The Very' ~~ Latest Demers In American "Wall Papers |=: ' VAT J.A-HACKING'S, Drug and Book Store. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENCES. LISTOWEL STANDARD. » FRIDAY, MAR. 23, 1894. SPEECH FROMTHE THRONE At The Opening of the Dominion Par- Lament, GOVERNMENT MEASURES PROMISED-- TARIFF Pesce A BANK BILL, ND Leora GRESS OF THE DOMINION, Ottawa, aa? His 15.--This day, at 3° or- in State to the cham+ cellency pleased fourth session ot the seventh Parliament of Canada with the senate FROM THE THRONE. entiemen of the Senate ; Gentlemen of the House of Commons : Hono the Queen's name I[ greet you for the first time since assuming the high by Her Majesty session = 7 eeply impressed a eaaptage of the reception accord~- e once more manifest ihe loyalty, the cordiality and Ri public spirit of the Canadian peop ce: ae was able to express graufication to you last year crease in trade and on the continued pro~ It is gratifying to e that the exparseten which was then formed, that the pict of tra = during the then current yea ceed that a any od in the histo 'ory of che Dominion, has nm fully real zed and that Canada's 7 rain continues with pach ys " Stability and perm tm Ae with tatsfaction, that a © pro tion Po shown ei Rave p Coen hie increase i to an exten been spared in avery great degree ftom the sufferings which have visited fie ation of some other coun activities of business in the Dominion, we have been free from anyextensive financial d the expectation on which the appropriations of Inst The peaceful conclusion, by the award of the preg gin at Pans, of the contro versy which bad prevailed so long, with respect ra the seal fisheries in the Pacific Ocean and the rights of British subjects in the Behring sea, has remove States with regard to Canada. There is every be believe that Her Majesty's meot will obtain redress for those Canadiansalyects of HerMajesty ho were deprived of their property and liberty without just cause while the con- in progress. date a measure will be laid belore you having for its object a -- of the oes of customs with a wilo changes which lume has effected of all ¢ Dominion. While ie my ministers do bog propose to change the principles tmentson the to in of the a te don Consistently with these peincipias and wih th irements o| wera the (mposts which are now in for re will also lai operatio ero which will, itis hoped, make iate pr ovision than now exists the increasing trade and of the country, and for the greatly expanded trade a en the sever la in will also be cabeined to you aking oa effective prcvisions for our and wit d to the management cf Indian aire; also a bill respecting joint stock panies ; an other with re spect tothe fisheries, and several less regard to various under your control. 2 eonsidered necessary for the ensuing Honceshinttentionen of the Senate;Gen- mmoas : that the public res which will demand your atten- iat will not be very numerous, some them will be of great weight and import, ce. it arnest ig; will apply to sion may be aided by the 2:< lant bless- ing of the Almighty. IN THE COMMONS. The opening proceedings of the House to-day were marked by a eee res una to Mr. jue Palmer, eal Brunsw beyond that there wa: nothing outside 'the regular routine inci- dent to such occasions. Exactly thirteen notices were placed on the or i moving this on day * Mec. Charlton wil! sa latvalince his nee bath Observance Bill = last per bat whice be bes the stage at which imsel: ix He #2 Li it Fa § oat | MACWHERRELL TO HANG.| He. is Found Guilty and is Sentenced to Die on to William Oran ~ If ask the House to ratify the treaty the House will of be di in- , bub equally of course ne intimat- jon will be given till the Government 9 eubenle 6 r, Martin glyea notice of a bill extead the ballot to the North-west . | Territories, E ADDRESS ADOPTED. Ottawa March 19,--The proceedings | co, the house to-day was devoid eh in- in y terestexceptthe debut of Mr. in as an orator, if he can be consi . There was, however, a little incident" that served to relieve the tedium, ifthat is to apply to a dis- wo a est men find it difficult to say anythiug hn . In resuming the debate on the address Dr. McDonald [of cag: ll dwelt largely a a an the peech bein; stack gene cal in a hewet tr: © quo statistics to show that tbe N. P, bad not benefi anada an t our er ton spoke briefly and upon -- point--the French Treaty. comp! choy _ poly of the Govern: ent » and aid _ the failure = make sch s caaued tr usly sugges! Tupper. Age Gane to a royal the telerence [) "Da vid Mills reviewed at greater @ throne, refer- ress prepare Mr, 3 himself--Earl Dufferin was called a vices roy. b overnment especially "condeoraing the forthe release of Messrs Connolly and McGreevy and als demning the policy of penis yeeros of which be declared practice int Ml ad § ----- to a Lorin as ---- hed the = oc eo of Manitoba declarnin e Na~ vonal Policy to be wholly in the Lens manofacinrers, ovat the close of ihe speech of Mr. Mars body, no one the address was declar~ ed carried on a division. FAVOR THE FEE SYSTEM. Followers. Vote Down Woo ae Xi Mo' tion. Mowat's THE hide olay 49 '9T0 29, THE INDE~ TS ALL VOTING AGAINST pio COVERNMEFT a 20. 20.--The debate on the oan maintenance or abolition of te = system and the discussion was of a order, cKay, the medical pb from South Oxford, resumedithe debate, and Six or more persons were killed, about ued by Sir Charles "Tupper and aed be he + 00, Sit Hil- Brampton, March 17.--The Williams murder trial came to a close was acquit ---- as Walker was lead away. as crowded to suffocation, Gutside th the le climbed wp the walls to peer pete the windows, janks up, and formed to ¢ grand jury seats, and even portion of the seats that the jury ogg ge By ae the lordship Wherrell" hey they were to up, haps the two persons least cxied te the court room. His as ed in - face to show you | Only a coward would kill two old ie: T am not I did o You, gentlemen of the sty," pointing his finger at the "vou are the murderers of MacWherrell is not the orfeit my life for another man. have faced it in foreign lands, M d h but just senten me an ave it over." ca lordship did not say a word except repeating the brief but terrible gg 'tentencing him une I. were sobbing oad crying all overthe room. "He is innocent, ' shrieked a Woman in the gal - for the outside to get a breath of prsae air, and try and forget the trying scene that had been enacted inside. None of the 5 ore one the rewsome spectacle, least of venlfe he jury that agent Ly prisoner gui opened cob at nine o'clock i in rene morning. At ear' as~ pin prisoners. 4 Walker aod MacWherrell were be- ne brought in in the morning the latter rues: Hl 2 al services cou tivens tt to close a week age at Brotherston held next Saturday tnd Sunday in the Mennonite church, Brother <i i me F E g rf i [ E Ey F i ii ae i F ts the Jy ro ual question was to the jail, where he oil remain til} crown makes op its mind whether to bim next fall or let him go free. IT'S NEVER TOU LATB. A Story With a Moral For Those Have Given up Hope. A MOUNT FOREST MAN eS ae ae a GED HEALTH--THE HAPPY RESULT. a th t. Forest Confederate. rt. Geo. Friday 1s a well known resi- de br of Mount Forest, jong those 9 -- with him it is known that he reat sufferer from ic beonchitis, accompani a bh that used to leave him so weak thathe would lie down for hours ata time. Mr. Friday's friends have noticed latterly that be has regained his old time vigor, and ip conversation wit wesentative of the Confederate a few days ago, he was ae to ota agency he owed his so mal maid the past 1 do but lutle work. --_ a mn a doctoring without benefit and I felt dis- couraged and be _ - look upon my coms as hope A friend advised 9 try Dr. Wiillarcs' Pink Pills, but I had reieaady a ied so many alleged 'sure did not feel Kan ae hour the town was astir, and the sirects | cures' that I present lively appearance. | #59 et ae cerecated we The le m the surrounding ied eh aa a cam see Reve'resout bo country red in in very 1 mbers, | 2 flab, an you ad Pi be thankful that I did. I purchased a box ng them with grim hope of intense satisfaction I hey were doing good, and you may be sure it required no further and began usi he said the pre- eet d gu d much property di bys evcaes is Texas on Saterday | bere might raat Mc. rad he was | cidence was hou! ren a a Oni is again ~~" Alou t mite a harvest teothsome art! je is bei being collec even though many of " giant providers nese been iaid low orm, we are glad to lhe that Mr, Ste tevs eazce is getting alpng well after the pain- Welker bad quite a iccessfal au: ton sals on Tuesday, ;* ce is going to - tire from qnoe Al - son Charles bes r rented the homeste ably s0b from the room, .- | ing Pam Mr. McFayden taked 'net wal be extry of our Lord into Jeru remanded ext assizes on the Tom great many of the old country aches, andar him with m are other sad ' Jane Williams. incidents in connection whereby it clings r. McKay mo that Walker be | to joey oe It is cal Mo +a discharged on the indictment just| tried. all the families try ker en taken of the room | to make w a oe to assemble aroun native land, to many bappy thoughts, 0 ae sad. Thomas Hall has a splendid lot of export cattle, Mr. Jones took a photographic ,roup of the handsome physiogs of the flax workers Newspaper | i ttising pays. Rebt. trong one of bal oa to a Mr. Ganeho ion "3275 per ann Mrs. hnson is visiitng in Liss towel at the bedside of her rar gh is ~ urn ba id tions which follow each ecm in therecord of by s. T. Hammond is anceps prepar~ tions for a large bank He has a. vereced a large sbolaattal brick res Alm ont -s suffer from the late winds which causedthe destruction of oa aan of making maple molasses acd sug ELMA. Mre. Wm. Jury, of the 18th con., died on Monday eee wie a severe illness: She was aged 47 Her maiden Bame was Ellen W nitevand she was porn cted by her neighbors. A sadc the fact that her datahiet to have been married ont the funeral to a The funeral on T leree'y attended, attesting the love for deceased d esteem for t ---- A bosben band and five children a lett t mourn the Icss of a kind, loving wife aad indulgent mother, Porte » bas thre: ewes which gave rth to nioe Saabs, eight of which are still living. ames Hol of 16th con. has fnillg in their double affiict ment proposed to abolish e claimed aid : f the pap say I ersuasion we continue their use. After I The ipfant child of Robt. Hise, of _ it as a eet pe ra ---- and hee ing down. They ought to see the _ nee sen =p of box ag oe et Lang's ee a __ se a when guarde rid h ¢ admira scheme beeaktnns Late. I some of those that are whic ry ate ad iat pa en rely severe hogar ol a affare i-ok fas ; of eae w 5 th t te biel ia saying acWherrel. is pale, an ac- ceased, an \ par belo low' t wis able w, . Deon's Frida Afternoon lnatgaraie ae e me bs . ~ 18. | Wherrell 1s breaking down, had to stay in hearty meal, = aoa oy ives "ee Lg a oe ot ae iC -arged Liat de Was Dey Beye © | jail and feed on 'skillie' for a men or to "work ; ong country that persons who di two. 1 guess they would be health, and | believe that Dr. Williams' | of the Presbyterian church nd pre- office should be _-- for its support. "h ® st wines called 5 the eo morning | Pink Pills have saved my life, 1 would ted Mrs. Priest with a set of furs and Mr. far 't convinced that was joke sboy, who said b be t be without a supply in the house aa handsome dress as an of their the speaker bad exhausted the entire sub: | ee Walker, ae saw bim on Thursday, | ! warmly recommend them to others who | friendship and ---- ° Ker Ngeian si tbe imgqunous eystern, Fe mentioned | DE& 14, abuat 11.30 am. This closed the | ™5¥ 0° SOME is uoom Me, Wm. | Mire Priest aud the children leave on as hy prof of the feelings of the general ore set Constable Hurst was recalled in Colcleugh, the » well Koown druggist. who} Tuesday for thelr prarrie home, Mr, public against the se act in rebuttal. He said that the tracks sees said he w. . as omnes kr Faday's Priest -- =: having = = ~ = prejadiced*by political bus had pesitie sod leading to Moody's house were m ements mide. faterrogated as tothe | healt. need PrePRRICED, DF POMECES. DIRS ABs Pete | hi two otber men, This closed tbe statements mide. en! ee hich as . 9g < Seem _ aw bat bitter. ata wien herd of rons We Colcleugh said that is nlp took to -- a aipes pore: Naarce tece 'G ere ee th his address y 1 talking, Mr. the person of Miss Brock, of the 4th line, tack ae the pansy the G = G = - 7 Robot . a bey : unnec- | 50 far as bis -- 9) went, per the on Tuesday last. We = them every appointing ity ot ihe registrat in lees ex. | essary for him to refer to the importance the sales to See eatstact In | happiness. cp ee berths "ee cath | hes ess ex" | of t Throughout the country a i! ued aaa all tee bess David Henilen as sold his 50 acre sa iture in connection with that secco desire had afisen to bring ¢ ffenders fact has ane ai e --_ =" De Wi farm to Thos. Sm 7 to justice. The ablest detectives in the | Propriciery meruclbes, Ne One a M r,Challen Aewstion sale took place Mr. Cleland, of North Grey, defended vi the oi ha ed in, | ams' Pink ig the best selling rem obs: ar Tt he weaut nttended the 'spatern ; . d the ablest detectives on the Toronto | 08 bis shelve wa ittacn "went dice tis deme. The Mr. Balfour, who claims to have inde- r. Williams Pink Pills are an un>|and things "went at a big fig pendent ideas, but never expresses the! cadre gy = -- men bad ows tailing specific for all diseases arising from aly hare for theie new home at Mt. i orest this week. sgt ag a "faved - arrested,and every nerve b d conditi or of the blood e nystem for salaries, but a © | evidence against th ewspapers | Of or from an impairement of the neryou! CounciL.--The peng council of election of occas #7 = " "+ made | bad taken the matcer up, and the best re- System, such as lo " of appetite, depress | Elma met in age'l ball, ood, on the iomon V 7" ollowed an porters, men skilled in looking up fac sion of 'coms, naemia,chrolosis or - th March, -- present, ® severe criticism of Mr.Balfour's state- cases of this kind, bad furnished the | *ckness,general muscular weakness dit-| minutes of inst meeting read and signed. rnante, rd owed d groundwork for the detectives to work | 7'D¢3S, oss of memory. locomotcr Vite Moved by Mfr. ond, seconded by Hon.A, S. Hardy followed, Ban a aaa g had stirred up for paralysis, sciatica, is: t. Vitus, '. Me. Tughan, that ae 'Baska and Clerk tempted in & long and bitter speech to | ony against the prisoners. Then the | 49 after 'ffects ot la grippe, @ Mr, Merryfeld be inted & answer the arguments of Mr. F oe ablest crown prosecutor in the try | diseases depending upon a vitiated cons erie lacs to examine the petition of 8. ---- pointed out -- that - bad been retained, to all the evi- | dition of the blood," as : oyle, W. Raney and others, and com-~ puty reg ers were engaged a ----_ - | dence in the court before the jury, and | Chronic erysi tc, ey are be ¢ the same with the lact revised s- age salary of $$oo a year, and also did all | be own had made it its particular busi- | ® ec c for the troubles peculiar tothe | ment roll, and report at next meeting of the work. Thus $125,000 was given to) oo, bring the case b to these two | female system, correcting irregularities | council--Carried. PMowsd by Mr. Tughan the hiro , d out that the | Pfi#osers. He then drew attention to the suppressions and all forms + a an seconded by Hammond, that H : ? ancy also vom: ou a . . evidepee;. and ted out that the evi | weakmess, building aocw = Martin's taxes, amounting to $10 85, for = ary One arr EE Coe ey rearare' ae | dance of pescaves and policemen was of | restoring the glow of health to pale am itted--Carried 50, registrar twice that a clas# that did not stand very high in a| ®allow cheeks. [a the case of men {hey ryfield, seconded by amount. Mr. i court of law. wo v Be Bec, genet | ey si ane ee a hal = be = ot mihi t oe for | referred to the money and means at the aicre, 'These pills are nots , in the peaghe wth 6 gam bgt Ahead i posal of the crown, and the | oo n eae andicee: They contain only had chiccea,, He sh ay shat of ait in the case of the prisoners. r. pare ra ana able onan ' psp wou nid tad otte then reviewed the evidence of the di cout in i ald vojare the ¢ the most mow delicate sys! % A lire smount would be gives to the polated ost that the evidence was pag io - ing tbe oe soll . circumstantial, and that in many F Messrs. McColl,Ryerson, Tait,Godwin, | j{nocent pevple bad suffered through - pla, el, eens oh =). oe W. Bi. Wood, Dr, Willoughby and | such evidence. Tho ris bad testified | 5°) never sold in balk, of by the dosea Garrow also 5; that it was difficult for such a murderto| O°) cared, and an a olied The division was taken and the Oppo- | pe mitted without leaving blood stains a hcutdias (2 this "form is trying to de- | °27, sition's amendment was defeated by a | on the clothing, the entire absence of fr you and should be av The vote of 29 to See oo Righter, the | any such stains of th soners' clothi: tr public are rent cxationed ainst all other on aad Pp. P member agaio | He closed by pointing out to the jury ta Oe called bl avs und nesye voting against-the Gave it was their "aut to give the prisoners th: pat ap in oo form intended te bet The Ho ill adj ursday of any reasonable doubt. Mr. ceive. They are al imitations, whose at 6 o'clock until the jalecing montage Robinette spoke for ried two boars, makers h to read iary advant- --__-- i age fro the Vv bas. cKay, counse! for Walker, . 24. approac' The South Perth Reform follawed him, and spoke for one boar. cEbieved by De, Walaa Pak Fil loerger soc, bed and breakfost for tramp, at Mitchell on Saturday is sald t to pias He.pointed out that it would be i . r cengiate '4 by yt W Morrison $3.70 pa 3 account been the most doleful and sad that_ever| sinje for the pri Walker to gooatto| 7 ites Bacsoods mail from | Fy clean' rain, J Legan came together in South Williams' place along with Mf her Brockville, Oat., or Schenectad Y., de man that uttered a word seemed to feel Th , the _ through: | © pri = ple oN. Y4 the uncertainties of the sitation dal out the was Mac rice at rbich these pills are sold _ aaa ye cd iam, | Wherrell's servant. Diss consea treatment & feet a i ear ation UnaBim 4 was bev = rs Mr. Osler spoke for two bours, and ly inexpensi with other te Lens ore "180% Liev GeRace ta the Patras at in jr ---- hoary Sg Sheet ee remedies or + wedical treatment. ppc Piebissite and Munict . . . wo hag nt ree ee cecal : a when en esticle wen at ee and it was OFM, afterwards recovered is the . J. C-Stokes, reeve of the township | didate, -- as the 3 man, the onus upon him to of King, ch. machine Liberal representative bow he came into pesscssion of stolen Convention of No th York, held at John McGove! m.H.M. castoms officer at gocds, asual excuse was that he | Fa veron Monday, to contest the ti the hess Falls carriage and foot Bought it from some mythical person, bat | ine for the tore. ap as become a raving pn the courts took very litile sjock in = acces al St He is a chelor aged 4 45, and was a re "Toig was 8 po phone magna ELI the zie Governmen je more ope ag with the theft of the horse and tler, He crown Mr. J.S. Muckleston, wt of the | SSsome that the crime was committed on anaes a for $500 ftom Lord Teteay ae he the beter for 2 late Go of Canada, Pes Friday, 'thé fer as 8 contribution to the fund. With reference 'to the us Ancie McLsughlin was united in } inson Gi Merges r3 B ton, J P orterfield McCormick, J Mit- ciel, R R Coghlin,t Contin . Alexander. R gins, ds Cathbertion, sen eal adj again on Wedvesday, is ay inst me at 10 o'clock a. m, a special meeting is ied cepeection with Grey drainage J apap and no other business can be taken up on at day. T. FULLARTON, Clerk. For Over Fifty Yenrs: Mzs, WInxgLow's a 6 Byaur bes been used by millions of for their shilaren wails teothing. Pt e°0 Femi soruceciecs je and Surses in fn'the rentysa ve cents & old. Od all il druggists , ie "oormixa BY raur." Sheep kiana even en mag in on fair, ey tas sO; pe exist tere Hi 25; g00d chotce mixed iseo 430 bo $3.00; com mon Yo fair $2.75 t0 B25 ;50 a ae MEA Posy a yaand when m Burdock Pilleare used. They LISTOWEL MARKETH, ar 22, 164 sh os Ss u 61 62 600 70 16 00 1700 175 175 300 250 260 iy 1st so ab 200 280 ao is 2 275 300 18 175 . 53 550 STRATFORD, 2, 1884 Ss ot 3% 40 6 oa nu 6M KH @ 7 @w sieeee 218 3 ¥ ae ir barre! oo Dresse eoge 50) 6 8 RONTO, PRICES AT FARMEKS' WAGONS: oe _ Mar eee Wheal, fall, per bushel .... ybeet spring do oOo @ ao do 62. 68 Cate, "a iz Batter, peund a 8 4 freah, per dos, Pataines per b Goat Flour, Pere barrel. 28 3 Dressed H 630 58) HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ool, lare GODFREY, orto H, BAMM, Agect G, fiat Holatein, atowel. Ontar 200 AGRE FARM TO SHLL ok RHNT. Being lot No. 2, con. 5 west section of the Towns ip or Wellesiey. County of Waterloo, ell fenced, well and young 0: meee hey ploughing done; eigh farm ft or alock, or grain. For 0) 'ar tiw,| 4: MacDonald's| EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CASH STORE. ----ofo----_ --or-- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. Lrdra at the Three 777 Store, com- mencing on Saturday, March | 17th. The last few weeks have been spent in refitting, paper-|* ing and painting and general eae: changing of the Rtock. " Also| = New Spring COODS which sale prices. our goods at. buy or not. Boys' and Men's Clothing. mer Fashion Plates tor 1894. Terms, cash or produce. "|A- MACDONALD, Listowel & Stratford POYVCERS Cure SICK HEADACHE ant Neuralgia in to nee 1 Tongue, Dizric ness 1D : core tion, verr nice. ro TAK. Pat: oT 2) Genta T2 AY ORV STORES. Grand opening Spring Sale Particulars TWEEDS, &6, | Ferze: in receiving a large stock of we want to sell at a very small advance on whole- This special open- ing sale is to give youa chance of seeing what changes we have been making and what low rates we are going to gell Everyone in- vited whether they want to Special bargains given in Suits to order, a first-class fit guaranteed. New Tweeds! now in, also Spring and Sum- In the ostate of ae of ALEXANDRE AN ef the Townahip of W. alince to the Conmig or vo oh OtiCE CE is is bereby ven "ee foe at Ontart en tN o sald Ex. oO, or ecutors ia the pee of Walt inces thett riptionas, the fall tatomen' tlea, (tany any) after the proceed 7 10 claims of and that dece: vi reg: which they may ibe have a the sald Executors wilt i net be able for the stowel this Tsths day of Marcb, hexny COGHLIN, i} JOHN MARKS, Exec By MORPHY @ GA CARTHEW, Ta Solicitors, NOTICE TO GREDITORS. In tho estate of PETER ORTH. late of the Township ot Wallace in the County of Perth, NOTICE 1s s hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that healt Rouen! Creaiiery. and others having claim: > omtate, of the sald us THe < aseaeed 10 died at the mae Sownship, ot Wallace Sue oe 'about the 2th of December 1583, are required on rd perore the Mth aay of April, next, Ayer red to be ae: the u nald deceas. sent or delivered to jer- sSnS Wat 'Listowel his jcltors, their nam add and de- scriptions, with full particulars or thelr 1 a statement of she tecarities £ to claims of which he ne ines one the sald Ad. Sit the proceeds he estate so aletriputed No a any person of whoenaiaten pened not notice at the time of auch distributio: nied at Listowel this 15th day of Marcb. SouN KURTZ, Ry Money 4& CARTHEW, Administrator, His Soliciters, J. & J. LIVINGSTON 1000 bush. of best Dutch Seed rt Farmers in the vicinity of Listowel,who iiana Re rong td fax during ay coming sea- par son, Which they are p todeliver te 13 quantities to suit Sex gro: n be g Fiax mili wm at heed Lin Lowel Grocery ato: L Alw Carthag Seed Riven | ont at $1, 50 sad on the ureualterms Order early sare 8 8 apply. For fax grown frorm '310 Per Ton Will be Paid, If of good growth, harrested in tT Roa. oun ina delivered atthe Flax M is Se soon a fit for thres Ye will also rent é huniber of Od m on. fields for the purpose of aro AX. "i Varmoera ere strongly aclvieed 16 tneiefax on nm good nnd, weil plowed an rowed, not on il iand, aod the fed wali | from «ton to ton 'and a bal per acre more, Flax Kiown on lowland will not grow fibre to give the -- at So "at 4a Premtsiers Listowel Flax Muni, FARM FOR SALE. Un ediy 0 Or ti 100 oe fn tion ownaltp of "Walluce, convert. fent to school, oburches, t office, of factory, and tive calles from Listowel, whieh in the | vont eneme i: ina eke io The fonvewsoR | on the place, ith mone stabling one sheep lot 6, 6 couk aR iee ar Wallace PO, LOOK AT THIS Lots of Money to joan atthe very lowest rates of interest on farm secant. with the privilege Hh esd back what youlike at the oud 0 of a lt. HUTCHISON la Agent Listowel. certtcelnes engalre J. Armatong onthe Place, Miljlhank, P, O. Ra RJ Miss Minerva Bolton, oratmatly at Ramilton, istprepared to give VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Lessons given at residence of pupils tf doatred. Torms moderate. Mrs. J. 11. pte ige Aten Santa Cruz, Cal, "When a girl a , aieal, in - eal -- T had a severe attack of brain fever. und myself pm riectly bald, pe tor a ne ume, I fared I should be permnnently so. Friends urged mo to uso Ayer's ir Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair | ecaz to Grow, aud I now have as dne a head of hair as ope conkl wish for, balor cha: ped, how- evor, {rota blonde to dark brown. " After a fit of sickness, my hate ontincombfulls. I used two hotties ot Ayer's Hair. Vigor and now my beir Is ove? o yard long ond very falland heavy. I have recom Incaded this preparstion to others with Uke pead effect. eee Sidney Carr, 1 Lezina st., Tarrishurg, Pa. "T love used cai Ha'r Vigor fur sovetal years anil altars obtuined satise factory reanlis. I kre t is the best ---- m5 tho haly bi we , th Spri Ayers | Hair 'Vigo ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the estato of JOHN D. THOMPSON, late Patt, fownahip of Elma,in the County of ghOHiCe ia hereby given pursuant to the ai thas. benalt, that all ered} iats ay, A or de} cates to proceans at tale, RO paren whose claim he hed BOL Dotice at he t imeo of distribation, A Taled at Trowbriuge the 13th day of March, JOHN MANN, Te. _Aduilaistrator. EXECUTORS' 'NOTICE T0 CREDITORS In the Fatato of ROBERT NOTH, late of the Town of Listowre! in the County of Perth, Brewer, o NOTICE ta hereby given pursuant to the Btatates In that behalf, -- all Creditors aod gee gh having any claim: alinet the extale o wee. oid ROBERT HOT Brewer, Spates one pepe et ndl Hath ore. CUTOM TAILOING. ---- MACKENZIE BROS. Artistic Tailors, Are prepared to manufacture Custom Tailoring for all com- ers. WORKMANSHIP and om. rs i as roceed 16 oms over Montreal a Boot & Shoe Store. . BAKERY! Mr. J. S. Huston of Strat- ford, who is-we known in Listowel," has bought out the Baking business carried on by Mr. J. McCormick, and has refitted the , store and put in a carefu y 'selected stock of choice Confectionery ; every- fed to Meas sears . Mains De wrong t Listowel the 90th day of February ELISABETH J. BOTE, Hy MORPHY P CARTHEW, Her Solicitors, thing first-class, ehave a {first-class baker who has given ms. canes ae hte ae 5 a ea ae sean JANE good s satis faction, nothing pt paid Executrix at Listowel,' deceaael oe t t of material used. are adresses and descriptions, the oan teat on real good need aw the fai ante the Executor i ny pee a delivered to any part oy sa) o- send $0 bib 9 rd only tortue claims of of the town. ; thachaexeeauis will notbenasieforiee| WEDDING CAKES a proceeds pf tee amass, male triba mied to Say | *. l ; Ww . 1 Keine orditrivation. | Specialty. e try to please. ive us a trial, J.S. HUSTON, Main Street. allen afeny Ly RECOMMENDE fran Make a than an er and * Pure Quills better filling for Corsets y other known material. "Featherbone"' Corsets are tough- more 'elastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone), To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. ct ly OO ee