s en ae purest GSE Ty than ue scans ing aval Tie noot be Be ; tica'ed. Their And id Beverley, eviden Elite rte i, eave vent to verflowing spirits by a wild dance omen 'and Blanche, the ty dangh- of John Beveriey-oa, bible ar "something in the f r decade Ue via in Gn x had a Lurning to go is ys pct to their d not been grati- ner seinehow did not im te nee reall right for men," he --ae growl; "no place for ave ok Nesta a pathetic ap both sisters te neg feelin, ve 'ot ius Frasers, the jee wile ule oung men to whom red they fea get their trot, Alas! the bxeoms of these two gentle- as old Mr. Bever- or a \y. Travers simply cast op Ld eyes rm horror - jerceuee uloud at the Lare men the ae as all the world a ery deed--much looke young man in- up to, as they say, The y were men, Al zy Barton among eas put ; er edi --_ ona F pox! prix: y rface, ley always called "ie, behind his back. t what xood man has not his = im this world, I should like to now oo atall ints, then, | oe two HIS FACE AGLOW WITT ANGER. the only - left epen tp them, namely, ake the law fate their own hands jon alin off to the Derby on their own * Sand J tara upon it, i gs Maud with errs lvuch, * enjoy itall the more. Meee fers eolbge always the t, you kn cae Oh they were t tam ould aver Mare credited them with spanning the mad escapade lam about Feoure Tie Derby Da y arrived in due course, and a lovee une it proved te be. In fact, with our two ave arora damacls cores yeeee ar luughinele ou. aoe on the the Clerk of the Weather; lor hud to rain, their own ming te a, whi window, aul euw brtatilest, veils aig Wes gee 30 d eo many things with pan! obs to the afuremen- tioned Lead of the weather departueut thatiad he radi listening, he mustlave pect a y red. blust rep. Th proc 1 f the dar, and pot the least important, Breakfast-- cent Vi and their Blauche, boughty hte Biauche--as sho ees fie usual Gewer inh fhe pote, =k um on the nose, and 'ad the bardihood to tell him eved | enue dontiontes et lnul taken the pre or aug beforehand, Lo tire blindly ter it edie ving ae foul 4 walcing fee teen hi ality Wher i, we pie en tof half an hour.they tat establishinent and 3 ey xebnp--tiat their eight sei tu moOognige them, much to gheir delaht was nut, indecd, until they spoke cues he was sure of the identity of bis Eye m, now, please, cabman," said Blanche, who had sunipes in List, sliow- iygall her pretty teeth os she voucl ed hime anert inate, a Well P's xclar med os worth ¥ as drore rally ell; nike me urly "t abitu rau 5 gts and nu mistike about it! Wot-bever's their little gume, I wonder?" wn he . about half nn hour before the time apy uted for bringing off the ereat mice the year--cu uentiv, Epon Do al its gayest, more ¢ 'tally that por tien of it known oa 'Toe Hill," or which is assembled just a out as motley a crows as it iy powtble te imagine. Yonder the southtul Blarquis of Muskrat, who has driven down that lar fa e. ue lg y. uf th Tevet ng ar r sind wo site See ter 'has proceeded looking dau vity uw bet with his vale 'hat he wu a pepa bed s pot an ut ony ngs the next "Lam so sorry you have gut up witht a headache, Ltuvug ¢ yo me 1 with his bunds Glaspie fila aching eI" med Blanche, just right, 200 I win pot the least eurry for you a I . * -- is Mr, Beverley? ingu uired @ Travers, calling ut the house thut af "ar noun, Saal a teadache ? the Derby Sorry for that, didhe? Abt that nate for it {ow wany decent persou countenance such a 8 .turnulia, attend it, is bey ot er com prehension--it really is, Muu uever been to i Derby, 'Never, Maud; never, upon my honor ah, and Gas turned by a eves aud wrtuous--Oh, go Virluulls--s Pa ae he a ik Tie nizht all given to Maud the present he had Teaser: during tient revurued to bin, Carouicle Tele riph, eae be ait dual, c Ait recege Z fies a, ie thougut woul wary ue weu The slamming of the geo ae was tho tibere a week ago, met her aud sie signal for ay sry lauzhier omevitie wobe my wile cuime to from Maud auciien Pounsyleania, Lp tikes us old fellows Ol, you tag imenoee with | to carry off the ga he ett . a8 de, their THINGS WORTH KNOWING, A New Ides as the Bt Treoer the othe 7 tluy . Lous man ia ian rae « roof fluded, sage teueler Hote fio Dytog sparks of br, exit cebu Manis 'iat nay pte ken nds " "it. -- ot Shingle Firs HOTEL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, kins the a ee those two gypy we res 1 MANNEL" girls whetver they Hike 2b OF 106, te Ee asides win et under uo oul wOUSR Int tos Tren of tener tn and who takes off his mee te ver us if | | pera! lee "hGrasthoiels. ee of Anew Hel oll nena eerie sos Pepe nee je Hogse wit! ton pga ath ode @ Queen whee she thauks him tough as even skin, aid a Larges» a anible, WIIl take farm: tan: anaes "ist friend Algy Barton? lrg, of Shis gueches would not | APR JAS MANSELL Wh ab geelicd 1 ay take :feaie ereetl st y a watilet Tremoot Hoare, tates A Ito wie the batter e. Toes ge terough + garden nd it plenssDt to wee Ris eee | like ws shovel plow. amd 60 es siule ate leisy tine ey et eats den traghe escapes tua Phey eas ere od jaraash "a 'leer tin he We rime } crack tne sb handkey adont a Bi fortune fur him, amd informa bine that ae : ian h Bi t. . 'ee Pos before tbe 5s aariied to aang Mair 'in who | ne on make reat 'tan of Almvaaa's Joves hin . eee Tiguette arya sven» te |g rane ROMAN 5 mn refused to take it, usking teud fora ee plaia gold ring | orev on his tinger, ue et tie Dbiaede Woman om "Give it to the poor gypsy for o keep ad Newer see at ha 10 gentleman," a0 De "yet ean "Os ser Agent Sain K ly, ot , "aud your ny + | gt Ot Da eays bs in pe dant." coal use f ret Aud aoe did as "a bela bid, like the | fie d red fellow ice of par aiar 'oduk we pote ys home now, | siruct Maud," murmu vue gypsy to 1 mile olher, as they w walked a away, departed ns + hia destin ation, Yesterday "1 think "0, two," nuts toe reply. | Mr. Kelly was again greeted by te as S If you hw sue | tien ind cated aud ober in . ent on, "and ge, mimnvking | yours nig, apysrreuily about SU yeurs A yeare subscription to SCKIBNEK S cigars and et king _cmorenie iu tue | oid, looking tewar ar MAGAZINE will bring into your home 'uiling put yh nip eK Well, Gusts 4 fe." said tl twelve monthly numbers, uggreg. tin tokl by--- stranger frou the Cheurtield hill, "You , i "Oh, Tortie the Derby !" exclaimed , Was this way, have & farus in | O¥eT F500 pages of the beat and mo the good old gentieman, "aig Cony toe country and wauteda wife, A friend | in eresting reading, and more than foo Tess the jable an rom the | in Limon, out sume distance fron Corie beautiful illustrations. ANNOUNC! MENTS. George W. Cable will bezinin the Jano ee entitled Joho "n sed: 3. M, Barrie, autnor o famous Little Minister, bas w novel entit.ea Tue Amusiog Mur: tage. SHORT SFORIES will b- sheodants Mewelin, 'ine cH Be Fin wi d*meny mate, N LIFE vill be . telading New fiat Harber, Lenox, ete, the and THE ILLUSTRATIONS wilt be eve here DOO feos wed bengtifal than aver, we ot one teem Chose DY Putity Guvert 'Haase rton wi'l he e pee- © upina beat rely und accom: nied byw a note, the uae of wich, L Bb ty Bveur Ulvet his, as Pelee owner muruwed softly, vel? a WwW bat 's it, Blanche, dearesi?"" sou think, if you ask pret, that that far gal the gyp-y spoke of will a ary sau before the wane of ue emi Weun r Jo) ous Senson, Gi a never expected to see a smile on that landlady 's face during these lard thioweet rritt--She bas her rooms full of theulovical students, a they are all keepnsz Lent,--Puck. The Freedom of Spavish Girthood, The fact that the Spanish woman en- A laste Derghen oe Comylete Prosps ctut sent on Request cPRCIAL OBFER, fre unr " wbies, , cutkse's ~ONS. suBs C RIBE- Carade's Best Family Papel THE npr N = Meaky ee tabesetty Litees Cone Theses, wih beck Hoe creer . ' Sa phe 'HAKLES "UPR Seat take te 'Viey cure ua I au waieh inevitabl ati \trica hee 19 ~ aOPRG Bes aR "YOuNG WOSiba ce ah cowl. pies I a ror" Pi or w'!l bo sent won receote of price ("ow yy ), Ly addressing 6 ee ee "rer. CO é. Neuralgic TRY er RE arom Pains i LsLarGep anp Inpaoven. ns Al the News, Many Specwl Fen rispand Povieu » Con ment. The -- Entertaming Sieris, he as Litrtary Mant vetyttinye fa E Cont Oa sual y $ ITO IST IAN. $ | elt i JI liad > ete emt uid Boe paper trom n " " nm He sMieouri aushibered tue young . ny te yee ish, every Bt in ua ould have tiewusands of t an wand de full of tirein, Ought oO Esimilis' aud raise bir, ae is ats n nis pdaphed te dius country, the: and rightly Suter: olive a, a bein is thee, oe ey a touted. T. the tee enlace re tiahee oan ati usurate Ww St Glove Daur the cra' one ------ el Gindatone's First Speech, Mr. sersion of a photograph of a skeicu of Gladstone making his Ur-t great of rned down Ue next year, stone's very tiret utterance in the Houses not # wns made, from the frout bench below the gangway, but from wi tie gallery, « aluxet inaudible to 3 cul euuuzh, if was im reply to "Bighy Was, then fur Ips wien, and tathe: Wasun, who now t Ayrshire 2s one of Very Cutietiy--My dear Drs. Twicken- Weakness Nerv- ousness. af at te waist as from early ores esolts cf parte Ness, SUE MAL CO. Be. WHE KEY TO HEALTH. an baw 6 HENTHOL, shu Nb . r ASTER GENTS WANTED Uf dito society, a Ve vet vl meat aud diversion for ber wane _ITWIL DISPEL ene LIKE MAGIC. Tilherad oe mersteston te ngente geen Cereiits tees se tbieotat "Peete on tue ps ne font fur time Nats Yet te wanted at tr enn the goud wile ato ro ws Line . w k- ne ' theres! fe pnehiin maternity Come te Hab cer inte 4 t A SEEM Gilde cutspletely eecuys + te tee toes " ee Lee eel ents irctars addres. Bud ber tie, N et Atertic di tb wae, OF SP: CTATOh Pe IN' ih ' Misswurits Netuest Fob _ HAM LIO. + CAREDA- wild torke. 8.08 teed proleetod : ; -- Th ro ihe ies ike wen | Maily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. eee Orrin. Tee STANDARD Claler, ehe year dered ibiog, be ri 75 has eid pera, bis cffice flavixe es A Farm, A Gaxden, A Village lot, A. Hone in the City or Village or Country, or expecting to have one, IT WILL PAY. FOU WELL, re the Invalashie Help, the Beat In. Tt: c rms iri 0, Ihe thouxands of Plain, Practics! L -etal Hints and Buggestions given io the American Agriculturist}: Preper'd hy thetenen!> exzrerienced thie feomt Forte wee rave well «hat they taik and write abou, 'ante sHendr-d Kneragines in a couk jell omen ge * ending Serie rly me eae Hanor- Helping nd Con noes, I! ft Ant Meir aives. Hinge b ld Hetpe * far. ete. For any one iT TIS S IMPOSSIBL euneuit t hee get niaty ant * worth eT ep arnal any oo crn covet 91.50 sac application, '+ |. Homenint-- 1 -- Subbubet Ways fect CARELESS. That is a bad old you te--¥ea; and I came away fro: the house this moruing without my over- shoes, Loo. fa a time for everrthing" when janis eer Cus n titkes Mash.-- Binghantoa R-pull Clerelund Plain Dealer. "With blood leas tines abe villain glar- ed at her." His vy Anat Lees, were otherwise ccoupicd, an he Transorips. Be reful of vour lanzuage when talking with the elevater vue; ne id ape te take you up very quickly. --Busion Bulletin, te Hannon tyra. nothing egetetical jere?--Luntu! wu Traus- Hick: ' Wicks-- Weill, ther.'- ler, ds & cript. , Te--TAWMte Go atidews,. Tie--Thare where are mistaken, I've been thinking abeut it for a whole year.-- w York Press "How did you dt cover sce w wo- Man marque eens as a onan? eee went me aidettier with two posiesripts" Y Blade, Pearce--Why be Arthur atu: dying Freness and G- socdiisentiy 2 Care son--He is wbitious ty be un Auericun dramutist.--Tr Merelia anit--Wiy the deuce don't rou shrutclie we ? Nsurance wpgent you think fay fool enousis to cut ol 'ay th. Mixa Frenline --W tess you say your Prager at night, du you pry "for all men? bliss sree, iaueed | Just we would be eaeitza.--L fe PRs neler ng mw parsing this Soe "Toe ris deg." whi -- do with Tos mn? Jonni Pat fe in the waste busket.--Cuicagu Reour Mra. Hicks--Tiut cart broke omy one dink tendhay, Hvcken Hw dad thie hap pent Mra. Uiek.--L ous tw only one feft.--New York He cat a, "You cannot jr wdge am: "a be the unm "Wa breila te cartics, **By- the &. --_ Te Shae : 'tosume- tlie." ok doa Mamma ( ieie is onving the ple at ee i yer rHe.ton, Aus tetas dee hg ate x wyomt Ne " quarter, bw Tenont--Tisat ! of yours is ina teretube con attivl tM. bor pugs te tive ' ye are i a fore 5 Lvstuu 'Tran ip Sw--A I dear to you, George? G-orge--Yea, my love; you arene deat taut Minatrand Dui have te ote EY rise ae gy tute banker, ney. --3) mucus Journ, To hate your seco. nat | aT aear, de sakes Chute' tare ail rear t But ib 8 wuree wale cata lay ~ 'To have ber d'suant wisen chee ne: dew tork Press. Pattie--They bs ut young Mr, wis dane. Ma tie han © Pithas, bis bee Young Pep! Rinse aher=sA ne wus thing mere, ee ee Pinta suppese b nico La ye! 'le. fiomiun + Pranic Al- te ep Teacher-- Now, Georgie, re Ciicais v biter Our ------_-- She ike dingj--i see that at a recent 4 tw bre ees Bverd, ny witin re er at mA Wery te re eo wires car. wep abung Guruinte 'Telegr Caureh organio Go marplicant for posi: fran of ors pus )--dave you wer yoexpermuce? Appr ie. an "Ww wil, er; ok used tu bea wikina.--New York Journal. a fase ut sais Wwaeu ite Pal nil rail dont ' Re mun nin, nue morn. "Lath "Where's U ie "ifhiew t a banow," Vv dows place?'--Brvoklyo the hangmg tuke Eagle. These Are (ar Plants Laing! uti let nin gloss will anne dus Cur "F wees ceiv ccatbon of tue Host other aa though the pers at the time of Pins, One of Natare's ---- Ways. jeurly a Ww cuning in are of poor quality, and he up: btoa 's gen. eral sunny deale uulers, os wey as br sper, baak ba Ze m some Hier attiivuiaule to tie mild witler. Li fact, imappers can predict a mid oF a win ¥ tue Couuition Of the cuats tow Inkobilaots of the forest, ine prediction was given out L fall by moulin aul that this wantes would be an open one, which tt a mitiun of the fare of uniquds stu Se ec ti Mc aAse the cuutecueu tween toe & de UhucCouliuaw, Home Sieur ihe Beat, All raed used i _ eehaiing g large fi higes, of hea' any paar 'ual be endioed as pid be pened Dak Aner EERO be bean, as y is ef- fews up upon ul. rag ail avd of ideg 6! that un th will aes Tuas us long bere pete us it does there wider iar Cotditions, umd the same is true rye Blowe rr sere mu auetibaebiaos. Giove- --il.ijnts be a scoei-- That's diifurvate Cubes, aid pages w Cul the Cake L eal it my Yok Tonos muy, Moe 1 entirely freo from Indigestion, and _ di jammy Be AVell, would strongly recommend all my a4 apa." eal sions Saagge "We , oes Jonny 2 ot Woaat ia aires " pps y fellow-snfl: rers from the: disease to aah, Jobuny, it isa nina ae give South Awerican Nervine an "] shall be giad wien I get Ing a * enougis to wash aay owt face, "miunters supply the stomach with the esighig dhitiedwamy aferbismaniia baa | sary nerve force to properly digest hob throazh with iim; "thea Lb won' the food. When these Nerve Cen- wast it, "--Desien ot Toast, "Dinks hus puss ti wither | ay iyatem of Fe hott te find wht giver "Ls shot; we nue Bod hut walter, CURE COLDS AND ---- Weak 'chested children are the Every should take --o i git : Sinn vest pardoned je throw v6. jletelf at 8 man if he j It builds up the system. w pa and Wasting Diseases. 7% eon lw t © weaker vessel, bat endorse its alan fe hiiskana that's broke. -- at. Hereditary SION. It is a food rich in Prepared may be inherited ; not Consumption. Lungs Thin, narrow: ones to look out fox: d Lungs body with a tendency toward Weak Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with bypophosphites. of lime and ures Coughs, Colds bysicians, the world over, iy Weallieds and all Blood Diseases are cured by SCOTT'S EMUL= nourishment. by Scott & Dowre, Belleville, All Druggists, 50 cents and SL EX-MEMBERs Fon. Reuben LE. Traax, one of Canada's ablest thinkers and states- men. aman so highly esteemed by the people of his district that he was Lotored with # seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes us for publication | the following statement, which will be most welcome to the public, inasmuch as it is one in which all will place implicit confidence. Mr. Trnax says: "TI have been for about ten years very much troubled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent medicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no bencfit from them. I was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I obtained a boitle, and I must say I found very great relicf, and have since taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am immediate trial. I: will cure you. "REUBEN E, TRUAX, ** Walkerton, Ont," It has lately been discovered that certain Nerve Centres, located near the base of the brain, control and PARLIAMENT EUBEN E. TRUAX tres are in any way deranged tn° supply of nerve force is at once diminished, and as a result the food taken into the etomach is only partially digested, und Chronic Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia soon make their appearance. South American Nervine is 80 prepared that it acts directly on the nerves. It will absolutely cure oat nervous It usually gives relief in one day. Its powers to build up the whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It cures the old, the young, and the middle-nged. It is a great friénd to the uged andinfirm, Do not neglect to use this precions boon ; if yon do, you may negicct the only remedy which will restore you to health, South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and very pleasent to the taste. Delicate ladies, do not fail to nse this great cure, because it will put the your lips and quickly tes away your disabilities and weak nesses. W. Washburn, of New Rikon, Indians, writes: "I have used South American Nervine in my Pan 'aud prescribed it in my practice. It is a most excellent remedy." "Sold. by J. Livingstone, (Druggist. in Listowel Manufactured only #t Tuoman Hat nuw, Saar rai iw Gow v6, adie w OX¥ORD STR Minette te a ticker ior tho int with d reivr sou, Dal nu? su Bein Die he fangs ak ve ste it, aed se ai, fa eve If the adcreas iz not 533, > em Purchasers thould look to the Label on the Boxes and Pow. Lowar's Ext ABLishMEet, EET, LomDON. Oxford Bireet, London, they are spurious, 7 HIGH-class illustrated m no longer a luxury. Iti A by the ablest living 'authors. in its price that has startled th shige apa ssuy alive to the need mens with this nthly, whereby tion to both oabienit jons combined for the mu cts. The been in the more pretentious homes. e price of the great illust ' périodicat. Send ord«ra to MONTH. The Costnopolitan Magazine onthly magazine in the home is isa necensity. and to meet the demands created by this necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly,as it does, 1536 ages of reading with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists. bas stepped into the breach, with a reduction e agi wenn s of » bas ut wi 's ive ndern' Kk sum oO mace special atrarge- yearly subscrip THE STANDARD $2.25 YEAR. raced monthlies in the past has 3.00 and $4.00 a year, and they were to be found ouly Our offer furnishes a help to all families, no matter how modest their meana, to keep in touch with the greatest minds of the world, as wes frou otis | itan hag to-day the strongest regular staff. of any existing e Cosmopo!- THE STANDARD, ~~ Lijsto Fire | Fire | Fire! Fire those old shoes away ing buy a new pair, at Flem- $: New Tan Giides for Women, Men and Cnildren in all the latest Shades and Styles, at prices that defy com petition. Goods all new--ne old shop-worn goods polished up to sell. TRUNKS AND VALISES Are you going to the North West ? Do you want a trunk 1 We have a new Stuck just in, * which will be sold at a trifle above cost. Don't forget the place. MAIN ST. BRIDGE, M. McD FLEMING NEW-OUSTOM.._. TAILORING BUSINESS. A. W. GLENN Has opened a Custom Tailoring business in the rooms Over Hutchison's store. NEW. STYLE, now co hand, and the a can rely upon getting a goob fit every time and all work done most satisfactorily. Charges Moderate. A trian, O.uer Ia respectfully solicited. A. W.GLENN. LISTOWEL SASH & DOOR FACTORY Bamford Bros, Buiders -and Contractors, are PE epared to contr. « Of all classes ofbulidings» Ssilone drawn apolice Sashes Doors the ereefion Tiane andspeeif .HUd emlimates furnished op Frames; Blinds, etc tarnished on short notice. Pianing dope io order, Everytping ip the Sulkitng line wil) be giveu prompt atiention FIRST-CASS.WORKMANSHIP._G UAR ANTEED. Charges Very Moderate Factory--Inkermn Btreet, Listowel BAMFORD BROS. DR. WOOD'S ot S., i PERFECT CUREF' coucHs AND COLDS cup and ll THR tie At BRONCHIAL aed yield jeld procapely to this UNG DISEASES, O! remedies to this asant play syrup. ¢ sbinice aa ane SOC. PER BOTTLE. eveqeTe. i "Bachache the kid- neys te in id" trouble. Kidney Pills give prom; relief." ° disease ia aT, as ram letrthrnd pbk evty without ese as pet "seed 09; whe Blaney. on are Dodd's he ee «| Puls are