omar = THE LISTOWELSTANDARD pablished---- avec' FRIDAY MORNING, MARTLN 8 BLOCK. MAINST. LISTOWEL -- A Sr, Gronczs Hawks, * Temus: It p ave AD' Firstiasertion perline... ite ceeretarummontasarsd fowins "Baas Smonths. 3 months. wee ee + $5080 Onec oolamn.- Hall ** Sy: 200 gan '1300 ... Busine: scards,notexceed nes,§éper Anaom: overSand ander is iines.s8- Adve tisomente of farma for sale, cattle evtray andothersmaliadve vertisements.Sifor rat month ands0c.per mo: nth thereafter. riin® each Ines ne object of whieb ts STS rs"oeusat of m of any indl- ¢ o or soelel to beconsidered rae mpany OF « ee eed i egy. advertisements messured by a. onan of arelliz ed to the inch. without s: fed atrectio: Be Aa ein: Seber at badd oh 4 it be pip tat copy Au Non men changes mB sNanL be Santer Innot laterthan regret sieriate a Paimeersmions 73 job n stylesec- 47,0 NG ~ oo "f F | Standard LISTOWEL, ONTARIO, = AY, OCT. 20, 1893. A 4ST. GEO. HAWKINS Eprron as DPaoraizton Croup, Sere on a Guarantes, ext Shiloh's Porous prest rativiacrion--a§ CODER Cures Consumption. Fora Lae Side, Back ot Plaster will give great SHILOH'S "8 VITALIZER. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, aie f Shdon's ips HAVED cor fora: aacbdaatanaton Te ones Mor or Kidpey SJR CATARRH ME rat furnished BNK OF H MILTON. $1,250,000 For Kincardine and Intermediate ease? . 7.85 a. mj Express 2.59 p. m.; Yor Palmerston--Expreas ate BESORSER: Tees, 12.57 p. m,; Mixed, 10 38 p. @CORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVIBION. ee VERUND-« asunder v souTH, erorcen i Ras m.; tacts 2222p m.; Mixed 4 GOING NORTH. Mixed 12.1\0a. m.; Express, 1.28 p. m.; Express 8.18p mm. MORPHY & CARTHFW, PARRISTEFS, SCLICITCFS &C. OTARI PURLIC 4 COMMISSIONERS, ONEY TO Loe J. M. CanTHew. H. B. Morery. ARLING & BLEWETT, BARRIS. J. L DARLING, F. R. BLEWETT ABEE & GEARING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors for the Merchants Hank peenariee Public. Staatrony, Ont Money to J. P. Magee. F. W. Gearina HOMAS. FULLARTON, 'NEWRY Ineuerof Marrt SF pgint Licenses, Com ortgages, lexses on reasonable nt., missionerin B, eas $11 conveyancin rms. Mo "done = DINGHAN, M. D., ADU- f Queen's Univeraity ; ape of College of phy sictans. Hurgeone, Ont. Physician, Surgepa sea Acooucbeur, JMice and residence-- pins Street east Us J FOSTER, DEWwTiIst. one over Fiemmings Tetiorlog Establish MAIN 8ST. LISTOWEL. M.BRUCE, L.D.S..DE TIAT, uses Vitalteed air Nitrous Gade G . for painiess oxtract!.. ce in old arane Bear Thompson tres, eanene Entrance, Ma . Residence 15 Penelope St, Listowel WOUNTY OF PERTH.--THE Wak- DEN wilit riety ob rd Great aod 'hird Tuesday ip eae rk wil h Dice on Tuesday Wedoesday, vesany oni and Ssavarday of each w week. wit. DAVIDBOR. Copnty Clerk. Ps om nto mare' enMce Mtr The Oldest Established GROCERY TOWN i868 JAS. ARMSTRONG'S Whose 21 yearsezperience as wearnerret ening yine to koow the of the Reon of ei and peigt - (ud a 8 Lia frea ecan give bis custo proere & mot batter value ir epee money 'nowany other retal! beuse ip the trade In TEAS, COFFEES and8UGARS, I ba ne bb ---- justiry then Anes we other Groe and Provialons. Ca pine. 'ne meal, ear ato rm ode. "Buckwheat A wellselected stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, always to ue found atmy aid for Butter and Egg inda: of roduce . AS MBTRONG Highest price potatoes and al! Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment of Al Kinds of Furniture, ver worth may have g any part of Elma township free of cost. UNDERTAKING Fiast-Ciass attended to at any time. Furnnure Se in connection. Rooms opposite the P. © Saeuiific "american ota $250,000} DIRECTORS JOHN STUART, PResroext: A. G. RASIRAY. Vice-Paes. ROCTOR,. GE JOHN FROCTO ORGE ROACH A.T. WOOD, CHAS. GURNEY, LEE (Toronto. 90 AAVINGH BARR --Deposits of $1 and d interest allowed from SPECTA pron ITR also received at cur- rent rates of in DRAFTS on Great Aritein andthe United puates bog anes aud sold, Collectiona made rm b favorabie 0. 8, CLARKE, Ag M4, ent Listowel PRIVATE MONEYS sae ama rl tof Private Wands to Laat 2 Fa rm Secarit: cnteregt ane fyeusiye savanenes rus eto ty oF aif valae of securt Appl 'an L. DARLING, Barrister, OMce over Scott's Bank, Waliace St, Lis towel 30 Insurance and Loan Agency. M. BRICKER. AGENT FOR THE $ ' Dominion INSURANCE Co. OF WATERLOO; He Canada ACCIDENT INS. Co- MOoONBY TO LOAN On the moat favorable terms, OF FICE- Ne, 1) Main St. dour to (he Hanner office. R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY, ONT, Listowel, next it AGENT FOR THE London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY -ALSO-- MONEV TO LOAN to any sume sie $2 aod npwares atalow ale of Interest Convey ansine ot ali 4 scriptions done op reasonabie ter LISTOWEL. MARBLE WORKS ROBERT T. KEMP, AMERICAN and FOREIGN MARBL qnasire HE TONES MON "e ENTS and FURNITURE TOPS. or Bajiding Also COT Parposes. FORDWICH LIME KILNS. ae J. SOTHERN, Proorietor. ang) Freeh Lime always om band, srd de- versa to a oe » Aborleat Doltcs. Or- ere sept th ove address by postal ardor jiberwiie "will recalve P Prompt at- teotins as this I'me has given the beat patiotnstion . Tent at the Queen's Hotel, Listowel, will reneiye prompt BOTEN FOR SALE EXCHANGE. ~ koown as haa HOUSE Ie ts Town of 'Webes JAR MANNELL. 5 eremont House, 168 Yonge St. Toroate" FARM FOR SALE. -- 9 --= to the 4th Concession of the Town- ship of Wallace, About 70 scree oleare d. Frage baro and hewn log house, For parti- culars apply K. MARTIN, Lasiowe. VIGOR o- MEN Sh Ry, Pema See. ts of overwork, sickness, klandapny strength, fal i! i Ripans Tabales purify the blood. ---; R |: fF F A CLEVER RUSE. MRS. MARY J. PRICKETT. At the breakfast table, one fine morning in June, Mr. Allerton turned to his son an 'John, if y will boe t be weeds out of the little Cte, this morning. you any 8 '0 fishing as soon as b _ is don Notbing could have pleased Juhn ¢ was a sturdy fad, faithfal worker, but ont for bim that were almost irresist- The in whic yorted = grate and baltheads, that te s dreams aimosily 0 iste a grove from his ee Couch; thet wee both wide and deep, Immediately after breakfast to work with a will, and in less tha Halt an hour was finished hecalled to his mo! informing her of his -- asked her to prepare a lunch im, so that he might start without eray. His only sister, little six-year-old Mabel, veerkeard this, and, -- out re he was at work, n beg: And don't you know woeqetives and gnats would just chew you right up ?" 'Piease let me go with you Don,' leaded Mabs!. 'I won't make any aad I will walk fast, and I won't get lost,and you wont ae hye gnats and things eat me. * Man me go if you say I may., me go, won't you, This was said in sack a eg J had su rende but you'll be lots of bothe: b, a won't, Don Y claimed, her eyes sparklin T'll be still, and walk fast and Run 'Now you must be r just as John tells you,' said Mrs. Al- she fastened a broad-brim- sle wi you nao.' "Ob won't get leepy, mamma. n al bp Do Don fish and gerd flowers for t have me to sleep I' A-few acum later entered, carrying in bis hand a smail pailful of bait, which he bad gathered while hoe and everything needed, were packed in the = and ready: issing mamma good-bye, set 4 Joba carrying the basket tnd Mabel trudging along by bis side, and chatting away as fast as she cou When they reached the shady banks heartily enjoy their lunch, Mabel sread a newspaper that was in the basket on = grass, and set out the Jobu lost no tim? in n get Ling bie hoo k tnto the water, a mn re gd rd minutes dre over three Scene Mable a Se "his as, tharing bis excitement ae enjoying the sport quite as much a she began to en moments was sound asleep. John pulled a squat of grass, and, it bed ina clean shady to ft, covered ber with the mosquito netting, returned to his fisning. Tim away so fast that it seemed but a few minutes, until the pong shadows and increasing coolness of the breeze warn ned _ that it was time to star homew oe ina w slow bel, "i dont "nea Pig I Pn mun off and le r 'I aint afwaid ! replied the little midget, ord be 'Well, you'd better be 'afraid,' be cause I'm in a burr We must get home before sunset, ur we will get into trouble ! 'Iam coming as fast as Ican. I cannot wun all the ume.' 'Well, if you didn't stop to. pick up every weed you saw, you would get along lots faster.' weeds; they are flowers for mainma'} It was nearly sunset when they reached a turn in the road which led them around a large -- belonging to a neighbor. y, Crossing t this pas- ture a walk of nearly deeeqguen ota over a sandy road, would be In the pasture was a herd cf dairy cows, all quiet, gentl: animals, and it was perfectly safe for any one to cross wheo the bull was not at large. the fence and care- ed across. When someting over haf way, Joho was terrified to see the bull rise up out tance from the be saw that the animal had observed them the moment be arose, Instantly rnest tone, 'Don't word, Mabel, but do just as I tell 7 sii 7 1 glanced up in look on Joba" s re frightened ber ion silence. They as they could ad ge iotensely listening for the first that would indicate that the ball wa was in t. It came before t had gone a hundred ss Sie 7 aeflant bellow, that brought earnest prayer John's white lige abel knew ofits dangerous 'char- ! + in terror, k! replied a ae as he dragged - along as fast as legs 'or and in a very few would be uponthem. Just before was shallow ditch about. twelve ioches deep, As quick as thought, John ---- 'Lie there bounding over about fifty feet, then away for the fence like a deer, with the bull in hot ges s a close call obo threw himself under the fence just as the Ke bed wire: throwing the bull backon brs haunches, e lay gasping feet he ea a od ing off his jacket, he began flaunting it in the face of the now doubly enraged animal, and running along the fence toward the upper end of The a The bull rushed along witb him, bel- lowing so loud and fiercely that "all the cows came galloping after I this way Jobn led them a full quarter of a mile from where Mabel lay, Then, cl mbing to the top of another fence, which here joined that surrounding the pasture, be called to Mabel at the top ot his voice. It wa and she heard him. tiously rose the curly grass, higner and higher,natil she stood uprig 'Run to the fence as fast as youcan ; shouted John. hat was enough. There wasa pat- tering of lintle feet = a wild tossing ot curly locks, and in a moments a lit- ue frightened, white' acod girl rolled -- the fence and into her father's ee. grey had heard the bellow ing of the aod, almost instantly divining ae cane had sent ter bee nd the hired man-across the field to the pasture. all, When they saw the little thing coming flying ite the grass, they were too much Namaz' ed to move or ut- sleeping gitl, then, going inte John's toom, she drew his d upon her bosom and told 'him, as onlya mother can, how proud she was of ber brave boy. THE PARNELLITES DESERT. Redmond and His Men Will No; rollow Giaasto e. THES ven BE IN "OPPOSITION TO THE RNMENT ON ENGLISH QUES sons AS der AS IN THE MATTER OF HOME RUL Dublin, Oct, 10. 9.--Redmond's speech last night in the Rotunda has caused a ndicating clearly that the ae ig no longer support pera as Parneli's prearction is fully on g the Ini ny pare motive than ecessity, o they realized that British inter~ danger lay up home for the anne year At least pi intended to Fp sider English reforms without baving set tled those of Ireland. So soon as the voters of Britain realised _ Ireland ty thie a lane Laat ote gros life-work neo hom: 3 wl "tgeneration or more.) Moreo ad none rule did Gtednoee eet The b of last ses he ary one would un He sai eveo lads! ted that the bul did not give full jastice. Irish members found name of the Irish race that this bill, with its humuliat~ conc ' atcows | follow the government division lob! English question: and prolorged jaw + believed their oppo tunity was at i it opponents and were op un all the dead leader's predictions verified, edmon ates the -- in, the leag addre: "iy oe M. Pee od would minster w hey raising the amnesty Pay evicted questions. Tuk Power or WatuRre.--For every the bea; ill paiore has acure. | ung' vit- tues of ay Pine lies cure coug hoatseness, ee, Dee Wood's Norway soe Syrup represents . Norway Pine and othet pectoral i Price asc veniam' - --__-- << ee eee v pened by a «0 the English a as s The 44 it there - the last stand, yel kalves. of ---- Back Soutar, felled by of beg last defender some e morning of Fan. on t as lined with commem: memorial aesasis In the Swulight of the han two rou th held the hill, bad ridden on in advan all that remuined ot E'phinstone's sixteen walls of Jellalabad- across the plain, caught sight m w anxious taces. very slowly the horseman ¢ was seen to be an Englis Britian Valor. OF THE HEROIC '4478 Foor. no Hill," tor Peemeat the ing the bil! upon handkerchief in token tthe hilimen appe. ared Suddeniy, promptea by ered by ae for foot an ae was made to ice mont 'Treach» of Slowly the prerrigs of the -- her gm and with with their a terntc blow, which half dozen offi ce, were tho d Eyen these were nat suffered to Tarrying at Futtehabad, 1 an attempt to obtain f they srere ser on by the villagers, =F tot the six were slain. a wens alone was left to urge his ex' onward over the "Oe Lie 13, the sentry looking out the dis~ tance ofa solitary mder struggling for- -- to Lech fort. news spread like » who, en he heard thar the aftny iad lett abel bad prophesied that only one r wo escape te tell that the rest were destroyed, started up with th ds re Co u ssen- ger.' Ina m nt the whole rampart ores approa lishman. Rall y pony round the neck, the gamison with a shudder saw bi draw near. er men rode out to help him in. u could gasp as th Iifted bm from the die, was tha Stheved himself to be the tem nant of the army. t was months belore the whole hideous truth was koown, N ull the avengiag army roo froght tts way bythe trail of rain {skeletons to the gates of Cabul, soners and to kindly treated, and guarding with anxious pride the tattered banner that had saved life, It was destined to be once more untarled ead a new 44th, before it was nae midst the bayoacts the --_-- to rest beneath ihe aisles of the vaulting of Alverstocke --Temple the American abe employees ot pe: ¥ ~--v bich they are do The following "pointers ere ma! une 8 the store they say they 1g, and | leave in search ya . --_-- Hints toc Olerks. " accerding to prepared for 'a frm in Missis- that you work in co- peration with your employers, having their mterest at beart. Strive to perform your duties ™ s ene and agreeable ae ott -hold the manuer good Sa and met aa pot want pone hyo manner. will t itis well to find oat the ages of your ind and business, and will seek other places where thelr trade is better appreciated. ployees thu hey are hired sell only, to i other work. Im this they mistake their best interest. Its a pleasure to the proprietor to erks pot only striving well u attractant alty. It ie very peceseary that. this work meee | to bave if done properly you mus take part, and not be afraid of cot a your share. pears arenes tare of the fed, and upon the re- prices of different food factors, The breeding of the pr ecced an im- t consideration. results have been obtained from mating of of longer ied breeds with bos com: sows the country. sows, short in limb and with eeaissmeatee- ing encies, are plentiful. thus crossed upon the progeny develop ia rm. posses: of plenty cs jolene and size, while they are not char, at the same time by the harder scane qualities and the more Tes: a foun ied and long-limbed s. Wi | pigs thus bred, Sleight~ holm Bros.,Humber, obtained the follow- ing valoes 'for the food factors named be - low in making pork in the summer of 1892, viz. gO pe barley, 72 cents per busbel ; and peas,75 ts el, The pork was market- pound. wound more than covered of the ure. A favorite food ration = the above named feeders is barley, er ; shorts, two pars part. These pro eoition by eg These are food tectawe a can easily be produced, or obtained at least im most parts of this province.-- : adian Line Stock journal. Pear Growing, The gro: ee - 'pears is not nearly 80 much carried the farmers as it ould be. Not ah are they delicious eating, bat they generally sell for twice as they can Where the soil roper at- ees, and suitable sticky, a P] 2 Pe » < PB. = ee hme teach eae asked as to ie trees should be planted from twenty to thirty feet apart, according to their a ol growth. [fthey are planed thir! rai a ae wart _ betrw thougtt desirable jas larger trees have spread ont, ones will p prabably have lost their useful S$. rd Queen Victorians ar. wee Victori s sails one of the handsomest Pullm: tear base ever been built. The walla.o of th the 4 The chair which the queen occupies is very large, and faces the en~ gine. Within easy reach of this chair is a silver plate, in which a which,upon pressing, she can summon her different attendants who occupy ano ther part of the carriage. easy chairs occupy a spac partments, besides a magnificent table. The carpet is of velvet pile, and the cur- handles are also o furniture, hangings, etc,, were selected by the queen herseil; and the sal de mbf much as possible the 'white drawing-room' ak Windsor Castle. ust before the train, a pilot engine starts and travels ten miles ahead of the 'train ; between this engine and the train, covering the whole distance travelled, are men provided with band signals and detonators. In addition to deen ora tions, no engine or train is permitted to move in advance of the royal traia for one half-hour before that than thirty mile: half as fast as the fast English expresses tiave The queen pays $30,000 a Ege for the yg = that conveys her and ber suite t and back onher frequent visits to ScoWand. The Contented Oana dia n. hor of 'Sunny Manitoba' says that ty orice al Canadian is arenes @ most unusual bis lot. An oli man who was living with his wife in the poorest shanty on the 'airie, constr of one-inch boards, unplastered withi Racy ose ad was mor ard that by the death of a relative in England he had inberited a large fortune. ¢ information came to him in the im congratue 1 gy 2g fy right, said the Can- adian, but I don't ery Lt = you no © legal ad tser? It 'hey bring the as his bgt wane ir us shall be gied of it, bat must teagt: { I sball not bother! be Marquis o € amusingly anytbing to complain of some time moditatively silent. Ty bis his face brightene!, and be exclaim- es, it aye oe = winter and hot in sum- mer, nay the es me wash myself twice Toa similar question a Scotch woman answere Well, no; : that is--I have the English --bat 1} wud say that the milk is too rich for the children ! The Seal Cateoh: Victoria, B. C., O --The sealing ee of 1893 1s sow w closed, and all the wia fleet are n of be set down at a rae Cry jo Pitener's Castori, at least we so understand them, 'bat that the value ALL MER. Young, old, or ype ge who fnd thassbabtexuerveul: wake aad cabaditer who are bi pein resultin rece again per the followirz ptoms: Mental depression, pre- ceaters age, loss of vitality, loss of emory, bad dreams, of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, aches, and Sede. itching or about the scrotum, tenderness of the scal kk and flabby muscles, desire to sieep, fail ure to be rested by ep, n dullness of h zs | f desire 2 sep for teres excitability of temper, sunken oly 1 framing skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous egg ig t insanity Spring or vital force having lost its bate ery 2 The Queen of Holland, on her hus- --_ ie bonige sn aon ted him with of ue ke a used on ben ot heli: at the o in Ltaly, so heavy that 1 required several Fving men to Carry i was bi ht throne, the king stooped for~ ward to examine it, when, amid the flow- ers, the head of his little daughter owt, to the surprise and- the monarch and the whole court. | --_-- & You Can't get too Much Ot = good -- Fhis 1s emmently the case wi n's Ne ec, and It only costs 35 cents totry bottle at any drug pain in ¢! pores are promptly relieved oY, Polson Nerviline The Steathord Maen m Chance appointed Me tag i " Moderwell be J. A. Mactadden Bedctg receiv wident Benevolent the eka Str neiote the Master the fact was _peoees out Y fr carin; representing the certificate holders, that during 'the life association, some months less an four years, the total receipts a. ed to $45,565 ~ expenses of agement to $13, eS pes A eet that has been oftea tendered i$ Tm AEEED MANDS aod LIPS, cracks Od skin, sores, cuta, wounds apd brulsew are promptly cured by Victoria Carbolic Salye. eee maids of old were not necessarily ol Suse COMBINATION,--There is Cn ee mene ? a S| Obamberiain Reviews the Fohtical Gunes, oe ae ng Ont. nee tuation. excellent Burdock Com in praction Salem. Oct 11. -- or and in my family since 1884, and hold it lai a No.1 oh my list of sanat remedi in, in seninany, said he Y b b B : regarded Jie home sa bill as dead for; 'Ur three S never sting, weaken the present. He wou! agpen & pars wil ate parliament for Ireland, but would No language can map the = of favot any kind of local Scmeiument adeaf mute who steps on a tac ic! Pp safe id not . On THE PLATFORM. -- Public speakers thon, and so wou! and singers are often troubled with sore fe said th a # | throat and hoarseness, and ere eto a reconciliation on the home rule coi severe brenchial attacks,which might be tion betw: | = cured od the ree of Hag: eral-Unionists. ctoral = Balsam-- best declared that there was no poe that ineoat and hoe remedy in the English people would abolish the A pees of lords because i beie failure wise editor wants to know why peo- pass home rule, ast ace within ¢say a man feels his oats' when he ther strict consunaiionsl right in de only feels his rye. eating the measure until the country Dizziness Catsep By Dysprepsia.-- has had a chance to pass upon M iziness is a symptom of dyspepaia. "IT Chamberlain again repeated his former | have used Burdock Blood bl rs fe z Statement in regard to the charge made | ziness, speils, so by the Welsh mbers. uf ; have a/| that [ had to quit work tor a while, The desire to gratify my ambition," he said, | B- B. B. entirely cure 'sj tA becoming prime minister | will seek An sid oa ls ' odo . acme er means than by Si aston s In a diving storm' the aid of Welsh members. ire 'lauvius bord the rains ---------- ee Impo TO WOoRKINGMEN.-- an Unspoiled Pr Prima Donna. Pectin seo anics and jaboring men are liable to sudden accidents and injuries, Annie Louise Carry inher feted and guines, 38 courted pri conan, days 5 a ber well as pees cords, st:ff jomts and iame. maminers at ber father's cid homestead | 2*%*- ail thus troubled we woul af B ie one mort commen Hagyard's 1 Ou, the ashe ran sociably intoa neighbor's kit bani and rel: pe = cure, for out- chen, where a girl of 20 stood ironing: ward and internal @ with the tell-tale marks of tearson het 'The Indiana couple who were married heeks. haps the comin by telephone must not be ---- if pa py agg a erg had strength-| they find their anticipated hea a sfelt desire to escape from ito - her limited life and surroundings. Muss comforted the girl with kind words, rig sh Spavin Liniment removes al- . and finally said: "You are tired, poor } 5! soft or calloused Lumps aad Blem- child, let me iron a while." The git! fe fem horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs] rotested, but he --, sper would lints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,. Sufles have her oun er iro! ai Sore asd Swollen Throat, smoothed and pollaied rs told the girl | Coughs, ets. Save Sso by use of one something of her own life its bard ttle, Wacrafted the most wonderful ips. Whenthe girl took her place at lemist Cure ever known, Warranted " 4 Pp : ei aaa tal sanae i arry said: } by Tobn ees ir. w ing for you,' and the swe voice tbat had thrilled : vast audi : did an veae ny De vac ered bebe er bat filled-the little country kitchen till sb 1 . left the girl comforted and en oar prea Ber Grother's cigars to'give tc some whe found her renless "ad eae eise discuuraged. 7 Jones, of England, has placed at the disposal of the Lord Bishop of Montreal the sum of 5 for the Deservedly Popt Popular te ton a children's. convalescent ospitalin connection with hurch Our readers have no doupt read with | of England in that city, with an ann! interest the despatches almost week! contribution of $1 wards it t aring in this nadian jour. . * gfe ea) nals, regarding cures of a most saities Abe. farther provision of 5 Suan . Ss cl ig natite, wade Dodd's Kidney Pills endowment on the decease of the donor, pills have proven themselve res sone thing aie can say a certain cure for all diseases of the ki ioe fas fianc He belon, EE gat d blood,such as backache,rheuma- | known family. "Grice lode WwW _-- Bright s disease, diabetes, dropsy, : bis name? Maud Sanh. * Baflilo ourier. 'En oquiry amongst local druggists elicits . ihe fact, ihatshey have iyey lee sale, |, RELIEF IN SIX HOURS ~-Distressing and are an infallible cure for-kidney dis. Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved orders in six hours by the 'Great South Ameri» Dodd's Kidney Pills ate mnoufactur can ey Cure," is new remedy is y ufactured 7 by Dr. L. A. Smith' & Co., Toronto, and | 2."eat surprise and delight on account sold everywhere,or by mail on receipt of ita exceeding rompiness in relieving of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for peer be = ne Pisces: 'at a ic inary ag bine male orfemale. It relieves retention of Coo water and pain in passing it almost im-~ Atter Physicians had Yailed, mediately. If you want quick rehef and cure this is your remedy. Sold by John Mr, Mallory, of Mallorytown, | Livingstone, druggist. trom pag beghiett we HAT EX-MEMBER oF PASE Mant tarrh, Her case was under the treat- an hoees righ a much tuted nop of eminent rakiscians in the United it St qc Tr with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have heres ee a si wo months use | tried a great many different kinds ol emcee bad . Pars more benefi- | patent medicines and have been treated cialefecte than all former treatments a number ot eee aor and found no combined. From all dealers or mail , + | benefit from t i recommended post paid, al soc and $1 a bottle, G, T Fulford & C 5 le 0 try South Areca 'Newvine ; lo ullor o., Brockville, Oat. ined a bottle and I t aay T have ° -- found very great relief, # ave- since taken two bottles, and now feel A Little » Girl among Flowers. Met I am entirely free from Indigestion, would strongly fellow sufferers fromthe disease South American Nervine an immediate trial. ae -- cure you, EN E, Trvax, Walkerton, xan TURNED HER INSIDE Our. --A wise doctor was as oname a few of the anne most procuctive to ill- -- ih ak and hs i RBs methane eee with little more intelligence than was dis: played a by tle. thirty drops for an adult, and a_s tor an emetic.' new wanes a infant or an adult,sol thought I must be an metic, and the pesky stuff pet pretty nigh turned me inside out.' A wonderful new combination is R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver aders, pice e¢ and perfectly harmless. Mr. aynard, of Wood- tock, writes as tollows: 'Thank you for -- Foreman BREAKING IT GENTLY.-- of O: hey fur | 'It's sad news quar f, 'Ss , yea, Mrs, McCaharraghty. Y'r busband's | new watch is en. az a foine watch, an' it's si to pieces.' gia and Liver Powders, @ sure Cure every time.