Listowel Standard, 2 Feb 1894, p. 4

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THE SAUGAGE. oor OF THE Bopr. --Perhaps the z eta onderful M MD FLEMING. fie Daintiest and Most Delicious Forme with the bodily temperatare is the preser- A THIRTY-ACRE FARMER --How to Prepare Te sce of its general aie Sears! So exter- ------e bil rcumstanoes cold. sein et nee karen aioe This power seems to exist in manin a F ia WHO HAS AS MUCH LAND AND) Fiiict.. aud has well earned its ta: Baer: smoant than elec cargoes 5 1 : 5 a WORK AS HE WISHES. tion for doubtful ingredieuts, Even | since he can not only support but enjoy < Vv icKL * . bi reberroy Fond meat -- laa deat life under ee which Sear be -- plo beng ory ai Beegeaaye a io 1s favorite wall paper has DIPHTHERIA OUINSY, COLDS. fae COUGHS Fire | Fire | Fire4 a mew , the poorest t i ti 2 Lame y taiieh's Porees beigt . ES velco di clare enherpaclea Ns pee mould not connidered ft tor, any pee Road, cotalesa by Arce Piense Sih cies greatstisioction. 2g conte, igh thus ground sprinkled with white ~ : la . ous Crops aed Sell Retatien--Food and | other purpose, are groun into sausages. voyagers are almost incredible. We ILO' "g WITALI Rr. z OTEK Ace blic Horary in the w a specs peavione pearatepseest woe ire t ose oO shoes awa' . SunaarecThe Apple' Orep--Octtonsced - pi amen Rol en eager Hetaes! rot fe eomperagared re ane wets hast S moe im Athens by" Pisaltras and buy a new pair, at Fone ry ir ing _ Sean beef ets: anne: Bh nated effete Certain | other band, in the tropics the temreratare pmeaerti iene or of Middletown, Conn., a ing's. The most unprofitable soil can be | tiat ure seitioats suspicion; but she pics often rises through a large portion cf the | trouble itexosls, gies Wilac pe jebreet, has complet: ; yaade productive without the use of | charged is about double what te 'sau. | Yeartorto®, or eyen higher, and we OH' wagon. His tees oo iseases * manure or f though it would | sages would cout w home, | Know that workmen can remain in juro~ Li 'FARRA the work, erie New Tan Shoes ech that cinuanion BG} ts ; : 2 5s % § Socereeneamieyinene Gr | eet main Gaees fic | Seas cen fe ine Soe _EMEDY. bes Be ee, cane: Bee of manure and fertilizers, however. and | tiem at bome than it is to thuke | the air must be dry and still ; ; slanilar Raia noua nea, Te wit woh the gray tut, sonie- Blood should be rich to insure health. i bis I Yer Cc %, the growing of crope that assist the land, | ¢;oquettes trustee Tt ' ccosntul treat thi loth, » the farmer cas take cal doger hi bet ot per moreover, is very coef "epeoot edenee nog ore gages fursuit tion. fener silos eomociee tie A large elep 5 a far Women, Men and Children, yielding to ita fullest extent. verethe 'irensil for oth urpuses--chop- pues ae? sof his temper, A soil is moderately fertile the gain in | ping cruniieteed 3 a4 meat iit let from a sinall bore vile de Scott S Emulsion aay alk Woe teen ae ae pons food will be more rapid, and can | palsds fo ohashes; and it is vi bis foreiead dropped bin Styles, at prices that defy scoumplished witht the use of |cejectilly valuable for chopping LIME FOR SALE. TT etition. Goods all new-- stable manure. ne of the test farmers | raw ments lor sou rere There has tly been disinterred ° . ss a ' P AMIE Lo in the United States has oly thirty | cught to be chopped tp orvier to extract Psa celebrated | MvUg the stares ciel the lord eisiators of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime old shop-worn goods polished scree jand, he keeps no ioc tie full value of the juices. Such a eis 'LA LIME STAR rept on yand at the| lain st Wandsor Custle, a sedan chair - : . up to se exce pier ey horses and one cow, yet meat-ciopper for family use will cost lime boure near theGas Works, This jime| belonging to Heurieita uf France, wile and soda, cures all Blood Diseases, including : is land increases in fertility every year | about $2. A week's supply of sausage gives entire satisfaction for elther bulidiog | of Charles 1. Scroful : oan bm pra 'ar x _ Hose of | meat cae be easily mude at upce. Wren or plastering, nitrite wax Some very ancient book be found crofula and Anaemia, It makes the blood TRUNKS AND V LISES sighbering farmera wie have large | properly packed tn a broad-mouthed jar, : * in tn {relies of iB. r A He refuses to buy more Ns uw layer of lurd on top, it wi "ior forned 00: it festa des writ Feng dines rich and nourishing. Physicians, the world land, as he has as uiuch work as he can Lee in a cold ; but it should witha eal pens and are bound merely over, endorse it. do on the land now being cultivated by sme ten as once a week to be in by a silken string. ke "Are you going to the North, rfecti Rhode Island has 2300 f ies, STORAGE OF PLAST FOOD. A Stipe rule f for sausage mea t calls ploring 38,000 men, 22,000 psunalzer dati Sekeany Norse with skin gin d_all who are thin - West ? Do-you want a trunk - 'There is no secret ia the unproving of | forseven-and @ half pounde of na pork 4,400 children, The combined capital sed ted should take SCOTT'S E LSION. Cures Coughs, Cold: We have a new Stuck just in the soil by the growin ropa for tint {ce sometimes for nange," half lean ei me mills is $76,000,000 aud the annual Weak Lungs. which will b f . ver ie a the basis fall re) a seine x aig ear gsteg one gh outpus §104,00u,U00. Prepared by Scott A Bowne, Bolleriiis. All Droggists, 50 cents and $1. bo wi e sold at a trifle ing. ver plan! : si yroutied in gvowis Spline snd | sumer save evanged ite fonnroe hve" Waking oC potash, yet it contains a of n uce of suge, aud et boow and shoes gives euployinens to the place. * it ives from be tia Chop the meat thoroughly " 0U0; cotton yvods, 58,000; building, roa a ae conten mnenet = - mosphere aud siores iu its ms, leaves Ld noe pani mt 10 hands, '000: cloth: , 33,000. ae i cap ofciover | aml chop sgrin." Suumge tent ike is 'miuwerct Pare police, if = AN EMINENT MINISTER ae ST. BEIGE kes thas vanity is a ver. wer- turned under the capacity of the suil ig is poe better than when it is pac in largely increased at the smaliest cust, as | little cases as it usually is in the the fertilizer carried into the soil by the | butchers' shops pe of quieting their activity he M. McD FLEMING clover is nus taken directly from the The Set eery: bo ge frying one jeeps b ci ; : soil iwelf, "There is arainonia and nitric | is nut the Lee cook gai won iy a wl eee Pa neie net te palin thelr: per acid in the air, Every rain atone th Shese far Lopinotes one ro 4 pat thei in tive ove | a pressions and irre wien inevitably 'A Gothic Christian blahop once s Fees, - a mee - di nan ordinary jug tin, turning them ess wlicn 1 = "NEW & > roots of the plants. Glover peer he aa from one eile ° anutier uatil YOUNG BER ; 4 take these Prous. ft phd wo the Gallia lanevaee bel s s cusTow-----. pacity for appropriating the nitrogenous | brown on both sides. Inu hot oren they 4 ha eee ihe re- wo 'or tie use of the pecpie, omi elements largely, and experiments have | will cook in thie bd in ten or fifteen nes aa A Joueas Les 8 Io END a . +e Books " Eieam, res bot ore 308 or PETERBORO shown that the plant also has the abil- | minutes. If they are in cases they shoul! take them. = Mit Lables creuee the propensihy £08 Sones ity to derive the free nitrogen from the | slieuld be pricked ee ughly to prevent Youaay WOMEN These Pruta will : fg if . wnospbere through the agency of its | them from bursting under the heat. 2 oe works of Aristotle comprise more . . leaves, which enters into combination | When sausage meat is cut it inte ox will be sent cpon ; ativus subje ' with oxygen and hydrogen, forming saveree esor furai it into round cakes, recip of pr bax), by addressing at survive of his t food suitable for the avou tersof an inch thick, BP TR ELT NS HED OO . ; tally Ulsourered ti: BUSINESS of the ly thie proces: «the clover | and i it couk in the same way. © The A year's subscription to SCRIBNER'S '0 vanrauted stage "ot decay in an oid . plant derives us feruhz-r fronthe air | French use the richest Spanish and Ma- MAGAZINE will bring into your enna' chest, and stores itiu the suil wiwu tue clover | deira saucers with suuseges, . A little f tH Among the early Christians the books is plowed under. chopped onion, in the proportion of a weve monthly numbers, aggregate} of heretic, auch as Origen and Arius, ee Ab Gaiea: taulespoouful pound of sausa 'er t§00 pages of the best and mo | wers frequently burued pee ge piles, A W GLENN meat, way browned aud apiuinkied yas while the heretics retor in kind by When nitrogensus crops ure used for | over tiie suusages Just befure ee are ter -ing reading, and more than 700) burning the writingn of she orthudux 6 . id " J 'y the suri iotativn is adviabic, HE kaiche Ova ol the kkussibed au: ful illustrations. controversia dete. Uiestears fi i LT 7 sot Egypt by the S&S . 1 ar Owl BaAUC oid Tue baste Uest oO KP! y se vue . and a sprinkling of minced parsley for a ANNOUNCH MENTS. c ited Europe eo papyrus, aud Has opened a Custom Tailoring Ferniets at Alek ill be a@ very delicate dish George W. Cable will begin in the Jans om ees an SE ee business in the rooms elu is one of th oa tas, ary vumber romance entitled Joho . tJ . 24 Sry ber mite fis. tos lane aed Lona Te ; Nip gorbiaests ni colada, Berge Bateh: Réciharner : in arcbwvd out | that the parcament might uadse ber S-ypoerihaed 1 may be mus! uce, k the sausages in tes ae The navigation of the Dead Sca is the Over Hutchison's Store ; the oven or on top of the stove, as you waged : Barrie, author of the! jitect step in orieutal progress. Tue kucws that where « boar, pivce of old . 1 prox. eatpacror ndgiot 4 Teas ibe prefer, Only be careful that they "ar 'amour Bitte Minister, bas wsitteD &/ cuitan jus sent two sailing Louis there, NEW STYLES covered the spot, the scil, becomes durk not cooked till th y ure bh a javor- new vovel, the frat since that O88! one for freight and wne = oe setae Story. Gee Merredith, the gresh) aAidul Humid is going & to muke . erin color, is richer, aud the presto of bo angle wore evidence tie fuct that A uglily Evgitsh povelist, has In preparation s money out of ee salt, Epis and sul- hus vocurn Wien th mibules ig. otmug is more ob- novel entitiea The Amasinug Marriage, phur of the lak : 7 P 4 7 land te liaded by clover the witritic: Ps pal we cane sousrnon a A meeaT EeniEy will be rg That which is re spulariy known us the J F 5 iyi! iM, if now to hand, and the pudlic in the soil is au easier process than 1 Wat CUACHOL pliers 'Separate ther shy ells, Miss Eltot, W. w.| funny bone, jase opr a the LAY 3 Bre i: 4} ean rely upon getting a goob the farmere."ectwd? tue lant ny tie far. | Ws-Teof tose, Heat « good srown Bistop, Ledevie Matery, Past a nerve that lies near the surface, and fit every time and all work low system, which sitaply pernntied the Te atenle ance te entey aaeae ve writers mil coroat. andmey | Siich, on getting a knock or blow, done most satisfactorily. ~ 7 Tira : Could appear aid on age gee lair youms and vdd them ww the sauce, and ie Neat Restored. ATUDIES 0 ERICAN LIFE wilibe -- a = nd fingers. i let them simmer in uYorsix minutes. au Saperient eae inclading New. The longest reach of railway without \ Nirigen fron: At 'he praieat duy the intelli gent fare mer rotates his land by nut ailowing the Still same kind of a crop to grow on the big Then pour the sauce aruuad the sausages py Bar Harbor, Lenox, ete., and 188 | 4 coro is claimed by iravelera to bs that Cherges Moderae. another nice way of serving sausuges is with apple sauce or on a bed THE ILLUSTRATIONS wil! bo even | from Buenos Ayres to the foot of the Audes. For 211 nuiles it is withouta in succession, anid! uses clover to auriat + aap '| of bewns, he resi bean is used fur this more numerous aod beautifal than ever, siete rte ae eon purpowe by Fret vous Y hits \ series of Fronttepleces chosan by jo ew oF threes feat Mr. W. 8. Barker is » young] force is diminished, and asa resuld | 4 !1/8!O:dertsreapeottully solicited. a pa gg en dg ligemee Ke Fhtltp a! Gilbert Hamorton will be eapec- Yao long lnoked for application of minister of Peterboro who has by his| the stomach will not digest the food, A. Ww GLENN AGE OF TREES. eel Ny are vane StWle be woore? | > Complete Prospectat centon Request. | Suninuus on bey ole ahwig i BON ae great earnestness and able exposition | the liver becomes torpid, the kidneys ; ot ieee Te te Moura e. er Gaon sd tl mew flexibility and ite fitte weakness are of the doctrines of the Bible earned| will not act properly, the heart and | T ~ = i > 1 to hare been erco: ae, ar . . hey Could Teil snot er Two Abeut heen asaneed, tntece noun, add a SPECIAL OFFER. Tt' art ae Bn ee Mm a ced for himself a place gmongst the|lungs suffer, and in fact the whole ; Elm, 900 year+; ley, 305 sears: maple, | onion Meu wo Clove slack ie Ik Caner Thue are, i bac for} noe rs yd | lightness and bicye gills be liglit,strong foremost ministers of Canada. He,| system becomes weakened and sinks LISTOWEL 516 years; larch, 570° yenrs, orange, 630 them mitt cold ater, and let tens Inclothe - - $8.00 a atanion einiiiticien'caines. ou with his most estimable wife, believe} on account of the lack of nerve force. - @ coe ow t : ----a " my » is f > yest fe ae pel at 'plane, eaaaiiiie caer weds Gene bet assis Copy id conta: with the startling auuouncement that im looking after the temporal as well oa American secre based SASH & DOOR FACTORY 3! a3 ware y. When tie be oft enougl 7 . the population of the world, : is iri i on the foregoing scientific discover; 1 See remaes ty TE pans sucaes. 2008 | OSE erediad te tee tron : Cuarues ScRIBNER'S Sons, | swimaled" at 1,40,000,000 "i" crvided | Mf thealritoal wellare of mamcith/ fie Mi uDrepared that it le = yer. 3200 years, Tue : way iiw nich te move thentfrout tue fire, Seasou them ERIE MEDICAL CO Buffale. inv familia of Ave contd all be accoin- hemes tee following statement: for) ies Eee a age of tliese trees have been as ined miele saalt and pepper, tuke out the enion, on LY. nundated fh Bexess eck bgt the publication: directly on the nerve centres. Is leaves nv doubt of ite fein marry Ig | and serve them, They are x reiy quod IB Er ive-sore lot, aad lave 90,000,000 lota immediately in the nervous : tof roast ke over for parks and things, ' y increases ® nervo srs casey teas an been Cu | Shopatas well asst saoaea "| DECIBABLE RESIDENCE ee Among she isin teh of fen weiet| diag Uh Greet South Amer | nett? Cane nus Tene Soeee? ro _ fraditions, "but the botanical arciieolo: oe ; , . tan tae eeen, Se ove ee! | on Seed sae walne are| *Uabting the different organs of the Bamford Bros, rar, ' e rvin: 3 she ae whent4 cavetully Coed, tatu 'id ee ae matin neice oe FoR SALE. Canada's Rest Family Paper Stream, ia worthy of print! "Last wine an Nervine Tonic to all who are! boay to perform their work-perfeotly, ble. ' jusinct of esll-presareauon in ati; tor, while catching chubs for emall bait, Wisted oT a nee with necro when disease at once disappears, Buiders and Contract -- ciel tebeesctactes merce | a fae EPipss caeuce | Pacmag ate HAMILTON Haugh wall salt water perch. 14 | prostration andindigestion. found] f, greatly benefits in one day. saat ere, condidip and freely, | cemed 'offer te. Fats | outhouse. Exery ight the Ts very great relief from the very first) yf, Solomon Bond, » member of re atd all, would freeze to asolid cake; bottle. et: ] | y . 'i repared t t recti praetal = every day he would be melted out, and oo WM: EONS ere Fhe Society of Friends, of Darlington, oratl einoses ofbulidiven Plant audeeean 5 and 'would strike tle ghise when | bie Seure., for farther pactiealars appt in w short time he would be as lively as men to me by my druggist. 1 Ind: writes: "Ihave used six botiles gallons tray aWb, and estimates tarnished op an an annual deposit of wood, spreid iu an | ever any ove approached. The owner | oad thee d pl giry "-- we on hie shen ipete sy wit ber GN Sor of South American Nervine and I % 40 3, 'i re it ria) uw nine Ww O piste lai the surface of the pro "s svete in thawen ba ahs in ime GEv. HESS. receiving the slignteat injury." I _ say, was completely run down | consider that every bottle did for me Sashes Doors In the earlier perivds of life trees in- | iet theanuke strike atit. Tiere could In the courtyard of the Palace of Ver- and was suffering very much from | 449 hundred dollars worth of good th 1 lul K Mellable men to sell our sailles is a clock with one hand, cniled eral Ar re o wo! of gi . sie oak. fori etenee, crore epesieiry eth cdrce A ogeanp nae pee seuay diag NW ARTE, D. ned' oun pine ian Many "L'Horloge de * Mort du Rus." Jt ° ae ee. _ hose great because I have not had o bet the 20t: dd BUth 5 _ : o ed thro tains oo works, but consists mere! fa rom a) merican ervine z * wh Dold she anbuss ptt oa aide he never " i fellow, wi es r m va weeniye 0 face In the forms of Rater hit purrawniet by and also cheerfally recommends it night's sleep for' twenty years: 08 Frames, Blinds, etc - ably ciminish, so thet the strata are | fist, aud, afver repeated atteupts, gave fry pivaii. a all ale Snes wor aya nthe death h Low-suff account of irritation, pain, horrible thins er sud the rings proportionatly | itup. Then every passenger on the boat | terms used to de tied sue Ite rh ort de- te her fellow-sufferers. dreams, and general nervous pros- order," Bvergtbiog in the valid gine with closer. me true ck ate oF ; mise and remaicel unaltered t 4 AC. " : i * © bulld'ng line will growth ata very arly period be life, ard eet akwsty combed nat! . oon lo, | ALLAN NURSERY CO, Roebester, S.Y. cessor had joined him in the grave, The "Rev. W. 8. Banger. tration, which has been caused by | °° S'¥®2 Prompt attention an rapete at < nal =p es ig i to witer #0, atinct was oman than reason and will R st comune it Ge taveinies. It is now @ scientific fact that cer- | chronic indigestion and dyspepsia of . those of the | power c ms J A yew alter 60.--Toruuto Eupice. "1 wituesswd another illustration of FA M FOR SALE. hiabes on. the Wesel: OF tain nerve centres located near the | the stomach, and by « broken down FIRST-CASS WCF KNANSHIP GUAR 5 - 7 XV UL, and the hand atili ene fix- . . iti * Marvels ef Memory. ea ua Pata 2 duntlag' ta a ae ENLARGED AND IMPROVED ed on tile precise moment of that mon- base of the brain bave entire control condition of my nervous system. ANTEED. iainh: 'whe: 'ance. pentibonied oul "8 fe might meats, Gut ive hha | $500 wit boy ene uf the beet 100 sere | Contamns All the News arch's death. eel over the stomach, liver, heart, langs | Bot now I can lie down and sleep all sere emer a emt | a mt a, | enc a May ead Fea aie aa and indeed all internal organs; that | night as eweely aa « baby. sod 1! Charges Very Moderate of England.' "He count repeat iaenae drown hinself. Qu the way tnere was | ust " a. wn tillew feu Listowel, wile Crisp a ad Pp. nae %b. mments Mr. Irving's uia.uer ai supper is inter. is, they farnish these organs wit feel like s sound man, I do no! man's sermon after hearing ut once, and | ® Breat Commotion, caused vy the escape 1 eve ebIA & « The Most Entertaining Stones, eating even tu people whi have veer him the necessary nerve force to enable think there has ever been a medicine factory--Ink could repeat 600 words i an aukner of a tiger from a strolling menageriv. e babe bern many times on te occamons, were F % Ps ry--Inkermn Street, Listowel language after tr them twice. _" Ie T . « the street and etbeaiaty vm Oe ina © Ch i icnds a stl panes, is something re iy oid and pictur- them to perform their respective introduced into this country, which one day undertonk to , erything for Everybody, | esque about hie ielancholy appearance work. When the nerve centres are| Will at all compare with thie as @ BAMFORD BROS. combined with the unquestionable juvi- 2 TO1ISsSTIAW alit tows weakened ed th cure for the stomach and . . y and good feliowamp of the iman. @ or derang 6 nerve © stomach and nerves. fopot it, trembdigg ins every ole: La -oared ke 'e sie tn lok cathie' rs $ | 1895 $ | beg sr maw ounees P aunoutc = ¥ \ When the animal was captured and tt Gefeuce bacdewoed bush and Varable piece Th vey usually do, that Mr. Irving madea . Pye : : : . In 'each aie a" oe iu cae re. danger raion ucer we ac oat we = the einer ae ere 'The te In ever Te.tuy I i pe pene radian venatter wee qapuary, successful speech at one of the innumera- Sold by J. Livingstone, Druggist. in Listowel. PUBLIC i : and c 1 suicide 1 was interest- | Qheats at oie roumtle pe netly dune. of Mal) us kteet premium picture, "WATCHING | ble suppers and dinners which ho lias at- =e = = < ed in the account of the suicide, and, 'a 1é Jus ae Ka Th WHEEL GU KOUND"™ for only $1.00 nde ber refer wnly sa ara first wes ns SET by curiosity, eu Le see the ate, cup & Hace, Fol the evening. is is invari- ead Thereby give public notice that I will mot . a Seniting. de antes ar FW adlace Py ably sechulurly aud thougitful Manufactured only st Thomas Hotwwwar's be Teeponaible for any debts contracted she sus med ee btn ae a wane ' AGENTS WANTED | Sctvered with esurked expresmiveness st v6, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. 7 808 Non, withoud "Ec seaitie elfurt ty escape asain. evi ry Liverat conial mon 40 -sywots. A. goe style and with great theatric effect but Kartaville December 2, 183. dently but a few minutes belure lic 1 agent for we diwirict Is wanted at once. | '* otiice a reer r. phi de speech- sougit it, und at tue very tune that he ' ; vie who wiil take au !Olerest In pushing | Making for that particular ereuing. proces sig aD pea ial ty end hue DR. WwooD be vbr paper and it make a (horough cme h on ls ufter the _ four or t oe cad ts 'ule mnount | ©xistence,""--St. mocrat ' " y seem to LOOK AT T THIS a ' a wing Go: a --_--_--_--_--_--_-------- < So a For terma and particclare address eee, Bhs Eat Living Great en, SPECTATOR PRINTING GO. ve aout a spony sit down and pt to L1Ow» CANADA. | ho speaks three times in an evening _ Wels of Money to 1 ean at atthe wary joweet re a ven of 100, tl sometimes e an i Fr peru: aaa 4 Hee eae : en really andes hid whe s bal five aca ed ee OFFER.--The oe answer the people who make epniotieg ~ "§ YY --* erly lice poh ofl ghd jnoak what you like at - Bae wili eee how dificult it ia, Wheu the nd We Spectuior, one ye | about him, He smiles and chuckles to Ps Pg "R. HUTCHISON sy 4 qorsiion wna as up a an sconing 3 73 sy beh Papers, Hordered nen pi gpinll the funny stories ag are rs 12 Agent Listowel. ote ty lust week, the prevailing we at ie an & pat ov up after ap was Giadstene, wile some said Bis- - os promis ing or atory teliing w . Ween tl hi -auged stri » lavin a a one, the wad pa in the wone of "Whole she = ioe 5 3 t ml Tank Jorny rises again into view, the T D-- "resdy smaployment Wid " ereatent living Ameiicau Y" or te gréat- N rw Pp VIN ' uw face tukes on a Tetrospective . | 28 ae baleem: }ouce +e nem esb inn in he, ulted States, it ieoomies oO a ine bn emile, way yor Prt babome cat as and the benefit of uver + as, even more difficult, barring, of curse, ine stump y at his hearers, then he tells a Dhol rie) wot one pt pe-weotue ns wane, Eiltoon looms up S yrup. A Farm, We beve over 70 er wo acre and wef snolos stouk auc anbe the eben that Lbelung to greatuess, Our saod soar ba parent that during the past) 4 Rich tn the Chet A' Garden { men Fence wecuring and earning ee mt * ¥ ay, - ae: " por bined pots of aber pectoral barbs sobs ' | ie trial win coerce meee, stg latesinen, tue schol th berbs barks. ' i aw. anu TOR. " ve tista ud reformers, and @ pe the ar AV ' L » cs Ont are sleuttie fe tk, coined Utne ite men of tortune, like Vanderbilt, Astor, (COUGHS Al AND COLDS ' . Purebasera shoula lock to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. e Sieatet ihe. niber: tere ne, (apd Gould, Beoechite A Home in the Ci : os li vecarein Lay eee oat ts tiey + Mea rin re et appearing phon --_ "08 voepenael THROAT. Bnoi BRI (CHiAL aed Vill 7 CG ful i If tbe address 18 Lot 6833, Oxford Street, London, thoy are spurious, ey ae tee ied sy " ef ee reer remedies yield eto thls or Village or Country, . pace, | COntWudS that there are sa inany creat - ' ; oe piny syrup. <_-- a evict | Betetine tou See angst Hore greet] * _eaee srnetaceemnaor ee OF rat: Ciog 8 ate oe JA, ICH-cne iltmtrated monthly rngasine in the home is vem me th t ty offered, but ' is necessity, and to meet the ' . lis opportu Iave neared ae IT WILL Yorn pened no longer a luxury t isa necess é e anyierd Willsome one name 2 Putladel --_------______ demands created by this necessity, TIE COSMOPOLITAN 4 ' x Y Use stion tu Joe Jefferson. IE ' BS 2 eo 'eijorment u Sty 30 pore phia Times, ' THE KEY TO HEALTH. PAW. Yo U we bona Boecduls of ihe veteran 'MAGAZINE "9 giv ing ¥ early. as it does, 1586 pages ot reading jo 'awe | kaos epreacs sep o Dr. Helines Answers Questions, WELL actor "Jue" Jetierson, showing the | py the ablest living 'authors with over 1200 illustrations by Phterpeie at wh ial fh ture imantufac- Fr ste ° ' Lop whoas 2} Lirw0.c5 our on esses Swed | | A youtg man ambitious for success ; | vee te hor beg aeilk about town. clever artists. has steppe d into the breach, with a reduction itd Gea aorgcl pce gel Rad fale Dr Oliver Wendell Holmes P segs the Te welnete ie 6 de Beet 1] Several weens uuu, eet Mr Jeffersou [in its price that has startled the literary world, rn a1 OF ONUTWSS [TeTs canny on not long ago propounding four ques- pay eins aearile oF Pht "eraet ee "4o"Riy Van Winkie" at re ja' i isto Sh seq Bopaterpe-- [e400 #1 tions winch are ofien veked of public CUI riiaest Fehon ie the | Walnut Strvet Th atre, he found among = es STANDARD, fyily 4 othe ofedie «dts sib 4 Jose fe scecia' a racpe- eeaSk : piaeliy aaa Recor. pity ot sta men, pe Bag distinguished oye 4 H ' > nis usail oue morning @ letter frou thi ts with thee supeth ane wh ve ee Ben eee F yearly subs: mt role. ar. myrtoe g -ee] Of SUeTROIgT : eu) i sewers without interest oir lf t lurmiiure w T le, whict fies to Doth publications combrned te ode sum of 3 usin ous wena 'fh OGIO FEAOTIET O77 pudeottectetoa : . : Hf e rie an t f eu uns pe ie leur ra etry "td Prides sath 0 RE A I D , neys are Mh "des Delag ae Sai ae eee eed AES, eerie mere | ah tunes |. ene ggee| ae eee eee | (98. THE STAN ARD. 8295 | $istien bel' | seme a : questions, if at all, in my vibe aod, as we:8, Cys ani iver, carrying teen! hee ar men, ie ven il chat thes | Bhd "open." read us 2 "Mr. af." rtp £194 Laeomorgye ip benngidbey wt avons is ateent at this time aid pact ig ag syaem, write show Fy c--L saw you play 'Rip prom 5 per cant ral Bea Sioce Ha g@ 48012008 jo sou, iss 1 'oung man of good taste ihe nies fout hur ors of the Ww * Las h Xx ail. fy putea oT GT "Saoere Fit do good prt z vciples may safely go to see a | tecretions as the same Ume ; Aly : i e: f ait eye i. Woereme MONTH. The Cosmopolitan Magazine YEAR. 4 Sfiaieenae Ne i t a , 1 ; ' a te in sigh tty nay vv non | ples goed nay." "| Rady of dhe Stomach creme BPC Sf dacieitnes VSR Te Ed gee tp te tea aetael |The price of the great illustraccd montblies in the past hns| § edond" Ad: | tha'mont cane soca ag Sorel nif gsaghinyotp Lab se yenpean '5 plays, ead a good Heart ura, Constipation. Saige" Gos at Hay y! BS i sles). you nught ay & few words | been $3.00 and $4.00 2 year, and they were to be found ouly ne Vight as well reene ef all, ' 2 'arng| ictionary, say Worcester or Webster © | Dryness of the Skin. Drorav. Lam |r "id und Yourg, ste ne 1. .t 1 » --. jo soefqns eng a> 'yepneg esuoyd1y 3 To Ce moat cucowe T" Hal | ess of Vision Youn Salt Rheum, | id end Yourg. te, wonwert ing ike tes "Os, how SA 5 > rs -- Jeet 'homes. : Osi ute furnishes a help to refare "Ss Diab ites ands tesen ORX w iy concaetral ea) a cee fn'a. Tluttert or st r 4 : F om 20 Mines cdisoued bo bt the en usness coi Genmel at '$ iMP& SSIBI E nen ee sala, duravie "aud scunfortabie, bom all families, no-mutter how modest their means, to keep in without sewer. the above 'Buyyo0o pus Auyqqazos Zarpnyom: | 4 Shall Ceseanet Coaaialy not. It| Debility; all these art anyother simi | eg) Cayuni sar rae Ee ahs hints att} Thuch better I would feel this rf weed touch with the greatest mings of the world, as The Cosmopol- age, as ood Troeanes Surdeexesnon sionoead | is liable to iajare the sight, to render | mr ints vield 10 she honpe influence | sr-rny tines Tohanalt eer Shes SY Tinink ft would bring down the hoas,{itan has to-day the strongest regular staf of any existing] @ kidneys. Bat i ae waere euotzen Ape] yoy 70 UeqoHy O11 | the nerves uostendy, to ef BLOOD BITTERS. fe. "= sexr- cals @1.50 postpaid. | Now, 1am willinz to pay you weil £ d shyped thoy oe | Pouce cna, gy faBen00. eps & warprTge sy 203 dn | will, and enslave the Bec cgemag ol xd ts Sample "Gor? Pree ek sapleabios ac: ee of coarse. Lat wee kiow whas yout Periodical. Send orders to Pony veopseqy PACT "MAMA MIM | perious habit likely to stand in the way | Sample Bottles 10c: Regular size $1 think of i." The own-r of Blank's fold THE STANDARD opal br alt salers ore a OM pee eursevem ons we sere of duty to be performed. Yours very For sale by ail deaters. The, American A iculturist, ing bed has not yet heard from Mr, Jet- ' 'Del A Sanith te Co. Toreatoy # Oey 'PHOm oq ay 2077pe eeRano! en » Oliver Wendell Holracs. fo WELBUES & 00. Pregutatens, Tenente: piu Sesnen, ~Pujladeiphia Record. : ; -- Listowel, book called Kideey Tale : ~ +

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