! unn, owner of lot is experienced in the er aking furni-} 33, d report at -- meeting s * | of the Council|--Carried. M ec is advt. a namaher 2 Rgv. GaRLp wiviovouny son of Rev, Dr. illoug! or of omg "Fruit Bearing" at the rise aaa Teague of Christian Endea ies of suc jo be held dancin the winter months, an te Lo McLennan, divinity and ' ine Page Fa ein or Frida t German Methodist church is progressing toward completion. BRITTON. b rance of our village bas been greatly changed by the laying out of the nds Bar tore. The b stores will no doubt do a hing og as opposition is the life of tra Mrs. me Poote is home _ spending two = at the World's d Mrs. William Stevenson last Faday tor Chicago, where they in- left the London show this ntson has seid his fam to Wiliam Cleland aod bas purchased the two bundred acre farm of William Steven 00, t is the township . Johnston ts to be sonareinione' securing it. be:ve intends giving up farming. ELMA. Councit.--The Municipa! Council of the Tp. of E A read and signed mond, seconded by Mr. Dickson, that W. Brown of the Tp. of d arbitrator to decide he, the accept the said W. Bro tor--Carried. Moved b seconded b: be instructed to notify the engineer to ex- by Tughen, seconded by Mr, Rothwell that » seconded by pri clerk be paid 7% tain, Coulter vs. Eima, and examined by him, also to let the con- tract of ef the McGregor award, 50 jor and cleaning + gravel; J. Hunt $6, 80. gravel; T.Grabber $10, Langford $6 70, gravel; M. McVittie. $t0, gravel; G. Wilt, |' airing culvert S. 10 and er | all the sntricate om Joshua 19,b. Vv. amt that of the even esbyterian Rpg ape el is -h the additions from the isco urches | j commedious build<« ing to itsfull capacity, = anxious o takes rank amon bright lights of the Procbyterion or were they di vigor of Mr. M idence, and = apt illustrations, eee the ---- tention of an appreciative audience, and am one could covraniae himseif i in saying, "it is good t forge oer incur a an 19 connection w in the lectu successful in every respect. ofthe congregatios are to be congratu- lated and deserve the See praise for = abundance an cellence o ood things provided, "seal for the ad- cerable manner all the arrangements were carried out. Aflerteathe assembl gathered in the body of e church, when the able and popular pastor, Rev. berations around the circle of were then called upon for aselection entitled beauti- on this entertaining occasion, and upon entitled, toad responded with a zest pec- harmony and good fellowsbip at ghenet existing and growing among the churches and members of the great and = repre-en~ tative denominations of the christian re ligion, and iWlustrated its practical work- ing by referring will, sympathy and encouragement that obtains in community between Pp members a the -- congregations, The hor again being called upon, re- sponded with that beautiful Rem, "1 was Glad," when the chairman moreieed to the --to-- the Rev. J. Morison, M. A., <nox church, py iedonary The . qvatle leman was particularly bapPy in bis introd ints er speakers The choir then "Oh, how lovely." rman in mtroducing Rev G. Davis stated that Mr. Davis bad onl tely taken arge of the _-- churches of Listowel and wood, the had mu ure in pare to him the right hand of fellowship, and welc bim th (form r Davis warmly responded, and gave pleasing review and impres led exbilarating and beautiful anthem, "The ose of Sharon," and rendered it with de- lightful effect, their rich an nding in unison regal tion, leading cen | for the closing way for dress the evening from the Munro. few and genial re poco Mr. Munro 8 the pas- -- ation on celebrate of their canivecmaryt ed drain con 1 ec $6. 3a. $8, gravel; C E. Coghlin $3, gravel; T. weeks, - Js: Livtngwtons, draggiat. Martin $5. part payment on ditching;| Mr. J. H. Fergason, Q C., fell from W, Scon $6.25. culvert and gravel T & window in his office on :1 floor of the M;E. Br $4 50, repairing cul | Freehold building, Toronto, of =Frs vert con. 55 $1 60, yravel; and was ins killed. He had lost Morrison 75cts, diich con 8; J. Hamil- | tbe of bis ton $1.60, gravel; T. J.Knox $2, expenses Loorsp LIkEA SKELETON. -- Gentle to S ratford, Partridge drain, and $1, ti --Last summer 'so bad for culverts; Hart & Ridaell $2, for with summer complaint that ny iooked = assessment roll and express--Car- like a skeleton. Although I had not Council adj-urned to meet in Azt'l| much faith in it, | took "2 friend's advice hall on the 7b October next d tr D: Fowler's Extract of Wild ULLARTON, Ciesk. |S rawberry, A= ot better. I truly . tiikive it saved hs fife, f ATWOOD. Mrs. Harvey S The anniversary services of the Presby Hillsborough, N. B. tersan church in Atwood were held on last Cornelius McMaho: f bbath the sth. Rev. unro, Of | write driviog home . ee . Harristoo, occupred the pulpitand con day night, was : thrown out of cart, -- t three miles trom town, and ee a large och fe iron rods in its cor same t ts, while the two iron rods will tip the '0 be he turnip into U a -- Presbyterians can digest | throwing two rows ofclean turnips into one. en op tea-meeting | in this way. now under arrest in conaection with the Ind,, says: condition for thre: Henderson, M.A., took the chair and siaand Indigestion until my health w requested the v. Mr. Fisher ot the | 820¢- I had been hy st Be constantly fethodist. church to open wit " with no relief. I bought one after which the whole congregation joined | S0Uth American Nervine, mibot did in singing the two ¥ 1 me more g than any gene ol fe tooth Psalm -- a song of praise and | 'oring I ever didin my life. I Id ad- io intonations and rever- vise every wi _ ly -- to a bis ha ted by John Livingstone jr. A Harris and Hamilton, aged - thirteen, Dr. Low's complete remedy both ta move worms of all kin de. in Actin bree me dotes, touched upon the phases ma Bride (reading)- Do Bot come back and4 terial, secia a, it : of | ail will be ae! the age and the advancement from anniversary to the er The choi For producing those beaut blonde then sang "H -~ which | aad _ shades of hair, < beactitul was followed by a epiened speech from and f We onable, ase Dorenwend's *Gold- the Rev. J. Fisher on the beauties oa -- Hair ash, J. Livingstone, drog~ christian unity as evidenced by t gist. J. M. SGHINBEIN Are you troubled with dandroff? Try Dorenwend's "Dandroffine, guaranteed "GOLDEN LION ~ cure tbe vert case of dandroff in two » out tale five-eighth the be row without t thes our acres a day can All bat $400 of the $70,000 stolen from road Tsons are Rebecca ee of Brownsvalley "I had beenin a distressed ness, Weakness ary the stomach, Dyspep- I con A trial bottle will convince you. - Drug- t Owen Sound, o boys, named at i was purely NO CHILD ia safe 'erms unless Worm nyrer ee teat oe It ian destroy and re- E ELOPMENT, '¢--Here's atelegram from papa' Eitan (eagerly)}--What does be NO 4 MAIN STREET WEST. a This and last week we have opened out a beautiful range of the latest Dress 8 for present and fall wear, compris- ing the best makes and the newest shades. Cashmeres in all the new colors. Hopeack Spices, Pickles, Sauses, Canned Good. A weakened, wasted system, plus a fair trial of Scotts Emulsion of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, produces a return to a normal weight and full physical vigor. It's thing for people to gain 25 _Pounds in a time by its use. SPECIAL DRIVES AT THE BARGAIN STORE' J.S. GEES 0 an In = pate new hoes op opened up in Dress Goods, Shirtings, Ginghams, ottonades, Tweed UNDERCLOTHING. --Gents' half wool socks 2 Gents' ready made pants from $1.50 Ladies fine button Shoes only $1 per pair, Ladies' Toe onopere and Oxford Ties 75¢. per pair, other lines proportionately low. Arrived from Japan a line of May Picking Tea 25c. per Ib,, or 5 Ibs. tor $1, fine flavor--a snap. Rice, Imperial, 20 Ibs. for $1, and in fine lines Putna, large and bright, sample Japan Rice, extra fine, and Crystal Rice ; also Nor Raisins, Currants, Dates pure s, ete. pair for 2 "I will sing." This piece was Sweet Home Soap (equal to Sur tise) 5 cakes for 25. fully rendered and gave token of the | went out shooting Monday, ap q P' 5 5 : . : ¢ Cocoa Oil Soap, kk h ' stal << treats in store, The chairman in| pun was discharged, the full charge lodg- ig che "a eer; makes Se toc. a box. Diamond Cry opening reinarks briefly ---- ing in young Hamilton's brain, instantly F: tJ Hi duced pri bis pleasure in welcoming one and he -- him. The coroner's jury decid ruit Jars selling at reduced prices, Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. J. Ss. GHEE. MAIN STREET, LISTOWEL. NEW FURNITURES a AND ) UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. FRANE SALLOWS, (late of Detroit and formerly ofGoderich,) Wishes the people of Listowel and surrounding district to know that he is opening a. FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING and UPHOLSTERING busi : feTAVISH'S OLD STAND, CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, MAIN SREET, where be intends keeping a stock of Furniture to suit all classes of customers, which he will sell at lowest living price UPHOLSTERING, REPAIRING and PICTURBAFRAMING will be given oches Haye had large experience tn th:s in Canada and United States. A FIRST CLASS NEW HEARSE has just been purch: special -- ased by me from I ; Nasb of London, and all branches of Undertaking will receive most careful and prompt attention. Call and see what I can do for you in any ot the above lines. Cloth, Biscuit Cloth, and Serges in all the new shades. Then we can give you a_ beautiful range of fine Shot Velveteen for Trimming and Mantle Cloth. The new and most suitable shades for Capes and raps. This season we have spared no pains in securing the newest thing in the market at the lowest prices, and we are determined to do the largest trade ever done in Listowel, as we are confident/ that our goods will back us up in style, quality and prices. So if you require a nice dress to go to the World's Fair, call on us and get a nice outfit. Then do not forget our Ready Made Clothing. loves, ete., call on us. Herrings, Salmon, ete. J.M.SCHINBEIN. a 5 Artistic Wall Papers, We show the FS Diced ig th aheecnaece ditt, of Toronto, and haves before ng. tt Self-acting Window Shades, Curtain Poles, with Brass Trimmings AND OTHER INTERIOR DECORATIONS, vACOS SEBURGER, 7 MAIN nigra EAST, Has the auest stock In town, me rew goods, {Canada cay the United States. He bas the sele right of sale of the Birge & er Wall Papers, acknowledged by all to be the Se ects AMR You Footy aig to call and store to be convinged that d for ane hard Golden Lion, test tdesigns,/and bought at close prices ap Bolfacting Roller Window Shades 7 "ell sizes and Celors, Call and see them pu Brass Curtain Pole Trimmings and Poles Remember a two d west of th 8 JACOB SEBURGER,. of al) deseriptions--at closest prices. Also dealer in CONFECTIONERY[and ed | SMPORTED FRUITS, such as BANANAS, ORANGES, cle, me eo --_ at nascent' to $198 20,which, with a few other items yet to be included, $200 to be FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION, --oO---- 1 with sell my farm by public anction, st Queen's Hotel, Listowel, ee 6TH TH OF OCTOBER. sae 4 ee ; "l | } Hl 2 g . s Commence F THRESHERS LARDINE MACHINE OIL, The Champion Gold ns Oil which cannot be McColl's CYLINDER OIL" MANUFACTURED BY NO EQUAL McCOLL BROS & CO., TORONTO Ask your dealer tor apenas" and beware of Imitations -' Fer Sale by all the Leading Eien Tivbighien Sa: Coma FOR Fine Dress Goods. "MANTLES and MILLINERY We have a large range ot Dress Good in Tweed ee Ss ali ae leadi ty: brag Trimming to m fast, the "4 new, an ee Capes, Muffs, etc. a fine; stock o f Furs this season. Ifyo - thing in the For line Come and see an a i... OVERCOATS and MEN'S and BOYS' SUI bok feet ke fae keep a large stock and you will find a The METROPOLITAN Fashion' sheets for Ucto- ber are now on our Counters, call and get one. Carson & McKee. Wallace street, Listowel. Barvains, bargains ! Having a large stock of BOOTS and SHOES on hand we have de- cided to offer special inducement thenext 30 days. McMillan && Ballard. EASE AND COMFORT e requisites usual- 7 he wetlery for in buying fur- \ niture. You will find our 44 . goods meet these require- 4 ments fully. Then the 'price will interest you. > See fr yourself before you buy, H. FL. BUCE, Farulitare Dealer Wallace Street, Listowel J.S. BOWMAN IS CONTINUING HIS SALE a; FLANNELETTES FOR ONE WEEK ONLY DR. PHILP'S STORE, Wallace Street. J. S. BOWMAN. HARDWARE. and Undertaker IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A House or barn, we can supply you with everything needed in Hardware. NAILS, the best Machine--picked, clean and good--Montreal make. Locks, Hinges, Glass, Paints, Oils. Varnishes Dry and Tarred Building Papers. Will be pleased to give pricesjand estimate[on bills at any time. Our prices srejright. ROBERT MOORE! Main Street, Listowel. ee