. Ld IN A FEW DAYS we will open ae a new stock 4 ie) TOYS, DOLLS, AND CHRISTMAS GOODS. ALL CHEAP. ~~ WALL PAPERS A lot of nice patterns left that we will sell off cheap to make room for new stock, J. LIVINGSTONE, Jr, SSE==----= LISTOWEL STANDARD.| x FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1893. Tuurspay next, 231d inst, will be Thanksgiving day. Miss Tweence, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Scott, Idilwyld. Mr. Matonsy, deputy Post Office inepector, Stratford ti was in town yesterday: Miss F, Grant of London has been the guest of Mrs. Magahy, Wallace street, duting the past week. Miss CLARA RoTHWELt, yocalist, is home from Toronto,taking a holiday from her musical engagements. Girt WANTED.--For general house- work: Apply to Mrs. Hawkins, Mc Dowell street. Mr. WittiAm ALEXANDER, Pubile School Inspector, has been paying the Listowel school an 'official visit this week, Mrs. Freeman, wife of Capt." F. Freeman of the Salvation Army, who has been ill for some weeks, dicd yester- day morning. Mr. Nat. PURCELL, jr., has returned -to town from Regina, N. W. T., where he has been working at bis trade during the past sunimer. Boy WANTED--To iting. Apply at once to Listowel Marble Works. 'Tue railways announce a fare anda third rate to all points on Thanksgiv ing day and the day previous, good to return on the 24th. THE Sunday School in connection with the United Brethren church will hold their annual Christmas entertain- ment on Christmas night. learn the marble T. Kemp Miss Exiza Goupon, graduate of the Listowel High School, has secured the school in section No 8, Wellesicy, for the ensuing year. There were applicants. S A Prouisition Convention will be held in Milverton on Friday next, 24th inst.,at 1 o'clock, for orginization for the plebiscite campaign. All friends of temperance are invited. Gerorce Forp of this town, graduafe of the Listowel High School and n a student of the Stratford mode! school, -- --m-- mamma mn tmmmbnoe mb the "Fiarpony school for 1894. Mr. Gritts, who has been living in town since disposing of his farm in the 3rd concession of Wallace, has bought Mr. Samuel Good's farm on the 4th, containing 120 acres, for $6,000. in. advance will = secure STANDARD from now u tat Jan., 1895. Subscribe atonce and get the benefit of this offer. Mr. Newt. Livincstone, manager of the Georgetown branch of the Bank of Hamilton, spent Sunday in town visit- ing his father, Mr. John Livingstone, sen., and brothers John and Robert. Mr. Joun Dencan and wife, of Atlanta, Georgia, have been spending a week in towm, renewing old acquain- were Street Mr. Gro. Karces has sold histwo Story brick. cottage on Elma street to Mr. Wm. Legge, father of Mr. Henry Lesite, live stock dealer; who is retiring from farming and will remove to town shortly. Tue brick-work of the new foundry is almost finished, With tin shingles, giving it a . rather striking appearance. R. Hutchison will pay cash for any amount of eggs. Mr. A. S. Foster, editor of the Oak- ville Star, who has been enjoying a fortnight's holidays, gave us a friendly becn here, an was not a little surprised to find Listo- wel such a substantial and progressive town. receive taxes for this year, O 12th, 13th and 14th Dec, he will be at the town hall, Mr. Jas. Perrin has ecovered from his injuries and is attending to his busi- ness again. During the four wecks that he was Jaid up he drew $72, bring $15 a week from an accident insurance company, and a week from the L0.0.F, He is convinced that it pays to carry an accident policy. Tue holy communion was celebrat A REPORT comes from Elmira to the effect that while a party of Elmira sports were out rabbit hunting the other day one of the party, named Henry Mogk, accidentally discharged his gun, shoot- ing a comrade, Caristmann,in had ac in is own if baving been er gene ofa barber shop and billiard hall here for some time. His friends in town hope that the acci Gent is not as bad as reported. on as other arrangements are com pleted the date will be definitely an. jounced, together with a list those who will take part, Britisu Matvs.-- On and after the 23rd inst the British mails for despatch from Halifax every Saturday, will close at the Hamilton post office at 4 30 p. m., and at the Toronto post office at 7 Pp, m., every Thursday, during the com- ing winter season. Letters leaving Lis- towel will have to be posted not later than Wednesday evening. Listowrt has been filling up so rapidly lately that there is scarcely a vacant house left in town, and en- quiries are being made almost daily for houses to rent. This is an en- couraging sign and indicates that Listowel is fast regaining its reputation of being one of the liveliest and most progressive towns in Western Ontario. THe hunting party who left here for Muskoka about a fortnight ago have returned home, and report a scarcity of deerin the northern woods this fall. essrs. W. J. Hay and James Hannah H said to have caused the poor success. Mr. Wa. Wicks, formerly of this town, who is carrying on an undertak- serious accident last week. He was thrown e ground by the upsetting of his hearse, an was picked up unconscious. Though badly bruised, no bones were broken, and he is now on a fair way to recovery, one day Methodist church Sunday School Sunday next, morning i the ; will be assisted by Miss McDowell, Miss Bolton and others. The concert will ven om the even- be taken at the door in aid of schoc! fund. CANADIANS are returning from the ULS. in scores, there being scarcely a day lately that a consignment of set« tlers' effects has not arrived at this out port, and the same is the case at most of the customs ports throughout the Dominion, It is evident that a hard wintér is looked for on the other side, and those Canadians who can do so are glad to get back to their own country which fortunately is not sufferiag from financial depression. A THANKSGIVING Day Services.--A Union Thanksgiving Service will be held in Knox Church on Thursday morning next,' 23rd inst., commencing at t1 o'clock, Rev. Dr. Willoughby of the Methodist church will preach the sermon, A. specially 'attractive fcature of the service will be the music, which will be provided by a united choir from the different churches of the town, The collection will be for the benefit of the poor. THE merry sleighbells were jingling Wednesday and yesterday, fully eight inches of snow having fallen during the genuine winter storm of Wednesday summer SeaPER AY tb PABW eer et has come to stay, anda few days wil probably see the ground bare again. Winter rarely sets in in November. THE announcement of the Liquid- ation sale of Messrs Carson and McKee, which will be found in our columns this week, will no doubt be a great sur. prise toevery one,as this solid firm have #0 long stood lealing squarely have established a successful business, having disposed to should there be w our ¢ e extra inducements else THE Worto's Fatr at ListowEL:--- Chicago is not In it ; and you had better make haste and + the cheapest, the best holiday stock that has ever been shown in Lis- towel; yes the World's Fair at Goldsmith's sion fee. Seats free. very handsome, increased accommoda tion. " ur store, your agency, your money invested to the best advantage. Profite returned. from all parte of the world, to be wold at wholesale prices. First come served. J. H.GUNTHER, watch specialist. "Ra Herald of Wednesday : day morning James McDonald rly yester- Caven, iniand revenue of this city, passed peacefully away at his father's resi e crman street, at the age of 26 years. The deceased was a youn man of many good qualities and greatly liked by his numerous friends. He had filled the position of excis successively .at Stratford, Waterloo, Palmerston, and for nearly a year past at Listowel, until his final illness, which necessitated his removal home six weeks ago.' Peculiar sympathy will be felt for his réspectable father and family who are thus called upon to- suffer another severe bereavement." .A num- ber of Listowel friends went down to Stratford yesterday to attend the funeral, East Huron Conservatives.--A el, j and _| despatch from Brussels on the 14th inst. says : The East Riding of Huron Conservative Association held their meeting in the-Town hall here to-day to nominate their representative for the Local Legislature. There was a good representation of delegates © present, fter the usual routine business was transacted the election of a candidate was taken up. The unanimous choice wns Mr. E. L Dickinson, barrister, of Wingham. He was the solid choice of the convention, Mr, Marter, M. P.P., of Muskoka, was in attendance. Some strong speeches were made by Mr. T. Farrow,, ex-M.P:, Mr. Marter, MP. P., Mr. B. . Temperance was fully taken up. as well as. the other incial issues. The meeting was very cam, which resulted in avictory for the home team by one goal to none. This is the first time the Milverton have been our boys have doing it. One would judge from the score that the playing was very even, but such was not the case,as our boys outplayed their oppon- lock were unable In reporting on the ame the Milverton correspondent to the Stratford Herald claims that their boys had to play three forward Marl- boros: such is not the case as the Mari- bores have not lined up since they play- ed Galt on July r4th. The following were the players ; Listowel--Mitchell, goal, R. Hacking, R. Cook, backs J. W. Treleaven, G. Wilson, J. Mc- Cutchison, half backs. J, Anderson, F. Large, right wing: Grant Anderson, centre. P. Wilson, W. H, Climie, left wing. Milverton--J, Woods, goal. H. Curtis, C. Heipel, backs. F, Turnbull, J. F. Little, A. Turnbull, half backs. A. Knox, Bundscho, right wing. Wilson, centre. S. Grosch, S. Gray, ing business in Walkerton, met with a| po s sessca ip a assimilating native first DeatH oF James Caven.--Stratford | o» - | on Sunday,one of the party took it g Accordingly PTO- } bibitors, and left wing. THE ~~ "WitNess.""--The----Montreal Witness i now offering the remainder of the present year free to new subscribers for next year as an encouragement to give that valuable paper a trial. e Wits Ess, both WEEKLY and Daly, has, uring the year, adopted what it declares the model form, with neat, small canvenient pages, being enabled by the at two places, on rolls quired, and the newspapers come at lightoing speed folded, pasted and cut, Besides the improvements in form, there is a remarkable improvement in typo by the won- paper. as move busiest corner in Mogtreal, the junction of Bleury and St YPeter Streets with Craig Street, and has a spacious building there which is in some respects as fine easis anywhere to WITNESS one dollar, pioneer paper, the MESSENGER, costs only thirty cents. A Listowec Boy's Success--We are pleased to notice int le Century Maga- zine for November a full page engrav- cing a reproduction of an vil itled orni artist is a native of this town, and was a son of Mr. Walker, builder and con- tractor, who resided here during the town's earlier days. In the Century's etters, under che heading "American Artists Series," the follow- ing notice of the msing young Cana- dian artist appears: 'Horatio Walker was born in Listowel, Canada, thirty- five years ago, His initial step in art was In miniature painting in the studio of J, A. Fraser. Later he came to New York, where 'by dint of inborn talent and careful and conscientious study of the best available examples of art, he has earned for himself a creditable position in the ranks of American artists. Hehasa delicate color-sense, {s a fair draftsman, and besides his own veracious observation of nature, . Li ESSA boin torkign ana ait. The painting, an engraving of which appears on page 46, was ex- hibited inthe rooms of the Society of American Artists in the Spring of 893." NEARLY Fire. --On Saturday morning last Mrs. Joseph Marks, Di- vision street, left her two little children, aged three and one and-balf years res-" pectively, alone in the house while she came down to see the dentist, A fire A the eldest little girl managed to open the stove and put some live coals on the bed in an adjoining room. The bed clothing quickly ignited and the house filled smoke. time in making an entry into the house and removing the children, who were almost suffocated with smoke. 'The bed-clothing was al e by this time, but with the assistance of other neighbors the flames were extinguished with pails of water before the fire had oO . . The bedding was the bedstead badly charred. The fire brigade was called their services were not re- Had the fire not been dis- few minutes Jater the little ones would doubtless have been suffocated, if not burned. Mrs. Marks, who was badly frightened, will not trust her children alone in the house again, at leasc until they are somewhat older. Mr. Marks was working in the country at the time. "ON THE WAR PATH.--The hunting returued from Muskoka urin their expedition. While laying off bunting into bis head to attire himself as an indian and give e Ss ae littl he decked skios and war paint, and with a big companions, s Lo knife around commenced élinging his somewhat dangerously there was a 3 1 ped g the lesser eB. The fun, however, quickly came to an end, as witha yell which would have red that Mr. B. [. ha made an ugly gash in his posteriors with the knife which he handled so reckless» ly.- Luckily the some court plaster in the kit of the party, and the wound wasdressed. It is need to say that "Waupetag," as his fellowhunte- men h tri 4 hi ,did t play big the trip, How to "strike home" c the editor's pants, One breeder is home. sold a ram for $100. ents at every point, but through hard | American oes | 89 lubed, bas ; known institutions. as the library of the British and parliamentary libra~ ries at Westminister, the Congressional libraries and the m: orders for the Star «Almanac are eporm- Thus far in November London has been without fog, though this month is usually the worst for fogs. It is said the coal strikes in England have caused a loss to the railways of $9,+ 000,000 the past 17 weeks. J Forrest, a highly-respected | farmer of North sthope, was found dead in his bed, on Wednesday morning, | Controllera Clarke Wallace aad John . We hi returned to Ottawa fro: the farmers there are pretty unanimous for retaining the duty on agricultaral pro- TOWN TAXES. The Collector:wi!! be at hia office in Buck' Furniture Store, Wallace Street, on Wednesdays and Saturdays | up to the lth of December next, to receiv taxes for the voar 1m. Wi'l be at Town Hall on the r. Taxpayers will please remember the d a govern themeelves accordingly. b DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FORSALE. As Mr, Geoorge Hess is about removing Stratford, hia residence, co! Witt be 0 GEO. HESS. FARM FOR SALE. $5,009 will bny ene of the best 100 acre farme in the Township of Wallace, conven: lent to school, chorches, post office, cheese factory, aud five miles from Listowel, which in the beat ch arket in Ootario, The newine improvements are on the place, vig:= arge } ank barn with atone stabling and large stone Cellar aftached; one sheep ae, one bone pig of cedar swam spring in pasture, Abs: wheat, and ploughing mostly done, NC MOLLET, "0 lot 6, con, 3, Wallace, near Wallace P.O FARM FOR SALE. °. i0 acres under cultivation ; bulldings--brick bouse, bank barn and driy- arden fru! mix utiles from Bravselw WII be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to ROBERT WALLAC Wa On the prenilses or Ethel P.O LIME FOR SALE. sence) vareone constant supply of the pr ave our re all new may loo particulars call on us ----=- [reat Liguidating Sale- AT THE GOLDEN LION. $90,000 Twenty Thousand Dollars, $20,000; OF THE FINEST GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO LISTOWEL, to be sold at SLAUGHTER PRICES, by CARSON and McKHG, without reserve or delay. A GENUINE WINDIN GUP SALE to " commence on Friday Morning, November 24th, . and continue until the entire stock is closed out. CLOSED ALL DAY on THURSDA the goods and mark THE QUESTION that will be often asked! WE NOW ANSWERIT. term of partnership is about closing, and the lease of the e8 now occupied by us will terminate in a few months. cided not to renew either in Listowel, which possibly means oval, consequently it means the "O OUR STORE will be Y, NOVEMBER 28rd, to a down prices. WHY THIS SALE ? THAT 8 Greatest Sale of Dry-goods, Etc, Etc. iever held in NORTH PERTH. As the stock is DECIDEDLY GOOD, oods bought at the closest prices FOR CASH, the public l for SWEEPING BARGAINS. All goods will be marked in plain figures, the sale price being in red;and no change of that price will be made. Produce will be taken at its cash value in exchange for goods at sale prices. Our books will be closed 1st January, 1894. After that credit can only be obtained by special arrangement, as our entire business is to be wound up. Our business has been a good ong, Providence, coupled with our own diligence and We now convey our sincere thanks. We came among you about 22 years ago and have lived to see many changes in the personnel of the business men of the town. we most emphatically promise you the benefit of our profits, a decided success. We attribute this to the blessing of. the generous patronage of our many friends, to whom Now as we commence to liquidate Remember this is not like the SPASMODIC SALES that some introduce to relieve themselves of pressure. We shall convince you later on that what we say is right; and you are to investigate for yourselves, The Sale commences Friday Morning November 24th. COME EARLY IN THE DAY. We also offer for sale that fine two-storey brick residence on Wallace Street, opposite the.home of John Glenn, Esq. For CARSON and McKHEE. In addition to the above I offer tor Sale on exceptionally EASY TERMS, my dwelling, situated in that desirable locality on Dodd Street, all in first class condition, with storm windows, gas, furnace, etc,, etc. J. EB, CARSON, A celebrated ELOLA LIME will be kepton band at the lime house near theGas Works, This lime Yes entire satisfaction for either buliding ng. sz! tt or plaster! Nursery Block, and Seed fod complete line. WANTED. i or sala + and + Exclusive and choles of terri- - Don't delay, write at once for T. MALE & Co. Heliable men to sell our ALLAN NURSERY CO., Rochester, N.Y. HOTEL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, ----0 The Hotel known aa HOUSE, in the Town of the MANNELL The ° JAS. MANNELL, Tremont House, 163Yonge St. Toronto J. M. SGHINBEIN A Few Facts to the Pub- ic. I wish to draw your special attention to our Gloves for fall and winter 1193-94, Our goods are all made to our order from the best Manufactures. We have a full range of Storey's celebrated Napa Tan Buck, lined and unlined; also Swede, | ONLY | SIXTY DAYS BEFORE DISSOLUTION wince oS CBB: BIG BARGAINS in everything for the next 60 days. McMillan & Ballard. BARGAINS AT J. S. GHE'S. Just opened up, Job lines in DRESS GOODS bought at a big Discount and marked away down below regular prices. Also ou stock of Flannels, Flannelettes and Shaker Flannels will repay you to see them be~ tore purchasing elsewhere. We are showing a large range, which for quality and price can't be beat. Full lines in Ladies' all-wool and Union Vests, also gents' Underclothing, Top Shirts, ready-made Pants, Hosery, etc. ALL WOOL BLACK WORSTED for Ladies' Mantles, Gents' Suits and Over- c or Overcoat, call and see our good: In GROCERIES our stock will be found complete, with all the new arrivals in the market. iu picked uncolored Japan Tea has given excellent satisfactton--only a limited quantity lefi--g Ibs for $. : ; An invitation extended to the general public to call and see our goods. LISTOWEL. ion J.8. BOWMAN IS CONTINUING HIS SALE o-- FLANNELETTES { j { | lined and unlined. Then we have just the right glove for horsemen, made especially for the purpose. We have" a beautitul range of lined goods such as 'street wear in fine Castor gloves. A nice-range of Men's Cashmere gloves, quite new and they fit beauti- ful on the hand. Our i ent makes and shades in laced, buttoned and clasped, and chasmere gloves in all the new shades such as Tan, Navy, 'Cardinal, etc. Now just a about our Furs. We have not yet shown them in our windows, but I can safely say we will take the lead in them. Our stock is all new ; we are showing several new styles in capes, in wool, seal, black and grey opossum. A large assortment in fur sets and men's overcoats. Thep you cannot go by our ready- A HOUSEHOLD EVENT usual event All Goods delivered free of charge. HF. Bvuc= Fauraitare Desler ang Undertaker, Is the arrival of a home. wi ( get more than the ' pleasure out of the chase: us. | : FOR ONE WEEK ONLY DR. PHILP'S STORB,: Wallace Street. J. S. BOWMAN. GUNS,GUNS! POWDER, SHOT. I have just received a nice line of single and double barrel guns, of extra good value. LIBRARY LAMPS, You amount ot if the pur- is made of rn Fos Wallace Street, Lis towel made Mantles and Mantle Cloths. Ready-made clothing in Overcoats from the smallest to the largest und in all prices and qualities. We invite you to make this store your home to buy your dry goods and outfit. A great many new customers are doing this ever day, and are delighted wi the bargains they can get here, Come and see. ,M. SCHINBEIN. NC 4 MAIN STREET WEST. A sure cure for all Head Paii Com, yp, Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, ind Sto plaints, Biliousnesa. Commouners rom Tae R. STARK M EBICINE CO. I have just opened out a splendid lot of LIB- RARY AMPS. which excel anything heretotore offered, at much lower prices. Lanterns that give satisfaction every time. ROBERT MOORE, THE HARDWARE MAN, Main Street, Listowel mach «nd Bowel A