Listowel Standard, 2 Feb 1894, p. 1

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EVERY aca MORNING, s the office | A. St; Groner Hawkins, Teams: $1.00per annum if p therwise, x ADVERTISING RATES. pice lane ritn: 4 ach eae insertion fe 'Contras alnseriedatihefol- lowing rates oar. eho ty 8 months. _ Sis amm....68000 ....$80 -- $290) i rose 56.00 20¢ + 2000 | 1200 7 00 ito sass notexceeding Slines,$¢per gait over #ungwader 3 ioees $5. 8 4 Adveoitisement of me for sale, cattle ecteny ana oineramalindvertivementt.S1f0r rat month.and50c. per month there: specialnutices,l0c.perline each tneertion Any special notloe, a AE eA bear Bed reo HH d promote the pec Pidaatcompaay a peek raat pnts sapere and charge bh. ments wit heut spec serted tillforbid. Instructions tochange discontinue an tm ae Sarna Wena' strane rasterial-- ing usto execute 4 priating en: shortes! losec- aad Lo no city o omes. Our Pando for Job work carve! advortise- mionts and apecia! notices are caab Ovrtract Gdvertisements pavabic cuarteriy. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. " @Haxp TRUNK RAILWAY. 'Traine leave Listowel! station daily as under: For Kineardine and jntermraicre tall Mixed, AE adalat ;Express 2.32 p. m.; 8.82 p. Yor Palmeraton--Express at7. Ace » ™m.: Ex- Fees, 12.87 p, m,; Mixed, 10 3p. m a @ BOCTH. Be oseee: sd m.;Exprees, 222 p m.; Mixed GO NORTH Myrinp. im AS m.; miata be s Pp. m.; Express DARLING & BLEWETT, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Conveyancers, Notaries Public, Solicitors tor the Baok of iermiiios ane Beoti's a atog: iireet it Slee r LL aad seer ree! owel. . L. DARLING F, R. BLEWETT MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTERS SOLICITORS &C WOTARIES PUBLIC & COMMISSIONE RS MONEY TO LOAN. J. M CarTHew, H. B. Monpny, THE LISTOWEL STANDARD pablished-- * MARTIN 5 BLOCK ,MAINST. LISTOWEL | ~by-- = Lis towel VOL. XVIL--NO. 11. A ST. GEO. HAWKINS RDITOKANDPrOPKIET B ORRIS x Pianos} MUS! PRTISTIC DESIGN DURABLE CONSTRUCTION, cation. Catalogue sent free on appli- MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - C0. THE WESTERN DAIRYMEN, The, Prinoipal To; oe -- ids Discussed At on Hela At In- COMPLIMENT 1 FOR CANADA, Prof, Vanslycke, vet New York State, given u some new ideas to his own LISTOWEL. ONE OF "a en Pea of the BANK juses at the Word's fun nai @ paper OF HAMILTON. on "Canada's Butter at the World's Fair." "You are aware that | teens a rr as eae dew eratetie g at stimulated to greater efforts to produce RESERVE ila + $650,000) 4 beer quality and not rest until Com dian butter eon rank as high as our DIRECTORS cheese. He s all butter- euskere ould be vere: areful to use vesse JOHN BTUART, Presipent; A. G. RAMBAY, Vick-Pres. JOHN PROCTOR. G A.T. WOOD, CHAS. GURNEY B, LEE (Toronto.} =--o-- VINGH BARES fe nepasits of $1 and pene retelved and Interest ries from ate ofde ict dessot eiiearnen 1 SPECIAL DFPORITA also received at our- rent Vig Lid of Interest, RA on Great Aritain andthe United States hou heel oid, Collections made Q favorabie A, STUAR ! seal Listowel MONEY T0 LOAN. FREEHOLD LO LOAN AND SAVINGS MPANY. Inaned at low ratea. 14. soo Terms to erga nmountorPrRivVATE MONEY ? vlonine iN - : ABEE & GEARING, BARRISTERS, See Na Bat value. aver id Solicitors for the Merchavts Apply to : notaries Public, StuaTFOKD, ONT M ener we _, DARLING & Buewerr, 5 jean, WALLAC LISTOWEL J.P. Masee. F."W. GEanina. Agents ng Freehold Loan anc Savings Compan an FULLARTON, NEWRY °o TIssuero Marrieuy. eri eenray rhs Com | ssion 8, mortgagen, on ans STivseaveyaneing done ob eecountie nsurance and Loan Agency. terms Monev t Grorcr .Watson, .. M.D. Tice. Omen an OFFICE nextto r OF. foe, Office mec Thocenne iat Bvsh ts 'ing: stone's Drug 8 W,_E. DINGMAN, M_D., G4 ADTATE of Queen's University : mem, wer ot College zbyaie clans. and Surgeons Oat. Physician, Surgeon an Agonut cheat. _ Office ana revidence--Maln Atreete J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST. pana over Fiemmings Tetloriog Estabiiah- MAIN ST. LISTOWEL. M.BRUCE, L.D.S.,DEN TIST, ures athe od mie Unitrous Oxide Gas painic mctle OMce Ip pear Tho ompeon Hrea.Store, Entran Mi. Residence 16 Penelope St, Listowel. i.--THE WAR- . OUNTY OF PERTH Ta Th Smo on onda. pit and Saverday of each ay Utice M.DAVIDSON, enisteegitals, countvolermsctace. Stratford. The Oldest Established GROCERY TOWN 18 se ARMSTRONG' ape people be Al for cas tresh, be wot better value for their money "0 abany Sher retall bouse inthe trade In TEAS, COFFEES andSUGARS, I bave one eit gand) Pr uat bry then Apd ail other visions Ga "Cornmes Buckwheat ~ = eu. oe 'ected stock of CROCKERY anu "EK, always to be found atmy Finn ona A ta ~ GLASSWA Store. Tetter and Egg x inde or farmers produce ARMSTRONG Higheat price potatoes and e!! WM. FOREST, Furniture Dealer,-Atw 000, Has on hand a Jaige assortment of All Kinds of Furniture, plain and fancy Picture Frame Mould - ing, Cabinet Photo Frames, Baby Car es, &c, Parties purchasing $10 and over worth may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township free of cost. UNDERTAKING First-Crass Furniture attended to at any time. Hearsk in connection. Rooms opposite the P. ( OFFIC door to tee "Bane M. BRICKER. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION INFURANCE Co. OF WATERLOO; THE Canada ACCIDENT Ins CO MONEY T0 LOAN On the moat favorable terms. ti Mein Bt er omfice, Listowe, " R. G. ROBERTS, SHIPLEY,ONT, AUENT FOR THE London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY -ALHO-- MONEVY TO LOAW in any sums from $2 and upwards at alow rate of Intereat, Conveyancing of all 4 scriptions done on reasonable terms MONEY TO LOAN. On Fartr_ and Town property, at the low eat Interest age belles venrly, art a the principal can be pal aly, foterest allowed o om ymevt and ripeipal, Mortgenges ton bt. Conveyane- done. Insurance psec reaponsibie Sompanies, Apply MART! "Only the Scars Remain," Says Henny ae of the James mith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi- fies as follows: on my legs, which broke and became run- ning sores. ee WII Vdy 7 jan -- do no good, and it was fered th sehen se be affected. as ioeks my good ol Mother Urged Me dottles, the sores healed, since, Only the scars remain, and the memory of thi past, to mo of thé Ayer's Sarsaparilia has done me. I now weigh two bundred and twe: am in the best of health. rood it did fot me." - Ayer's Sarsaparilla eepaeek Op Taeek.0. A Ayer SOs, Lewel!, Mass. "Hipane Dabur: fx fd ope. i onifdren Cry for Pitoner's Vastoria. EORGE ROACH, = o the best procurable, asit was not exposed so much to impure odors in-transport~ ation as salt in sacks. He discussed thoroughly the best methods of packing and coloring, and clusen by saying that daizymen would find themselves behind n the race unless they would take ad- vantage of all the new ideas placed be- fore the public. Q, F. Smith, of a? asked how much salt 1s use answer was three quarters of | an ounce to the pound. Gould ee the best way of packing butter. He best ties and knead nut smooth the surface, but ee granulated, and not have asy surface on each tub, -- Ln etthn a quarter of an inch of the Mr. Derbyshire ery that a stylish ackage has a great deal to do with the aesias of the butter, Tubs should be lined with parchment and kept air tight MR. J. A. RUDDICK. of the creamery at Woodstock, expiatn ed their method of packing butter. On being asked huw many pounds of miik ittook to produce a pound of butter, he said that at the experimental station at Mount Elgin it took about 21 pounds of muk onan average to produce a pound of butter. Mr Price, of Mount E'gin, said he received enough revenue from the skim- med miik to feed bis cow PROF. J. W. ROBERTSON dwelt very ee on der winter Dairy Mov ta H said the more on has been "ome for man the more 1s expected by hi Alsu, be said, human labor was a great difect competitors of manufacturers of the other ends of the earth, Winter dairying bas been of great benefit during the past In the province of UOnrario in 1886 the e vaiue was $38,959. $2, 265,000, and in 18 crease, butter was $331,000, and in 1893 $1,- 118,000. But, be said, a good thing could be overdone , that a good scheme would have something to fall of the cheese imported by her. Gairying has wo intention of tr juring the but he went on better returns in the summer. supplies lucrative employment during nter. airying in Canada does being able being literally jammed to the or er s diese. intelligent esas ugh discussiun from SENATOR REED OF BELLEVILLE, said he wasan enthusiastic dairyman, Fab sear to year and the from ye same. He a good took in th ser in cows as to remedy for ft. "we horse stable, and "m2 ve through pr cow's syst. removes the Prof. Vanslyke, of Geneva : addressed the gathering on thes th)ect, "The New Versus the Old" he AN OHIO VISITOR, John Gould, of Aurora Station, (Ohio, opened the day's proceedings by a lec- u get the best results possible for them. We feed corn to hogs, and they destroy teed without waste. In the S:ates last year we raised 72,000,000 bushels of corn, and only 10,0¢0,000 were harvest- ed, but if the total crop bad been proper- ly harvesred there would have been almost sufficient returns realized to pay off the national debt. What we want was some system that would em- ploy the farmer the whole year round, and not close up shop in the fall, and pull through in the best possible way ull spring. In spzaking of the nourish- ing qualities cf corn he said there was as much nutriment in the stalk as there wasinthe ear. He also said he had good success with clover and millet, and intended wring peas next year. He paid d peas an s and the silo were farmsiog question, woul see "He thought the silu extensively explaine the = most erecting economical manner of silo. He said winter Gairy~ was more profitable than summer, and _ it did not cost as _-- to feed winter asin er fed 50 naa "of ensilage, five scents ot wheat shorts and five pounds of hay to each cow, the aggregate cost of which was about seven anda half cents per bead per day PROF. H. H. DEAN followed with an address on "Com- posite milk testing in the factory." "Sig is valued by the amount of butter it contains for ether butter or sheue making. In Guelph they pay $1.40 per hundred for the milk and sel to the farmers at th individualty of the cow whichit is im- ag to change. Another cause 1s reed, ¢ bave five diffzrent breeds. ri noted t os high percentage of fat, while another i3 noted tor low percent- age of fat. e¢ said the oftcncr we milk cows the richer the oe but this sy fe fat in the milk? He gave as his a that itdid not to any great er His address wasa leatned discourse en the best methods of extracting the butter fat trom the milk, and was intelligently discussed by many present. D.M. McPherson, of Lancaster, ences, ina practical way, of farming 120 acres of land during the mt four year: practt less theoretical work would be moi cial tothe farm. The farm he referred to was in a very poor condition and would not pay until he introduced He first rebuilt the ning the farm as fotlows : P wear and tear, $200, leaving a prom of $1,200. He that farmers should engage as »ktifui labor as pus- y other walk in 'eccniog would pay if done systematic- ally, even fall the work were done by hired labor, The farmers. of . this country were working too hard with their hands, and not using their brains, e said a nan should know how muc t mercial fertibzers do not-pay only whep used to force the crops and counteract the effects of a pour season. Farmers should build stables and silos suitahl: to preserve the stock and produce of ¢ farm. cir was too -much ofa oon beiween the agricultural college and mcdel farms and the farmer--tco much theory and too little p:actice. THE NEW OFFICERS. The report ot the Nominating Com = was tead and adopted, the (ctiowing g the n rd of Directors ; protien, Andrew Patiullo, Woodsiec ist vice-president S. Pearce, Lon don ; directors, division 7, John Prain, Harriston ; division 8, rald Egale, Atterchffe S'ation ; division 9. J vl hams, Ingersoll ; division 10, Wallam Dickson, ood ; diviteon it, Thome Ballantyor, Stratford ; division = 12, y London division Repres 'armers' Institute, Toronte, He Ballantyne, Stratford, and J. W ten, Londo resentative ronto Industrial well, estern Fair, London, Jobo G Nilestown, and Jobn S. Pearce, London BUGS ON CATTLE, Fletcher, of Ottawa, said the n were Insing = on, i paying = milk The old method # pay © er 100 pounds for ani. This a -- a fair test: of the rela- "~ value of different milks, as we have sed normal milk, roo pounds of which would make eight and a quarter pounds of cheese,another too pou d of milk would eive 14 m and | ¢o the animal through the h devoted o. sects passe. cheese. Hea ed that milk would | from the sky, as some people woul differ very much, and it woul n- to understand bya = aye fait to pay the same money for)-The best remedy for ® born ty : x ld diffi 1 dairy cow and other cattic wae erosene milk which would differ in. va ut | emulsso, fed with a spray go to y the new system 2 patron 15 pale | he animal. The horn fy o harm orn. "KEEP UP YOUR PRESTIGE" The Hon. Jobo Dry: pein gael the tiger at the Chicago sFair | wotld, Hesaid they bad very little Mortunity for in,provement, as their pacts scored within a half poiat of BF He was pleased to Pp this bistoric ground, and resen! convention . for in thi THE WORLD'S FAIR. gave us fs 9 tal opportunity of placing est products before -- view visitors ina all parts of the w took advanage of the wenorcen! ty to ads Vertise OU fesources, gain for ourselvsy give obysct lessons of what ould do. press of the factor in th in any othe way Dew song laine patriouc people of our country. A GRAND BANQUET. @ fitting termination to the mos successful tree days' convention es held by the Dairymen's As-ociation of Weste Caario, the citizens of t "appreciationof the hem by << them toa banquet given in 'own hall, under the managemen vat ibe Board of 'Trade and a committee of private citizens Phe menu was wider the efficient manage~ me of DJ igh nin ae t ? o'clock over 200 sat do a an ng of which it posi "ie difficult to tery GREY- Tho coum] elect for the townskip of | Grey met a the township ball, Mon- day, January. 15th, pursuant to statute, after haviny)severally made end sub- scribed the gecessaey declarations, took their seats.) The minutes of the Inet meeting of 1893, were then read and passed. Moved by James Turnbull, seconded by Thomas Ennis, that Wa, Spence be vlerk at same salary as last yeat--Cirrley. Moved by A. C. Dames, seconded by James Turobull, that A. Rayman be Assessor at samo salary as last year--carried. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thos. Ennis, thot Alex Stuart be Auditor for 1894--Car- ried. The Reeve then appointed James Livingstone the other Auditor. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thomas Eunia, that Peter Sinclair, Joaeph Arm- strong and Alex McKay be members of the Board of Health for 1894--cartied. By-laws Nos. 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52 were read three times and passed, Moved by A. C, Dames, seconded by James Turnbull, that all accounts pre~ sented hereafter be read by the Clerk before Leing parsed--carried. Stewart applied for aid to the Logan family, stating thet they were in very destitute circumstances. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thos, Ennis that the sum of $12 be granted to be expended by Alex, Nuir-carried. A petition from the recretary of the Single Tax Association re local option in tax- ation was read over by the clerk, Moved by A. C. Dames, seconded hy Thor. Eunis, that the petition be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, on behalf of this council! and forwarded to Thomas Gibson, M.P P.--carried. A letter was read from James Irwin, re printing con- tract for 1893. W. E. Sanders applied for permissicn to establish a laughter con. 1 Moved by James Tutnbull, seconded by ~ Walter Oliver, that the application be granted provided Mr. Sanders complies with the provisions of the Publiz Health Act -- carried. Moved by A. C. Dames, sec- ondew by Thos Ennis, that the sutn of $36 bd granted to J Lindeay ax axoitle ment ib full of all claima for damayes austained to his horse by falling through the Cranbrook bridge--carried. Moved by James Turnbull, seconded by Walter Oliver, that Mr. Kerr bo awarded the printing for 1894, cn the same terms as > ° "| last yeor--carried. The fullowing ac» counts were presented, viz :--Hart and Riddell, $8 37 ; A Rayman, James Me- Nair, A Turnbull, Thos. Calder, Jobo Ridley, Duncan McDonald and Wn. Spence, each $4 for services as Deputy Retwroing Officers. Trustees' of School Sections Noa. 1, 2,4, 5 and 9, each $3 for use of school house a+ elec~ tion for use of hall at ; A ma ranbt ook Pad ope pe 83; Wm, Milne urance on hall and freight on roe scrapers, $2 87, Breckenridge. $2.- 40; Jubn McAllister, $5 60; Mre. Mc es. = by Walter wire ae me fere- -- id . Coun- Bloody Proceedings In Sau Dom- mingo. A GOVERNOR MURDERED WHILE RIDING DYNAMITERS CAUGHT AND SHOT-- POLITICIANS AMONG THE VICTIMS. w York, January 25.--The Herald's Port au Prince correspondent writes that m Decem Hreyiae Campos, Governor of the As a dist tri f San Domi was assinated while riding on the public ds a A few days later, President Heureaux passed *pitacy implicated and clothes, as he wae go Azua. One suit will be # t, gave a a - beavek Marchina was a candidate for the Pres. idency in the last election. They Ems barked upon the Presidential vacht and mo the 240t Gen. Mar- the six mite throwers were execul- ed by sbontenes the former three on the ood-stains ail snowed oadside, hoofs will soon obliterate a xraves. o the prayers of the famuites r tbe remains to " decent burial, ~~ reply was made: *'Any one touchin, a¢ paves will be in stantly shor. ALL MEN Young, old, or middie-aged who find themselves ne:vous, w Mental depression, ture old age, loss of vitality, tone: al memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight palpitation of the heart, emissions, lac ck ot cnergy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples" onthe face and body, niches o peculiar sensatiun abo the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzin before the eyes, twuching of the yeelids, where, deposits in the wu tunderness and ure to berested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire - soutude, excitability of temper, sunken Of nervous debslity that lead to insa less cured. he sprung of v tal force baving lost its tension function wanes ip conmsequcnce hose who through abuse, committed in ignorance, i red, may be permanently our addiess for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, seale: re Vv, a ted Macdonnell Ave, Toranio Oat.-- Tho Marth's Motion Made Visible, In e Decemver i issue of ---- Astronomy, Etiza A. Bowen -- how the earth's revolution may bea mani fes bro ibe eye. Dr. J. Swift, "P. ypular AatPoabitiys says: Place on the Moors o room tree frow b tremors and a rrents across this ma oa ack line of pulverized cha wace that the black. Tine shall crack in or, - bir room be cupeted, lay a stick upon h the mark cugse roe3 eo Ot, cls The reason appeare tome to be that the ryt floor has t earth snd moved from cast to west Many Usee I For Soda. be brigbiened Tinware might up by th tn common soda dipping a damp ana ruobing It well ery hotsoda in a a soft A mae will remove pain' splashes. Use sudu oes water clean paint and glass ins senil of» Strong, wu "i "wilt mak~ glass then _ in cold water, wipe dry with tine clu Ceilings that baye ee ne cuted by ned by wash solution, caveie' For cleaning ofl paint before repainting use two ounces of suds dissolved in a quart of hot water. Toen rinse off with clear " mp of anda laidon the drain pipe bor prevent bt r prea 3 cloggec h yrease ; als ', flsod the pipes once « aad with bor iting oe ia which a bute soda 1s dis:OlWwed. Wash white ma. ble -- bith, etc.. oor a Ne pdipprd in boring hot water ood de ea of suda shoulc ra Piste inthe wate Alu Not aA Bit Sorry: January --Newspapere menting on the sparring match $ no London, vening Stard robsbiy a pecul ay duty sample of S sadvantage if the result ee --_ of the bounce and buncembe out of ne i, The St. Jame S Guz says: The mod ern prize dghter ataann : fights. He we aad ather wear dress clothes, drink cha ape jenna and convetse with sporting reporter Three rounds wasrathera long time for t Now that Corbett has te eon satisfactory feat~ ure of the degradin, exhibition is that one blackguard has well whippe Mitchell should reserve himselt for = pt then adjou eet es at the township ball, 0 on the Bod day of March next when pathmasters, fence viewers and poundkeepers ill hea appointed. Ww. Srsxce, Clerk. * ture. Towis a safer depar ment of bruising, -- ¢ Wild geese have appeared in the marsh A Good Investment. HARRISON, OF PETERBORO, KIDNEY DISEASE OF FOUR YEAR'S sr ANDING, 239 > --Joho ye pe a here, telis of are~ Peterboro, Jan. well. k n is well ie happy. are manufactured b -L. ronto, and re sold by all dealers, on receipt of price ; filly centsa box, or six boxes fot $2°50. Many. ¥roxen: to 0 Neath, Guthrie, Ok., 26.--Reports are Yao. now in cople who have perish ed in the terrible blizzard of the evening of Tues One family of three wer found frezen to death in Cheyenne County. A woman and two children named Morrison were froze " Pawnee Couniy pd annoknaen Stamp was frozen on a inta Fee train in the sifip Jonn Canrer, a teamster of Orlanco, had both hand» #0 bacly pe that it Eat be necessary to amputate t suffering among new sete os was weenie and many are sick from exposure. Broke Hu His! Neck. WILLIAM cHuscH o OF LUTHER FALLS A HAY STACK TO HIs DEATH yoy fan, 25.-- An accident result- ing in ant death occurred to Me Walham "Church, of the fourth concession uesday nin matles, His --_ was badly cu discovered by bis wife shortly afterwards his neck was hikes Mr. Church was about 60 years old lat the time of his death. You Can't Get too Much ol good thing. eminently the case with P. sisons Nerviline, and "reat incure. It 15 an honest remedy, for it contains the most powerful, the purest, and i pain subduing remedies known te medical science. lh ts honest,for it does ail 1% caims todo. Ih is honest, ise out is the best in the old. It only costs 25 cents to try and you can buy a bottle at any drug tore. peda a Rigs 4 stuache, neur- alia, and side, All par bu pains are promt ily Porth by Polson's Nerviline - Fire Losses of 1893. the U.S Daring a year just ended by fire lors oT.y burned, and hers i vl more last year (han way « estimate being $5, 302,c00. whole of i feiupou the tmsurance coms panies. His Neck Was Rioxen. A HIRED MAN giatatc§ oo A LOAD OF -- ee j=. 25.--This after noon fain ayne, working for Janes Boyd, ecring siotted the wots oe i he was dead. rukec neck w Kincsron, Jan, Ai Coleman, who omy artived herve a fe days aye from Duver, Fogland, vas 'drowned this aficrnuon while + The we had been recently cut y from) around the Steamer Bannockburn an Caleman sak through the newly-formed ice. Ff $a brother of Rev. R-Coicinan of 5 Paul 8 Church. They do Not Desparr. An atter loas of hope, is not characteris form cf ar O fatal, "gta ts ogress ert ' by use of Sent' Emulsion, whi Cua Liver 0. i made a> palatalle as cream, With Idevaks. y with invalids the appetite is Capricious and needs we. at ve pret ne teaceon they impruye zo rapidly uncer Scott's Emulsion, which is as parmiaole cream, For CHILDRENAND ADULTS.-- Laws Hos om 3 cures worms ot al kinds In chit or acults, It coatains no pn munoud yicaredh ens. Price 25c. town 'which Kincardine gg to waterworks veens them A. $4o ox gul bern in Mate must have a bic odpmonr, becitbe t whl keen her wise sG@ five her patience and strengts to bear trouble Bang LH. Dingman, of the Herald, een appointed as vice and "deputy- pond of the United Scates at Stratford. Why is your hair turning Stig tr tading incolor?) Something To medy this use Dereannsnte Hair Magic. J Livingstone, buy, the comp iny - South ancer The Patrons of Industry Huron nominated S*N fy of Stephen, for the Ontano None. and Mr. Sanders SprinG TIME CLOMING,--Hefore d has the he oughly cleansed aad purified by the use of Burdock B ood B.tters, which purt- ifies the blood and cures dy-+peysia, oer stipation, headache, liver complaint, ¢ A Mosa Segal Asn was re- cently paid $5 b Council for im forms of coughs at Long Point, Thists two months carl~ ier and lung troubles it affseds instant relief. Jomm BRrovik, Columbus, Oot T SPECIAL VALUE eteian etani-Ciant pvmee guia i kE Wr Skated Thorough Thin Ico At King-" elon, throat SUMHINOS LV Fine Handsome bold Watches FoR Si5, warranted for 15 years, are special value. GUNTHER SELLS THEM. My stock is Handsome and "| selling now at a very close margin, in order to reduce my stock that must be sold, IN SPECTACLES I keepa very large stock in Gald, Silver and Sicel Frames, to suitevery eyesight, w Ladizs I will tusty sell you al : SPECTACLES FOR $2, Warranted, and at any time exchargeable with me, WATCH. CLOCK and JEWELERY RE etter' A SPECIALTY, EC C BELLS and all electric of Electric Supplies on hand. J. H GUNTHER, 1 Watch Specialist. GORED BY bs Cuw. -A fine colt belong ng to Me, Peter L ndsay, of Nixon. Oat, was badly tie ked by a cow. Two bet- then of Hagyard's Y. How Ol cured it ch his invalu me remedy shuld be in evry use. It cures cut-, sprains ruses, he ring and ali puns and aches in man ct bea The death is snnounced of Mme.Ra. auhe El gibeth Papnesa, a daughter of the great Forco Conadian patroit 1 . whose recent change of creed cnused such a sensation BRONCHITIS Cu -- Dear Sirs,-- Having sutferes for m ashore from bron- chits, [concluded to try " ood's Norway Pine Syrup, and by the ume I had taken one boule | was entirely free from the trouble and feel that Ia cured, c. & sma Toroato Junction, Oat. rune af Cee Rhodes, Peemier of Cpe Can any in Af ira, set at somes heietran $63.022099 1+ $75,c00 c00-- it mideinthe diamad mines of saat "muntry. 'ney suy he has 'he face "iar, the amber of a Loyola, and 'the wealth ofa Cra us. Enghsh Spavin wnement removes all hard, fott or cadoused Lumps and Blemishes from berse>, Blood Spavin, h R en TONE, Druggist Tie tg ves na 'aalieys His income artsen fam 1,cCocoo square miles of land that bh wos, Comprising m and other resourc i farms fore-ts, He ts est mated to be worth $12,000,000 Sere THROAT oe ---- ar Sirs.-- for over a week had a very sore thr and tried several medicines without relief until 1 ura cf Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syiup, which | tried with great suc- «se. Lthnk ita fire medicine for sore thréat, pa the chres',Asthmia. bron chit, and th oat and tuog troubles, MARIA MIDDLETON. Bobcaygeon, Ont, A n Francisco despatch savs:---The PP ni RIN p Lowstana out 202 days from New York. "The British ship Som alas also overtiue from Hong Kong with tea. Sie is out 84 a valuable care ° day says The Bette Bag rs Lee wil 1 m. strvative ¢ one ate ie egistature fir che vacency in South Leoark, aad that M-. Andrew Barttuws wi farmers' candidate RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DaAyY.--- guar Amenca Rocumauc Cure for Racomatem, and Neuralgia -- radically cutes mite 3days Its action upon th stem is tematkable aod ystertous Itremoves atane the cause, and the fisease aumimediately disappears he ai at dose yeeatly benefits, 25 cents, Sold JOHN LivincstoNne, Je, Druggist. Mr Palmer Cox, who wiites so enter- trintogly ofthe adveniurés of the Brown. ws, tsa Canadien, H- lived at Lucknow Oat,, and ts ten neta there by old thuers as the 'dell se grant of the first volunteer Company ever ' rmed_ ia that inges his oa was faised twenty nine yerrs ay CURED He: HoILs IN A Week --Dear Strs.--] was cico with pimples and ™ vit boils, unt tone Simiay b was-eiven YW ota bette of Banieck Blood Bitrers, ry the uss of wien iy sr e fiysng mab of one we 6 time. Ft D CARTER, Bint. Bice T can ansser fir the tro h of the above. T CHRISTIAN, Flaney, B,C, The falace of Aodrew Somerville, ree gis'rar gf she county ot Hontingdon, who Pp rivate banking mnstutution, shows liabifines amounurg to one bundied and sixty five thousand dollars. A sad fray re ee the failure asthe fact that $64; e ged to womnen, many of whom are uma. ried ee Pevighdrone's PELIEF IN aie nat ' pain in thé bladder, kida k id every part-of the unnar ssages in male or female trehevea retention of water and parn In pass most im ediately, Ul you want quick rebef and cure this is your remedy, old by Joba iwingstene, Glog sist The Presbytenan Review names Re Hugh MacLeod, A. M., D, D., minister or Sydney, Ca felun, who was born tn 1893,a nd ordained to the ministry in 1828, probably only the oldest minister in 7 so o in the Presbyterian cbarn in Amen ATURAL G, SIN eHasibroM: -- Nator- bur still it pounding and fora qe which : he could not sell for that amount, must Mr there, and if found in quantity if wil! m. a gieat manofactor- HIGHLY PRAISED. --~= Geatemeny-- ing tenve and. tcheve the financial have used your Hagyatd's Yellow O11} depression ; a5 it is, Hamilton has been aod have ¢ found it unequalled sis burrs, f quo extraveguct and arbors. So it is prains, scalds, rheumatism, croup and } with the human system when ove taxed, colds. Ihave recommended it to mony | sick and net headaches, neuralgia om" _ tney alao speak baer ikd of it. and biliousness ensue, but use Stark' Hicut, Montreal, Powders, a ney failing cure, prompt mi. z story--Dayton--I thought and pleasan' : you gave up swearing at New Toronto 18 Verily the * "City. of Churchs Peterson-- did Dayton-- Wat athes." There are vithin the corporation caused you to start ? Petersoo--Wr 197 places of worship, more than there ing '95 instead of '94 on my letters. te im either Boflaio or 'D: trou, aod AN EXCELt eNT Remepy. --Gentle- ice a there are in Montreal. Je have used Hayyard's Pectoral } The Anglicans have 42 churches, the 0 Jethodist 41, the Presbyterans 30, the Buptists 19, the R ongregauenalists 1, and o 1 There are Besides 25 mission houses catried on by th u

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