' we GOODS. ALL CHEAP. WALL PAPERS A lot of nice patternp left that we will sell off cheap to make room for new stock, J. LIVINGSTONE, Jr. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 1894. AND CHRISTMAS 2c: I. O. F. Rectrats ano Concert.-- The recitals and concert announced fur Friday evening, 23rd inst, in the town hall, will undoubtedly be the finest entertainment which has been offer. Livingstone, arecaiae Tux New Williams Sewing Mach ine was awarded highest honors at the orid's Fair, ae: a medal and s. Perrin, mg the G Co., was in town on Wednesday. Mr. D. D, Campmect has a comfort. Sble seven room cottage tolet, conven. tent and centrally situated.-- 49 Mr. Saunpers, business manager o! Organ ed the citizens of L:stowel and vicinity. The programme will include Agnes Knox (Mrs. Chariton Black,) queen of elocutionists ; Mr. Geo, Fox, Canada's a is s handling thon m. the large number that he ee sold is the best g he popvlanty a the New 'Williams j in this district. R. Hotemsen--wnr-pey-cas vor any" amount of eggs. Mrs. M, Bricker gave a large pro- eh euchre party at Hillcrest on ursday night of last weck. THERE was quite a movement in live hogs on Monday, when H. Leslie shipped 260 porkers to Ingersoll. Faipay last, monthly fair day, witnessed the largest crowd in tuwn that has been seen here for some time. ee and Listowel price at J.H. McDonald's. Services were held in Christ Church Fiour same both morning and evening on Ash | So Wednesday, and will be continued every Wednesday evening during Lent. Tue annual Missionary services in connection with Christ Church will be conducted by Rev, Rural Dean Dra- con, of Stratford, on Sunday, 18th st, Tux regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Hospital Aid Society will be held m the rooms of the Mechanic's Institute on Saturday afternoon, Feb. roth, at 3 o'clock Rev. Potts, the eloquen: Methodist Minister and secretary of education, will deliver two sermons in the Methodist church in Listowel on Sunday 18th inst. ree sachanged for Oats at I. H McDon Mr. Joun C. Hay of this town, and W.H. Millman, late of Woodstock, have, we understand, opened a com mission business in Toronto under the name of Hay & Millman. Mur. Artcneson has finished ship ping baled hay for this season. Alto- getber there have been about 700 tons of pressed bay exported from Listowel during the past few months. Barrels of Salt 85c at J. H. McDon- ald's. -. |e Tue Cosmorottran for February in- ee got away and came down the| illness, the poagt ne is all the more Spteos a famous Eur 0 author to policy ssadrefeg 3 or mutta, and the artist Maro' a French eocwae TxierHone Notice. -- Subser we please take notice that Dr. Dingm number is 84, Mayor Fusthersoos's s 94, Wm. Bright, town clerk, go. More to follow next wee H, Guntuer, Local manager. Ture 28rn's Goop SHowinc.--The Empire on Saturday published the standing of the various battalions in Military District No, 1. 28: stands second, having scored 64 points. The 3oth heads the list with only three points more. eet looking for Sugar, call at J.H E town council has decided to raise tbe hotel licensesto $300. This isan increase of $70 over last year. ¢ Mowat pel tale 's share of the er is $150, which is a pretty big figure, but no doubt needed to recoup a depleted treasury. Tue party who took a new rawhide whip, presumably by mistake, from the shed of the Methodist church on Sunday morning, 28th ult., will oblige the owner, Mr. Geo. Armstrong, by leaving it at Sanderson & Preuter's harness shop; Auction SALE--Mr. William Stev- enson, ~~ - sold his farm at Britton and will sh remove to Listowel, will hold an pets a sale of his farm stock, implements, etc., on Friday Feb. 23rd. The sale will take place on the farm, lots 30 and 31, 3rd con, of Elma. T. E, Hay, auctioneer. A SPECIAL meeting of the Board of Trade willbe beld at the Mechanics' Institute Rooms this Friday evening, gi inst. at 8 o'clock, to meet a dele- the town council id, of Paris, well keown as | ® h | attendance was large, tried a preme Secretary of the Independent : patent medicines and bave rder of Foresters, who is known as by anumper physicians and f beneht from them. 'I was recommended the silver tongued orator, is also expect- to try South iesstirg Nervine ; 1 ob to be present and deliver a short ed address on the history and work of the tained a age and 1 must say I have found v Sg "rele f, and have -- Order. With such a programme as the taken tw ore tiles, ec that | am entirely free fram Indigestion foregoing presents, the attendance *| should only be limited by the capacity Y | of the hall. Reserved seats soc., gen- ican The plan of hall It will cure y Tuas: Walkerton, Tux Public School Board held its | Monday next. regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening. Besides transacting the usual .. Sea Se Fo routine business, the Board appointed todas ot ap ot Ww on: h Miss Nellie Rothwell substitute aa ee glee aac teacher in the fered epos Bro. D. D. Campoell of place of Miss Gertie this - he distinauiahed Honor of Draper, who has resigned to resume me stone Ihe Hie priate her studies. After adjourning' the | 2PPOinting him Representative 0 the : d Lodge of New South Wales in members of the Board accepted an ins shay ' vilation to the residence of Mr. B. F, Brook, where they were treated to an oyster supper by the chairman and secretary, Messrs. Brookand W. E Binning. Mr. B, Rothwell, principal of the schocl, was also present, is needless to add that this pleasant diversion was fully appreciated by the Board. Toasts and speeches formed a part of the evening's prgramme. Grand Lodge of Canada, as set forth in A Runaway Smasu.--Mr. J. A. [the commission, ts "to cultivate with Hacking, warden of the county, and|each other the most intimate corres- his wife were out driving on Friday| pondence, to rtrengthen the ties of morning last, and when about Peng brotherly affection, to promote the miles west oftown, on the boundary, | prosperity of the Masonic family, to their spirited horse took fright in ee have the unity, integrity and purity cf ing acculvert and ran into the ditch, | the order protected, and its utility and In endeavoring to get on the road hovor confirmed." Commission again thecutter was overturned and | was forwarded through Grand Secretary Mr. and Mrs. Hacking thrown out, but | J. J. Mason of Hamilton. Coming* as fortunately were unhurt. In the up- frail Commission was issued at Sidney on the 14th a last, and bears. the signatures of R. W. Duff, Grand Master, =~ Aiken . Bray, Grand Secretary. e Commission is printed on heavy ea ocr and the scal of the Grand Re is attached. The object = appointing a representative ia = gd itdoes at a time when our esteemed et one of the shafts was broken and | citszen is just recovering from a severe W.. Bro. Ca ing the cutter mal did not stop until he reached Mr. | a restorative as could l be de- Robert Thompson's asd on Maio | vised. We heartily congratulate Bro. street east, by whic' me the cutter | Campbell upon his a and was pretty well used up, 'being smashed | trust that he may long spared to into at least half a dozen pieczs. The ag the "grand honor" conferred upon horse also was badly cut about the legs. Acnas Knox, who will give recitals in the town hall on Friday evening, 23rd inst., underthe auspices of the 1.0.F., won golden encomiums from the press and other eminent authorities during her last visit to the chief centres mE Britain. James Oliphant, A., F.R.S.£., in his article, Reci~ tation 7 a Fme Art, speaks of her as follows :--The unusual success of the ramatic recitals recently given in Edinburgh by Miss Agnes Knox, rais- ed the question whether the achieve~ ments of the platform recitals meet with due recognition at the present day in comparison a other closely allied rookshank, Treas.. Bro, S. oRoth. ani, plattorm reciter can i Dir. of Ceremonies, ng M. | Vary bis draraatic tic pieces with 'others Alexander, Chap., Bro. W. McKee, that are lyrical ornarrative,or those that Tecutom, Beas W. Bailey, J. Carson, | 3° dramatic in spirit without being and A. Stron ng. It was carried to hold wholly so inform. A striking exam- the rath July celebration in Palmer- | Ple of the success that may oe ston this year. in this way was give pox in her rendering of the ~farewell scene Tue refunding by the Council of the | between King Arthur and Guinevere five percent. added to the taxes of a | from Tennyson's "Idyile of the King." wealthy ratepayer for non-payment with- | It was a revelation of what can done in the ume fixed b y by law, has caused | by a true, interpretative artist, wheo the material is of the finest quality. Nortn Pertu County L, O. The annual meeting of the a L. O L. of North Perth was held in the Orange hall here on Tuesday. Tne there being up wards ot 7o delegates present, besides quite a number of other members. The address of County Master Bro. C. W. Comes of Trowbridge, was an especially good one, and a resolution was adopt- edto have it puolished in the STAND- ARD. (It will appear in a future issue.) The following officers were elected tor the ensuing year: W. M. Bro. William Welch, D. M. Bro. Geo. ---- + Sec., Bro. T. Later, Fin. Sec, SE comment: The sum inv not a very large amount certainly, but mainly, the precedent isa bad one. The fac' | voice and feature, and on the intensity that the gentleman referred to was be with which the passion was realized by and unable to get down town and the reciter. In lisiening to this great bis taxes, while it may furnish a sufficient poem, it was possible to believe that reason for their not being paid by the | the art of recitation has a future that 14th December, should not haye ary | has hardly yet been suspected. more weight with the counci}, so far as remitting the extra five per cent. imposed, than the excuse of the less Town Councit.--Reevlar menthly Town Council held Monday mst. Presen' fortunate, lly, ratepayer who | Foo cherstone in the chair : Reave Hack- ~~ a -- of import- did Seeker Seceemat to pay 1g, De ty Keeve Kemp, and Coun- texes on e cillors K. Woods, T. Later, A. Foerch, Beaver Tobacco bright, eatural | cent. is imposed in the onecase it cer-} J. H. Ganth M. aisoge --. It ang | ii tainly should be in the other. We ee Nel io +3 a M. mal 1 bers of Ulivray a m. ton inutes end fran the only ay "Gentlemas 's Chaw." pray poe who voted i = atead of _ -- read and sted. Lae, = ic, tion o . On account of the anniversary ser- vices in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath, the evening service in the Methodist church has Thera withdrawr.. Dr, G. R. Watson will conduct the morni i = pay ener Mr. Joun Sete jt. left on Fri- for W. after =. Mr, ee Binning, Penelope street, | f stowel's earliest Tica amount. or else drop he five per cent. cate ILLIAMS, or Williamson, the sce containing 14 acres por~ Fe | ton of land called the water+works strip, wil -- of this town ts the father of "oad ly, whore name is Williamson, and upon seei ea accaiann of bis daughter's in last 's STANDARD, eaten was credited b yo be wrote 10] ch received the reply that Miss Williaezeon's a had tshe was well. Ic appears that after neh the bome o ber friend with w st ig EFF about his i daughter wes mach relieved word a day or two ago ~2k* 9 RE z a Sentient, fashionable, potctouni' "Cold: use J. Livingstone, drug~ } sp & bila gtdpebegl gh gira = ' in any quantity | This company good roll butter, delivered at "the | Listowel lodge A: ontreal boot & shoe store; Listowel. | night of mirth, Mondays and Saturaays special days. | song in the town aoe offered by the combin: are Miss which will be held on Sunday next, Grace Eden, the Georgia Wonder, who attract" congregati is said to possess a qian! pecially as the pulpit will be although she weighs only 96 Ibs. $100 by a Toronto ; Rev. H. M.| is offered to anyone whee Sag Parsons, D. D. jal masic bas been | Four men cannot take Factinded Cf the tecrure to, be delivered perd agp heap hoe lit mee "by plc " farsons, { 19g ber open 3 u cir is; pang dt Pat Odinis oe she lifts 1200 Ibs. it Carling | most popular male violinist 2 Miss. Ida} ;, A comesionsie drug store on and after T pace. appreciated by V. The ani-| and will doubtless prove as pass no' 5 t i is Ss Hs goer las soloists. | feats. C. C Fontana and esd gy ari 15c. All wei Madame Fontana, hypnotists and ELIEF IN Six HOURS --Distressing | @ind readers, will introd Kedney apd Bladder Diseases reli wonderful phe: to in six hours by the **Great South Americ | causing i pg to forget their | Mr. W, G. Hay in reference to purchase pot idney re, This new remedy is es and nge their sonal | of market site, also com ication re- a great surprise and delight on acco identity, etc. Ectertsising music ting ir facto e refer to of iteexceeding promptness in relieving | wit) he Vroratahied b = Kelly, | Eztcutive Committee and Board of Trade. pain in the bladder, ia and ¥ ys ¢ Mayor submitted a report ies of the-urinary passages in | 04589 Cantante, guitarist and mando- id ter Dec, 14th betonging to last male orfemale. It reeves retention of | linist. Tickets on sale at Livingstone's | year's Council,of $1,038. The Aud : water and pain in passing it almost im- drug Hons. Popular prices of ad~j| report was read and referred to finance mediately, If yp want = rehef anu | missi: ommittee. The Council then took op cure thie is your id by John the list of unpaid taxes as re ported by the collector, Tue CamapiaAn HoRSEMAM, -- eared throughout the cow pay all the more 5 i y machine, ao oe Canada orapiano, let me know and I will epi oro toes se aad eters Peer do as well for ifnot better, than Male | Canada any F of Mr. T. Mc. | msn bas made a repaired: --474 Tas. Pennine. Dowell, af anes . Mr. G. M. Yates, | it will no doubt be generousl WHAT Ex:MEMBER oF PARLIAMENT | 29d tenor, co aie 15¢ 1 ication barry spon Reusen E. TRuax Says: | have been | basso ; Mr. 2nd basso! standing and breed: or about ten gee very abled | with Miss Wi Setheriend, t accompanist. | horses, lack of ine: have | John A. McGillivray. Es ° . Su- | has correspondingly retarded their inter ing out on fearless " minion. The Horseman is in the hands of men whe have given the subject the study of their lives. It will be their aim t mn rove and with each iseve place the ° higher standar. the paper for $1.50, be Horseman ts always at home to vatiow ho en Abrabam Pub» her, KC. Hacking Editor. Offices, lis King Street East, Toronto. . Se unoset ra ae Core SICK in 20 mmurTeas, Sy pena te} Price 26 Centre at Dave STOR J. M, SCHINBEIN. An eye opened. Did you see it last week ? You can see it this week. We have sold over 20 pails a day of oun fine press Syrup, 2 gallods of fine syru ut upin a fine syru Any i Who pr Tieh did you get 20 Ibs.of Redpath's Granulated Sugar for $1.00. We are always giving some great bargains for cash, and if ovare smart enough you can catch some of these bargains. We are always looking out for snaps in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and if we do get them you can depend you will get a share of it. Now we have several lines in Dress Goods which we are selling below manufacturer's prices. Alsoin Men'sand Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Mantles and Mantlings. Why not buy your fine shoes from us when you can save from 50 cents to $1.00 a pair, you capnot expect to get some of these bargains unless ou come and deal with us. We cordially invite you all to give usa trial. Our motto is, small profits and quick returns. The highest price paid tor pro- uce. J,.M. SCHINBEIN, SERNO. 4 MAIN ST EET. Mrs. J. H. Honsyrper, 152 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal, writes: one could ever, from Suaiote tee brown." conte Fasten hair came t in combfalls, wood two botilen af wT hae used Ayers Hale Vigor fot . factory results, I know it is the best Large spreads Ree adit areal ~C, T. 'Ayor's Hair ' Vigor Ayer's Hair Vigor . new @ yard long COMMEND! : as Proventne nd St estan = ere Long Waist, Gorrect Shape, Best Material, Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the " Featherbone Corset ** unequalled. "WY Try A PaArIR. BARGAIN SALE Boots and Shoes, woed gut stock of Ladies' Fine Polish ehon @2 ana See ot aaa $1.50 A PAIR, hisis a special bargain, call early and see our stock, which will be ~~ out in a few days to make room tor new J.S. GHE. CANDIES AND NUTS, NUTS AND CANDIES Fr EVERY BOY AND GIRL in town and country, AT JACOB SEBURGER'S NO 17 MAIN STREET EAST, A great big stock--to be sold at Lowest prices. Sox and stockings, all sizes, filled to order on shortest notice. Come along everybody and make Christmas merry. Wall Papers Away down. In order to make room for my very large aew stock, I will sell the balance of my present -- of Wall Papers at about cost. you want gains, come right along and secure them nore neal Ready Mixed Paints. In cansall ready to do your own painting. All colors at lowest prices. ' L J. SEBURGER. $4,500 Worth ot goods to be sold AWAY DOWN. QVERCOATS AND | READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, FLANNELETTES AND TWEEDS A FEW TEA SETS AND CROCKERY. A Fine Stock of GROCERIES. Call and see. J. S. BOWMAN. A Great Offer | GREAT PAPER AND GREAT PREMIUMS. MaBTING of theshareholJers of the Gotham, Cheese and Butter Company, A will be beld in the echuol-house, Britton; o Thursday, February, 8th, beginning at é o'clock, p m of appointing liquidators, other matters of laterest to th + for the purpose mae | discussing mpany. ANDER. cr JAMES BURKE, ent Secretary, Sib We are in position to offer the STAN - DARD and the FAMILY H&RALD AND WEEKLY STAR, of Montreal, for one year offer entitles the 'subscriber to a AT JT.S. GHRH's. GARSON & McKEE. ' OUR PLATFORM Is to continue one of the Greatest Sales of Dry Goods, etc., that was ever known in LISTOWEL. The result of the past two or three months business has been to greatly reduce our Stock, therefore we find it an absolute necessity to assort up in many of the leading lines. This we have done in a most se way ; and now in the future the public is to get the benefit. We never sold goods so cheap, But we are going to beat the record ; and in order to do so, we re-commence our great sale ------ ee |SATURDAY,- FEBRUARY. .24th. This time it will be for CASH ONLY, no produce taken after that date. We find we can sell MUCH CHEAPER FOR CASH than for produce, as there is often a loss on the produce which must necessitate more profit on the goods. We also find when people get goods at the REAL PRICE they can and do get the cash to buy them. At the present time there are buyers in town ready to handle good butter, etc, for cash. Now we are going to make it very interesting for every one who has a dollar to spend. The balance of our time here will be devoted to a STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS, and the prices will surprise you. We thank all our friends 'who have given us their patronage in the past and we promise you in return one of the GREATEST CASH SALES of merchandise ever introduced in your midst, commencing Saturday, February 24th. CARSON &McKEE THE GOLDEN LION, Wallace Street. Listowel. = =] NEW FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. F. SALLOWS, the a ace Undertaker, who has taken for a partner E. DER, is prepared to offer great big imeanats to all 7 favoring us with a 1, ~ We have on hand a'farge assortment of ALL KINDS OF cine oc ed and fancy ALSO PICTURE MOULD NG UPHOLSTERING work a specialty Wood taken in exchange tor furniture, UNDERTAKING attended to night or day. _Thefinest Hearse this side of Toronto in connec- "SALLOWS & ALEXANDER, Ee DEALERS AND ONDERT. nee MAIN 8sT i. Everyone who can afford itshould have a MELISSA RAINPRCOF WRAP. The most fashionable, comfort- able and economical gar- ment of the days. ure by the publishers of the FAMILY HmkALD These premiums are the "STAR ALMA WAC Es a b of 450 or if prefe:rred a copy t H m Picture] The funiiee which retails at twenty dollars. . premiams--Almanac and Picture--will be - Man bari dy aboot be and ct November, an ' wi arded in the order in which the subscriptions are received, Subs Hasa poli: hed Asb --, -- samt yy bezin at once. BED ROOM ec! © i¢ offer of ® choice Lain mioms holds good only to people who s UITES. scribe during the autumn sherwards the price of which is simply the choice will positively be withdrawn. | Agtonishin ng. - An Qak EXTENSION i ABL holds the World's record for its rich design and price. Oak and FANCY CH SEF So. The first of American Newspapers. CHARLES A. DANA, Eéitor. TRS without number at prices that cannot be duplicated. SIDEBOARDS that will any man's dining room, The American Constitution, the dmerican Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, for| grace ever { but at Prices that cannot be i eae dupl The Sunday Sun! PaRLor SuITES in ts the greatest Sanday Newspaper in. | English Rug, Raw Silk and World. Plush, Price § ¢. acopy By mail $2.00 year - 7 > $6 ay CHRISTMAS 1893. For Xmas trade we have a large assortmsnt OF MOCCASINS WINTER MITTS BIDREEY LAMPS SILVER WARE - - BISSELL'S ste ea WEEPERS SLEIGH BELLS - CLOTHES WRINGERS 'able and pocket cutlery, carving sets in cases. Stock ot Moccasins very large and cheap LIBRARY AND PARLOR AMP We carry the largest stock in town, prices are even lower than ever before. Carving sets in cases just the thing for as presents. {n silverware and plated goods we have some extra bar » gains. Incross cut saws and axes we take first place. ROBERT MOORE, THE HARDWARE MAN, Daily, by mail, Call ond. foes them at Daily and Sunday, by th Gi betas if Neng shee mail. . - Le an Seenebaicit (The Weekly; - = - fs Wallace Stee Listowel. Main Street, Listowel.