a Gas we eee en wee ea mg ee advertisements pavable a aarterlY, ~ THE LISTOWEL STANDARD --is publish EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, at the office in tiie for the early malls. MARTINS BLOCK, MAIN 8T. LISTOWEL, --by-- A. St, Grorce Hawxins, TEeuMs : $1.000erannum otherwise, $1.50. ADVERTISING RATES. Firat anertion POrlin®........+ Each #' Ven insertion... 'Sontract ortisementalusertedattbefol- lowing rate Irp oar. dear Tay arenes: 6 7-$350 - $9003 36 01 o 700 400 ernomrcs, molerceedlnaslings Siper pena : over#andunderl2!iines, fants tisemen a for sale, cattle seer ea @ratmonth, ate per month thereafte: orline each insertion ihe oriect pk wnie sides ered macaic vi oon on Mo aday, and the copy east be he be hended innotlaterthan w JOB PRINTING. Our eae ne sob work carve! advortist- - 4 towel a Planos MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, PRTISTIC DESIGN BURABLE CONSTRUCTION. Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTIERN EXTENSION OF W. ae a&B. RY. ally as under: For Kincardine and intermediate plain Py Cth 7.55 a. mj Express 2.32 p. m.; Expres For Palacrilog cies pesee a Gale a a. m.: Ex- res, 12.57 p. w.; Mixed, 10-38 p: QBORGIAN BAY AND LAKE ERIE DIVISION. Crainn leavo Listowel station dally asunder GOING raters $.50 a, mn.; exorsen 'a2 Pp m,; Mixed GOING NORTH, Mixed 12.108. rm.; Exprose. 1.4 p.m.; Express 8.18 p- m. DARLING & BLEWETT: BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Conveyancera, Notaries Public, Solleitor pkes the Los vas Hamilton "and Neola on nkin pons r Hcott's Bonk, Wallac ace Srincawele, 3 ue DARLING FR. BLEWETT MORPHY & CARTHEW BARRISTERS SOLICITCRS &C WOTARIES PUBLIC & COMMISSIONE KS MON DAN. H. B. Morpry, J. Mo CartHew, ABEE & GEAHING, B AKLISTERS, Solleltors for the Merchouts Taok pataxtes Public, STRatFORD, Ont. Doney to F. W. GEARING: SEWEY FULLARTON, 4" eng all ra Ee ieee one on Teasanhble terms Money tolen B.A An 7 M. D. BS NOW IN_ Pos! He: 2 PS OF HIS PER- ent omfices ot Livingstone. Drug store, where he may ve bs ae night nad day. Entrance on Main & W,_E. DINGMAN, M.D., RADUATE OF Queen's Unrversity j mez yaicians, and Su joge FP goons oat. Puyscian, Surgeon and Accoucheur, office and renidonce---Main Street east J. J. FOSTER, taasieclinderuiiaia GrorGE Wa picts over Flemming * Tatloriog Fatablieb MAIN ST. LISTOWEL. M. BRUCE, ee DS peta air ac., fo \ painless extractt Mco in old stand bear ep ompeon Hiroe Store. Entrance, Ma st. ce 18 Penelope St, Listowel. IOUNTY OF PERTH.--THE WAR- Wednesday, 1 Friday and Saturday of each week. DMoe on Tuesday CMce bh M.DAVIDSON, County Clerk. eon ntvClerkisomee. Stratford. The Oldest Established GROCERY TOWN I8 JAS- ARMSTRONG'S Jpeain ens en © peopl Those 21 years "npr ene we rr abien' him' tokocw Listowel ane pelgubarkond, and alwa bin ther retal! beuee tn the tr OPFEES a5d6U GAKS, I ha justtry the And atlather nd ae PA * Canned Goods, r, 'Satm 1, al, heat Buckw our etc.. In TEA one very baat A wellsclocted stock o: CHOCKERY and y GLASSWARE, always to be found atm aid for Better and Eggs inds oft bape Te produce JAS. AXMSTRONG WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Highest price potatoes and all Has on hand a large asfertment All Kinds of Furniture, plain and ge Picture Frame Mould et Photo Frames, Baby Car any part of Elma township free of cost. UNDERTAKING attended to at anytime. First-Ciass EARSE in connection. Furniture Rooms opposite the P.O. co GH I OBTA PATENT? Fors a aay pidaeehores ta the merit ly of In- JOHN STUART, Presipent; G. RAMBAY, Vick-Pags. JOHN FROCTOR, GEORGE ROACH A.T ' Aatiedt CHAS. GURNEY, . LEE (Toronto,) NGS oar hear TT ate ota arate of Blue pid wal Iso rr " A. STUART Agent Listowel MONEY 10 LOAN cimamenin oO: FREEHOLD LOAN AND SAVINGS 'COMPANY, M4. Money Aino A Jarce amountofPRIVATE MONEY oun, Not limited to half value. Favo wbie terms, Apis 4 Dane iInG & BrewerTr. WALI ACE ST. LisTOW EL Agents for Freehold Lonn and Savings Company Insurance and Loan Agency. M. BRICKER. AGENT FOR THE Dominion INSuRANCE Co. OF WATERLOO: THE CANADA ACCIDENT INS. Co MONE ro xi Qn the most favorable terms, SHIPLEY,ONT, AGENT FOR THE London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY --ALSO-- MONBEVY TO LOAW rate of Inlerest Conve. rensonabie term MONEY TO LOAN. o "For eight years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and indiges- tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken I induced to A pariila, as clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer's my weight was only 129 pounds; I now can brag of ,and never in Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Oo., Lowell, Mass. Cures others,wilicure you | MORRIS - FEILD - ROGERS - C0. LISTOW Ei cone BANK OF HAMILTON. AVING Depontts of $1 and epwar rile received and interest alowed from SPECI DE POSIT recelved at our rent reign bf Inte hy alt AFTS on Great Britain andthe United It's-all tater aotents mad sold, 'Collections made sant i favorabiv T. louned at tow rates, Terms to in apy sume from $200 and npwarda atalow Fencing ¢ of all d ecriptions done op And I'd have a And respectful, it a Tease: For remember tho' this big red flag Is tattered now afid old, ke s history ae. a writ mu uk could it we ty po 'many a tale So whene'er you see it From a window Remember that the crown te there And rules from floor to floor. 0's too --, to y ner'? rent call tny trusty: bails 7 ut them = the scent ; Or if a chattel mortgage falls, ie a i a poy met, eA ' " m ready with my wri CAPITAL $1,250,000 7 gather io th that deb. ahi: ESERV " it's rent 1' leave th RESERVE FUND +° $650,000 a rene Cee ee, ae ee aed But - leave them naught tor dinner DIRECTORS paiaca ae ies Ihit'sa nae mortgage, I seize ull the process calle, But sometimes vate the mottoes j ik s' on the walls. If it's capias ho pid ca ad, sat., Or = other kind of w n find where on re at, Tho' on judgments we can't jail 'em, he same, you And declan a my ae psp gat And scyueese or vietions 'aN they're dry For till I was m OT never Rares in luck HERIFF MOWAT. HE WILSON TARIFr BILL PASSED BY THE HOUSE: AMID THE WILDEST SCENES EVER WIT> zD is THE CAPITOL BUILDING = SENATORS WILL STRUG~ GLE were If FOR A COUPLE OF MONTHS, WHILE THE WHEELS OF COMMERCE WILL BE TIED UP. Washington, Feb, 1.--No question was ever settled in the a ¢ of Represen~ asmjand general of people ever gathered at the building ere to day, le to rsach he galleries were packed and jammed with men and women of high and low station. The President's - > o c speakers rivate gallery sat Cardinal Gibbons an: € M >» Bt. * y 1 amr By toe lia Bacher roms." Lietoway nex | many other dignitaries of the Toman EX-SPEAKER REED'S SPEECH- R Speaker Reed, w . ; , debate apaiast the passage of the bill, was erin better ed reanextra long Riv loose, and for a time ev ose to their feet and cheered, et ear many Democratic members. or vailed everywhere. Smee 'ol oe families of members, were give privilege of the floor, a ching esldon yee en of the nation were on ereaen CRISP WILDLY CHEERED. Speaker Crisp stepped down joes the Speaker'a chair, and went to him at the close was no less demon! tive than that extended to his pr cessor, THE CLOSING SPEECH. Chanman ibang - the Ways a e half beat rch As his be n their shou! Though = was a jollification, a loo! riot. = brainy me and acted tike aa. y were more than disgracetul ; ae dignity was sacri. ficed for exultat: THE VOTE. e bill passed by 64 maigtly, * at 'eat zo larger than was expected. oe me who had spoken siete it voted for 1 lot to- might. ns are i the belief that to-day's defeat Horse o 35- HS i abo 18 cents per allt hom the daty under McKinley law. Girls as Pall-Boarers. Tacoma, Jan. 30,--Six young ladies, each wearing a bec chrysanthemum, created mi ment serving aS pall bearers at the toma of Mrs. James eee manager of a local shorthand The girls' s of S ~ church the young lady : ed behind the mourners and continued in be remains until] aher the in- Ghildren Cry fes Rites' Crestoria. Why is your hair tarning'grey ¢ in color? Something is wrong. s : a quantity of good and ricb milk, about ia engin -- hotel and restauran I nn he sprog cake, too, but itis with finger of scorn, A fig for all your yellow peal Let me tell you what we use and how we use it, ) one tea= spoonful (not heaping) of eel infu oan -_ and a h. led (hot or pen ties _~ stichtly with larj, and with s c nm drop the batter ahich, will Ay thick enough not to run to make ittle cakes, Pat them into an oven hot enoug crust them over ey Bake them three-quarters of an Bring them to the table wir ee will ine june thick enow, to lit ; will be a inside and crusty withoot, 'Butter 1 ai "id 'ou will ~have delicious corm yee CORN ae apy Or take these ingredien cups of corn meal, sifted with a ionnpeeril of s of rice, one tea- and like them better) + as you aked the corn dodgers. And you will have some royal muffins. CORN BATTER CAKES. ) same receipt 'batter somewhat thinner ) cooked on a griddle will make very nice) batter cakes. For the latter our cook al severa hours, [tis more healthful for the child~ ren than if taken raw und cooked quickly The flavor o' In troublous times, when egg scafce, we use one egg for these re~ Ceipts, and say it is as good as two. The » with about a tea- costal of finely mashed pumpkin, baked In a dripping pan, in a single cake, an inch deep, makes what we call pumpkin bread, and is very good. Don't try these receipts with yellow cornmeal. is of nowse. You can't succeed. ¢ white meal is just about fifty times as delicate. Short Eurrowa. The man who -- that any fost | may farm, is behind tb 300d resolutions a a ---- when a neighbor's piga get in and roo upa piece of newly planted corn tor u Have a small reserve garden where replace such as any out of bloom, or have been lost by accident. Ex g a cow that stands unpro- tected rm the cold winter blasts to give ut as reasonable as to look for a from an iceberg. In making butter there isno neces- sity for ig mem 2 it with your bands, as some ignorantly do. A wooden ladle is the sania utensil to use, for working and handling this product, Memory holds the melodies of the corn-stalk fiddle of childhood more sacred than the most exquisite strains of the master musician that may have fora little while charmed the matured Do not let acow run dry progres~ sively unless you really wish to curti her milk yield. Feel that you can control the volume of her milk secre~ tion by the amount and character of ber daily rations, good, warm stable is not only an indication of a kind bearted, merciful abr but it also signifies that he isa frugal and ecouomical man, making sean use of knowledge that arm shelters are great feed savers. The little Wood Duck is a marvels of diminutive. feather about the centre of tbe Democratic side | ¢: Q> Farm and Town property. at the low | to the seat be so long occupied before he © vterost payable yea = the principal can vs repaid eawaaity, and | ¥as_ elect Speaker, As he arose to suterest : allowed on sue a pagments 0 of | speak, 1,000 throats and 10,200 hand rincipa meres ene bought. Conveyanc- fox d Jone. place: ein responsible gave him greeting He de ed the Companies. "ABDI 7 auras use for one _ e ~ the ideal 3 N. ee is 'party. is speech aid Untowel, will live in histo The ovation given ous picture been It possesses a plumage a: gorgeou the most perfect peacock Its per to the farmer is largely in its plumage, cosmasraty few keep them on the Profits in Home Marketa No manufacturer can sell a hailf- It is, of course, more trouble, and requires more time to market your product to hes customers than to sell to dealers, you te get pretty well paid for e tins or anppig pans, grease we eh A a tower x wea re feet high. T! - of the reser setae pe ow the poet the = tains,and oe his aan, he tructare ms are arch6d over : but on Streams the --_ run to the pew edge anda cithet side. Ge the. top hthe wall there breastworks -or de facing in 'o calculate tim build or of this wall is bey homan skill, tar as magnitude of the work is concern: ed, it surpasses everything ip ancient or modern*times of which there is any t < The Pyramids of'Egypt are nothing com~ pared with it, I bi Chi areal a eacalypts and aye heard in California tell about it, but 'scarcely lieved their stones. Seeds and Seeding. If you cannot go to the trouble and expense of hotbeds for starting some early plants for the garden, you can, at least, have a co me. One that is six feet square will give all the room that is needed for a agen garden, and you will find it a great aid. The success of the garden depends larg Unless you each item for the especial purpose ot a seed: wi over from a crop for seed is not good business economy. saga coh the cold frame . spot n the wher bon _ caltiees ery stays long pe slope will est. fave a little less depth to the frame at the lower end than at the upper, or "a strip of -the ground will remain cold. Put on the glass and let the peel get hee -- before seeding. Haye the so! "A single planting of peas in the gar. den is only an aggravation. They a gone before you know it Plant every week, from the time the ground is dry 2nough to work. For market you will at the later Plantings pay about aa tbe ¢ early'ones. There is a one Sas aie their own garden. Then the market is dull. Too Far Weat. THE YOUNG MAW THAT GOES TO age Is NOT LIKELY TO MAKE A FORTUN Only the sons of f wealthy families '. afford to to $7 a month. The immortal Lemnrip aa was forced to live from hand to mou re tim ed matters have not much i mp Among the novel- ists now living, Lg oeyay A three or four $ onth, and five or to $50 : "nem The in- ler T rice butions . _-- 'newspapers or is also = y aur. chapter of Fy ach if be .25 to $7 for the same amoun work, As to artists, they fare no better. there iz other fields. The seem to cate: it is seule, only for paintings from earlier tim The Humming B Bird At Home. While spending the winter in Cali- fe acquaintance with pepper trees, separat the lawn from the --_ One day ec medy this Hair Magic - J. Livi Rsypne tading elo tes "German | 2 ed fr yi fol She never left the pest but a few minutes at a time. is built on se VOL. ANE --NO. 2 LISTOWEL ONTARIO, IDAY FEB. 9, 1894. | * gorron aspPesrinzon Under the Old Flag. . Oornmeal Bread. Great Wall of Obina, Two Burglars Shot. ALU SEN The following capital bit appears im | BREAKFAST RECIPES FROM & SOUTHERN | It m the account of this A RLORNOEE GROCER. WO Kur mete | grees eee eed who Bed The Empire of Saturday pol that: there 'was a timp NERVE AND PROVED A GOOD MARES~ -- pesca merc over vw inese posses: most 72 MAN. bag nats descendant cf : Tose ee negro re 'I was us Falogd" a persistence and were masters --- ptcinronlings ge ct many ol = api in t th t eve! Se, as er ' nis " ant value of core waar : Yo gh it don't ap | wi es in Sctnanex: See St the eremert pe John, ier a aoy meee soli thy nea of vitality, Jom lows ol Pe! a sbrieva iy | ee at orth. The vrs was jesaril measured alia pal; itawon ot the besrt Scaunieas: r Biherxe a ieee Now you may. deny this and point with pte -B Mr, Unthan ineer it perma ain ia the kidneys, beadaches bo fina) esata ge fens tal triumph"to your johnny cake, \which is canter een chsces rail- docto pisples ee tics and pias itches pa} part of the dav conection ballet: ts tb lodged in his with two, When they recover from their wounds oe, will be gies for burglary, uit lewd haba Allen got 'oft Mir acasation about the ephare ve | Geo. who keeps store in Fairvile, a little town across the river or tabi maser desire to sleep, fai _who lives over bi | ure to be rested by. sle tipation, a noise em ri dullness of be: of ¥ desire te t is thir in bis nightshiet, and Sanding for saiede, acai of epee, sce ook oney Cut | oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that to insanity oI The spring or vital force having lost its tension e¢ ion in who ly 5 addvess Ebook on 'i peculiar' t0 man, seat free, led. Address M. V, ere from Pawee Bill's wild owen Oatchiag a Nap Standing. From thirty to fifty homeless men can be seen late at. night hovering Were the base: of the wal ous~ ton street. For Seager of ventilation the big transo the Houston and Mercer street aioe of the en 13 matter w temperature outside. Through theta ty cpenings we - tense heat from the furnace fires " ve ul to the be canbe oa shoe gratef in it, Some of the outcasts org with their faces against the tops ui window frames, and sleep as ell as they can. They are at least warm, warmer than they could be in bed. position in the corner where the standing al AMOTHER OF THE GLOBE'S MALICIOUS TORIES FLATLY CO ICTED. Ottawa, Feb: 2--T.M. Daly, minister of the interior, and superintendent»; eperal inning } oe of only one _--* whi ich ga give any shadow of toundat: thougb be peer ccordingly one which the could not facal. with at all. wicke,was gontegel moreover, that if the departmen' ee timber on the island it 'would have -- sold in accord- an h the wiring that all such sales shall rset 7 vere = pees -- di dc sess ° The Globe's story is a foolish fabrication. 'That Unwavering Gaze. Sorbent fall seated a pai chattiog and laughing as giris w pretty, attracted 'the her pair ing very attention of the ener a stating. th fad en- tered, sat benind the first One of the first ers chat with friends, but kept her eye on the suscep~ hey were two susceptible coming tnto town on a car. tible young fellow in tront,. and did not for a moment er or The boy thought be pice: made a con ques' dbe saidto Just see her stare at me. Be Sores Isn't = erage ? would look again to catch the elec, rab wavering, that was fixed have made a mash, old -- a: she -- pe a speak to her. They both | ron urried forward but as they passed eae the boy took a long, long, fixed look at pee woe he grasped his friend by = and tabed out of ae ea car. "Thande ration'! be gasped. It's « glass ey: Every-Day warns Philosophy. The more you ovetyoursel the less you are sure to lov. A trifling dog is ed not half as trifling as the man who keeps him Some fellows kick a horse every time they enter bis stall, and then wonder why be does not love thsm. as i of corn that + om the tallest appears the most conspic- uous, ee @iways bears a blasted Prodigality i isno sign of negara It rather --s epccrs baa mitd tracted to _ prebend the real peer of things. If some men would boe with as much prayer. meeting, ro imma i sma to make. The man who will spend the most in season, can lean against the pilaster, vA . smal] | ones. oped shade ou on which be can crouch in ecke | trees, do' not plant them closer than ing warmth, i fort. thirty feet. When the weather cold the men must keep torning, like Monta on a spit, An Aged Lady. they 2 _ "a ee le ee exe on the other, e standi ~ | .RS, ECCLESTONE'S SUFFERINGS FROM gers are of the half-starved, stupid and KIDNEY DISEASE CURED BY DODD'S hopeless class of tram An over~ KIDNEY PILLS--A MEDICINE 'THAT Fine is unknown among them. sed you UCES @OOD RESULTS FOR hem they start, shiver and OLD AND YOUNG. anriake still further vithio go surigaias eit -- returning oon blank [ St. Catharines, Feb. 5.--Mrs. F, E. ¢.--New York Wor Eccles aged 69, a well-known resi~ ---- dent of this city, has for some time been with kidney diseases, the symp A Fool!sh Fabrleation, of which were severe pains in the all of ber back, is I wonder "ho abe et aa it 1 dare} rh 24. iacdonasl ie Toronto Transplanting & Maple Trees. In sections where. ¢ hard maple thrives, it makes the se vaaabie dur~ |» and usually it from the adjacent woods for the asking =e digging. In warmer climates the ft maple h pla . s the foliage of both starts early, they should transplanted as soon the ground * free from frost, choosi Dol at two feet above the gro ave oO all the roots a keeping them wat ro oe again set out. bes a ally obtained by cutting off all the 'ea ¢ Pip ose ing off the top eight or ten feet | from the ground, ide s witt int, or varpish, and-t iag over the top a cloth saturated with ches of the strongest will crowd out the weak y oned This happy result is due to the docy Pills, the jones and infallible remedy for all isorders: appiness over her a Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto, and are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed on sii 8 of pe fifty cemis per box, or ix boxes me 2.50, Scalded to Death, Smith h's Fails, Out.. F Feb. 1---A most pve rer accident occurred on Fri-' which resulted in the death of a Tittle "and not 3 years old. The little y, son ot Mr. an rs. George Hary rington, who lives south of the river, was playing in the aoe vari oe was standing on the floor a pail of scaldi water, By a misstep the tittle t niid fell backward into the of wa ani 'as most frigbtfully scalded, It ible aati? late in the ions, e were interred in Maple Vale cemetery on i saaday afternoon last. rt a You Oan't Get too Much Of a good thing. This is eminently the case with Polsons Nerviline, a reat It, is an honest remedy, for it contains the most powerful, the Lassie and most certain pain subduin; known to medical science. It is honest,for it does all it caims to do. It is honest, use it ¢ best in tha sate It ee come 25 soars to try it, le at any drug ¢, neur- retagor All and y 1 vil tore. Nerviline cates algia, pain in back penis are foamplle: relieved by Polson's A New Fenian Organization. N. . Yn Fe Feb. 3.--The Irish teers of the state of New ganize companies of men for the purpose ying military drill in all os The pri ion will be in New York city. 4 Valuable T Team Lost: Sarnia, Feb. 1--This ik while the e railw: Ww valued at $300. The b were play- ing with each other and hep aa fo back, the team wi With _ldovaus. {Yes ! with invalids Capricious needs Se sialy is oboe reason they improve -- Emulsion, agen La beersede as ing | day you the appetite is lomat, but a SPECIAL VALUE SUMHINOS LV Fine ladies Gold Watches FOR warranted for 15 years, are special value. GUNTHER SELLS THEM. My stock is Handsome and selling now at a very close margin, in order to reduce my, stock that must be sold. IN SPECTACLES lI keepa way large stock in Gold, Silver and Steel Frames, to suit every eyesig mea anice line of gold riding bow pt especially for fz Ladies who have weak eyes. Come map| test your eyes free a HAN DSOME PAIR OF work promptly attended to. of Electric Supplies on hand, J. H. GUNTHER, 1 Watch Specialist. Any tendency to premature baldoes" may be promptly checked by the use o ae Hair Vigor, Don't delay till e scalp is bare and the hair-roots destroyed. If you would realize the best sults, ao at once with this invaluable prepara ou believe io we at first vg She Thi is ao sudden. i Lowell, Mass:, abled 'or agp with a constant suc cenlen of bo is neck, was coms pletely cured by taking only three bottles arsaparilla, Another result ofthe treatment was greatl, improved pt with increased avoirdy What an awful blow it would be toa long-haired musician to become bald. AN EX@ELLENT teanen. --Uentle< men --We have used Hagyard's Pectoral aoe gH in our how: it et rc coughs and colds, In threat ig ag . akorts instant relief, Nw Brovigz, Columbus, The mao sre dresses to please his wife should never be asked to perform any urt! THE Best ADVERTISEMENTS.-- Many thousands of unsolicited ¢ ¢ manulactur Johnston made an assignment to~day, In whose favor? I favor of his creadis tors' lawyer HIGHLY PRAISED. -- Gentle have used your Ha 4 jemen,-- Ihave recommended it to m triends and they aleo speak highly of it it A , Mamm a--Why Rollie ? Rollie why, ent suppose papa would gvic me lots of caivis CureD, -- Dear S from the trouble and feel Cc. Cc. "WaicHT, Toronto Junction, Ont. o ack stairs, an could not tell but what he bad Loews White, BML, River pe Que., writes:--* Havin used hams Pink Pills, I find that they sate es best bi uriGer and a woakcund a debilis be found,' he fell pe at Soc. a box or six boxes fo x $2, 50. even Medicine Co., Brockville, George Hawkins, of eee county, N. B,, who has lately died, was twice married, wae the father of 26 childs ren, 18 of degu ny living, and leaves an even 100 grand Curep His acus In A WEEK.-- the sores wan: Ber. flying in about one week's time. Frep Ca Haney, B. C. I can answer for the truth of the above, <T. C. CHRISTIAN, Haney, B, C, This life, said the man who stood hand, w surprises ae coal only came up as easily as the price English Soe Liniment removes "all ba soft or calloused ps Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, oe Splints, Ring B Ss Stifies, S; Sore and 'Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 tbe use one bott Warranted the most wonder- BI Care ever known, t . ea A eonsey tars tive Seeciotina st Ce Centre Grey will held Weieniet: Feb. yo on 14, AE for the purpose of a candidate for the approaching elecy tion. KHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.-- th America Rheumatism cures in 1 to 3 days. ste a sy: It removes at on vmnediately disappears first dose greatly benefits. 25 cents, Sold ToHN_ LIVINGSTONE, iB cinestite Lord Detfferin is dea Not Marquis of Dufferin, the colebrated dine t. Bernard dog, owned City Treasurer Gaillot, ot Windsor. The dead az purchased by Mr, Guillet for $500. NATURAL Gass !N HAMILTON,--Nators ae ie te ness is the.sun of life, the charm y fl bill i to ene and the sword with which to | must be there, and if fou uantity it conquer. will _-- Hamilton a great atactur- For Cupeeess aE ApULTs.--Dr, |ing centre' and rel the financial Low's Worm Syrup cures worms of all | depression ; as it is, Hamil has been kinds in children or adulis. It contains gr ig emo porta orig a tt = ingredients. Price it! ¢ human sys overtaxe sein) niet ick and nervous headaches, near. ia Be jal for your health, and if and ensue, Stark's have it, praise and value-it ace i. Powders, never failing cure, and The British of irst artist--I received = ee to the arguments the Scottish | tribute to-my-skili-the other day at the pst diate asking for the removal of exhibit artist--What was it? on said First artist--You know my pict! A they have not yet been satisGed that the Storm at Wella and his wife Canedian laws and regulations were lockiog Mit bad; ) hears 98. oe | sufficient and reasonable 2 security against ot --_ on, ed ' pictare + ech yeep a isee an aeeeaeenell a vm