i VANDERBILTS PALACE. eos CORNELIUS VANDERBILT WILL MOVE IN BY NEW YEAR'S. -------- Its Cost is &7,000,000--Ccoupies Entire Block of Ground om Fifth Avenue-- Baile of Brick and Granite. rai ra pee -- that his ls aon the A phertbaatrs forbear ing the er that it it was writin for the St, Johnsbury rv The chiel, and in fact recali reagent: con- the fortunate eri hite and It would have cost a! ed Jaan its Line olan only in being new. ander house, on the other his Dew resiuence us wells in his, But tuere certainly isa difl- "Some foolish people think one's cup of iness ought to ve preity nearly full J iz @ s Ej Ej zs ci e 2 & 8 € -¥ = ® tr statiouery. li others steel Sg ues are not as other men if they ble ouas to Lav veads. The combined delights of all th Shier aiveca ied Revpie wi con in aod , happy he "ge louse. It occupies an ent block e Fifth avenue, it faces Cen k and eo en on Fifty-seventh street and 01 a Filty-eighth stree! 'There is Wut one such location iu the metropolis neither love por can createanother. ree epety FOUR CORNERS. ave his mail on atotal of ne: a rs. Steven the four, ver how much he ia w point of vlew tha yas infinite ly" Jess pre' te ntious than Mr, N . ted that trere is no Porti tion between the ds of "Oreg work nigh inon the new part, The list stone in the founda- wared last space which it fornie: Mr, Lela 6 front yard. Mr. wnor Mr. Jenison uld have a y bed ia the center a crab- apple tree in the corn and ue wan ering ity slong the {6 'ence, but, t , Vandertalt, he will probably it al] dow LARGEST IN AMERICA. when complete will be merica. 5243 2 Srouglit nese in sections. engag obliged to vackok and are now basil enga ea n aching itin place. A w od to see 50) uusiy mar the architectural » $7,000,000 palace, but the wo nient of muny who live in efforts betog made to comp ae ¥ ander' se palace within the time pre- echiled uy the won-elad contracts in the sullfulnes which characterizes the sork ow the big mansion diagonally op- omiter deéigned or Mr. Ho cca baa Wiss ne " aby plens gi this structure wére by the railroad riacioabe abvut pial Rego ie was the hope of the vinsiees Weseues and the belief of the ewner him would be tne meet mentale a e bootie private residence Americ: hunt among the many feotures de- wih moc wealth of detail by the bers arclutect was a genuise Turk: fa bai mm whicl was toy possess all t eusof the big gest public baths in the city. To room for this wost denr- able iuxurr, howe rele t was compelle to extend the inches further tha» ii was su posed to allow Bat uafinet) anticipated no difficu! ranging this lide matter (6 Felaute Butuan faction of bot the officials and hinweilf, and 0 the went on ilding was was direc rights on privileges of the sete e be- ic, The ins 7 nota © fran ticians a! dr, repir t it now that, in his disgust, be haa sold tne estab ee outright, bot the name of tue fortunate or unfortunate taoer been di Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabnice purify the blond. 'Debales: phonsady Aral re IT'S A VERY HARD LIFE.| - sNcenTy, a 18 THAT OF THE NEWSPAPER RE-| * FRee of CusTNSE waciar altars Ascended PORTER IN NEW YORK. Truth is very often used as a synonym: st ee sacar eat aoett i ity emin jug The Ficet Stree: of the United re tieanaiai th or frankness. fe Found in "Park Row"--The Army/ for the truth, in sebotan sonra bea ceais intent or ing, wis of Mon Connected With the New Yor ity reveals the soul of man. It has an: Press, othe i a Th eee t vibe way i rivolity 'ore! ta pe words fall w beksei the nature of one sd lee 1s honest in mi: magic sound on the cars of The. United and inte eatin, free from simalation or ful journalist throughout the Vai '4 y Confucious beld sincereity i) In te is no wonder) if such igh vsteein as to declare it the that the word way to heaven and tho terary, OF, more pro 1 ards it may be judged by the MA Bhar Camm cadinrtorge of se wooa. ilrance sown toe Seale re neere. no matter jon! i ite papain fe the neta Moca ae opinions or principles may be. Breaks re- brat wurked, with some truth, that * ae always, inisleading. Lindt baat Ge Happy Corrs of pleasing tither those wonderfal phices" Beneath its 13 abute low you, seems to be wholly 15: ravorey. pewspaper I mes owing Ga'the ie opinion Ul they hare of your 500 sincerity, be no fi days in each year, live by writ-| More said in honor of it afer that it is what forces the apy probation of your op- duce the newspapers from the core ponen ate ing room to th hoe ub," This m Tie verse of this peevenee ore ie aa ree to tose; ts deel a kind teiond who moiliar Se sche which will occur to any one. An suiace man, or ope who is had sked me, that r was Beside Meith a poe thouglt to be insincere, pleases no one, "De the editor write all tiie paper} "0 iter awe le may ty himself 7" convey & favorable iupression. is Among the rush of thousands towards | pr! regarded a8 mere flattery, 'Brooklyn bridge, vias can be seen bestowed for au purpe sacl aes itpscores at any hour of the day or night, | *!:0 are prav feel live resenting ¢ be You often hew _ mark, | 'mipertineace justead of ug gratefa There ove of site men who make | fur sine wont Is. Th aelncere: asa pers." ol cunnot be " ie etere he men ei Laon dhcp heart. is hype scents and is general y write, he: nu of all ty good, | Weak. for insincerity MaDy Cases & ds and Ti-loo Your felloses | product of cowardice. The weak man with strong faces predominate, and there | who is afraid to © loc antagonistic ia often a suadow of worry or nervous | Vp mions und seeks Ww couciH at r een nee as antes aTnuatiip, riwhe aan flatters, a " 0 Wis writ rap geo Aotemnae mies in tne end thorough li aid beco ean ne Sometunes abe part of li tha te 1e nny ie iis reatiacs of oe wt Cameras The first of American Neemaiok CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American _ Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all 'the time, for ever { The Sunday Sun B the greatest arenes ebreprens in the Price 5 c. acopy By mail $2.00 year Daily, by mail, - - - -$6 a 'year Daily and Sunday, by mail + - - - + $8 a year, The Weekly, - - > + $1 a year. Address tol ae SUN, New Ycrk. A A Great Offer | GREAT PAPERS GREAT PREMIUMS. ---- * We are in position to off DARD Brat the ILY STAR, of. Montreal, tu' year's subscription to SCRIBNER'S reacgat will bring into your home we've monthly numbers, aggregating over 1500 pages of the best and ' intereming reading, and more than 700 beautiful illustrations, resis MENTS. George © le will begin in the Jana ary number a pial entitied John Mardh, Southerner. Twoother impe h < uaged: J. M. Barric, autner of the famou- Little Mivisier, has waltten # oat novel, the Qret since eas Sapsahbn George o great Eigiteh poveli«t, tae in pre paration a" novel entlt ea The Amusing Mariieg - SHORT STORIES wil! b+ ebundant. D Boeseiia, Vine El fot, W. H-. " and manu) | be @1.75: This «ffer entities the sub-crtber to the choice ol two preet premenms vever scribe during the umo. Atterw the choice ill posily rely be withdrawn, Ni with suc. chia Bishi' the sini in, apprehension' was k earnest of purpuse, pure of leurt, trutu- recently by a Canadian humorist who ful in speech, trank iy hits map hy did a sketch, if I remember, for a id justin mind and intent: It Toronto comic weekly, entitled, **The uch men that the world i nor, eveo man wh akes the jokes, and the man | though tuey may, as they very olten o slaps you on the buck and laughs | vecome funar Sincerity covers atthem." The jok as yed as mulutude of inental faul: wrinkled old fellow, wearing gi vo culutate sincerity in th hose. and an auxious. sail, of-the-world | Characters are not yet fors ne must expression on his face, y like fi instill pot merely lessons in truth und an be Park row wi lionesty, but lessons in bravery. socer« ity should never be put on as & ky it huuld bea a. tesultant of other qvaliues of mind and heart, jild an F nose ids son who is iucere mast be earnest of feature in she life of the great and | rp mutually brave, true of heart. restive republic is being revolved from | tie siuuld not be taught nee seek sincer day today. They are men who are at | gy, burt de va sue qualities of wich the beck and call of the newspaper that | iis tue natural t a podianrs Sua. sears them every hour of Sait for days &@ year, vere is nu Sabbatit in the daly newspaper world. Remember weeety ab 7 (eee nat. Tt is acommon experience for a young rae New York sper ris a news get- | "olds bo say? *hlow flue iovking Mrs, ir pu a His primary duty | ---- % Ss ve Must have beau is to portray the ite of the metropolis, ful girl And to hear tue reply > "No, or whatever phuse ¢ he may be as- | Hie wast nearly 4-lovking i signed from day to day, is avility to | Her FUUtL Aa sts ts Hoe Her bea do this, as required in the Aterican me- | -4 'de telope rd with her ty ropolis, means more than ca ex towy nave bee observed tat tus pre: ina few words. Scores of younz | 5+ sd ofteuest ar woinen of high char- Hen oO) ir ucati! ack Sabiiit y wi) tell upon the outward ign se of the tigure, tie 4 urnaiiém as a ple AL and f anpect luc aU, 'atta It is o pleasant, they | io? get the 4 ies cal, press the toink, to be dined and wined and be re- | fice tiese Cusie {ior aud cely neh wancady atevery turn, While | mre, with the Lapse of time, tue Luge wine are successtul, man on find «ut | te Here da HOIne alanis more Udine a tueir mistake, for the profession lias. i were precty Be Eki vt intended id tha vars as weil us ite xweeta, Che resultis | hut of the Lite Manu , that many of them soon leave it sadder | feud of "the oeautitul wiser. gives ty all who love | tun 'anid. follow To begin with, fis Commandant." tees, Hess, siicerity, Wwhallaulgess, Peflueoieit-- oan mere ughrCcppeengaarmid EL aot Ulheemer gran Tet Fuhicuare and beable to waik 20 miles, if neces- | worthso muca ors tian mere ouiwar al shape avd color--end ier char te those Who five Consaeutly Cuerisied Ue, mu al ava0 they iuay really vecuue beauulu lt is nonce able that ae is more spl More rece mz sides. «Sa Most fa motts pictures Without pred ng a reat plixnt beauty, nv! ler eniotions of uu repo rte era to one "The Breaking o < year's work on a has autracie iso much reer at it im attempted in sone torin or othe tly; alse, » sOCIUCINE 8 kouW, ane er Phe a ' adog was -- os toucuing 1 with the F fal exopoen it uf a grand quaaty), and ta the pubhie bodies, nnd the Sntles 'of pub- Sails cful "Last Muster." All such pic lic officials, he ane be prepared to per- | tures are incentives totruer feeling and form these ies over aguit fur another |-to nobler endeavur. he beauty which Ariens inerely to the eye must always be leas real and less impressive tian test newed bhad r which strikes s upon the heart and oiten perfect workmansiup as years roll on, | thrill it to its core. looking for no rewnrd save the far Conversely, mean traits of charac tion of having doue his duty and earned selfishness. parsitnen wy. his livelihood, yle contents, env here ure many men of this ealibre ind | the tac: owner Almost ail tad | ag tim 0 508: re nad ne provinci ul old man iu Ev: mov line, © ely repeating it | were cungealed into jines on | r sc ther freeze in funtasie = ' JASHEAMOLE Is | n olu yor who «8 naidered too trivial to xl qualities, no matter how lisidsoare lie THE BEST MAN ON THE PAPER, May have been tn las apie ne, becomes ie for in the heterogeneous muss of human pulsive in 1n his ol being at crowd Manhattan Islaud and The ts have net neglec ected to make the neighboring city of Brow = sige or the coarms which wld as ne nteli what muuntain mar in y reves Phere are Hany pita ces moment rise fru a mule-bill, Tie ob- wehists will ocet fle any one whe wail ure death of @ 1 gar, if properly take the troutie to reflect on the site inquired int eveal a mc 'oye dect, but one in pola isso fiuu tuat it -rful human tale than theassassination 9Us't to be quote of the Provident panched through every Youth, large, 1 tevleg youth, full of grace, tucker" from Maine to Californi Th ro, a Age may come afer you bances are that it would . but the with equal ¢ ©, tamination ? 7 reporter to do his 8 ys go _ Aa d again, of un wld wera' under tuat assumption , beto West bloom, more thas the Nie Mt at yous ht Speel Making. tar Here, for instance, are huge stacks ot | alana FA timber, and our ears are greeted with the tuum and birr so certainty associated ith a saw mil his long care of buildings is entirely devoted to mak- » Dazar, ARB NOT a Pur- * galive Medi- ing of 3s. The machines pion ow re vario Here the wood is being cut into 8! pcttis; tl alhwle ia bein; punched through the smaii round pieces wih a muchivue ab the rough wood into a smooth spools in one ewilt stroke. It ia by means of -he wood required to the work al times, and ic ° produce spools f he threw culated th: n extent of i orest planted with birch trees cor acres bas to be cut down every year, while. on an average, 12 shipa of large cartyiog pes art are employ each season in ging the wood across to this country ne Amenca aud Canada.--Good Words "EVER WoRan An on the W. type ic 1 consists uf au ee whe Soe auxilisry air cylinder and reservar, whirh inevitably through the ends of which extend « a. brake tod having pistons on its ends, 9 "YOUKG HER: chy jo these PIER. pipe sunnecting the train p wits tie rae of youths Ma habits aud strengthen hl nuter end of linder, wits rariou T LIME. FOR SALE coat Cr) of the 'celeb EL [A LIMe wih tf kept on hand ae Ny lime house near thetean Works This me gives entire sxtivfaction for elcher butidieg Or plasterin, MALE 4 Co, ANTE )). Sorcery. -eprtihoil wo Ser jee WAN] tot aah c ' me € variation ons Cam mitest tS promp iy. Pp rcieriee: aed" chalice of Leret- tery given. Don'tdeluy rite at once for terms LAMB ESTRAY. Strayer on the premises of Mr, Geo, M berry. on or mbeuk the obese of one lamb owioer ple cleim p Crecubemada toke Be anh ae GEO. MSY HE EG Y Britton PO. Lut 3 godeou, Eimea HOTEL FOR SAt-E OR EXCHANGE, The Hotel known oa the MANNELT. Cs SE. in ie Town of ft istuwei. The a lela ol i #n acre of land frame tel un Toan i; «bo wood ih arate WHI" sare sorireeanmten ifs Tpnty 1o a JAS MANNELL. Tremont House, 1G Yonee St. Toronto TOWN TAXES. -- lector Pigg ae at rh alg ae Buok faruitaiecner, Wacslace + Wednesdays and Saturdays ith af tees mber ners the pte the taxes tor tops WE wh T. J, BALLANTYNE ar Toen C Hector, FARM FOR © ALE. eo best 10 sere Aa UI, peste att u and hy 7 wemep. There te me newer Taliow <pring in pestore, About 4 acres of fall wheni, and plougblr se mostly dene NC MOLLET, 40 lot 6 con & pd bolitrre - ar Wallace Pg DR. WOOD'S * « . CS by the publishers of the FAMILY HeRaLp. 7 io rerive | ~ ak r.{ A 7) ye ro fi= dtetrtet. wen t ' = mew writers will scat hytetas a aaa AMERIC N LIFE willbe LAB pera 'Sesiog New- the i port hak Washo, Lebo: $ Wen THE ILLUSTRATIONS | "ada be even ese premoumeare the 33/1) ALMA | more 1 than ever. wAC for 1894 a superb bevk of 450 A wri-e of Frontianieces chosen by "ey fv rterred « copy ef the erect Philip Gilbert Hamerton will be espec- FAMILY HekaLD SOUVENIR PICTURE faliy nota le. which retarls at twenty dollars. The Complete Prospretnt sent on Request. premiums--Almanac and Picture--will eady abcut the end of Novem and will be forwardte in the order in which) SPECT ALOEFER.T The nambe t subscriptions are wed, Sub- abaariatian TAF MOL: isa. Py enptions tothe p may be,in » once. The same, with back nuimbors, bougnt ber the cffer of a choice of pre- n cloth - $3.0 Sample Copy, 10 cent+. Cuartes Scripner's Sons, SUBSCRIBE | THE HAMILTON ide = EAxLarGrED AND IMPR: VED SPM vier fer Evetyhor'y pucey Ever shiliite Thin siegad , Paper from now netil January, DD 12 pos reading matter wae 4137 ane our erent eminm pictur Lh THE Wierd uO Rol Nb* idrapty t AGENTS WANTED iberst & nes gh ar * RK. "he paver at | | Fartermes and parsier inne nctitrens | SPECTATOR P.IN'INGCO. HAM LTO +( ANADA- } CLeaNG OrreR T STANDARD | Woal § ae ee | 7s! pi Eoceereat there i fi I Havin A Farm. A Garden, A Village Lot, A Home in the City or Village or Country, sik Goins oe cocnsloune one IT WILL, PAY Yoo WELL, ' Rich Inq the esashig esl combined her po the Se est harks ppaeeor CURE Fi couse AND CO Sore roup and ail THR AT, BRONCH wl shoul! take them. iat the auxiliary reservowr 1 "youna ¥ WOEN These Pra will phe pike: 4 ia Por aa) ) by all ry t will be it upon actuate the brake mechanisin, to ap)!» 'or y all d ragc'sts, oF bows the brakes quickly as s.ou as air is 'fe es SS yl ee? Tews! ED. 0 leased froin the train pips. 7 'Ont. Masufactured only al Tuomas Houwowar's Esta NEw EET, vs, Cte Pe hen tl whe Label the B and Pou. rem as hm Pm UNG DISEASES. remedies yield prom; 'we this ' i pmon 25C. AYD COC. PER BOTTA, SOLD BY ALL OAUOSIETE. 4 THE KEY TO HEALTH. { BURDOCK BLOOD' RITTER jocks afl the pans cure breath Ripans 'lavs.'es ; for liver troubles. Tesceure the Inealant: te mint hve, ietos Jul bipte and Suge American etl tn 4 epard by thorongh'y experienced, eligent men ku anes aed Well what ther 'e He'p the Ria fieips and Panveate vid and You: sr Cc. vate, : IS IM PossiBl é mas me ree Ou mppiicalien Ad ae "Copy The American _Agriculturist, Zand 61 Le DESIRABLE RESIDENCE --~ FORSALE. Ab Mr. Geoorge Mees ts cbout remoy ing to Riratford, his residener. corner Main and ; f ler aslo, Thte ain FARM FOR ¢ SALE. { Gre sons Intra. Maer * of Pana : aie ecollivation : exe tle ent ® bar: st i we ae ureb: al = ih Bejan Groots a ressonahte terme. For further perticalars Psat! Wa Ace, prenaises or Ethel P.O ma 080s On. the Canada's Best Family Pape a CURED EVERY TIME "INE" By &L. 2 MENTHOL PLASTER uses. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN -- NERVINE TONIC Stomach Liver Cure The cal Discovery of the Lae Last One uadred Years. By ts Picasant to the Taste 35 the eee It sl Safe Harmless as the Purest Milk. This apse Tonic has only recently been introduced into this Seharay by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its ue as a curativ: agent has long been known by a few of the most learned kya ys who have' no not Fico its merits and value to the knowledge of the general publ This svat cine has completely ccs the D sk mapambs ots the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, ~~ haere of thi also of the test v: whatever cause, It pecirss this by the great ne t pee el apis upon the dieeative remedy com) broken-down seiner tad It is also of more real permanent value ir the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any sear ad medy ever used on this continent. It ea amare) r nery re ousness of females of all : known Tonic, almbdst co. acacia fle carry them ly over the anaeer tive is of faastimable: vals to the aged and becau bes bore: properties will give them a new hold on life. It ills add res r fifteen years to the lives Lomas of those who will use a half dozen be ties of the remedy each y IT 1S AGREAT REMEDY FOR' THE CURE OF Nervousness, tends Prostration, Denitty at T Ola. ren Nervous Indigestion and Dys: Sick Hea ache, Heartburn and Sour Stomac Female Weakness, sede ana 'Tenderness in Seaanahs Nervous Chi Loss 0 ee Paralysia, Fright 1 Breas Nervous Paroxysms and recta ars Ringing a in the gee Nervous Choking, Weaknes {ot Flashes, Fainting, Rslpisatlon t of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood, * "n : pondency, Boils and Carbuncles, Sieep' Scrofula, nee, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, usnhess of | Females, Saar of = a dervoushaes of Old Age, Cata: Neuralgia, Bronchitis and carats Cough, Pains in bad ar rear Com pee ains in the Bac hronic Diar Failing Health, licate and Scrofulous Children, mer Complaint of Infants. All these and tleas other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. for every class of Nervous Disezses, no remedy has been 'able to compare with the Nervine Toni i ry pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual, -Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human 3, become wii! when _ right kind ef food is supplied; anda nossa weaknesses disappear as the nerves recover. As the aegis iets wuss hie ier all the power by which the vital forces of tho ré carried on, it is th -first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. ry fogd does ee con- tain a suflicicnt quantity of the kind of natriment 2 necessary me -Ferels wear our present, mode o iving mposes, upon t or this reason it mes necessary that a 'nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve Siesta is formed. This accounts or its bersuicieaa adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rangem To the Grea icra Hodicteetin Dean Gr jeune hive sabersiie YY with @ very serio: sotired Lea | Wiiatmoy, of Brownevaliey, Ind.. "} 4 ber pase i € sine | So morican Nervine, which dove more nt id sur-| grod th: _ =i a sorter cyan twentoar | Sia bore Boag $50 worth of doctortog I ever ach an 5 keen the value woe | sun to use this valuable and lovely ivemeay:¢ & s of bot be able to to auiiy.» tbe demand tes of It has cured me pietel, Hsupet, Ex-Tress. Montgomery Co. 'in the ia consider it the -randest world." A SWORH CURE FOR ST. ISS DANCE OR elie ; WFORDSVILLE, Isp., June 3 May cenghtes, os eloven years 0 was severely afflicted with Bt. Vita? Danek or C) orea. W Sher three sad 0 ne-half botties of Ame! Ver vine and she is coiapleely re I belli it will cure Svaty Caen OF 8t. ihe 2 aptyy Baye kept it ron my fa uy rtwo years, am sure it ir the remedy in ie e wo! for In tion and ; forms of Nervous Disord Ailing 'Healthy fret a Dyspepsia, and -- JouN T. M Mise _ State of Indiang, Montgomery County, ubscribed aud | sworn to before me this June 22, 1887. Cras, W. WRIGHT, Notary Public INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great sa American Nervine Tonio ras ny great cure in the world for this (aatveteal destroyer. 1s no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which Can resist the wonderfui curative powers of the South American Nervyine Tonic. Haauer E. Hatt. of Warnetorn, Ind. Mans. Exra A. Bratrow, of New Ross, Indiana' Norviae Tonle. bat Ls ite coughing and apitting rat battle of the Mere Se | ie the world. i} \e the i \tunge Hf you do, roe ey ee Nervine ts fret care orenuss tril put ibe oom of oranome and aud quickly drive away your disabilities Large iS ounce Bottle, $1.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. Sold in incowal by J. Livingstone, Druggist. Sota othe tame Delica Sarees beasty upon your lips and in HIG Ecless illustrated monthly magatine i in the home is A no longer a luxury. It isa necessity. and to meet the demands created by this necessity, THE 'COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly.ns it does, 1536 pagesot readin vy the ablest living 'authors with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists. bas stepped into the breach, with a reduction in its price that has startled the literary world. The STANDARD. folly alive to the needs of tts patrons, spre ments with (brs seperb men chile whereby it vill receive ace te year Sa yop to both publications combined tor the sum of $2.25 19 cts. THE STANDARD: $2.25 MONTH. dtheWosmopolitan Magazine veAR. The prive of the great illustrated monthlies in the past has been $3.00 and $4.00 « year, and they were to- be found ouly in the more pretentious homes. Our offer furnishes'a help to all families, no matter how inodest their means, to keep in touch: with the greatest minds of the world, as The Cosmopol- itan has to-day the strongest regular staff of ny existing periodical. Send orders to THE STANDARD, Listowel], LAME | BACK== |M. MD. FLEMING ppetite gone, w 3 ie blood; am sure Ts was tn the firet suet amien nnd aor Yardy curve. 10 seex."" ---- Fire | Fire | Fire! Fire those old shoes away and buy a new pair, at Flem- ing's- New Tan Shoes for Women, Men and Children, in all the latest Shades and Styles, at ee that defy com- petition. all new--no old nat Pabakn code polisked up to sell TRUNKS AND VALISES. Are you going to the North- West ? Do you want a trunk ? We have » new Stuck just in, which will be sold at a trifle above cost. Don't forget the place. MAIN ST. BRIDGE. M. McD FLEMING NEW CUSTOM TAILORING BUSINESS. A. W. GLENN Has opened a Custom Tailoring business in the room Over Hutchison's Store, NEW STYLES done most satisfactoriiy . Charges Moderate. A trial Olver in respectfully solicited. A. W.GLENN. LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTOR: Bamford Bros, Buiders and Contractors, are preparedto contract for the erection ti atPcinnaee ofbu Dyden Bes Pians mbonscein ' and cepltontions "mates furnisbedop Sashes Doors Frames, Blinds, ete feraiehed onshort notice, Planing do pe rder, Everyining tn the hullding line wi oe giveo prompt atiention and FIRST-CAESVOFKWAt SEIFCLAR ANTEED. Charges Very Moderate Factory--Inkermn Street, Listowe) BAMFORD FROS ery oe nnd 'oe ot teritora, f che sii stock an ee > D.&L:--. -- Emulsion. "Backachy the ot neys ayant in "Delay fa Kidney Pills ma bars fetal e 'a -- have Diab. b ilelthe nelty jabstee and iq 6s ae eed | @ sence ere Bede's Kien Kidney. langerows. lected tsdalaty 4 troubles G he ereus ef all, Sold by al _salers or sent by rors of price go cents. omy . eae = Co. Ge i? 2