ak PRN Ce NE + eet eat ha hrm age ce ercn ag vere the outie uly te. nsidered so: were spent upon the piano. was a beauty, Maxuie, the younger, was simply a peered, industrious executing intr Miss Cordelia Clements 4. Ont Sobek to see shige leave him f 'or any but a howe and hesband of their own, "We saat live comfortably to- ' vou leave the house weown among 7." "At a "i ae ° cae pve were quite anxious to fi artist and piitaictedl: but "finally ithey. aiiswed their rr e into the house ad LN it, 3 off rof inspection in the drawing- Poa Hee ded tie actual introduction, Thu scene upon ie Catekill moun- yimy eldest sister, Paul. etches," Paul, trying "Aud & toward, open- Cor- album, 'is eed no more, and truly the tice was suflic ently beautiful to need comment. aul spoke cordially ; "Wie a beaudtul fice! Whe is this oppose your sister, Howat fae Sue is my youngest ist Aud eae 6 she paint o1 a "On, 14 Maggie a line Ho telat and no beauty 'She int good Jitle singe But Radin 'to your roow, Paul, Dioner wili be ert ee tastefu afte arran ly thise thos ets aud how Coul iid tiealt itis bere alter a hotdusty rile. Seeking the drawing room again, Paul found the oFrlistie sister contemplating the scene fiom the back windows with aa eH cis Lihy abu ane * she said, advancing to © the necessary aperch of as the it one ber house to be always tiling. Pau was idwardly resolving to cut lus vio Very short, when Howard opea- ed tee door of the digimg-touw and mu troduceu + "Ds soter. Mouggic Sie wus tut pretty '5 - was not artis- bg bel tits & rand >; bub she was clara, ite » Paul» mm Hive minutes, fee A Inred "hes graceful hie ti aure rer feciiy: cerca and culls wee whie ter hair Wius dren eu care: Scusnitigls + ble Wus exyui- Not tes a for her voice, she chatted Furi. Lopica ber brotuer and his trends Btariend. Dir aed on. pleasantlr, gzaul Ciwhiged tat UM ups Wasa keeper Ler diner "shady uid "bar k passa away and Paul found the whiteness of her hands, a Juslun of be Ooely| hair; had couniver- a beatys & ess, and a bur den of ee he evuld find nae little time to mak ty Maggi He ape ee ay her conmahl aie inate ip ry de a eker as the eve nitnggs Lae OF ehor sein. Two nw nities iM ath passed ard duste: un of i ' doagain te ingen and tallest at Dr. Cc iene ns office. 1 TMavard, as he ies hand. "Gnole Janes an aye ase & monte atthe and they deserted "La mont ue whom nis Tries bar ts i Ww lute mouuts née e" * Then you are alot ; Ou, not entirely Ti sasie siays to keep jiutse for me, bn, ins Majzzie is here. Shall 1 intrude it 1 stay a day or two, How- ant "Intrude, Poul? Far f rom it, ujon her baids. 'ou ep ays rapping for the ort now ve Hitthe sian oc has time. toenjuy her- id we care had same lovely aaueel clea 4. Migzie ie does ride bewutifudy a ae Ae ree is very fund of her." us trie ¢ at Magxie was finding ae mtu ours while hep sisters sere at sul found that the re tirang, Hiealea KUT Wats Our of the apt ant st vornpannone it had ever Leen tis sere + young ohr- ahr auitiee: + the nijoyed to aie out aecou the sician © boats Fe awed ved tilents plishumenits Lat had, by ee howl coma witn 8 sweet, curo-tiRe vores, | A good story is told « f- farmer living though see sever the difficult | Elmira, though the « nt accompany+ songs in which was supposed ing it in 10 be regretted. ae fi has toexcel She could play simple pieces | an amiable deughter | cert with feeling-and expression, and ber | young maa aying his a'tention in fivellor ssioapgar etnies Lledion in the face of the hese vigilant and ou~ derful alent or clabicate tion | Yielding parental opposition. order fk wan woadectil bow the overcome the difficu'ties which thos child-like face became ¥g | Prevented the two youn; ts bestirg There charm in the oou-|#8.mein the ordinary wa' they t cheerf: that kept the rosy obli; o hold clandestine meetings, mouth ever smiling and sweet ; there | and the plucky yo lady ass sted her a beauty of expression in the brown | lover into the house through the upst airs that mere fi and color can window by meins = € ter ive; tiere was an pars in | famalias smelied the . athe got at er x a8} end of the rope himself one an ped stuff und prim, though so tal wat ascending very satisfactorily Sek s face was arly to W mmdow. joadypee to Kopel Fajaonttle gerd = Jost then his daugbter let go of the rope, a brother during luis former visit, pres he fell to the ground and broke bis ius @. i in . "cur acy gina's music rack, wns nt ue sicene matte: rd caked & mseif in dis- ld Sopreisions the ser- y@ house ino ? ho & with coeerlul smiles upon him, when the duti his p iv 'or weals in ull sorts ours of Nora paint- ubed that 'Paul's head wus level" in his ap- cited fecock ae w Ban over his home, B we sud, "you can not really wil' re rae nebis lost chr aod ANE ia At Who fr #7 reel hes tal lye dull or power . should tak: energion both ea 1 WoMaa sickness ¥:be: theat reguiar. For sal. by e!! a in| should take them. ae even! WOR ie seh inevitably Pris mS \d take these alt "YOUNG WER Scetenare "youxG WOME shouki take them. These Pure will grr, or will be sent opon dro; veosipt of price (4k. per box), by addressing TH. co. 'AP DR WILT t 4318 MED. and do," was the re; ard suid---- ai #y Well, ci did Howard sa, "Neve! f "Tell ti ee "Thav's 2 darling." "He said then that I was sure old myjd, and after the others were ull murried I was to stay bere und help hi keep up a bachelor's hall, 1 r-all foaak see," nie added earnestly, "Low Will eet aiong." "He must de as I do," "Hi v ul 'Seek a darling lithe housekeeper for a wife," So, to ne -- of all concera- ed, the firs Peace ts who was married ci artist, not the me cian, not the beauty, but ouly Maggie till Sickness Comes before Buying a Bottle of PERRY DAVIS PAIN-KILLER fou may need it to-night New York New The Eects of Cactus Chewing, cactus hwarts dition of exaltation, ifted one of hiosself, influence a may od a in were, is wile-awake, ret d ng. The intellecs is EOE clouded, but stimulated in a high degree. ut the most remarkable thing about this lung is that ity peculiar effect is not fol- wwed by any reaction, m that ace Sante might be ideally adapted tor It umimediately arresia the rene: tity' wich mikes the loper sud fier ajanmboree." At the same time, it ts helluer parcebic mor wi Opn " festivals they remuilt for days in the at ecatasy vescribed, cli tuun se msunues the cactus beats at the rate of about ove an how Tu e0ngs w renioinies are of & dreaty haul, propriate to the meth of in ¢ Joius Hopkins _| VIGOR o* MEN Easily, Quickly, grinned Restored. Nerv- ousiiess, Deity of ERIE MEDICAL CQ. Buttle. wy, vivereity wall Lixain from the materia furnished the active priveiple of th plant, ius it mw expected that a new medicine, valuable, Perley, for many medial tte poses, will be added to the chara Dr. Cart Latnholts has recently dis- at four varieties of this cactus Philip D, Acmour's ¢ buritios, There isa business side to real philan- thropy. reached them, to relieve tiem wecurding to tits juuxment, aod cw beiore Alr, a oaly sine wiiew orig seem wool BtleolieD bHather than the at teniton of an intermediary. tory" pose Be DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FORS SALE. rau. 8 UN De sett ure. kes fa bs r gure tewha Ae babs PD pnoree te an he abo mt Serer 'ote reast He " Fa apply GEO. NESS 'pou clay, write al ALLAN NURSERY CO., Rochester, oF Ouce fur N.Y. FARM FOR SALE. will boy cneot $5,00° the best farius in The Towaoship of \aluiee, Counter: 00 scre fent to schue!, churches, it office, chr ee ut nel even bits secret Inctory. aed Oven Ales & vere Listowel, wade . inthe best cherse market [op Unsart extent of the pr Pica bg imgrovenmenia are on the place, rineur gives 1 5: marge bank ba "Fe wits stone stabiing er ireure, aud § rae at one | Gulba 'tached; one sheep he Wever hears bicaselt huuse yg gives aw uy sO niu hel is mt hoe uot accuniulaund & cD celts p 4 hehe mut. warn "D anil Vaiuable plece be a is a Dever Jolla * of od ar eee mp tn Ove ve ring ib pestar bout 4 sere ©A man should do good winle _ wheat, avd ploughing moatly done, lives," sud Mr. Armour linisell. "Wii are easily bi venue to Che Dhue oNC MOLLET, 40 Int 6, sou a Wallace, near Wai lace PO. dowed work tliat C1unot be altered by deutu, or by mi " truster re or by bickerings of any his a Besid tu carry out ike wens while le lives, but lie cu. do vo alter be is in hus grave. flitts uctons L reet we've tried locarty out the liome ides, as 1 oi pleasunt homes for po pie if comes, wel Ley i + tin sure' Maggie Are (Curious. lae glia will ro car. These ae placed under wiye, wien Hayed un, by WAYS Tetact ack twa years from te cewbration of tie first virtaday 5 ue, tn vluer Words, aa thutigh t pee lau been 1 year old at the tinve of birt audaciou'? Caw, A B10. ooo "F The dave Lord Bective was @ of the int ELE TOUS und P vuislderate Sasedlut " ivr paar aml was a wily te ender any os istance in his power ty his " tenavts He nad jon na prone breeder of Suoriheris, und tis herd 4 one of the beat in tty world; as well is ight be, considering that dhe "funda a" cow Cust it Lats dou T A Mother's Pride, "fm afraid ve Siege is spoiled; the baby mo moved her Mother--Oh, Hie doesn' % matter; her jouks periectiy lovely. Vane ow: rat Fences. f who takes pooper pride in his faria ulways (eels a pie ant a tetne jon in OM Lines og bik fenees are ti what they ougit te t Tee tarp jou beter witha pein fewce ike ° eto see tuat it win good com lion. dene: ener mpegs , when its owner should | that cat be depend: work required of them, yw ei cogulahed tart DR. WOOD'S ef in the Inng-healing virtues ofthe Pine eco ECT CURE | souere ares COLDS: ieee Sar, po 'MROAT, BRONCHIAL 'fed promptly to HOTEL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, ----- u eth known a5 the MANNEL': «tbe iat of tistowel, 'arm land tn JAR, MANNELL, * rremont House, 1 Yonge &t. Toronto eo ¢, Reale House with «'toa scutes irame a exchange. : 250A NUMBER A year's subscription to SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE will bring into your home twe've monthly numbers, aggregatn Over 1500 pages of the best and mo interesting reading, and more than 700 beautiful illustrations. ANNOUNCEMENTS, jeorge W. Cable will beginin the Jana ary pumber a ro entitled Jobn Marob, Southerner. Twoother gaged: J. M. Barrie, author lsh ag Little Miulster, bes new vel, the fret since that famou iors @earas Merred Eoglt sh povelist, novel entitiea Tne Amasiug Mariage. SHORT STORIES will be abundant. w. Ww. H. ™ of the waltien a ete scalp earn grt, J © Harris ue maoy new iaeelge mi 1 ennrinate ATUDIES OF A CAN LIFE will be Important pe ria including New- ,» Har Harbor, Lenox, etc. and the We THE ILLUSTRATIONS wil! bo even jucfe Hamerous aud bewarifal than ever. A erties of Frortispicces chosen by roe Chie Whinaze om will be eapec- Cc agsine Prospectut sent on Request SPECTAL OEFER. (yr and 4 ubserintion ea iRG4, The sane, wit a ban n aimbot», 3 'bound ty clots $6.00 mple Copy, 10 cents, Cases SCRIBNER'S SORE, SUBSCRIBE Canada's Best Family Paper} THE HAMILTON = Weekly ik EsLARGED AND IMPROVED. Contains All the News, Many Special Feat nsp and Py tines 'Tncewaiie, The Moet Entertaining Stories, The Rieeeaes Liter Everything "toe Eveiyd «ey | @ =< mea | 1895 tti Ja annary jcture, * THE WHEEL GO ROUND" foronty $1.10 AGENTS WANTED Liberal commission to agente, good at nt for inte dtesriet fa < wavied @ oe whe wil take a laters tu panhing tes paper rand beri make thorough cap- Vase of his dtatrict, for terme and particclare address SPECTATOR oe co. M LTONs CANADA: CLUBBING Orrer. n.--The Syanpane oa rctaio, One ar tu ckly So ot. ug - = both papes, 4 o ered through HAVING A Farm, A Gaiden, AV yet A Home in the City or Village or Country, or expecting to have one, IT WILL Dis Mice Ett Rheem, 733 aun m haere Bobility sat N these and fee woe all Wt allt! * sag tir ra Het af BLOOD Sample Bottles 10e; Regular size 61 < For sale by all -- PAZ ZOU. WELL, ee Inv: Mluahia Help, the Best In- thousands of Pisieceract! eal u- cetal Hime wand Suggestions given In the American Agriculturist reparec by thoranen'y exprrienge! Thisinoces men, whe heen well what they taik and write about, ndred Eneraving? ta cock volum: ms tot naareen ngs ETOR rartety 1 berate et nd Ralps ant $y © sid aod Young, ete, ef AS IMPOSSIBLE eo whe Sse ample Oper: Free gn. ment The, American 'A iculturist, = shes ty "Sournal + Ad- & "THE RACE FOR WEALTH." He--Gire mv a kiss, won't seaarepeen rE vli-- way.--Somerville Courter, you? A local dealer adv: rises "a new ee walking-sticks for Ren lemen with en beuds." m--Philadelphia e. pal a ehaiinie et a turn- + Waiter--No, sir; ite a left-orer, "Jackson tells uw the la thing = wine was uccepi ivd, Doy wash" "Yes, bis elegance? "Cui. paael Inter Ocean. i.'s one thing for & ser "I've halt . mind to write a magazine pest Half a mind eceme be 1 for that sort of thing." Larned Lady--Col. Blowtun, how many battles were you ine Col. Blowton--Madam, She true soluier never Loasis --Cleveland Plain Dealer, "Yu'as, Cholly gave her a piece of hia mind iho ie wether." "It oust have been a very small iece eles if he bus uny left," a New Yo Mrs. Houser--Wiatd that furniture dealer say when you told him that mirror he sent up was cracked ? ou er--Said be'd look into it -- Buffalo Courier, She--That is so suddom. He--How firs im sou won peu ure iu you oe vice rine whe 1 proposed two yeurs agu,--Ciicugo Re- cord, oet--I haye culled to jearn what Fit eh wentto the fire. se ealedetitiea Ree Sympathetic wir eR ve you been fortunate iy jee --Yes, eis who eat tire? Interest. L never yet fell would warmry mg su inieve with a ne, --LAfe. ar MTuere's uo bee be ove I dida's asarey --onon Conrier. He--What veal thuse new neighbors dae W ~ they sal they lod anon to tie ¥ 30 to : iy ou beg dole 'oe eull oftwu.-- --Sar, x a tnedad from ee Liaboine sor thenian-- Th wu? Tram Sa Give rca iad sou'll save both our lives--Hal eoverier, Fou Piola A ere y? erin M wii want to find Was tas chance of Uits Tramman--Come tell til after bbs pees the te rhe sirip o woods.--Clere aud Pisin Dea Trave Oud te jluw, so her Jabiex en you wsket iim ?? a ay dud you pul the que: avon = "hale eo him if ne lid any © bi eciiun to me," --Cuncayy Luter-O: ae erious ! "Te liere nO Way wiich ot ti va poem 7" ' et, "here ts," haven't hat a 'itd s uta Constitution, "Children are tue suushine of life," observed Wilkins. er Oar are. fy sou turns Bigot 4 for we, me oS ter--From whence do St rou cagy man--I niust decline to uate nnyself,"--Brookiya Lite, Coquettishly, the Fiji maid 'The missionary Cane to gret "L really think, elnd sir, valid, "That you art sian eenuntias ont --Washington SF -- What was your idea in gutting vaccinate! on your vd wumaue ar? 5 lem--Economy of pas lc coulun's muke tie ars hurt worse a ilian ibuni al- ready, --Chicage Trivune, Little Effie (cho has stroked the k.tte votilate bas began to purr)--Maudie,do a olwar that?) Sister Maud ee what, Enie? Effie--\Wiy, 1 do belie Kitty's Long. Hat rer's Bazar, young widow "Filson is aiilte. a dasiiay creature, doy af you v . us ba § guess you are rg Sue Pa my hopes must effec obs rll when i make d her to marry me."--lndianapolis Journal, Geme or Tuought, Those who think must gover those who imerely teil. 'Liat Wope is sure which has its foun- Whe overco ly foree hath over- come > but half iis" foe. To be cemfortsbls spend ne tian yea and cor contented, pore 12 tie kita scliol of Lif B...5: wisest habit of all is the habit of ein the ia rmation of good habits, "No fo man ever designed injury to an- other without dviug a greater to him- If. He who belch = be full of care in lis _ age careful in his youl He 'that fourtts his heart in the morn- i in the world, will hardly fing it cin - the 'hy after, ins sins not s careful for sour "helt, and if you value it next to dices are notions or opinions the mind entertains without we the grounds and reaso: Reading furnishes the mind ey, with materials of knowledge, is thinking that makes what we aa our own. erhaps.no man ever yet forgot by trying to forge t, but heison the bie \way pbk getluluess when be tries remem A (ales friend is like the shadow on adial which appears in fine rents ae ee of a By examining the tongue of the pa- tient phywiciins find out the disease of we body, and inind, ""Eraployment, it raed uae calls ** Be ture's phy: hus par bapnes ta ry indolence is i justly P quent as t! HET A adhd y in the present mo- and pat cd being so to atime Seep cas teoaae time should be of another make {; this, w has ab He that loses couscence has nothing left this _ is worth keeps cerneatit oth fe is "the ouly pass- | wa pat LAME ACK== \ CURED EVERY TIME &L' "MENTHOL PLASTER useo. Fire ! Fire | Fire | food they need in phos ae not known among those SION. Babies Drerer reper red by Scott & Bowne, Belleville must have proper nourishment during growth, or they will not develop uniformly. They find the Scott's Emutsion There is Cod-liver Oil for cay flesh and hy- po! hites of lime and soda fhysicians, the world over, endorse it. Thin Children for bone material. who take SCOTT'S EMUL- es grow fat and chubby on it, and are good atured because they are well. : ~ ¢. All Oruggists, 50 cents and SL Tt has often been contended by physiologists and men of science gen- erally, that nervous energy or nerv- ous impulses which pass along the nerve fibres, were only other names for electricity. This seemingly plaus- ible statement was accepted for a time, but has been completely aban- doned since it has been proved that e nerves are not good conductors of electricity, and that the velocity of a nervous impulse is but 100 feet per second--which is very much slower than that of electricity. It is now generally agreed that nervous energy, or what we are pleased to call nerve fluid, is a wondrous, a mysterious force, in which dwells life itself. mie specialist, who ? twenty-five years, ha: strated that two-thirds o due to deranged nerve sears within Ailments and chronic diseases are ATURE YIELDS ANOTHER SECRET ! stomach, it comes in contact with numberiess nervo fibres in the walls of this organ, which at once send @ nervous impulse to the nerve centres | which control the stomach, notifying them of the poten of food Pdere ere- npon the nerve ce wn ® supply of nerve roxas yor anid, o wt once begin the operation of But let the mere centres e de- ranged and Nast will te able to respond with a rociat supply of nerve force, to properly digest the 'ood, and, as a result, indigestion and dyspepsia make the jppearance, the other organs of the So it is with th body, if nerve centres which con- trol them and supply them with nerve fo be --_ deranged, y are also deran The wiadectal success remedy known as the Great South American Nervine Tonic is due to the fact that it is prepared by one of the most eminent physicians and specialists of the age, and is on the foregoing scientific discovery. 0 It possesses marvellous powers for ne cure Nervousness, Nervous stra Ja trcconmat rece rain s Dance, M OXFORD STR ve, FEW » ee Purenasers should look If the cdcress 1s not 633, Manufactured only at Thomas HoLtowar's Esjamiisnmest, EET, LOMDON.- to the Label on the Boxes and Pow. Oxford S:reet, London, they are spurious. no longer a luxury. Iti MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as by the ablest living 'authors clever artists, has stepped into nts with this superb monthly, whereby ¢ 19 cts, in the more pretentious homes. itan has to-day the arronaees periodical. . Send orders to demands created by this necessity, it pas to both publications combincd forthe sum THE STANDARD --- moATH. The Cosmopolitan Magazine The price of the great illustrated monthlies in the past has been $3.00 and $4.00 a year, and they were to be. found only HIGH-class illustrated montlily magazine in the home is isa necessity. and ts meet the THE COSMOPOLITAN it does, 1536 pages of reading with over 1200 illustrations by the breach, with a reduction in its price that has startled the iiterary world. oo STANDARD, fully alive to the neecs ae + specia' a*range- # Rae dele da + yearly subscrip- YEAR. Our offer furnishes a help to all fumilies, nq matter how modest their meana, to keep in touch with the'greatest minds of the world, as The Cosmopol- regular stat of any existing THE STANDARD, Listowel, Fire those old shoca away and buy a new pair, at Flem- ing's. New Tan Shoes for Women, Men and Children, in all the latest Shades and Styles, at pricesthat defy com- petition. Goods all new--no old shop-worn goods polished up to sell. TRUNKS AND VALISES Are you going to the North- West ? Do you want a trunk ? We bave a new Stock just in, which will be sold at a trifle above-cost...Don"t forget the place. MAIN ST. BRIDGE. M- McD FLEMING NEW CUSTOM. TAILORING BUSINESS. A W. GLENN Has opened a Custom Tailoring business in the rooms Over Hutchison's tor e NEW STYLE, now co hand, and the pudlic can rely upon getting a goo fit every time and all work done most satisfactorily. Charges Moderae. Atria! Otuer fs respectfully enilocited. A. W.GLENN. LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY Bamford Bros, Buiders and ire are prepared to contrati for the erection Ol all classes coer Bae Pinbes andspecio spree ede ve draw ud eslimates furnished op tion Sashes 'Dons Frames, Blinds, ete turnisbed on short notice. Piantng done to order, Everything in the Aeon ine will be given prompt atientio ANTEED. ee Very Moderate F y--Ink Street, Listewel BAMFOKD BROS, PUBLIC NOTICE. Ihbereby give abla eeliea nattee) past Ett wilt ph aes be chorea pay gir te for za my #0 bale the ADAM Kartsville December 20, 12. LOOK A AT T THIS rn ereees SCHAUDE iba et AS ERE to Ioan atthe very lowest oF foterest on farm security, with the Feivilene of paving <a What you like at wend of an R. HUTCHISON Agent Listowel. Enersetic men can ted oe pot eof secur! as Noy th veined aring and ' retaining termes ae trial will coat you nothing. STONE & WELLIXUTOY., Tere?iis' Ont HAVE YOU meek aehe means the hid. | of the encore "Delay ta jose rly per cent. fe eked. Blood, L neys are in ee Sicordered hid.| She mss dane "taht ea wer | Sigs atl Beaithy atte aoe dat arares "good ee decleh wh are bonus fs Kidney clogged, they are | Pills weed? M MD FLEMING. OS UR oe