THE LISTOWEL STANDARD pablished-- i arbi MORNING, ad the oft MARTIN ala = compas LIsrowEL =A. 81, 'vemie Hawerns, imei £1.00perannum pt vbasimpying ADVERTISING BATES. Ficatinsertion perline.; ever itp | Listowe Te NS eG Fi rey Ce BBE wa AEE penis tandard LES rec ERE No Chanoe For For Reciproci ty. imeerti -- € A A HT. GEO. BA & Mech (ractadvertisemental a| VOL. XVI.--NO. 35. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, FREDAY, OCT. 6, 1893. Eprrom aspPeorsinton lowing rates Bets sagan! S months. ment Neighbors Boy--Maw manent THE PREMIER'S TOUR, | s.i¥e,List-Goverer of Quebec who] Groseetainy pig Oraieera | 4 Onnadian Farmerat nioaro, | monn «nonnan® aw travare an" | ough medica, at mt TO Doble of - -- tinascelame ed him, and bis utterances were followed | wit. BE niuiesn FEET LONG, Mr. Robert Keys, a well known Sunday Schools' Convenhon, wt Keener--You tell your mother 9 oeedin nes : Businersoergandunderiaiiues.a. Some Leading Points im the Min-|, pio -- Mr. Angers pointed URTEEN THOUSAND TONS ' rt Logan township, sends. the The. a annual Convention of Huron Lay Secon teemenpili. modiine arkily fir Avettisemente of farms for sale, cattle isters' Acdressee at Stratford. wealth--namely, fertile soil, diversified oe aur. ae interesting letter 0 the | Wor and Scnday School Teacher estray and otberamaliadvertisements.$ifor polenta occupations, good transportation pire been my privi- | will bed held this year at Woodstock, in a frat month ,andS0o. per month thereafte Stratford Herald Report, facilities--Cunada was peculiarly favored A the first-class crui- | lee to attend the great World's . Fair | 'esPonse to an invitation from tbe sa His Business. talnotioss,i6e.perline sacbiasertion.{ .cares Conrumptien, Conghs, Crem oe From parr it was' found 'that' the | sers Pow cod Terrible, 10 be built |2t Chicago, and in common with thou- | 2d Church town.. The ays eclal notice, th ihe. abject of which |e to Fora "ine Si hak rhe cus Paros map | GREAT BRITAIN UNDER FREE TRADE. | JO ete ete ea farmer in da | by contragBifor the cemmencement of | 20s of fellow-Canadians admire the fon are Wednesda Tasty task The ea boy 'selling ag pm ma, promo! e "i will give great eatisfaction--ag bout $1,210, which w bh bet: : . did i sat down to rest in the ,tob Jidered about $1,210, endid architecture and beautiful Fiduaicompany ot sogietz, topeconsidered "SHILOH'S VITALIZEF ee interrupter in in the ------ drew | ter and more independent living than was wt fepeten" om ep tiands situation of the srcunis. My interest, poe thee pg entertuinmen: ecg eet es ; vented te . atearth - red by ascate of | Mrs. 7.8. Hewkina, Cl a fine point trom Sir hompson | enjoyed by the age ent. e . howe: ot been limitedt policeman as moved 1a e Nouparell i fines forthe 10. inch bh. 7 Advartise- sh 'Shin's Veale ay for abaittadmtem s to the state of Great Britain under | Tne savings banks contained some $244, " 2 'diisione ee be eaghteceing, 'gatityia 7 8 the eye and ansigoutlons wesc inpeem ee ree ge tsa cold Farted till to roid Instractions tochange or yrs For javeror Kidney | free trade, Sir John pointing out that oe cuech avings = Faking considerate att open to some modi. | instructive to the mind, os t ar- central situation of Woodstock | day when I gets left', doy jivsa lscontinue ao et be or 200 years she had pursued a polic v anics and farmers. Ta ae pe vellous coll fth and its abundant railway facilities make this office b: lari pty aye t ples * ¥ the smaller co ORY office sa: fication, af®as -- erm 06 + 500 'ous ection of the i ucts of b for obanges must behanded inaot Interthan ILO CATARRH | of high protection which placed | yanks im Ontar hed fouad" thas feet'; breadth, a yo ; mean | the nations here exhibited is. I have ss hay exe ra place of IE RmS her in 2 position so that no counlry | through them the farmers had deposited , stead of it 1 ry or BA OOIG EXCEPIOE) Gl, Romance and Reahty. vos rainneia Sees could compete with her, and the Se6,000 es clasr tov! the doe a yes fet i de the whole ay comical, dxsoied oT I to all, both "She--Deares , ve first-classjobbingd epertment 2 Fa . Prico cts. | tact was that since England bad a protective policy of po s last fifteen years contiuod e spepd for esrpoth ae most of my time to the agricultural aod wor omen throughout the Di ocese, to bad been em prove cee vse on eda! resses, Sea Se eors nes Panes on preeess, ed free trade and the United 'States a ae ae ee ie ee é building, where the products of the | make this, our third meeting, even more oe would my love, aes to execte ail desorintions of Job protection, the rg he gsined 08 | omied ti wcghter), = Pen ibe' tebant > 9 ae =e states of the union and of our under the Divine Blessing, | wee! withdrawn salary up Great Bri an nit pro- than its pre Ae dee of ie We then | naturi wa Caoadian vinecs are displayed. monte and apecia! notiees are cash 'Contract 5 (1678) tmported OOS com. | this | oe . Earlesd wT would be time for Canada os Bogie hr I am that poo tei company bat ice paver fee Uniar nery fori mote recom ele id . a a juragement, Lay ip should be enery Worm it. PRAVELLERS' GUIDE. CAPITAL - + $1,250,000! the bad reached something, ike' the | oo af mM compared eit Bd co Soo A) fine mn ices nikls & thal Wak Wim acute ahien' ai Oe leuk (ome eben aoe: RESERVE FUND ~ $650,000| ste of developmentin which England's | :>4 $1 858,000 of four as compared with of toes of speed. A i ns mainly to the| Work. whe prominent objec of the | quick give mie your hand a! GRAND TRUNK RAILWAT. 200 years of protection placed b $153,000. 'These were only instances. bunker cagacity for about three viens products of the farm, namely, a desire | £* No = who bas attended the previo: a ele ee es ws ne -" -- 7 ire' us cn. soctuan renter oy W.0.43 RY in sane tebe advocated reform o| ote wuld be sen; ytnded| nd one be promded, and atthe [12 compar bs ati edrange® Of] weet. il hve aed to CRU | Tek, Mange ad tly aa under: DIRECTORS the tanff as the changing needs of the | 4Iso to he stance ia the on ro ith peeing ha a Sapereaeat losed by their ageicuiiarsah cleat tT sand advantages ip aienediant Coristian ee pd of hana or calor i. ited For Kincardine and Intermediate potnte-- j i : about carr intercourse, in atimuiatin, werk crac ne and toler nine Larval JOHN STUART, PazaipasT; times dictated, and it was the policy of | rezard to the decime in the value of pro- that presght w had heard much of the advantages of | thustasm, and in a chaning fresy desires Woolford's peur iat iaies 9.02 p. his government to reduce taxation | perty. vite as great if nat ter A HEAVY BATTERY. orestricted reciprocity, of the higher | to c participators in the Mast This never fails. ni Wor Palmercioe=Rapreee\At7; " cmoes: A.G. RAMBAY, Vice-Pres. always and in every instance that che | !® theolder portions of the United States, The argiament will include two 9 2-| prices paid in th P U ys d Stat ' vice. P ant by Joho Loigatnes a. ress, 12.57 p.m; T Mixed. 10 90 p. = JOH N PROCTOR. GEORGE ROACH, | best imerests of the country required. | SSPecially in New land. Mr. Anger P Ped mm the Unite mare! Natur Ww _ : Li. h ly ref ",, | inch guns, mounted as bow and stero | grain and stock, of the lower prices of} 4 very excellent programme | is incourse ture's on Swipes--Say, GORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVISION. A.T. WOOD, CHAS. GURNEY, Sir John most effectively riddled | SUmorousy re erred ta the condition | o4 iors: twelve G-inch rapid firers, | imol z La will Chimmie, I wuz oat 'ta D the country yes asunder 4. B. LEE (Toronto. Mr. Laurier's arguments in favor of the i Ss; peasant tis = , | four of which will be copbla al firing Pepa' stir ap obelaper ae topics, several p papers on Sunday 'School | terday, Chimmme--Wha'd | ve dere --o- English system of free trade, quoting could not vce | cin thers right ast A work in various practical aspects, also] Sw!pes--Lots Grass what you dian't Exorens, no. mi a iaprok. nn ap m.;Mized | SAVINGN BANK -- --Depoaits of $1 and] Mr. Blake's famous admission that ree - phy inden Bypass right ahead and four o' a rig np las to buy, and I was anxious to put to or addresses on Foreign Missions | bave tokeep offen fata Opwarda received and Interest allowed from ' 3 pap ere al =_-- twelve pounder- rapid firers| the test of personal experience the] in relation to the church ; the Sc re date ardepaste to Gate of withdrawal. free trade was a problem outside of | subject to taxation, whereas the present | and twelye three epoondert besides | truth of th Si ba { Church P Electricity has been Sein ed the de- ; O1NG NORTH, _ ---- mh tf b PR TORT aleo recetved at cur | practical politics in Canada Government had remitted taxes on tea, salle machine pote Chics or "lb aegusbonien S La a see fale tection of met tals or magoetic Mei p.m pa east Re prees, 298 3: Se ERP APTS on Great Hritain and the United | most ardent advocate of it is powerless | SYEa", amounting to $19 700 ill bi ided a ortunity of conversicg with | 08 ;and our young "Chate Btates bought aud sold, Collections made , during the last ten years, and had pot our protection will be provided | lost no opportunity of conversing with i RE, SORe ne a on favorabje ter to show how it can be brought about. on the free hist rr articl 1878, | for all 1 tbe g zinch and 6 inch guns,| Amerjcan farmers from all parts of Worker If your hair is thin or falling out, use 0. 8. CLARKE, But Mr, Laurier is not consistent even 4 oe oe ini The report of the Huron Anglican Lay | Dorenwend's Pe tract of Quinine," & 0 RTAEW, Mu. 'Agent Utstows! It the Liberals ever get into power they | 20d the 12-pounder guns on the upper | the Union, and of taining from | workers' Association to the " sire areeease MORPHY & CA in that, since he assured the pecple | will never have the opportunity cf mak | deck will be furnished with strong | them prices of implements and of grain f that bod which hel id doring the 4 'T. bh i cg Dal PARRISTEFS, SOLICITCRS &C. of Montreal, where the industrial in-| ing the people such presents ; instead --s ee with the guns. in their local market: oreover, I nessions of the mbich is held wl te of Con E iringuose nie OTARI PUBLIC & COMMIBSIONERS, PRIVATE MONEYS hight} Sueeee a f ; nd ail "be debcits ne He a ax comngd Benga 0 armament includes four | have met relatives my oc 'om | much interest. on, have eatly distnbased hirtees a ONEY TO Len. rowuired in this country. 'The course Gat apm. Beh sia a sdimacigs coped dischargers, placed | Illinois, Indiana and Kansas who are we = pay years -- Service will | lots among their employes who have been : In two separate roo! in tl eld on the evening o! nesday, ; H. B. Monpny. J. M. CarTHEw, that we have pursued has won the the speeches | appiness. axaie "" mt PROTECTIVE DECK. wih we a i rary Sberoohie detent ov. 18st, when an address will be deliv- | they build pag hey fot each of th a fe pet eeut, on Pare Besar tee teecad | broud recognition of the statesmen Of | their breasts as he directed their atten e situation of the farmer in the|* fed the reer Ne el = [receive the sum of $250 in ARLING & BLEWETT, RARHIS. paracie yearly. Advances will made to} the Old Country within the last few] non to t cpeful outlook of dai ¢ engines, boilers, | magazines, and United States. Well, sir, to make a ~--e ogramme will be issued | additi ne Fra ene rarer Me if value of security offere . months. If we are open to the charge | farming and the room for expansion of other pe partion s ofthe ship will be lone story short, the "ssid alot onset atan ear y pols with fall senate ofall the| span ny insects bear sod 'breathe with Hamilton and Seott's Backing House," OF Apply to that we were disloyal in not copying | that business as well as other lines of | Place low a strong ste ng story ; arrangements. the sam fice over Scotts Gaok, Wallace Street, Lis- - L. DARLING, t k, h hick observations and enquiries was th We respectfully suggest _ so far = Sppee owel = Barrister, | the example of England, and giving | 'armu eck, having a thickness of four inches | 7, ihe Ontario farmer is infiitel ble, Calapan ood ae 'are. | William's Royal Crown acer cat J. L, DARLING. F. it, BLEWETT , il foreign nations access t THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS | lor a large proportion of b, . y | ies camate ft flow, | est cur ie ic2Mee over Scott's Bank, Wallace St. Lie kets, he would answer by quoting the Hon. Jahn Hapyart. Monist i Rat with a slight reduction of thickness better off than his fellow in the United pe cpio ied from oe lon, Gece: : be tart 5 poms 4 a K lb ¢ mister ©! ail- Ss ay Bchool LP. bial A mG Ta: ervous Debdility, eumatism ABEE Z GEARING, BA) RRISTERS, -- { Lord Salisbury, w = os ake spoke b:iefly. He | toward the extremities. ke will "ang market. @ ccmaes "tivenity of sation, but not 4 fm exclasicn of inde Nevuralgia, Paralysis, etc.--43y. tors for the Merchants fan was the policy of every nation to | ¢a!t with the vast increase of wealth in | be associated with minutely- hoger , pendent individual attendance. --'The parliament of religions notaries Pabite Btaatronp. 'om Money vo Insurance and Loan A ENCY. | protect and build up its own industries, | Pe Shape of savings ofthe people, and to) coal bunkers, extending t products, and upon the whole -- We would also suggest that this cir-| 1s attracting a great deal of ntion at on other eviden f the rices. Wheat sells at local points i ; J. P. Mange. F. W. GEARING. that Britain's policy in respect to |; viewed the Morsngsi Prosper' beight ofthe main deck, these leavers aha eaeae ant ont po I cular be rent, in the Church or Sunday | Chicago ll--'Yes ;_ religion is a = Sar own market might be noble, but } names gi en e Grit paley. and said peor ery od and Indiana, at ao aa beebel om Scan hi rn d fi f good ners currosity 1 that city. HOMAS. FULLARTON NEWRY M. BRICKER. it was usiness. Andt other | thac setwlisicead recprecy ha id o doubt | those which have been adopted during this past a -- -- amen 'an aaa Deswen butterflies have as many as 20,- Ont. Ianuerof Me otast 1 Tice se, Com gteat statesman, Mr. Gladstone, in re- | only been laid away for a tim 'Tre. | other first-class cruisers of the Ro s low as 10 centsa bushel. Ia point | Chairman Soocstines ot Lay 'Workers! acco et missioner! Deedn, mortgages, AGENT FOR THE ferring to Canada lately, spoke of this member the ime,' he said, * navy. af soil no part of the Uni ted Stat Oeitl Associal od cain, vores, guis, wounds aud braie are Ba' sil conveyancing eke ca" reatormbi! Dein elias Oe. as a prosperous and contented country, | Laurier himself made eloquent speeches | Most careful study has been bestow' bese coon par with 0. ; stehe ack "J. M. McWuinney, promptiy cured by Viovorla Carbolle Balwe. Si Wa TEKECO: But ihe proof of the wisdom of tb ee Se Thesountry bas | ed upon all matters pertaining to the} 700) sree chat eae ne tien i" ee Se: Treas. coon of Lay Workers' byidoyon/thiak they were) sew it ° . Canadian policy is found in the fact | are sity only aa rho Mea : at ved protection of the armament and of ane penulars sdacied ce the see of Associa . oun tees _ gy od as hee E. DINGMAN, M. D., GRADU- THE CANADA ACCIDENT INS. Co. thathercredit stands first in the hist | us protect and build ui up maniiacturing io uns' crews and the transport of am- some one a ticular cereal, as tor fn: Chairman Sunda: Son tin aod left pps cae guste ports or Cane sae Welvarans ¢ mamber of the money markets of the world, and | dustries.' (Applause.) Mr, Laurisr naw | Munition from the magazines to the} 9 wth he dozens of farmers 7 AMES Woops, _ | lested. . Dat. atearase pe cuecteest MONHY TO LOAN Gest ae me pee te Se = pred ae aise = ae chef Magan beadte, fighting. Foe os woes ppringil bi with whom I have conversed all assure | Secretary Sunday School Committee. Diamonds lose about half their weight On the most favorable terms, oY $ ye sip as much h uf ' ethatthey have fou it during | - Any Communications may be sent to | tm cutting eee taunt in the words of a Libera! states: } /°' 0 ay boleants t x nen ' ery after end of the forecastle, will give! oon, years practically impossible to | 4. H. Dymond, Brantford, or Rev. Job Why is your hair singe grey or tading -- Even if it if ing to li i U-TOSTEN: sek t ice et Mato St Linowey, next man: ' 'Even if it is necessary for ro dens of. the pe val R 3 oe . =a osorectiog action to the commanding make ends meet at the prices obtained cordially hae Ont Suggestions are | in color? Somethin, wrong. To tex 1 . ' Srothertatra "eur nty COP Rite cream a oY The Car LOS ADO RICHY B OG thatthe, = = BES ure DENTIST. and we must Work out our destiny to | States or any other coun Another provided in'association with a long which i ALL MEN. -"Here r, there is a fly in R. G. ROBERTS, che best of our ability, with adetermin- | charge was that the expenditure of this | poop and forecastle, upon which the aan steadily lorcssing Yo Id, ddl ed, who find ya W ne is not strong ana. Office ever Flemming # Tatloriog Establish ation to keep the northern and better | Couciry was pom ee vel | : oe oe Bed guns will ---- What I would say to Ontario farmers, themselves nervous, weak nod eee stag |to burt tim, We always look ont for SHIPLEY.onTwT part of this continent beneath that old zg Mr. Laurier, the | ried, is will secure not merely the *| that. roprietor is a member of the MAIN ST. LISTOWEL. 7 ? fla h h d endl leader of the Opposition, was a party to | power o the guns in heav therefore, is to hold fast to the splendid | who are broken down from excess or over- Cruelty to Animals Society ones : a Te 1Chee . i ers honored and | ihe scheme hereby the provinces were to Se her but also that of maintaining heritage they possess, to cease repining work, sresulting'in =? of the igen A'leminots buoy tsa: recent Fres i oved. ; . symptoms : paEee Eon Tae feces immensely increased subsidies speed al te: and by enquiry learn how infinitely srg ald jis casa of saber m4 Poa ot vention. The light is produced by phos- M.BRUCE, L.D.S.,DEN THE MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION. ou that bave reduced taxation ? be tter is their situation than that of ape sacha BRUCE, L. . How did the dept ? At confed NOT READY TOsADOPT TRIPLE SCREWS. ; = memory, bad dream sight -- of calcium and is visible tor Gve N TINT. uses' Vitaitged for L d d Lancashire Go the subject of Manitoba schools Sir]. "a accrue * confedera- ' | farmers in the United States. Engag- Ipie. f the he ge ; | miles. Four Oxide Gna. ae; fo ondon an Joh k length R tion it was $79,000,000. © the pravin In order to secure the sea speed | ed f Se nerey, cain in the ia emission "ig Bee raoameee tas. sto a ote i Robe inienricy 'a rts province "Tok cial debts haa to be assumed, maki mentioned it has been ican to 'calenral, Lele : are Race a ia pen in the idneys, headaches, dies use Dereaweod's "Carline? be near ~ apie e agricultural jt t he £ boi 19,000, ' e F ; 8 pursuits, aye Drought a | pimples on the fac y. itching or | cause it een sthe hair in cur is Bt. Residence is Penelope St, Listo FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY exception to the two statutes by which eae se tea mews -- provide for engines and boilers capable | practical knowledge to bear upon my ses. red sensat e screnanh, roof ansleas oad wet. Living- separate schools there were abolished Pacific Railro y large horse power. | observations, and I have no hesitation | ¥#sting of the organs, dizzinéss, specks | stone, the lea OUNTY OF PERTH,.--THE WAK- ! ees 4 OMce on z oaday Wedoosday, Thureday, Priday and Saterday of each week, during ones 'h ws. DAVIDSON, Dons ty Clerk: e, Stratford ConntvOlerk'soMce The Oldest Established GROCERY TOWN |8 JAS: ARMSTRONG 'S n TEAS, COFFBES andSUGARS, I have oer very beat Just ir bone c Age sleet --v-- Groceriesand Provisions, Canne Freah Lime alwa: yeenm band, and de- Finer, 2, 1, Corameal, Bockwheat) | oes to alt potnta ob shortest nehon OF. nar ® dere pent to the above address by postal ard or olberwise will 'receive prompt at- A wellselected stock of CROCKERY an¢ | tentios. GLase Wace, always to be found atmy| As this i'ma has giv n the best satisfaction rihe pant sev nyeare, we cal satisfaction. Price cea reasonab! Highest price paid for Botter and Ege 'All orders left ab the Queen's Hotel, * potatoes and aiiFinas ot a farmer pono attention, St, Listowel, will revere prompt alle Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment of All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame Mould pir Cabinet Photo Frames, B es, &c. ve good: any part of Elma tewnship free of cost. UNDERTAKING Fiast-Ciass Furniture ---- to at any time. RSE in conn ee tL ens opposite the P. ¢ reasonabiec terme ---ALSO-- MONEY TO LOAN nany sume aarp $2) and bpwarde ataiow ale of jnleres Conveyancing of all G scriptions done op LISTOWEL. MARBLE WORKS ROBERT T. KEMP, Dealer t AMERICAN and FOREIGN MARBL GRANITE HEADSTUNES, MONU ENTS and FURNITURE TOPS. Also CUT STONE of all kinde or Ballding Purposes. FORDWICH LIME KILNS. --_--o-- J, SOTHERN, Proorietor: OR EXCHANGE. The own as the MANNELI, HOUSE 12" ibe °teen of Listowel. rue =~ sore of land fram: Fro roof; Dwelling House Roale House with at ton scare f table, ww laze farm land ip excep. anwe. ply ty JAS. MANNELL Tremont House, 1GYonge St, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE. --o Lot 3, In the 4th Concesston of the Town- uhie of Walliice, Abvut 70 acres cleared. 'ame barn and hewn log house, For parti culars ap ly to oti XM. MARTIN, Listowe!. Scieatific American Agency for COPYRIONTS. mane yyy Mi deoaswar ti bod Torx. by us is jt before ne Stetes Saves ven tree of charge in tho Srientitic ainerican VIGOR o* MEN \HOTEL FOR SALE|weaiai ee eal ae ane claiming that under the constitution the province had no authonty to take away wane with regard to those cchaols which, a: pies and therefore asked to have those statutes declared to be null and void. om- nion government thus appealed to, how- ever, Ueclined to employ what might be iled the brute fore the annulling power, and did not disatlow those sta- tutes as requested. disallowance taken place, the provinc f anitoba vuld have the inp again and eventually the courts would fh ustain- lostead argely a question of law. e¢ went, and the decision dio same a cy and witb the grest~ pose eat ee although be ined sald sae Fame tbat was to be said, yet it mould be thought by some that some as being beld ag and one man bad been so re as ba Government was bound pn with the re of St Woniface that, those er venues would be low himself, (Sir Jobn) totally denied that statement ; «nd indeed the Government was perfectly free ppon the question and there was po claim or lies o the part of anyone, except that by which they e¢ bound whole people to do their duty uninfluen- ced Hc -- or Fastin ~ regard. edh mber of bis Gov~ conan, "a jo on "assarance, onesies or desire ext ed main! pa of other ba ne He real adgty to ring! whole ed it was rights -- functions of the Canadian t im $o grave a mattes. THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE'S TRENCHANT ADDRESS. . R. Angers, Minister of Agei: after Hon, Geo. tal Grit ness muon econ sod ay the the wor B Hol all Notices, the peop up the sebe. Minister takes pride a pot income from Men of Extraordinary Nerve And urpose. Amongst men who have forced oer phages pom bat volid Loni facts, to s aod de! We read e ambition 'was to con Holloway bas done valle else, for, instead of sheddiog ap b the eyes of the blind," he aarters of the glicbe haye found of the sword, aot wi chant ships lo every corner -- ioe civilised foun accumplish so wondrous a saying, "Don't spare printer's ink ie way's they vtter "Holloway's Ointment |" re filled with on really derful and friends do not question the correct- of the policy of the Government in he Intercolonial Rail- ot the t ificent the foest water man in uty, yet the Grits go all about telling jomy io every departm the Intercolonial. F irmness of F of Pu to fame and fortun example to all, worthy of ett, = medicines it is not re not writing how ¥ great -- of | mind ; that what yl mao pother do, provided that be Bal on ability termination to use it with all bis read of the Great Napoleon whose Gree 'tes wecta. tat pain-worn, and comforted t brink of the eas = t his Rage nag pn A --not by the for b the aid of legions, B.. ion our Id where suffcting ma: al to do all this gigantic work, to required energy, for this mighty accom| plished. is a wise much loway spared n "--in a thousacd languages We aa 'wonder pond man, ead, could rs and doses this ; and we say that, if one -- has dope $0, there must be about his Pals Ointment--Poet Close's Historical draught I with a developing a ver After full consideration it has been d cided to adhere to twin screws and not to adopt the triple screws. Experience in the Blake and Brenbeim, in the large twin screw steamers of the have established the complete efficiency of suck propel- lers within the limits of power mercant vited for ie =marine, contemplated. as well as and been decided to postpone the This c assoc commencement of the Terrible until nongh next financial year, but tenders will the construction of the posi vessel as soon as the designs bave been completed. has been resolved upon in course tation narrangement to advance during dimen: ment is a ie i to tak: rem the fact aking ghita Bal age t over is beginning toassume Vv ensien: the current financial year somewhat more rapidly than was first intended the construction of the fourteen new torpedo hoat destroyers drovided for in the programme, The Worlds Fair Buildings. The bbs rid's Fair manage- under bonds ooo to re- operations place everything just ke it was at Jackson Park before building were buildings are so massive ve! 7 the ants away. that = a contractor condition esent. offer yet receved for the removal of the costly Administration iding is the boilding as a gilt ed -- may "" plan bas been -- the situanon and o of wbich ~~ vast amount of wale =i pat to porpose. ow in Lake Michigan a number of reefs and shoals within two miles of the shore cult and al upon under th e hat they are not serviceable except t for which bat about any one of the large build- bis best ill 'the of 2 Cent. will pay cost re wes 5 Pe the deadwood, in saying that the Ontano tarmer who acanenes his Propery for the pur. ose ing to the United States will quickly discover his folly, and rue the day he listened to the pleadings ot the advocates of unrestricted recipro- c., Ropert Key Chica Geet. 27. of Perth brig Ont. These Banks Failed, out we $60 IN THE --_7 STATES ONLY 72 HAVE RESUM Washington, Sept. 25 25.--Statistics com~ piled from official data show that from January to gee this year, § State and pi e banks in the United States failed, 'a that 72 bave resu o the same time 155 national ¢ and private banks January 1, 1893 ; ween Thirty-ninth and Sixty-seven' streets that ate especially adapied for uth foundati for islands. Using th nne reefs as it is estemated t | Texas.. nearly exghty acres of fland could be re-| Utah. aamed the lake's bot Vermo eans of depositing in the shallow a portions the ) ic yards of rubbish (bat igst Be taken & the | West oat see Fair grocads, 'Phe experts say that 75 | Wisconsin. .... -7 t. nf the wreckage to come from | Wyoming... ...........--° 4 the Pair will be waste end that itis not ci, | ee the eon theremad-) Totals ............+---- 560 Pi) Loglish Spavin Limiment removes af lem- before tke eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids, sewhere, bashfulness, posits in the urine, loss of calp an lor solitude, excitability of temper, sunken ve S, surrounde DEN CIRCLES, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity Spring or vital force nction se who ny = abuse, com d in ignorance, perm temey cured, Sen pens for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. ress M, V. ee 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, nt. --2 Silence Better than Speech. Toronto Telegram. Canada never saw the time when C) was so har getas itisin the ---- ates now, and yet this country s been misrepresented to the readin; oe by -- spapers and politicians in their Gigh jo does not travel through the -- can galt ow bad things are across the line. When 'tb is ayia is troubled dwels lers in the far o atay at home and r an the truth about Canada's autenes in ty newspapers t of A ach comspiracy of silence on the : a ee cao y 3 the bag Sak affairs in the great republic, ee odin Territory. . spiracy of speech on the part of Canadian 'patel organs always acquaintsthe world with Kentucky far more than the worst about commercial is conditions in Canad ---------- The Fisher Case. Stayner, Oct. 2.--Everyone in this seciion knows Valentine Pisher, of Col- lingwood, and near! for years, he was deformec and crippled by sciatica, and endured akable soffering. ie rare of his complete rea to health by mean: 's Colnmenoee Bullet: with intense inte marvelloys cure of a man w considered doomed to certain death, ahd +] gS diopsy, rheomatism, sciatica and other More Than He © Bargained For. -- That's an awfull y pretty umbrel- la that you have ; (facetiously) I have half a mind to make way w She--You cnc know what you mean ---- hard, so << race, Blood Spa rag aig rou er cam be wo health for wae mind | ishes from horses, B' pavin, Cor oa See Sant on t from al 'epost Hearse wens ar = ery Sbe 'te soy--1 have vowed paver to by the age of Ayer's Sars ey 'oughs, ets. SaveSso by use of one | Patt with that umberella,--Clu! This recruits was ener- acrap! the most --_---- Passe temas' oyna. Lange o- r= Sy gull meal Children Cry for . di Pitcher's Ceytorias ading druggist, keeps a sup- ply constantly in stock. In British Columbia the crops have euf- fered trom ats are short m straw, but will yield "about 50 bushels to the acre. op industry is rapidly extending and the crop is Phovography catches stars which the telescope doe . test revelations to astronomers are now com~ ing along the line of stellar and nebular photography. WEAKNESS, D PALENEA ANAEMIA. | cic. are are sured by Mitbarm® Beef Ironand Win A thing to meet a long felt want' isa kbammer with the handle full of tacks newly introduce ravure," rocess for repro. has ce handwork at the expense of engravers, In testing for arsenical poisoning zinc is commonly used, which, however, gen~ erally contains arsenic as an imparity, thus giving false results, on which a supposed a minal's 'life may depend,says an exchan war Scare trom Coughs, Honreenest, opine. o or Brepchit tfect cure iB ie with Dr. orwaey Pine Syrup. One of the aiferences between a bicy- cle and ¢ wheelbarrow is much _ harder er the two to push. The formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is well caewte to the medical profession, Colds when 'ood s and erp nage J bee The be reputa- tion o! ae guarantees excellence of ome world's experience fer cord half a century has demonstrated its valae. Her Adorer--'Ma marry your dan gh- ter? Her Father "Ue ---- 7 Bess know. Ask the cook,she runs ¢ WALARA. Milbara'eAro CHILLS AND FEV ae ese AT aivee ss potent invigorat- ate Quinine o Wine, the The recent extensive train robberies at Kendalisville, Ind., and Michigan, have express companies the danger which threatens on this of the border, and they are not goi ean expres: 'y op anyof the lines in Ontario if they prevent it. It is understood that it has been d led arm the hands on every express train ith inchester rifles, and ber precautions will also be takem, What recautions are the management are keeping secret with commeoda pred- ence, A wonderful new combination Is ja and Liver perfectly Wood- stock, writes as toll apk you for' the Headache, er and Liver Pow *