2 \ FACTS, the thermometer edt paver A ee As gn was a perfect calm AND SLEEPERS. jot wo erect ott ed bad. been : : accompanied by a storm. or wi MANITOBA. | | coc formety of Morsingios! whe a bas been residi . time, has ety Mn. Joba Topiors The Canadian Pacifi cade ge pe boundary, about ill m Railway Compeay willl ws gto this week. Me. Taylor L purchased the Ri Craig farm each Tuesday dur-|ia 8: of W Mr. March @nd April to all Kines wil! be sufficiently near to town - ¢ ad points in Manitoba, etd ce a Sos = For free berths, tickets | pee rane Bas deen too busy and good accommoda- oaiee ' Mgrs, tg cin On re tion call on new re an advertise J. LIVINGSTONE, J. AGENT C. P. R. Listowel. LISTOWEL STANDARD. FRIDAY, MAR. 2, 1894. ag fair day to-day. Mrs. W. H. MCELRvy, of -- formerly i Liste wel, ts in town this gz old Smee RD, baker, has gone to Walkerton to rol a situation in one the bakeries in that town. Parties looking for Sugar, call at J.H McDonald's A meetinc of the W.C T.U. will he held in the Workmen's hall this after~ noon (Friday) at 3 o'clock. A large attendance is requeste Mr. as, secured the agency forthe Berlin shirt and collar Co's Laundry, and all work wiil be turned out cqual to new. FirtH Department, L. P. S. Those who made the highest marks during February: E. Willoughby, O eyers, A. Renchler, E. Hardman, N. a _* _pimens Flour same price at J.H. onald's. Cot D, D. -- BELL'S many friends throughout the county will be pleased tolearn that he is nearly restored to health again after about six weeks illness. Br the way 'the farmers have been in the weeks Mr. °W. H. Hackinc, Listowel's venerable postmaster, has recovered so as to be able to be around again, alter the severe fall on the ice which he met with "i of the post office one day last w Oat exchanged for Oats at J. H McDona A aa wll be given by the Ladies' Aid of Kncx Church, at the home of Mr. James Shearer, on the 4th con- of Euna, on Monday evening, March sth. Rigs will leave Livings stone's gh store at 630 o'clock. Admuis sion Sinxwoneet Cuurcu.--The annu Missionary Sermons will be preached in the Methodist qhurch sag hag h ait e Rev. ¥ Thomas Gee. The pet Tg Tae. ship meeting will commence at 10) 4 o'clock M. McD. FLemsinc, Merchant Tailor, has secured the services of Mr. Buswell, late of Galt, as coat Mr. Buswe!l comes highly re commended asa first class coat maker, 9 will look after the fine work in . Fleming's establishment. suanle of Salt 85¢ at J. H. McDon- ald's. 4tH Depr.--The following hav: the Greve, O. Gibbs, G. Gab Tue present would be 2 an --o time for citizens who have a frontage interest in the town sidewalks to form themselves into an explofation society with the object of disclosing their loca- tion. Walking on the middle of the street is not particularly inviting just now, especially for ladies. Limite daughter of Mr. John McKenzie was knocked down -and badly bruised ~ stunned by a borse ther while crossing ime, but we understand is nearly recovered again, Sbe had a narrow escape from being run over. Coucus Amp COLDS, --At this season fifty y h the article, internally or externally, will a wn it grat Uections of its worthy in West.--Mr ing's merchant tailoring os ere pur, larger stocks in brs various .lines aan here- fore, and invites public patronage. Sce bis advt. Flee H --The Listowel team drove over to Mt. Forest on Monday -|modious and well baht, : but the public are promis<d something of special interest next ore in the new Rolls block is one of the handsomest west of Toro and his stock for the spring trade is strikingly large and includes everyt ing new in tweeds, ch ths, gents' furnishings, hats and caps, also piles of ready-made clothing. He in- vites an carly cali. MaxkcK 1st came in quite lamb like, of the nature manifested before hed month is over to verrify the old sa Hicks of St. Louis predict pager blizzards and southern cyclones, various other comforting weather re uries, such as hail, thunder and light- ning Notwithstandin all of which many people of the am that we shall pe an spehed ing. Mr. B, B. Sarvis, who is well so -- to the musical public, and who for the Morris, Feild, Rogers P o: of Listowel during the last cighteen months, and who did some good service in opening up some excellent accoygnts, we are sorry to say, has disehgaged himself from the Piano Co's service. It may be said that hie engagement was under- stood to travel for this company, but drawal from their services. glad, however, to learn that be is en- gaged to travel for another house, and intends starting in about two weeks, WHat Ex-MEMBER oF PARLIAMENT by benefit ral them." outh American N 3 Lob tained a bottle and 1 must say I hav found very gre. relief, and have since taken two more bottles, and that I am entirely free from Indigestion, would strongly mend all my ello w sufferers fromthe disease to give South American Nervine an immediate frail Lek ie cure you. ENE, Truax, Walkerton, Dear or aN Acep Resipgent.--On Tuesday death removed one of Lis- McGregor, relict of the The deceased died at the residence of her grandchildren, the family of the late Dr. Nichol, where she had lived since her husbard's death over thirty years 9, Rev. Mr, McGregor was, believe, the first Cungregational mini~ + in Listowel deceased lady was in her 88th year, and by all' who knew her was held in great esteem for her Christian virtue. The remains were interred in the old cemetery yesterday afternoon, beside those of her deceas- ed busband Mrs. Asa Hatt, one of Acton's oldest and most respected residents, and asisterof Ms. Willoughby, wife of Dr. Willoughby of this town, 1s dead. in 1823 accomplished lady. In fact after the death of her husband she successfully superintended the affairs of i fora number of years Hall's sisters married ministers, all of a ba who tiuns in the Methodist church. are Revs, Dr, Willoughby, of Listowel, .W. Holmes, Clinton, J. ol Cannington, and the late W. H. Laird, who died suddenly at Hamilton two or three years ago. A NewspaPeR Man HONORED.-- Ono ursday evening last a meeting w held in the Albion hotel, Palmerston, to d god-speed to | cy, who has gone to Stratford to reside. During the last 18 years he has been editor of the Polouten Telegraph, and for the last eleven years 5 ale proprietor ; but he has been com o re'inguish active work owingtoan aoack of poset paralysis, which deprived hin of sre use of his left auf, Rev. F pal rector s churen, read a tery compli- New Founpry Occuriep.-- Messrs. Gilles & Martin have machinery and stock from foundry into their handsome new build- ings on the corser of Mill and Elma streets. They are now busy getting the machinery and botler and engine in ¢, and expect to pont ready for run- | ping intro ort w dagen ne! premises are \siimential b yy built, r The chi, molding, blacksmith, wood working and paint shops are oom and oe ot give mi besides a 'as ing from towel's oldest citizens in the person of |- fh Mr. | to Westminster Abbey. The end the ¥ a who undertook to give the people of people of = county, in whi formerly made her home, Knox, the modience had an intellectual treat which they will st cir and that taken from the Tennyson' 's Idyi's of the K It was in the latter, however, that Mrs Black excelled inthe art of dramatic recitation. Ad citals were nct the on evening. Intheart of wolin playing Mr George A. Fox gave the audience convincing proof that this young adian ranks with the best masters of the bow. His numbers were listen- ed to with rapt -- by the pleased audience, The impression which Mr. Fox has left on his first ap- pearance Ltre willensure him a most cordial reception rhould he return at The vocal part of well a by Mise Ida Walker, soprano, M Ss De male quartet by Miss Walker, with violin obligato by a very Casing 7 ow ate ilworth and J H, 'Stuart, made their first bow in public, and f-om the dell hearty reception he A LARGE LOT OF wt CHILDREN & YOUTH"S in th ada (le SEE THEM. / 4 -_ CALL AND Just in this week s verr mice TO rane. Pros 26 Cenrs ar Onuc Srones. ; becom very pu musical orga. anization. The Oraer under whose auspices the en~ place on the programme, Mr collins, of Toronto, the genial High Vice on Ranger, a in the abrence f the Supreme Secri and delivered racy 6heen- pthc prides in which the almost way benefits, and protection to the families of deceased brethren, were briefly but impressively pained out a applanding Mr. ins at the sprees ¢ and nicely worc- a addr charged et functions of platform director and Miss M. Sutherland filled the -- tion of accompanist withsher usual a Altogether the entertainment was a a financial success as was doubiless prove an indirect Deoefit which will m te for the few Soden decency in the proceeds. Mr James T Doyle, a Brantford lawyer of the aceig iy Reform e left Baas erty by the light of the moon. 'ant is bright, matural -- 1¢. . suicided be had been demented for some razor. time. For producing toose oeauttul blonde and golden shades of hair, so beautiful and fashionable, use 's *Gol en Hair Wa: 1. Livingstone, drag~ pist J.O. Rvkert, i srl oe " of Rykert British Colum Aidate ot parliamentary to Reker is the son of Mr.Charles S Rykert, ex-M.P. Lincoln county. Why is your hair trrning i or rap ia color? Something i« w medy this use Dore Hair Magic. J. Livingstone, Mr.Yates Thompson, formerly owner of The Pall Mall Gazette, has £38 000 for the addition of jals and monuments may be er- Williams' Reyal Crown Remedy, great- est cure on Go teed to cure Neryous "Debility, Rheumatism, Neoralgia, Paralysis, etc. --43y. Counterfeit and raised Canadian bank been in Wi pected that ¢! came from Brandon, Man., being the work of the Lockeridge brothers now onder arrest Rev. * During the day $2.500 was raised toward he . "A crick in the back," = psin under the ae teeeali, bifiens< evening : a bowels. For all ailment: and nished the hockey club of that | is evidently the mtention of Messrs town gamesto2, A m: be-| Gillies & Martin to carry on 10 €z-| Ayer's Pills, tween Stratiord and Listowel is an- | tenswe foundry business, both in manu- pounced for this Friday evening, at | facturing a and plows, as well Sein bre A cy. ie [an GARD OF THANKS. any Oe eb wien int The of the West i be attenda: execotive committee e " a in 5c, and roc. jem Dairym: 's Association met in To tHe Beermeey of Listowx. s a Det Adige jay, when it was a ranged Lopcte A, O. U W. RELIEF In SIX OURS.---- ressiig | to have Iostructor sr spend =I most thant od - Diseases relievec | days m --< -- pe pe ee yees ereteeny Tore, minatieated at ine bours by the "Great South Ameri« ies that begm work early are husband ; payment pag recy heen This new remedy is} so situated as to cover the whole of a bonedisary ©@ S7 nour' tien, thee tate a great surprise and delight on * | Western Ontario. This plan will give | Robert an This, from yos ta me. tes of its exceeding gy = siving | the stokes in every district an oppor- | RE" Sg"o'alna: and' a Taint ocho of the spo ta thee Waters ; back re noite, ees i work in a dove snd inom of cue gone. May SET ee csc peaches retention ot | strecaion tn to best eehos' of making | Setget"aP Rug: Sttaiit en of seater Ss water und 'pain im passing it glmost_ im- early chense and of operating (be Bebcack peeled aad widows of our mediately. "lf you want quick rebef and | milk tester. The dairy will not Years 'care this is yout remedy. Sold by Job} be ggstinved at Tavistock, though LLewingstose, druggist. enaltgrs who desire assistance will fed 'stowsl, Pobresty J. M. SCHINBEIN, An eye opened. Did you see it last week ? You can see it this week. We have sold over 20 pails a day of om fine Em- preas Syrup, 2 gallons of fine syrup put up in a fine syrup pail,all for $100. Who could not have a pail of syrup ? Then did you get 20 lbs.of Redpath's Granulated Sugar for $1.00. We are alway giving some great bargains for cash, and if youare smart enough you can catch some of these bargains. We are always looking out for snaps in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and it we do get them you can depend you will get a share of it. Now we have several lines in Dress Goods which we are selling below manutfacturer's prices. Alsoin Men"sand Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Mantles and Mantlings. Why not buy your fine shoes from us when you can save from 50 cents to $1.00 a pair, you capnot expect to get some of these bargains unless ou come and deal with us. We cordially invite you all to give usa trial. Our motto is, small profits and quick returns. : pa highest price paid tor pro- uce. J.M. SCHINBEIN, NO. 4 MAIN STREET wy Mrs. J. H. Horswyper, 152 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal, writes: fever. ot myself periestly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I permanently so, and very full and bes ales mended this to others with Vike good effect."-- Mrs. Carr, 160 . Pa. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for ' Ppt so ahmet aatie. factory resulta, I know it is the best sepees in So nk Geet" --C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ayer's H Hair Vigor ~ BALLARD & tee == THE PEOPLE'S PEOPLE'S GASH 'GASH STORE. Combined with. the best filling in the world, makes the "' Featherbone Corset " unequalled. ITRy A PAIR. _-- NOTICH FROM G. S. GEE'S POPULAR STORE. _ EIN BOOTS AND SHOES we are clearing out all lines at reduced prices, to make room for Sprin Ss. Ladies' $2.25 Dongola Shoes we are clearing out at $1.50. This is an exceptional Bargain. EF NEW DRY GOODS for Spring Trade, being opened up. Full lines in oun Goods, for = and quality can't be beat. Allour Winter Stock marked down. Any- one looking for bargains can't do better than give us a call. ee GROCERIES--1o Ibs sifted Japan tea (ancolored) torr.00. This isa snap. &a@ We have secured the agency for the celebrated Tet- tey's Teas, no better black tea in the market, possessing a world-wide reputation, put up in 1 lb. packages bid = paying for good butter 20c per Ib. and eggs 15¢ J. 8. GHE. perd -EARIEUE IMES. Never was there atime in the past history of the world when such a terribe and universa excitcm ent prevaied re- garding religious and political affairs as now exists in the social mind, Wherever we turn our attention, or whatever society we enter, the same rest ers anxiety is apparent, the same question -- from circle to circle, from friend to friend. What is about to happen, is enquired in a assemblies of men. And now while winter's co.d biting frosts are upon-us, and money to scarce, and so many bodies to be warmed, and mouths to be fed, and everybody feeing they want to use "the greatest economy i teying, the question is being asked with as great anxiety, WHERE canzecpend our money to the best ad: WHERE we Pe the most goods for the least oney Where will we be vented best, and feel that we are not get- ting one artice at cost, and then pay two prices for yt In answer, we would say : Please call at the NEW CA STORE, at R. HUTCHISON'S, and we are vowadent? taking everyt hing s around, that you wiget servei a ittle better than any place else in town We have s LOT CF NEW PICTURES just arrived, to be given away. Please give us a call, DRIBD APPLES WANTED: R. HUTCHISON. JACOB SEBURGER has removed several blocks west, to the STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY W. J. HOWE, BARBER, next door to Fleming's Tailoring establishment, Main street, south side, and is opening out large stocks of 'American and |UNDERTAKING attended to night or day. ape tg ot ec PEE HORS eee Great Cash Sale NOW IN FULL BLAST. During the past few weeks we have added to our Stock several cases and bales of new goods, bought at manufac- turers' prices. Our motto now is to buy for CASH in the very BEST MARKETS and sell for cash at the couTias. By conducting our business on this system, we will Cash Customers of Listowel and surrounding Country as good value ee econ a can be had in any city or town store in Canad Note a few of our hundreds of Bargains :--*~ & 7 Flannelettes regular price 7 cents a yard,sale price 5c a yard; Fancy stripe and Check Flannelettes, regular price 1uc a yard, sale price 7c ; extra wide Flannelettes, regular price 12%c a yard, sale price 8c; Shirting,. cegelay price 7c. - price sci ; alr Shirtings, extra-heavy Shirtings best goods, Foyular price 12% and 146, sale price pe Prints, regular price 7c, sale price 5c; Mc- Naughton's celebrated prints, a large assortment, warranted fast colors, regular price 12}4c, sale price 9c ; Crumb's prints best in the world, lovely patterns, regular price 12%c and 13¢, sale price 11c ; Table Linen,regular price 2sc, sale price 19c; Bleached Table Linen, regular price $1, sale price 70 ; yard wide Gingham, regular price 124%c, sale price toc ; heavy Cottonades, regular price joc, sale price 23c; extra heavy cottonades, best goods,regular price 35c,sale price 25c; Towelling at 5 cents a yard, Towels at 8c a pair; nice Cre- tones at 8c, beautiful Art Muslins at gc, double-width Dress Goods at 15c a yard, Lace Curtains commencing at joc a pair, TaSRS ry Carpets at 27, 47 and 65 cents a yard, great value ; CORSETS, we have a large assortment, the best makes--Yum, Yum, at 47 cents,Queens,64c, B & C, regular price $1, sale price 75¢ a pair; the celebrated Featherbone corsets, regular price $1,sale price 85c a pair; large assortment of Handkerchiefs commencing at 3 fors5c, see them; Grain Bags best goods regular price $3.25 a doz, sale price '$2. 38; Men's Felt Hat at 25c ; a job lot ofovershoes at soc a pair. We have a few Overcoats left which we will seil at about half regular price; all winter goods at prices to clear them out. REMEMBER hat every line ot goods in every de ment of eee daize store is reduced to the C. CASH SALE CARSON &McKEE THE GOLDEN LION, Wallace Street. Listowel. meer' UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. F. SALLOWS, . Leadin ding Undertater, who has taken for a partner EB. M DER, is prepared to my great g inducements. y all those favoring us with a NEW FURNITURS "AND "We have on hand a large assortment of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE th plain and fancy ALSO SIT Oar MOULDING UPHOLSTERING work a specialty Wood taken in wl ee tor furniture, a finest Hearse this side of Toronto in connec- on. SALLOWS & ALEXANDER, FURNITURE DEALEPS AND ae fro MAIN STREET TOWE Everone ho can afford itshould have a MELISSA "WALL PAPERS, All the latest designs and patterns, and at lowest prices. I keep the heaviest stock in to SPRING - ROLLER - WINDOW - SHADES ; also CURTAIN POLES and BRASS TRIMMING Ss. READY MIXED PAIN TS ETC. i Am adding largely to my stock - Confectionery and Groceries. Try my 35c. pure Black Tea, and you will come again. Paper ging and Painting given prompt attention, and estimates furnished: J. SEBURGER, MAIN ST. WEST. I sTtTiILbi HAVES $4,500 Worth ot goods to be sold AWAY DOWN. OVERCOATS AND READY MADE CLOTHING, = |BOOTS AND SHOES, FLANNELETTES AND TWEEDS A FEW TEA SETS AND CROCKERY. A Fine Stock ot GROCERIES. Call and see. u: S. BOWMAN a RAINPRCOF WRAP. The most fashionable, comfort- able and economical gar- ment of the days. ~ HARDWARE | ee ener a ee nee oa ieee ROBERT MOORE! --DEALEh IN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints Oils, G Table and SILVERWARE, Lam Cross-Cut Save, ' Axes, etc. ROBERT MOORE, AF ocket Cutlery, THE HARDWARE MAN,