a oe oa? WORLD'S FAIR "XC URSIONS, DIRECT TO CHICAGO. FRIDAY j Single and ; saTurpay, | Fits Class ___ OCTOBER 6 and 7, Fare 18 and 14,) fyy 20 and 21 Bey 27 and 28 ne Mm INCLUSIVE. Ii J. A. HACKING: ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. TICKET AGENT., LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1893. The Strife-Makers en Tour, |; DALTON MUARIHY AND OUL. UBRIBNAT LISTOWSL. bel pare A SMALL GATHERING AND LitT! CARTHY NOTH VERY yacuE RE TARIFF REFORM. Toronto world -- erday morning (Oct. Mr. rrAkos McCarthy took the 8. a0 train for Listowel. He was accompanied by nam unter, to Stratford and These gen ct i nel of the Pa that is tlloing in the ers who w get into the townsbips this fall, and of the Conservative chiefs who subse quently undertook a sideline itinerary d nm the dates of the fall fairs. Mr. E. Douglas Armour was unable to join the combination on account of his ere at the Law School. rst thing we learn about the new saity at this stage in its history 1s the fact that the Head Office is not attracting new.and able men, What- complexion to existence at the chief Strife-Vorker himself, sup- ported on his right by the redoubtable colonel from Muskoka and on his = by the law school professor. Wha' part the school boy orator plays in the to Listowel, They chatted good-natur- vedly and scemed to enjoy themselves as well as any-one else on the train THEY DON'T CREATE A SENSATION. But, to tell the truth, the traveling to open up an autumn campaign amo the tumn yeomanry of the province. The Head Office walked the platfor: at Georgetown and at S:ratford, but no district' agents ap ared on the scene to report progres of Third Party local affairs. The three would command on their way to work a western town. chief of the party was easily distinguishable from the right and left wings by his get-up, the most pronounced feature of which wasanew stvie English tile hat (Pic cadilly,.) Col. O'Brien was jauntily attired in a suit of light tweed, a sligh remove from the Halifax article. Al- among the Stuife- more pronounced than his bite. THE ARRIVAL AT LISTOWEL. pty gesagt at : ae at and at the - J. N. Hay and pet them to me a Hotel, where they bad din PREPARATIONS FOR THE MEETING, Tt appears that the prime mover in getting up the Listowel meets Mr. W. G. H This gutiomat has been ill for the last three weeks and it - 2 os in consequence that the was not worked up as cabaeily 20 it otherwise would have weather was simply immense. _The air pers, as well as tn the Toronto and other Posters unci lal uston- Street station and the Hotel Metropole were still visible on his valise asthe porter carried it to the carriage. As the Chiet was escorted to Carriage he looked every inch an English gentle- man, imported perhaps, but still pos- Setsing in every detail the cut of the genuine article. So the people had an opportunity, nut only of secing - Mr. M soon after bis: return from et was called and held were most | {Os | Liao! isa town of perhaps 3500 surroundi well ccitied Io addition : to all this, cheese makers 49 dhere was a mecting of 4 to judge rom the subdued hat greeted the Head : Office as - it soma an pason platform they hadn't | . Pbowe, took the otts, HM Moss Lang, Bri ton Wiltlam J Freres veiiners David Roy, Wiliam Dixon fl the i N. Hay, J. W. oy all of Listowel. THE-CHAIRMAN WAS A LIBERAL, Mr. J, W. Scott took the chair. was and unable to attend, He himself a a Liberal and be fully endorsed iberal platform as lgid down prin convention in June he was, he admired aman Itke Mr. McCarthy, who had the to a up his which be placed at $48 forevery man, woman and child in the Dominion. Hives duly emphasized the gravity of oO large a ee burden, Mr, Scott pet: his THE COLONEL UNFOLDS THE POLICY. Colunel O'Brien was then called on. He unfolded the planks of the Third Party platform in an hour's speech. First be pointed out the a in the Catholic hierarchy and Gov: tnent's trade policy. Wehaveon the one hand a great ecclesiastical body in- terfering in political matters, and o the other hand a tariff that. is ah as pernicious in its way as') Roman gression 1s along its own nigel oe 4 The 7 of the two parties sin 1867 has been a contest to determine which of them would do the most to a ---- with the men who held the balan wer Twenty-five years of his ele has left the ecclesiastical party which holds that balance still more aggressive than it ever was, With tegard tu the two parties ia this respect there is nota pin to choose between them, There are two ways of having peace. One is to let your enemy plant bis foot on your neck. The other is to let your enemy enjoy the same privileges as you, but to let him know thai beyond that point he will not be permitted to go, The latter is our method. People are enquiring what FS rad seek. in Ontario. ecclesiastical party referred tried to acclimatize their lan- guage" and religion in our Public schouls in the eastern part of the pro- vince, and that, too, under the nose of that True Blue Presbyterian, Sir Oliver Mowat. Another reason that the speaker cited as a cause for their complaints was the action of the Government in regard tothe Manitoba school case. He charged the Government with en this conspiracy Sir John Thompson was d and Clarke Wallace the tail. The speaker blamed the Government foe using the public funds in defending the cause of the Manitoba minority, in the ca: y ment proved its ees know.) sige and intention to interfer speaker said he thoroughly believed 'Me Tarte as againet Archbishop Tache. LAURIER HIT WITHOUT GLOVES, be Culonel went for Laurier t to in re was only one course for Laurier to take on question, and that course was bal side of provincial rights. He a card in his hands, but be played it ba Aikoiog to the Government's trade e Coio said the National bh turers know whetber busi ey could cnet their ness profitably in orpot, And in addition to this there existed a com- up prices to the highest point. chasm par ints the mch manufacturer workman was getting 80 wide that one is almost compelled to pray that the farmer may be crushed out of ge coll Ia conclu the Colonel --_ little aot, aod with a geno of the nell arm he iained he ve before Su Jol he "Thom e de- fined bimsetf "ig an i nden + Com servative, not submitting to "A dic tation of either party. A WOULD BE CICERO SHOOTS OFF, t. A. T. seat then came on the joolboy a5 a to abe. gpd ran of follow up bis charges Sols ene ares, Asa speaker he charged Sit Jolin T! son fall of bet wo self in Bhegg words. Referring to peapcmaaged oat Paapidrgent gta ofa ad ax teaee jans wogid endure, bere tics that seemed to give Mr. "Scott the | Parties ab olately and completely oa principle with regard to dual language in Breatest concern was the public debt, | i,. Nonhwest me to to the 3 Manitoba school The] other me questio ber of these issues has the! leader oF eer party ever otfered any serienenee with the --- er's cocci in regard to ompson. a rz are trying to hoodwink and deceive the electors. Coming to the 7 arene Mr. Mc- i baps of more mat- than ihe ay question, but sbeclarely, it was of less what protection was, a the bonusing that municipal councils of- ten r on manufactures locating witbin their limits. When the National tended mtinue as a boy that start, and t the supports sho was claimed thatthe National Policy was market for aking people pay more forthe go they purchased, for their agricultural implements, binde: twi id He instanced the S asa sbiningex ampie of the banetul effects of protection Mr. McCarth jon did protection. In koving the cost of aaa this excessive cost mast ded to the taxes actually collected. These two added together gave the total x the people had to bear under protect- My views = the trade ge don't differ very uch from of Mr. Laurer, bat thers is one achat t ebereia w red to I am not going to stop at natural products, Whatever the Ameni- cans will give us reciprocity in I say ditto to Canada." If tbe Amery vernment Say agricultural implements, let Canada say agncultural implements,and the same his work in Parhament next session By hat time you will a o say whether the manofactorer fa isto be on op. The wat election is going to turn on the fa The pr ended three cheers for the Qesen and setae AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. 'THE OLOSING GREAT DAYS. A Wonderful Show of Ontano Fruit. ALL OTHER EXHIBITS FAIRLY PARALYZ- EXHIBIT THAT OPENS THE EYES OF THE GREAT AMERICANS-- THE BIG CHEESE aND ALL T LITTLE CHEESES--ONTARIO CHICK~ ENS. D--A star ede Fair, Jockwe Park, Chicago, Oct. 14---Chicago og --_ its marvel- lous a 'milion o people, its peretien page~ works and attractions the White City. Secpeing next, "On 21, has been ser Manhat day, when the citizens of expected come en marchin close, when the turn- stiles will click vo longer to the entrance ors, and wh would seem ture e¢ tropics ; = hour after a damp, fog, cold, wiod with indications of snow. Still post di at re t are - it 1s pot like! the gautin wi fall id with every prospect ct ex~ ber. "Foe ition will be officially closed Oct. 31, bat the will in open ti as 'aal tion will not HEE Ss oS = to tar, leaving me quite deaf. Saeraeton Ot polars oe and cold gilt send li i i 2 ng aT Fe¥E and , In jams" le me, mm sleep ewe Kee! ee 2aF was proud of the con tonger testimony cou! keeping quality of the checse cox ing province of the 'he judging of the =e bine tes been gor; sees this -- and is not yet 00 $000 to give any particulars, bot [ ~ able to say that the cheese of 1892 sco' hb, and that those of 1893 wil likely be away ap also. The stock barna,which have resounded toa medley of sounds for the past two months, are now in possession, for the most part,of fowls of high and low degree. The Ontario contingent, consisting - fuls to- in under the charge Pos Allen at well known as one the @¢ poultry fanciers of the province, and well qualified for the position, carload of thoroughbred and trot~ ses, fat cattle and sbeep have aiso pear in. their several ve a good acc:ant re jad ting hor arrived and w towards a building anew the ou > of all a Williams' Medicine Report Aid month of Septemhér. Saeras in Poort of Ed. Hemsworth been re-engaged wo teach the sSew'ee the 8th con, ata talary of $350 . JL. Mader hes received a $1 050 from the I Sepreme Court, imsarance.om the life of the late Wm Howes, who a T ofthe order. Joho BL Hamil 8th cow., 2, Ejma, for the Burnetx. W. Samoei S) ris, Erbe] Barnett, Jane Cullen, Horace Welsh, jie Cleland All the wedding party were assembied at the registrar's, The egroom alone was missing. At last he put im a belated appearance. He was a hale old gentie- of seventy. 'Anot time ," said the registrar, 'come a bit agaid Kirby Stone. '1 hate mention it dear, Seot'T rank cll pou thet banineae hes io been awfully poor lately. If you = condition of the blood, or from an impair- of the nervo tem such as loss aickne: omotor me iysioalus, eu are also a specific forthe tious pecucar to the i system, cc ar -e re ols ser gl oe sions and male kress, od ani res! rating the glow o healib *< pair 203 sail.w cheeks. Tn the Case cy meu srey © ef ¢ in all % ae siae t worry, overwork Crexcess¢ ah 2S These pills are no" a pargs ivr one ia They contain oniy lue-gevits o> der et, and nothing that could imjars ta cs delicate system. Dr, Wiltiams' Pink Pills are s° a in boxes bearing the firm's trade mars and wrapper, (printed tn red ink car ia mind that Dr. Williams' Pra a0) are never sold in bulk, or by the duzen o: boo and aler who cffers substitutes 0 ier form is trying to de fraud you and should be avoided. Ask your dealers Bi) De. Williams' Pink Piils tor Pale Pocphe and refuse all imitations and substit Williams' Pink Pilla may be had | druggists or direct mail from ich breeders were 'represen Company from fe improved - Yorkshire, and | either address, at 50 cents a box, or six Tamworth In the former ad beset for .s0 The price at which animal, owned by Josepn these pills are sold make a course of iO Feemernt Springfield-on the-Credit, was a & prize nee. while io - Yorkshires gentlem. id Breth Burford, bad "- Bld pretty moch to them: T Meiers. John Bell, of Auabe , and James petra . Tkedlord, took the lion's share | of the . The chan and swine were all shipped home this except such as were alker, " er, Jobn McGillwary, IL. G. m. Oliver, Jab 'Cana be! Son, Peter Arkell, R ckson--i0 all 9 arranged for the shipment of Thos. ison, the celebrated elec- exceedingly interested court, ly pleased to Superintendent pa who merece about. ; = hp with = exhibit " 'Plstioom, which be uses a very large quantity. He pre- dicts a great tuture atario a8 a miniag country Cc. W. Youns. & LAEBPORT MIRACLE An ecedenos an Yew Oould Pass Through and Survive. neater DOWN BY | CONGESTION OF THE D LA GRIPPE-- WEARY FrERIN = on the shore of Lake Ontario, two halt miles from the es, but Her attention was Gaally directed to Dr, ¥e liams' Piok Pulls tor Pale and | 9c ang rh All went to United States breeders | *¢conded by mond, io the in be autho! Geen ten- | repairing, grave . Code $3,000 each be -- Carried. --Carried. seconde clerk be ---- to pore the a ead bel pier reel the w. om plained repor cil the proper course of said water-- Carried r. Roth a . seconded by Mr. tha whole bridge 5 Cc. HL culvert T. L treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared wi Cal treatment remedies or medi- th other ELMA. COUNCIL.--The Municipal! one of _ Tp ot Elma met in the y . & Mr Rothwell that the ran 5 --e pe on kt 'as follow. in . Forrest the widat, T. Kitchen Vallance the elder, in the sum of ove -- that the Reave company the Eoginee | final imapention of the Wilso: oved by Mr, Dicktons dby Mr. Hammond, that ry of by J. Mctutyre and mane { ab next meeting of coun~ Tughen, that the cierk rized to nowfy Messrs. M and Hiles that ' question of the 14th con. dra Moved '. Hamented, sey + Rothwell, that the cler tc elson 10.20, gravel; MerryGeld $15. a. amber, =r $3.75 culver: con. 18; J. Kei ; 7. 55-40, $10 80, gravel; A, Aikens hm and idine etavel me St oe award sain Hart and Riddel 75c, jurors fist ; Smith $1, ocak on gravel $ Sree W. L. Holmes $1, vert ; $34, bariding con. 8 ; L. Lucas $1.50 for umber and repairmg bridge con. tation- gr'l Han, ss cra | old shop-worn goods pol: dear, I shall = NERVINE iE TONIC Stomach#Liver r Cure os See, ecient ' This wonderful Nervine Toniéi has only recently been introduced into this ey, Be cocg manufacturers of the Great South Ameri Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has been known by s few of the most learned Lela er who have Beg rong its merits and value to the knowledge of th pu This medicine has ernpe solved the problem of the cure'of rap gestion, By fe mown and diseases of the stem. ales of the greatest val ani ts great curative powers upon the digestive organs, iver and the bo '0 preaeelf boncaqeriy with this wonderfully a Nervine Tonic as a builder and ener of the life fo e human bod and cure of diseases of the oe than any consumptior remedy ever abo on this continent. a marvelous cure for nerv- ousness of females of ali ages. Ladi wh ing the critical period as change in 2 life, should not fail to use this great N. known Tome, almost ¢ space of two or three years. It will » carry them safely over the This tive is of ble value to the aged and infirm, its energizing properties i eee eee ee Sees of SRY OF Sie who will use a half dozen each year. bottles of the When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. . LISTOWEL MARKETS, Oct. 12, Wheat, o! jard..... sa & Wheat, new, - SB 8 Barley, = " Oats, a Peas, so 51 Hay por ton 600 700 Bran, do 1303 Shorta, do wo Flour, per 100 ibe 175 BS Ostmea!l do 300 Cornmeal do 250 25" Butter per Ib mu 2 per dos. nu oS per bag .. eo 6% Hildes per 100 ive, 350 406 Sherpekioa, @o 10 'Wool per Ib, 3 2 Wood, len, + 3 350 Wood, short, . 17% 328 Dressed Hoga, 000 0 0 . 1898 tat wheat, per det bash Prd ring a Barley, per) babel eee us» #0 Pena, SS s a 62 70 «73 a2 3 16 8 Our per barrel. 399 360 Tiscamets Hoge 7o 7m uv » wee waaons ; Ost, 15, 1803, sem Ss 3 o 45 4 & . a bb 1 ie D> 2. dos, - wn & ry » & Fr -rre x 28 3% Dry "gs " 7 810 BREAD. In no ether ti emch of Manu- facture has science done so much ag has been done in tue Bread business. Our bread is made on the most scientific principles,ensuring our patrons health and economy. We make a specialty of WEDDING CAKES. No occasion to send away to outside towns for anything in the above line. Call and give use trial. J. McCORMICE. i acne TO CREDITORS. N THE ESTATE incest Graseer late othe init) of bag el in the County of SOFICE ie hereby ven puremant to the Statute! arty Nagel Dersons har- ing clalma be estate of the said nd oT Grasse are required on or IST DAY OF NOVEMBER, '93 delivered to Messrs, Morphy a Santee eases for Lhe undersigned the attheir office partioularsof their and )held by theas raed alee Nbet after the said date the said Executo: ore tg distribute me -- ue ving re- 4 clatmeot whieh ti they may pone oD thatt mee ne sald jee, fore wil ao ee te fereoy! for tb not 'the t Listowel this é&th, day of October Witt 4M KOEING Poneee FILTSINGER, ACOB BEBU ao y MURPHY 4 CARTHEW, Their Solicitors. M. M'D. FLEMING Fire ! Fire ! Fire ! Fire those old shoes away and buy a new pair, at Flem- ing's. New Tan Shoes "{ execators. for Women, Menand Children, in all the latest Shades and Styles, at prices that defy com- petition, all new--no up to sell, TRUNKS AND VALISES: Are you going ' the North- West ? Do you want a trunk ?| di We have a new Stock just in, which will be sold at a trifle above cost. Don't forget the place. MAIN ST. BRIDGE, ished | [CK, I have it, TS'WGREAT RE ' cH Nervousness, Broken Constitution, ervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, Nervous Headache, Indigestion and . e, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, female Weakness, of -- -- in Stomach, bt a -- Fright fel 'ar is, t ervous Dizziness and Rin Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities and ainting, Impure and ee Bl Boils _ Carbunc' ome Scroi t Flashes, sipitadion 2 of the seat, fental oe Sleepless: t. Vitus" Dance, Nervousness of Females, Seothions Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, e Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of th veuralgia, i ains in the Heart, 'ains in the Back, iarrha: ailing Health, te and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of 1 Infan All these and many other hessag ome cured this wonderful Ne NERVOUS DISEASES. class no has been ult, @ starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of _ is soe and a thousand weaknesses ts disap ver, As the nervous system ay supply all the power b which th the vital forces of the body are carri it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition, O tain a sufficicnt quantity of the tability to the cure Cuawrorpsrtiie, Inv., Ang. 20, "8. To the Great South American Medicine Ca.: eaye; * Deak Guxre:--I desire to say to you that Rave aaliared Soe many yeare With rete earioee three years from wi of the Soeeee ot eee ronan oat. am I Stomach, aod Indigestion, until my medicine I could hear bealth was gove. I had SF 222 reas Ofeinn American Neevine Tune | Santly relief, I bought one beetle of and Stomach and Liver Cure. and stnce using | SOUth American Nervine, which dose me more several botties of it I mast say lam eur- | Rood any $30 worth ot dortortag Ll ever than ~ | did tn my Ite, ou would | 28 to ues this valuable and lovely remedy ; & ry few bottles of It has cured me completely. I H z k 5 i Fi | A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR rhiceenie CRA wae Inp., June 2, aMicted with St. Vitus' ees th Am My daughter, staves years old, was severel tiles of Sou or Chores. r three and one-half erican vine and she is Somaple! ly resto! I believe it will cure every case of St Vitus' Dance. I have "A it 2 my family for two years, am sui the greatest remedy in the world for In Fore and spepsia, and for al! forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from whatever -- State of Indiana, Montgomery Babecri! bed and 'sworn to before me this June 2, 1887. Cras. W. WaicHT, Notary Public INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Which we now offer yee is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever satel for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast Sain of ymptoms and horrors which are the result of dise: of the human stomach. "No person can afford to pass by > this jewel of iol culable value who is affected ay disease of ai sto ex perience and testimony of many go to pro ONLY pot great cure in the world for this auieeced) destroyer. is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. Mas. Evra A. Baatrox, of New Ross. Indiana gone, ara bi apr and wpitting iood: am sure I was in the firet stage onl Peonhengee tmeeey a tans handed skins rough several x ogee cane Nervine Tonic, Errand \ Contiontd ee to, ble to the entirely cured. | perves, stomach a2: cured ee sacien j about six months, and am {t is the best medicine io the world. mene ie roenedy 07 too highly." compares with RactTe Ascmacan Nemviw or the ¥ oe marta! Nervine os 8 wondrous Cure for re lor the ot fomack. A of fallin, yet care. (rank guess bing 2 your pe aad ta choons a beauty wpe pe your pad quickly drive away your Large I6 ounce Bottle, $1.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. Sold i# Listowel by J. Livingstone, Druggist. -3f You Want. OU. WANT the VERY BEST TEA for the money, I have it. IF YOU. WANT the CHEAPEST DINNER SETS in town, I have them. IF YOU WANT eis BUTSER RIGHT OFF THE Ps IF YOU WANT one of those beautiful FIVE DOL. LAR PICTURES in my window, you can have your choice pa nothing, when your cash purchases amount to thirty ollars. Positively we don't charge one cent tor the picture. CALL AND SEE THEM M. McD. FLEMING R. Hutchison.