os HE LISTOWEL STANDARD blished---- nvenr pany MORNING, at the office In time for the early matis, MABTIN 8 BLOCK, MAINST. LISTOWEL ey St, Grorce Hawkins, 'TERMS: If paidatrictlyin advance, $1.00peranoam otherwise, $1.50. .DVERTISING RATES tia rilon.perline... +80 ih sobaeqnent ineertion.. , Se GContrac vertisemontaslnse! fol. } lowing See months, 3 months. fair ee ighth ** 400 esacaras, notaxccedingsiines,S¢per | eee overSandunderi2! tinerments of farme for sale cattle guar andoune racanliad verti nemen(s.£1 for rat month and 50c. per onth thereafter. ite Inotices,10c. ne each (nsertion Ae Special apocapalt iReobiectorwnict ia to promote the pecan' y benefit of a ny ney sida tvertivomne y onacciely. to he conside' paver eee and char be od accordingly, ertisoments by je of yaitaaee HLL? tinea to athe gt neh Advertiae- monte without specific Hirections will be in- sorted till forbid. Instructions tochange or advertinem: m disco noon on Monday, aud the cop: Soren eangeg mani ye handed inbot aterihan Wed JOB PRINTING. wWenare oe Wharfedale nnd Gordon prewees, oronection--Wharfedale and Gordon pi and tuelalest designe in print! ing mmeterh acabling asto execnts.e all descriptions of ob Pa ad etre Pha otice . and In styleseo- o oity eon pistes for ope work cara) advertise pasnts and special notices are cas! nae Contract aivertisements pavabie ouarteriy. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION oF W.G. 4B. RY. 2 4 as under: For Kincardine and Intermediate pointe-- wee 7.55 a. m.Express 2 32 p. m.; Exprens er Palmerston-Rzpren a7 Ne a. m.: Ex- an, L257 p. mn.; Mixed, 10 38 p. OTORGIAN HAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVISION. Trains leave Lisews) station dally asunder sovTH. Begprens. 8.504, tnt pphctcihild 22p m.; Mixed 4-45, PD. m. QNING NORTH Mixed dalcks mo: Express, irae m,: Eaprere Sd wp DARLING & & Bl EWETT: BARRISTERS, SOICITORS. Cn NVESADEE TA, Ratarion Ts bt. Bolieliors a o Ms} moh LA bs ee kl sid ee Heat! : aireet. Viet Seale 3, L. DARLING MORPHY & CARTHEW, PARRISTEFS SOLICITORS &C ora se) RELIC & COMMISSION ERS EY TO 106N H. B. aay JM Sart fw, LET: DEM LET. APEE CGR AIUN. RARTISTERS, for the Merchbacis Henk ee Steatriny, Ost Mevey to F. W. GEARING- THOMAS. FULLARTON, nee ee ay GREEN SLAW, M. D., Grane ATE of Toronto and Viete 4 Univer sitles: omember 1% wet nannia Behool.New York ember Collece of Physt clank ® surge mic P - fo itd Divinic mn Conrt ome Foster. tt Main St. Night jbell at Queen's bot- W._E. DINGMAN, MD, (GRADU ATE of Queen'sa Univer em fe im 2 cT am Standard VOL. XVI.--NO. 49 LISTOWEL ONTARE FRIDAY JAN. 12, 1894. } A 4ST. GEO. HAWKINB EpITORARDPROPRIETOR BANK OF HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. FREEHOLD LO LOAN N AND SAVINGS NY. vAKen pie Freenotd Loan anc Saviogs any, Insurance and Loan Agency. MONEY TT) LOAN Colds: How Avoided Ard How Caused. is the~-season for colds, and singularly prevalent they have been of late, and the type of the present attacks teminds us very much of the dreaded ine. The co' ier the weather, = h of each day. The exercise will leak ise the circ ulation, and, besides, in such weather the airof the bouse will be all the more impure, because doors and windows are kept closed, and there is tutie chance of 4 the Vitiated products arising from gas- lights, cocking-stoves, etc In far the too quickly after exercise. Exercise heats the body and produces perspira~ tion, and this in turn ecasls the system ; therefore, when arriving home after exertiot , the indication is rather to pur short nap or prolonged sleep when ro extra wrap has been thrown over the tion of heat is limited, and we are peculigtly hable to turrounding dauxhts, and this form of cold is the one must likety to end in bronchitis, meumunia or rheumatism, Then there is the favorite method of getting cod by passing, when cyer-heated, Lome the theatre or ballroom without sulficient extra clothing, the waiting fur ab oof cattiage, and aad all th 7 ntain 600 millions ob areceiis, and witesae eueathins stitface of six -quare tee, and in health al SHIPLEY,ONT, Loudon and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY -ALSO-- MONEVY TO LOAN ip any sums trom $20 and Dewars atalow eyan cing of all do seriptions done op ber of College Phveicians. Ay nurLEN ne Ont. Physician, Surgeon and Acemit beur, omce And residence--- Main Street ems J. J. FOSTER, DEWTist. gh over Flemming ® Telloring Eatabliah MAIN ST. LISTOWEL. V MLBRUCE, f. D.S.DES uses Vitalizned afr N e Gua, a&c., fo Painless extracthig Pid in old stand pear Thompr on bron. Entrange, Min St. Residence ipieneiope St., List i. pus OF PERTH.--THE WAK. kk, fr . The Tro Benner wi wilt be tp site pdance at bie Dtce on fuesday Wedo a Thureday, wrises | Bae NAtlrp ey of poping A ook, daring Uftice M.DAVIDSON, Ccanty Olerk. enenteolerk 'aoffice. Stratford The Oldest Established GROCERY: JAS. ARMSTRONG'S : abien bi m to know the wrote of 'the reopie abe he baye for cnals ana nis», Keep. bi ato resis becan give ble cur ern ryt gy ot better value for thee: money "thane any other re tal) beuse in the trad In TEAS,CO OPERES saSBUGARE. T have ne very best, Just try then nd allother Groceries and Provisions Cx Jnae ed Gooda, Floor, Oa 1, Cornmeal, Bockwheat A well«elocted steak ec0n0G KeRY and GUARS WARE aways ve found atmy Highest price paid for Retier and- Fe potatoes and all kinds of farmers produce NG WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame Mould- ing, Cabinet Ph: to Frames, Baby Car- wages, &c. Parties purchasing $10 and over worth may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township free of cost. UNDERTAKING attended to at anytime. Frrest-Cass EARSE. in connection, Furniture Rooms oppesse the P.O On Farr and wow property. a the low HOTEL FOR SALE before Buyingra aBottle of PAIN: KELLER "Only the Scars Says HENnY ania ni the James | a6 invigorating as itis inspiring. It is y e V1 IVA VSUVS CBSE 95 dee By breathing with the choewd, We prevent these aincells icing cooled ad wa tvo quickiy, as the alr passing through the nose is) warmed before areackes the iungs. Cratinng 4s worn, not to produce body-hea!, but to prevent its radsauon ; hence, flannel and wool, keing pon conductors of heat, should be worn oro ates an excellent protection, and i has the advantage of washing well Many socalled felt or skin chest-pro teclors are worn until they teem with microscopic life. Persons st Fre to take cold will find the morning cotd Spongebath of great service. Tha es ery delicate may begin" with tepid water and pass on to cold When the first' symptoms are felt use a hot mustard bath and take some hot fluid--ci fee, milk or gruel--and then retire to bed, and sleep between blankets, It thecold be of a severe type--fuil pulse, cough, pain and op- pression on breathing--an adult may take ten grains of Dover's --_ in it, because, afer all, a cold is a mild attack of fever, accompanied by more or less inflammation of the onan whiskey, must increase the irflamma- tory action, and tend to wher in bronchitis. Skating. To tovers of this pastime there is in whiptocarry, The steel once firmly bound unon his feet, he has but to goes like the wind--as noiseless and as swift. Nay, not altogether rotseless, for there is a sharp, ringing music in of the whole physica! activities, and a complete mental absor- ent. Let the boys skate, therefore, and the girls, too, to their heart's content. is elevating to the nature of boyhood, when a youth skirrs alung'the icy plains pas of the ods aw The pond in Central Park, we grieve to say, will hardly make a race cf jeu ministrate, unknown to himselt, it gs , to the poeucal centers of bh nawure. Of this comes that miracle of beauty --the perfect skater--the dealer in circular beauties, type of che heavenly otbits, of the soul of motion, ot the dive immortalities For nothing - bodily effort is so resplendent. of. su: gestive grace as the action of ibe ener --not mechanically borne aso jong on Jand, water'or in air, by other than his own, but, like scrap poised betwixt the blue of the skies the blué of the deep, be since kar voone: ed sodgae inter cai to this youth a health, and perhaps the passion eander swimming with tue mouth open, vas to his ane so hrosa aa sing-} Never go to bed with: coli or dam ean weeun ing in an of the Log "Nevor omit regular bathing, for, | tleman, and geste "mundane be is 'achieved. nates ree skin w in uctive condition, | husband New York I athe cold will close the pores aud favor | herself in 1 oan wand other diseases the reinark.»w By W. P. NiLEs, ONTARIO. In neatly every swamp it ed be for *" thus more pesfect eithont pe obtained lovely tines th re miles: alo ihing sige i ever Weeks journey until breakfast 's physic has been ea ik 7 blades, well covered; also the best well protec ip to health or even life. HN COUse, Ltr as little as por: 1, or else the silos Seria! "atl, iad attracted my attention about seven | Pmed ww the sout after it has becume | for t oght it at twenty dollars an acre, and began ek and clearing it, for a 'arge ro the lane os, covered 'with forest. Never staud Pi in cold westher, espe- | meate all became convinced, by | S?7 mfo octably wurm. To do otherwise 1s fuck th at the devilitatings. household eval : Wien Koing from a warm enepliere and they usually have ercpanee pend- clos woier one, keep thy mouth inl d make a magnificentfarm. | oy, sat that ibe: air may be warmed in its | may be ssage through the nose before it | the class fro motions--for it 1s the aes thing Bailey ke warm drinks 1p undthenim-| of Pines" ck, especiaily Meas the Kitehen Girls of Milan, extract froma let In sleping ina cold Toor establish tar written by. a tady io Milau: "I won. peated breathing through the nose, and wrapper." er exercise of any kind, never ride | do no in an open carriage or near the window | of yours has carri Successful Swamp Draining. fora carfura moment ; it is dangerous | y --_-- Tie "little woman" u jy lost,or ditticulvies of of ie throat be | faculty of the averag an back "by he fire, | ter how ubsurd, its disappearance Two hundred and fifiy acres of swamp | and never continue keuping tie hae ex: local egiepsund maitly HL SOME COLD-WEATHER RULES. - QJ) WORLD SERVANT. k on canvas are OUPE ona: pas hioteemet age Pieserre and me det of his siecl-clad feet. mply surrender himself to tha? Never lean with nd "mol upon- any- vieiog oe ind be born SHE IS BY NO MANNER OF MEANS toh FLAWLESS GEM. Itallan Maids ef All Work--"'Matter Out Net Abhorrent American woman wh ke; she waa araeriee to an Italian gen- of old, ian her sl ars a ie, ani ries friend to where ied : wa | now, eran Uias iitile Sons ied it home to her law he servant, was a an lawrer" her Cateenda copyist He until tue oars ber ; Faber ered ; in a lawyer's --ffice. well develuped is the appropriative e Repel servant portion nd which teach; The duches a drain the swamp were all | cially Shur having taxea a slight degree | "You are xieiier than I, but you have no Jaid out by a civil engineer. They are | of exercise, aud alw. trys avoid standing on | right to be, therefore, I will take a part," all open ditches, varying in width from | ice or stiuw, or woere tie person LL w four to thirtee The depth is three | posed to culd win The maid of all ort. gaines in the feet, The combined length of the mae morning an re} : coffee, which ent diiches is pot five miles, served to the family ia t noon Tora the job was begun a trenth six tect An extraordinary insinnce the | cones ihe breakfn Levisteak, pota- laured through hint burning of a vessel was thut of the Ada | tors aud fruit, She then lias her liberty ep had blasie rough thirty | 4 bo! " ag al sock: "Pht tuted van cont redule, bound from Scotland to San | yutil time to prepare the 7 v'cluck din rods of roc % permitte fhe Pat €t! Francisco witi: # cargo of coal. % onerous: aa: rt os h : fe "ee eo "3 of} She was ubandoned in October, 1876, | as sliv tukes her own time aud does her muck #ix inches to three feet deep, under | nearly 2000 mules exst of the Marquesas | work in own manner, she as not laid with c fact was constant- | Islands, er crew took to the beats / a hard ale of it. she chooses to sit ly covered by water until reached by th: | and succeeded i cashing. the Mar- | on th while washing the dishes-- large ditch. al 2,500 | quesas, anwiile the -- rors still | and she Trequvs reimonstraice loads of wood were removed from tix:y | burning, drifted westward in the equa- | js uscless, Her niethod of cleaning any acres it, and from many acres moe eS current to Tubiti, = distance of | thing is original, aud generally consists . . ory xs ituout ing, wit crvagh ear pow were obuined toPoy| atm wan towed into sort and | Sante Suctimeys's soe! dal The great pomnt after clearing is to get gradually eversincethe tecks mentioned was ma with about four inches of pesee and roots B ra her cargo c sone ued to smoulder for more thana ye owever, she was of this kind fire er, pli q jo thir fas, p cet in th Two Royal Academicians and two ce, It is covered | authorities on ornithology have had a a fe j a re ied eventually, ie now enh ged | Goth, fr " ' isihcgrealcledavet;, bulithe trouble' ds te ie the Chien te wie alice 40M gaye Goth, from w whieh the meal jas just been j he sume at & mue he same time to locern | merely sertiinecial way of rezarding the | very life « > y mort ofthe stumps. weather there | act of billing. The turtle doves dear t exes ite of its ouject se iol thi is vreat denger of burning up all overs, when appear to kiss, al wily and care- muc viny feet down, but 1] only propelling ihalt-digested food from fully, isibt every isatobaxery book there, have been very successful. 1 purchased | one mouth iuto another. Butto inwst | and them back all upside a large yoke of oxen, and 'they have done | on the word kissing iv to be absurdly | down. nearl c inp. Sallie, "Eby | Mberse lela forms of eutees. not: eoets "Jultetta is to be married soon," said stumps were in huge heaps and | ™2 ft 2 nd | Marguerita to me oue morning, "au hive managed to clear about nearly all living creatures havean apala- | when the daugiter of a serve f the nourne thirty acres each year, and make it ready § or barley, oats, seventy-five bushel. sitaw, s Benne ot nae on the turds ' on tie Thames J ai uxhall and Carl 3 A rather "Tosmarkab ne was Wie | walks right iu A burg ng eters - beer sank eter up nthe TSE, and the | Strikes the ove-makiug, which in ' 5 th ways give be 7 lmost ever; cats is occasionally used in Be aunaieu: th sey RENTS EIS Ge sige Aa . ; the course of quite platonic friendships, | t..6 nicer the preseut, The reclaimed swamp land is excellent | We have known a huater who would ia | xo; cf eas, corn, celery, | the geutlestand prettiest way imagin- | pyc), baret of the principal crops | able way caress with his lips a stable cat but help Julietta to realize her expecta- cy peas, grown for] with whom he had struck uP B warm | tious ? who contract with farmers at| friendsbi p---Pall Ball G Mall Gaze two dollars per doorbe Most at these peas have short muck soil seems to be esp adeuend. 34 atheyy crowttt. + Bag 4 ley is a staple crop and does well, 'gin ing plumper and giving'a good yield, xTeater the people To the averageservant the use of the liior knocker is absolutely super- y opens the door and La: URSEMAIDS. first object o: great curiosity that the foreigner us he on thi color 1s always a 'ing barrels were seen fluating with the tide, comes down this side of the Alps is the dark. It brings forty cents per bushel. | Several of the inhabitants of the neigh- | Peculiar Corn ly with very little r off in at bards trouble, and ae after crop 1s obtained | and other ace beuton trying to gota | circle oO! -- fertil Timothy also grows capture, but to ¢! re ey 3 about two hundred acres ready for crop The German Frofe: are oblized t I imtend toleave} when the typical haan "puident be- . w twenty-five acres of timber, I am comes f almost through with the clearin, ly t ter the | of all the tuaiien ae A ig ps aon a Finesse a they Pioon ce pi isperse jade pan--"U! i ve : 1, heavy loadson thes anpmech about the buck of head in suc a scailo; tin head tnat weare more u ig accurately expounds pi that it ne onl ate meup once in two euppore it a difficult the matter of bis rammo, polished | Weeks. It ¥ » hair, as ates ae and lucidity of style being, of the pans cu Ne in infon the drained swamp lands, y the wie of y OX and these, todo him | 8B othe imauiticen on: th three and one-ball inch tree fistics are seldoin wanting ; this, how- cua of glory sen = be te rest of : have roub built a bern | ever, is incein nsically nothing more than | Italian wouen. Inthe midst of the circle . es ven | is pianed a be f bright ribbon from which will held __ -- loads of hay i iti 1} and grain, and w am build additional schoslwy. aud a achoulboy o 2 hale a ibd pi ded eM de Ser id ' id Eh sti th it rowth he does practically estes 3 the | reaching to the botiom of the siiurt, fail ba sa hs yen os, wi Th sic anc) German system, Tawere er, fas aecublum. | sire, te Hlges 0 Kirt is : wad 4 | Ll re, "yes fa | ed the student to the ataudpuint of the | ao u band of the Pore OF at cheese factory within a mile o} e far sor, whose Jecture inukes nv at- vriliiaut hand- hich has the reputation of making the ' neh quali of ahs kerciief, around the neck are strings of Pp King tenipt rench qualities ° finest cheese in this part o' building expenses of drainage bas been a i, at dullest len Rte undis- jas been ing a0 far have been $t,- | stream, at brigutest rippled with fresh | hoop earrings pietnivedve costume, 7 st Farm lands in tbis locality | mens of onch originality as ho may pus- | hibited per acre, and the | geass, Even if he natural | with di drained grounds bi -- to anything in originality, he Ajo be cesisied 6 to aid in | from the curious crowd,"put ona car n bavies ure bound tight in ee awgtl pitti bands, enveloped" valing: teils ond carned on a the interest ex- in the strange toy that it was y ler mother rescued her this part o} I believe it wil | carrying «008 vestigation of bis | aud got aud the carriage safely pay Toke soil of thie | aster, a ees basen au By es an BOIS Sic ae /Rateraccot , "t + the bei the eg ae vo clear itp. W hen [Bret bough investi risen a poi ix 'diversity of | an Italian household Fur her must : e ig paaey : - neighboring intellectual experience and character | bo prepared the beat and inoat wutriti me consicere ic nm "wor! * ' : * batt most exc us food ave the fin = classed me with cranks. plainly tell- preere hase flr fortunate men yor white bread ; n sit comfortably in OR me that 4 en --e to undertake t>| cated in other countries, but ales a far | the best ouse while the mathe an ince seeing | prea rtion of graduates blu | mistress is toiling iu the kitcien. er paring to reclarm it can Agriculturist. Good Farma and Good Farmers. The first essential ef good farming is a ! gra s and the fertility of the soil. | of imi sealinie em loyment in wll t tne ape | Wages ar o have similar land ate now pre~} cial tasks of modern life, fro k- | the spadini y drainage,--Ameri- | making to chemical manu acturve. wears. ree, than the "nnivok sceen, is truived. and too often positively ipnoraut, aud wastes or ruisappiles his labor corm as to a tive. amateur, Our greatest schontilie erecta and pretty costunies slie Whittter's Modesty. 1 itd -- er Whittier, true and as ney: t t hen See to bring th any rear for aod lift in nt enable or to select a good | names, in fu acts are mreranpes © of this-- | with hisown, to arm. good farmer by any chance | witness Darwin, Lyell, a Murchi prcieag air of aivios iors ee r or accident--inheritance for ~ | or take any ote jine x speci ial « tudy, rd Laser i Ai abe Bes cosas malo pants eee ah soc . ---- enigily te es ils lore nat aud ty i select a He il, nor avy . pecially left hand I tap the case with my right; tent an suthority would be area a cold, wet, shallow sot! enginecr snakes lis head slowly and | favorabl ; writings. with an impervious bardpan subsoil, A bolds up three fingers; min- | But it isn't muc eens whe hey very hight will not produce large, | Utes late. Icrossover, take a sent be- | live longer or They have i hind the driver, and speasing loud at} brougit me dear friends while 1 tive the back of his neck, express the hope | gnd thatis enovel:, and 1 am ¥: 'ory clay soil. is. too mu fh Albany on time. ful for it," In 1881 be wrote: we send subjected to climatic conditions. When = pbs TBine ae i Jek to the ces my hittle bok ° ® I don't je 5 bt, neither too Wet) other side, aud us of te whisdes 1] know o 1 tor publishing be cultivated well. anc} ping the bell, A minute lat The turns to} jt, save « yearning desire jpeak to m: produce I large cr in avery wah the fyomne oe = *Lox ice Me esata for taisee "y sy Season tt ts pretty sore to Daftir r, Jack," at sume tiie p ert : all the efforts of the farmer and result ip throttle wide open. Juck kuew his) jg stro me tng failure. much toward| business and proceeded to lovk out |. "when hope of it; and what f in thre clinker ve atta' ks in the " i t Taking suemenies : such ae pe henge ees gow gtaag at, i the fre, pac bala urna they dre umtillable, and Py is very difficulr oe -- airs Conhppar pies a mecesesy ¢ of ah diggs ere are bleness of heuer in t-e to the standaid ae: at of Fox in to accomplish the necessary work m the fast from her stack, then sehrid awny. | the een Sat you don't really drserve proper season for plant growth. showing that she was, culling Ver fir ---- beautifully. Swinging the duur open, pass for mere the skilled fireman turew iv fliree on | ever feel like ens i eany yen: oie is not the some wee "Chari Lae, don ne : the white stea be : flutter from tie relief taive att * Why is your ere pe ien ever a és She must be a litle now, medy his use Deuccnes \ eacgrinen An ¢xica flow of «old water asesess ber air Magic. J. Livingstone, thisst, cud sbe quiets down. Au in the Aipbabe A, he " Chiari "stout )~ meh 1 kaow the pore thrown wide oper, 6 soul 10 --_ 'seven know the druggist, | barning bea The few pounds of stim lostin 1x O¥ | velation of his a soul, found in the by reasou of tio t be) famous author Dingess unwittingly rt : four shovels of cual, cl: ic, author, but Rasar. leaned out of the window, + mtobsings tier th Saat stack, The trained fir can tell by | life of Christ hia own, 1 will is fio ber young admirer the color of the smoke how the fire burus. | the divine a utifal re- {the Market, ol Kuartowsole a liberal the: contrary ; were he she will pop, and wusie Her EIB S| ear that cfs liad fallen off 5 per i i would die within ao to the EE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN. | Awfal Geeretsa That Lie Unrevested Be meath the Placid Sai rface, ictotia white ma) in the Mediterranean Sea recalls a long list of ocean horrors, There is a particularly sad, t mournful side to these disasters of sea that does not attend Seoarygauces on land, for'/here hate is at least some detall and something on which auccen 1 ban fl seize and, to some extert, But the d oea is pitiless, What awful scorer ie Sd asa th es, essay to sing a lullaby! Ina fow satnutes and al] trace of t has disap; . ied » youth, beauty, inuocence, strong mantioud, wares, Hiding them from the manue of ewrnal secrecy, the 'dee blue ocean rolls," unmiodfui of {t all, And if sometioses the wreck does endure for atime usa jot, with no hand at the helm to soon the waves and-cinks of wa Mh ggatd y mpierog teed 1 in is proba ng on its side with the heavy cannon # : , made w sl during the day. Presumably, whea the own chambers of air wee carried with it, whiol as the bub- ble in the level would fod the highes ibly pons of the imprison- ed seu may tius been supplied for pours before the exliausted oxygen would leave them uncunsvious by slow hy xiution. jut wheta Ayessinrsatesth cn soles work of man is this secret of the Here an iron leviathan of hte Ts millions do rs hes been expended ; huge = ds of horse-power ; a renidable and terrible armameut : all th in yd hush and calm of the awful i artain aly she nonthen safe. us she eat tar down in the sea, but sop lieney with those upper monster guns, A terrible gash ts cut in a weighing on one side with ¢..e in-rushing ure stricken fro Rabe nav val tu of the od at on id woodwork are hardly affec.ed by Gecay except when the strange .con-penet ing terredo, with his acid-injecting ar houescombes them, which ouly zeae could be accomplished, us glance a ue strange specta A aig ee and splendid vessel, eka ia all its ap lacie oli here resis some ¥ je. Great ers, - ous engines, bunkers of coal, all in | fair f in th ing, @Tie ghostly firemen in b ves n sn all so Love, in ull nvoks, every whe un dreds of huvdtion are ucces: tis ns i eer iai iene and men were all phiautasmic, and yet ina ma- terial way all is real ; the filent marines are wll flesh, the careen vessel and ali her velunginzs are the work of inan, do the creat glost-li neh ghastly pautomine is all, only divided by Joss tian 600 from the living baaghing world above, Ferian is Be sanamy. money ite wh. h svn ft good time self with a ga: take a cro ' get a big dinner, become popular with He smart get, anil teore ft tl rT ons sucha acid pa rome rarely finds inv. If for no other Treason TEAR to sober up society, these hant times may oe consile: ie at blessins to the eoainie snity.""-- Louisville Courier ghe va nnd "evolu Weide grasp soe 'the physical i the day, and iis intense terest in wchentitic progress, was kept up 00 the last. fhe wengat of fuur-score the « ven of his life, w x hicw miay bo re. itltusce eres in whines was he was rat what ng whet t was the Lit of eR 1839, H neve of the Frenea vulution badd excued Weliumc. tomt moruins, and all Was ln commotion, On entering Gorthes Contest sy important for scieave be! Cuvier and Geotfror Si. Hibare: wilt has anne ab vupeo rupture in toe Goetine's al al tiie fee ra ister view wite lis ecur-tary, be excialined ; + Woat ia at "mleroourse wi. nh satire, ------ wee meine oreo | andar ins ser 3a emcee '|THE FARM AND GARDEN, © HINTS AND awe NOTES FOR CITY _ D COUNTRY, Talks About Live Steck--Fresh Clippings_ Which Have Been Selected Especially for Our Beaders, The Cultivator trothfall papi pave Barri pap Ata Sota good road in this country is tole eat constantly, and when farmers rss been the full importance of there will be s it revolution in this os tion concerns farmers more than any other class of peopie, for with , Solid rouds leadiug from the farm to the villages and ci many doll ould be sa in tion, Many far to-day send their ice to market by railroad use ie are 80 y and bad. There a orse fleslyand~ provement cor ninittees. ben farmers some suburbun villagers have, they will make tie ie aloug their me hare nionize wits theappearance of 'shelf well- waits fields, There is a lack of ine act in piutler when we see thrifty but Soreto hhediy bad roads, And pat many oO! conntry. The great essential thing is to de' more attention to one part of road until it is finished, and pot spread out over sey: miles, doing Bo 'The . is th inter 0 ke x rds ip length in fro: a lasting benefit to hw ames The followiug veur it will need pa "slight repairs, and then another 100 yurds can COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. A farmer who makes farming pay 'pottes to The Country Gentleman as foliows on the value of co manure: been a constant user of com- mepgial inanures for more than 20 years, at (mes ual more thun a carload of 15 betes in a ¢ Beaso! I times hare applied it with liberal hand oo all kinds of grain, require hixhly concentrated' fertilizer, well represented all ne) elomenis of plant food. fl hav sed complete fertilizer by the de of > sock; have never see itersiicn enouzl to warrant the Thus fall 3 have wu e al weights of S.C. rock and nitrate of wie, applying 200 pounds per acre on parte field ; the rest was sown with 00 pounda of special wRrat fertilizer, far Loan a very morBed difference: he fT used the wheat larger, and of a sery dark cr 'armersdo not know of wh: at Somrnereial: fertilizers are generally Th oO not seen to care. ne agent who is the most persu eis the ue wl tah t sag sais lee It shoukl be the » f f. Las of just what at aol ingredie ow! iu need of s__ tino the muarkes cice ph spheric acid, amm form i eu le in Ot ied au only then, 2 ae) = = "a = = 3 s = is a Comiort, 100; or au aoe w ho ry in they are correct. Some ervlizer com: tities have "fixed" toeir Lrauds tafe in think like that oe trands of goods ee: este bbb ath a ene or less S.C. They will tell Ta thie is not ca tuct nevertheless in most cases it isthe truth, Bust tisdoes 4 rouke the a for s pound of phosphoric acid from S.C, k or other | ail af rock when ieecliisation } as id from e bone; t fore fertilizer made of in an available wi nui cheaper, To prove this . I cite the well- known Gee that th there is not shalt poset, fresh von facture o ¢ fertilizers to supply the fertic tier aa they must eat something else as # source of acid. QUEER ONES. Teteresting Littin Paragraphs From Be youd the sea, Wild animals ore cor peleee\y. fascinat- ed and can be tamed by perfuines. There baer in India, who h eo} oy that played. in the house tive, a5 ali of the At trtve ure, and luved to p paws on the window sill and Ivok at ¢ the passers-by. x When the children wanted the place themselves they would: all ne Bes of her et alia apa bes Birdeda afisk rosie: Ritter ie se Si "betog * vey s ae the children were acratisheid, Mrs. Lee taugit Sol to keep his cane pitta by giving lim whet 6e@ did sou littl iP Paine Piss on which lavender wate had bee: light, He would tear the im ts bits and roll over set on tne floor. With nothing bse a butt the of lavender walera peru the beat of frivids with 9 Jeopard, Bue Teeund a lioness in a menagerie, owe Million, Bauman Corp-rs tor Targets. No more gruesvine experimeuts 4 ter of or anette taflicted by the new mah nye a The experi faiaain r. Wie as sent an ao count of the aims - ' ithe Selb Ava teiny of Sciences, ba nummer of tunan ome 600) «metres five belies were oO ont lenetiee behind sao It toned oer nw single Fea ra went Peon cu tune (nvtion in su0- hak the sot porteot tte body it was tak the wintinle were pertinp: lees eerie Theat 'ger cuused by fue old. ri © jude inule by the ree Behe srvaler and more evey ; but @ injuries are fat more tecrble The oot ati ety comact of Ne eee urteries wit Loves shocking to age ve on res aualies, beacon Rie vitae of ae aoe rifles is fro to 4000 metres, or abuut 3} eS Rigas Tehacer coms pod least,